Southeast Middle School 6 th Social Studies E Learning *Not comprehensive of the full intent of the indicator. Teachers will need to continue instruction in the classroom. Day 21: Grade 6 Social Studies Standard/Indicator: Analyze the shift from early to classical civilizations and the enduring contributions of classical civilizations. I can statement: I can identify 3 of Ancient Greece’s Philosophers. Essential Questions: How does the philosophy of Ancient Greece influence our lives today? Resources: Ancient Greek Philosophy Article Multiple Choice Questions Activities: Read the article on Ancient Greek Philosophy Complete the Multiple Choice Questions on Ancient Greek Philosophy Submission of Work: Completed Multiple Choice Questions

Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

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Page 1: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

*Not comprehensive of the full intent of the indicator. Teachers will need to continue instruction in the classroom.

Day 21: Grade 6 Social Studies


Analyze the shift from early to classical civilizations and the enduring contributions of classical civilizations.

I can statement:

I can identify 3 of Ancient Greece’s Philosophers.

Essential Questions:

How does the philosophy of Ancient Greece influence our

lives today?


Ancient Greek Philosophy Article

Multiple Choice Questions


Read the article on Ancient Greek Philosophy Complete the Multiple Choice Questions on Ancient

Greek Philosophy

Submission of Work:

Completed Multiple Choice Questions

Page 2: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

*Not comprehensive of the full intent of the indicator. Teachers will need to continue instruction in the classroom.

DAY 21 Name _________________________

Ancient Greek Philosophy

The word philosophy means “love of wisdom.” Ancient Greek philosophy was characterized

largely by reason and rational thought, and laid the foundation for Western intellectual

thinking. The Greek philosophers often challenged the status quo, and their ideas were not

always welcome during their time.

There are many famous Greek philosophers, including Democritus, who first proposed the

existence of atoms; Xenophanes, who challenged the

anthropomorphic depiction of the gods; and Epicurus, whose name is

familiar to us from the modern word “epicure,” and whose philosophy

of tranquility is nowadays interpreted as hedonism. But the most

well-known Greek philosophers are undoubtedly Socrates, Plato, and


Socrates never wrote down his thoughts; rather, they have survived

for us thanks to the written works of his students, Xenophon and

Plato. Both wrote in the form of dialogue between Socrates and

others, but their versions of events are not always compatible.

Socrates was gifted with words. He was often accused of “making the weaker argument

stronger” with the use of rhetorical devices, as well as of corrupting the youth of Athens. He

was, however, apparently a man of virtue who was devoted to the truth, and his manner of

engaging in dialogue using questions and answers to stimulate critical thinking, draw out ideas,

and identify underlying presumptions is nowadays called The Socratic


Plato, a student of Socrates, wrote some of the most fundamental texts

of Greek philosophy, including Republic, Allegory of the Cave, Symposium,

and Apology, which recounts the trial, death penalty, and subsequent

speech to the jury of Socrates before he is put to death. Aristotle, a

student of Plato, studied with Plato for 20 years. Aristotle wrote treatises, not dialogues. His

thoughts on ethics, politics, science, art, and metaphysics dominated Western thought for

centuries after his death.

Page 3: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

*Not comprehensive of the full intent of the indicator. Teachers will need to continue instruction in the classroom.

DAY 21 Name _____________________

Ancient Greece

QUESTIONS: Ancient Greek Philosophy

Circle the correct answer.

1. Ancient Greek philosophy was characterized by:

A. intellectual thinking

B. the status quo

C. reason and thought

D. anthropomorphism

2. The philosopher who first proposed the existence of atoms was:

A. Socrates B. Democritus C. Epicurus D. Xenophanes

3. The thoughts of Socrates were written down by:

A. Aristotle B. Socrates C. Xenophanes D. Plato

4. Plato wrote in the form of:

A. treatises B. dialogues

5. __________________ was a student of Socrates.

A. Aristotle B. Plato

6. __________________ was a student of Plato.

A. Aristotle B. Socrates

7. Using dialogue to stimulate critical thinking is called:

A. The Socratic Method

B. The Platonic Method

C. The Aristotelian Method

Page 4: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

*Not comprehensive of the full intent of the indicator. Teachers will need to continue instruction in the classroom.

Day 22: Grade 6 Social Studies


Analyze the shift from early to classical civilizations and the enduring contributions of classical civilizations.

I can statement:

I can identify three mediums artists used in ancient Greece.

Essential Questions:

How does the art of ancient Greece influence artwork today?


The article: ancient Greek Art

Short Answer Questions


Read the article on The Olympian Complete the Short Answer Questions on The Greek


Submission of Work:

Completed Short Answer Questions

Page 5: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

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Day 22 Name __________________ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art

The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical ideal,” which can

be thought of as idealized nature. Though they strove for realism, Ancient Greek artists never

portrayed human imperfection. While we associate Greek art the most with sculpture, they also

frequently painted on the sides of buildings, though few examples have survived.

One place where Greek painting can still be seen today is on pottery

and ceramics, which were often intricately decorated. Painting pottery

was considered a very fine art form, and such work was often signed

by the artist. Though we associate Greek art with the classical period,

there were actually three periods in

Greek art.

During the Archaic Period, sculptures of men (Kouroi) and women

(Korai) looked very much the same. Both were often depicted

with their arms stiffly down at their sides.

During the Classical Period, while the architects of the time were applying the rules of

perspective to buildings, artists were applying the rules of anatomy and perspective to the

human form. Unlike statues of previous eras, which did not resemble real human beings, statues

from the classical period looked realistic and natural.

Famous Greek sculptures from the classical period include Zeus at

Olympia and Athena at the Parthenon. Though those that have

survived are bare stone, many were originally brightly painted, and

some also included metal and ivory.

The Hellenistic Period was characterized by the cultures which had

been conquered by Alexander the Great. During this period,

subjects of sculpture began to include women, children, and common

people. The Venus de Milo is an example of notable sculptures from

this period. Greek art influenced the art of all cultures that came

after it, from Rome and the Renaissance, through modern day.

(The statue of the woman is at the on the left and the man is on the right.)

Source: https://www.dailyartmagazine.com/ancient-greek-kouros-and-kore/

Page 6: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

*Not comprehensive of the full intent of the indicator. Teachers will need to continue instruction in the classroom.

Day 22 Name_____________________________ Ancient Greece

QUESTIONS: Ancient Greek Art

1. What is the classical ideal?



2. What did ancient Greek artists never portray?



3. How did ancient Greek’s regard painting on pottery?



4. What were the three periods of Greek art?




5. During which period of Greek art did humans not look very natural?


6. Which period of Greek art was characterized by the cultures of the people that the Greeks had




7. Which period of Greek art was characterized by human beings who looked realistic and natural?



8. During which period of Greek art did subjects of sculpture begin to include women, children, and

common people?



9. The Venus de Milo is a notable sculpture from which period of Greek art?



Page 7: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

*Not comprehensive of the full intent of the indicator. Teachers will need to continue instruction in the classroom.

Day 23: Grade 6 Social Studies


Analyze the shift from early to classical civilizations and the enduring contributions of classical civilizations.

I can statement:

I can explain how temples were used in ancient Greece.

Essential Questions:

How were the ancient Greek temples different from places of

worship today?


The article: Ancient Greek Temples

Multiple Choice Questions


Read the article Ancient Greek Temples Complete the Short Answer Questions on Ancient

Greek Temples

Submission of Work:

Completed Multiple Choice Questions

Page 8: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

*Not comprehensive of the full intent of the indicator. Teachers will need to continue instruction in the classroom.

Day 23 Name _____________________

Ancient Greek Temples

The temples of Ancient Greece were places where people went to pray to their gods. Every city had one

particular god or goddess that they believed protected the city. The temples varied in their size and

ornateness, and unlike our modern churches, people did not worship inside of them.

The interior room of a Greek temple (called the naos or the cella) was only large enough to hold a statue

of the god or goddess that the temple honored. Offerings like money, food, or flowers for the deity

were brought inside and given to the statue before gathering outside the temple to pray. Many temples

were built as part of a public works project by the Athenian general Pericles, who wanted to use public

money — dues that had been paid to Athens by its military allies — in order to promote the city’s artists

and thinkers.

Construction of the temples provided employment for Athenian citizens, while the grand public

monuments also encouraged an inflow of tourists and their money into the city state. The most famous

of the temples built by Pericles’ project was the Parthenon, honoring the patron goddess of Athens,

Athena. It sits on the Acropolis, a

naturally-formed pedestal of rock which

was the site of the first settlement in

Athens. Other structures were also built

on the Acropolis, but none as spectacular

as the Parthenon. The Parthenon is an

excellent example of Greek temple

architecture. It had a rectangular stone

platform, a front porch (the pronaos) and a

back porch (the opisthodomos), rows of

columns, and a triangular roof. The

triangular space at the end of the roof on

each side was called the pediment, and

it contained elaborate scenes in sculpture. The pediment sculptures on the Parthenon show the birth of

Athena on one end and a battle between Athena and Poseidon on the other.

Page 9: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

*Not comprehensive of the full intent of the indicator. Teachers will need to continue instruction in the classroom.

Name ___________________Ancient Greece

Day 23 QUESTIONS: Ancient Greek Temples

Circle the correct answer.

1. Every ancient Greek city had _____________________.

A. a temple

B. one particular god or goddess that they believed protected the city

C. a statue of a god or goddess

D. A and B

2. People worshipped _______________ ancient Greek temples.

A. inside B. outside C. near D. far from

3. The temples built by Pericles were part of a _________________.

A. grand public gesture

B. military campaign

C. public works project to promote the city’s artists and thinkers

D. plot against the country’s leaders

4. Which of the following benefits did construction of the temples NOT provide?

A. employment for Athenian Citizens

B. encouraged tourism

C. brought outside money into the city state

D. promoted the ancient Greek religion

5. The Parthenon honors:

A. Pericles B. Athens C. Athena D. Poseidon

6. The triangular space at the end of the roof on each side of a Greek temple is called:

A. pranos B. pediment C. opisthodomos D. Acropolis

Page 10: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

*Not comprehensive of the full intent of the indicator. Teachers will need to continue instruction in the classroom.

Day 24: Grade 6 Social Studies


Analyze the shift from early to classical civilizations and the enduring contributions of classical civilizations.

I can statement:

I can identify the similarities between Athens and Sparta.

Essential Questions:

What caused Athens and Sparta to join fighting forces?


The article: Athens and Sparta

Short Answer Questions


Read the article on Athens and Sparta Complete the Short Answer Questions on Athens and


Submission of Work:

Completed Short Answer Questions

Page 11: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

*Not comprehensive of the full intent of the indicator. Teachers will need to continue instruction in the classroom.

Day 24 Name ________________________________Ancient Greece

Athens and Sparta Athens and Sparta were both city states in ancient Greece. They were similar in their forms of

government, in that both cities had an Assembly whose members were elected by the people. But while

Sparta was ruled by two kings, Athens was ruled by elected “archons.” Because all elements of its

government were elected, Athens is generally considered to be the birthplace of democracy. Despite this

similarity, Athens and Sparta were rivals.

Though they were close to

one another geographically,

they had very different

values, and their daily lives

were nothing alike. Athens

valued education, arts, and

sciences, and military

training was not compulsory.

In Sparta, though, life was

focused on obedience and

war. The use of slaves made

it possible for the men to

leave home for military

training and service. Because

they were a culture of warriors, Sparta led Greece’s defenses for many years, and their heroism at the

Battle of Thermopylae during the Persian War inspired everyone in Greece to repel the advancing

Persians. In spite of their differences, Spartans and Athenians fought together against the Persians at

the Battle of Plataea to end the Persian invasion.

Athens and Sparta had very different ideas of what their role

should be in regards to the rest of the country. Sparta generally

kept to itself, providing military assistance to others in the

country whenever it was needed. Athens, however, wanted to

have power and influence over the lands around it. Their

attempts to control the rest of Greece eventually led to the

Peloponnesian War, which lasted for 10 years. Though the victor,

Sparta did not burn Athens. They allowed it to remain as it had

been — a cultural and artistic leader — provided it no longer sought to rule the rest of the country

Page 12: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

*Not comprehensive of the full intent of the indicator. Teachers will need to continue instruction in the classroom.

Name ________________________________________ Ancient Greece

Day 24 QUESTIONS: Athens and Sparta

1. What were Athens and Sparta?



2. What did Athens and Sparta have in common?



3. Why were Athens and Sparta rivals?



4. What did Athens value?



5. What did Sparta value?



6. What was Sparta’s role in Greece?


7. What was significant about the Battle of Thermopylae?


8. What did Athens see as its role in Greece?


Why was this a problem?


9. How did Sparta treat Athens after the Peloponnesian War?



Page 13: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

*Not comprehensive of the full intent of the indicator. Teachers will need to continue instruction in the classroom.

Day 25: Grade 6 Social Studies


Analyze the shift from early to classical civilizations and the enduring contributions of classical civilizations.

I can statement:

I can explain what life was like in Athens and Sparta.

Essential Questions:

What was life like in ancient Greece?


The articles:

1. Ancient Greek Philosophy 2. Ancient Greek Art 3. Ancient Greek Temples 4. Athens and Sparta


Reference the resource articles to write a paragraph to depict

what life was like in Ancient Greece.

Submission of Work:

Completed paragraph of life in ancient Greece

Page 14: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

*Not comprehensive of the full intent of the indicator. Teachers will need to continue instruction in the classroom.

Day 25 Name ________________________________Ancient Greece

Athens and Sparta Athens and Sparta were both city states in ancient Greece. They were similar in their forms of

government, in that both cities had an Assembly whose members were elected by the people. But while

Sparta was ruled by two kings, Athens was ruled by elected “archons.” Because all elements of its

government were elected, Athens is generally considered to be the birthplace of democracy. Despite this

similarity, Athens and Sparta were rivals.

Though they were close to one another geographically, they had very different values, and their daily

lives were nothing alike. Athens valued education, arts, and sciences, and military training was not


In Sparta, though, life was

focused on obedience and war.

The use of slaves made it possible

for the men to leave home for

military training and service.

Because they were a culture of

warriors, Sparta led Greece’s

defenses for many years, and

their heroism at the Battle of

Thermopylae during the Persian

War inspired everyone in Greece

to repel the advancing Persians.

In spite of their differences,

Spartans and Athenians fought

together against the Persians at

the Battle of Plataea to end the Persian invasion.

Athens and Sparta had very different ideas of what their role should be in regards to the rest of the

country. Sparta generally kept to itself, providing military assistance to others in the country whenever it

was needed. Athens, however, wanted to have power and influence over the lands around it. Their

attempts to control the rest of Greece eventually led to the Peloponnesian War, which lasted for 10

years. Though the victor, Sparta did not burn Athens. They allowed it to remain as it had been — a

cultural and artistic leader — provided it no longer sought to rule the rest of the country

Page 15: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

*Not comprehensive of the full intent of the indicator. Teachers will need to continue instruction in the classroom.

Name: ____________________________________________ Ancient Greece

Day 25 Athens and Sparta Paragraph

You have read about ancient Greece. Use your knowledge to write a paragraph about ancient

Athens and Sparta.

Include at least four FACTS

You may use the following as a guideline or

think of your own:

I want to live in Athens because…

I want to live in Sparta because…

I would not want to live in Athens


I would not want to live in Sparta


Life in Ancient Greece








Are there any similarities of ancient Greece and life today?



Page 16: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

*Not comprehensive of the full intent of the indicator. Teachers will need to continue instruction in the classroom.

Day 26: Grade 6 Social Studies


Analyze the shift from early to classical civilizations and the

enduring contributions of classical civilizations.

I can statement:

I can explain how religion played an important role in the

lives of the Ancient Greeks.

Essential Questions:

What is an example of how the Greeks thought the gods and

goddess intervened in human affairs?


The Olympian Article

Short Answer Questions


Read the article on The Olympian

Complete the Short Answer Questions on The Greek


Create another Olympian God/Goddess. Give a brief

description of their background and their abilities.

Draw a picture or use clip art to create a picture.

Submission of Work:

Completed Short Answer Questions

Olympian God/Goddess Picture and Description

Page 17: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

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Day 26 Name __________________________Ancient Greece

The Olympians

The Greeks believed that their

lives were influenced by the

twelve gods and goddesses who

lived on a high mountain called

Mount Olympus, the top of which

was hidden by clouds. These gods

and goddesses were much like

humans in that they felt

emotions like love, anger, and

jealousy and frequently acted on

them. Unlike humans, though, the

gods and goddesses were immortal. They also each had specific

powers which they often used to steer the course of human events, like deciding who would win

a war. Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades were brothers, and between them they ruled the cosmos. Zeus

ruled the sky, Poseidon ruled the sea, and Hades ruled the Underworld. Demeter, Hera, and

Hestia were the sisters of Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. Demeter was the goddess of harvest and

fertility. Hera was the queen of the gods and the protector of

heroes. Hestia was the goddess of the hearth and home. The gods

Apollo, Ares, Hephaestus, Hermes, and Dionysus were Zeus’ sons.

Apollo was the god of the sun. Ares was the god of war.

Hephaestus was the god of fire. He was a workman and a

blacksmith, and the only one of the gods or goddesses who was

ugly. Hermes was the messenger and trickster god. Dionysus was

the god of wine. The goddesses Aphrodite, Athena, and Artemis

were Zeus’ daughters. Aphrodite was the goddess of love,

fertility, and beauty. Athena was the goddess of wisdom, and is

said to have been born directly from Zeus’ head. Artemis was Apollo’s twin sister. She was the

goddess of wildlife and the patron goddess of hunters.

Page 18: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

*Not comprehensive of the full intent of the indicator. Teachers will need to continue instruction in the classroom.

Name ____________________________ Ancient Greece

Day 26 QUESTIONS: The Greek Gods

1. What did the ancient Greeks believe influenced their lives?




2. How were the Greek gods and goddesses like humans?




3. What is an example of how the Greeks thought their gods and

goddesses intervened in human affairs?




4. Zeus ruled the __________________. Poseidon ruled the _________________. Hades

rule the __________________.

5. __________________ was the goddess of hearth and home.

6. __________________ was the only one of the gods who was ugly.

7. __________________, __________________, and __________________ were Zeus’


Page 19: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

*Not comprehensive of the full intent of the indicator. Teachers will need to continue instruction in the classroom.

Day 27: Grade 6 Social Studies

Standard/Indicator Analyze the shift from early to classical civilizations and

the enduring contributions of classical civilizations.

I can statement: I can identify elements of a democracy.

Essential Questions: How is the democracy in Ancient Greece different from


Resources: Ancient Greek Democracy Article Multiple Choice

Questions on Teams


Read the article on Ancient Greek Democracy ü

Complete the Multiple Choice Questions on

Ancient Greek Democracy

Create a Venn diagram showing the similarities

and differences of Greek Democracy and Our


Submission of Work: Completed Multiple Choice Questions

Venn Diagram

Page 20: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

*Not comprehensive of the full intent of the indicator. Teachers will need to continue instruction in the classroom.

Day 27 Name ___________________

Ancient Greek Democracy

The word democracy comes from the Greek words dēmos (people) and kratos (rule), and means

“rule by the people.” A democracy is a system of government in which the power is vested in the

people, and they use that power either directly,

through voting, or via representatives that they

vote for.

In ancient Greek democracies, every male citizen

had equal political rights, freedom of speech, and

the opportunity to directly participate in the making

of political decisions which influenced their daily

lives. They also actively served in the governing

institutions, so every male citizen was directly

involved in the political process. Though many

ancient Greek citystates had systems of democracy,

the democracy in Athens was the most developed.

In Athens in the 4th and 5th centuries BCE, there were between thirty and sixty thousand male

citizens at any one time, and each of them had the right to participate in the assembly

(ekklēsia), the citystate’s main democratic body. The assembly met at least once a month in a

space which could hold up to 6,000 people.

Any citizen could speak to the assembly, and

voting was done by a show of hands. There was a

strict majority rule. There were nine presidents

(proedroi) who were selected by lot. You could

only serve as president one time. These

presidents organized the proceedings and kept

track of the voting.

The assembly decided financial, and military matters, issues regarding food supply, initiating

laws, holding trials, and political matters with other city-states. They enforced legal decisions,

and oversaw the conduct of those carrying out political duties. They could also vote to cast out

an Athenian citizen who became too powerful or dangerous and who was thus a threat to the

equality of the polis.

Page 21: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

*Not comprehensive of the full intent of the indicator. Teachers will need to continue instruction in the classroom.

Day 27 Name ______________________

Ancient Greece

QUESTIONS: Ancient Greek Democracy

Circle the correct answer.

1. The word democracy means:

A. people B. rule C. assembly D. rule by the people

2. In a democracy, people use their power:

A. directly, through voting B. via representatives that they vote for

C. both A and B D. none of the above

3. In ancient Greek cities, every male citizen had:

A. equal political rights

B. freedom of speech

C. the opportunity to directly participate in the making of political decisions which

influenced their daily lives

D. all of the above

4. The assembly was an ancient Greek city-state’s:

A. main democratic body B. court C. president D. none of the above

5. Athenians who became _________________ could be cast out of the city-state.

A. too powerful and dangerous B. president more than once

C. members of the assembly D. military leaders

6. Assembly presidents were selected by:

A. direct vote B. representatives C. lot D. the people

Page 22: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

*Not comprehensive of the full intent of the indicator. Teachers will need to continue instruction in the classroom.

Day 28: Grade 6 Social Studies


Analyze the shift from early to classical civilizations and the enduring contributions of classical civilizations.

I can statement:

I can explain how Greek plays changed to resemble dramas

that we now see today.

Essential Questions:

How did Greek plays change over time?


Ancient Greek Drama

Questions on Teams


Read the article on Ancient Greek Drama Complete the Questions on Ancient Greek Drama Create a picture of mask that might be used in a Greek

play. Describe what feeling they are trying to show.

Submission of Work:

Completed Questions

Picture or Clip of Mask along with description.

Page 23: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

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Day 28 Name _____________________________

Ancient Greek Drama

Drama in ancient Greece originated with festivals

honoring gods. Dionysus was honored with a festival

called "City Dionysia." Men sang songs to welcome

Dionysus, and plays were presented. Early Greek

plays included dancing and music, and it was this

rhythmic and musical element of Greek drama that

eventually became the chorus.

In Greek drama, the chorus was a group of actors

who all spoke directly to the audience at the same

time (i.e., in chorus). The chorus was used to both

describe the main action of the play, and to comment on it. Apart from the chorus, the plays at these

festivals were one-man affairs; a single person would be playwright, actor, and director.

A Greek playwright named Aeschylus made changes to this earlier, more primitive style of drama, and his

plays were the first to resemble drama as we know it today. Thirty years after Thespis had put a single

actor on the stage, Aeschylus added a second actor. Two actors on stage allowed for conflict.

Later on, Sophocles added a third actor. From then on, Greek tragedies were always three actor plays.

It was also in the works of Aeschylus that the chorus shifted from a position of prominence in the

drama to a more supporting position. Where once, there had been up to 50 individuals on stage in the

chorus, Aeschylus reduced it to as few as 12. He also was the first to add color and variety to costumes

for both actors and chorus, and to use both visual and choral special


Greek drama generally took one of two forms. A

play was either a tragedy or a comedy. In a

tragedy, the protagonist’s downfall is brought on

either by some personal flaw or through a

combination of personal failing and intolerable

circumstances. Aeschylus, Sophocles, and

Euripides wrote tragedies. Greek comedies were

mainly satirical, mocking men of power and

influence. Most Greek comedies were written by


Page 24: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

*Not comprehensive of the full intent of the indicator. Teachers will need to continue instruction in the classroom.

Day 28 Name _____________________________ Ancient Greece

QUESTIONS: Ancient Greek Drama

1. How did ancient Greek drama originate?




2. What was the chorus?



3. How many people participated in the earliest Greek dramas?



4. What revolutionary change did Aeschylus make in ancient Greek drams?



5. Why was the answer to No. 4 above important?



6. What other changes did Aeschylus make?



7. What were the two general forms of Greek drama?



Page 25: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

*Not comprehensive of the full intent of the indicator. Teachers will need to continue instruction in the classroom.

Day 29: Grade 6 Social Studies


Analyze the shift from early to classical civilizations and the enduring contributions of classical civilizations.

I can statement:

I can explain how the Olympics were a part of the religious

festival in Ancient Greece.

Essential Questions:

Why was the Olympics so important to the Ancient Greeks?


The Olympic Games Article

Questions on Teams


Read the article on The Olympic Games Complete the Questions on The Olympic Games Complete a Quick Writing Prompt: Imagine you

participated in the Olympics. Tell us about the event, your preparation, and the outcome.

Submission of Work:

Completed Multiple Choice Questions –Answer Highlighted

Writing Prompt on the Olympics

Page 26: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

*Not comprehensive of the full intent of the indicator. Teachers will need to continue instruction in the classroom.

Day 29 Name _____________________________________ Ancient Greece

The Olympic Games

The Olympic Games were the most important sporting event

in Ancient Greece, and can be traced back to 776 BC. They

originated in Olympia, in southwest Greece, and were a

religious festival in honor of Zeus. Because every four years

up to fifty thousand people traveled to Olympia from all

over the country to participate in and watch the games, they

were always preceded with a “sacred truce” or peace. Wars

were temporarily suspended to allow people safe passage to

Olympia and back.

Those games differed from our modern version in many

ways. No medals were awarded. Instead, winners were given a wreath of leaves and welcomed

home as heroes. They were also seen as being touched by the gods. Additionally, only men, boys,

and unmarried girls were permitted to watch the Olympic Games. Married women were not

allowed to attend, and attempts to attend could be punishable by death.

Unmarried women had a similar festival in Olympia every four years honoring Zeus’ wife Hera.

This festival was called the Heraia, and also included games, which were mostly played by

contestants from Sparta.

As the Olympic Games were a religious festival, many people also visited the temple of Zeus at

this time, and the climactic event of the festival was the sacrifice of 100 oxen on the Altar of


Throughout the event, a sacred fire was kept burning on the altar of the sanctuary of Hestia.

It is this fire that is the inspiration for the modern

Olympic Flame, which began in 1936. Today, a long relay

of runners carries torches to bring the flame from

Olympia to where the games are being held. There, the

torch is used to light a cauldron that burns continuously

until it is put out during the closing ceremony of the

games. The Olympic Games continued for almost twelve-

hundred years, until they were banned as a pagan practice

by Emperor Theodosius in 393 A.D.

Page 27: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

*Not comprehensive of the full intent of the indicator. Teachers will need to continue instruction in the classroom.

Day 29 Name _______________________ Ancient Greece

QUESTIONS: The Olympic Games

Circle the correct answer.

1. The original Olympic Games were a festival to honor:

A. Olympia B. Zeus C. Hestia D. Hera

2. The original Olympic Games were always preceded with:

A. visiting temples B. sacred fire

C. sacred truce D. a long relay of runners

3. In which of the following ways did the original Olympics NOT differ from the

Olympics today?

A. no medals were awarded B. winners were considered to be touched by the gods

C. people visited temples D. there were sporting events

4. The climactic event of the original Olympic Games was:

A. lighting the sacred fire B. visiting the temple

C. the sacrifice of 100 oxen D. the lighting of the Olympic torch

5. Why did the original version of the Olympic Games come to an end?

A. they were prevented by wars B. they were banned as a pagan practice

C. women didn’t like being left out D. travel became more difficult

Page 28: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

*Not comprehensive of the full intent of the indicator. Teachers will need to continue instruction in the classroom.

Day 30: Grade 6 Social Studies


Analyze the shift from early to classical civilizations and the enduring contributions of classical civilizations.

I can statement:

I can identify the contributions of the Ancient Greeks.

Essential Questions:

What contributions did the Ancient Greeks make in the field

of Mathematics?


Euclidean Geometry Article

Short Answer Questions on Teams


Read the article on Euclidean Geometry Complete the Questions on Euclidean Geometry Go back and complete any lesson you may have


Submission of Work:

Complete Short Answers Questions –Answer Highlighted

Page 29: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

*Not comprehensive of the full intent of the indicator. Teachers will need to continue instruction in the classroom.

Day 30 Name_______________________

Ancient Greece Euclidean Geometry

Next to the Bible, the book that has been the most studied and the most edited is Euclid’s Elements.

Elements codified geometry as we know it today. It was written by Euclid, who founded a school of

mathematics in the Greek city of Alexandria in Egypt

around 300BC.

Since 1483, more than a thousand editions of Euclid’s

Elements have been published, and it has been the standard

for geometry for thousands of years. In fact, up until very

recently, the name of Euclid was synonymous with geometry.

Euclid’s Elements was a groundbreaking work in our

understanding of the foundations of science. The first

reason is that it provided an example of how to organize

knowledge; later scientists used Euclid’s organizational

structure as a template for organizing their own ideas.

Euclid’s geometry was sorted into Definitions, Axioms or Common Notions (ideas whose truth is self-

evident), Postulates (assertions), Theorems or Propositions (the consequences logically deduced from the

definitions, axioms, and postulates.

The second reason that Euclid’s Elements was so important is

because it demonstrated that some things could be known with

certainty. Today we take for granted that you can know some things

with certainty without having to continually prove them through

experiment, like, for example, that 2 + 2 = 4. But in antiquity, this

was a revolutionary idea. For both of these reasons, Euclid’s Elements

was instrumental for the discoveries of a much later scientist, Isaac

Newton, who used both its methods and its organizational structure

to develop and document his new system of mechanics.

Euclidean geometry is a synthetic geometry, which means that it

proceeds logically from axioms describing the basic properties of

things like points and lines to propositions about them, without the use of coordinates on a grid. By

contract, analytic geometry uses grid coordinates to translate geometry into algebraic equations.

Page 30: Southeast Middle School 6 Social Studies E Learning...Day 22 Name _____ Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Art The painting and sculpture of Ancient Greece is characterized by the “classical

Southeast Middle School 6th Social Studies E Learning

*Not comprehensive of the full intent of the indicator. Teachers will need to continue instruction in the classroom.

Day 30 Name ______________________________Ancient Greece

QUESTIONS: Euclidean Geometry

1. How is Euclid’s Elements significant as a book?



2. In what two ways was Euclid’s Elements a groundbreaking work?



3. How was Euclid’s geometry organized?



4. What later scientist’s work was heavily influenced by Euclid?


5. What is a synthetic geometry?



6. What is analytic geometry?



7. What is the most recent thing in popular culture to see an increase in the popularity of

Ancient Greece? What are some examples?

