SEAMEO & UNICEF South East Asia Primary Learning Metric (SEA-PLM)

South East Asia Primary Learning Metric (SEA-PLM)bangkok.unesco.org/sites/default/files/assets/article/Teachers... · South East Asia Primary Learning Metric (SEA-PLM) What is SEA-PLM?

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South East Asia Primary Learning Metric (SEA-PLM)

What is SEA-PLM?

The South East Asia Primary Learning Metric (SEA-PLM) is a contextualized primary education learning metric for SEAMEO Member Countries

The SEA-PLM covers the key domains of reading, writing, mathematics and global citizenship – for primary school grade 5

What are we aiming for?


SEA/PLM will contribute towards improving and redefining learning outcomes by providing a regional culturally appropriate metrics and thereby towards a more equitable and meaningful education for all children across the region.

What does it do?

serves the goal of improving quality of education through a regional approach for system level monitoring of learning achievement

provides key data and analysis to ensure that all children learn, allowing the development of interventions to reduce inequalities in learning

offers regional contextualised tools to explore cross-national variations to inform and improve policy strategies and programmes for equitable quality education

enhances in-country capacity, including the competences of national examination and assessment staff

strengthens ASEAN technical collaboration on learning assessment and standards across education systems


Global recognition that poor quality education is jeopardizing the future of millions of children and young people in the world and in South East Asia; many are excluded from meaningful learning.

Without effective assessment systems, we cannot understand the variations in learning outcomes and where to focus interventions to improve learning in terms of specific groups of children, curriculum & pedagogy

Need to support development of more robust systems for assessing learning outcomes and for better use of assessment data to help improve learning outcomes

Need multi-stakeholder inclusion in education improvement, including high level partners, teachers and parents.

How does it link to other assessments?

Takes learnings from and builds upon





• International Civic and Citizenship Study (ICCS)


• East Asia Learning Assessment Study (EALAS)

• East Asia Pacific - Early Childhood Development Scale








• ASER/Uwezo

Learning Metric Task Force => SEA-PLM

LMTF Task Force recommends that education systems offer opportunities for children andyouth to master competencies in the seven domains of learning that are essential as theyprepare children and youth for their future lives and livelihoods

National curriculum referencedFramework

SEA-PLM Framework

Consist of 4 domains: reading, writing, mathematics and global citizenship

During the period from late 2014 to early 2015, a group of researchers from the Australian

Council for Educational Research (ACER) collaborated in reviewing curriculum documents from the 11 SEAMEO member countries.

The purpose of the assessment framework is to articulate the basic structure of the SEA-PLM: details constructs to be measured, design and content of the measurement instruments and describes how measures generated by those instruments relate to the constructs.

It has been designed to accommodate the potential for SEA-PLM to span the compulsory years of schooling should this be a future goal of the program.

Global Citizenship

Global Citizenship

The inclusion of the domain ‘Global Citizenship’ represents a move away from the ‘banking’ approach to education to more participatory pedagogies and transformative education agendas.

SEA-PLM definition of Global Citizenship:

Global citizens appreciate and understand the interconnectedness of all life on the planet. They act and relate to others with this understanding to make the world a more peaceful, just, safe and sustainable place.

SEA-PLM Framework:

The SEA-PLM GC assessment items includes details only of attitudinal constructs (values and attitudes) that may be assessed but the SEA-PLM Framework is structured to allow for future development of achievement or behavioural constructs to be assessed with reference to the framework.

Global Citizenship

The inclusion of the domain ‘Global Citizenship’ represents a move away from the ‘banking’ approach to education to more participatory pedagogies and transformative education agendas.

SEA-PLM definition of Global Citizenship:

Global citizens appreciate and understand the interconnectedness of all life on the planet. They act and relate to others with this understanding to make the world a more peaceful, just, safe and sustainable place.

SEA-PLM Framework:

The SEA-PLM GC assessment items includes details only of attitudinal constructs (values and attitudes) that may be assessed but the SEA-PLM Framework is structured to allow for future development of achievement or behavioural constructs to be assessed with reference to the framework.

Context Questionnaires

4 context questionnaires

1. Student questionnaire

2. Head-teacher questionnaire

3. Parent questionnaire

4. Teacher questionnaire1. Questions about you (the teacher)

2. Questions about you as a teacher

3. Questions about your school

4. Questions about your class

Global citizenship and questionnaires

1. Student questionnaire

Students asked questions about values and attitudes and not tested on Global Citizenship

2. Head-teacher questionnaire

Headteachers also asked questions about school ethos and climate and contribution to social emotional well being etc. and tolerance

3. Parent questionnaire

May also include some items around tolerance etc.

4. Teacher questionnaire

ritical for assessing to teachers understanding of concepts related to global citizenship and how they support foundations for GCE in their teachings.

Organisational structure

Steering Committee


UNESCO Bangkok


MoE(participating CO)

SEA-PLM Secretariat: SEAMES


SEA-PLM regional organisational structure

Brooking Institute (LMTF)

Advisory entities: UNCEF HQ and IIEP

Roadmap of SEA-PLM

Initiation (2012-2013)

Task Forces and Committees established, stock taking exercises of global and regional metrics and assessment initiatives.

Planning & Designing


Contracting of ACER and MOA with SEAMES

Establishment of project structure and development of TOR’s

Conversations and planning with participating countries

Development of metric and 1st

round of field trials (2015)

DTRP Consultation

In-country visit and structure

Capacity building

Framework, Items, Tools, questionnaires

Field trials (x4)

PCA with SEAMES and amendment of ACER contract

Commitment from additional countries

Finalization of metric and 2nd

round of field trial (2016)

In-country visit and structure

Capacity building

Regional consultation on the SEA-PLM

Field trials

Revise and review in preparations for main survey

Main Survey (2017)

Full implementation –min 6 SEAMEO Countries

Min. 5,000 children assessed in each country.

Capacity building for applying the findings for policy reforms to improve quality of education.

Endorsed by SEAMEO High Officials Meeting and Council of Ministers

1. SEA-PLM was presented, discussed and ultimately recommended at the35th SEAMEO High Officials Meeting in November 2012.

2. It was further reviewed and endorsed by the 47th SEAMEO Council ofMinisters (COM) Conference in March 2013.

3. At the 36th SEAMEO High Officials Meeting on 19 February 2014 fullendorsement to the actual development and testing of the metric wasgiven.

4. The metric was further endorsed at the 37th SEAMEO High OfficialsMeeting in November 2014 where progress of the implementation of theSEA-PLM Phase II was presented.

Field trial in 4 countries – but based on all 11 SEAMEO countries curriculum

• SEA-PLM is planned for field trial in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Brunei Darussalam andMyanmar

• Conversations has begun with Viet Nam, Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesiaand Timor Leste

• Domain Framework is based on analysis of all 11 SEAMEO countries curriculum

• Implementing country structure: integrate into existing country structures

• Construct of core working team, steering committee and short-term expertise –adapted to the specific country context (TOR’s and capacity building plan available)

• Close collaboration with UNICEF Country Offices and SEAMEO centres

Thank you