FORM I {F~r full In.formatleoe_rnlng the filling Out_and filing of this form ~.and Regulations o.’~ne Divas;on of Water Hesourcee Governing the STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF WATER FILE "INDUPLICATE ~-App]ica=xr must not ~qll in the above blanks) " - ¯ " APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE UNAPPROP~T~~~ ~" This aPl~lication involves in no way the ,ight to constrnct a If the project ~volves con,true ion o~ a dam ~een ~e¢~ or more ~ ~ei~t or ~o~n ~3~ ,. ;~, Depa~t=ont of Finanoe of t]:~.._._lLt.~.~_t..=..__o_f_:..o.t._z_.!_,~.t~...a_......................................... Name o~ applican~ PO~t o~ce S~ ~ O~t-~O~ ., do hereby make app~cation for a pe~t to approp~a~ ~e following described tmappropriated waters of the State o~ California, ~UB]ECT TO EXISTING RIGHTS: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works 1, ~e so~ce of the proposed appropriation is....... .~_°.F...~.~._~_°.~.k__..°__f..._...A~___r__t.’_c_.a_n__R.~Vex" Give name o~ stream, lake, etc,, i~ named; if unnamed state nature o~ source and that it ie tmaam=l located in ]~ DOl~t~O/~n~ PI~co~ Ooun~;~es ......=.....~ ~kmmt= tributary to......................__A~9.___~Ll_.~__.a..n.._._E__t_.v_e..~............................i....... mount of w~ter which applicant desires to appropriate under this application is as ~ollows: (a) For diversion to be directly applied to beheficlal use without storage......... ._~.~____00_............. cubic fat per I cubic ~0ot per second equale 40 atatute miner’s inchee or646~;$17 gallons per day ~nd, to be diverted from ~nua=~.._~.........................2_.to......D._@~:.9.~.@~...~..~_.......... of each season. Bcginnlng date. each. season Closing date each season (b) For diversion to be stored temporarily andlater applied to ben¢~cial use__..._.~-.-~_O.~.~ " __acre-feet 1 acre-£0ot equale ~25,851 gallons per. annum, to be collected between 0O,tobe~. ], an&......._~ 1.~: _..........of each season., Beginning date each season Closing date each season No~.~Answer (a) or (b) or both (a) and (b) as may be necessary. The amounts stated must be in definite terms of some established =nit o~ measurement. Nei~hl.r these amounts nor the season may be increased after application is ~ed. S, The ~se to which the water is tO be applied is....~..O.H..e_.~_: ......... Irrigation, power, municipal, ........................................... purposes. mining, industrial, recreational, domestic. Recreatlonal us~ may be deemed to include all uses incidental to a resor~ such as domestic, boating, ~qsh culture, etc. NOTE.~A separate application must be made for each use except that incidental domestic use may be in- cluded with any othep use, 4, The poin~ of diversion is to be located............................................................................................ Sta~e ’b~aring and distahcc or ~odrdinate distances to section or quarter ~ection cornet being wi~h;n the........................................................ State 40-acre ,uhdi~’isi~n of U. S. O..............y or pro~ectlon ther¢of OOLLI~.’~ :l.es of ~ Do~ado R Plaoe~ ~ ~tio~_ x~, T~,.~........... ~.~__~........ g,.~=.M., in the ~___~............ 6. The main oondui~ terminates in..........................................of Sec .....z....... Tp........ , R...................... State 40-acre aubdivlslon U. S. Government aurveT or projection thereof Description Diversion Works NOTEc--An application can not be approved for an amount g~ossly in excess of the estimated capacity of the diversion work~ 6. Tmta~e or Headworks (fill only those blanks which apply) (a) Diversion will be made by pumping: Capacity of plant_ .gallons per minute. (b) Diversion will be by gravity, the diverting dam being..................... feet in height (steam I~d to levd of overflow); feet long on top; and constructed of............................................ (c) The storage dam .will be_..~_0 " ____feet in hdght (stream bed to overflow level) ; ....--..... feet long on top; have a freeboard of............feet, and be constructed of.... Concrete, earth, etc. Auburn 7. Storage :Reservoir, The storage reservoir will flood lands ;n Indicate secti6n or sections, also 40-acre subdivisions unless shown upon map It will have a suz’face area of...........................acres, and a capacity of......._~_.&_J.._W~_....acre-£eet, ~ In case of insu~Scient space for answers in form, attach extra sheets at top of page ~ and cross re~erence~ PCWA-049

Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,

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Page 1: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,


{F~r full In.formatleoe_rnlng the filling Out_and filing of this form

~.and Regulations o.’~ne Divas;on of Water Hesourcee Governing the





’ ~-App]ica=xr must not ~qll in the above blanks) " ’ - ¯ "

APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE UNAPPROP~T~~~ ~" This aPl~lication involves in no way the ,ight to constrnct a

If the project ~volves con,true�ion o~ a dam ~een ~e¢~ or more ~ ~ei~t or ~o~n ~3~ ’

,. ;~, Depa~t=ont of Finanoe of t]:~.._._lLt.~.~_t..=..__o_f_:..o.t._z_.!_,~.t~...a_ ......................................... Name o~ applican~

PO~t o~ce

S~ ~ O~t-~O~ ., do hereby make app~cation for a pe~t to approp~a~ ~e

following described tmappropriated waters of the State o~ California, ~UB]ECT TO EXISTING RIGHTS:

Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works 1, ~e so~ce of the proposed appropriation is ....... .~_°.F...~.~._~_°.~.k__..°__f..._...A~___r__t.’_c_.a_n__R.~Vex"

Give name o~ stream, lake, etc,, i~ named; if unnamed state nature o~ source and that it ie tmaam=l

located in ]~ DOl~t~O/~n~ PI~co~ Ooun~;~es ...... = ..... ~ ~kmmt= tributary to ..................... .__A~9.___~Ll_.~__.a..n.._._E__t_.v_e..~ ............................ i .......

mount of w~ter which applicant desires to appropriate under this application is as ~ollows:

(a) For diversion to be directly applied to beheficlal use without storage ......... ._~.~____00_ ............. cubic fat per I cubic ~0ot per second equale 40 atatute miner’s inchee or646~;$17 gallons per day

~nd, to be diverted from ~nua=~.._~ ......................... 2_.to ...... D._@~:.9.~.@~...~..~_ .......... of each season. Bcginnlng date. each. season Closing date each season

(b) For diversion to be stored temporarily andlater applied to ben¢~cial use__..._.~-.-~_O.~.~ " __acre-feet 1 acre-£0ot equale ~25,851 gallons

per. annum, to be collected between 0O,tobe~. ], an& ...... ._~ 1.~: _ .......... of each season., Beginning date each season Closing date each season

No~.~Answer (a) or (b) or both (a) and (b) as may be necessary. The amounts stated must be in definite terms of some established =nit o~ measurement. Nei~hl.r these amounts nor the season may be increased after application is ~ed.

S, The ~se to which the water is tO be applied is .... ~..O.H..e_.~_: ......... Irrigation, power, municipal,

........................................... purposes. mining, industrial, recreational, domestic. Recreatlonal us~ may be deemed to include all uses incidental to a resor~ such as domestic, boating, ~qsh culture, etc.

NOTE.~A separate application must be made for each use except that incidental domestic use may be in- cluded with any othep use,

4, The poin~ of diversion is to be located ............................................................................................ Sta~e ’b~aring and distahcc or ~odrdinate distances to section or quarter ~ection cornet

being wi~h;n the ........................................................ State 40-acre ,uhdi~’isi~n of U. S. O .............. y or pro~ectlon ther¢of OOLLI~.’~ :l.es of ~ Do~ado R Plaoe~

~ ~tio~_ x~, T~,.~ ........... ~.~__~ ........ g,.~=.M., in the ~___~ ............

6. The main oondui~ terminates in .......................................... of Sec ..... z ....... Tp ........ , R ...................... State 40-acre aubdivlslon o£ U. S. Government aurveT or projection thereof

Description Diversion Works NOTEc--An application can not be approved for an amount g~ossly in excess of the estimated capacity of the diversion work~

6. Tmta~e or Headworks (fill only those blanks which apply)

(a) Diversion will be made by pumping: Capacity of plant_ .gallons per minute.

(b) Diversion will be by gravity, the diverting dam being ..................... feet in height (steam I~d to

levd of overflow); feet long on top; and constructed of ............................................

(c) The storage dam .will be_..~_0 " ____feet in hdght (stream bed to overflow level) ; .... -- ..... feet

long on top; have a freeboard of ............ feet, and be constructed of .... Concrete, earth, etc.

Auburn 7. Storage :Reservoir,

The storage reservoir will flood lands ;n Indicate secti6n or sections, also 40-acre subdivisions unless shown upon map

It will have a suz’face area of ........................... acres, and a capacity of ...... ._~_.&_J.._W~_ .... acre-£eet, ~ In case of insu~Scient space for answers in form, attach extra sheets at top of page ~ and cross re~erence~


Page 2: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,




NOTICE IS ~ It~?~EDY ,GIVEN .that the Department of Finance of the State

]of California, Sacramento, California, ’,acting pursuant to the provisions of .Chapter 28G, Statutes 1927 as amended, [intends to file applications for water ~or rise tli~reof which in the Judgment ~of’ said Department of I,’inance is or

~ may be required in the ’development and completion of, a’general or coor- dinated plan l~king towards the de- kmlopment, utilization or conservation :of the water resources of the state and 1~ water necessary to the development ’of a part of such general or coordi- nated plan, as follows to-wit:

~ (1) From South Fork of American l~iver wlthin,~ection 28. T 11 ~f. B. B. & hr. in thq County of El

rado, two thousand five hundred (2500) [cubi~ feet per, second by direct diver- sion and one mill on fifty t musand (1.- 050:000) acre "feet per annum by stor-

]age for powerpurposes and one ~l- ~lton fifty thousand (]~,050,000) acre ¯ feet per annum by storage for irrI- gation,’domcstlc, and navigation Fur: poses and saline ahd flood control.

(2) I,’rom North l~’ork of American ~iver within Section 11, T 12 N, R 8 E M D B. &M In the County of E1 D~rado, ,t~vo ,thousand five. hundred (2500) cubic feet per second by direc~

~diversion and eigh.t tlundred thirty-on ’,’thousand (831.000)acre feet per annum

--L~- ’st, a~ for ~owcr-.p~rp0~es- and (~I~Ilt ’ und’" }d t ~Irty-one thonsand (821.000}, ~cl’e feet per annum by stor- age ,for irrigation, domestic and na- v~gatlan purposes and saline and flood


,Dated: May 17, 1931. 19mgJa-4twy

H. BERLE "i’HOMAS, first duly sworn, deposes and says--

That he is and at all times hereinafter mentioned was a citizen of the United States, over the aqe of twenty-one years, and was at all times and is the ~rincipal clerk of ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of

THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation, printed and published dnil~ (Sundaus’and leqal holidays excepted), in the City of ~r~ille, C’~unty of E1 Dorado’, State of California; that said newspaper is and was at all times herein mentioned, a ~ewspaper of qeneral circulation as that term is defined by Scction 4460 ~f the Political Uode; is and at allr times

herein mentioned was published for the dissemination local and, teleqraphic news an~ intelligence of a general char- acter, havinq ~ bona fide subscription, list of paying subscrib- ers, and is ~ot and never was devoted to the interests, or pub- llshed for the entertainment or instruction .of a partic~dar class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or for any number of such classes, professions, trades, callinqs, races of denomination, s; that at all said. times said newspaper had " been established, printed and published in said City and Coun- ty aforesaid_ at regular inter~als for more than o~e year pre_ ~eding the first publication ~ this notice herein mentioned of which, a clipping is hereto attached; that said notice was set in type not smaller than nonpareil and was ~receded by words i~ blac~ face tzpe, describing and. ~xpressing in ~ gen- eral terms the purport and character of the ~wtice intended

to be qiven; that the said Notice ..... ~E...~T~T.~O~ ..............

, t~ file application for water rights was published in the said ~ewspaper on the following dates

to wit ..... ~y...~9.~...~fi~...E~.a..~a...9.a...~}.6 ......................

i ...........

b ein q ~z~z~~~z~fi~g ’ durb~.q sa id period, and c nshtutz~q ..... ~ ................ ~ ~~e pubhcatzo~ts.

Subs~bed and sworn to before me, this .............. ~ ................

California. ¯


Page 3: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,

Placerville, Califor~ia


Page 4: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,



NOTICE IS’ tIEt~By GIVEN that ~the Depar~meht of Finance of the State

~of ’C~ltforniai .Sacramento California, ,:actlng pursuant to the ~’rovislons of

:Chapter 286,.Statutes 1927 as amended, ~inteuds to ’file applicatfons,.for .water ~or use. thereof Which In ’the Judgment of. said’ Department of Finance’is or may be required In tile "development

,and completion of ~ general or coor- dinated plan looking towards the de- .velopmcnt, ~tllization. or conservation

’~ the water resources of the state and .~.~ water necessary to the development :of a part of such general or eoordl- ~na~ed plan, as fo]10ws to-wit:

(1) From South Fork of American t~iver within S’ection 28. T~ll N, R 9

~M. B. B. & 5L ih thq County of E1 Do- .ratio. two thousand ~ive;hundred (2500) cubic feet per secohd by direct diver- sion and one milHo~ ’fifty thousand (1,- 050,000) acre feet per annum by stor-

,’age for power purposes and one mil- lion fifty thousand (]~,050.000) acre feet per annum by storage for irri-

’gation. domestic and navigation pur- poses and saline and flood control.

~ (2) From North Fork of American ~River wit]fin Section I],~T 12"N, ~ 8 ~E. M. D. B. & M. in the County of

, ])orado, two thous~n(1 five hundred (2500) cubic ~eet per second by direct diversion and eighthundred thirty-one thousand (831,000) acre feet per annum

Ibv -stn-a~c for po~er ~urposes and ": eight "’ rio ¢~"90’ thirty-one thousand

(831,000) acro feet per annnm by~stof ,age for irrigation domestic and na- vigation purposes ~nd saline and flood

1)I,~I)A~TM.~NT OP FINANCE TH[~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~OLLAND A. By Rolland A, ,Vandegrift, Director.

Dated: May 17, 1934, 19mOJe-4~wy

H. BERLE THOMAS, first duly sworn, deposes and says-- That he is and at all times.hereinafter mentioned was a

:citizenof the United States, over the ¯ aqe of twenty-one -]]~ars, and was at all times and is the ~rincipal clerk of "El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of

THE PLACERVIL’,LE REPUBLICAN a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published daily (Sundaysand legal holidays excepte.d)~,!n.,the City.,of, Pla~erville, County Of E1 Dorado, State of Uadlornia; ~na~ said newspaper is and was at all times herein mentioned, a ~tewspaper of general circulation as th.at term is defined by Section 4460 of lhe Political (;ode; ,s and at all times herein mentioned was published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic ~ews an’] intelligence of a general char- acter, havinqa bona fide subscription list df payinq subscrib- ers, and is ~bt and ~,ever was dev~oted to the interests, or pub- lished for the entertain~nent or instruction of a partic-ular class, profession, trade, calling,.race or denomination, or for any ~ntmber of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or’denomi~ationsi that at all said times said newspaper had been established,, printed and published in said City and Coun- ty aforesaid at regular interv.alsfor more than one year pre. deding the first publication of this ~totice herein mentiom~d of which a clippinq is hereto attached: that said uotice was set in type ~,ot s~aller than nonpareil and was ,prece.ded by words in black face type, describing and expressing ~.~ gen-

..eral terms the purport and character of th~ ~otice intended

to be given; that the said Notice ..O~...Al’~tOz~Z!.~la ......... :. .....

to £1~o application for t~e.tor ri~ht~

~cas published in the said newspaper on the following dates

to wit ...... .....................

Subscaibed 0nd sworn to bef0r.~ me, tiffs.......,~......~....~. ............ : . : .

Notary Public in and’for the ~oun~~~m~ O]


Page 5: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,


Page 6: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,

A.~Dlic;~t~!on~ 79:~6 - 7D~7 - 79~.0.

Dop~rt~ant of Fin~ce Capitol 3utl dtng Sac r~uonto, Caltfor~n


Purs~ut to your. request thls date there is enclose& ~fi~vit ~howtng ~bltcatton in t~ Plier tIe~ld of.notice ~ A~ltcat~on~ 79~5 ~d 79~7 to ~ proprl~te fr~ North Fork of ~o~c~ ~iver, ~so ~fft-

~vit eho~l~ ~bltcation tn the Sncr~ento ~ee of notice re Application 79~ to a~rop~ate from ~9~c~n ~t~r.

Fer/ traly yours,


Page 7: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,

Affidavit ot

"STATE OF CAT.IFORNIA, } County of Placer ’ as.

....e~....~’...~....7..’~....~..~~. ...... being first duly sworn

according to law, deposes and says:

I am a ...... male resident of the above named County and State over the age of eighteen years, and I am not interested in the matter referred to in the publication of which the annexed is a copy.

I was at all times covered by the period of publication hereinafter de-


printer and publisher of THE PLACER HERALD.

Said newspaper was during all the l~eriod of publication hereinafter scribed ~md for one year next prior thereto a weekly newspaper of gener- al circulation, established at the City of Auburn, County of Placer, State of California, and printed and published therein, at regular intervals to-wit: on Saturday of each and every week and not oftener;

That during all of said period of publication an’d of said year next prior to said period, said newspaper was published for the dissemination of local or telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character and then and there at all times had a bona fide subscription list of paying subscrib- ers;

Said newspaper was not at any time during said period of publication, nor during the year next prior thereto, devoted to the interests, nor publish- ed for the entertainment or instruction of any particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, nor for any number,of such classes, professions, trades~ callings, races or denominations, nor with the avowed,, or ether purpose to entertain or instruct such classes;

That said published notice was set, printed and published in type not smaller than nonparlel and was preceded by words printed in black face ~ type not smaller than nonpartel, describing or expressing in general terms, the purport or character of said notice intended to be given;

The publication hereinafter referred to, to-wit: A~..~.~. ....

- weekly issue thereof for a period of ....................... weeks,

commencing with and in the issue thereof issued and dated on the .........

..... .... .............................. A. D., 193..~., and ¯ending with and in the issue thereof issued and dated

on the .... ~ .~,:.~.~T....day of.~ .......... A. D., 193.~.., and in

Issues thereof Issued and dated on the following days, to-wit: ..............

............... ............................ -


........................... - ..............

A true and ~correct printed copy of said publication in the words, fig- ures, form and type employed in each and all the said Issues of said news- paper appears in the margin of this affidavit and the said printed copy is hereby referred to and made a part hereof;

Said publication was printed and published in each and every issue of said newspaper durtng the entire pertod of publication in the newspaper proper and not in a supplement thereof.

Subscribed an~/g~orn to before me this, the ...........................

......... ,,

A ~~ in ~ sa~d Placer Coun~Callfo n a.



’ -L - pR~IONOFWATE~ ¯ .

-,NOTiCe"IS REREBT "OI~ t~t the Department o~ F~ance o~ ~he Stat~ or California, Sacramento, Calfforn~ ~cting pursuant to the pro~slons Chapter 286, Statutes 1927, as .amen- ded, intends [o file a~plications for water or the us~ thereo~ which In the 3udgment of the said State Depart- meat of Finance,is or may be requlr~

~ in the development and completion of ~a general or c~rdinated plan looking

¯ ~owards the development, utilization :or conservation of the water resource3 ;cf the s~te and ls water n~essary the development o~ a pa~ of such general or coordinated ~lan, as tel-

.lows, From North Fork of" Xmerican

Riv~ within Section R g E, M.D.B.~M. in-the County o[ E1 Dorado, t~o t~ousand five hundred (2500) cubic feet per s~cond by direct diversion and eight hundred thirty-one thousand (831,000) acre feet per ~num by storage for. power purposes ~d eight hundred thirty-one thousand (831.000) acre feet p~r annum by storage for irrigation, domestic and navigation, purposes and saline ~d flood control.


~. By RO~D A. V~DERGR~ Dlr~tor. "

~. Dated: May~1934.. ~rst publication M~ 19, 1934. {Last publication June 9, 1934.


Page 8: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,



Page 9: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,






Application 7936

State of California Department of Finance Sacrazcnto, Calif.


Receipt is acknowledged of the application of


fo~ a permit to appropriate water from North For1~ of American

River in ElDor~do and Placer Counties.

When this application has been checked as to detail you

will be advised if any corrections are necessary.

Very truly yours

Deputy in Charge of Water Rights


Page 10: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,


Page 11: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,

<cubic :jfeet ~per’ Second ’by, direct, diversion., and;;one million, flft~


Page 12: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,

Conduit System (describe main co.~duiu only)~ ~ ’,-,’,’~.: - t ’

(a) Canal, ditch, ,flame: Width on tO~l~ (at Water line) .... :~i width at bo~hn~ " "

feet; depth of water ...... feet; length __ feet; grade_, .-~eet pe~ 1,000 feet; materials

Of constrIIc~OIL_ ’ - Earth, rock,,¢imber, arc

(b) Pipe llne: Diameter ........ __inches; length ---~eet; grade , - feet

1,000 feet; total £all from intake to outlet .......... ~’feet; kind

NOT~.--If a combination of different sizes or kinds of conduit b to be used, attach extra sheets with complete description, also *how location o~ dach clearly on map.

9. ~hs estimgted ogpgoity of the diversion works proposed is. State cubic feet per second or gallons per minute

The estimated cost of the diversion works proposed is:!" _ ............................................ Give only cost o~ intake, or headworks, pumps, storage reservoirs and main conduits described herein

Completion Schedule

10. Construction work will begin within ................. _months after approval of this application.

Construction work will be completed withim~=_, .......................... years after approval of this application.

The water wi11:be"c~npletely applied’to the proposed use within .......................... years after approval of this application.

.Description of Proposed Use

11; Plsce of Use. _~.�~..O_.._~’9~.~_._.b._~,.~.~_._t~,.~.j.~~ daae~baa ~beV_~ State 40-acre subdivisions of the public land survey. If area is unsurveyed indicate the location as if lines of the public land

~urvey were projected, In the case of irrigation use state the number of acres to be irrigated in each 40-acee tract, if space permits. If space does not permit listing all 40-acee

tracts, describe area in a general way and show detaiFupon map. These blanke need not be filled in when municipal use ia proposed,

Does applicant own the land whereofi,use of water will be made? ................. Yes or No

If applicant doee not own land whereon use o£ water will be made, state what arrangements have been made with owner.

~If incidental to one o£ the major uses described in ]Paragraphs 13, 14, 1~, 16, 17 or lg domestic use may be included in the’l 12. Domestic Use. ~sa~e application with any one thereof, and Paragraph 12 should be filled out. If the domeltlc use is act incidental to someJ

~.m~j0r use a separate application is requlred:

Domestic age is proposed as follows: Describe nature of use which may include stock water and the irrigation of domestic gardens not exceeding

one-half acre each in area connected with places of residence

The amotmt for which application is made was determined by ........................................................... Describe basis of estimate of quantity needed

13. Irrigation Use. (See marginal note.) The area to be irrigated is ........................................ acres. State net acreage to be irrigated

The segregation of~ acreage as to crops is as follows:Rice ....................... acres; alfalfa_ .................. acres; orchard

Second feet X fall


Page 13: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,


,..’~ ~ ,~II ATTACH EXT~ s~ETs

Z ...................................................................... ............ ¯ .vul tio. .................. ....... The estimated average daily consumptioa dur~g the month of ma~imum use at the end of each five year period until the

full amount applied for is put to beneficial use is as follows:

16. l~iniaag Use. (See marginalnote.) The name of the mining property to be served.is ........................ Name of claim

............................................ and the nature of the mines is .... Gold placer, lead quartz, etc.

The method of utilizing the water is.

It is estimated that the ultimate water requirement for this project will be ........... Cubic ~ect per second, gallonl per minute State basla of eleimat~

The water will be polluted by chemicals or otherwise ................................................................................. will not P.xplaiu nature of pollution, |~ any

will be returned to.-- ............ i~ .of and it will not - Name stream State 40-acre ,ubdivislon

See. , Tp, , R .................. M.

17. rndustria/Use, (See marginal note.) The nature of the use proposed is___: ........................... Delcribe nature and method of use

The amount for which application is made was determ~ed by. Describe basil o~ e,timat¢ of quantity needed

18. Recreational Use. (See marginal note.) Water will be used for .......................................................... ’ De~erlb~ netur~ and. m.ethqd.~o~ use

The amount for which application is made was determined by Describe basll of estimate ox� .quantity seeded

G neral

19. Are the maps as required by the Rules and Regulations filed with Application? ............................ If not, Yes or No

state specifically the time required for filing s~me ..............................................................................

20. Does the applicant own the land at the proposed point of diversion? ................................ If not, state what Yes or No

steps have been taken to secure right of access thereto ..............................................

21. What is the name of the post oflqce most used by those living near the proposed point of diversion?

22. W~nat are the names and addresses of claimants of water from the source of supply below the proposed point

of diversion,? ........

.<.:...,___ ..... PCWA-049

Page 14: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,



This is to certEfy that the application of which the foregoing is a true and correct copy ha~ been considered and

is hereby approved SUBJECTTO VESTED R!GIlTS and the following limitations and conditions in addition to

enumerated in Chapter $86, Statutes 1913, as amended.

I. The amount o~ water appropriated shall be limited to the amount which can be beneficially used, and

not e~ceed

2. The maximum amount herein stated may be reduced in the license ff investigation so warrants.

3. Actual construction Work shall begin on or be~o~e and shall

thereafter be prosecuted with reasonable diligence; and i~ not so commenced and prosecuted this permit may be revoked.

4. Said construction work shall be �ompleted on or be/ore

$. Complete application of the water to the proposed use shall be made on or be/0re

Witness my ha~ul and the Seal of the Delmrt-

ment o[ Public Worl~s of th.e_~ate of California




Page 15: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,




of ~’lnaaoe of the State of Caltfor~ta


~ y of ................................................................. "

¯ California .__ . do hereby ~ke app~cation ~ a ~t m appmp~

~ u~ppropfiated ~ten of ~e State of ~Gfor~ SUB]E~ TO EXISTING MGH~:

":.~ ~,Source,’ Amount, Use and Location o~ Diversion Works "

,-’, ¯ "~. The ~o~t of wx~r which appEcant desi~ to appropriate under t~* application ~ ~ follows:

(a) F~ ~venlon m ~ ~r~tly appli~ to ~ficlal u~ ~thout stora~ .............. ~u~

~vmion m ~ Ito~d ~,rily and later applied to ~nefichl use....~l.~ .............

Ne~r t~ ~nte nor t~ m~n may ~ ~¢r~ ~t~ appl~a~n ~ 61~.

’ ~8 ~e ~e~to which th~ water is to ~ appli~ k.._~[~g~!~D ] "

do~mtlO~ aallne e~d t~ood eont~olt ~vlgettoap~ be made foe each us4 except that . Incidental domestic use may be In.

~- :.,.., Description of Diversion Works p~pl;¢’atlomleam not ~ spprov~ for an.amount Oroaaly In ~xceee of the estimated capacity of the dlve~lon


f~t long on top; and ~omtructed of .......... :...~ ................. ~ ...... 2. ,..

dam w~.l ~ ...... ~_~_ f~t in height (steam M to overflow level) ; .___~._ " f~ "’

of:.._w ..... f~t, a~ ~ �onst~ct~

~ubu~ ",

e’.~o~ ~ fl~ tau~ ~. _


Page 16: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,


Page 17: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,


Page 18: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,



Page 19: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,


~’For full Informatlon concernln~ the filling OUt and filing of this form refer to Regulation 4 of~ER _ [and Regulations of the Division of Water Resources Governing the Appr0pr’iation of.~x~d~I t~,A ..... ~ ~ ~ ~ .~


~ ’~ ~.-.~ ~


(Applicant mus~ not ~I in th~ above blank,)

APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE UNAPPROPK T E T. R ~ This, application involves in no way the right to construct a ~’~F P:~:~ =!~

II I~ the project involves construction o~ a dam fi£teen ~eet or more in height or impoun~NTO ~ ~ II ing ten acre ~eet (3,258,$10 gallons), or more, approval o~ the plan should be secured I~. by filing a separate application, blanks ~or which will be~inishe~ .upon requ~t~=.)J .

~, ~ep~r’l;ment of ~:l.nanee o£ ~h__~e_.8.t__a_~e___o_f__O__a_l~_f_o_r._n:l._~ ................................................ Name of applicant

of Sacramento Sacramento County ........ , ........... : ............................................... ~OSt office

State of.__ __ California ., do hereby make application for a permit to appropriate the

following described unappropriated waters of the State of California, SUBJECT TO EXISTING RIGHTS:

Source, Amount, Use and Location Diversion Works 1. The Source of the proposed appropriation is North Fo~k of Ameri~au River "

. Give name of ,tream, lake, etc., if named; if unnamed state nature of ,curer and that it il ~aaamed

E1 Dor-~ot an~ Placer Countze.s located in_ ............... :au’)_L ........... ~ tributary to ......... ~_r_~_o__e~___~_o~__ ...............................................

.I1. The amount of w~ter which applicant desires to appropriate under this application is as follows:

(a) For diversion to be directly applied to beneficial use without storage ........ _B_o_~_O_ .............. cubic feet I cubic foot per ,round equal, 40 statute miner’, inches or 646J17 ga!lons per day

**toad, to be diverted from ............................................ to ......................... =___~ ............. of each season. Beginning date each season Closing date each seaion

(b) For diversion to be stored temporarily and later applied to beneficial use_____8~_-l~:000 acre-feet 1 acre-foot equal, ~25,~$1 gallon,

per annum, to be collected between- ......... O_¢_~_O_~S~L_I ........................ and .......... ~a].g--]~--: ............ :___of each season. Beginning date each season Clo,lng date each season

Noam.~Amswer (a) or (b) or both (a) and (b) as may be necessary. The amounts stated must be in definits terms o£ some establish, ed trait o~ measurement. Neither these amounts nor the season may I~ increased a~ter application is filed.

S. The use to which the water is to be applied Irrigation, power, municipal,

domestlo, saline and floo~ control, navigatio industrial, recreational, domestiC. Recreational me may be deemed to include all uses

[nc~den~l ~o a re~or~ such ~s domestic, ~oa~, ~sh cul~e,

NOTE.~A separate application must be made for each use except that incidental domestic use may be in- cluded with any other use.

The point of diversion is to be located ....... : ............................................................................

of $~ction ii

State 40 ....... bdivi,lon o~ U. s. G ............. ~ or pto~ectlon theroo~ CO~mti e s of. ~L~ Dorado & Placer

Tp 18 N R. 8 E _, gt~tB_~M., in the . - .................... -~ -s .......... 7J .......

The main conduit terminates in ..................... of See,: ........... Tp ......... , R ............... State 40-acre subdivision of U. $, Government survey or projection thereo£

Description of Diversion Works NOTE~An application can not be approved for an amount grossly in excess of the estimated capacity of the diversion work~. I

6. Intake or Ho~dworks (fill only those blanks which apply)

(a) Diversion will be made by pumping: Capacity of plant

(b) Diversion will be by gravity, the diverting dam being

gallons per minute.

leerin height (stream bed ~o

levd of overflow); .feet long on top; and constructed of .................... L ..................................... Concrete, earth, brash, etc.

The storage dam will be ..... .4~_0 ...... feet in height (stream bed tO overflow level) ; :__:~._ ....... feet

long on top; have a freeboard of ................... feet, and be constructed of. Concrete, earth, etc.

7.. Storage Reservoir___A_u__bu_~._. " "

"\, The ~,~torage reservoir will flood lands in ~

Indicate section or sections, al,o 40-acre subdivision, un(ess shown upon map

~i~, It will have a:sur~ace.: area of ........................ acres, and a capacity, oL~0 ............. acre-feet. ~ I~ case of insufficient space for answers in form, attach extra sheets at top of page ~ and cr PCWA-049

Page 20: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,

Conduit System (describe main conduits only)

¯ (;,) Canal, ditch, flume: Width on top (at water line) f~et; width at bottom

feet; depth bf water__ length_ .__feet; grade .feet per 1,000’ feet; materials

of construction_. Earth, rock, timber, etc.

(b) Pipe line: Diameter___ __~__~ .... inches; length ................... _feet; grade.__ .feet per

1,000 feet; total fall from intake to outlet___:~- ....... A_:feet; kind. Riveted steel, cement, wood-stave, etc.

NOTE.--If a combination of different sizes or kinds of conduit is to be used, .attach extra sheets with complete description, also show location of each clearly on map.

9. The estimated capacity of the diversion works proposed is .................................................................. State cubic feet per second or gallons per minute

The estimated cost of the diversion works proposed is ................................................................ Give only cost of intake, or headworks, pumps, storage reservoirs ai~d main conduits described herein

Completion Schedule.

10. Construction work will begin within.

Construction work will be completed within_____: . ~ "

The water will be completely applied to the proposed use withirt

months after approval of this application.

years after approval of this application.

years after approval of this application.

Description of Proposed Use 2~500,000-sores within the floor of Sacramento and San ~oaqufn Ii, Place of Use ........................................................................ , ...........................................

State 40-acre ~ubdivislons of the public land survey. If area is an,arrayed indicate the location as if lines of th~ public land

valleys and the delta areas of the two rivers. .............. ~-~-~ ~----- .................. ~- ........... ~ ................................... ---7 ...................... survey were projected. In the case of irrigation use State the number of acres to be irrigated in each 40-acre tract, if space permits. If space does not per, mit listing all 40-acre

tracts, describe area in a general way and show detail upon map. These blanks need not be filled in when municipal use i, proposed.

Does applicant own the land whereon use of ~ater will be made? ............. :.---- Yes Or No

If applicant does not own land whereon use of water will be made, ,tare what arrangements hav~ bc~n made with owner.

If If incidental to one of the major uses described in Paragraphs 13, 14, lS, 16, 17 or 18 do~aestic use may be included in the’~ 1~.. Domestic ~.~se, 1] ..... pplication with any one ~hereof, and Paragraph i2 SbouId be filled out. If the’d .... tic Us~ is not incidental to i0meJ

[[major use a separate application is required.

Domestic use is proposed as follows: Describe nature of use which may include stock water and the irrigation of dome,tic gardens not exceeding

one-half acre each in area connected with place~ 9f residence .... ~

The amount for which application is made was determined by .............. .................................................. ~ ....... ~ Describe basis of~estlmate of quantity needed ~

18. Irrigation Use. .(See marginal note.) The area to be irrigated is ........... , ........................... -" ....... acres. State net acreage to be irrigated

The segregation of acr, eage as to crops is as follows: Rice _~ ......... ad’r-es;-alfalfa ....... acres; orchard

................ acres; general crops " 2-LS_Q-0._LQ-0-Q-_---acres.

Nor~.--4Zar¢ should be taken that the various statements as to acreage are consistent with ¯each other, with the statement in Paragraph 11, and with the map.

The. irrigation season will begin about__--I~-!gh_-1- ........................ and end about___--N_?.~e---mb--e-~-----1 .................. Beginning date each season Closing date each season

The land to be irrigated has another water right or source of water supply other than that herein applied for. ~ The nature other no

and amount of the additional supply referred to is .............................................................................................

!4. Power Use, (See marginal note.) The total fall to be utilized is_= ....................................................... feet. . . Difference between nozzle or draft tube water level

. . and first¯ free water surface above ¯

maximum amount of water to be used through the penstock is~ ............... ~Z~_÷_ .... ~_,.,_,_- ........ ’cubic feet per second.

maximum theoretica! horsepower capable of being generated by the works is_-2 ....................... -- ............. horsepower. Second feet M fall + g.$


use to which the power is to be applied is ...... : ................ ~ ..... ’ .............. 2., ........ ~_2_ ................ ,2 ...... For distribution and sale Or private use, etc.

nature of the works by means of which power is to be developed is ................................................................... TUrbine, Pehon wheel, hydraullc ram, etc. ,.

wdl ¯ ’ ’ water .. be returned to .......................................................................... in_ ....... ::---:--:-’---~-~---:~2: ..... --= ..... ~ ........... of

WILt not Name stream State 40-acre subdivision



Page 21: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,




15. lChlnicipa~ Uge. (See marginal note.) This application is made for the purpose of serving ..................... Name city or cities, town

.................................................................................... _having a present population or towns. Urban areas only

The estimated average daily consumption during the month of maximum use at the end of each five year period, until the

full amount applied for is put to beneficial use is as follows:

~6. Mining Use. (See marginal note.) The name of the miuing property to be served is . Name of claim

.............................................. and the nature of the mines is_-. G01d placer, lead quartz, etc.

The method of utilizing the water is

It is estimated that the ultimate water requirement for this project will be Cubic feet per second, ga!lon, per minute State bati, o~ e~timet~

The waterwillwill not be polluted by chemicals or otherwise~zplain .................... =at.re o~ po:lution,-- .................................................. i~ ,nr ~ ..............

will be returned to ..... in -of and it will not

N .... t .... --- State 40 ....... bdivision

Sec ............... Tp ........ ~-- ........ ~ ...... , R ........ 2 ..... ,, ................ M.

17. Industri8/U-qe. (See.marginal note.) The nature of the use proposed is ..................................... Describe nature and method of use

The amount for which application is made was determined by. Describe basis of estimate o~ quantity needed

18. Recreational Use. (See marginal note.) Water will be used for ........................................................... Describe nature and method o~ use

The amount for which application is made was determined by Describe basi~ of estimate of quantity needed

7 ...............................................................


19. Are the maps as required by the Rules and Regulations filed with Application? ........................... If not, Yes or No

state specifically the time required for filing same ..........................................................................

20. Does the applicant own the land at the proposed point of diversion? ................................ If not, state what Yes or No

steps have been taken to secure fight of access thereto ..........................................................................

21. What is the name of the post o~ce most used by those living near the proposed point o£ diversion?

22. What are the names and addresses of claimants of water from the source of supply below the proposed point

of diversion? "

Dapar~ent .of Fi~no~ ~.f the State, of~ California


Page 22: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,



Tlfis is to certify that the application of which the foregoing is a true and correct copy has been considered and is hereby approved SUBJECT TO VESTED RIGHTS and the~ollowing limitations and conditions in addition to tho~ enumerated in Chapter $86, Statutes 1913, as ~monded~

I. The amount o~ water appropriated shall be limited to the amount which can be beneficially used, and shall

not exceed

2. The maximum amount herein stated may be reduced in the license if investigation so warrants.

3. Actual construction work shall begin on or before and slaall

thereafter be prosecuted with reasonable diligence, and i~ not so commenced and prosecuted this permit may be revoked.

4. Said construction work shall be completed on or before

$. Complete application o~ the water to the proposed use shall be made on or bdore

Witness my hand and the seal of lh,e Depart-

ment of Public Worlds of the State of California ............ ~!),,i..~ .....

this day of ~6~’~~ ~:~,. ~ ..... ~:’.~ I9

Stale Engi~e~

88990 9-31 6M


By_ Deputy



Page 23: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,

Any pe~m£t issued pursuant to this application and .~," license issued pursuant to such a permit shall not authorize the use of a~7 ~ater outside of the of origin which is necessary for the development of the county.


Page 24: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,


Page 25: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,

FORM 1 n@c " ~


- [For full.info’rmatio erning the tilling out and tiling of this form refer’Lq.l~Regulation 4 of Ruies! [and Regulations of the Division of Water Resources Governing the Appropriation of WaterJ ,,



~Application No;_7_~__~_~ ............ ,Filed_[___gg3r__Rl,__lg~k_~ ............. at..9.~0_~__~-M. (Applicant must’not fill in.the above blanks)

APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE UNAPPROPRIATED WATER This application involves in no way the right to construct a dam

Name o£ applicant

Post oglce

Stati~ of ....... !~.~f~.orla.~ .......... ~ .................. ~._i ............. ~: .............. i do hereby make application for a permit to appropriate the

following described unappropriated w~ters of’ the State of California, SUBJECT TO EXISTING" RIGHTS:

Source,, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works

1. The source of ~he p~oposed appropriation is.___~O_r.~__.~._O_!".k_.o_£..~_er_~o.azL~’~9I’_ .................................. ~.~ ~, . ~,~’~a Plier .Oo..~:_s,~~ Givenlmeof ....... Ink ..... .ifumed;if. . ~ .... d ...... a~reof ....... d~atiti~ ....... ~.,d

located in.__~.__~.g~9~ .................. ~, tributa~ to ........... ~r~--Rivor ............... v ...... ~- .......................................

~. ~h~ ~mount of wgter which applicant d~ires to appropriate under this application is as ffollows:

(a) For diversion to be directly applied to beneficial use withou~ storage .............. _~___o_~__o_ .................. cubic feet per 1 cubic foot per second equals’40 statute miner’s ioche~ or 646,M7 gallons per day

second, to,be diverted from.L.__~ ....................................... ~ .................. to .................................................................. of each season. Beginning date each season Closing date each season

(be For diversion to be stored temporarily land hter.~ppliedto ~beneficial use ...... ~0130 ............... acre,feet ! acre-foot equals ~2~,851 gallom

per annum, to be" collect;~ betweei[, ..... .0...o_~_._o_.b..o..~_.~_[ ................. [ ...... and ....... .d_~__~_.5_ ............................... of each season. Beginning date each season Closing date each season

No~.--Answer (a) or (be or both (a) and (be as may be necessary. The amounts’ stated must be in detinite terms of some established unit of measurement. ~N~ither these amounts nor the season may be’increased after application is filed.

~ 1 3. The use t~ which the water is tffbe applied is ...... Irrigation. power, municipal.

.fl~o~_t ~_o~.._~_a~.ine__~’H_ flood,__~ont r_~ 1~_: ~ga~o.~pur p oses. mining, industrial, recreational, domestic. Recreational use may be deemed to include incidental to a resort such as domestic, boating, fish culture, etc.

NOTE.--A separate application must be made for each use except that inca-. dental domestic use may be included with any other use.

4. The point 6f"diversion is to be located ................................................................................... [~ ...... L ................. ~ State bearing and distance or coordinate distances to section or quarter section corner

being within the .................. ~- ................................ ~ .............. ~ ................................................................................................ :__.~ ........ State 40-at .... bdivi,ion of U. S. G0ve ..... t ..... y or projection thereof 00~b]-~JG~.OS O~ Ei Dorado & Plaoor

5. ~he main conduit terminates in , of Sec ........... , Tp .................... R ...................................... M. State 40-acre subdivision o~ U. S. Government survey or projection thereo~

DescriptiofVof Di rersion Works NOTE.~An application can not be approved for an amount grossly in excess of the estimated capacity of the diversion works

6. Intake or Headworks (fill onlythose blanks which apply) ~

(a) Diversion will be made by pumping: Capacity of plant~ ....... ~ .......... L:_ ......... gallons per minute,

(b.i Diversion will be by gra¢itgg the diverting dam being: ........ ~ ........................... feet in height (stream bed ’to

level of overflow) ; ............. ~ .............. ,__.~feet long on top;and consti~cted of ................... ~ ................................................... COncrete, earth, br~sh, etc.

(c)" The’storage dam will be__..~[_4:~O ........ ~[2_.feet in height (stream bed to ovdrflow level) ; ...................... :.___:feet

long on ’top; have a freeboard of .......... .~ ........ ~ ..... ~.feet, and be constructed of ............ [ ............................................................... Concrete, earth, etc.

7~ Storage Reservoir ..... __g_~_.._mi_~ ......................... _~ ............................................................. Name

The storage reservoir will ’fldod lands in .................. Indicate section or sections, also 40-acre subdivisions unless shown upon map,

It will have a surface area of___, ’ __.:acres, and a capacity of ....... ~.!.i_O00 ........... acre-feet. ~ In,case of in~ufllcient space for answers in form, attach extra sheets at top of page ~ and ~ross reference.


Page 26: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,

Conduit System (describe main conduits only)

(a) Canal, ditch, flume:"Width or/top (a~ water line) ..... -~ ...................... feet; width at bottom ............................ Cross out two not used

feet; depth of w~ter ................ ~..~ ........ feet; ,length .... feet; grade ............ .feet per 1,000 feet; materials

of Construction ...................... : ........................ -- ........... :~2 ............ :--:~-~ ...... "-~’:-2: ...................................................................... Earth, rock, timber, etc.

(b) Pipe line: Diameter: ........... : ............. inchds; lengcK ............... -~ ..... ’.: ..... :_.feet; .grade .............................. feet per

1,00~0 feet; total fall from intake to outlet ............ feet; kind__~ ................................................................................ Riveted steel, cement, wood-stave, etc.

No’rE.~If a .combination of different sizes or kinds of conduit is tO be used, attach extra sheets with complete description, also show location of each clearly on map.

The estimated ,capacity of the diversioh works .propoSed is: ................................................. State cubic feet per second or gallons per minute

The estimated cost of the diversion works propos~ed is = ........ -7 ................................................................... : ............. Give only cost of intake, or headworks, pumps, storage reservoirs and main conduits described herein

Completion Schedule

10. Construction work will begin within ..................................... months after a~proval of this application.

Construction w~ork will be completed wlthsn ................................................... years after approval of this’ application.

The water’will be completely applied to the proposed use within .................. years after approval of this application.

Description 9f Proposed Use

1i. Place of Use .... .~_5_.O__O.~.O..O_O____~.o_._r__o__s._~.~ohL~___~._h_o ~_o.or of __~oramen~oo and ~an Jo_aALu_Lu State 40,acre subdivisions of the public land survey. If area is unsurveyed indicate the location as.if lines of the public land

.__’v:a~.2o~.~.:and=~.h_e~,~l_~.C_a,~’_o_.a.s.....o.£_,_~_~_~,_r_~.~.~ ................................. ~ ............ ::.:_ ................. , .................... survey were projected. In the:case of irrigation use atlte the number of acres" to be irrlgated’in each 40-acre tract, if space permit~. If sp.aoe ’does n0t perfiaitqiasing all 40-acre

tracts, describe area in a general way and show detail uPOn map. These blanks need not b~ filled in when municipal use,i3 prop0sed~

Does applicant own the land whereon Use of water will be made? " . ¯ Yes or No ~

l’f applicant does not own land whereon Use of water will be made, state wheat arrangements have been made wish owner~ ~ ~’

Iflf incidental to one of. the major uses described in Paragraphs -1~, 14, 151 16, 17 or 15 domestic use ma~ be included in the~] 19.. Domestic Use. ][*ame application with any one thereof, and Paragraph 12 should be filled out. If the domestic use is not incidental to some~] ~major use a separate application is required. .~

Domestic use is proposed as follows:’_ .................................... 2 ..................................................................... :==..,: .... De~cribe nature of use which may include stock water and the irrigation of domestic gardens not exceeding

one-half acre eada in "area connected with places of residence

The amount for which application is made was determined by ................................................ ___i ................................. Describe basis of e~timate of quantity needed

15. Irrigation ~se. (~-e marginal note.) The area to be irrigated is ............ acres. ~ ~ State net acreage to be irrigated

l~he segregation of acreage as to crops is as follows:. Rice ......................... acrei; alfalfa .................... acres; orchard

acres; general crops....2,_~ 50_.O.n,O.O.O __acres. No~.~Care should be taken that the various :statements as to.acreage ar.e,congist’e, nt ,with each other, with the statement in Paragraph 11,

and with the map.

The. irrigatign season will begin a ~bout_.. ]~I’..O_~L_~_ .......... ; ........... an.d end about ..... ~.o.y_9_1~o-" "1

Beginning’date e~eh season ~Clos!ng da~e each season

another . " ¯ water right or source of water supply other The~land to be irrlgat, ed has - , ~ than thatherem apphed for. ’The nature no omer

and amount of the additional to is~ supply referred ....... ........ .................. ’--.~ .......................................

14. Power Use. (See marginal note.) The total fall to be utd~ed ~s=__.-~-= ............... , ............... feet. Difference between nozzle or draft tube water level and first free water surface above

The maxLmum amount of water to be used through the penstock ~s .......................................................... cubic feet per second.

The maximum theoretical horsepower capable of being generated by the~works ~s .................................. horsepower. Sec?nd feet :X fall? ,.’-’. 8.8 ~. ¯ .

The use to which the power is to be applied iSFor ............................................................................................... distribution and sale or private use, etc; ~- ............................

"~_ ~ The nature of the w6rks by means’~6f which power is to be’de’veloped is~ ....... .~.__:_ ........................... ~_:_ ..... .;. ............. ~_ ...................... Turbine, Pelion wheel, hydraulic ram, etc.

will The water be returned to .............................................................. in ........................................................... of will not ~ Name st~e ....

¯ ~o , Sta~e 40 ....... bdiVlsion

Sec; , Tp ........................... , IL. ¯ _._.~=== ....... , ...... :_ ...... __~"_~=,M.~ °’


Page 27: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,


PERMIT No. This is to certify that the application of ~hich the foregoing is a true and correct copy has been considered and

is hereby approved SUBJECT-TO VESTED RIGHTS and the .following limitations and conditions in addition to those

enumerated in Chapter $ 86, Statutes 1913,’ as amended.

1. The amount of water appropriated shall be lir~ited to the amoufit which Chn be beneficially used, and shall

not exceed

2. -The maximum amount herein stated haay .be reduced in the license if investigation so warrants.

3..Ac~al’ constr~¢tion work shall begiri on or before and shall

thereafter be prosecuted with reasonable diligence, and if not so commenced and prosecuted this permit may be revoked.

4: Said construction work shall be ~omple, ted on,or before .....

$. Complete application of the water ~o the proposed use"shall be made on or before

/ 6. Progress ~reports shall be filed promptly by permittee on forms appropriate to the purpose which will be provided annually by the Division of Water Resources until license is issued.


"Wirelessmy hand }nd the seal of the

Department ~f Public Works of the State of California this ~ ~, ~., v day of 19

EDWAKD HYATT State Engineer

~ , By ................. .. ..................................................... Deputy


Page 28: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,



18. Municipal Use. (See marginal note.) This applicatiofi is made for the purpose of serv g ....... ~, ............. ~ Name -~ity Or, Cities, town

~ ............. ,. ...... ’__ ............................................. ~ .......................... having,.a present population~ of ........................................... or towns. Urb*n oreu only ~ ,, ,

~ The estimated average daily consumption during the month of maximum use at the end, of’eaCh five-year, perioff’ tmtil the~

full amount applied for is put to beneficial use is. as follows:

16. Mining Use. (See marginal note.) The name of the mining property to be served is Name of claim

___:and the nature of the mines is ........................................................................ Gold pla~er, lead quarVz, etc.

The method of utilizing the water is ..................................... ;. ....................................................................................

It is estimated that the ultimate water requirement for this project Will be ................................................................... Cublc ~ret pet s~�ond, gallons per minute. State bul* of estlma~

will be polluted by chemicals or otherwise: .......................................................................................................... The water will not S.plain got.re of poiloti=, a any

will .... ¯ , ~ ........... _ " of~ andit will-or:be °returned’~ t°’’~’:’n ° ~’!’ ........... - " m .... ........................ , ........... ~. .......... Name stream Skate 40-acre subdivision

17. In~ustrialU.se-~ " (See~ma.rginal:note~:)~. The ,nature of the use proposed is ................. Describe nature and method of m~

The amount for:which application’is made was;d.etermined~by ................. : ............................................. ~--~=.~..:-~ Describe basis of estimate of quantity needed

18. Recreational Use. (See marginal note.) Water will be used for .......................................................... : ....... . Describe nature and method of use

The amount ~or which application is made was determined by ............................................................................................... Describe basis of estimat¢ of quantity needed


19. Are the maps as required by the Rules and Regulations filed with Application? ....... ~ ......................... If not, Yes or No

state specifically the time required for filing same_" .............................................. ~ .........................................................................

20. Does the applicant own the land at the proposed point of diversion? ................... "- ............. If not, state what Yes or No

steps have been taken to secure right of access thereto ............................................................................. - .............................

21. What is the name of the post office most used by those living near the proposed point of diversion?

22. What are the’names and addresses off claimahts’off watel from the source of suppl) below tile proposdd point

Department of Fiu~noe cf %he State of


Page 29: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,



15. Municipal Use. (See marginal note.) This application is made for the purpose of serving.__ Name city or cities, town

. having a present population of. ~. towns. Urban areas only

~’ ~. ~.

The estimated average daily consurnptio~ during the month of maximum use at the end of each five year period until the

full amount applied for is put to ;be~n_eficial use is as.fo!lo~

1(3. Mining Use. (See marginalmote.) ~ The fi’a~e-bf~e mining property to be served is .................... Name of claim

._and the nature of the mines is. Gold placer, lead quartz, etc.

The method of utilizing the water is.

It is estimated that the ultimate water requirement for this project will be. Cubic fee� per second, gallons per minute

will be polluted by chemicals or otherwise ....... The water will not e~plai, o*t~e o~ poll~t~oo0 i~ any

will be returned to. in and it will not

Name st .... State 40-acre subdi*ision

Sec, ., Tp. ,1~ "~ ~ M.

17. ~a~dasgria~ Use. (See marginal note.) ’The nature of the use proposed is Describe nature and method of use

State basis of eatimztz


The amount f~r which application is made was determindd by.-. * ’ r ~ ~ O ~ ’

Describe basis of e*timate of quantity needed

. " 18. Recreational Use. (See marginal note.) Water will be used for ....

method of use.~ .... Describe nature and : ~ ~% :~ g **~, ,, ~

The amount for which application is made was determined by Describe basis of estimate of quantity needed



Are the maps as required by the Rules and Regulations filed with Application? ....................... If not, Yes or No

state specifically the time required for filing same

20. Does the applicant own the land at the proposed point o~ diversion? ............................... I~ not, state what Yes or No

steps have been taken to secure right of access thereto

21. What is the name of the post once most used by those living near the proposed point of diversion?

22. What are the names and addresses of claimants of water from the so~arce of supply below the proposed p&nt

of diversion? - " " ~’ .

Departmen~ o~f/Finance .oF. the State of California

:;-:-; . Signature o~ Applican~ PCWA-049

Page 30: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,



This is to certify that the application of which the foregoing is a true and correct copy has been considered and is her~eby approved SUBJECT TO VESTED R~GHTS and the following limitations and conditions in addition to tho~ enumerated in Chapter $86, Statutes 1913, as amonded.

1. The amount of water appropriated shaLl be limited to the amount which can be beneficially used, and ~hall

not exceed

2. The maxlmun~ amount herein stated’may be reduced in the license if investigation so warrants.

3. Actnal construction work shall begin on or before and shall

thereafter be prosecuted with reasonable diligence, and if not so commenced and prosecuted this permit may be revoked.

4. Said construction work shah be completed on or before

$, Complete application of the water to the proposed use shall b~ made on or ~fore ~:

Witness my:hand and the sea~l of the Depart,

ment of Public Works of the~St,a.,t_e of California

this Y


80990 9-31 OM



Page 31: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,

~’For full Information ~rn n0 t~e fl ng out and fl ng of this form refer t~]ulatlon 4 of and Regulations of t.~.~-". Divimon of Water Resources Governing the Ap~!~riation of.



_7_92_2_ (Applic~nt mul~ not ~ll in the ~bove bhn~)

] H the proj~t ~volv~ const~ction o~ a dam "t~n ~t or more ~ hei ht or

II ins ten acre ~eet (},2~8,S10 gallons), or more, approval o~ the plan should be secured ~ by ~hg a separate application, blan~ £or which will b~ ~urn~h~ upon ’r~u~t.

Depertmen% of Finance of t~e State of California Name of applicant 7

, Sacrnmen¢O .County of Saoremento

Post otfice

State o£ California __, do hereby make application for a permit to appropriate the

following described unappropriated waters of the State of Califor~a,. SUB]ECT TO. EXISTING RIGHTS:

Source, ,Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works

16cited in

....... -North Fork of American River The source of the proposed appropriation is. - .... "- --

~l Dorad~and Placer COunt ie’~Gi .......

£ st ..... lake, etc., if .... d; if ...... d state nature of ....... d that it is ~amad

.~: tributary Amer t c an River " tO ............ ,-- ............ . .......................................

9.. The amount of water which applicant desires to appropriate under this application is as follows:

For diversion to be directly applied to beneficial use wikhout storage ..... ..B.On~_ _ " cubic feet per I cubic foot per second equals 40 statute miner’s inches or 646Ji7 gallons per day

second,,to be diverted from ............................ :____~o. ....... of each season. Beginning date each season Closing date each season

(b) For diversion to be stored temporarily and later applied to beneficial use.. 8~._].s 00.0 __acre-feet I acre-foot equals ~2~,851 gallons

per annum, to be collected between. ....... _-O-_o__t___O__~__°.e._r_.~ ............... and _.~ i~ ..... ,of each season. Beginning date each season Closing date each season

Noa~.--Amwer (a) or (b) or both (#) and (b) as may be necessary. The amounts stated must be in definite terms of some established unit of measurement. Neither these amounts nor the season mgy be increased after application is filed.

8.. The use to which the water is to be applied is Irrigation, power, m~icipal,

do~stto, :a~tfie and flood control,, ~vlgetton~es. ~niag, industrial, recreational, domestic. Recreational ure may be deemed to include all incidental to a resort such as domestic, boating, fish culture, etc.

NOTE,--A separate application must be made for each use except that incidental domestic use may be in- cluded with any other use.

4. The point of diversion~ is to be ’located State bearing’ and distance or coordinate distances to section or quarter ~ction corner

being within the

of Section

State 40-a� .... bdivision o£ U. S. G ............. y or projection thereof Counties of F~ Dorado and Placer

, Tlx IS N ,, R 8 E ,M.D.B.M., in the _

5. The main conduit terminates in ...... of Set.-- : .... Tp ..... , R ....... State 40-acre subdivision of U. S. Government survey or projection thereof

Description of Diversion Works NOTE.--An application can not be approved for an amount grossly in excess of the estimated capacity of the divereion work~

6. Intake or Headworks (fill only those blanks which apply)

(a) Diversion will be made by pumping: Capacity of plant_ ........................ gallons per minute.

(b) Diversion will be by gravity, the diverting dam being ........................ feet,~ hei~l~t, (stream bed to

levd of overflow); ~ .feet long on top; and constructed of. Concrete, earth, brush, etc.

(c) The storage dam will be. 44~0 ¯ feet in height (stream bed to overflow level) ;

long on top; have a freeboard of ..... feet, and be constructed of. ~" ~ ~ Concrete, earth, etc.

: ~. S~ora~e’ Reservoir Auburn ~,

The storage reservoir will flood lands iv_ ~ ;I ~ ’

Indicate section or sections, also 40-acre subdivisions unless shown upon map

It will have a surface area o£ .. acres, and a capacity of_8~_~g)O .... acre-feet.

~" in case of insufficient space for answers in for’m, attach extra sheetS.at top of page 3 and cross referent~ PCWA-049

Page 32: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works€¦ · ~El Dorado Publishing Company, printers and publishers of THE PLACERVIL E REPUBLICAN a newspaper of qeneral circulation,

8. Oondait System (describe main �ondUits only)

(a) Canal, ditch, flume: Width on’ top (at ~¢ater linej~ ~ .....

feet; depth of water feet; lengtk feet; grade.

’,feet; widfli at bottom__- -# ’" _

feet per 1,000 feet; materials

of constructio . - Earth, rock. timber, etd.

(b) Pipe line: Diameter .... _inches; length .... feet; grade ’ feet per

l,O00 feet; total fall from intake to outlet " ,feet; kind .~. Riveted ,teal, cement, wood-,tare, etc.

Noa-~.--If a combination of different sizes or ’kinds of conduit~iS~td be used, attach extra sheets with complete description, also show location of each clearly on map.

9. The estimated capacity of the diversion works proposed is State cubic feet per second or gallons per minute

The estimated cost of the diversion works proposed is. Give only cost of intake, or headworks, pumps, storage reservoirs and main conduits described herein

Completion Schedule

10. Construction work will begin within ..................... _months after approval of this application.

Construction work will be completed within .years after iapproval of this application.

The water will be completely applied to the proposed use within. ................... years after approval of this application.

Description of Proposed Use

11. Place of Use. 2,500,000 acree within the floor of Sacramento and San Joaquin State 40-acre ,ubdivisions of the public land survey. If area i, unsurveyed indicate the location as if line, of the public land

o___L .w._o._ .r.12_e_r_. _s_.. ................................................. survey were projected. In the case of irrigation use ,tare the number of’acres to be irrigated i;a each 40-acre tract, if space permiti. If space does not permit I~sting all 40-acre

tract,, describe area in a general way and show detail upon ma~’. These blanks need not be filled in when municipal use is proposed.

Does applicant own the land whereon use of water will be made? Yes or No

If applicant doe, not own land whereon use of water will be made, ,rate what arrangement, have betn~msde with owner.

~’If incidental to one of the major uses described in Paragraph, 1~, 14. I$, 16, 17 or 18 domestic use.may be included in the~ 12. Domesgic Use. ~ame application with any one theieof, and Piiagraph 12 should be filled out. If the don~essic use is not incidental to ,ome~J ~major use a separate application is required.

Domestic use is proposed as follows: ~ ~ Describe nature of ~se which may include stock water and the irrigation of domestic garden, not exceadin~

one-half acre each in area connected with places of residence

The amount for which "application is made was d~te~rmined by. ~ Describe basis of estimate of quantity needed

13. Irrigation Use. (See marginal note.) The area to be irrigated is .......................... acres. State net acreage to be irrigated

The segregation of acreage as to croi~s is as follows: Rice__. ; ~._.:: ..... acres; aLfalfa _acres; orchard

acres; general crops ~,500_LOO_._Q___acres.

No~’~;--Care should be taken that the°various statements as to acreage ,are consistent with each other, with the statement in Paragraph 1 I, and with the map.

. _ March 1 . The irrigation .season will. begin about ........................ and end about__ NoVe__m.ber i _ Beginning date each season. . " Closing date.each season

The land to be irrigated has another no other water right or source of watey supply other’ than that herein applied for. The natur~

anc~ amount of the additional supply referred to is. ,.

’14. Power Use. (See marginal note.) . The total fall to be utilized is. feet. Difference between nozzle or draft tube water level and first free water surface above

The maximum amount of water to be used through,,the penstock is .................... cubic feet per second.

The maximum theoretical horsepower capable of being generated by the works ii __ horsepower. Second frtt X fall .--" 8.8

The use to which the power is to be applied is. _ For distribution and ,ale or private use/etc.

~e nat~e of the works by meam of w~ch power is to be develo~d is ....... ).., ~ .... Turbine, Pelton wh~�l ~hydraulic. ram, etc.

." . ed t ................... ~ .... "~-~ ..... L:: .... ~_2

a State 40-acre Subdivision

- ........... :: : : : : :
