Blended Learning Veronica Diaz, PhD [email protected] Director, Online Programs, EDUCAUSE Associate Director, EDUCAUSE Learning IniBaBve

Soup to Nuts: An Institutional Roadmap for Developing Blended Instructional Programs (254201988)

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This deep dive will begin with a strategic overview of blended learning as an instructional model and review a comprehensive process for implementing blended programs: market assessment, value propositions, financial analysis, program design methodology, faculty development, technology, and evaluation. The University of Washington School of Nursing program, a collaboration between IT, institutional leadership, and faculty that led to new roles, teams, and strategies, will serve as a case to illustrate the process. We will identify just-in-time, individualized faculty consultation, workshops, tutorials, peer teaching, pedagogical approaches, active learning strategies, and integration of online components with in-class activities. OUTCOMES: Highlight the strategic affordances and options available with blended instructional programs * Determine the conditions and critical success factors under which an institution or department should implement a blended program * Develop a collaborative approach that includes various units: institutional leadership, IT, and instructional support http://www.educause.edu/events/educause-connect-san-diego/2015/soup-nuts-institutional-roadmap-developing-blended-instructional-programs

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Blended  Learning  Veronica  Diaz,  PhD  [email protected]    Director,  Online  Programs,  EDUCAUSE  

Associate  Director,  EDUCAUSE  Learning  IniBaBve    

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What’s new in blended learning?

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Source:  hDp://mfeldstein.com/adapBve-­‐learning-­‐market-­‐acceleraBon-­‐program-­‐almap-­‐summer-­‐meeBng-­‐notes/    


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Personalized/AdapBve  Learning  •  Examples:    

–  Saint  Leo  University  –  St  Petersburg  College  –  Excelsior  College  /  Missouri  State  University  St  Louis  /  Metropolitan  State  

University  of  Denver  –  SUNY  Empire  State  College  –  Rio  Salado  College  –  Northeastern  University  /  Shoreline  Community  College  –  North  Carolina  State  University  –  University  of  California  at  Davis  –  Essex  County  College  –  University  of  North  Georgia  –  Worcester  Polytechnic  InsBtute  –  Capella  University  –  Savannah  Technical  College  

•  Research:  hDp://educaBongrowthadvisors.com/gatesfoundaBon/  –  First  paper  has  some  useful  insBtuBonal  readiness  frameworks  

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Competency-­‐Based  EducaBon  •  Examples:    

–  College  for  America  –  Kentucky  Community  and  Technical  College  System  –  The  Texas  Affordable  Baccalaureate  Program  –  NAU  Personalized  Learning  –  University  of  Wisconsin  System  –  Texas  State  Technical  College  

•  New  tools  to  support  CBE:  hDp://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/NGB1402.pdf    

•  EDUCAUSE  Resources:  hDp://www.educause.edu/library/competency-­‐based-­‐educaBon-­‐cbe    

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Informed Decision Making

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ELI Content Anchors







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What  Is  In  Place  for  AnalyBcs  

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EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative

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ELI Online Spring Focus Session

Faculty Engagement and Development: Effective and Innovative Practice

Open Proceedings Available Now


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§  Management of faculty development programs §  Demonstrating the connection and alignment of

faculty development programs with core institutional needs (i.e., improved instruction; innovative instructional approaches; instructional expertise in new instructional models; effective use of instructional technologies; student engagement/retention)

§  Faculty development in emergent areas: learning analytics, new instructional models, competency-based education, adaptive learning

§  Faculty development programs for incoming faculty members and adjunct faculty members

§  New models of faculty development programs

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ELI Course: Evaluating Faculty Development Programs March 26 and April 1 from 1:00 - 2:30p ET Registration information coming soon: http://www.educause.edu/eli/events

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RegistraBon  opens  on  January  12  

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Leadership  Development  hDp://www.educause.edu/careers/educause-­‐insBtute    

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