1 2010-2011 Annual Report SOUTH AUSTRALIAN LITTLE ATHLETICS ASSOCIATION INC. BOARD OF MANAGEMENT CHAIRMAN/MANAGING DIRECTOR Scott Pitts DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON Steve Fairfield ADMINISTRATION DIRECTOR Steve Holland COMPETITION & TECHNICAL DIRECTOR Greg Peterson EDUCATION DIRECTOR Bruce Smith RESOURCE DIRECTOR Kylie Gibbons STAFF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Pamela Sard ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT Brittany Winter DEVELOPMENT OFFICER Paul Townley LIFE MEMBERS Greg Adams Michael Barker John Bedworth (dec’d) Wendy Beisiegel Trevor Blight Norm Charles OAM John Crouch Guido Feltrin Ian Goodrich Margaret Gorham (dec’d) Laurie Heath Roland Hill Alan Iversen (dec’d) Ken Jenke (dec’d) Des Leedham Alan Letcher Lou Moyes (dec’d) Gary Mutton Greg Peterson June Platt John Russell (dec’d) Pamela Sard Brian Sard Terry Sloan Bruce Smith Peggy Spencer Hazel Talbot Joan Walton Annette Williams DISTINGUISHED MERIT AWARD Bruce Ainslie Kym Basham Gus Capogreco Diane Feltrin Trevor Fitzsimons John Graham Margaret Letcher Leonie May Jeff Page Jannette Potter Maryke Russell Glenda Sloan Sandra Smith Ron Sullivan Ann Tilley MERIT AWARD Bruce Ainslie Greg Anderson Shirley Angus Steve Bannister Carol Barker Alan Barlow Egon Becker Mitch Becker Steve Borowski Derek Bowering Wayne Broadbridge Faye Burgess Eddie Burgon Robin Burns Malcolm Bray Sue Bywaters Ian Coburn Mary Crouch Dorothy Coombe Kerry Doyle Mick Drewett Loralie Dunn Rob Farmer Wal Fountain Bryon Franklin Sue Franklin Daphne Garbett Tony Garnish Richard Gerrard Chris Gibbons Judy Gladigau John Grant Karen Grant Peter Grant John Green Rick Halls Colleen Hargans Peter Hargans Ron Hateley Mary Hearn Andrew Heard Shirley Heath Bob Hocking Debbie Huddleston Paul Hunter Veronica Jenkin Dave Johnston Margaret Johnson Brian Johnstone Haley Jones Ray Kerlogue Graham Krieg Kate Kroehn Geoff Kurtz Faye Lehmann Margaret Letcher Gary Mansell Gordon Marshall Debbie Meich John McInerney David Moir Marri Moir Ernie Mullaart Judy Mutton John Neal Laurie O’Connell Trevor Orman Richard Philby Annett Pinnock David Pinnock Ray Pittaway Arthur Porter Jannette Potter May Rhind Heather Roberts Jack Roberts Barbara Schumacker Marilyn Scott Mary Scruby Geoff Searle Ray Sorenson Randall South Richard Staples Leona Stretch Heather Thompson Doug Tilley Karen Tohver Jan Ware Adrian Warne Ron Wasgind Viv Wilson Shirley Wright

SOUTH AUSTRALIAN LITTLE ATHLETICS ASSOCIATION INC....4 South Australian Little Athletics Association Inc. of the season I must congratulate all of those involved for providing a successful

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Greg Adams Michael Barker John Bedworth (dec’d) Wendy Beisiegel Trevor Blight Norm Charles OAM John Crouch Guido Feltrin Ian Goodrich Margaret Gorham (dec’d) Laurie Heath Roland Hill Alan Iversen (dec’d) Ken Jenke (dec’d) Des Leedham Alan Letcher Lou Moyes (dec’d) Gary Mutton Greg Peterson June Platt John Russell (dec’d) Pamela Sard Brian Sard Terry Sloan Bruce Smith Peggy Spencer Hazel Talbot Joan Walton Annette Williams


Bruce Ainslie Kym Basham Gus Capogreco Diane Feltrin Trevor Fitzsimons John Graham Margaret Letcher Leonie May Jeff Page Jannette Potter Maryke Russell Glenda Sloan Sandra Smith Ron Sullivan Ann Tilley


Bruce Ainslie Greg Anderson Shirley Angus Steve Bannister Carol Barker Alan Barlow Egon Becker Mitch Becker Steve Borowski Derek Bowering Wayne Broadbridge Faye Burgess Eddie Burgon Robin Burns Malcolm Bray Sue Bywaters Ian Coburn Mary Crouch Dorothy Coombe Kerry Doyle Mick Drewett Loralie Dunn Rob Farmer Wal Fountain Bryon Franklin Sue Franklin Daphne Garbett Tony Garnish Richard Gerrard Chris Gibbons Judy Gladigau John Grant Karen Grant Peter Grant John Green Rick Halls Colleen Hargans Peter Hargans Ron Hateley Mary Hearn Andrew Heard Shirley Heath Bob Hocking Debbie Huddleston Paul Hunter Veronica Jenkin Dave Johnston Margaret Johnson Brian Johnstone Haley Jones Ray Kerlogue Graham Krieg Kate Kroehn Geoff Kurtz Faye Lehmann Margaret Letcher Gary Mansell Gordon Marshall Debbie Meich John McInerney David Moir Marri Moir Ernie Mullaart Judy Mutton John Neal Laurie O’Connell Trevor Orman Richard Philby Annett Pinnock David Pinnock Ray Pittaway Arthur Porter Jannette Potter May Rhind Heather Roberts Jack Roberts Barbara Schumacker Marilyn Scott Mary Scruby Geoff Searle Ray Sorenson Randall South Richard Staples Leona Stretch Heather Thompson Doug Tilley Karen Tohver Jan Ware Adrian Warne Ron Wasgind Viv Wilson Shirley Wright

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The South Australian Little Athletics Association Inc. wishes to record its appreciation to the following for their valuable assistance during Season 2010/2011.


IGA SUPERMARKETS Major Sponsor - State Relay Championships- ‘How to Help’ Booklet- Age Group Patches- Achievement Awards- Volunteer Awards

STATE GOVERNMENT - - State Individual ChampionshipsOFFICE FOR RECREATION & SPORT - 8 Regional Days

- Holiday Coaching Clinic- Australian Little Athletic Championships- Development

McDONALD’S AUSTRALIA LIMITED - 10 Cross Country Events - Cross Country Championships

- Multi-Event Championships- Age Group Patches- Travel Grants

AUSSIE (Aussie lend a hand offer) - Personal Best Day



Asics AUSTRALIA & ATHLETES FOOT - Achievement Books, State Team Footwear & UniformsIGA DISTRIBUTION - Uniform PatchesWILLIS AUSTRALIA LIMITED - InsuranceAXA - LAPS School Programme


SPORTSCENTRE - Merchandise Rebate IDM SPORTS & MEDICAL PRODUCTS - Sporting (Little Athletic) Equipment RebateRANDAL & TAYLOR - Hon. Legal AdvisorSPORTS GUIDE PUBLICATIONS PTY LTD - Publishing & PrintingSPORTS IN FOCUS - Association Photographer

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In this, my fourth Annual Report as Managing Director of the SALAA Board, I would like to thank all of the Board and Office Staff for the assistance they have provided me to ensure the ongoing success of our organisation.


• The number of affiliated Centres and Clubs in South Australia is 59 which includes the Coaches and Officials Clubs.

• Athlete Registrations for 2010/2011 were slightly greater than last year’s figures. Given the poor weather conditions at the beginning of the season this result is very pleasing.

• This season we lost 2 small country centres but on a positive note we are currently in discussion to form a new Little Athletics Centre based at Arno Bay on the West Coast.


• It is encouraging to see so many new Officials and Coaches being educated during the season. Congratulation to all attendees and a very big thank you to all of the presenters who volunteered their time.

• Squad LA continues to be our success story for developing the athletes to reach higher standards, 110 athletes joined the program and we look forward to watching their progress over the years.

• The schools development program is maintaining a presence within the school community

and also remains one of our top marketing strategies.

• The Nunga Come & Try day has now developed to the status of Championship Event. We deferred this event as Santos Stadium was not available. The event will be conducted later in the year, however we did provide and educational session based on the ‘How to help at Little Athletics’ Booklet whereby we touched on the basics of Officiating. This was very successful with many indigenous parents attending this will assist us on the day of the Nunga Championships. The grant we received from the State Government will assist us in further developing the event.

Major events and Championships

• With the long awaited resurfacing of the track at Santos Stadium being carried out during this season it provided a few challenges to our organisation. With only one event being relocated to the Salisbury East facility and minimal disruption caused by a tight schedule at the end

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of the season I must congratulate all of those involved for providing a successful season of competition.

• Congratulations to our state team in performing even better than expected. Winning our first ALAC trophy ever in the Alan Triscott Handicap Cup was a privilege to have witnessed.


• How fortunate are we having IGA as our major sponsor. The relationship we have is excellent. IGA will continue to financially support our five Volunteer awards that were presented for the first time last season. We are very thankful for their involvement with Little Athletics and are pleased to report that we have signed a further five year agreement. We look forward to growing this relationship as we progress.

• South Australian Government through the Office for Recreation and Sport have been a tremendous supporter of our Association as they recognise we are the base for any sport young people may wish to pursue as well as a feeder to the sport of Athletics We continue to work with them in promoting the many important Health and Safety messages, ensuring we have as many people actively participating or volunteering in the community. We have received a 2 year grant for our core business and a 2 year grant for the conduct of the Nunga Championships.

• McDonalds have renewed their agreement for a further year and will continue to be the sponsor of our winter Cross Country Program, State Cross Country Championship, Age Patch, Multi-Event Championships and Travel Grants for Country Athletes.

• A big thank you to our National Sponsors:o Asics o Willis Insuranceo Athletes Footo IGA.

On behalf of the 6500 plus athletes and their parents, we thank these Sponsors for their belief in our organisation.


• Brittany Winter has completed her traineeship and we have employed her on full time basis. Brian Sard has continued to support our administration as required on a casual employment agreement. Brittany and Brian have provided excellent administrative backup for Pam Sard our Executive Officer who has dealt with the many additional challenges that this season as presented.

• Many of our Centres have benefitted from the Active Club Grants that are available twice a year. These grants have been utilised mainly for timing gates and long jump run-up’s. Technology is fast replacing many volunteer positions at Centre and Association level hopefully it does not replace the family and voluntary aspect of our Association.

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• For the first time since I joined the board Athletics SA had a representative present to one of our board meetings to discuss pathways for our athletes. Discussions are currently occurring for a joint board meeting to be held in the near future.

• Without a doubt the highlight of this year was winning the Alan Triscott Handicap Cup at the ALACS.

• We have started the planning phase for the forthcoming season when our Association Celebrates the 40th Season of Little Athletics in South Australia, it will indeed be a ruby red season.

It has been a great privilege to serve as a member of the SALAA board over the past 6 years, and to work with such a dedicated team of members. Thanks to all of you who have assisted during this time, ensuring that our sport has been a success. The reward of being involved with the success and appreciation of the athletes has been well worthwhile.

It is due to the appreciation and rewards of being involved that I have decided to stand for another 2 year term in this position, I look forward to the successes that we can all share together over this period.


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It is with pleasure that I present my Deputy Chairperson Annual Report from the 2010/2011 Season.

It was a year of many challenges for the Association and its affiliates.

The resurfacing of the Santos track was long overdue and resulted in some rescheduling of dates and outside venues to accommodate this upgrade. A big thankyou to all Centres for your assistance, understanding and attendance at the meets.

Despite the challenges faced with our major Stadium inaccessible for most of the season, the Association and its centres has managed to maintain around about the same number of registrations compared to the previous season. It is still a challenge to all Centres to devise strategies to retain the members and reduce the average of 50% new members that register each year.

I will let the other Directors and Managers give the update from the State Team trip to the Australian Little Athletics Championships in Sydney, but I would like to pass on my hearty congratulations to the State Team Selectors, lead by Steve Holland and also to the State Team Coaches and Managers who travelled with the Under 13 & 15 State Teams. What a fantastic result for S.A. Little Athletics.

Another year has flown past and, whilst busy with my own work commitments, I have managed to stay in touch with all the great things the Executive Officer and the Board of Directors get exposed to and make decisions on. I had the fantastic honour of attending Melbourne early in the year to represent the Board and State at the Little Athletics Australian Board of Management meeting. This opened my eyes to how we as a State are involved at a National level and where some of the directions come from that affect us as a State. It also made me appreciate the role of the Managing Director and the time involved in responding to enquiries in just the short time Scott was away. No more holidays for you Scott!

A big well done and thankyou to the other Board members for their availability and input throughout the year, some great work to do in the following year that can really make a difference for our Association moving forward.

It is my duty every year to repeat myself with the huge admiration I have for our full time (most weeks unpaid full time and a half!) Executive Officer, Pamela Sard. Her untiring work ethic is awesome and should be cloned and rolled out into the general population! Thankyou to Brian to for making himself available during the busy times and also to Brittany for her first full year in the support role for Pam and the office.

Good luck to all for the up and coming 2011/2012 season and I urge all the Little Athletics Centres to register early for the 2011 S.A. State conference. I say this every year as well, but I strongly believe that the conference is a fantastic way of networking ideas between Centres. It is a great way to induct new committee members and exchange ideas on recruitment, local area sponsorships, advertising, coaching, obtaining grants, etc. It is an excellent investment by your Centres to send a couple of delegates. It is a great forum to utilise the strength of your network of Little Athletics Centres around your area and with in the State. It is also really good fun! I will let Pam reveal the theme at the AGM.

Once again, good luck for the 11/12 season, let’s all strive to recruit more volunteers and Little Athletes into your Centres to keep the Association vibrant and healthy.


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It is with great pleasure that I present my first director’s report to the South Australian Little Athletics Association for the 2010/2011 season.

This year has been busy, exciting, challenging and very enjoyable. I sincerely thank my fellow Board members and the Association Administration staff for their patience and support during my first year as part of the team.

Thank you to the Centre Management Committees, Parents, Officials and Coaches for continuing your involvement as volunteers with Little Athletics in South Australia. The Association and our athletes are dependent on the honesty, skills and dedication of these volunteers, whose main focus is to provide a safe and healthy environment for Little Athletes of all ages and abilities.

Once again Willis Australia, our National Insurers have provided vital cover for our members and Centres. These policies include cover for Property & Equipment and Personal Injury. Centre Committees have a responsibility to their members to ensure that their Asset List is current and Risk Management procedures are observed, including National Police clearances for Committee Members and Coaches.

Personal injury claims predominantly involved high jump and highlights the importance of event supervision and teaching correct techniques to specific age groups. Other claims involved theft and wind damage. It is essential that all Claim Forms are completed fully and submitted to the Association Office as soon as possible after the event to ensure a fast, positive result for your Centre.

The Department of Families and Communities has commended our Association for its commitment in meeting the minimum requirements to establish a safe environment for children and young people. The Personal Protection & Intervention Policy (refer to Conference folder) is proof of our commitment to ensuring our young athletes and volunteers feel safe at all times.

This year has presented many challenges with possibly none greater than the Santos Stadium redevelopment and the flow on effect it had. The Association Board, Administration staff, Officials Club and all volunteers must be congratulated on their work ethic and clear thinking, in particular the State Relay Championships at Salisbury East and the remaining State Events at Santos being programmed close together. Everyone involved should be very proud of their achievements this year in dealing with these challenges.

I would like to wish all Centre Management Committees the very best for Season 2011/2012 and sincerely thank the Association for giving me the opportunity to contribute to our fantastic organisation.

Be your best. Steve HollandADMINISTRATION DIRECTOR

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It is my pleasure to present my report for the 2010/2011 season.

2010 McDonald’s Cross Country Season

Thank-you to the 9 Centres who conducted a Cross Country meeting during the season, especially to Hills LAC who conducted two meets. Total attendance for the season was 1558, with an average attendance of 155 at each SALAA meet.

The championships were conducted by Salisbury East LAC at Carisbrook Reserve. 217 athletes participated in the championships, a slight increase on the previous year. Congratulations to the Flinders LAC for taking out both the boys and girls shields.

‘be active’ Regional Games

Congratulations to those centres who hosted the eight ‘be active’ Regional Games. By all reports, these events were all very successful, thanks to the hard work of those volunteers organising the events.

IGA State Relay Championships

For the first time in 15 years, an Association Championship event was conducted away from the State facility. While there were certainly some doubts leading into the championships, I believe the IGA State Relay Championships at Salisbury East LAC were a great success. I’d like to thank the Salisbury East LAC for their awesome effort in preparing their grounds and coordinating the catering for the championships. Thank you also the participating Centres for your patience and understanding with the alternative arrangements – this was particularly important for the success of the event.

549 teams representing 29 centres participated in this season’s championship, which was less than last year, primarily due to the poor weather at the start of the season effecting centres’ ability to form teams.

Congratulations to Eastern Districts LAC for their outstanding performances on the track to retain the Champion Centre trophy, and to Plympton LAC for taking out the Lou Moyes Most Improved Centre trophy. The March Past trophy was won by Barossa Valley LAC.

McDonald’s State Multi Event Championships

The Multi Event Championships represented our return to Santos Stadium, and this was reflected in the record number of entries of 748 athletes keen to try out the new track.

The day ran extremely smoothly, thanks to the Officials Club and the volunteer officials and parents from all centres fulfilling their duties.

‘Aussie’ Personal Best Day

This year we welcomed Aussie as the new sponsor of Personal Best Day.858 Little Athletes participated in around 3600 individual events on the day. This was an increase of last season, with many of our younger athletes keen to get on the new track.

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Thank-you to those centres who fulfilled their obligations in providing officials at the events – Personal Best Day only works thanks to your contribution.

‘be active’ State Individual Championships

846 athletes from 46 centres entered in 2613 events for this year’s State Individuals which was consistent with last year’s entries.

The excellent conditions for the weekend saw a number of new State Best Performances being set. New records were set by Nikki Thompson (Ingle Farm, Under 11 Girls Shot & Discus), Lachlan Page (Munno Para, Under 13 Boys Shot Put), Brian Wilson (Eastern Districts, equalled Under 14 Boys 100m), Tayla Philis (Reynella East, Under 14 Girls 80m Hurdles), Aiden Miller (Under 16 Boys 1500m), Margaret Gayen (Under 17 Girls 90m Hurdles, Long Jump, Triple Jump).

Congratulations to Athletes of the Meet - Margaret Gayen (Eastern Districts) and James Lee (Mt Barker) on their outstanding achievements in their final season of Little Athletics.


The 2010/11 season certainly presented a challenge with Santos Stadium being unavailable for much of the year, but these challenges were able to be overcome thanks to the “can do” attitude from everyone in our organisation.

I’d like to thank the Officials Club committee for their fantastic job again this year. Our volunteer Chief Officials do a terrific job setting up, running events and packing away again after. Without the continued commitment and dedication of our officials, our Association events would not happen.

Our events would not be the successes they are without the outstanding support of our staff. I’d like to thank Pam Sard and her assistants, Brittany Winter and Brian Sard, for their fantastic efforts.

To the Board, thank you for your support during the season. Your contributions to our events on and off the field are very much appreciated.

Finally, thank-you to all the hard working centre personnel, who between you stage around 1000 Little Athletics meets each year. Your efforts are what make Little Athletics a great organisation to be involved with.


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The 2010/2011 Season has been a successful year even with the disruptions of Santos Stadium being refurbished. There has been a number of coaching and official’s courses held during the year with mainly the same centres requesting them each year. This is beneficial for the centres concerned but it would be nice for some of the other centres to become involved. The courses are being held for the benefit of the centres and assist them in the general running of their competition sessions, so please consider how they may help you.

A special thank you to all the volunteer Lecturers who conducted these courses on behalf of the Association, without your assistance there would not be any coaches or officials at centre level or association events. It was pleasing to see more people put their hands up to assist.

Congratulations to all the parents who completed these courses we trust what you learnt was of benefit to you and your centres. Well done also to the ones that have progressed to attain a ‘B’ grade qualification or level 1 coaching accreditation.

The Centres that have held courses during the 2010/2011 season are as follows; Whyalla, Penola, Campbelltown, CYP Maitland, Flinders, Lyndoch, Mildura, Mt Barker, Henley, Torrens Valley, Clare, West Lakes, Waikerie, Hills, Elizabeth, Hallett Cove, Renmark, Enfield, South Coast, Adelaide Eagles, Tea Tree Gully, Mount Gambier, Golden Grove, Woodville

Squad LA:

This group continues to grow with many of the under eleven age group looking forward to when they can join. The standard of the athletes concerned has certainly improved as the season has progressed and I believe they have enjoyed the sessions. Thank you to all those who took part your behaviour and attitude made the days all that more enjoyable. Thanks also must go to the coaches who gave up their spare time to help our young stars of the future improve their skills. It was also pleasing to see some of the parents go out and watch at close hand and hopefully they will have learned enough to help their child or centre continue to improve those skills.

Holiday Coaching Clinics:

This was a very successful week with most athletes achieving personal best performances on the final competition day. This year’s clinics was held out back in the training area where parents could get a lot closer and feel more part of the week. The fact there was a lot of shade was of benefit and may be used again on particularly warm days. The coaches used were a mixture of experience and youth and I am sure the athletes appreciated the ability of our young coaches demonstrating the drills. Thank you to all who participated on a great week that we believe everyone enjoyed.

Event Specific Training Sessions:

Started off very slowly with only Flinders athletes and parents turning up but as the year progressed more centres became involved which made the days much more worthwhile. A lot of centres are just

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not passing information along to athletes and parent members not only on this event but also coach-ing clinics, Squad LA, or even events like Personal Best Day or Multi Event Championships which is certainly not helping grass roots athletes.

Let’s start off next season with all centres letting all members know what is available to them either by news letters or posters or any other ideas you may have. If you are doing something that is working well at you centre let us know.


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As Resource Director of SALAA I am pleased to present my third Financial Report, for the year ending 30 April 2011.

The operating loss for the 2011 financial year was $65,544, against a budgeted profit of $3,100.

All sponsorships were retained in the 2010/11 financial year, and expenses were in line with budget.

The variance relates primarily to the introduction of an Annual Leave provision of $67,646, which had previously not been accounted for. See Notes 1c and 6 of the audited financial statements.

The fee structure for the 2011/12 financial year will not change from 2010/11 as follows:

2011/12Registration Fees:- All age groups $35

- Maximum per family $85

- Athletes registered on or after 1 Feb 2012 $25

- Maximum per family registered on or after 1 Feb 2012 $60

Nomination Fees:- State Individual Championships $3/event

- State Relay Championships $10/team

- Multi-Event Championships $5/athlete

Programs sold at Association Events $2

Affiliation:- Centre Affiliation Fee $60

In 2010/11 we again negotiated with the Office of Recreation and Sport, to provide free entry to Santos Stadium at all association events. We expect to be able to offer this again in season 2011/12 and beyond.

I look forward to seeing you at the annual conference in August 2011 where I will present my 2011/12 season budget for approval.


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It is my pleasure to present my report to the Annual General Meeting of the South Australian Little Athletics Association.

After an exciting and positive State Conference, we held great hopes that this season would be full of positive energy especially with everyone raring to go. So it is a fantastic effort that despite a few minor setbacks such as heat, rain, wind, and more rain, the unavailability of Santos Stadium for six months that we have as an Association met the challenge.

The end result is that we have continued to advance the achievements of the Association, within centres and throughout the general community and have fulfilled our Strategic and Operational Plan commitment that includes an increase in membership.

We are not naïve to appreciate that other sports also are competing for participation of children in team sports and individual activities. Therefore, development of skills cannot be seen for athletics only. Our Association is the foundation for children to achieve personal goals in coordination, balance, confidence and social activities. This has been achieved again this season through the efforts of our Centre Committees, and your members. I am so proud to have had the privilege to work with you all during the season and to see many Centres reach the potential they have.

The Financial report has shown we have a sound financial base. The future direction of the Association is dependent on financial viability. We must thank and support our Sponsors and the State Government, for without their continued involvement, our task to provide and deliver athletic activities across the state would not be possible at the cost we currently enjoy.

In addition sponsorship is no longer a given because of the ‘warm and fuzzies’. To be successful and maintain our sponsorship we must give the sponsors a return on their faith in our organisation by supporting the products that they represent and more importantly give added value. We cannot lose sight of the importance of sponsors as without their support, the sport of Little Athletics would not continue to be a low cost family activity.

A sincere thank you goes to the Centres who have supported our Major Sponsor IGA, McDonald’s, Aussie and the State Government’s ‘Be Active’ programmes. Nationally we acknowledge Asics, The Athletes Foot, AXA and Willis our national insurers for their continued support.

This season we supported Asthma SA with the conduct of the ‘Kids Marathon’ although this event was not supported to the extent we had hoped we certainly acknowledge and thank those Centres who did. We are sure the funds raised will enable important research for those children who suffer with asthma.

We managed the weather conditions at the start of the season however our Little Athletics Centres in Queensland were not so fortunate. The generosity of our Centres was very humbling and was really appreciated by those Centres in Queensland who not only benefitted from the direct donation but just to know someone cared lifted their spirits. Thank you to those Centres who were so generous.

Every Little Athletic Centre will have Committee Members who will not continue or will take a lesser part to make sure there is continuity, we say thank you for your valuable contribution. Hopefully

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centres will continue to support the IGA Volunteer Awards to recognise their volunteers. At the State Conference awards were presented to Hills LAC – Administration Award; Hills LAC – Centre Marketing Award; Angus Balfour – Volunteer Coach of the Year; Kathy Lambert – Volunteer Official of the Year; Craig Davison -Volunteer of the Year Award for their contribution. We congratulate all those who were nominated; you were all worthy nominees.

We are grateful to the Officials Club and Coaches Club for ensuring our education programmes continue. We particularly acknowledge those lecturers from both clubs who have travelled extensively to provide officials and coaching courses; the number of members who have attended the courses has been outstanding. This knowledge will ensure our young athletes will have the basic skills to begin with and those who achieve accreditation as a ‘C’ Grade Official hopefully will continue to achieve a ‘B’ Grade standard.

Our LAPS Programme in Primary Schools continues to flourish through the work of our Casual Development Officer, Paul Townley. We thank Paul who represents the Association with great enthusiasm in providing our programme upon request from schools in the Metropolitan and Country areas. All students taking part in the programme receive a certificate and ruler and all participating schools receive a Little Athletics Coaching Resource.

Our partnership with SAPSASA continues to develop, with the provision of officials for the Country and Metropolitan Championships and two Coaches to travel with their State Team. Our sincere thanks to those members who gave time to officiate at the championships, your assistance was appreciated. Many of our Centres host SAPSASA District Days; these opportunities are a great marketing tool and provide a link with schools which is important to maintain growth.

The Advertiser Junior Sports section is an ideal opportunity to acknowledge the efforts at grass roots. Barossa Valley, Salisbury, Salisbury East, Ingle Farm and Lyndoch appear to be the only Centres who take advantage of the offer that is free to not only promote their Centres but to encourage their athletes. During the season we have seen some excellent media coverage in the local Messenger Press some of the photographs have been of great value as they clearly show our sponsors branding which is an added bonus.

This season we have utilized the marketing dollars through additional advertisement in the Messenger and local newspapers at the commencement of the season and later in the season, Advertiser Supplements, Adelaide’s Child, and the Hills Weekender. Channel 9, Winn TV sponsored our television commercial throughout the State and McDonald’s sponsored our television commercial at the start of the season. Posters and leaflets in abundance were provided to Centres. The Association and ALA websites have also attracted many families to Little Athletics; this form of marketing will continue to grow. However we must not forget that recommendation by word of mouth is a powerful tool.

The most fundamental issue facing us today is our profile in the community. To maintain our presence in the community we must promote ourselves as a family values activity. Never be shy in promoting the virtues of Little Athletics as a sporting activity which develops motor skills at a young age. The ability of young athletes to develop fit and healthy lifestyles early enables them to participate in sporting activities for the rest of their lives.

It is no easy job selecting twenty-four under 13 athletes and four under 15 athletes from all the talented athletes we have in our Association to represent South Australia at the Australian Little Athletics

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Championships. I take my hat off to Steve Holland, State Team Administrator and Selectors Andrew Simister, Trevor Orman, Bruce Smith and Debbie Gayen who spent long hours in deliberation to select the best team possible to score points for SA. For the first time ever our athletes were successful in winning the Alan Triscott, Handicap Cup well done to Team SA. The young athletes were in very safe hands with the travelling Team Management of Carolyn Gray, Gaby Philis and Coaches Bruce Smith and Debbie Gayen who ensured all their needs were met both on and off the track.

To be effective whether at centre or association level we need support. I have been very fortunate to have had tremendous support from Brittany who has stepped up from a Trainee to Administration Assistant and to Brian throughout the year, thank you troops.

To Scott, and the Board of Directors your contribution to this Association has been outstanding in a particularly challenging year, I am sure I speak on behalf of members as well as myself in thanking you for your time and dedication.

As we celebrate forty years of Little Athletics in South Australia the future is exciting. Many issues, some practical, some entirely new are in front of us. You as committee members and members are equal to the challenge to make sure that this vibrant association goes from strength to strength and continues to encourage children of all ability levels, at a near location and at low cost.

Thank you to you all for being such an inspiration, we look forward to working and celebrating the first forty years of Little Athletics in South Australia with you throughout the coming year.


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as at 30th April, 2011

METRO CENTRESBoys Girls Re-Reg New 2010/11 2009/10

Adelaide Eagles 84 53 79 58 137 158

Campbelltown 43 38 36 45 81 71

Eastern Districts 109 114 122 101 223 257

Elizabeth 43 32 36 39 75 73

Enfield 92 77 93 76 169 189

Flinders 98 77 100 75 175 192

Golden Grove 136 96 122 110 232 210

Hallett Cove 72 43 49 66 115 131

Henley Districts 216 157 215 158 373 405

Hills 116 100 124 92 216 204

Ingle Farm 41 39 52 28 80 86

Magill 90 55 65 80 145 156

Munno Para 38 30 42 26 68 92

Noarlunga 87 80 99 68 167 192

Plympton 99 88 83 104 187 152

Reynella East 70 72 80 62 142 128

Salisbury 48 39 62 25 87 107

Salisbury East 96 82 103 75 178 148

Southern Districts 141 132 149 124 273 273

Southern Hills 79 99 112 66 178 160

Tea Tree Gully 88 92 92 88 180 172

West Lakes 72 78 59 91 150 126

Woodville 88 78 90 76 166 164

Metro Totals 2046 1751 2064 1733 3797 3846

Country Totals 1512 1291 1479 1324 2803 2745

Overall Totals 3558 3042 3543 3057 6600 6591

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as at 30th April, 2011

COUNTRY CENTRESBoys Girls Re-Reg New 2010/11 2009/10

Adelaide Plains 13 10 14 9 23 43

Barossa Valley- Nuriootpa 109 80 102 87 189 169

Bordertown 12 14 13 13 26 59

Broken Hill 47 38 50 35 85 50

Callington 8 14 6 16 22 25

Central Eyre Wudinna 16 21 14 23 37 36

Central Yorke Peninsula 27 31 41 17 58 75

Far West Ceduna 39 40 49 30 79 92

Gawler 66 71 78 59 137 148

Lyndoch & Districts 82 57 49 90 139 106

Mannum 30 14 19 25 44 42

Mid North Clare 42 40 51 31 82 77

Mildura & Districts 79 75 76 78 154 178

Millicent 30 20 35 15 50 89

Mount Gambier 124 96 91 129 220 161

Mt Barker 70 61 80 51 131 172

Mt Compass 21 28 24 25 49 36

Murray Bridge 42 47 49 40 89 87

Naracoorte 58 61 66 53 119 111

NYP-Kadina 61 56 100 17 117 142

Penola 61 47 72 36 108 96

Port Augusta 63 44 61 46 107 120

Port Lincoln 44 33 14 63 77 16

Riverland - Barmera 18 10 5 23 28 12

- Loxton 43 34 36 41 77 58

- Renmark 8 10 5 13 18 30

South Coast 36 16 27 25 52 66

Southern Flinders 20 13 24 9 33 62

Strathalbyn & Dist 42 41 33 50 83 69

SYP-Yorketown 8 3 4 7 11 23

Tennant Creek 10 6 15 1 16 0

Torrens Valley 47 57 60 44 104 106

Waikerie 43 33 51 25 76 82

Whyalla 93 70 65 98 163 107

Country Totals 1512 1291 1479 1324 2803 2745

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as at 30th April, 2011

BOYS GIRLS2010/2011 2009/2010 2010/2011 2009/2010

New ReReg Total Total New ReReg Total Total

Tiny Metro 287 83 370 317 196 63 259 269Tots Country 228 58 286 268 178 71 249 248

U6 Metro 121 77 198 232 107 72 179 172Country 100 98 198 201 87 69 156 165

U7 Metro 97 122 219 242 88 113 201 200Country 96 114 210 186 81 91 172 144

U8 Metro 112 137 249 215 70 118 188 195Country 76 103 179 197 50 71 121 160

U9 Metro 86 113 199 190 81 109 190 218Country 64 115 179 148 59 96 155 143

U10 Metro 78 110 188 204 69 115 184 183Country 44 79 123 126 39 80 119 118

U11 Metro 74 112 186 183 68 96 164 178Country 37 67 104 103 44 64 108 101

U12 Metro 44 94 138 160 35 101 136 131Country 27 55 82 101 37 51 88 80

U13 Metro 36 77 113 109 23 70 93 110Country 21 44 65 60 17 29 46 51

U14 Metro 21 56 77 80 8 64 72 72Country 11 26 37 22 13 28 41 30

U15 Metro 13 44 57 48 4 37 41 55Country 4 10 14 24 5 14 19 21

U16 Metro 9 27 36 27 4 28 32 32Country 2 19 21 17 2 11 13 10

U17 Metro 2 14 16 10 0 12 12 13Country 2 12 14 12 0 4 4 9

1692 1866 3558 3482 1365 1677 3042 3108

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South Australian Little Athletics Association participated at the 2011 Australian Little Athletics Championships at Sydney Home Bush Stadium on Saturday 30th April.

The young athletes selected were very talented and a great bunch of athletes to represent South Australia.

We stayed at the Quest Rose Hill which was a great location and close to the restaurants and activities that we needed.

We hired a 32 seated coach and a small car to transport us to and from all our activities, there was lots of singing emulated from both vehicles during our trips around Sydney.

We arrived Thursday lunchtime and headed straight to a BBQ to meet the other teams and swap badges after which we boarded a boat to cruise the Sydney Harbour. After the cruise we took a short walk up the hill to the Civic Reception.

Friday found us chilling out at our accommodation. Mid morning we headed off to the competition track for familiarization and that was where some of the butterflies set in!! Following our familiarization session we had a tour of the ANZ Stadium and a bit of shopping at DFO Home Bush.

Saturday, Competition day had arrived and so did the rain, again and again. But the rain didn’t dampen our spirits at all once we arrived at the track.

Our athletes performed excellent Personal Best Performances and with that we reaped 4 Gold Medals and 4 Bronzes Medals and the BEST OF ALL the Alan Triscott Handicap Cup which has never been won by South Australian Team before!

After lots of photos and excitement we headed to Rose Hill Bowling Club where we enjoyed ‘an all you can eat’ meal with the parents, then over the road to the Code Red for a game or two of laser skirmish.

Sunday travelled by coach to the Sydney Taronga Zoo for a look and lunch prior to our trip home late afternoon.Thank you to the Parent Co-coordinators; Cathy Lambert and Julie Simister for organizing support merchandise and parents dinner at such short notice. A job well done and appreciated by all parents.

On behalf of the Management Team Carolyn Gray, Gaby Philis, Bruce Smith and Debbie Gayen, we extend our thanks to the S.A.L.A.A. Board of Directors for the opportunity to be part of a successful 2011 S.A.L.A.A State Team


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