Ohio University Built Environments Sub-Group Implementaon Packet February 2013 Sustainable Ohio University Leaders SOUL


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Ohio University Built Environments Sub-Group

Implementation Packet February 2013

Sustainable Ohio University Leaders


Sustainability Plan Benchmarks: (Energy Efficiency Benchmarks noted in bold font.)

1 Reduce institutional greenhouse gas emissions (<— Also, Climate Action Plan Goal)

2 Reduce campus and building energy intensity

3 Increase renewable energy

4 LEED certify new buildings and major renovations on all campuses

5 Reduce solid waste

6 Institute annual sustainability profile tracking and assessment process

7 Increase recycling rates

8 Improve sustainability literacy of students, faculty and staff

9 Increase enrollment in sustainability-themed courses, majors, and programs

10 Integrate sustainability goals and objectives into capital campaign

11 Provide undergraduate students with a sustainability-focused major, degree program, or equivalent

12 Evaluate LEED EBOM of existing facilities

13 Prohibit the installation of permanent irrigation systems that rely on potable water

14 Increase purchase of local food

15 Improve identification and proper handling of hazardous waste

16 Improve sustainability profile of student, staff, and faculty vehicles

17 Institute storm water management plan

18 Improve sustainability profile of campus fleet

19 Increase use of green cleaning products

20 Increase the percentage of paper products on campus that include post-consumer recycled content

21 Assess endowment investment in sustainable corporations and entities and recommend strategies for

increasing investment in these corporations and entities

22 Implement recruitment strategies targeting sustainability-minded students, faculty, and staff

23 Strengthen sustainability research activities

24 Prohibit elective use of Styrofoam materials and containers

25 Sub-meter campus facilities

26 Practice Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

27 Decrease use of Single Occupancy Vehicles (SOV)

28 Increase purchase on non-food local goods and services and environmentally preferable goods

29 Increase purchase of environmentally preferable computer products

30 Provide information to diners regarding sustainability-attributes of food options

31 Develop sustainability guidelines for concessionaires and franchisees

32 Increase food donations to local service organizations

33 Encourage residency in City of Athens for Athens campus employees

34 Implement notification system for local service organizations regarding availability of surplus items

35 Define and track sustainability research activities

Benchmark 13

Prohibit the installation of permanent irrigation systems that rely on potable water.

Target and date: Total ban by June 2011

Reporting Body: Design and Construction, Facilities

FY 12 Report:

Progress Level: Significant

Progress Narrative: While this practice is essentially in effect for all new construction as part of LEED-

equivalent requirements, no formal standard yet exists.

Next Steps: Write and incorporate formal standards into Design and Construction procedures and/or LEED-

equivalent requirements. Also, create inventory of existing irrigation systems with a goal of gradually con-

verting all systems to non-potable water.

FY 13 Progress (as of February 27, 2013):

None to report

Action Items (with delegate and due date):

Task Person Responsible Deadline Notes

Benchmark 14

Increase purchase of local food.

Target and date: .5% per year between 2011 and 2016

Reporting Body: Auxiliary Services

FY 12 Report:

Progress Level: Minimal

Progress Narrative: Currently, there is no system in place to track purchases of local food. The University does

currently purchase local food and is committed to purchasing more. Discussions with Culinary Services and

Procurement have begun regarding the infrastructure that needs to be in place in order to properly establish a

system for tracking local food purchases.

Next steps: OoS will continue to offer support to appropriate staff in Auxiliary Services regarding the establish-

ment and maintenance of a formal tracking process.

FY 13 Progress (as of February 27, 2013):

Action Items (with delegate and due date):

Task Person Responsible Deadline Notes

Benchmark 16

Improve sustainability profile of student, staff and faculty vehicles.

Target and date: Guidelines developed by June 30, 2012.

Reporting Body: TPS

FY 12 Report:

Progress Level: Insignificant

Progress Narrative: Although a formal program to improve sustainability profile of vehicles is still in the dis-

cussion stage, many students, faculty and staff have proactively and independently purchased vehicles classi-

fied as LEFE. OoS is in process of cataloging vehicles associated with parking passes at OU to develop a base-


Next Steps: OoS will work with SOUL to create a program aimed at encouraging students, faculty and staff to

purchase LEFE when personal vehicles are replaced.

FY 13 Progress (as of February 27, 2013):

No progress. In fact, it was discovered that not enough information is collected in the vehicle passes to de-

termine average fuel economy.

Action Items (with delegate and due date):

Task Person Responsible Deadline Notes

Benchmark 17:

Institute storm water management plan.

Target and date:

Plan adopted June 2012

Reporting bodies: University Planning

FY 12 Report:

Progress: Insignificant

Progress Narrative: Construction projects over one acre require storm water management plans. At this

point, a campus-wide storm-water management plan is not established.

Next steps: We recognize the importance of considering the build environment’s impact on storm water

flow after construction is complete and it is recommended that a lead within EECC, OoS of Facilities Planning/

Space Management be designated to coordinate this.

FY 13 Progress: .

Action Items (with delegate and due date):

Task Person Responsible Deadline Notes

Task Person Responsible Deadline Notes

Benchmark 18:

Improve sustainability profile of campus fleet.

Target and Date: Average fuel economy of campus fleet will increase 5% per year begin-

ning in the fall of 2011. All cars and light truck acquired from outside the university be-

ginning in June 2011 will meet or exceed 2011 federal CAFE standards.

Reporting Body: Transportation and Parking Services

FY 12 Report:

Progress Level: Minimal

Progress Narrative: Policy number 47.001 went into effect on December 22, 2011. As a condition of this poli-

cy, all cars and light trucks acquired from outside the university must be approved by Transportation and

Parking Services. One of the approval requirements includes that vehicles must now meet or exceed 2011

federal CAFE standards. Additionally, it should be noted that all 15-passenger vans are being replaced with

newer, more fuel efficient 12-passenger vans.

Next steps: TPS will continue to provide OoS with data tracking the university fleet.

FY 13 Progress (as of March 6, 2013):

Action Items (with delegate and due date):

Task Person Responsible Deadline Notes

Benchmark 26

Practice Integrated Pest Management

Target and Date: Plan adopted by 2011

Reporting Body: Grounds Services

FY 12 Report:

Progress Level: Minimal

Progress Narrative: Integrated pest management is already taking place throughout much of main campus,

but no formal written procedures exist.

Next Steps: OoS will facilitate procedure writing, utilizing the expertise of Grounds Services and Plant Biology.

FY 13 Progress (as of February 27, 2013):

Action Items (with delegate and due date):

Benchmark 27

Decrease use of Single Occupancy Vehicles (SOV)

Target and Date: 85% of all students and 20% of all faculty and staff will use a non-SOV option as their primary method of transportation by 2015, including but not limited to non-motorized, shared and alternative fuel options.

Reporting Body: TPS, HE, University Planner, University-City Transit Partnership

FY 12 Report:

Progress Level: Insignificant

Progress Narrative: Parking pass fees were institution in FY12.

Next Steps: FY2012 parking pass numbers will be compared to FY13 parking pass numbers and both will be compared to total enrollment and faculty/staff numbers.

FY 13 Progress (as of March 6, 2013):

Action Items (with delegate and due date):

Task Person Responsible Deadline Notes


Task Person Responsible Deadline Notes

Benchmark 28

Increase purchase of non-food local goods and services and environmentally preferable


Target and Date: .5% per year between 2011 and 2016.

Reporting Body: Procurement

FY 12 Report:

Progress Level: Insignificant

Progress Narrative: Representatives from Procurement have confirmed that classification options for non-

food goods and services exist. The classifications are currently listed as, “Recycled,” “Energy Star” and

“Green.” OoS will continue to work with Procurement to establish an efficient way for properly tracking local

and environmentally preferable goods in BobCatBUY.

Next Steps:OoS, SOUL and Procurement to work together to determine the most commonly purchased local

products and create a marketing campaign to inform the campus community of these products.

FY 13 Progress (as of February 27, 2013):

None to report.

Action Items (with delegate and due date):

Benchmark 33

Encourage residency in City of Athens for Athens campus employees

Target and date: Informational materials will be provided to all incoming faculty and staff prior to relocation by 2012.

Reporting Body: HR, OoS

FY 12 Report:

Progress Level: Minimal

Progress Narrative: The City of Athens Planner worked to create a map of residential neighborhoods (Athens, Ohio) to be used in the Welcome Packet being created by OoS for all new faculty and staff. This Welcome Packet is intended to offer those relocating to the Athens area with an overview of sustainable opportunities in the region.

Next Steps: It is anticipated that the Sustainability Welcome Packet will be made available to all new and/or relocating faculty by late 2012.

FY 13 Progress (as of February 27, 2013):

None to report.

Action Items (with delegate and due date):

Task Person Responsible Deadline Notes