South America History and Present Day Objective 1: To summarize the history of South America. Objective 2:To explain present day issues in South America.

South America History and Present Day

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South America History and Present Day. Objective 1: To summarize the history of South America. Objective 2:To explain present day issues in South America. History. Most explorers looking for El Dorado Spanish colonized most areas. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: South America History and Present Day

South AmericaHistory and Present Day

Objective 1: To summarize the history of South America.Objective 2:To explain present day issues in South America.

Page 2: South America History and Present Day


• Most explorers looking for El Dorado• Spanish colonized most areas.• Other European nations got involved with the

region. (ex. British in Guyana, Dutch in Suriname) – Millions of deaths of the Native population– Began importing slaves from Africa– Creation of the Mestizos

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Colombian Exchange

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Independence and Conflict

• Simon Bolivar – leads many to independence from the Spanish.

• Massive oil wealth in Venezuela but inequality amongst many.

• Paramilitaries (def?) in many South American states. What current issues cause conflict in South America?

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Present Day

• Latin America – areas of the Americas influenced by the cultures of Spain, France, or Portugal.

• Diverse cultures (influences from Africa, U.S., France, and even India!) and varied governments.

• Environmental concerns – oil spills and leaks (Lake Maracaibo), deforestation, pesticide use)

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Land Subsidence – sinking of the ground. Due to decades of draining underground oilfields.

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Present Conflicts and Tensions

• Ethnic tensions (Suriname conflict between ethnic Asians and Africans)

• Colombia – civil war against insurgents who have been hiding in the mountains

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Andes and the Pampas

• Climate – El Niño and La Niña, the former causes heavy rains every few years.

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Vertical Climate Zones

• Near the Equator – climate is hot up to 4,900 feet. The higher you go, the cooler it gets.

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Land Use

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Geography and History

• Andes are difficult to cross, causing isolation amongst members of society, today there are few east-west roads.

• Fertile Pampas attracted settlement and helped create wealth in Argentina.

• Hot lowlands forced people to settle in the Andes and in northern areas.

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Incan Empire

• Largest empire in the Americas

• Advanced society with paved roads and planned agriculture.

• Conquered by Francisco Pizarro in 1532. What gave the Spanish an advantage? Have we seen this before?

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Present Day Issues and Economies

• Logging and gold mining are damaging tropical forests.

• Urban pollution. • Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay are richest

nations in the region. Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia are poorest

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• More diversified economies in the region.• Strengthening economic ties with one another.• MERCOSUR – free trade agreement signed by

Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay. (Mercado Comun del Sur “Southern Common Market”)

• Andean Community of Nations signed by Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru

• U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement

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Government Reforms

• Referendum – allows voters to choose whether a new constitution or new laws are to be accepted– Ex. Chile’s return to

democracy in 1990 was triggered by 1989 referendum and to amend (make changes) to the constitution.