South Slough Internship Presentation

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  1. 1. South Slough InternshipClick to start slide show
  2. 2. My Internship at South Slough
  3. 3. Art OpeningsPatricia Davidsonv I created the flyerv Joined in the eventv Inspiring Photographyv Possible mentor
  4. 4. Art OpeningsDavid & Carol Derrickv I created the flyerv Met David at PatriciasArt Openingv I look forward toattending the event
  5. 5. South Slough BirdingFemale Red-Crossbill
  6. 6. Forest Flyer
  7. 7. Basketry Flyer
  8. 8. Cohesive Signage for the Bookstore
  9. 9. Foss Annual Meeting
  10. 10. Foss Annual MeetingLands End West EnsembleCatered by:Frank Murphy ofThe Grounds Cafe
  11. 11. Sharing the Coast invitationv Designed the invitev Attended the event : WeatherExtremes and ClimateChangev Included my own image ofSunset Beach @ sunset
  12. 12. Social Media: Facebook
  13. 13. Social Media: Facebook
  14. 14. Digital Photo Frame
  15. 15. The End