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South East Route

Works Delivery

Health and Wellbeing Plan

Works Delivery South East Health and Wellbeing Plan 1819


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Works Delivery South East Health and Wellbeing Plan 1819


Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery


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Works Delivery South East Health and Wellbeing Plan 1819


Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

Respiratory Health

Employee Assistance Programme engagement

H&W Communication

Mental Health

Respiratory Health

HAVS Physical health


Manual Handling


Re-hab Works

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Works Delivery South East Health and Wellbeing Plan 1819


Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan

Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

Physical Health: All employees to have access to face to face medical with a qualified nurse at South East Route H&S

briefings- 6 monthly. Heath kiosk to be made available at Works Delivery Business Brief for annual compresences an health

analysis in the team.

Communications: Improvement in communications on H&W plan within H&W newsletter for use on site briefings and

improved H&W in periodic HSE briefings. To include poster campaigns and leaflets on H&W.

Conversations: Management periodic safety conversations and Inspections to include H&W aided by Communication


Employee Assistance Programme: Engagement with EAP provider and improved communications to frontline teams.

Rehab works: Greater utilisation, understanding on Rehab works health provider across Works Delivery.

Fatigue: Works Delivery fatigue management plan to be implemented across Works Delivery, alignment to new Standard


Respiratory: Introduction of Works Delivery Respiratory policy, improved RPE and respiratory risk exposure controls.

Mental Health: Programme of Mental health training to be provided throughout Works Delivery

Manual Handling: Tool tagging and poster campaign across Works Delivery and sharing of lessons learnt. Increased

management visibility on site.

HAVS: Programme of Havs reactec HAVSWear watches across Works Delivery, compliance to Tier 2 and Tier 3 assessments

and communications to Frontline staff on the effects of HAVS and control measures.

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Works Delivery South East Health and Wellbeing Plan 1819


Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

Focus Area Item BenefitsRealised

LTIFR ImpactArea Item detail KPI Measure Associated costs Budgeted? Resp. person When? Status

Purchase of BOA boots

Trial and potential purchase of new design Boa Boots from

Steitz. Designed to ensure boots are secured correctly

around feet and provide a more comfortable and dexterous


LTIFR 19400

in OPEX 18/19 C.Feekings Aug-18

Boot fitting and sizing


To ensure better fitting boots which a re correct size and

moulded to personnel feet. Insoles allow for improved

underfoot support and STF prevention. Proven that a better

fitting boot, to the correct size and width allows feet to

more dexterous and responsive to underfoot conditions.

LTIFR funded via SIG C.Feekings May-18

HAVS tool tagging

All tools are to be tagged with HAVS levels for the tools to

inform users of HAVS trigger time allowable over an 8 hour

period and RAG status to show low, medium or high risk-

education programme for HAVS and the effects on HAVS is

to run concurrently with the roll out. This will also include

first hand accounts from a HAVS sufferer on the effects of

HAVS and the impact it has on health.

HAVS/LTIFR Nil na C.Feekings Jun-18

HAVS Reactec Monitoring

Programme for monitoring HAVS exposure levels across

WD. Data analysis to be carried out on user exposure

levels, tool output, working methods. Reactec watches to

be rotated throughout WD with focus on higher risk areas.

Area/personnel identified with concerns will receive

specific monitoring and HAVS plans.

HAVs/LTIFR Nil na C.Feekings Apr-19

WD Respiratory policy

Introduction of a WD respiratory protective equipment

policy for implementation across WD and WD Contractors.

Compliance Nil na C.Feekings/R.



WD Respiratory

Protective equipment

Implementation of WD respiratory policy- implementation

of the use of air fed masks across WD

Compliance circa 15000 in OPEX 18/20 C.Feekings/R.



Mental health first


Health and




Programme of mental

health first aid training

across WD

Programme of delivery of mental health first aid training

across WD. Inclusion of 3 day practitioner training.

LTIFR circa 3000 No C.Feekings Oct-18

Health and


HAVS Monitoring




Prevention of future

health issues, future

RIDDOR and staff

health and




Health compliance

Prevention of future

health issues, future

RIDDOR and staff

health and


Health and


Slips, trips and

fallsReduction in LTIFR 0.1

Health and


Detailed Works Delivery South East Route Health and Wellbeing PlanImproving health, safety and wellbeing performance across Works Delivery

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Works Delivery South East Health and Wellbeing Plan 1819


Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

Site WelfareHealth and


Health Compliance

and staff wellbeingNA

Compliance with welfare

regs and staff wellbeing

across sites

Implantation of a compliant management plan for staff

welfare across all Works Delivery sites. If on site welfare

cannot be arranged then welfare vans or alternative site

welfare must be available.

Compliance TBC Yes Programme





Health and

wellbeingReduction in LTIFR 0.05

Manual handling tool


All tools are to be tagged with weights to inform users of

the weight of the equipment and the number of personnel

required to safely carry out the lift. Teams to be educated

on completing manual handling risk assessments and

assessments to be provided for common tools and

materials to assist in planning.

LTFR Nil na C.Feekings Jul-18

First Aid For life


Health and

wellbeingReduction in LTIFR NA

First Aid for life training

across Works Delivery

A programme of non-competence related general first aid

training to continue training from 17/18. Training to made

available every 3-6 months dependant on demand to

provide training to new starters, contractors and those

who have not yet been part of the programme

LTFIR £1K per annum No C.Feekings Jul-18

Helath KiosksHealth and


Health Compliance

and staff wellbeingNA

Availability of helath

kiosks on an annual basis

to all teams

A health kiosk is to be available at the July Business Brief

to allow staff to track health and wellbeing changes from

previous year and to receive up to date information.

Employee H&W £1K No C.Feekings Jul-18


of fatigue



Compliance and


Reduction in LTIFR,

OCC and fatigue0.01

Works Delivery overall

Fatigue Management plan

(reduction plan)

Discipline specific approach to Fatigue management to be

incorporated into a Works Delivery Fatigue reduction plan.

Ensure a robust process is in place and that analysis is

undertaken of exceedances to prevent future occurrences.

Complaint use of Click Roster.




TBC TBC C.Feekings/Pr




Noise on siteHealth and


Health Compliance

and staff wellbeingNA

Noise Pollution and

Exposure on WD

Worksites which effects

employees H&W

Establish a review of sample Noise exposure on Works

Delivery sites for worker health and lineside neighbours

and to implement an improvement programme.

Employee H&W Nil NA Chloe


ctive owner





Health and


Health Compliance

and staff wellbeingNA

Engage relationships with

Employee Assistanc


EAS to be present at the Business Briefing and to provide

information and support to WD staff on what functions

and services are avaialabel to them.

Employee H&W Nil NA Chloe


ctive owner


Rehab WorksHealth and


Health Compliance,

recued sickness and

staff wellbeing


Roll out and engagement

with Re-hab works across

Works Delivery

Education and information to all Works Delivery teams on

the Re-hab works service

Employee H&W Nil NA Chloe



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Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan

Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

Controls are in place to reduce the risks arising from health hazards and include:

• The application of Railway Group and NR Standards (for example, medical examination of

employees prior to appointment of certain grades such as signallers, supervisors and those

required to hold PTS certification)

• Rostering of employees

• Undertaking of noise surveys

• Identification of appropriate PPE, etc.

• Health surveillance;

• Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) NR/L2/OHS/00113 Health surveillance and

management of diagnoses for Hand-arm Vibration Syndrome

• Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) NR/L2/OHS/00123, Health Screening and

Surveillance for Noise Induced Hearing Loss

• Respiratory health surveillance NR/L2/OHS/157 - Health surveillance for silica and

asbestos and the management of diagnosed occupational respiratory conditions

• Mental Health Training and awareness

• First Aid for life training

• Display screen equipment assessment

• Rehabilitation and back to work advice

• Stress management

• Health promotion/education

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Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan

Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery


Mental Health

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Mental Health Items supporting and enhancing the plan



Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

The South East Route team are running a series of 6 monthly Health and Safety Workshops, each session

will include a mental health speaker.

Implementation of this annual wellbeing programme will be re-enforced by ensuring Line managers

attended the 2 day training on mental health awareness.

A sickness absence-training programme is being developed by HR for roll-out across WD managers.

Regular information on mental health topics and information leaflets will be provided in Works Delivery

Period HSE briefs across all sites.

New factsheets will be shared i.e. ‘lets talk mental health’, ‘having a difficult conversation’ and ‘sleep’ and

will also be available for Safety Hour Conversations and team briefs.

Storytelling and case studies will be shared as part of the mental health communication plan. Readily

available materials from mental health charities and personal stories from people working within Network

Rail are to be used in the regular toolbox talks given on sites and featured in periodic safety briefs.

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Works Delivery South East Health and Wellbeing Plan 1819


Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan

Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

Primary Intervention

Primary interventions focus on preventing poor mental health and wellbeing, through effective

leadership practice.

This required executive commitment to key elements. These were identified as: a mental health

and wellbeing awareness training; specialist advice and support needed to be integrated in the

Works Delivery management system.

Secondary Intervention

Secondary interventions focus on reducing the impact of poor mental health and wellbeing,

through training/education and encouraging early personal strategies.

Focus will be placed on awareness training for line managers to support the workforce; specific

training for high risk groups; life-skills training for individuals, and a range of workshops and

presentations on general health promotion.

Tertiary Intervention

Tertiary interventions focus on treating mental health ill health conditions, through

psychological/mental health support services.

To comply with this improved understanding of the employee assistance programme will be

provided to Works Delivery teams.. A referral system for occupational health to manage

performance and absence, and signposting to specialist mental health services are all in place.

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Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

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Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

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Works Delivery South East Health and Wellbeing Plan 1819


Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

Noise Exposure

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Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan

Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

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Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan

Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

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Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan

Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

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Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan

Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

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Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan

Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

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Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan

Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

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Works Delivery South East Health and Wellbeing Plan 1819


Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan

Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

What do the regulations require you to do?

The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 (Noise Regulations 2005) require employers

to prevent or reduce risks to health and safety from exposure to noise at work. Employees

have duties under the Regulations too.

The Regulations require you as an employer to:

• Assess the risks to your employees from noise at work;

• Take action to reduce the noise exposure that produces those risks;

• Provide your employees with hearing protection you cannot reduce the noise exposure

enough by using other methods;

• Make sure the legal limits on noise exposure are not exceeded;

• Provide your employees with information, instruction and training

• Carry out health surveillance where there is a risk to health.

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Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan

Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

The Noise Regulations require you to take specific action at certain action values. These relate to:

• the levels of exposure to noise of your employees averaged over a working day or week; and

• the maximum noise (peak sound pressure) to which employees are exposed in a working day.

The values are:

• lower exposure action values:

• daily or weekly exposure of 80 dB;

• peak sound pressure of 135 dB;

• upper exposure action values:

• daily or weekly exposure of 85 dB;

• peak sound pressure of 137 dB

There are also levels of noise exposure which must not be exceeded. These are called exposure

limit values:

• daily or weekly exposure of 87 dB;

• peak sound pressure of 140 dB

Understanding Noise exposure levels

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Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan

Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

Your risk assessment should:

• Identify where there may be a risk from noise and who is likely to be affected;

• Contain a reliable estimate of your employees' exposures, and compare the exposure with the

exposure action values and limit values;

• Identify what you need to do to comply with the law, eg whether noise-control measures or

hearing protection are needed, and, if so, where and what type; and

• Identify any employees who need to be provided with health surveillance and whether any are at

particular risk.

• Rik assessments should be carried out under NR/SP/OHS/00122

Estimating employees' exposure

It is essential that you can show that your estimate of employees' exposure is representative of the

work that they do. It needs to take account of:

• the work they do or are likely to do;

• the ways in which they do the work; and

• how it might vary from one day to the next.

Your estimate must be based on reliable information, eg measurements in your own workplace,

information from other workplaces similar to yours, or data from suppliers of machinery.

Assessing the risk

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Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan

Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

Planning works

• Where high levels of noise are expected the local authority should be consulted at least 6 weeks

in advance of the works/ (the local authority may require NR to apply for permission to carry out

the work and may require pre-work measuring or ongoing monitoring of ambient noise levels).

• Local residents shall be informed in advance by leafleting and adverts in local newspapers

• Limit activities to daytime where possible

• Use low noise equipment where possible and position plant and equipment away from sensitive


• Use acoustic barriers or screens to reduce noise levels

• Place plant and equipment on dampers to reduce noise and vibration levels

• Switch off plant when not in use

On site

• Brief staff on keeping noise to a minimum, including voice levels.

• Switch off engine when not in use/minimise idling

• Where practical reduce use of petrol generators (eg use station or re-chargeable lighting)

• Brief staff on any working restrictions/controls for mitigating noise whilst working onsite

Working near homes / schools / hospitals

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Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan

Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

Health screening and surveillance procedure NR/L2/OHS/00123

Parameters for health screening and surveillance

Health screening shall be instituted for all prospective employees who will be regularly exposed above the

upper exposure action values, and for all existing employees transferring to work that regularly exposes

them to above the upper exposure action values.

Health surveillance shall be instituted for employees who:

• are regularly exposed to noise above the upper exposure action values of a daily or weekly personal

noise exposure of 85dB(A-weighted) or a peak sound pressure level of 137dB (C-weighted), or

• are occasionally exposed above the upper exposure action value and a risk assessment has identified

that the frequency and intensity of exposure may pose a risk to health; or

• are exposed between the lower and upper action values and are known to be particularly sensitive to


All prospective employees and those employees transferring into roles with a risk of exposure to noise as

identified using the parameters set out above shall be subject to pre-employment/pre-appointment

hearing screening. This shall be done using a medically confidential audiometry health questionnaire, a

face to face interview and audiometric testing.

The frequency of surveillance testing shall be based upon the nature of the risk and

audiometric outcomes as follows:

• Pre appointment/pre –employment, then

• Annually for 2 years – then

• If no significant change – every 3 years

• If significant change then 6 monthly or more frequent as recommended by an OHP.

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Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan

Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery


Arrangements are in place to assist all line managers to identify and support employees who may be

experiencing difficulties with stress at work. This is available via Safety Central Stress at Work

Information, and through NR Standard NR/L2/OHS/053 Assessing the Risk of Stress in the Workplace.

The provision of confidential counselling, advice and support to all employees and their immediate

families is available through its externally provided Employee Assistance Programme.

Managing the effects of workplace pressure can be difficult for even the most experienced of line

managers as each case is individual and the signs and circumstances can be different for each person

or group.

It is important to remember that a group of professionals are always available to assist provide the

right level of support in each case. Our general medical practitioners, occupational health providers,

employee assistance programme all form part of this network but central to it are the human resources

advisory teams who should always be contacted in the first instance for advice.

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Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan

Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

What is stress?

The HSE define stress as "the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types of

demand placed upon them" Raymond & Wilson defines stress as "a mental and/or physical response,

by an individual, to an inappropriate level of pressure whether real or perceived"

Lazarus defines stress as "a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives that the

demands placed on them exceed the resources the individual has available".

Unlike pressure, stress can create unhealthy biological reactions and prolonged stress can lead to

both physical and mental health breakdown.

What is the difference between stress and pressure?

Perhaps the first thing is to understand the meaning of stress and pressure and differentiate between


Pressure can be positive and a motivating factor which can help push you to achieve goals and

perform better, so many people talk of positive stress but in fact they really they mean positive


Stress is a natural reaction to ‘too much’ pressure. This is where pressure becomes ‘excessive’ and


Prolonged excessive pressure is overwhelming and has a negative impact on wellbeing which can

cause stress.

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Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan

Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

When would I carry out a SRA?

An SRA should be completed…

• If a line manager suspects a team member is under excessive pressure and is displaying

behavioural, mental or physical changes.

• If an employee discloses they believe they are affected by work place pressure or stress.

• As part of a return-to-work process following any absence relating to stress.

• Following any occupational health referral relating to work place pressure or stress

• As part of an agreed SRA plan review process The HSE suggests managers to carry out a stress

risk assessment on their team annually*

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Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan

Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

I’ve completed the assessment, how do I calculate the overall risk of stress?

Using the Total score for each of the six essentials control measures i.e.

Total Score = Severity x Likelihood.

Add all the Total Scores and use the Potential Risk table to identify an Overall Risk Score. This

score will be between 1 and 25.

The Overall Risk Table provides detail of the actions you should take by the score level. Always

use the highest score

What do I do if an employee has a high score?

Current work activities may need to be stopped and/or restricted duties put in place immediately.

An agreed action plan which would include substantial improvements that reduce the risk of further

harm to a low to moderate level should be discussed with the employee. An Occupational Health

referral should be made immediately but no later than within two working weeks to avoid

unnecessary waiting for an appointment or worsening of their condition.

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Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan

Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

Referrals to the occupational health service provider should be

completed within two working weeks of the stress risk


If an employee does not agree to a stress risk assessment, they

should be offered the option of inviting a colleague or trade

union representative to the meeting for support, or for an

alternative line manager to complete the assessment.

If an assessment shows a moderate to high risk the report

included within the assessment should be completed – only

noting the workplace pressure that scored the highest, and

shared with the employees occupational health and wellbeing


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Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan

Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

A stress risk assessment should be completed if;

• The line manager suspects a team member is under

excessive workplace pressure

• If they have noticed a change in behaviour

• If an employee says that they are being affected by

pressure or stress due to work

• As part of a return-to-work process following a stress

related absence

A flow chart is included to show the process for conducting

a stress risk assessment

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Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan

Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

The assessment considers the six potential causes of workplace


• Control

• Job security and change

• Balanced workload

• Job conditions

• Resources and communication

• Work relationships

These are discussed during the assessment using prompts to

help identify causes of stress.

The potential risk of the causes is then measured against a

stress risk table measuring severity and Likelihood to determine

how severe the risk this is.

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Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan

Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery


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Works Delivery Health and Safety Brief Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

Display Screen Equipment

Risk assessment procedures are in place for Display Screen Equipment (NR Standard NR/L2/OHS/00107,

Management Procedure – Display Screen Equipment Risk Assessment).

Employees are provided with computer and office equipment suitable for their role and information about

its safe use. They are also provided with such additional or alternative equipment as is necessary to

control risk identified during the risk assessment process.

Network Rail have invested in an at-your-desk, computer based, self service training and risk assessment package for display

screen equipment (DSE) users.

It is designed to help users to improve their comfort and reduce the risk of injury while using DSE

The package, Workstation Safety Plus (WSP), was developed by a company called Cardinus and is made up of two sections.

The first is a training element which provides you with information about how to set up and adjust your workstation in a way that

is designed to help you minimise the risks to your health and safety.

The second section is the risk assessment which leads you through a structured risk assessment of your workstation. The

information that you provide is used to provide targeted support on any issues you have raised. This support will vary from

suggested self help actions through telephone support to one-to-one support from a DSE assessor.

Who should take the assessment?

If you use a desktop or laptop computer in a normal office environment please complete the training and risk assessment.

If you use computer equipment or other display screen equipment (DSE) for signalling, electrical control or control purposes

please do not undertake the risk assessment element of the package because it is not designed for your working environment.


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First Aid at Work/Medical Treatment

NR Standard NR/L2/OHS/00110 First Aid at Work sets out the arrangements for the provision of first aid in the

workplace, in accordance with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations, and Approved Code of Practice.

The level of first aid provision is defined by the number of NR employees in the workplace or worksite and the level of

health and safety risk posed by the work activities undertaken.

First aid arrangements are specified for each location or as a result of risk assessment undertaken in accordance with

NR Standard NR/L2/OHS/00110 First Aid at Work for each worksite.

Employees are advised of the local first aid arrangements which exist at their location. The requisite level of first aid

arrangements being based on the assessed level of risk. Line Managers are required to make provision for training

adequate numbers of employees such that the specified First Aid arrangements are maintained.

First Aid For life training

First Aid training (non-competency related) Lifesaving skills for life!

First Aid training will include:

• Communication Giving first aid to children

• Casualty Assessment, Choking

• Assessment of Unconscious Casualty Management of shock

• Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Control of bleeding

• AED Use Management of burns


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Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan

Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

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Works Delivery Health and Safety Brief Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

• Most asbestos material in good condition that cannot readily be damaged does not create a health risk.

• However, do not drill, machine, brush, scrape, dust, clean, wipe, sand, file, saw, cut or perform any other activity which could release asbestos fibres into the atmosphere.

• Asbestos should only be disposed of by a licensed asbestos contractor.

• If in doubt, leave it alone and report it.

• All Works Delivery team members are required to undertake the annual asbestos awareness briefing: The asbestos training is available as an e-learning package and video, and can be undertaken via Oracle (e-business). You will need to select OLM Learner Self-Service NR then search for “asbestos” (course code SandSD/OHandS/AA EL and SandSD/OHandS/AA VB).

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Works Delivery Health and Wellbeing Plan

Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery

Rehab works

Evidenced based, stepped care approach for common musculoskeletal

(MSK) conditions to optimise return to work and makes a real difference

to people’s lives by reducing symptoms and restoring function. Following

a Task Analysis, where Rehab Works work to understand the specific

risks affecting employees, they fully assess and case manage each

employee through to discharge.

Promotion of the Rehab Works Service, an external provider who offers:

Guided Self-Management:

Approximately 34% of referrals can recover with a tailored exercise

programme including access to an online database and video based

guidance. This can reduce MSK spend whilst maintaining return to work


Face to Face Physiotherapy:

Delivered from more than 850 clinics nationwide, we aim to arrange

treatment within 2 working days from assessment, and through

comprehensive case management can usually achieve successful

outcomes within 4 sessions (including an initial face to face assessment),

reducing the cost of treatment and returning the employee to full duties


Evidence demonstrates that self management for

certain conditions can be as effective as face to face

physiotherapy and often more effective and convenient

for the patient.

Expectation are:

• To speak to a chartered physiotherapist

• To access services at a convenient location

• To receive treatment based on the latest evidence

based guidelines

• To know who to contact and how, throughout your


• To access a service that operates seven days a
