Know who you are Be who you are by Paula Vanderzon Page 1 Soul gifts e-course Welcome! Thank you for being part of this Soul Gifts course. I look forward to being in your inbox for the next 6 weeks! By now you should have received an email from me with your Soul Report containing information on your own personal Soul Gifts. If you didn't receive this please let me know and I will get it to you ASAP. If you are repeating this course and can't find the soul report I did for you in the past, I can re-send it to you. It is very important to remember your soul gifts so you have a personal frame of reference for the course material. When you read these course emails think about how the information relates to your own gift or gifts and your own personal circumstances. As we go through this course you will have many opportunities to refer to your gift(s). You will be encouraged to see these gifts in many different lights and look within to see how you can express yourself through these gifts. There will be prompts for self- enquiry and self-realisation. My aim is to inspire and support you to step into and embrace your divine gifts - as sometimes it can be very confronting and confusing to become who you are at soul level, especially if you have not been living in alignment with your divine gifts. It is quite easy to gather information about who we are through reading books, intuitive sessions or spiritual healing, but the hard part is taking this information and then actually owning our traits and energetic makeup, and being who we are at soul level through our choices and behaviours. If you haven't already read this recent blog post, it explains a little more about this process. Background information on Soul Gifts Every soul is made up of certain energetic or vibrational qualities. There are 8 different energy vibrations in total and we all have these 8 energies within our makeup but only one or two are predominant these are what I call our soul gifts.

Soul gifts e-course - Paula Vanderzon · Soul gifts e-course Welcome! Thank you for being part of this Soul Gifts course. I look forward to being in your inbox for the next 6 weeks!

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Page 1: Soul gifts e-course - Paula Vanderzon · Soul gifts e-course Welcome! Thank you for being part of this Soul Gifts course. I look forward to being in your inbox for the next 6 weeks!

Know who you are Be who you are by Paula Vanderzon Page 1

Soul gifts e-course Welcome!

Thank you for being part of this Soul Gifts course.

I look forward to being in your inbox for the next 6 weeks!

By now you should have received an email from me with your Soul Report containing

information on your own personal Soul Gifts. If you didn't receive this please let me

know and I will get it to you ASAP. If you are repeating this course and can't find the

soul report I did for you in the past, I can re-send it to you.

It is very important to remember your soul gifts so you have a personal frame of

reference for the course material. When you read these course emails think about how

the information relates to your own gift or gifts and your own personal circumstances.

As we go through this course you will have many opportunities to refer to your

gift(s). You will be encouraged to see these gifts in many different lights and look within

to see how you can express yourself through these gifts. There will be prompts for self-

enquiry and self-realisation.

My aim is to inspire and support you to step into and embrace your divine gifts - as

sometimes it can be very confronting and confusing to become who you are at soul

level, especially if you have not been living in alignment with your divine gifts.

It is quite easy to gather information about who we are through reading books, intuitive

sessions or spiritual healing, but the hard part is taking this information and then actually

owning our traits and energetic makeup, and being who we are at soul level through our

choices and behaviours. If you haven't already read this recent blog post, it explains a

little more about this process.

Background information on Soul Gifts

Every soul is made up of certain energetic or vibrational qualities. There are 8 different

energy vibrations in total and we all have these 8 energies within our makeup but

only one or two are predominant – these are what I call our soul gifts.

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Know who you are Be who you are by Paula Vanderzon Page 2

Like colours of the rainbow our soul contains all of the spectrum of these 8 gifts but only

one or two colours (or gifts) will be predominant in our unique soul makeup. It is these

energies that are inside of us just waiting to be expressed from our soul. They are what

we are made of!

Some of you will have just the one primary soul gift while others will have two gifts

(primary and secondary). In some ways it is easier if you only have the one gift and you

only have this one quality to express through your choices and through your life.

But if you have two gifts, then they both need to be expressed in combination through

your actions and life choices in order for you to be in alignment. So don’t think it is better

or worse to have one or two gifts – you are unique and what you have is special to you.

The 8 gifts are:

Divine Compassion

Divine Creation

Divine Order

Divine Love

Divine Self-expression

Divine Truth

Divine Power

Divine Wisdom

Where did this information come from?

The soul reading that I did for you was from the level of the 5th Dimension. This is

where the Akashic Records can be accessed. The Akashic Records are like a library or

vault of information about your soul. They contain the complete information of your soul,

including your past lives, past choices, thoughts and behaviours, and your unique soul

make-up when you chose this current life. Therefore, this reading is not a reading of

your energy or personality, it is a deep soul level reading.

This means that there are some of you who may not feel like it is an accurate description

of who you are now, if you are not living in alignment with these gifts, while others of you

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Know who you are Be who you are by Paula Vanderzon Page 3

will feel like the soul report is an accurate description of you at the moment. I will talk

more about these different responses in another lesson, but I just wanted to give you a

little background on where I received the information from your soul report.

Soul Group of origination:

In your soul report I also gave you your soul group of origination. Please do not get too

caught up in the name of the "planet". As fun and exciting as it may seem to

comprehend that you originated in another galaxy (unless you are an Earther soul), your

focus is now on this life on earth. It is the qualities of this soul group that are important

for you now.

Like learning your star sign or your life path number, you get a little more information

about how you are wired to operate. You can then more easily accept some of your

traits that maybe you had resisted in the past.

For example, as a Sirian my creative talents lie in taking what already exists and

improving it or making it my own. I used to deny this ability and instead kept trying to

come up with brand new ways that had never been though of - and I would get

nowhere! But when I accepted that I was just not wired to be creative in an innovative

way, then I was able to embrace my soul gift trait and make it work for me. Like this

course for example.... the notion of soul gifts or Akashic Records reading is not new (I

didn't invent it!), but I am bringing the content to you in way that was my creation - by

taking something that already exists and making it my own (or how I perceive it to be a

better way of understanding the information).

This course will focus on your gifts (rather than your soul group) but please keep your

soul group in mind and understand the traits.

Why bother living as our soul selves:

You may be wondering why we would even bother worrying about who we are at soul

level and then trying to live from soul. Or maybe it is already obvious to you.

My opinion is that our souls are who we authentically are. We have many parts to us

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Know who you are Be who you are by Paula Vanderzon Page 4

incuding our physical body, mental body, emotional body, higher self and ego just to

name a few.... and once we have our soul on board and can express our most authentic

selves in our lives then a few things happen. We will have healthy bodies, amazing

relationships and abundance in all its forms.

Living as the energy of our soul gifts and expressing them in everything that we do slips

us into a kind of flow straight from our soul (and beyond!) and this just gives us a better

life. This will be different for everyone, but you won't feel like you are struggling or trying

to row a boat upstream, because you are in the flow from the most unique and powerful

part of you.

Once we can stop living from our ego, thoughts or emotions and bring all these parts of

us on board to live from soul, things start to improve in our lives, and the potential is

unlimited as to what we can achieve and experience.

The process of living from soul (especially if you haven't before) can be tough as we get

used to making new choices and trying new ways, but it is achievable.

Course Aims:

My aim for this course is to be in your inbox every week for 6 weeks reminding you of

who you are!! I may sound like a broken record by the end but I want to keep reminding

you of who you are so much that you eventually accept your amazing soul gifts.

My other goal is to give you some inspiration and strategies on how to start being who

you are. It is well and good to just gather information about who you are, but if it doesn't

make your life better, then it is probably a waste of time.

Being who you are probably won't happen magically over the next 6 weeks but I am

hoping this course will give you a kick start, to really think about your soul qualities and

start to accept ways to bring these qualities into your life.

If you have any questions during the next 6 weeks please reply to the emails and let me


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Know who you are Be who you are by Paula Vanderzon Page 5

Next week we will discuss the process of stepping into the power and uniqueness of

your gifts and how to actually express these gifts.

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Know who you are Be who you are by Paula Vanderzon Page 6

The process

Something that seems quite common for everyone the first time they read about their

soul gifts, is that they very soon forget what they are!

There are many reasons for this.

Firstly there may be just a feeling that is absorbed; a remembering or reawakening that

is vibrationally shifted in your being. You don’t need to understand or mentally compute

what your gifts are initially. This may be the first time you have actually connected with

your soul through the reading and this is a very big step. It can take some time for this

information to really be ready to be actioned and embraced by all parts of you (especially

your mind).

Over time though it can be useful to consciously connect with the words and meaning so

you can bring this into your 3rd

dimensional life and therefore your choices and actions

so that expression of the gifts are in alignment with how you live. It is not much good

knowing this information if it doesn't make your life better!

This is my motivation for creating this course content to support your soul reading. I

want you to remember your gifts and start bringing awareness to how to express them in

your life.

Another reason you might not mentally connect with your gifts, is that you really don’t

want to know what they are. It can be very confronting to find out what your soul needs

to have expressed in this life. We often deny who we are at soul level because it is just

too “big” for us to handle.

I think this quote sums it up nicely:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are

powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask

ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you

not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is

nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

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Know who you are Be who you are by Paula Vanderzon Page 7

We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of

God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own

light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are

liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

― Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in


We fear this power we have inside of us – we fear these gifts, and we worry that if

somehow we do embrace them and express them, then we will become too ‘big’ and

shine too much light which may make other people uncomfortable and then we won’t

feel safe. This is a natural ego response. Our ego just wants to keep us safe, and for

many people, expressing who they are at soul level pushes them out of their comfortable

safety zone.

Also we might feel that if we actually embraced our gifts and changed a few things in our

life that we might piss a few people off in the process and this may then force more

changes into our lives. Now that is just not something that most of us can just click our

fingers and do overnight.

It is a process of remembering who we are, accepting who we are and then being

determined to be who we are.

Self reflection:

Look at your life, can you find ways that you can do your current job and express your

soul gifts?

Be creative. Tweak a few things. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a huge life change it

can be a slight difference to what you already do.

Put your hand up for a new role at work. Maybe see if you can have more client contact

(especially if your gift is Love as you will be great at fostering relationships) or take on

the organising of a social event (especially if creation or order are your gifts).

Or..... maybe the change needs to be bigger for you like reducing your hours and

studying that course you have always wanted to do, and now, see how this change fits

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Know who you are Be who you are by Paula Vanderzon Page 8

into how you would express your gifts.

A complete life overhaul may be necessary for some, but it is OK to do this in stages. If

there are bills to be paid and children to care for, then a sense of caution is OK here,

take it slow, and put in steps that will not put undue pressure on your family.

How can you empahsise something that you already do? How can you help more

people by expressing your gift(s)? How can you bring your gift into your home life and

your hobbies?

If your gift is self-expression then make sure to spend more time with the people who

allow you to be yourself and to express your inner most thoughts. If your gift is truth,

then spend more time with people who let you be authentic, and spend less time with the

people who you feel you can’t be yourself around.

Don’t focus on your weaknesses, just your strengths through your soul gifts.

If you are the peacekeeper, then embrace this and take more of this on without worrying

you are overstepping.

If your gift is divine wisdom and you don't like being front and centre of attention, then

relax and know that it is your gift to be in the background, supporting others with your


If your gift is Power then find ways to make a new choice where you previously you

thought you didn't have a choice. People with Power as their gift need to feel like they

are not limited and need freedom. Find a way to bring some freedom and choice to your

life - maybe even by spending an hour a week doing something just for you!

If your gift is divine love then embrace the fact that people love to tell you their problems,

and maybe make some more time in your day to support others and you will be fulfilled

while you do this.

There are many ways to incorporate your divine gifts into what you already naturally do,

and there are new ways to feel even more fulfilled by stepping into new roles.

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Know who you are Be who you are by Paula Vanderzon Page 9

Self-reflect and brainstorm ways to bring your gifts more into your day to day life. Even

just the smallest of changes in your routine can bring huge changes in how you connect

to your soul energy. Take the small steps until you can feel the soul gifts start to shine

from you.

Next week we will talk about some of the difficulties that can occur when stepping into

your divine gifts and expressing them in your life.

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Know who you are Be who you are by Paula Vanderzon Page 10

Are you in Denial or do you have Gift Envy?

Do your gift(s) feel ordinary to you or maybe you wish you had one of the other gifts?

After doing many soul readings, I have noticed a few similar patterns that happen when I

tell someone their soul gifts for the first time.

One of 3 things seem to happen

1. The person is not impressed, because to them the gift sounds ordinary and

boring (they were hoping for something much grander)

2. The person thinks that I have got it wrong and these are not their soul gifts

because they seem so far removed from what they believe is possible in their life

3. They resonate with the gifts and recognise straight away how they have already

tapped into this energy and are expressing it in their lives productively

In this lesson I wanted to talk about response #1 (next week will be a discussion on

response #2).

Even if this was not your initial reaction, please read on, as it really helps to understand

our human nature and why resistance patterns come up when working with our soul

gifts. We go through many layers of fears, denial and envy, as ways to bring up

resistance and ego shifts when we are stepping into our gifts. This is all perfectly normal

and part of the process.

To express these gifts in our lives we may need to change a few things – instantly this

will manifest as resistance. Just knowing that resistance is a natural process will

hopefully help you gently work through the fears that come up. I always know that if the

resistance shows up, then I am on the right track!

So even if you haven’t experienced this reaction yet, it may still happen (as part of the

resistance process)…. as you make more conscious choices to live in alignment with

your soul gifts.

Did you read through the list of gifts in week one’s email and really wish that you had

one of the other traits? Sometimes we take for granted our gifts; they seem ordinary,

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Know who you are Be who you are by Paula Vanderzon Page 11

often because they are the traits that come easily and naturally to us that they don’t

seem special at all! And because they come easy to us, we naturally assume they must

come easy to others as well. It can be difficult to accept that they are gifts at all.

Maybe you are already expressing your gifts but longing for something else, thinking that

your gifts are ordinary and that there is something else you think you should be doing

which would be more fun or impressive.

But if you can relate your gifts to something that you have already achieved in your life,

then this may give you the confidence to make future choices knowing that you can

create this greatness again. Often these past choices and accomplishments seem so

natural that they don’t seem special, but they are.

Bring your awareness now to moments in your past (maybe even in your childhood)

where you were able to express this gift naturally and easily.

I was sitting next to someone on an aeroplane last year and we were talking. Somehow

I got onto the subject of my then 14 year old daughter’s website where she successfully

sells her hand made jewellery, statues and charms. He couldn’t believe that she was

doing this at her age – he was blown away! But to my daughter it just seems like a

natural and ordinary thing for her to do with nothing particularly special about it at all at

her age. Because one of her gifts is Power it is important that she feel like she is not

limited by her age in anything that she wishes to achieve.

Another example is my son. He finished writing his first novel when he was 9 years

old. Writing just comes easily to him (his gift is self-expression), but it is also a bit too

“boring” for him to really consider as a future profession or a gift. So if I was to bring to

his attention that self-expression is his divine gift to share with the world, I think he would

discount it pretty quickly (as boring and uninteresting). This may change as he gets

older but at the moment he can list more interesting things he wants to do!

I remember one client whose gift was divine creation and her reaction was very un-

enthusiastic when I told her. She knew she was creative! She liked wearing funky

clothes and jewellery and redecorating her house frequently, but to her it was not an

exciting soul gift. She could not appreciate how special and unique this gift was, I

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Know who you are Be who you are by Paula Vanderzon Page 12

certainly couldn’t put together such amazing outfits or come up with the colour schemes

she uses to decorate her home! The challenge for her was to bring this creativity into

every area of her life – including her office job, and see it as something special that she

can bring to the world. Because it was so easy and simple for her, she was searching

for her life purpose and meaning in other areas that were not in alignment with her

gift. But the more she could bring her funkiness and uniqueness into all areas of her life,

and physically mould her life from her very special creative space, the more she would

be in alignment with who she was.

Think about what you have already done in your life to express your gifts. Did it feel

easy and natural? Did you dismiss it as a silly hobby or past-time or convince yourself

that you had to do something different to earn a real living or be respected. Or can you

look back and think how awesome you were and how good you felt. Does this give you

confidence to make the choice to do more of this in your future?

Even if you were an avid reader as a child and loved escaping into fantasy worlds, can

you see how that was special and maybe if your gift is self-expression then you could

bring some of this wonder into your life again. Maybe you could write your own fantasy

story just for fun and see how that feels.

What if you loved caring for animals as a child and had as many pets as you were

allowed to. If your gift is compassion, can you see how special this is? Not everyone

has the patience or desire to care for or love so many animals. This naturally comes

easy to a “compassion person” and fills them with joy. Think of ways to bring some

opportunities to your life so that you can do something like this again as an adult.

Maybe you have always been a ‘neat freak’ and loved organising things in your home

and in your life to bring beauty and balance. People have probably tried to change you

and make you relax and loosen up a bit! But if your divine gift is Order then you should

embrace this gift you have and organise and structure to your heart's content! Maybe

you could even make a successful career from bringing some order and structure

through beauty to other people’s lives or businesses.

If you don't have a certain soul gift then this doesn't mean you can't have these qualities

in your life at all.

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Know who you are Be who you are by Paula Vanderzon Page 13

All 8 gifts are a part of us, it is just one or two of these energies that are dominant and

absolutely need to be expressed in our lives for us to be aligned to our soul-selves.

For example, if you don't have the gift of Divine Love, this does not mean that you don't

have the ability to love and care for others. Or if you enjoy writing or speaking in public

but don't have the divine gift of Self-Expression, don't let this stop you from doing what

you enjoy – express your gift through your writing and speaking.

It is OK to express the other gifts BUT make sure that in everything you do your divine

gift(s) are also expressed.

Spend some time now thinking about what you may have already done in your life to

express your gift – even if it was a hobby or something mundane. It is so important to

see this as a divine gift…. not everyone can do this quite like you and the world needs

you to express your gift.

Once you can accept what you have already done, and see that it is indeed a special

talent that is unique to you, this gives you the confidence to try again, and make the

choices that will enable you to express this gift yet again.

Next week we will discuss why expressing your gift may be the hardest thing you ever

have to do!

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Know who you are Be who you are by Paula Vanderzon Page 14

What if your gifts are the hardest thing for you to express in your life?

I have mentioned how the soul gifts may seem natural and ordinary to some people, but

there is another side to this and a lot of you from my generation or older will be able to

relate to this I am sure. Quite often our lives and careers are mapped out for us by our

families or society from a young age.

For example, my Mum was dux of her high school but her Dad told her she had only two

choices of career – secretary or nurse! She could have studied anything at University

with her good grades but it was not acceptable to her family. I am sure this happened a

lot in her generation.

Maybe you have a strong family history of a certain vocation and there was pressure for

you to join the family business – even though your gifts would have made you more

suitable to another vocation.

I believe there are always ways to express your gifts in any career, but when given the

freedom choice it is certainly easier to step into the job that will make it the easiest for

you to be who you are.

Maybe you were told at a very young age that you had nothing important worth saying,

or that you lived in a ‘fantasy world’ when you talked about things that excited you, or

when you made amazing creations – so you may have chosen to believe those around

you and shut down your passions believing them to be foolish or that you would never

amount to anything if you followed your desires. You may have been told to go and get

a "real job". Now as an adult it could be very difficult to face all of these fears and

beliefs about who you are and what your place in the world is, and reconnect with your

gifts and express them through your life.

Sometimes in order to develop our gifts we first live in the “shadow” side of our gifts for

many years. For example someone who has Power as their gift may spend a great deal

of time in situations where others controlled them – for example a parent, spouse, friend

or boss. It can be very difficult to then step out of this repeated pattern of being

controlled, understand your own power, take control of your own life and then use your

own power to find the freedom you crave.

It may seem like this is a negative situation but it can be what some people need to

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Know who you are Be who you are by Paula Vanderzon Page 15

develop their gift of Divine Power and learn how to use it.

Similarily for the gifts of Truth or Wisdom, the shadow side can look like telling lies

repeatedly because you find that expressing your views gets you into trouble!

When you have a divine connection to your own personal unique truth or that of

universal wisdom, the insights you can channel may seem very foreign and sometimes

challenging to other people. Many of you would have shut this down to feel safe and

accepted or told lies as an alternative to expressing how you really felt.

And if you did shut these gifts down, then it will be quite scary to open up and express

through the unique divine connection that you have and speak your truth and wisdom

once again. But by living in the “shadow” or opposite of your gift, you can learn just what

truth and wisdom mean to you and then how to best express them in your life.

I often notice young people who have Truth as their gift struggle to figure out what they

want to do when they grow up! They go from one lousy job to another, but this is the

way that they can learn what their truth is, by crossing off their list what it is not through

negative experiences.

If your gift is creation or order but you grew up to believe that being creative would not

make you a decent living, then you may have moved into a completely different job and

put your creative pursuits aside. Hopefully you are still expressing your gift through your

hobbies but if not, it may be time to reconnect with your creative side in a more

substantial way.

If your gift is self-expression and you have spent many years around people who did not

“listen” to you, then you also probably shut down your gift. It might now be time to find

like-minded people who you can feel free to express yourself, who are happy to listen to

you and enjoy your opinions and views.

If you read your soul gifts in your report and thought to yourself "This does not sound like

me at all!" then you are not alone. There may have been a hint of recognition or a

rumbling of a spark of truth within you, but most of us are living very far removed from

our gifts.

I know for me personally if someone had told me what my soul gifts were 10 years ago, I

would have probably laughed at them and discounted it pretty quickly. The gifts would

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have felt impossible for me to express. I was living practically the total opposite of what

my soul was trying to express, and this took a lot of effort and energy to stay on this mis-

aligned path - it was like trying to row a boat upstream! I guess in my case the universe

stepped in with an illness and helped me change direction.

But we all have choice now, as adults, to either step into these gifts or not.

I have a client who’s soul gift is Divine Love. He works in a job where he does audits

and is involved with regulatory bodies overseeing correct procedures. Most of the time

his work is not valued by people. He is seen as the “bad guy” who is there to tell

companies off! It would be no surprise that he is not fulfilled in his work. If he was given

the opportunity to help people and add value to people’s lives and build up relationships,

then he would more in alignment with his love and healing energy. It is not easy for him

to leave this job though as it is secure and pays well. I am sure many of you can relate

to this.

Many people with Divine Love as their gift will be experts at relationships. But it may

have taken them many failed and difficult relationships to reach that point where they

can connect to their own divine understanding of what relationships mean to them, and

then be in the position to help others with their relationships.

People with Creation as their gift may have experienced physical limitations in their life

making it difficult for them to fully experience creation in the physical realm of life. These

people may have then found ways to create in their imagination and then be caught up

in the cycle of never physically manifesting their imagined creations. Any limitations just

challenge them to find other ways to create in the physical realm and should never stop

them from being who they are. If your gift is creation and you feel like you are stuck in a

rut, then any type of new experience where you physically have to move your body and

go somewhere new or try something new with your hands will help you start to bring the

power of this gift into your life.

If you can relate to any of these examples and stories, then baby steps are

required. You do not suddenly need to quit your job, leave your relationships, turn your

life upside down and start following your dreams and expressing your gifts (but this is

OK if you desire to do it). And the choice is also yours if you choose not to fully express

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your gifts... but if you want to experience more abundance and joy through fully being

who you are, then some new action in alignment with who you are at soul level will be


It is really just a case of slowly learning more and more about yourself, stepping out of

your comfort zone in small ways, trying out how the “new you” feels (the you that was

always there but who you might just be starting to get to know now) and taking some

action to feel the best way to move forward.

It is not always a career change that is needed either. Sometimes this helps, but maybe

think about taking on a new role or side stepping slightly so that you can be in a position

to use your gifts. Let your boss know what your strengths are and how you can add

value to the organisation through the expression of your gifts.

Keep in mind that every small step towards living in alignment with your soul gifts will

bring up new fears and resistance for you to work through, so persevere and be

determined to keep going!

Next we will talk about how to handle any fears and resistance if they come up.

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What if fears start to surface?

Once you start taking action steps towards the life you desire through expressing your

divine gifts, you will notice that fears and blocks start to surface.

The only way that these blocks and fears come into your awareness is by taking

action. If you start taking action in the direction that you wish to go in, and then you get

fearful or things get really hard, then you know it might be time to take a closer look at

what is blocking you.

If thoughts like “Maybe this just wasn’t meant to be”, or “Maybe I am just not cut out for

success”, or “Things aren’t working out so I will just stop wanting this, it will be easier”

then you know you have taken enough action forward for these fears to now come up to

be dealt with.

When we start to follow our dreams and step into our divine gifts, whatever is blocking

us from realising our dreams and from being our true selves comes into our

awareness. Otherwise we don’t even realise that these blocks are inside of us.

Sometimes these blocks are from past lives, our childhoods or maybe even fears or

programming that we have inherited.

Another way to know that you have fears and blocks that need to be cleared is when you

experience procrastination or become easily distracted when you are trying to take

action in a new direction. Maybe you see a job advertised that you would love to apply

for and you know would suit your gifts, but then suddenly life gets very busy and you

have no time to prepare the application. It may seem like this distraction is out of your

control, but your energy block may have attracted this busyness into your life. You then

have your excuse not to step forward into your divine nature. It is easier and safer to

stay where you are and your ego is happy that it doesn't have to worry about the

unknown results, and you will almost feel relieved. It can really get confusing for you!!

There are so many ways you can clear these fears and subconscious beliefs and

anything else that is holding you back. All methods are valid and will suit different

people at different stages of their journey. There is no one size fits all when it comes to

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these methods so you need to try out what feels best to you.

You could do this through counselling or talking through you fears with someone

supportive. You could just ‘white knuckle” it and face head on whatever is most scaring

you. There are many energy healing techniques that could be used which all have the

potential to successfully remove the energy blocks giving you a clear pathway forward.

There are often many layers to this process. When you remove some blocks, take new

action, then new blocks may surface. Luckily we don’t have to spend our whole lives

looking for things to unblock! But the process can happen for a few cycles before it

becomes much easier to step forward and get into the divine flow of our gifts.

But don't confuse every road block or fear with an energy block. When we are changing

our lives, then resistance shows up. This is perfectly normal, because you are moving

into the unknown and your ego is not sure that it is safe, because it has no past

experience or guarantee that everything will work out. So if you feel resistance (which is

uncomfortable) just bring awareness to the fact that this is normal and just work your

way gently forward.

Most people won't put in the hard work necessary to move through these blocks, but if

you do, and you start to feel the flow and connection of living from your soul, there is no

turning back; and a momentum and determination that is difficult to describe will just

keep pushing you through.

If you are interested in a personal session to help you release any blocks that are

standing in your way of expressing your soul gifts then I am happy to help. My soul

guidance email readings also help give you some practical guidance on how to move

forward when the resistance and fears show up. If you need advice on this I can always

help you decide what might be most appropriate for your circumstance.

If you just want some advice over email and have a few questions to talk through, then

please hit reply on this email and I am happy to offer any assistance that I can. Just a

friendly chat with someone who has been through it before (and still going through the

process!), may be all you need to give you the confidence to keep going!

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It can be challenging to make new choices in our lives and finally step into being who we

uniquely are. There is no hiding; it is raw and vulnerable and sometimes scary. So be

brave and know that there is a lot of support out there. We can all cheer each other on

and do this together! And then not only make our lives better but the world a better

place as well.

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Ignite the Fire

Thank you so much for taking part in this course. I have enjoyed being in your inbox

each week. For this last week I wanted to summarise the Know who you are, Be who

you are process, as well as hopefully inspire you to keep striving to express your soul

gifts into the world.

In summary, I see that there are many layers and many stages that we go through while

getting to know ourselves, and then finally starting to be who we are and express our

soul gifts.

When we first have some self-awareness of who we are at soul level the challenge is

to get to know who we are separate from who we have become because of the

conditioning we have grown up with.

I like to imagine that we are actors playing human roles. The role or character we

initially play is often the one chosen by our parents, our teachers, and the societies we

live in. We even allow other people to produce and direct the movie that we are

featuring in. We can feel powerless and unaware that we can do anything to change the

roles we are living in our lives.

We gain self-awareness through life events which help us realise we are more than just

our physical bodies. We realise that we are actually different to the role or character that

we are portraying. We start to get to know the actor – you might call this actor our soul

level self who has chosen to take part in the earth movie.

Then we realise that we have the power to choose our next character. Through knowing

who we are we can leave behind any false characters that we have been playing and

choose another one.

We also move through different characters throughout our lives. We may take on the

role or spouse, parent, employee, entrepreneur, child, single-parent etc at different

times. Even though outwardly these roles may change, inside we still have that same

essence which is uniquely us. If we can know ourselves well enough then we can take

on any role and still be able to shine in that role.

There really is no right or wrong job or living situation, as we can bring our true selves

and our gifts through in any role we choose to take on. There may however be some

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roles where we feel more “ourselves” than others and this is always our choice to

navigate these.

The one role we were born to be in is simply the role of discovering who we are. That

core level self that shines through in everything we do, say and be is who we are. It is

more than personality, it is an essence of uniqueness that it is our destiny to live as. Our

soul gifts are what our soul is made of and are what we are destined to shine through in

any role that we take on. Knowing who we are at soul level therefore makes it easier to

choose the roles that help us express this into the world.

Everyone has a soul gift (or gifts) that need to be shared with the world. The world

will be a better place if we all had the courage to share our gifts.

Our gifts have two purposes. Firstly they ignite the fire that is inside of us, which in

turn creates joy and abundance for us and secondly they serve the world, making it a

better place for everyone.

We can express our gifts through our actual job, a hobby or creative pursuit, or even

through the relationships that we form with those around us.

We are meant to be here expressing our gifts. This is our only job, our only life

purpose. We are not just here to exist and consume what others have created around

us but to be a part of the creative process and to make the world a better place for

everyone (including ourselves).

Sometimes it is hard to just embark on this journey of expressing our soul gifts without

any guarantees of how it will all turn out. We really don’t know what the value of our

work will be to others, but it is important not to judge our work, it is just important to

create it as best as we can.

So as you move forward please remember that you are unique and you are

special. Only you will be able to express your gifts in just the perfect way that this world

needs - and this world needs it now!

Please have the courage to make a step forward now. Build on what you are already

expressing so well and make the changes to amplify your gift to the world. Choose your

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roles with the purpose of expressing your gifts through everything that you do.

It may not always be easy, but there is support, just look around for it. When you hit that

sweet soul spot and you can feel that connection and flow start to ignite a fire inside of

you - it will all be worth it, I promise.

Thank you for taking this e-course journey with me. I hope it has inspired, informed and

ignited something in you to move forward into your uniqueness.