South Africa Taekwon-Do Federation Colour Belt Grading

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  • 8/14/2019 South Africa Taekwon-Do Federation Colour Belt Grading


    South Africa Taekwon-Do FederationColour belt grading syllabus


    Authored by the Technical Directorate

  • 8/14/2019 South Africa Taekwon-Do Federation Colour Belt Grading



    Patterns: 4 Directional Punch (Saju Jirugi)4 Directional Block (Saju Makgi)

    Stances: Attention ready stance (Charyot junbi sogi)Walking ready stance (Gunnun junbi sogi)Sitting ready stance (Annun junbi sogi)Sparring stance (Matsogi junbi sogi)

    (Student must demonstrate basic sparring stance)

    Hand Techniques: Parallel stance middle front punch (Spot technique)(Narani so kaunde ap jirugi)

    Walking stance middle front punch (Forward and backward)(Gunnun so kaunde ap jirugi)

    Walking stance low outer forearm block (Demo left, then right)(Gunnun so najunde bakat palmok makgi)Walking stance middle inner forearm block (Forward and back)(Gunnun so kaunde an palmok makgi)

    Walking stance low knife-hand block. (Forward and back)(Gunnun so najunde sonkal makgi)

    Sitting stance middle front punch (Spot technique)(Annun so kaunde ap jirugi)

    Foot Techniques: Front rising kick, from walking stance double forearm side block(Ap cha olligi, gunnun so doo palmok yop makgi)Side rising kick, from sitting stance double forearm side block(Yop cha olligi, annun so doo palmok yop makgi)

    (Both foot techniques are to test/promote flexibility; leg must be straight with toes back)

    Sparring: Foot work basic steps only: eg. Steps 1 to 3 (Forward only & hands must be up)


    (correct form and technique must be shown)

    Self Defence: Single handed wrist grab,Single handed Lapel grab

    Single handed belt grab

    Theory: Who was the Founder of Taekwon-Do?Gen. Choi Hong Hi

    What rank did the Founder hold?9

    thDegree Black belt

    What does the name Taekwon-Do mean?Tae= Foot fighting, kwon= Fist fighting, Do= The Art or Way

    What does white signify?White signifies innocence as that of the beginner has no previous knowledge of Taekwon Do.

    Locate the following muscle groups:Abdominals, quadriceps, pectorals

    Locate three vital spots.

    Squats 1 20

    Crunches 1 20

    push ups 1 15

  • 8/14/2019 South Africa Taekwon-Do Federation Colour Belt Grading



    Patterns: 4 Directional Punch (Saju Jirugi)

    4 Directional Block (Saju Makgi)Chon-Ji

    Students must understand sine wave

    Stances: L- ready stance and sparring stance, (Both sides)(Niunja junbi sogi & matsogi)

    Hand Techniques: L-stance inner forearm middle block(Niunja so an palmok makgi)

    Walking stance middle front punch, rotating 180 intoWalking stance low outer forearm block.(Gunnun so kaunde ap jirugi, gunnun so najunde bakat palmok makgi)

    Walking stance middle front punch, rotating 180 intoL-stance middle inner forearm block.(Gunnun so kaunde ap jirugi, niunja so kaunde an palmok makgi)

    (Both are spot techniques, student must show correct pivoting motion)

    Foot Techniques: Low front snap kick, from walking ready stance. (Forwards and backwards eg Step 3)(Najunde apcha busigi)Middle Side piercing kick from sitting stance. (Forward & backwards eg Step 3 off the back leg)(Kaunde yopcha jirugi)

    Middle Turning kick, from L-stance forearm guarding block. (Must turn 180 eg step3)(Kaunde dollyo chagi)

    Measuring: Walking stance reverse and obverse front punch, from Junbi sogi(Gunnun so bandae & baro ap jirugi)

    Low front snap kick, from walking stance double forearm side Block(Najunde ap cha busigi, gunnun so doo palmok yop makgi)

    Middle turning kick, from L-stance forearm guarding block(Kaunde dollyo chagi, niunja so palmok daebi makgi)

    Sparring: Foot work: eg Steps 1 to 4. (Forward only)Sparring stance including jab and cross combination (demonstrated)


    Self Defence: Double handed wrist grabDouble handed lapel grabDouble handed belt grabRelease from collar being grabbed from behind

    Spot lunge 1 leg at a time 1 15

    sit-ups 1 25Knuckle pushups for male, female normal 1 20

  • 8/14/2019 South Africa Taekwon-Do Federation Colour Belt Grading


    Theory What 4 titles did the founder of Taekwon-Do have?He was the Founder of Taekwon-doHe was a General (a rank he achieved in the South Korean Army)

    He was the Author of the Encyclopaedia of Taekwon-Do (15 volumes)He was a Grand Master (9

    thDegree Black Belt)

    He was the President of the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF).

    Where and when was the founder of Taekwon-Do born?Hwa Dae, North Korea 9 November 1918.

    Where are the Head Quarters of the I.T.F.?Vienna, Austria

    What is the significance in the way that Taekwon-Do is written on the back of a Do-bok?It represents the Evergreen Tree in that the tree never sheds its leaves and always shows itstrue colours. In the same manner the student of Taekwon-do is expected to aspire always to beat his / her best.

    What is the full interpretation of Chon-Ji?Chon-ji means literally "the Heaven, the Earth". It is, in the Orient, interpreted as

    the creation of the world or the beginning of human history, therefore, it is the initial patternplayed by the beginner. This pattern consists of two similar parts, one to represent the Heavenand the other the Earth.Movements:19

    What does the colour yellow signify?Yellow signifies Earth, from which a plant sprouts and takes root as theTaekwon-Do foundation is being laid.

    Student must locate the following muscle groups:Hamstrings, hip flexors, hip extensors or gluteus

    What is the centre point for attack in all three sections, high, middle, low?High: Philtrum, Middle: Solar plexus, Low: Abdomen

    What is sine wave? (Basic explanation)What is a vital point?

    In Taekwon-Do it is defined as any sensitive or breakable area on the body vulnerable to anattack. They can be divided into 2 groups:Major points: Injury of these can lead to death or permanent damage.Minor: Injury to these is not life threatening but will cause pain and temporary disability

  • 8/14/2019 South Africa Taekwon-Do Federation Colour Belt Grading



    Patterns: 4 Directional Punch (Saju Jirugi)4 Directional Block (Saju Makgi)

    Chon-JiDan Gun

    All patterns must include correct sine wave by this point

    Stances: Sparring stance, (Matsogi)both sides

    Hand Techniques: L-stance twin forearm block(Niunja so sang palmok makgi)

    L-stance middle knife-hand guarding block(Niunja so kaunde sonkal daebi makgi)

    Walking stance high front punch(Gunnun so nopunde ap jirugi)

    Walking stance low outer forearm block, walking stance rising block(Gunnun so najunde bakat palmok makgi, gunnun so chookyo makgi)

    Perform both techniques above in continuous motion

    Foot Techniques: Stepping low front snap kick (Must be performed forward and backward)(Duro gamyo najunde apcha busigi)Stepping middle turning kick (Must be performed forward and back ward to show step 2)(Duro gamyo kaunde dollyo chagi)Middle side piercing kick (Must be performed forward and back ward to show step 2)(Kaunde yop cha jirugi)

    Both stepping techniques must not be skipped

    Measuring: Stepping middle front snap kick. (Duro gamyo kaunde apcha busigi)Stepping middle turning kick (Duro gamyo kaunde dollyo chagi)Middle side piercing kick (Kaunde yop cha jirugi)

    All kicksmust be done with stepping motions only

    Sparring: Foot work: Steps 1 to 4. Forward and backward with combos(Side, front, turning kicks and hands, jabs, cross punches etc)

    3-step sparring (set) Correct measuring and distance must be shown

    Attack: Walking stance middle front punch (X 3) (Gunnun so kaunde ap jirugi)Defence: Walking stance middle inner forearm block (Gunnun so kaunde an palmok makgi)

    Followed byCounter: Middle reverse front punch

    (Kaunde bandae ap jirugi)

    Attack: Walking stance middle punch (X 3) (Gunnun so kaunde jirugi)Defence: L-stance forearm guarding block (Niunja so palmok daebi makgi)

    Followed by

    Counter: Low front snap landing into, L-stance forearm guarding block(Najunde ap cha busigi, niunja so palmok daebi makgi)

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    Attack: L-stance knife hand side strike (X 3) (Niunja so sonkal yop taerigi)Defence: L-stance knife hand guarding block (Niunja so sonkal daebi makgi)

    Followed byCounter: Middle side piercing kick off the front leg landing into,

    L-stance high knife hand guarding block(Kaunde yop cha jirugi, niunja so nopunde sonkal taerigi)

    Attack: Walking stance low front snap kick (X 3) (Gunnun so najunde apcha busigi)Defence: Walking stance low outer forearm block (Gunnun so najunde bakat palmok makgi)

    Followed by

    Counter: High reverse front punch, stepping onto 45 degree with left leg, executing turning kick tothe middle section landing into, left L-stance high knife hand side strike.(Nopunde bandae ap jirugi, Kaunde dollyo chagi, Niunja sogi nopunde sonkal yop taerigi)

    Free sparring (Jayu Matsogi)


    Self Defence: Release from straight strangle hold (one hand)Release from hair being grabbedDemonstrate how to grab a kick (turning kick)Demonstrate how to dive roll and break fall

    Theory: What is the Korean translation of the entire above hand/foot techniques?What is the interpretation of Dan-Gun?Dan Gun was named after the holy Dan-Gun, the legendary founder of Korea in the year 2,333BCMovements: 21.

    What does the colour green signify?Green signifies the plant's growth as the Taekwon-Do skills begin to develop.

    Which animal is symbolic in Taekwon-Do and why?The turtle (Afrikaans: seeskilpad) it has for centuries been the symbol of longevity in the orient.Taekwon-Do is symbolised by this long life quality of the turtle.

    Which date was Taekwon-Do officially recognised as a Martial Art by the South KoreanGovernment?11 April 1955.

    Count from 1- 10 in KoreanHanna, Dool, Set, Net, Tassot, Yassot, Ilgop, Yaudal, Ahop, Yual

    Explain how points are awarded in sparring

    Standing punch to face or body = 1 point.Jumping punch to face = 2 points.Jumping punch to body = 1 point.Standing kick to body = 1 point.Standing kick to face = 2 points.Jumping kick to body = 2 points.Jumping kick to face = 3 point.

    Jump squats 1 10Russian twists (partner work) 1 25

    Jump push ups 1 8

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    List any 3 warnings and any 3 fouls in sparringWarnings (three warnings is a foul - i.e. minus one point; minus 3 points is a disqualification)

    1. Attacking to the back of the opponent (which includes the back of the head).2. Attacking below the belt.

    3. Falling or touching the floor with anything but your feet.4. Talking / shouting / etc with or at the opponent.5. Turning your back on the attacker.6. Stepping out of the ring (which happens to be square!).7. Grabbing or holding on.8. Pushing.

    Fouls (one foul is minus1 point)1. Talking to / shouting at the referee.2. Using excessive force in any attack technique (not for defensive techniques).3. Using knee as attacking tool.4. Using elbow as attacking tool.5. Using head as attacking tool.6. Uncontrolled back-fist.7. Attacking a falling or downed opponent.8. Attacking illegal target areas, such as throat etc

    List any 3 rules of the do jang (except rule no. 9)Rule 1 Never be late for class. To be late shows disrespect for your fellow students, your

    instructor and the art.Rule 2 Upon entering and leaving the do jang, bow at the entrance to show your respect for the

    place of training. Also make sure to bow to the instructor and all black belt members as asign of greeting and respect.

    Rule 3 Do not hang around or play around in the do jang. If you have to talk, let it be Taekwon-Do. If you are early, which is preferable, start warming up or practice your patterns.

    Rule 4 Sign the attendance register before you leave the do jang. This will be used to assessyour interest to train.

    Rule 5 Do not eat, drink or smoke in the do jang. Do not wear any jewellery (of any kind) while

    training - it can cause injury to other students.Rule 6 Ensure that your dobok is clean and neat at all times and your belt tied correctly - this

    shows your pride in the art.Rule 7 Never be disrespectful to your instructor during class. If you disagree with the use of a

    technique, discuss it after the class in private. Never speak to your instructor on first namebasis while you are in dobok. He / she must always be addressed as "Boosabum

    i" (1


    degree to 3rd

    degree) or Sabum (4th

    degree to 6th


    Rule 8 The most senior member present will commence training promptly until the instructorarrives.

    Rule 9 Know the 9 rules of your do jang.

    List any 3 training secrets of Taekwon-Do1. To study the Theory of Power thoroughly.2. To understand the purpose and meaning of each movement clearly.

    3. To bring the movement of eyes, hands, feet and breath into single coordinated action.4. To choose the appropriate attacking tool for each vital spot.5. To become familiar with the correct angle and distance for attack and defence.6. Keep both the arms and legs bent slightly while the movement is in motion.7. All movements must begin with a backward motion with very few exceptions. However, once

    the movement is in motion, it should not be stopped until it reaches the target.8. To create a sine wave during the movement by utilising the knee spring properly.9. To exhale briefly at the moment of impact, except a connecting motion

    Define continuous motion?Two movements, 2 sine waves, 1 continuous breathe with peaks on each move

    Locate 3 vital points in the middle section.Locate the following groups of muscles: The lat, triceps, biceps, deltoids

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    Patterns: Any previous patternsDo-san

    All patterns must include correct sine wave by this point

    Stances: Any Previous stances

    Hand Techniques: Walking stance high outer forearm block, followed by Walking stance reverse middlefront punch(Gunnun so nopunde bakat palmok makgi, gunnun so bandae kaunde ap jirugi)Walking stance reverse middle front punch(Gunnun so bandae kaunde ap jirugi)Walking stance straight finger tip thrust(Gunnun so sun sonkut tulgi)

    Walking stance back fist high side strike(Gunnun so dung joomuk nopunde yop taerigi)

    Walking stance back fist high side strike with 360 degree turn (Step 4)(Gunnun so dung joomuk nopunde yop taerigi)

    Walking stance high outer forearm wedging blocks(Gunnun so nopunde bakat palmok hechyo makgi)

    Sitting stance knife hand side strike.(Annun so sonkal yop taerigi)

    Foot Techniques: Pick shape kick(Gokaeng-I chagi)To also show flexibilitySkipping side piercing kick from sitting stance double side block(Duro gamyo yop cha jirugi, annun so doo palmok yop makgi)

    (Students must now show correct skipping motion both forward and backward)

    Measuring: Skipping side piercing kick(Duro gamyo yop cha jirugi)Knife hand strike from either L stance or sitting stance(Sonkal taerigi, niunja sogi or annun Sogi)

    Sparring: 3-step sparring (Sambo matsogi) (Optional technique)Foot work: Steps 1 to 5. Forward and backward with combos(foot: side, front, turning, downward kicks and hands: jab, cross punches)

    Free sparring (Jayu Matsogi)Showing footwork


    Self Defence: Release from straight strangle hold (two hands)

    Release from hair being grabbed from rearDemonstrate how to grab a kick (turning kick)Demonstrate how to dive roll and break fall

    Jump squats 1 15

    V sit ups, Jack knives 1 15Jump push ups 1 10

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    Theory: Korean translation of the entire above hand/foot techs

    What is the interpretation of Do-San?Do-San is the pseudonym of the patriot Ahn

    2Chang-Ho (1876 - 1938). The 24 movements

    represent his entire life which he devoted to furthering the education of Korea and itsindependence movement.

    Movements: 24What does the colour green signify?Green signifies the plant's growth as the Taekwon-Do skills begin to develop.

    Recite the Taekwon-Do OathI shall observe the tenets of Taekwon-Do.I shall respect my instructors and seniors.I shall never misuse Taekwon-Do.I shall be a champion of freedom and justice.I shall build a more peaceful world.

    Recite the Tenets of Taekwon-DoCourtesyIntegrityPerseverance

    Self-controlIndomitable spirit.

    List any 4 warnings and any 4 fouls in sparring.Please refer to 8

    thGup syllabus

    List any 4 rules of the Dojang (except rule no. 9)Please refer to 8

    thGup syllabus

    Locate 3 vital points on the head, 3 on the body.Define fast motion.What is the difference between a punch, strike and a thrust?A punch is used primarily to cause an internal haemorrhage rather than surface damage.A strike is used to destroy or break bone or muscle tissue.A thrust is used to cut through the vital spot with the least twist of the attacking tool

    Show correct method of stepping in moves 2-3 of Do-San while explaining.

    Discuss the importance of 3-step sparring

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    Patterns: Any previous patternsWon Hyo

    All patterns must include correct sine wave by this point

    Stances: Closed ready stance type A (Moa sogi A)Fixed stance (Gojung sogi)Bending ready stance A for side piercing kick(Goburyo sogi A, kaunde yop cha jirugi)

    Hand Techniques: L-stance knife hand high inward strike(Niunja so sonkal nopunde anuro taerigi)

    Fixed stance middle punch(Gojung so kaunde jirugi)

    Walking stance inner forearm circular block

    (Gunnun so, an palmok dollimyo makgi)

    Foot Techniques: Middle back piercing kick from walking ready stance ( No turn on spot)(Kaunde dwitcha jirugi)

    Flying/Jumping high kick(Twimyo nopunde chagi)Consecutive kicks (Only front, side, turning kicks)(Yonsok chagi)

    Sparring: 3-step sparring (Sambo matsogi) Optional technique2-step sparring (Ibo matsogi) Showingfundamentals of previous and current TulsFree sparring (Jayu matsogi)

    Measuring: Back piercing kick(Dwicha jirugi) No turnL-stance Knife hand high inward strike(Niunja so sonkal nopunde anuro taerigi)

    Breaking: Low front snap kick(Najunde apcha busigi)Middle turning Kick(Kaunde dollyo chagi)

    Reverse / obverse front punch(Kaunde bandae / baro ap jirugi)

    Back fist strike(Dung joomuk taerigi)

    Conditioning: Demonstrate splits Front, side and back

    Self Defence: Release/avoid a tackle to the legs/waistRelease/avoid a shooter to the legs/waistDemonstrate how to grab a kick (front kick)Avoid a push or pull

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    Theory: Korean translation of all the above hand/foot techs

    What is the interpretation of Won-Hyo?Won-Hyo was the noted monk who introduced Buddhism to the Silla Dynasty in 686 AD.Movements: 28

    What does the colour blue signify?

    Signifies the Heaven towards which the plant matures into a towering tree as training in Taekwon-Do progresses.

    Korean translation of the Tenets of Taekwon-DoCourtesy - Ye UiIntegrity - Yom ChiPerseverance - In NaeSelf-control - Guk GiIndomitable spirit - Baekjul Boolgool.

    When and where was the ITF originally formed?22 March 1966 in Seoul, South Korea.

    List any 5 warnings and any 5 fouls in sparringPlease refer to 8

    thGup syllabus

    Discuss the technical importance of 3-step sparring

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    Patterns: Any previous patternsYul GokAll patterns must include correct sine wave by this point

    Stances: X-Stance (Kyocha so)

    Hand Techniques: Sitting stance middle punch(Annun so kaunde jirugi)Walking stance obverse palm hooking block(Gunnun so, baro sonbadak golcha makgi)

    Walking stance reverse palm hooking block followed by middle front punch(Gunnun sobandae sonbadak golcha makgi) (Display correct connecting motion)Walking stance front elbow strike(Gunnun so ap palkup taerigi)L-stance twin knife hand block

    (Niunja so sang sonkal makgi)X-stance back fist high side strike(Kyocha dung joomuk nopunde yop taerigi)Walking stance double forearm high block(Gunnun so doo palmok nopunde makgi)

    Foot Techniques: Reverse turning kick(Bandae dollyo chagi)Middle, showing step 4, forward and backwardBack piercing kick with turn(Dwicha jirugi) forward and backward

    Jumping/flying front snap kick(Twimyo apcha busigi) with 180deg turn

    Consecutive kicks(Yonsok Chagi) Only front side turning kicks

    Sparring: 2-step sparringApplications of previous/current patternFree sparring(Jayu matsogi)

    Measuring: Middle reverse turning kick (Kaunde bandae dollyo chagi)Reverse front elbow strike (Bandae ap palkup taerigi)Middle downward kick (Kaunde naeryo chagi)

    Breaking: Middle side piercing kick (Kaunde yopcha jirugi)Reverse Front elbow strike (Bandae ap palkup taerigi)Middle back piercing kick (Kaunde dwitcha jirugi)

    Conditioning: To demonstrate any above stretch or strength exercise.

    Self Defence: Release from bear hug (rear)Release from bear hug (front)Release from rear choke hold

  • 8/14/2019 South Africa Taekwon-Do Federation Colour Belt Grading


    Theory: Korean translation of all the above hand/foot techniquesWhat is the interpretation of Yul-Gok?It is the pseudonym of the great philosopher and scholar Yi-l (1536-1584) nicknamed the

    "Confucius of Korea". The 38 movements of this pattern refer to his birthplace on 38 latitude andthe diagram represents "scholar".Movements:38

    What does the colour blue signify?Signifies the Heaven towards which the plant matures into a towering tree as training in Taekwon-Do progresses.

    List any 6 warnings and any 6 fouls in sparringPlease refer to 8

    thGup syllabus

    What is the meaning of continuous, connecting and fast motion?Give an example for each.

    How do you treat an injury?Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation

    What are the 5 categories that competition patterns are based on, what are the points?

    Technical content 10, Power 6, rhythmic movement 6, balance 6, breathe control 6What years did Gen Choi Hong Hi visit South Africa?1980 and 1995

    When and where was South Africas first Team sent to compete at an ITF event?1992 N. Korea, Pyongyang

    Discuss the technical importance of 3-step sparring and 2-step sparring


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    Patterns: Any previous patternsJoong Gun

    All patterns must include correct sine wave by this point

    Stances: Rear Foot stance (Dwitbal sogi)Low stance (Nachuo sogi)Close ready stance B (Moa junbi B)

    Hand Techniques: L-stance reverse knife hand outward block(Niunja so bandae sonkal bakuro makgi)

    Rear foot stance palm upward block(Dwitbal sogi sonbadak ollyo makgi)

    Walking stance upper elbow strike(Gunnun so wi palkup taerigi)

    Walking stance twin fist vertical punch

    (Gunnun so sang joomuk sewo jirugi)Walking stance twin upset punch(Gunnun so sang dwijibo jirugi)

    Walking stance X fist rising block(Gunnun so kyocha joomuk chookyo makgi)

    Low stance palm pressing block(Nachuo sogi sonbadak noollo makgi)

    Fixed stance U shape block Demo spot technique, left and right(Gojung so digutja makgi)

    Closed stance angle punch spot technique(Moa so giokja jirugi)

    Foot Techniques: Middle reverse hooking kick (middle, showing steps,4)(Kaunde bandae golcha chagi)Jumping/flying front snap kick(Twimyo apcha busigi)

    Consecutive kicks Only front, side, turning kicks(Yonsok Chagi)

    Sparring: 1-step sparring Front punch only, must show application of previous pattern(Ilbo matsogi)

    2-step sparring (Ibo matsogi)Free sparring (Jayu matsogi)

    Measuring: Middle reverse hooking kick (Kaunde bandae goro chagi)

    Upward elbow strike (Wi palkup taerigi)Pick shape kick (Gokaeng-I chagi)

    Breaking: Middle reverse turning kick (Kaunde bandae dollyo chagi)Reverse knife hand strike (Sonkal dung taerigi)Middle back piercing kick (Kaunde dwitcha jirugi)

    Conditioning: Any stretch and strength exercise for a new student

    Self Defence: Release from strangle hold while bent over.Release from foot being grabbedRelease from double opponent wrist grab

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    Theory: Korean translation of all the above hand/foot techniques

    What is the interpretation of Joong-Gun?Joong-Gun is named after the patriot Ahn

    3Joong-Gun who assassinated Hiro-Bumi Ito, the first

    Japanese governor-general of Korea, known as the man who played the leading part in theKorea-Japan merger. There are 32 movements in this pattern to represent Mr. Ahn's age when he

    was executed at Lui-Shung prison (1910).Movements: 32

    What does the colour red signify?Red signifies danger, cautioning the student to exercise control and warning the opponent to stayaway.

    List any 7 warnings and any 7 fouls in sparringPlease refer to 8

    thGup syllabus

    List any 7 rules of the do jang (except rule no. 9)Please refer to 8

    thGup syllabus

    List any 7 training secrets of Taekwon-DoTo study the Theory of Power thoroughly.To understand the purpose and meaning of each movement clearly.To bring the movement of eyes, hands, feet and breath into a single coordinated action.

    To choose the appropriate attacking tool for each vital spot.To become familiar with the correct angle and distance for attack and defence.Keep both the arms and legs bent slightly while the movement is in motion.All movements must begin with a backward motion with very few exceptions. However, once themovement is in motion, it should not be stopped until it reaches the target.To create a sine wave during the movement by utilising the knee spring properly.To exhale briefly at the moment of impact, except a connecting motion.

    What is the meaning of continuous, connecting, slow and fast motion?Give an example.Discuss the composition of Taekwon-Do and explain?Fundamentals=individual soldiers basic trainingDallyon=maintenance of equipmentPatterns=Platoon tactics

    Sparring= field exercises in simulated combat conditionsSelf-defence=Actual combat

    Name the following body parts in Korean:Forefist: Ap joomokBackfist: Dung joomokSidefist Yop JoomokKnifehand: SonkalFingertip: SonkatBall of foot: ApkumchiFoot sword: BalkalBackheel: DwichookInstep: Baldung

    Backsole: Dwit Kumchi

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    Patterns: Any previous patternsToi GyeAll patterns must include correct sine wave by this point

    Stances: Close ready stance B (Moa junbi sogi B)

    Hand Techniques: Walking stance upset fingertip low thrust(Gunnun so dwijibo sonkut najunde tulgi)Close stance back fist high side strike, Spot technique(Moa sogi dung joomuk nopunde yop taerigi)

    Close stance double elbow side strike, spot technique(Moa sogi doo palkup yop taerigi)

    Walking stance X-fist pressing block(Gunnun so Kyocha noollo makgi)

    Sitting stance outer forearm W-shape block

    (Annun so bakat palmok san makgi)Walking stance flat fingertip high thrust(Gunnun so opun sonkut nopunde tulgi)

    L-stance double forearm low pushing block(Niunja doo palmok najunde miro makgi)

    L-stance back fist high strike(Niunja dung joomuk nopunde taerigi)

    X stance X fist pressing block from L stance guarding block(Kyocha so kyocha joomuk noollo makgi)

    L-stance knife hand low guarding block(Niunja sonkal najunde daebi makgi)

    Foot Techniques: Knee upward kick (Moorup noolyo chagi)Jumping/flying turning kick (Twimyo dollyo chagi)Jumping/flying side piercing kick (Twimyo yopcha jirugi)Consecutive kicks (Yonsok Chagi)

    Sparring: 1-step sparring (Ilbo matsogi) (Any hand technique, must show application of previous pattern)Free sparring (Jayu matsogi)2 on 1 sparring

    Measuring: High reverse turning kick (Nopunde bandae dollyo chagi)High reverse hooking kick (Nopunde bandae goro chagi)

    Breaking: Jumping front snap kick (Twimyo apcha busigi)Knee upward kick (Moorup chagi)Side piercing kick (Yopcha jirugi) Off the front legFront Punch (Ap jirugi)SuspendedKnife hand strike (Sonkal taerigi)SuspendedAny previous breaking technique

    Conditioning: Any stretch or strength exercise for new students

    Self Defence: Any previous techniqueExaminers discretion

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    Theory: Korean translation of all the above hand/foot techniques

    What is the interpretation of Toi-Gye?Toi-Gye is the pen name of the noted scholar Yi Hwang


    thcentury), an authority on neo-

    Confucianism. The 37 movements of the pattern refer to his birthplace on 37 latitude, thediagram (see below) represents scholar.

    Movements: 37What does the colour red signify?Red signifies danger, cautioning the student to exercise control and warning the opponent to stayaway.

    List all warnings and all fouls in sparringPlease refer to 8

    thGup syllabus

    List all the rules of the do jangPlease refer to 8

    thGup syllabus

    List all 9 training secrets of Taekwon-DoPlease refer to 4

    thGup syllabus

    What is the purpose of warming up and stretching?How long should a warm up last for?What stretches are important to Taekwon-Do? Why?

    5 points that make an ideal instructor.Strong moral and ethical standardClear outlook and philosophy in lifeResponsible attitude as an instructorScientific mind in matters with techniqueKnowledge of vital spots and the human anatomyUnshakable integrity in political and financial dealingsDedication to spread the art of Taekwon-Do throughout the worldOne who gains confidence from his seniors is trusted by his fellow instructors and is respected byhis juniors.Students own opinion on any sphere of Taekwon-Do.Student must have taken part in a National camp, seminar (technical or other)

  • 8/14/2019 South Africa Taekwon-Do Federation Colour Belt Grading


    Patterns: Any previous patternsHwa RangAll patterns must include correct sine wave by this point

    Stances: Close ready stance C (Moa junbi sogi C)Vertical stance (Soojik so)

    Hand Techniques: Sitting stance palm pushing block(Annun so sonbadak miro makgi)

    L-stance Upward punch(Niunja so ollyo jirugi)

    Vertical stance knife hand downward strike(Soojik so sonkal naeryo taerigi)

    L-stance obverse punch

    (Niunja baro jirugi)L-stance side elbow strike(Niunja yop palkup taerigi)

    Close stance inner forearm side front block. Spot technique(Moa so an palmok yop ap makgi)

    Foot Techniques: Jumping/flying back piercing kick (Twimyo dwitcha jirugi)Flying/jumping reverse turning kick (Twimyo bandae dollyo chagi)High reverse hooking kick (Nopunde bandae goro chagi)Consecutive technique (Yonsok chagi)Can include jumping/flying techniques

    Sparring: 1-step sparring (Ilbo matsogi) Optional hand techniques for attackFree sparring (Traditional and competition)2 on 1 sparring

    Measuring: Any previous techniqueL-stance obverse front punch (Niunja baro ap jirugi)Combo tech (No more than 3) Examiner dependant

    Breaking: Jumping turning kick (Twimyo dollyo chagi)Jumping Side kick (Twimyo yop chagi)Jumping back piercing kick (Twimyo dwitcha jirugi)Jumping reverse turning kick (Twimyo bandae dollyo chagi)Palm heel strike (Sonbadak taerigi)Downward Knife hand strike (Naeryo sonkal taerigi)Reverse Knife hand strike (Sonkal dung taerigi) SuspendedCombo tech (No more than 3)Any previous technique

    Amount of boards will depend on students age and gender

    Conditioning: Theory on any stretch or strength exercise (students own research)Anatomy questions

    Self Defence: Any previous techniqueExaminers discretion


  • 8/14/2019 South Africa Taekwon-Do Federation Colour Belt Grading


    Theory: Any of the previous grading questions.

    Korean translation of all the above hand/foot techniquesWhat is the interpretation of Hwa-Rang?Hwa-Rang is named after the Hwa-Rang youth group which originated in the Silla Dynasty in the

    early 7th

    century. The 29 movements refer to the 29th

    Infantry Division, where Taekwon-Dodeveloped into maturity.Movements: 29

    What does the colour black signify?Opposite to white, therefore, signifying the maturity and proficiency in Taekwon-Do. Also indicatesthe wearer's imperviousness to darkness and fear.

    List all warnings and all fouls in sparringPlease refer to 8

    thGup syllabus

    List all the rules of the do jangPlease refer to 8

    thGup syllabus

    List all 9 training secrets of Taekwon-DoPlease refer to 4

    thGup syllabus

    Any Taekwon-Do related question from previous grading tests.

    Student must have participated in a local/national tournament as either a competitor orcorner judge.Student must have participated in a national seminar, technical or other. DiscussAll points of an ideal instructor.