Sources of DNA Double-Strand Breaks and Models of Recombinational DNA Repair Anuja Mehta and James E. Haber Rosenstiel Basic Medical Sciences Research Center, MS029 Rosenstiel Center, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts 02454-9110 Correspondence: [email protected] DNA is subject to many endogenous and exogenous insults that impair DNA replication and properchromosome segregation. DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are one of the most toxic of these lesions and must be repaired to preserve chromosomal integrity. Eukaryotes are equipped with several different, but related, repair mechanisms involving homologous re- combination, including single-strand annealing, gene conversion, and break-induced rep- lication. In this review, we highlight the chief sources of DSBs and crucial requirements for each of these repair processes, as well as the methods to identify and study intermediate steps in DSB repair by homologous recombination. EXOGENOUS AND ENDOGENOUS SOURCES OF DNA DOUBLE-STRAND BREAKS D NA damage can occur as a result of en- dogenous metabolic reactions and replica- tion stress or from exogenous sources like radi- ation and chemotherapeutics. Damage comes in several different varieties: base lesions, intra- and interstrand cross-links, DNA-protein cross- links, and both single- and double-strand breaks (DSBs) (Lindahl 1993). Some types of damage, such as oxidative damage to DNA bas- es, arise, and are repaired, as often as 10 5 lesions per cell each day (Hoeijmakers 2009). Much less frequent are DNA DSBs, in which the phosphate backbones of the two complementary DNA strands are broken simultaneously, and these are one of the most cytotoxic forms of lesion. Some well-known exogenous DNA damag- ing agents (clastogens) are anticancer chemo- therapeutic drugs and ionizing radiation (IR). Chemotherapeutic drugs include DNA-alkyl- ating agents such as methyl methanosulfo- nate and temozolomide, cross-linking agents such as mitomycin C and cisplatin, and radio- mimetic compounds such as bleomycin or phleomycin (Chen and Stubbe 2005; Wyrobek et al. 2005). Another class are topoisomerase inhibitors such as camptothecin and etoposide, which induce the formation of single-strand breaks (SSBs) and DSBs, respectively, by trap- ping covalently linked topoisomerase-DNA cleavage complexes (Koster et al. 2007). Other drugs, such as hydroxyurea and aphidicolin, impair the progression of replication by deplet- ing deoxyribonucleotide pools or inhibiting DNA polymerase. Editors: Stephen Kowalczykowski, Neil Hunter, and Wolf-Dietrich Heyer Additional Perspectives on DNA Recombination available at www.cshperspectives.org Copyright # 2014 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a016428 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2014;6:a016428 1 on May 26, 2020 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ Downloaded from

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Sources of DNA Double-Strand Breaks andModels of Recombinational DNA Repair

Anuja Mehta and James E. Haber

Rosenstiel Basic Medical Sciences Research Center, MS029 Rosenstiel Center, Brandeis University,Waltham, Massachusetts 02454-9110

Correspondence: [email protected]

DNA is subject to many endogenous and exogenous insults that impair DNA replication andproper chromosome segregation. DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are one of the most toxicof these lesions and must be repaired to preserve chromosomal integrity. Eukaryotes areequipped with several different, but related, repair mechanisms involving homologous re-combination, including single-strand annealing, gene conversion, and break-induced rep-lication. In this review, we highlight the chief sources of DSBs and crucial requirementsfor each of these repair processes, as well as the methods to identify and study intermediatesteps in DSB repair by homologous recombination.


DNA damage can occur as a result of en-dogenous metabolic reactions and replica-

tion stress or from exogenous sources like radi-ation and chemotherapeutics. Damage comesin several different varieties: base lesions, intra-and interstrand cross-links, DNA-protein cross-links, and both single- and double-strandbreaks (DSBs) (Lindahl 1993). Some types ofdamage, such as oxidative damage to DNA bas-es, arise, and are repaired, as often as 105 lesionsper cell each day (Hoeijmakers 2009). Much lessfrequent are DNA DSBs, in which the phosphatebackbones of the two complementary DNAstrands are broken simultaneously, and theseare one of the most cytotoxic forms of lesion.

Some well-known exogenous DNA damag-ing agents (clastogens) are anticancer chemo-therapeutic drugs and ionizing radiation (IR).Chemotherapeutic drugs include DNA-alkyl-ating agents such as methyl methanosulfo-nate and temozolomide, cross-linking agentssuch as mitomycin C and cisplatin, and radio-mimetic compounds such as bleomycin orphleomycin (Chen and Stubbe 2005; Wyrobeket al. 2005). Another class are topoisomeraseinhibitors such as camptothecin and etoposide,which induce the formation of single-strandbreaks (SSBs) and DSBs, respectively, by trap-ping covalently linked topoisomerase-DNAcleavage complexes (Koster et al. 2007). Otherdrugs, such as hydroxyurea and aphidicolin,impair the progression of replication by deplet-ing deoxyribonucleotide pools or inhibitingDNA polymerase.

Editors: Stephen Kowalczykowski, Neil Hunter, and Wolf-Dietrich Heyer

Additional Perspectives on DNA Recombination available at www.cshperspectives.org

Copyright # 2014 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a016428

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Ionizing radiation leads to extensive basedamage and, additionally, creates DNA SSBsby producing radiolysis radicals that attackthe sugar-phosphate backbone (Ward 1994;Thompson 2012). Frequently, at high doses ofirradiation, two such nicks are present in com-plementary DNA strands within one helicalturn leading to DSBs (Milligan et al. 1995).There are about 10 SSBs for each DSB createdby IR (Ma et al. 2012). IR breakage frequentlyleaves “dirty ends,” consisting of phosphoglyco-lates and terminal nucleotides, that cannot beligated to “clean” ends consisting of a 50 phos-phate and 30-OH group, such as those created byendonucleases (Weinfeld and Soderlind 1991).

Even in the absence of exogenously inflictedstress during an unperturbed cell cycle, DNAis vulnerable to suffer damage during replica-tion, which, if unrepaired, can promote geno-mic instability. There are numerous naturalimpediments that lead to pausing or blockingof a replication fork, such as unusual DNA andchromatin structures or collisions with tran-scription machinery (Prado and Aguilera 2005;Aguilera and Gaillard 2014) or DNA-bindingproteins (Mirkin and Mirkin 2007; Merrikhet al. 2012). The types of damage producedby normal cellular processes are very similar tothose caused by some environmental agents (DeBont and van Larebeke 2004).

One way to estimate the frequency of spon-taneous DSBs is to count them in cells in whichDSB repair is prevented. In budding yeast, onecan examine the fate of a single G1 cell lackingthe RAD52 gene that is required for DSB repairby homologous recombination (HR). Approx-imately one cell in eight gives rise to a pair ofdaughter cells, one of which is inviable (J Haber,unpubl., cited in Coıc et al. 2008). This findingimplies that there is a DSB that arises duringDNA replication that would normally be re-paired by sister chromatid recombination in arecombination-proficient cell. Given a genomesize of �1.2 � 107 bp, this result, hence, sug-gests that there is about one spontaneous DSBper 108 bp. Another study estimates that, in nor-mal human cells, �1% of single-strand lesionsare converted to �50 DSBs per cell per cell cy-cle, that is, about one DSB per 108 bp (Vilen-

chik and Knudson 2003). In vertebrate cellssuch as chicken DT40, depleted for yet anotherkey recombination protein, Rad51, the estimat-ed rate of breakage is of the same magnitude(Sonoda et al. 2001).

An alternate way to count DSBs in a cell is tomonitor the formation of damage-induced foci,either by indirect immunofluorescent stain-ing or the use of fluorescent proteins fused toproteins that are recruited to the sites of DNAdamage as part of the DNA damage response.In vertebrate cells, phosphorylation of the mi-nor histone H2Avariant, H2AX, to produce so-called g-H2AX, is often used as an indicator ofthe incidence of DSBs; however, it is now be-coming evident that g-H2AX can be associatedwith DNA damage other than DSBs (Soutoglouand Misteli 2008; Lobrich et al. 2010; Valdigle-sias et al. 2013) and thus may overestimate theirincidence. Binding of other key DNA repair pro-teins, such as 53BP1, also serves as a surrogate formonitoring DSBs, as do the appearance of RPA(replication protein A) and Rad51 foci (Haafet al. 1995; Raderschall et al. 1999; Noon andGoodarzi 2011). In budding yeast, the most fre-quently used live-cell marker of DSB damage isthe recruitment of Rad52-YFP (or other colors)into damage-induced foci. The fact that evenmultiple DSBs result in a single Rad52 focushas been interpreted as evidence that DSBs ag-gregate into a repair center (Lisby et al. 2003);however, recent studies have suggested thatRad52-fluorescent protein fusion proteins havea remarkable ability to aggregate, so that theymark strongly only one of several independentDSBs (M Brown, I Fitzgerald, B Glick, and DBishop, unpubl.; C-S Lee and J Haber, unpubl.).

The fact that the majority of spontaneousDSBs appear in the context of DNA replication(Syeda et al. 2014) could suggest that DNA maybe nicked before the passage of the replicationfork, thus creating a broken chromatid, and,with the arrival of another replication fork inthe opposite direction, an intact sister chroma-tid. However, such breaks can also arise by theprocessing of stalled replication forks. Stalledforks have been studied by impairing replica-tion, for example, by adding hydroxyurea orintroducing replication fork-blocking sequenc-

A. Mehta and J.E. Haber

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es. Stalled forks can regress by the unwindingand annealing of the newly synthesized strandsto form a “chicken foot” structure, which isknown as a Holliday junction (Fig. 1). TheseHolliday junctions (HJs) can be cleaved bystructure-selective nucleases or HJ resolvases,such as Mus81-Mms4 or Yen1, to create a bro-ken end and intact chromatid (Wyatt and West2014). The broken end can then be processedby 50 to 30 resection (Symington 2014) and, afterbinding Rad51, engage in recombination-de-pendent replication restart, that is, break-in-duced replication (BIR) (Hanada et al. 2007;Petermann and Helleday 2010).

A growing body of evidence implicates tran-scription as one of the leading causes of DSBsand associated genome instability. Apart fromhindering replication fork progression (Pradoand Aguilera 2005), R-loops, three-strand nu-cleic acid structures formed by an RNA:DNAhybrid, plus a displaced single-stranded DNA(ssDNA) identical to the RNA molecule, havebeen linked to mutagenesis, recombination,and chromosome rearrangements (Huertas

and Aguilera 2003; Kim and Jinks-Robertson2009; Lin et al. 2010). R-loops are mainlyformed by defects in RNA metabolism, butalso seem to arise naturally in wild-type cells(Helmrich et al. 2011; Wahba et al. 2011). Itwas recently reported that formation of theseRNA:DNA hybrids, in certain yeast transcrip-tion repression and RNA degradation mutants,requires the involvement of the HR machinery,including Rad51 and Rad52 (Wahba et al.2013). Several high-throughput screens in bud-ding yeast and mammalian cells have identifiedmultiple RNA biogenesis factors whose deple-tion leads to R-loops-mediated DSB formationand the activation of the DNA damage response(Li and Manley 2005; Paulsen et al. 2009; Stir-ling et al. 2012; Gavalda et al. 2013). The evo-lutionarily conserved RNase H (in prokaryotes)or RNase H1 (in eukaryotes), which specificallydegrades the RNA portion of hybrids, plays amajor role in suppression and removal of suchstructures and, hence, helps maintain genomestability (Lin et al. 2010; Helmrich et al. 2011;Wahba et al. 2011). Thus, a complex network

Fork stalling




Fork regression and Holliday junction formation

Strand invasion Replication restart

Holliday junction cleavage

Fork collapse by Hollidayjunction cleavage




Figure 1. Replication fork stalling and restart. DNA replication can be stalled at UV-induced thymidine dimers(TT), as well as DNA secondary structures. A stalled replication fork (A) can undergo regression and pairing ofthe newly synthesized strands to form a HJ “chicken foot” intermediate (B). The HJ can be cleaved by HJresolvases (C) to lead to a collapsed fork, effectively a one-ended chromosome break (D). The free end caninitiate HR by strand invasion (E) to bypass the lesion and resume replication (F). Newly synthesized DNA isdepicted as dashed lines in the same color as the template; arrowheads indicate 30 ends.

Sources of DSBs and Their Repair by Recombination

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is emerging that links DNA damage and RNAmetabolism.


Although DSBs are among the most deleteriouslesions, several physiologically and develop-mentally important processes require the gen-eration of programmed site-specific DSBs andtheir subsequent repair by various pathways.In mammals, DSBs are produced by the RAGprotein complex to initiate V(D)J recombina-tion for assembling immunoglobulin antigenreceptor genes, as well as T-cell receptor genes.DSBs also arise during immunoglobulin classswitching (Soulas-Sprauel et al. 2007). A recentclaim that there are DSBs in stimulated mouseneurons (Suberbielle et al. 2013), possibly de-pendent on Spo11 endonuclease, will requirefurther investigation. DSB-induced recombina-tion and subsequent crossover formation arecrucial for faithful segregation of homologouschromosomes of different parental origins bythe meiotic spindle during sexual reproduction(Lam and Keeney 2014). This is catalyzed by thegeneration of hundreds of programmed DSBs atnonrandom hotspots by the evolutionarily con-served meiosis-specific topoisomerase-II-likeSpo11 endonuclease (Keeney 2008).

Ironically, missegregated chromosomes,although undergoing cytokinesis, can also pro-mote the direct and indirect acquisition of DNAdamage that may further lead to unbalancedtranslocations in the daughter cells (Janssenet al. 2011; Ganem and Pellman 2012). Segrega-tion defects formed by merotelic kinetochoreattachments or other causes of chromosomenondisjunction may foster the formation of ul-trafine chromosome bridges during anaphase.Any delay in clearing the chromosomes fromthe central spindle and out of the path of theincoming actin-myosin cytokinetic ring canlead to cleavage of the chromatin and formationof DSBs (Hoffelder et al. 2004; Samoshkin et al.2009; Janssen et al. 2011; Quevedo et al. 2012).Similar problems arise in the mitosis of dicen-tric chromosomes (Haber and Thorburn 1984;Kramer et al. 1994) or when intertwined sisterchromatids are not disentangled by topoisom-

erase II (Spell and Holm 1994; Baxter andDiffley 2008). These broken fragments are re-combinogenic and can generate chromosometranslocations in the next cell cycle (Janssenet al. 2011; Quevedo et al. 2012). Suppressionof cytokinetic furrowing can rescue the for-mation of DSBs at such chromosome bridges,confirming that they are formed as a result ofcytokinesis (Baxter and Diffley 2008; Janssenet al. 2011). Often, anaphase-lagging chromo-somes are left so severely behind that on telo-phase they form their own independent nuclearenvelope, creating a micronucleus. It has recent-ly been shown that, because of inefficient nu-clear import, micronuclei fail to attain all ofthe required replication and repair componentsand, hence, show higher replication stress andDNA fragmentation (Crasta et al. 2012).

In many organisms, the excision of trans-posable elements creates DSBs that are usuallyrepaired by gene conversion (GC) with a sisterchromatid from which excision has not oc-curred. Recombinational repair can also occurwith ectopic homologous sequences (Glooret al. 1991). In the ciliate Paramecium, duringthe development of the somatic nucleus, pro-grammed DSBs initiate the extensive genomerearrangements that take place at each sexualcycle. In particular, thousands of short non-coding germline sequences, called internal elim-inated sequences, are spliced out (Betermier2004). These developmentally programmedDNA DSBs depend on the domesticated trans-posase PiggyMac (Baudry et al. 2009) and arerepaired using components of the nonhomol-ogous end-joining (NHEJ) pathway (Kapustaet al. 2011).

In budding and fission yeasts, programmedswitching of mating-type genes begins with aDSB within the mating-type locus that is re-paired by ectopic recombination with donorsequences on the same chromosome, encodingopposite mating-type alleles. In Schizosaccharo-myces pombe, mat1 switching depends on a pro-grammed ssDNA nick that, during replication,is converted into a DSB (Arcangioli 2000; Klar2007). MAT switching in Saccharomyces cerevi-siae uses a site-specific homothallic (HO) en-donuclease, which cleaves a degenerate 24-bp

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sequence to generate a DSB with 4-bp, 30-OHoverhanging ends (Haber 2012). Curiously,in another budding yeast, Kluyveromyces lactis,a very similar MAT switching event involvingevolutionarily related mating-type sequencesoccurs without HO endonuclease; instead, atransposon-like sequence apparently excisesfrom the MAT locus and leaves hairpin-closedends that are opened to initiate DSB-mediatedswitching (Barsoum et al. 2010). Another well-characterized, specialized endonuclease is themitochondrial enzyme I-Sce1, which is encodedby the optional intron of the 21S ribosomalRNA gene and responsible for intron mobility(Colleaux et al. 1988). Much of the detaileddescription of DSB repair in budding yeast hasrelied on the inducible expression of HO endo-nuclease or a codon-optimized I-SceI, whichcan cut cleavage sites introduced in differentchromosomal contexts (Krogh and Symington2004; Haber 2006; Wyman and Kanaar 2006;Kass and Jasin 2010).

Thus, DNA DSB formation and repair canbe both deleterious and beneficial, and togetherhave played a major role in the evolutionarydevelopment and survival of all living organ-isms.


Two mechanistically distinct sets of pathwayshave evolved to repair DSBs: NHEJ and HR(Fig. 2). This review focuses on HR in somaticcells, but a brief summary of NHEJ is provided.

NHEJ involves modification and ligationof the broken DNA ends with very little or nohomology, often creating small deletions or in-sertions (Fig. 2A). Although NHEJ can occurthroughout the cell cycle, it is especially impor-tant in the G1 stage, when a key initial step inHR, the 50 to 30 resection of DSB ends, is blocked(Aylon et al. 2004; Ira et al. 2004). In the specialcase of haploid cells, such as in the well-studiedbudding or fission yeasts, G1 cells lack a homol-ogous chromosome and, hence, can only useNHEJ until chromosomal replication creates asister chromatid that can be used as a templateto repair a DSB (Moore and Haber 1996). NHEJ

essentially consists of several related but distinctmechanisms that have different genetic require-ments and lengths of microhomology at thejunctions. Precise end joining of 30-overhangingends (e.g., religating the ends of a restrictionendonuclease cleavage) requires the Ku70 andKu80 proteins, as well as DNA ligase IV; where-as, more extensive deletions with longer mi-crohomologies at the junction prove to beKu independent and, in mammals, DNA ligaseIV independent. This alternative NHEJ or mi-crohomology-mediated end-joining (MMEJ)pathway is evident even in wild-type cells. Thereader is encouraged to read several excellentreviews (Bennardo et al. 2008; McVey and Lee2008; Mladenov and Iliakis 2011; Chiruvellaet al. 2013; Decottignies 2013).


DNA DSBs can be repaired by several differentHR pathways (Fig. 2). Single-strand annealing(SSA) is the simplest mechanism, allowing theformation of a deletion between homologoussequences flanking a DSB. Other types of HRall depend on the recognition and pairing ofbroken DNA ends with intact homologous se-quences present on a sister chromatid, an alleliclocus, or at some ectopic location in the genome(Paques and Haber 1999; Krogh and Symington2004). We will focus on two major mechanismsof HR: GC and BIR. An additional HR mecha-nism, gene targeting, can account for the inte-gration of foreign DNA into a homologouschromosomal locus (Rothstein 1983). We fur-ther distinguish two distinct pathways of GC:one involving the formation of a pair of HJsthat often leads to crossovers (COs) accompa-nying repair and one in which COs are rare.

All HR repair mechanisms require pro-teins belonging to the evolutionarily conservedRAD52 epistasis group. Astonishingly, theRad52 protein itself, which is the most recom-bination-essential gene in budding and fissionyeasts, appears to have an inconsiderable role inHR in metazoans. Rad52 is absent in flies andworms and, although it is present in mammals,it plays a minor role in repair, apparently limitedto strand annealing. Instead Rad52’s central role

Sources of DSBs and Their Repair by Recombination

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is replaced by orthologs of the mammalianBRCA2 protein (Jensen et al. 2010; Liu et al.2010; Holloman 2011). It seems that buddingand fission yeasts may have lost their BRCA2orthologs because another yeast, Ustilago may-dis, has retained it and is dependent on it forHR (Yang et al. 2005). GC and most BIR dependon Rad51 recombinase, the homolog of bacte-rial RecA. Rad51 is a DNA-dependent ATPasethat forms a filament on ssDNA and promotesstrand invasion with a homologous double-stranded partner.

The series of biochemical steps in HR havebeen best studied in budding yeast, in which

several early steps can be monitored in realtime by a variety of techniques analyzing DNAintermediates and the proteins bound to theseintermediates after inducing a DSB by the site-specific HO endonuclease (White and Haber1990; Hicks et al. 2011) or other nucleasessuch as I-SceI (Fig. 3) (Plessis et al. 1992). Effi-ciency of DSB formation in a population can begauged by a Southern blot (Fig. 3D) or moni-toring the loss of a polymerase chain reaction(PCR) product with primers placed on oppositesides of the DSB site.

All HR repair mechanisms are reliant on acommon critical initial step: extensive 50 to 30





Dissolution Resolution







Figure 2. Pathways of DNA DSB repair. DSBs are efficiently repaired by HR and NHEJ. DSBs are processed by 50

to 30 end resection producing 30 single-stranded tails. (A) NHEJ involves ligation of broken ends, with little or nobase pairing, to produce small deletions or insertions. (B) Single-strand annealing (SSA) takes place whenresection reveals flanking homologous repeats that can anneal, leading to deletion of the intervening sequences.(C,D) Repair by two different mechanisms of GC results in a short patch of new DNA synthesis to repair theDSB. (C) In synthesis-dependent strand-annealing (SDSA), the newly synthesized strand dissociates from theD-loop and results in a noncrossover (NCO) outcome with no change to the template DNA. (D) The doubleHolliday Junction (dHJ) pathway involves second end capture to stabilize the D-loop. The dHJ structure can beresolved either by helicase and topoisomerase-mediated dissolution to give NCO or cleaved by HJ resolvases toproduce both crossover (CO) or NCO outcomes. (E) BIR involves both leading and lagging strand synthesis andresults in loss of heterozygosity or, if the template is located ectopically, a nonreciprocal translocation. Newlysynthesized DNA is depicted as dashed lines in the same color as the template; arrowheads indicate 30 ends.

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processing of the broken DNA ends (Fig. 3Aii).Whereas NHEJ and MMEJ involve limited pro-cessing of DNA ends for ligation, a prerequisitefor HR is that broken ends are considerablyresected to generate 30-ended ssDNA tails that,once bound by Rad51 recombinase, act as thefunctionally active agents in searching for ho-mologous template sequences to repair theDSB. 50 to 30 resection is a surprisingly complex

process. An initial incision, removing about100 nt, is performed by the Mre11-Rad50-Xrs2 complex along with the Sae2 protein. Sub-sequently, two other excision machines removeDNA at a rate of about 4 kb/hr. Exo1 chews offmononucleotides, whereas Sgs1-Top3-Rmi1-Dna2 acts as a helicase/endonuclease to clipoff short oligonucleotides from the 50 strand(Huertas et al. 2008; Mimitou and Symington

(i)14 Rad51 loading at DSB

Rad51 loading at donor

Time after DSB formation (h)

Primer extension100

% R








Exo1, Sgs1-Top3-Rmi1-Dna2



Replication components




Mre11-Rad50-Xrs2 Time after DSB formation (h)

Loading control

MATa uncut

Repair product (MATα)

HO-cut MATa

0 2 4 6 80

Product formationby Southern blot

Time after DSB formation (h)


51 IP


ld in





0 1 2 3 4 5 6







Strand invasion

Primer extension

Rad51 loading










0 1 3 5 8

Figure 3. Key intermediate steps of HR and methods to study them. (A) Key proteins are depicted in sequentialearly steps in GC in budding yeast. DSB formation (i) is immediately followed by 50 to 30 resection (ii). The 30

tails are stabilized by RPA (iii), which is then replaced with Rad51 recombinase with assistance from accessoryproteins like Rad52 (iv). Once the homologous donor is found, strand invasion occurs, resulting in formation ofa D-loop (v) by displacement of the identical strand and base pairing with the complementary strand at thedonor. (vi) Various components of the replication machinery assemble to start copying from the donor tem-plate. (vii) The break is sealed. Small arrows denote positions of PCR primer pairs used to analyze intermediatesteps, shown on the right for MAT switching in S. cerevisiae. (B) Recruitment of Rad51 at DSB site (the MATalocus) by chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) followed by quantitative PCR (qPCR) using primers p1 andp2 (solid line). Rad51 binding to the donor template (budding yeast HMLa locus) using primers p3 and p4 forqPCR (dotted line). Error bars indicate standard error of the mean. (C) The initiation of new DNA synthesis byprimer extension is detected by using PCR primers p5 and p6, which amplifies a unique fragment once newDNA synthesis has been initiated (solid line). A dotted line shows quantitative densitometric analysis ofSouthern blot (D) that follows GC progression in budding yeast as MATa switches to MATa. Data from theinvestigators (A Mehta and J Haber, unpubl.).

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2008; Zhu et al. 2008; Cejka et al. 2010; Niu et al.2010). Resection of a single HO endonuclease-induced DSB is highly limited in G1 phase ofthe cell cycle, when cyclin-dependent kinaseCdk1 (Cdc28) activity is low. The rate of resec-tion increases once cells progress through thecell cycle and initiate DNA synthesis followedby mitosis in the G2/M phase, when Cdk1 ac-tivity is high (Aylon et al. 2004; Ira et al. 2004;Barlow et al. 2008). Additionally, Exo1 is im-paired by binding of the Ku70-Ku80 proteinsthat facilitate NHEJ (Balestrini et al. 2013).Analogous machinery is found in mammaliancells, in which Sae2’s ortholog, CtIP, plays a cen-tral role and Sgs1’s ortholog, BLM helicase, ap-pears to be coupled with both EXO1 and DNA2(Sartori et al. 2007; Nimonkar et al. 2011; Sunet al. 2012).

Initially, the multimeric replication proteinA (RPA) binds to ssDNA overhangs presumablyto take out kinks and melt DNA secondarystructures (internal base pairing) (Fig. 3Aiii).RPA is then replaced with the Rad51 recombi-nase, which forms a filament along the ssDNA(Fig. 3Aiv). As with the best-studied case ofEscherichia coli RecA protein, the ssDNA isstretched within the Rad51 nucleoprotein fila-ment to about 1.5 times the length of B-formDNA (Chen et al. 2008). However, this stretch-ing is not uniform. The three bases bound bythe RecA recombinase, and presumably byRad51, are in almost a B-DNA configuration;the stretching happens predominantly betweenthe 3-bp units. This arrangement may facilitatepairing through canonical Watson–Crick hy-drogen bonds with complementary triplets inthe donor duplex DNA; when RecA or Rad51binds to dsDNA, it also becomes stretched to150% of its normal length (Chen et al. 2008).The creation of the Rad51 filament is a complexprocess. After the binding of RPA, with the aidof the recombination mediator proteins (inyeast Rad52; in vertebrates BRCA2) plus sev-eral Rad51 paralog proteins (in yeast Rad55and Rad57; in vertebrates RAD51B, RAD51C,RAD51D, XRCC2, and XRCC3) (Daley et al.2014; Morrical 2014), RPA is displaced and theRad51 nucleoprotein filament is formed. Thesesteps can be seen in budding yeast in real time

through the use of ChIP, using anti-RPA andanti-Rad51 antibodies (Fig. 3B) (Sugawara etal. 2003; Wang and Haber 2004). RPA bindingis detected �10 min before Rad51 binding; noRad51 binding occurs without Rad52.

ChIP can also be used to visualize the keynext step in DSB repair: Rad51 nucleoproteinfilament-mediated search for a distant homol-ogous sequence and subsequent strand invasion(synapsis) between the resected end of the DSBand its duplex homologous donor sequence(Fig. 3Av). As shown in Figure 3B, these areremarkably slow steps. In the absence of specialpairing sequences (i.e., the recombination en-hancer that facilitates MAT switching betweenMATa and HMLa) (Li et al. 2012), Rad51 and itsinvading ssDNA strand becomes associatedwith the donor duplex DNA only after 30–45 min (Hicks et al. 2011; A Mehta and J Ha-ber, unpubl.). In addition to Rad52, the Swi2/Snf2 homolog Rad54 also facilitates functionalstrand invasion (Sugawara et al. 2003; Kiianitsaet al. 2006; Hicks et al. 2011).

Following strand invasion, new DNA syn-thesis using either DNA polymerase (Pol)d orPol1 occurs using the 30 invading end as a prim-er. Initiation of new DNA synthesis can be mon-itored by a PCR-based primer extension assayusing two primers: one complementary to se-quences distal to the DSB break-site and onewithin the donor (Fig. 3Avi,C) (White and Ha-ber 1990). Several pathways can then occur (dis-cussed below), ensuing in completion of repair.Southern blot analysis is used to accurately re-veal the rate of repair product formation (Fig.3C,D). DSB repair by HR can occur with lessthan 100 bp of homology with the DSB ends,but efficient repair is achieved with a few hun-dred bp (Sugawara and Haber 1992).


SSA is restricted to repair of DNA breaks that areflanked by direct repeats that can be as short as30 nt (Sugawara et al. 2000; Villarreal et al.2012). Resection exposes the complementarystrands of homologous sequences, which re-combine resulting in a deletion containing asingle copy of the repeated sequence (Fig. 2B).

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SSA is therefore considered to be highly mu-tagenic. The nonhomologous single-strandedtails are removed by the Rad1-Rad10 endonu-clease (XPF-ERCC1 in mammals) in a complexthat includes both the Msh2-Msh3 mismatchrepair proteins and “scaffold” proteins Slx4and Saw1 (Sugawara et al. 1997; Li et al. 2008;Toh et al. 2010). After tail clipping, remaininggaps must be filled in by DNA synthesis andsealed by ligation. SSA requires the strand-an-nealing activity of Rad52 and is aided by theRad52 homolog Rad59 (Sugawara et al. 2000);however, SSA does not involve DNA-strand in-vasion and thus is independent of the Rad51recombinase (Ivanov et al. 1996).


GC was initially defined as a nonreciprocaltransfer of genetic information from one chro-mosome to its homolog during meiosis, but itsmeaning has been broadened to include DSBrepair events in which a short patch of newDNA synthesis is copied from the homologoustemplate. In budding yeast, about 10%–20%of interchromosomal allelic mitotic GCs are as-sociated with crossing over, whereas COs areless frequent when the DSB uses an ectopic tem-plate that shares only a few kb with the regionsaround the break (Paques and Haber 1999; Iraet al. 2003).

GC does not require many components ofthe normal DNA replication machinery, includ-ing DNA Pola-primase or Cdc45-GINS (com-plex consisting of four proteins: Sld5, Psf1, Psf2,and Psf3)-Mcm helicase complex (Wang et al.2004; Lydeard et al. 2010). The efficiency ofGC is also not significantly reduced by threemutations that severely impair the alternativeHR repair mechanism of BIR, which can involvethe synthesis of hundreds of kilobases of DNA:the nonessential DNA Pold subunit pol32D (Ly-deard et al. 2007; Jain et al. 2009), the 50 to 30

helicase pif1D (Chung et al. 2010; Wilson et al.2013), and the proliferating cell nuclear anti-gen (PCNA) mutation pol30-FF248,249AA (Ly-deard et al. 2010). The fact that GC does notrequire many of the normal DNA replicationprocessivity factors might explain why it is

highly susceptible to mutagenesis. Most muta-tions have the signatures of template switchingduring repair DNA synthesis (Strathern et al.1995; Hicks et al. 2010).

Two different mechanisms, both of whichare supported by substantial experimental data,can explain GCs and the different outcomes.

The Double Holliday Junction Mechanism

The double-strand break repair model, nowknown as the double Holliday junction or dHJmodel, was first suggested by Resnick (1976)and later extended and elaborated by Szostaket al. (1983). Following resection and inva-sion into an intact homologous template, the30 Rad51-coated nucleoprotein filament basepairs with the complementary strand creatinga displacement loop (D-loop) structure consist-ing of a region of heteroduplex DNA and dis-placed single strand of DNA. The D-loop canbe extended by the initiation of new DNAsynthesis from the 30 end of the invading strandor the action of helicases, so that the ssDNA ofthe opposite side of the DSB can anneal, thusforming a dHJ intermediate (Fig. 2C). Alterna-tively, two independent strand invasions fromboth DSB ends, followed by simultaneous DNAsynthesis and annealing could also result ina dHJ intermediate. No experimental evidencehas shown whether recombination dependson one end or whether both undergo strandinvasion. These HJs can be cleaved by one ofseveral HJ resolvases, and, depending on whichpair of strands is cut, can yield a noncrossover(NCO) or CO outcome. As an alternative tocleavage, dHJs can be “dissolved” to yield exclu-sively NCO outcomes (Wu and Hickson 2003).

The formation of dHJs has been extensivelystudied in budding yeast meiosis, but they havealso been visualized in mitotic cells after a DSBis initiated by expression of a site-specific I-SceIendonuclease (Bzymek et al. 2010). Evidencefor the presence of dHJ intermediates in bud-ding yeast comes from ectopic recombinationexperiments in which the components of thedHJ “dissolvase” (Sgs1-Top3-Rmi1, or STR)are deleted. The proportion of GC events ac-companied by a CO—in this case, a reciprocal

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translocation—increases from 4%–�12% (Iraet al. 2003) when Sgs1 or other cofactors areabsent. Assuming that sgs1D does not alter theproportion of events that form the dHJ inter-mediate, these results suggest 2/3 of the dHJsare normally dissolved. The proportion of COsincreases even more when both Sgs1 and anoth-er 30 to 50 helicase, Mph1, are deleted. In thisinstance, it appears that deleting MPH1 shiftsmore of the repair events into the dHJ pathway(Prakash et al. 2009). Another estimate of thefraction of dHJs processed by the STR complexwas obtained by Mitchel et al. (2013) by study-ing the position of heteroduplex DNA relative tothe initiating gap in a plasmid-based gap-repairsystem. Their studies suggested that the fractionof dHJs processed by “resolution” is roughlyequal to that processed by “dissolution.”

The Synthesis-Dependent Strand-AnnealingMechanism

Synthesis-dependent strand-annealing (SDSA)begins with the common step of strand invasionand formation of a D-loop (Fig. 2D). This isfollowed by new DNA synthesis (as monitoredby primer extension assay) initiated by DNAPold or Pol1 from the invading 30 end. There ismounting evidence that the principal repairpolymerase is Pold (Li et al. 2009a; Sebestaet al. 2011; Prindle and Loeb 2012), but repairis not eliminated either in a temperature-sensi-tive mutation of Pold or Pol1, suggesting bothcan be used (Lydeard et al. 2007). Pola primaseis, however, not required (Wang et al. 2004). Acarboxy-terminal truncation mutation of Pold,pol3-ct, which does not affect replication, resultsin short DNA repair tracts in both mitosis andmeiosis (Maloisel et al. 2004, 2008). If one ex-amines mutations created during DSB repair(Hicks et al. 2010), defects of the 30 to 50 proof-reading exonuclease activity of Pol1 resulted inthe appearance of þ1 frameshift mutations thatwere much less evident inwild-type repair. How-ever, a much more dramatic effect was seen in theabsence of proofreading activity of Pold; severalclasses of mutations characterized as templateswitching defects (21 frameshifts, quasi-palin-drome mutations, and interchromosomal tem-

plate switches) are surprisinglyeliminated, lead-ing to the suggestion that the wild-type Poldenzyme is responsible for most of these events.

In Saccharomyces, there is little effect ofablating either of two translesion DNA poly-merases, Polz or Polh, although the error-pronePolz polymerase has been shown to be the majorcontributor to mutations that arise in ssDNAregions, including those adjacent to the re-gion in which both strands are newly copiedduring SDSA (Rattray et al. 2002; Yang et al.2008). In vertebrates, evidence suggests thatthe translesion DNA polymerase, Polh, is amore important player in recombinational re-pair (Kawamoto et al. 2005). This conclusionis supported by demonstrations that Polh canperform repair synthesis in vitro (McIlwraithet al. 2005; Sneeden et al. 2013).

What makes SDSA synthesis unusual is thatit is not semiconservative, in which the newlycopied strand remains base paired to the donortemplate. Instead, the newly synthesized strandappears to be displaced from a migrating repli-cation “bubble” and eventually pairs with theresected 30 ssDNA on the other side of the DSB,resulting in an NCO outcome (Fig. 2D). Evi-dence in favor of SDSA includes the fact thatthe great majority of mitotic DSB repair eventsoccur without an associated CO. Moreover, anumber of studies in which GC is associatedwith the appearance of repair-associated muta-tions have found that all of the alterations arefound in the recipient locus, whereas the donorremains unchanged—a result more consistentwith SDSA than the dHJ mechanism (althoughdissolving dHJs would also result in this out-come) (Paques and Haber 1999). Direct evi-dence for this mechanism was obtained by“heavy-light” density transfer experiments thatshowed that all of the newly copied DNA waslocated at the recipient locus, whereas the donorsequences were unaltered (Ira et al. 2006), indi-cating a conservative mode of strand inheri-tance. How the nascent DNA strand is unwoundfrom the template is not known in detail, butboth Mph1 and Srs2 30 to 50 helicases appear tobe involved. As noted above, mph1D strains ap-pear to direct a larger proportion of outcomesto the dHJ pathway, as would occur if Mph1

A. Mehta and J.E. Haber

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promoted the strand displacement. In contrast,srs2D strains show a 70% drop in viability,which results from a specific deficit in recover-ing NCO outcomes (Ira et al. 2003). This resultsuggests that Srs2 is required for completingSDSA, but not the dHJ pathway.

Although SDSA is presumed to yield exclu-sively NCO outcomes, one should not discountmodels that include the possibility of crossingover wherein the migrating D-loop associatedwith synthesizing the first strand can be cap-tured by the second end, leading to the forma-tion of a dHJ intermediate that can be resolvedinto a CO associated with GC (Ferguson andHolloman 1996; Paques et al. 1998).


Under some circumstances, a broken chro-mosome may present only one end for repair,for instance, at collapsed forks during S-phaseand in lengthening of telomeres (Doksani andde Lange 2014) in telomerase-deficient cellsin pathways known as “alternative lengtheningof telomeres” (McEachern and Haber 2006).When only one end of a chromosomal DSBshares homology with a template, cells relyon recombination-dependent DNA replication(i.e., BIR), a process in which strand invasionsets up a unidirectional replication fork capableof copying all of the sequences distal to the siteof homology up to the telomere (Fig. 2E) (Mal-kova et al. 1996, 2005; Davis and Symington2004). Repair by this mode results in a nonre-ciprocal translocation and, if the template is ahomologous chromosome, extensive loss ofheterozygosity. BIR has been observed with aslittle as 70 bp of shared homology between theDSB end and an ectopic template (Bosco andHaber 1998), but is much more efficient withlonger regions of homology.

BIR has been analyzed in budding yeastboth by transformation of a linear plasmidthat has telomere-forming sequences at oneend and homology with a chromosomal tem-plate on the other (Morrow et al. 1997; Davisand Symington 2004; Marrero and Symington2010), and creating broken chromosomes usingHO or I-SceI endonucleases (Bosco and Haber

1998; Malkova et al. 2005; Lydeard et al. 2007;Ruiz et al. 2009). The initial steps of BIR, up tohomology search and strand invasion appearto be identical to those of GC and require all ofthe same proteins (Davis and Symington 2004;Jain et al. 2009). However, the subsequent repairDNA synthesis occurs very differently. BIR re-quires all of the replication factors and the threemajor DNA polymerases required for leadingand lagging strand synthesis, except some pro-teins that are needed exclusively for the assem-bly of the prereplication complex at origins ofreplication (Lydeard et al. 2007, 2010).

Nevertheless, in several respects, BIR isquite different from normal leading- and lag-ging-strand S-phase replication. First, BIR is re-markably mutagenic compared to normal rep-lication (Deem et al. 2011). Second, at least forthe first several kb that are copied, BIR shows avery high frequency of template switching, fromone homologous chromosomal template to theother (Smith et al. 2007). This instability may bea reflection of the finding that BIR can be ini-tiated without DNA Pol1, but requires this nor-mally leading-strand polymerase for its com-pletion. As noted above, unlike GC, BIR issignificantly reduced by the deletion of POL32(Lydeard et al. 2007) or PIF1 (Chung et al. 2010;Wilson et al. 2013), or the PCNA mutationpol30-FF248,249AA (Lydeard et al. 2010). ThisPCNA mutation was found as a suppressor ofthe cold sensitivity of pol32D, however, it is byitself as defective for BIR as pol32D and does notsuppress pol32D’s BIR defect. The mutant hasno effect on normal replication; moreover, thelocation of the mutated sites is unrelated toPCNA mutations involved in recruiting trans-lesion DNA polymerases during replication forkstalling. Analogous mutations created in theXenopus PCNA protein show a defect in an invitro replication restart assay (Hashimoto et al.2012). These differences point toward uniquefeatures of BIR, either in the establishment ofthe repair replication fork or its efficiency.

Recently, an explanation for the differencesbetween BIR and normal replication was pro-vided by the work from the Malkova and Loba-chev laboratories (Saini et al. 2013), which an-alyzed intermediates of BIR by DNA combing

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and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Theseanalyses produced several critical revelations.First, all of the newly copied DNA is found onthe extension of the originally broken molecule,a conclusion also reached by Donnianni and Sy-mington (2013). This “conservative” mode ofDNA synthesis suggests either that semiconser-vatively replicated DNA is unwound by branchmigration of a HJ formed behind the replicationfork or the second new strand is copied fromthe first (Fig. 2E). Indeed, the latter possibilityseems to be the case as the migration of repli-cation intermediates is consistent with that ex-pected for a migrating D-loop (as first proposedby Formosa and Alberts 1986) with a longssDNA extension. In this respect, BIR wouldshare certain common steps with SDSA but, asnoted above, none of the BIR-specific factors(Pol32, Pif1, or the PCNA mutant) have mucheffect on repair by GC. One can rationalize thelack of effect of mutating these factors by the factthat most GC assays require copying of no morethan �1 kb of new DNA. Indeed, when cells arerequired to repair a DSB in which the homolo-gous ends of the DSB invade a template sepa-rated by �5 kb, the events become dependenton POL32 (Jain et al. 2009) and are impairedby the PCNA mutation, pol30-FF248,249AA (AMehta, T Ryu, and J Haber, unpubl.).

Another interesting distinction between GCand BIR is that the latter shows a dramatic delayin the initiation of new DNA synthesis. Thisdelay reflects a replication execution checkpoint(REC) that somehow monitors whether onlyone or both ends of a DSB can successfullypair with homologous template sequences onthe same template and in the proper orientationand distance to complete GC (Jain et al. 2009).The kinetics of strand invasion, as monitored bythe appearance of Rad51 at the donor locus byChIP, are the same for GC and BIR, so the RECacts before the initiation of new DNA synthesisand is seen even when both ends of the DSBcan pair with donor sequences, when they areseparated by �5 kb. The strong kinetic barrierto promoting BIR also helps to explain the hi-erarchy of DSB repair events; in a situation inwhich both GC and BIR are possible, GC is byfar the predominant outcome, although when

homology is removed from one end, BIR provesto be quite efficient (Malkova et al. 2005; Jainet al. 2009).


In this review, we have summarized the varioussources of DSBs, pathways to repair them, andways to monitor the intermediate steps of re-pair. Faithful and efficient repair of all DNAlesions is essential to maintain genome integrityand cell viability. Deficiencies and mutationsin repair pathways are associated with multiplehuman diseases and with aging. It is curious tonote that DSBs can be detrimental as well asbeneficial to organisms. The molecular detailsconnecting DSB repair to other cellular process-es are emerging. One interesting aspect that isyet to be sufficiently explored is the role of chro-matin structure in HR.

Most of our understanding of HR comesfrom work in bacteria, yeast, and other modelsystems. Comparable studies in mammaliansystems are now beginning to elucidate the in-tricacies of DNA repair. The exceedingly morecomplex mammalian system is likely to requireadditional hitherto unknown components. In-deed, several proteins, including ssDNA-bind-ing protein (SSB) (Li et al. 2009b) and RAD51-associated protein 1 (RAD51AP1) (Modestiet al. 2007; Wiese et al. 2007) have been identi-fied that have no homologs in lower eukaryotes.

Any deficiency in HR directs the cells alongmore error-prone pathways like NHEJ. Ironical-ly, recent studies have shown that HR itself ishighly error-prone and could be one of the lead-ing causes of mutagenesis (Malkova and Ha-ber 2012). Thus, HR is a double-edged swordwhose precise regulation is critical. HR compo-nents are targets for emerging therapies, espe-cially in cancer therapeutics. Hence, further elu-cidation of the mechanisms of HR repair,especially in mammals, is vital.


Work from the Haber laboratory is supportedby NIH Grants GM20056, GM61766, andGM76020 to JEH.

A. Mehta and J.E. Haber

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August 7, 20142014; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a016428 originally published onlineCold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 

 Anuja Mehta and James E. Haber DNA RepairSources of DNA Double-Strand Breaks and Models of Recombinational

Subject Collection DNA Recombination

Meiotic Recombination: The Essence of HeredityNeil Hunter Recombinational DNA Repair

An Overview of the Molecular Mechanisms of

Stephen C. Kowalczykowski

MaintenanceRegulation of Recombination and Genomic

Wolf-Dietrich HeyerHomologs during MeiosisRecombination, Pairing, and Synapsis of

Denise Zickler and Nancy Kleckner

Chromatin RemodelingFlexibility, Impact of Histone Modifications, and Initiation of Meiotic Homologous Recombination:

Lóránt Székvölgyi, Kunihiro Ohta and Alain Nicolas

MeiosisDNA Strand Exchange and RecA Homologs in

M. Scott Brown and Douglas K. Bishop

Recombination InitiationMechanism and Regulation of Meiotic

Isabel Lam and Scott KeeneyAneuploid Oocytes and Trisomy BirthsMeiosis and Maternal Aging: Insights from

al.Mary Herbert, Dimitrios Kalleas, Daniel Cooney, et

ProteinsThe Roles of BRCA1, BRCA2, and Associated Homologous Recombination and Human Health:

Rohit Prakash, Yu Zhang, Weiran Feng, et al.

Homeologous RecombinationMismatch Repair during Homologous and

Maria Spies and Richard Fishel

Cell Biology of Mitotic RecombinationMichael Lisby and Rodney Rothstein Amplification

Mechanisms of Gene Duplication and

Andrew B. Reams and John R. Roth

Homology-Directed RepairHomologous Recombination and DNA-Pairing and Annealing Processes in

Scott W. Morrical

at Functional and Dysfunctional TelomeresThe Role of Double-Strand Break Repair Pathways

Ylli Doksani and Titia de Lange

Mediators of Homologous DNA PairingAlex Zelensky, Roland Kanaar and Claire Wyman Recombination

Regulation of DNA Pairing in Homologous

Kwon, et al.James M. Daley, William A. Gaines, YoungHo

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