SOUTH AIKEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Our Purpose…”Opening Doors to Serve Christ” 1711 Whiskey Road Aiken, SC 29803

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Our Purpose…”Opening Doors to Serve Christ”

1711 Whiskey Road

Aiken, SC 29803

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PLEASE NOTE: If needed, large pr int hymnals and sound amplification devices are available in the

Narthex. Please see an usher for assistance in obtaining these items.

Welcome to South Aiken Presbyterian Church! We are very glad that you are here this morning to join in

offering a service of worship to the Lord. We believe all people are children of God. We believe that the

redeeming grace of God can bring each of us into a new day. We believe all people are loved with a love that

has no end in Jesus Christ. Today, may our eyes be opened again to these truths. May we each do our part to

make this a place of grace for all. May the blessings of joy and hope that can only come from the nearer

presence of God fill each of our hearts. Let us worship God!

Nursery & Children’s Church

Infants are welcome in the nursery during our 8:45 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. worship services and during our 10:00

a.m. Sunday School hour. The nursery/toddler room is located on the north side of the SAPC building

complex. To find it, please exit the front (main) entrance and turn left. The entrance to the nursery is around

the corner in the next building. You will see a sign at the entrance door.

During the 8:45 a.m. service, children are invited to either go to the nursery/toddler room or stay in the

service. During today’s 11:00 a.m. service, children 3 years of age through 5K are welcome to join our

Children's Church worship program following the Moment With Children. Chaperones will escort the

children to the Fellowship Hall for the program. You may pick your children up in the Fellowship Hall after

the service. Worship bags are available for children who remain in the worship services and are available at

each entrance. Bags are divided for older children (blue handle) and younger children (purple handle).

If you need assistance, please feel free to ask an usher.

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Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

September 3, 2017 8:45 & 11:00 a.m.

(Please stand, if able, when indicated by an *)



Chiming of the Hour (11:00)

Welcome & Signing of the Friendship Register Rev. Erin Morgan

Introit Every Voice Be Tuned for Song Hal H. Hopson


*Call to Worship (Responsive)

One: Give thanks to the Lord, for God is good.

All: God’s steadfast love endures forever.

One: God said to Moses: I am who I am.

All: This is the name of the Lord forever.

One: Let us worship God.

*Prayer of the Day (Unison)

Almighty God, in the self-giving love of Christ you have revealed the path of salvation. Give us

courage to deny our selfish desire and bear the cross of discipleship, that we may live as those who

have no fear of death and receive the joy of everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

*Hymn #405 Praise God for This Holy Ground

*Prayer of Confession (Unison)

God our redeemer, we confess that our lives remain enthralled with lesser things while you call us to

paths of love. We seek profit and pleasure in the world while you would you offer us greater glory.

We strive to preserve our way of life even as you call us to give our lives away in surrendered service

to that which is eternal. Forgive us for being so obtuse, so wayward, and so selfish. Please cover us

anew in your grace so that we might be released from our sin. In your mercy, grant us new freedom

and new life and opportunity yet again to live faithfully before you and as a part of your Kingdom.

(Time for Silent Confession)

One: Seeking Christ’s forgiveness, the people said,

All: Amen.

*Assurance of Pardon

*The Gloria Patri Hymnal Page 581

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Ghost;

as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,

world without end. Amen, amen.

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*Passing of the Peace (11:00) (Responsive)

One: Since Christ has extended to us the peace of God, let us, as his disciples, spread his peace to others.

The peace of Christ be with you.

All: And also with you.

One: Let us exchange signs of Christ’s peace with one another.

Children’s Moment (11:00) Debbi Reboul

Prayers of the People & the Lord’s Prayer Hymnal Page 35

Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name,

thy kingdom come,

thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our debts,

as we forgive our debtors;

and lead us not into temptation

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power,

and the glory forever. Amen.

Prayer Response O Lord, Hear My Prayer Jacques Berthier


Prayer for Illumination

Epistle Reading Romans 12:9-18 Pew Bible Page 162

One: The Word of the Lord.

All: Thanks be to God.

Anthem Take Up Your Cross Hal H. Hopson

Gospel Reading Matthew 16:21-28 Pew Bible Page 18

One: The Word of the Lord.

All: Thanks be to God.

Sermon “In Service to the Vision” Rev. Dr. Christopher Crotwell

*Hymn #692 Spirit, Open My Heart

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*Affirmation of Faith: “The Apostles’ Creed” (Traditional) (Unison)

I believe in God, the Father almighty,

Maker of heaven and earth,

and in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord;

who was conceived by the Holy Ghost,

born of the Virgin Mary,

suffered under Pontius Pilate,

was crucified, dead, and buried;

he descended into hell;

the third day he rose again from the dead;

he ascended into heaven,

And sitteth on the right hand

Of God the Father Almighty;

from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Ghost;

the holy catholic church;

the communion of saints;

the forgiveness of sins;

the resurrection of the body;

and the life everlasting. Amen.

Offering of Tithes and Gifts


*Doxology Hymnal Page 606

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

praise him, all creatures here below;

praise him above, ye heavenly host;

praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

*Prayer of Dedication


*Hymn #826 Lift High the Cross


*Congregational Response Christ Be Beside Me Gaelic Melody Hymn #702

Christ be beside me; Christ be before me;

Christ be behind me, King of my heart.

Christ be within me; Christ be below me

Christ be above me, never to part..


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Those Serving in the Military

Daniel Bartlett - grandson of Ron & Sandy Bartlett

Kris Cloud - son of Ed & Robin Coward

Ian Fields - husband of Tracy Kelly-Fields

Robert Kocis - son of Andrew & Jodi Kocis

Tom Kocis - nephew of Andrew & Jodi Kocis

Stephan Kraus - husband of Valorie Vance-Kraus & father of Abigail & Hannah Kraus

Ben McCullough - son of Lisa McCullough

Louis Wilson - son-in-law of Brenda Martin Morgan

Leslie Coakley as she begins physical therapy

Georgia & Joe Lookabill as they face family and health issues, including the loss of Georgia’s brother, who died this past week

The family of Cindy Kocis (Andy & Jodi Kocis’ daughter-in-law). Cindy, who passed away last month at age 34, leaves behind her husband Robert and daughter Alexis

The family of Barbara Flowers (Loretta Dyche’s sister-in-law) as they mourn her loss

Leo Toomajian as he continues in hospice care

Dennis Strausser (Dar leen Ricard’s cousin) who has entered the final weeks of his life

Cyndy Duggins who has had a set-back with her ankle

Lisa Lader who is recover ing after a second surgery on her knee

Nancy Pope (Georgia Lookabill’s sister ) who has lupus

Wayne Durden (Brenda Martin Morgan’s brother -in-law) as he battles cancer

Johnnelle Ramsey as she continues chemotherapy

SAPC will hold an inquirer’s gathering following the

second service on Sunday, September 10th. If you are

interested in learning more about SAPC and/or are

planning to become a member of the church, please

join us! No reservation is required.

With Erin getting ready to go "baby leave" in a

few weeks, we’ve decided to have a pulpit

assistant training class on September 10th at 5:30

p.m. Rev. Dr. Christopher Crotwell will teach the

class, which will be held in the pastor’s

conference room. Any SAPC member is

welcome (and encouraged) to attend, and

volunteers are needed. Serving in the church is a

wonderful experience and is much more

rewarding than just sitting quietly in a pew. As

the old commercial used to say, "Try It, You'll

Like It!"

Congregational Meeting

Sunday, Sept. 17th @ 12:00 p.m.

SAPC will hold a called congregational meeting in the sanctuary

after the 11:00 a.m. service on September 17th. The purpose of

this meeting will be to elect SAPC officers and next year’s

nominating committee members.

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Sunday Mornings 2017-2018

Singing the Bible: Dr. Crotwell, Phillip Hare, Scott Chappell (Sanctuary)

This Sunday School class will provide an opportunity for people to consider how old and new hymns

fit together in the first half of our hymnal to tell the entire story of scripture (from before creation to

the new heaven and the new earth). The class will also expose people to new hymns. The class will

be less about lecturing and more about singing (with the hope that at least 3 hymns would be sung in

each class). This class will start after Labor Day and will end before Memorial Day weekend. It will

be held in the sanctuary from 10:00-10:25 a.m. allowing opportunity for choir members to participate

and still make their 11:00 a.m. service rehearsal.

The Book of Origins: Jeff Morgan - (Pastor’s Conference Room - 1st Floor FLC)

The name Genesis comes from a Greek word meaning “creation, generation, origin.” Genesis is the

book of origins: the origin of the universe, plants, animals, humans, sex, temptation, sin, pain,

suffering, death, work, farming, rain, rainbows, murder, music, iron, bronze, languages, peoples, and

nations. It is the origin story of us. We will continue the adventure through the book of Genesis. This

will be a slow-paced class that studies the book thoroughly. We will look at historical-critical,

theological, and ecclesiastical issues as they relate to the text. All are welcome!

Feasting on the Word: Dale Stephens and Paul Ebel (Fellowship Hall)

Adults see the world through the filter of life experience and life transitions. Adults enter Bible study

and worship bringing with them this variety of views. Feasting on the Word materials will engage

adults in a deeper exploration of biblical texts. Participants' faith will be enhanced when the

Scriptures read and proclaimed in worship are reinforced and expanded during their educational time.

Education and worship can be mutually supportive in helping God's Word in Scripture come alive in

the Sunday morning experience.

Sr. Adults: Steve Stine and Shirley Colburn (Library)

The Student Book for adults offers biblical commentary for each lesson while encouraging life

application. Scripture references are printed with both KJV and NIV translations for comparison and

student preference.


Opening story relates the Bible principle to everyday life

Commentary explains Scripture passages and provided questions

Activities provide ways to explore the lesson focus and Bible principle

Encourages real-life application

Couples Class: Robert and Cheryl Glance (upstairs FLC)

This class is for couples or singles seeking to improve their relationships with their loved ones. Filled

with humor, discussion, and practical help, this class welcomes everyone from newly married, to re-

married, to long timers.

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Sunday, Sept. 3rd

No Youth - Labor Day Weekend

Sunday, Sept. 10

Family Game Night 5:30-7:00 pm (Youth Room)

Sunday, Sept. 17

Youth Committee Meeting 12:15-1:30 pm (Gym)

Baking cookies for Kairos

5:30-7:00 pm (Kitchen)

Sept. 10 Family Game Night, 5:30-7:00 pm

Bring your families for dinner & fun games! Bring

your favorite board game or card game.

Sept 24 Worship with Friendship Baptist Church at

the 11:00 service


Drive-Thru Blessing

September 5th

7:00 - 8:00 a.m.

On Tuesday, September 5th, between 7:00-8:00

a.m., as a part of our first day of school celebration

for our kindergarten, you are invited to swing

through the front parking lot of SAPC (near the

sanctuary’s main doors) on your way to work or

school (or wherever) and one of the pastors will

have a short prayer with you and offer a blessing as

you start your day. This is happening rain or shine.

Drive on through!

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Sunday, Sept 3rd

8:45a - Worship Service (Sanctuary) 9:45a - Sunday School (Campus) 11:00a - Worship Service (Sanctuary) (Children’s Church 3-5K/Nursery provided)

Monday, Sept 4th

Labor Day - Office Closed No events are currently scheduled

Tuesday, Sept 5th

School Begins @ SAPK! 7:00a - SAPK Drive-Thru Blessing (Car Line) 7:30a - Morning Glory (Gym) 10:00a - Sonshine Circle (Library) 12:15p - Bible Friends (FH/Playground) 2:00p - Membership Cmte. Mtg. (PCR) 5:30p - Sunday Morning Cmte. Mtg. (Library) 6:00p - MWG Basketball (Gym) 6:45p - M’Aiken Music (Choir Room) 7:00p - Boy Scouts (F205)

Wednesday, Sept 6th

7:30a - Morning Glory (Gym) 12:15p - Bible Friends (FH/Playground) 7:00p - Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)

Thursday, Sept 7th

7:30a - Morning Glory (Gym) 12:15p - Bible Friends (FH/Playground) 1:30p - Karate (FH) 5:30p - YAH @ Duke’s Bar-B-Q 6:00p - MWG Basketball (Gym)

Friday, Sept. 8th

7:30a - Morning Glory (Gym) 12:15p - Bible Friends (FH/Playground)

Saturday, Sept. 9th

3:00p - Set-up for Membership Cmte. Event (Gym)

The Book Club Will Meet

September 25th

@ 7:00 p.m. in the Library

This month’s book selection is:

Ordinary Grace

Author: William Kent Krueger


Sep. 7th @ 5:30 p.m. @ Duke's Bar-B-Q. We

will gather at the restaurant and enjoy great

fellowship and good food together.

Myrtle Beach. We are thinking of returning to

Myrtle Beach on Dec. 1 - 3 to see the shows. I

will check to see if we can get the same

accommodations as in past years. To determine if

we have enough participation for this trip, we are

asking you to sign up on the Inquiry Sheet posted

on our board if you interested in going. The

deadline to sign up is Sept. 10th. Cost is TBD.

On the surface, Ordinary Grace is the story of the

murder of a beautiful young woman, a beloved

daughter and sister. At heart, it’s the story of what that

tragedy does to thirteen-year-old Frank Drum, his

family, and ultimately the fabric of the small town in

which he lives. Told from Frank’s perspective forty

years after that fateful summer, Ordinary Grace is a

moving account of a boy standing at the door of

manhood trying to understand a world that seems to

be falling apart around him. It is an unforgettable

novel about discovering the terrible price of wisdom

and the enduring grace of God.

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Witness and Service is offering a community service opportunity for our congregation the last Monday and Tuesday of each month.

Join us as we serve lunch at the Salvation Army from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Food is prepared by their chef, and volunteers serve the meal at the table. No experience is needed. This is an opportunity to break bread together with our neighbors.

If you have never volunteered at the Salvation Army, please fill out their volunteer application form (in the Forms Box by the church office) and bring it with you. You can also sign up on our website under Sign Up & Forms., Adults.

Please see Kelly Frontroth or Erin Morgan if you have questions.


Canned Fruit; Fruit in Cups/Jars

You may drop your ACTS food donations in either

the basket in the narthex by the church entrance or

the basket across from the church office. Monetary

donations may be made by placing a check made

out to SAPC in the offering plate on Sundays and

noting 'ACTS' on the check’s memo line. Thanks

for sharing with others!

October Collection: Jelly/Jam

New Secret Santa Initiative

Secret Santa will be adding something new to its Christmas

collection this year - personal grooming items for the children.

We know it’s a little early to think about Christmas, but collection

boxes have already been placed in the narthex, back hallway of

the church and at the office door for donations. So, as you shop in

the coming months, consider picking up some of the items on the

list below. Simply bring them to church and place them in a box.

The Secret Santa team will take it from there!

a) Toothpaste (3-4 oz)

b) Toothbrush

c) Shampoo (around 13 oz - 17 oz)

d) Body Wash (around 13 oz - 17 oz)

e) Socks (all sizes)

Please place any liquid items that may leak in Ziplock bags.

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Christopher Crotwell, Pastor : ext. 104

Erin Morgan, Assoc. Pastor for Youth/Outreach: ext. 106

Allison Kelly, Dir . of Children & Families: ext. 105

Phillip Hare, Director of Music

Scott Chappell, Pianist/Accompanist

Tracie Bryant, Financial Manager : ext. 103

Denise Underwood, Secretary: ext. 100

Michelle Lorio, Kindergar ten Director : 648-9895 ext. 107

Cissy Kelley, Assistant Kindergar ten Dir ./ Childcare Coordinator 648-9895 ext.110, Cell (803) 270-5808


Worship Service: (8:45) - 72

(11:00) - 122


Flowers: Given by Joyce Culp

Pulpit Assistant: Rev. Er in Morgan

Sound System: (8:45) Dale Stephens (11:00) Alan Riechman

Ushers: (8:45) George Adams (H), Andy Goslen (A), Kathy Adams, Kathy Dolin

(11:00) Dale Stephens (H), Vickie Schmidt (A), George Schmidt, Scott Reboul


Flowers: In loving memory of my mother-in-law, Ruth Summers. Given by Jenny Summers

Pulpit Assistant: John Kelly

Sound System: (8:45) Robert Glance (11:00) Phil Lockard

Ushers: (8:45) Br ian Marra (H), Dale Stephens (A), J im Marra, Betty Busch

(11:00) Dale Stephens (H), Marie Toro Lara (A), Will Erwin, Shannon Erwin

(H) Head (A) Assistant


Church Office: 803-648-9574

Fax: 803-648-7972

Web Site: www.southaiken.org

Email: [email protected]

Follow SAPC activities on Facebook.