South African students in the 21 st Century: towards a holistic understanding of the First Year Experience Presentation by André van Zyl First Year Experience coordinator

South African students in the 21 st Century : towards a holistic understanding of the First Year Experience Presentation by André van Zyl First Year Experience

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Page 1: South African students in the 21 st Century : towards a holistic understanding of the First Year Experience Presentation by André van Zyl First Year Experience

South African students in the 21st Century: towards a holistic understanding of the First

Year Experience

 Presentation by André van Zyl

First Year Experience coordinator

Page 2: South African students in the 21 st Century : towards a holistic understanding of the First Year Experience Presentation by André van Zyl First Year Experience

Who are our students?

diverse excited expectant

proud hopeful confident

unrealistic anxious

community hope 1st generation

anxious high achievers

FYE Seminar 20/10/09

Page 3: South African students in the 21 st Century : towards a holistic understanding of the First Year Experience Presentation by André van Zyl First Year Experience

And what do they find?

information overload

strange languages

sharp responses new friends

friendly faces crowds

institutional silence

unfamiliarity scary staff

difficult accents

incomprehensible texts

FYE Seminar

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Many go from this . . .

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Page 6: South African students in the 21 st Century : towards a holistic understanding of the First Year Experience Presentation by André van Zyl First Year Experience

Some stark facts

•We are working with the top 10% of our country’s young people

•Less than 50% of SA students achieve a qualification after 5 years

•Up to 30% of students drop out in their first year of study

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What is the FYE?

…a holistic programme which encompasses all aspects of first year student experience in the context of an invitational and equitable institution. It comprises both curricular and extra-curricular initiatives, and is far more than a single event, programme or course. It attempts to establish an ethos and a way of life, through which all first year students will experience the transition into university life

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FYE initiatives for 2010

•Placement testing•Orientation•Extended orientation•Tracking students•Tutors•Co-curricular activities•Residences as centres of academic excellence

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Who are our students

• In groups of three to four, describe a typical UJ student


•School background

•Home background

•SES background


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Some pre-entry attributes…Age cat

251 13.9 13.9 13.9

864 47.7 47.8 61.7

433 23.9 24.0 85.7

138 7.6 7.6 93.4

58 3.2 3.2 96.6

16 .9 .9 97.5

46 2.5 2.5 100.0

1806 99.8 100.0

4 .2

1810 100.0

a. Younger than 18

b. 18

c. 19

d. 20

e. 21

f. 22

g. 23 or older





Frequency Percent Valid PercentCumulative


Page 11: South African students in the 21 st Century : towards a holistic understanding of the First Year Experience Presentation by André van Zyl First Year Experience


431 23.8 23.9 23.9

1376 76.0 76.1 100.0

1807 99.8 100.0

3 .2

1810 100.0







Frequency Percent Valid PercentCumulative


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Do you worry that a lack of money will force you to abandon your studies?

702 38.8 39.0 39.0

1100 60.8 61.0 100.0

1802 99.6 100.0

8 .4

1810 100.0

a. Yes

b. No





Frequency Percent Valid PercentCumulative


Page 13: South African students in the 21 st Century : towards a holistic understanding of the First Year Experience Presentation by André van Zyl First Year Experience

How will your studies be financed during 2007?

734 40.6 57.4 57.4

297 16.4 23.2 80.6

51 2.8 4.0 84.6

20 1.1 1.6 86.2

159 8.8 12.4 98.6

18 1.0 1.4 100.0

1279 70.7 100.0

531 29.3

1810 100.0

a. My parents/family willpay for my studies

c. A loan (Bank, TEFSAetc.)

d. I have a bursary

e. I will work to pay formy own studies

f. A combination of theanswers given above

b. My parents/family willpay for a part and for therest I will borrow money





Frequency Percent Valid PercentCumulative


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First Generation StatusWhich statement best describes you?

666 36.8 37.1 37.1

246 13.6 13.7 50.8

98 5.4 5.5 56.2

334 18.5 18.6 74.8

453 25.0 25.2 100.0

1797 99.3 100.0

13 .7

1810 100.0

a. I am the firstmember of my familyto attend university

b. One of my parentsattended university

c. Both my parentsattended university

d. One or more of mybrothers and sistersattended university

e. Many members ofmy family (includingmy parents) haveattended university





Frequency Percent Valid PercentCumulative


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Family HE historyQualification of parent with highest academic qualification

235 13.0 18.4 18.4

248 13.7 19.5 37.9

205 11.3 16.1 54.0

254 14.0 19.9 73.9

332 18.3 26.1 100.0

1274 70.4 100.0

536 29.6

1810 100.0

a. Some schooling but didnot finich matric

b. Completed matric(Grade 12) successfully

c. Less than three yearsstudies after matric

d. Three years of studiesafter matric (i.e. B-degreeor diploma etc.)

e. More than three yearsstudies after matric





Frequency Percent Valid PercentCumulative


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Grade 12 performance

I think making friends at UJ will be...

99 5.5 5.5 5.5

418 23.1 23.2 28.7

870 48.1 48.3 77.0

414 22.9 23.0 100.0

1801 99.5 100.0

9 .5

1810 100.0

a. Very tough

b. Somewhat difficult

c. Relatively easy

d. Very easy





Frequency Percent Valid PercentCumulative


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166 9.2 13.2 13.2

1091 60.3 86.8 100.0

1257 69.4 100.0

553 30.6

1810 100.0

Mathematics HG






Frequency Percent Valid PercentCumulative


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How would you describe the role of your family in your academic career?

1375 76.0 76.3 76.3

10 .6 .6 76.8

11 .6 .6 77.4

185 10.2 10.3 87.7

222 12.3 12.3 100.0

1803 99.6 100.0

7 .4

1810 100.0

a. They are verysupportive and helpful

b. They don't care whathappens with my studies

c. The put pressure onme to be here

d. The put pressure onme to perform well

e. They show someinterest but are not veryinvolved





Frequency Percent Valid PercentCumulative


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Have you considered enrolling for a different study programme?

1045 57.7 58.1 58.1

542 29.9 30.1 88.3

211 11.7 11.7 100.0

1798 99.3 100.0

12 .7

1810 100.0

a. No

b. Yes, but I did notchange it

c. Yes, and I changedit to something else





Frequency Percent Valid PercentCumulative


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Commuting studentsHow far away from campus do you plan to live during your studies?

254 14.0 14.1 14.1

337 18.6 18.8 32.9

341 18.8 19.0 51.9

646 35.7 35.9 87.8

219 12.1 12.2 100.0

1797 99.3 100.0

13 .7

1810 100.0

a. On campus

b. Within easy walkingdistance from campus

c. Less than 20 minutesby car or bus away fromcampus

d. Between 20 minutesand 1 hour per car orbus away from campus

e. More than 1 hour percar or bus away fromcampus





Frequency Percent Valid PercentCumulative


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Previous study habitsHow many hours per week did you spend on homework and studying?

215 11.9 16.8 16.8

413 22.8 32.4 49.2

331 18.3 25.9 75.2

214 11.8 16.8 91.9

103 5.7 8.1 100.0

1276 70.5 100.0

534 29.5

1810 100.0

a. Less than 5hours per week

b. Between 5 and10 hours per week

c. Between 10 and15 hours per week

d. Between 15 and20 hours per week

e. More than 20hours per week





Frequency Percent Valid PercentCumulative


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How many hours per week do you plan to study during this year (2007)?

130 7.2 7.2 7.2

376 20.8 20.9 28.1

664 36.7 36.8 64.9

495 27.3 27.5 92.3

138 7.6 7.7 100.0

1803 99.6 100.0

7 .4

1810 100.0

a. Less than 10 - 2hours or less per day

b. Between 10 and 15 -up to 2.5 hours per day

c. Between 15 and 25 -2.5-4 hours per day

d. Between 25 and 35 -4-6 hours per day

e. More than 35 - 7hours or more per day





Frequency Percent Valid PercentCumulative


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Which of the following reasons would best describe why you are studying for a degree?

581 32.1 32.2 32.2

30 1.7 1.7 33.9

13 .7 .7 34.6

8 .4 .4 35.1

860 47.5 47.7 82.8

46 2.5 2.6 85.3

2 .1 .1 85.4

263 14.5 14.6 100.0

1803 99.6 100.0

7 .4

1810 100.0

a. Because I really want to

b. Because I don't knowwhat else to do next

c. Because my parents orfamily want me to

d. Because I don't want tostart working yet

e. To improve my futurejob opportunities

h. Other reasons

f. To get away from home

g. To learn about thingsthat really interest me





Frequency Percent Valid PercentCumulative


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English rating

English is:

791 43.7 43.8 43.8

948 52.4 52.5 96.3

54 3.0 3.0 99.3

12 .7 .7 100.0

1805 99.7 100.0

5 .3

1810 100.0

a. My first language

b. My second language

c. My third language

d. My fourth or furtherlanguage





Frequency Percent Valid PercentCumulative


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Understanding our students

• Is it important?

•Who are they?

•The concepts of cultural capital and habitus

•The role of the FYE

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Questions and/or comments

•X 3285

[email protected]