1 As you will know, we were incredibly saddened by the passing away of our very much-loved staff member Mrs Lyn Crofts at the beginning of this Term. Lyn was our Sports’ Coordinator and she worked tirelessly to ensure that our boys had access to many and varied sports. Thank you to the community for allowing us to take time to attend Lyn’s funeral and to be able to say our goodbyes. Another thank you to our community for supporting the mufti-day we held in honour of Lyn, where an impressive $3,312.00 was raised. These funds were donated to the very worthy Blair Vining Charitable Hospital. Lyn is missed deeply and will not be forgotten. During the last few weeks we have had the pleasure of celebrating outstanding student achievement across a wide range of fields. In October our top students received their Blues’ Awards for academic, sporting, leadership and/or cultural excellence. It was a pleasure to be able to share the excitement of recognising success with the recipients’ families. SBHS students were also recognised for their hard work and dedication at both the Southland Secondary Sports’ Awards and the Youthmark Awards. We are privileged to have these young men as positive role models for the rest of our School Community. Even though the year is fast drawing to a close there is still a lot happening around the School such as Year 10 Camps at Boyd Creek, Fiordland, New Entrants’ Day, the SBHS / SGHS Junior Production – Xanadu, SIT Taster courses, as well as the normal business of the school day. Prizegiving is also on the horizon and emails will be sent home in the next couple of weeks to those students who will be receiving awards. Our senior students have now had their first week of NCEA external examinations. It has been great to see many of them attending tutorials, working with teachers and using the library to study. We are all here to support them to achieve success so please encourage them to seek help if they need it in the lead up to each exam. Simon Coe Rector Newsletter 7 – Term 4 November 2019 Southland Boys’ High School Te Kura Tua Rua o nga Tai-Tama ki Murihiku Non Scholae Sed Vitae Discimus - -

Southland Boys’ High School · Navarh Brotherston, Mitchel Fitzsimons, Quinn Naylor, Jacob Willis Debating (presented by Mrs G Johnson) Dylan Lee, Hunter Jennings, Joel Morgan,

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Page 1: Southland Boys’ High School · Navarh Brotherston, Mitchel Fitzsimons, Quinn Naylor, Jacob Willis Debating (presented by Mrs G Johnson) Dylan Lee, Hunter Jennings, Joel Morgan,


As you will know, we were incredibly saddened by the passing away of our very much-loved staff member Mrs Lyn Crofts at the beginning of this Term. Lyn was our Sports’ Coordinator and she worked tirelessly to ensure that our boys had access to many and varied sports. Thank you to the community for allowing us to take time to attend Lyn’s funeral and to be able to say our goodbyes. Another thank you to our community for supporting the mufti-day we held in honour of Lyn, where an impressive $3,312.00 was raised. These funds were donated to the very worthy Blair Vining Charitable Hospital.

Lyn is missed deeply and will not be forgotten. During the last few weeks we have had the pleasure of celebrating outstanding student achievement across a wide range of fields. In October our top students received their Blues’ Awards for academic, sporting, leadership and/or cultural excellence. It was a pleasure to be able to share the excitement of recognising success with the recipients’ families. SBHS students were also recognised for their hard work and dedication at both the Southland Secondary Sports’ Awards and the Youthmark Awards. We are privileged to have these young men as positive role models for the rest of our School Community. Even though the year is fast drawing to a close there is still a lot happening around the School such as Year 10 Camps at Boyd Creek, Fiordland, New Entrants’ Day, the SBHS / SGHS Junior Production – Xanadu, SIT Taster courses, as well as the normal business of the school day. Prizegiving is also on the horizon and emails will be sent home in the next couple of weeks to those students who will be receiving awards. Our senior students have now had their first week of NCEA external examinations. It has been great to see many of them attending tutorials, working with teachers and using the library to study. We are all here to support them to achieve success so please encourage them to seek help if they need it in the lead up to each exam.

Simon Coe Rector

Newsletter 7 – Term 4

November 2019

Southland Boys’ High School Te Kura Tua Rua o nga Tai-Tama ki Murihiku

Non Scholae Sed Vitae Discimus

- -

Page 2: Southland Boys’ High School · Navarh Brotherston, Mitchel Fitzsimons, Quinn Naylor, Jacob Willis Debating (presented by Mrs G Johnson) Dylan Lee, Hunter Jennings, Joel Morgan,


Coming Events Date Event 19 November Year 8 Market Day - 11.00am – 1.30pm

PTA Meeting – Staffroom 6.30pm

21-22 November Year 10 SIT Taster

25 November Junior Production - Technical Rehearsal

26-28 November Junior Production Performance – Xanadu – Centre Stage 6.30pm

2-4 December Year 7 Stream Study

5 December Year 7 & 8 Merit Assembly – 12.00pm (All parents/caregivers welcome)

11 December Last Day of School

Prizegiving – Civic Theatre 6.00pm

Guidance Counsellor FEELING STRESSED OUT!! There will be many of us feeling stressed now especially with NCEA almost upon us.

Stress is part of our everyday life and it helps if we learn ways to deal with it.

Everyone is different, what stresses one person may not be stressful for another. It could be

anything from relationship issues, schoolwork, exams, expectations we put on ourselves, work

problems, peer pressure, bullying, family stuff etc.

Not all stress is bad. It can help us achieve things BUT too much stress can have a negative effect and

hard to manage.

Signs of stress could be:

• Finding it hard to sleep • Sleeping too much • Headaches • Feeling sick • Eating more, eating less • Skin problems • Lack of energy • Worrying too much, feeling anxious or panicky • Finding it hard to concentrate, becoming more moody or angry

Things that can help:

• Go for a walk, run, bike, swim or get involved with a sport • Listening to relaxing music, playing a musical instrument, paint, draw, write poetry • Eat sensibly – good nutrition helps • Drink heaps of water • Talk with someone about what is worrying you • Hang out with supportive friends • Learn to breathe deeply, meditation helps • Laugh, watch a funny movie

What to do:

• Identify the problem • Decide what is causing it • Come up with some possible solutions • Think of all the consequences • Choose a solution • Make a plan and ACT on it (share it with someone) • ASK for help

You can talk with a family member, teacher, counsellor, GP, health nurse or youth leader

Kaaren Wilkes

Page 3: Southland Boys’ High School · Navarh Brotherston, Mitchel Fitzsimons, Quinn Naylor, Jacob Willis Debating (presented by Mrs G Johnson) Dylan Lee, Hunter Jennings, Joel Morgan,


Congratulations to this year’s Southland Boys’ High School ILT Tertiary Scholarship Recipients.

Blues Award Recipients 2019 Southland Boys’ High School would like to take this opportunity to thank all the sponsors, parents, coaches and supporters for their invaluable time and effort through the year. Without the help of all the volunteers for the school, the students would not get the opportunities they get today. Prefects (presented by Mr Coe) Finn Burns, Kruz Carter, Thomas Clark, Harrison Dodd, Matthew Ellis, Tane Froude, Jared Gilbertson, Ben Henderson, Bwarerei Kaieti, Thomas Langford, Harry Taylor, Jaxon Taylor, Ryan Taylor, Brayden Thomas,Seiyan Thompson-Tonga, Kapila Tohiariki, Leighton White, Jack Wilcox, Jimmy-Lee Wilson Academic – Year 12 (presented by Mr Coe) Sam Clark, Mitchel Fitzsimons, George Heenan, Storm LeQuesene, Taine McKinnel-Stevens, Josiah Murphy, Callum Nimmo, Stephen Sarfaiti, Blake Singleton, Cameron Smith, James Smith, Jack Thompson Academic – Year 13 (presented by Mr Coe) Fin Burns, Kruz Carter, Callum Copeland, Matthew Ellis, Ben Henderson, Kenneth Singleton, Jaxon Taylor, Kapila Tohiariki, Brad Thompson, Matthew Stewart, Jack Wilcox Athletics (presented by Mrs Boyce) Sam Colyer, Sam McDonald, Elliot Menlove Basketball (presented by Mr Meijer) Alex Wright Cricket (presented by Mr Mockford) Benji Culhane, Hayden Hart, Alec Mathieson, Blair McKenzie, Jed Mockford, Brayden Thomas

Page 4: Southland Boys’ High School · Navarh Brotherston, Mitchel Fitzsimons, Quinn Naylor, Jacob Willis Debating (presented by Mrs G Johnson) Dylan Lee, Hunter Jennings, Joel Morgan,


Cycling (presented by Ms Johnson) Navarh Brotherston, Mitchel Fitzsimons, Quinn Naylor, Jacob Willis Debating (presented by Mrs G Johnson) Dylan Lee, Hunter Jennings, Joel Morgan, Sam White Drama (presented by Mrs G Johnson) Kaea Edwin, Tane Froude, Michael Kuresa Football (presented by Mr Marshall) Callum Copeland, Jed Mockford Golf (presented by Miss Mulligan) Josh Cooper, Connor Fowle, Luke Harvey Harriers (presented by Mrs Boyce) Jaxon Taylor Hockey (presented by Mr Boyce) Benji Culhane, George Heenan, George Hopcroft, Blair McKenzie, Max Milne, Jonty Stirling, Brayden Thomas Kapa Haka (presented by Miss Schmidt) Kaea Edwin, Joseph Ford, Levi Gage, Michael Kuresa, Caleb Lee, Jayden Robin, Aleki Saili, Gabrial Siolo, Jordan Taylor-Turnbull, Santana Te Awhe, Rawiri Tipuna, Seiyan Thompson-Tonga Motorcyle Speedway Sam Taylor Music (presented by Miss Mulligan) Callum Copeland, Tane Froude, Michael Kuresa, Stephen Sarfaiti, Blake Singleton, Kenneth Singleton, Cameron Smith Pasifika (presented by Miss Schmidt) Michael Kuresa, Joseph Ford, Tane Froude, Bwarerei Kaieti, Aleki Saili, Gabrial Siolo, Claude Tianoa, Seiyan Thompson-Tonga Rugby (presented by Mr Dermody) George Hall, Sam Hartmann, Joshua Murrell, Arese Poliko, Aleki Saili, Kenneth Singleton, Jordan Smith, Kaya Symon, Harry Taylor, Ryan Taylor, Jack Wilcox Smallbore Rifle Shooting (presented by Mr Welsh) Matthew Bragg, Tomas Gill, Lucas Gutsell, Oliver Howes Softball (presented by Mrs De Goldi) Kiahn Johnson, Ben Symon, Cameron Wallace Swimming (presented by Miss Mulligan) Jackson Herrick Touch (presented by Miss Mulligan) Joshua Murrell, Kaea Nikora-Balloch, Ryan Taylor Triathlon Jaxon Taylor

Page 5: Southland Boys’ High School · Navarh Brotherston, Mitchel Fitzsimons, Quinn Naylor, Jacob Willis Debating (presented by Mrs G Johnson) Dylan Lee, Hunter Jennings, Joel Morgan,


Weedbusters The Southland Boys’ High School Weedbusters team were nominated for the 2019 Environment

Southland Community Awards held on Tuesday 8 October. Southland’s environmental champions

were recognised at the 24th Environment Southland Community Awards dinner on Tuesday, 8th

October at the Ascot Park Hotel. Sam Clark (Year 12), Alec Mathieson (Year 12), Aiden Stuart (Year 9),

George Bramer (Year 7), Gabriel McKay-Smith (Year 8) represented all the Weedbusters at the

Awards. The Weedbuster team was nominated for their commitment to supporting native flora and

fauna by removing weed species in Thomson's Bush. The team would like to thank the Department of

Conservation, Milligan Seeds and Diacks Nursery for the recognition. The video of their nomination

can be seen here: Here is a link to the video that was made about the

group: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIGOkpLbr3A&list=PLBjgrK7mZgAgP8i_1x24awdgbd


SBHS Tryline Café After a busy couple of months preparing for the Tryline Cafe our chosen staff were ready for service

to the general public. With the Year 12 students running the front of the house, Year 8 students in

charge of the dessert buffet and our top Year 11 catering students as chefs designated to different roles

within the kitchen. Special visits during the week from local icons Tim Shadbolt and Alan Dennis had

the boys eager to impress. With our feedback sheets full at the end of each session it was clear to see

our guests thoroughly enjoyed themselves with many saying they would love to attend again. Tryline

Cafe would not have been possible without the ongoing support of Karl Robinson and all the SBHS


Feedback consisted of...

-Very professional and food was divine

-Thanks heaps to SBHS for inviting me back to my old school for the 2019 Tryline Cafe

-The salmon was cooked to perfection; I would be back tomorrow if I could!

-I have never tasted pork belly on a salad, unsure where I’ve been hiding! That was fresh and full of

punchy flavours. Corbyn Shuttleworth, Restaurant Manager, Tryline Café 2019

From left Aiden Stuart, Gabriel McKay-Smith, Alec Mathieson, George Bramer

Page 6: Southland Boys’ High School · Navarh Brotherston, Mitchel Fitzsimons, Quinn Naylor, Jacob Willis Debating (presented by Mrs G Johnson) Dylan Lee, Hunter Jennings, Joel Morgan,


Young Enterprise On Friday the 25th of October the Lion Foundation Young Enterprise Trust Southland hosted the

Regional Final and Awards. We had two teams in the

finals, Herb box and Mystery Muffins. The Herb box

team placed 5th and the Mystery Muffins team 8th, well

done to both teams.

Excellence Awards

Award for Tourism sponsored by What’s On Invers – Reuse and

Recycle (Southland Boys’ High School). Team of Jordan Tooby, Kiahn

Johnson and Alex Wright. The team would like to thank their mentors’

Nadia and Pauline Steedman.

Young Enterpriser of the Year

sponsored by Community Trust

South. Kavarn Pettigrew

(Southland Boys’ High

School). Kavarn would like to

thank his team’s mentor Laura


Tryline Café setting in our Cornwall Block Front - Pork Belly Waldorf, Chicken & Bacon Carbonara Back – Mushroom Risotto, Salmon Nicoise

Reuse & Recycle - Alex Wright, Jordan Tooby, Kiahn Johnson

Herb Box Team – Raphael Meurier, Josiah Murphy, Shea Small

Mystery Muffins Team – Corbyn Williamson, Sam Colyer, Ibrahim Uzun

Kavarn Pettigrew

Page 7: Southland Boys’ High School · Navarh Brotherston, Mitchel Fitzsimons, Quinn Naylor, Jacob Willis Debating (presented by Mrs G Johnson) Dylan Lee, Hunter Jennings, Joel Morgan,



Jon Madoc During Labour Weekend, Jon Madoc competed in the NZ Grappler Jiu-Jitsu

competitions in Dunedin. He gained two first place titles in his non-gi and gi

fights. Jon won a total of 4 out of 4 fights, where Jon now has been selected to

compete in the national Jiu-Jitsu competition early next year.

Motocross Over Labour Weekend Jack Symon and Seth Morrow travelled to Taupo to

compete in the North Island Motocross Nationals. Both boys came away

with a win in their classes.

Jack 1st 12-16-year 85cc class

Seth 1st 8-11-year 85cc class

Fantastic effort boys especially with the preparation and all the travel

involved. This shows dedication to their chosen sport. Congratulations.

Rugby At the Rugby Southland Supporters Club Awards evening some of our outstanding rugby players

received awards. Congratulations to the following students:

Jonty Carran Shield (most promising Under 16 player)

Caleb Williams

Under 16 Player of the Year

Will Stodart

Under 18 Player of the Year (Joint Winner)

Aleki Saili

Southland Secondary School Sports Awards Huge congratulations to Jack Taplin who won the Junior Male

Sports Person of the Year 2019 at last weeks' Secondary

Sports Awards. Jack is a NZ Gold Medallist in Taekwondo.

Fantastic work Jack.

Finalists for Southland Sportsperson of the Year

Jack Symon, Josh Murrell, Jack Taplin, Sam Colyer, Jaxon

Taylor, Mitchell Weir, Mitchel Fitzsimons

Southland Secondary School Future Champions

Athletics – Sam Colyer

Bowls (Lawn) - Alex Cross

Cricket – Brayden Thomas

Motocross – Jack Symon

Speedway – Sam Taylor

Jack Symon & Seth Morrow

Mr Simon Coe (SBHS Rector) and Jack Taplin

Page 8: Southland Boys’ High School · Navarh Brotherston, Mitchel Fitzsimons, Quinn Naylor, Jacob Willis Debating (presented by Mrs G Johnson) Dylan Lee, Hunter Jennings, Joel Morgan,


Swimming – Jackson Herrick

Taekwondo – Jack Taplin

Touch – Josh Murrell

Triathlon – Jaxon Taylor

Contribution to Sport

Harry Taylor

Team Finalists

U20 Track Cycling Sprint and Pursuit Teams – Jacob Willis, Quinn Naylor, Navarh Brotherston,

Mitchel Fitzsimons

Services to Football

Mr Ryan Marshall

SBHS bring home Schools National Track Cycling Team Titles Congratulations to the SBHS students who competed at the National Track Cycling Championships and

South Island Track Championships which were held in Invercargill on 8-9th October. There were over

150 riders from 46 schools.

Our Under 20 team which included Jake Willis, Quinn Naylor, Navarh Brotherston and Mitchel

Fitzsimons won a Gold Medal and national title in the U20 Team Pursuit ahead of St Peters Cambridge.

The Under 20 Sprint team which included Quinn Naylor, Navarh Brotherston and Mitchel Fitzsimons

also won a Gold medal and National Title in U20 Team Sprint.

Our Under 16 Team Sprint made up of

Jessie Willis, Reuben Heslip and

Magnus Jamieson also came close to

medalling with 4th place.

Other results included:

Points race Finals

Magnus Jamieson U14 8th

Jessie Willis U15 5th

Reuben Heslip U16 10th

Quinn Naylor U17 9th

Navarh Brotherston U20 4th

Jake Willis U20 11th

Scratch Race Final

Magnus Jamieson U14 6th

Jessie Willis U15 2nd

Reuben Heslip U16 9th

Quinn Naylor U17 12th

Navarh Brotherston U20 5th

Jake Willis U20 6th

(Front) Magnus Jamieson, Mitchel Fitzsimons, Reuben Heslip, Navarh Brotherston, Jacob Willis, Jesse Willis, Quinn Naylor

Page 9: Southland Boys’ High School · Navarh Brotherston, Mitchel Fitzsimons, Quinn Naylor, Jacob Willis Debating (presented by Mrs G Johnson) Dylan Lee, Hunter Jennings, Joel Morgan,


Photos Credit: Eugene Bothuys

Achievements – Please let us know of your son’s achievements and we are happy to put this on

our website and in the newsletters. We rely on parents advising us as the sporting codes and

other organisations do not always inform us of our student’s achievements.

Community Notices Fundraising for the Invercargill Womens’ Refuge.

Tickets can be purchased at the IWMC or online via the events facebook page, here is a link


Jacob, Mitchel, Navarh, Quinn Magnus, Jesse, Reuben

Page 10: Southland Boys’ High School · Navarh Brotherston, Mitchel Fitzsimons, Quinn Naylor, Jacob Willis Debating (presented by Mrs G Johnson) Dylan Lee, Hunter Jennings, Joel Morgan,


Roslyn Wakari A.F.C. Roslyn Wakari AFC (RWAFC) extends an open invitation to all association male or female football players

planning to study or continuing their studies at either Otago University, Otago Polytechnic or partaking in

a trade related apprenticeship in Dunedin in 2020.

These scholarships are open to applications in any year of study, training or apprenticeship.

If you would like more information and application documentation, then please contact myself via the

provided details below.

Kind regards

Wayne Facer

Roslyn Wakari AFC (Dunedin)

[email protected]

027 354 6077

Southland App “To find out all your sports draws for the rest of the year – simply download the Southland App, from your Apple or

Google app store. Look in our Community section”

In the App under See/Do in events is our whats on please feel free to send us your school community – club

community – sports club etc - events this is a free service for community events. We also have this service in

the Advocate Newspaper.

Teen Jobs Coming to Invercargill on 1st November 2019. Sign up to Teen Jobs, a free to use website for finding you jobs. Just select what, where and when and the employers will contact you. Jobs categories include anything from household work like babysitting and lawn mowing, through to more permanent jobs like shop assistant or cafe type roles. Go to TeenJobs.co.nz <http://teenjobs.co.nz/> today!