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  • 7/31/2019 Sosp169 Frost


    Generalized File System Dependencies

    Christopher Frost Mike Mammarella Eddie Kohler

    Andrew de los Reyes Shant Hovsepian Andrew Matsuoka Lei ZhangUCLA Google UT Austin


    Reliable storage systems depend in part on write-before relation-ships where some changes to stable storage are delayed until otherchanges commit. A journaled file system, for example, must com-mit a journal transaction before applying that transactions changes,and soft updates [9] and other consistency enforcement mecha-nisms have similar constraints, implemented in each case in system-dependent ways. We present a general abstraction, the patch, thatmakes write-before relationships explicit and file system agnostic.A patch-based file system implementation expresses dependenciesamong writes, leaving lower system layers to determine write or-ders that satisfy those dependencies. Storage system modules can

    examine and modify the dependency structure, and generalized filesystem dependencies are naturally exportable to user level. Ourpatch-based storage system, Featherstitch, includes several impor-tant optimizations that reduce patch overheads by orders of mag-nitude. Our ext2 prototype runs in the Linux kernel and supportsasynchronous writes, soft updates-like dependencies, and journal-ing. It outperforms similarly reliable ext2 and ext3 configurationson some, but not all, benchmarks. It also supports unusual configu-rations, such as correct dependency enforcement within a loopbackfile system, and lets applications define consistency requirementswithout micromanaging how those requirements are satisfied.

    Categories and Subject Descriptors: D.4.3 [Operating Sys-tems]: File Systems Management; D.4.5 [Operating Systems]:ReliabilityFault-tolerance; D.4.7 [Operating Systems]: Orga-

    nization and DesignGeneral Terms: Design, Performance, Reliability

    Keywords: dependencies, journaling, file systems, soft updates

    1 Introduction

    Write-before relationships, which require that some changes becommitted to stable storage before others, underlie every mecha-nism for ensuring file system consistency and reliability from jour-naling to synchronous writes. Featherstitch is a complete storagesystem built on a concrete form of these relationships, a simple,uniform, and file system agnostic data type called the patch. Feath-erstitchs API design and performance optimizations make patchesa promising implementation strategy as well as a useful abstraction.

    A patch represents both a change to disk data and any dependen-

    cies between that change and other changes. Patches were initially

    Contact authors.This work was completed while all authors were at UCLA.

    Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work forpersonal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies arenot made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copiesbear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, torepublish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specificpermission and/or a fee.

    SOSP07, October 1417, 2007, Stevenson, Washington, USA.Copyright 2007 ACM 978-1-59593-591-5/07/0010 . . . $5.00.

    inspired by BSDs soft updates dependencies [9], but whereas softupdates implement a particular typeof consistency and involvemanystructures specific to the UFS filesystem [18], patches arefully gen-eral, specifying only how a range of bytes should be changed. Thislets file system implementations specify a write-before relationshipbetween changes without dictating a write order that honors thatrelationship. It lets storage system components examine and mod-ify dependency structures independent of the file systems layout,possibly even changing one type of consistency into another. It alsolets applications modify patch dependency structures, thus definingconsistency policies for the underlying storage system to follow.

    A uniform and pervasive patch abstraction may simplify imple-

    mentation, extension, and experimentation for file system consis-tency and reliability mechanisms. File system implementers cur-rently find it difficult to provide consistency guarantees [18, 34]and implementations are often buggy [40, 41], a situation fur-ther complicated by file system extensions and special disk inter-faces [5, 20, 23, 28, 30, 32, 38]. File system extension techniquessuch as stackable file systems [10, 24, 42, 43] leave consistencyup to the underlying file system; any extension-specific orderingrequirements are difficult to express at the VFS layer. Althoughmaintaining file system correctness in the presence of failures isincreasingly a focus of research [7, 29], other proposed systems forimproving file system integrity differ mainly in the kind of consis-tency they aim to impose, ranging from metadata consistency to fulldata journaling and full ACID transactions [8, 16, 37]. Some users,however, implement their own end-to-end reliability for some data

    and prefer to avoid any consistency slowdowns in the file systemlayer [36]. Patches can represent all these choices, and since theyprovide a common language for file systems and extensions to dis-cuss consistency requirements, even combinations of consistencymechanisms can comfortably coexist.

    Applications likewise have few mechanisms for controllingbuffer cache behavior in todays systems, and robust applications,including databases, mail servers, and source code managementtools, must choose between several mediocre options. They can ac-cept the performance penalty of expensive system calls like fsyncand sync or use tedious and fragile sequences of operations that as-sume particular file system consistency semantics. Patchgroups, ourexample user-level patch interface, export to applications some ofpatches benefits for kernel file system implementations and exten-

    sions. Modifying an IMAP mail server to use patchgroups requiredonly localized changes. The result both meets IMAPs consistencyrequirements on any reasonable patch-based file system and avoidsthe performance hit of full synchronization.

    Production file systems use system-specific optimizations toachieve consistency without sacrificing performance; we had to im-prove performance in a general way. A naive patch-based storagesystem scaled terribly, spending far more space and time on depen-dency manipulation than conventional systems. However, optimiza-tions reduced patch memory and CPU overheads significantly. APostMark test that writes approximately 3.2 GB of data allocates

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    75 MB of memory throughout the test to store patches and softupdates-like dependencies, less than 3% of the memory used for filesystem data and about 1% of that required by unoptimized Feather-stitch. Room for improvement remains, particularly in system time,but Featherstitch outperforms equivalent Linux configurations onmany of our benchmarks; it is at most 30% slower on others.

    Our contributions include the patch model and design, our opti-mizations for making patches more efficient, the patchgroup mech-anism that exports patches to applications, and several individual

    Featherstitch modules, such as the journal.

    In this paper, we describe patches abstractly, state their behaviorand safety properties, give examples of their use, and reason aboutthe correctness of our optimizations. We then describe the Feather-stitch implementation, which is decomposed into pluggable mod-ules, hopefully making it configurable, extensible, and relativelyeasy to understand. Finally, our evaluation compares Featherstitchand Linux-native file system implementations, and we conclude.

    2 Related Work

    Most modern file systems protect file system integrity in the face ofpossible power failure or crashes via journaling, which groups op-erations into transactions that commit atomically [26]. The content

    and the layout of the journal vary in each implementation, but inall cases, the system can use the journal to replay (or roll back) anytransactions that did not complete due to the shutdown. A recoveryprocedure,if correct [40], avoids time-consumingfile system checkson post-crash reboot in favor of simple journal operations.

    Soft updates [9] is another important mechanism for ensuringpost-crash consistency. Carefully managed write orderings avoidthe need for synchronous writes to disk or duplicate writes to a

    journal; only relatively harmless inconsistencies, such as leakedblocks, are allowed to appear on the file system. As in journaling,soft updates can avoid fsckafter a crash, although a background fsckis required to recover leaked storage.

    Patches naturally represent both journaling and soft updates, andwe use them as running examples throughout the paper. In eachcase, our patch implementation extracts ad hoc orderings and op-timizations into general dependency graphs, making the orderingspotentially easier to understand and modify. Soft updates is in someways a more challenging test of the patch abstraction: its dependen-cies are more variable and harder to predict, it is widely considereddifficult to implement, and the existing FreeBSD implementation isquite optimized [18]. We therefore frequently discuss soft updates-like dependencies. This should not be construed as a wholesale en-dorsement of soft updates, which relies on a property (atomic blockwrites) that many disks do not provide, and which often requiresmore seeks than journaling despite writing less data.

    Although patches were designed to represent any write-beforerelationship, implementations of other consistency mechanisms,such as shadow paging-style techniques for write anywhere filelayouts [11] or ACID transactions [37], are left for future work.

    CAPFS [35] and Echo [17] considered customizable application-level consistency protocols in the context of distributed, parallel filesystems. CAPFS allows application writers to design plug-ins for aparallel file store that define what actions to take before and aftereach client-side system call. These plug-ins can enforce additionalconsistency policies. Echo maintains a partial order on the locallycached updates to the remote file system, and guarantees that theserver will store the updates accordingly; applications can extendthe partial order. Both systems are based on the principle that notproviding the right consistency protocol can cause unpredictablefailures, yet enforcing unnecessary consistency protocols can be

    extremely expensive. Featherstitch patchgroups generalize this sortof customizableconsistency and brings it to disk-based file systems.

    A similar application interface to patchgroups is explored in Sec-tion 4 of Burnetts thesis [4]. However, the methods used to imple-ment the interfaces are very different: Burnetts system tracks de-pendencies among system calls, associates dirty blocks with uniqueIDs returned by those calls, and duplicates dirty blocks when nec-essary to preserve ordering. Featherstitch tracks individual changesto blocks internally, allowing kernel modules a finer level of con-

    trol, and only chooses to expose a user space interface similar toBurnetts as a means to simplify the sanity checking required ofarbitrary user-submitted requests. Additionally, our evaluation usesa real disk rather than trace-driven simulations.

    Dependencies have been used in BlueFS [21] and xsyncfs [22]to reduce the aggregate performance impact of strong consistencyguarantees. Xsyncfss external synchrony provides users with thesame consistency guarantees as synchronous writes. Applicationwrites are not synchronous, however. They are committed in groupsusing a journaling design, but additional write-before relationshipsare enforced on non-file system communication: a journal transac-tion must commit before output from any process involved in thattransaction becomes externally visible via, for example, the termi-nal or a network connection. Dependency relationships are tracked

    across IPC as well. Featherstitch patches could be used to link filesystem behavior and xsyncfs process dependencies, or to definecross-network dependencies as in BlueFS; this would remove, forinstance, xsyncfss reliance on ext3. Conversely, Featherstitch ap-plications could benefit from the combination of strict ordering andnonblocking writes provided by xsyncfs. Like xsyncfs, stackablemodule software for file systems [10, 24, 31, 38, 39, 42, 43] andother extensions to file system and disk interfaces [12, 27] mightbenefit from a patch-like mechanism that represented write-beforerelationships and consistency requirements agnostically.

    Some systems have generalized a single consistency mechanism.Linuxs ext3 attempted to make its journaling layer a reusable com-ponent, althoughonly ext3 itselfusesit. XN enforcesa variant of softupdates on any associated library file system, but still requires thatthose file systems implement soft updates again themselves [13].

    Featherstitch adds to this body of work by designing a primitivethat generalizes and makes explicit the write-before relationshippresent in many storage systems, and implementing a storage systemin which that primitive is pervasive throughout.

    3 Patch Model

    Every change to stable storage in a Featherstitch system is repre-sented by a patch. This section describes the basic patch abstractionand describes our implementation of that abstraction.

    3.1 Disk Behavior

    We first describe howdisks behave in our model,and especially howdisks commit patches to stable storage. Although our terminologyoriginates in conventional disk-based file systems with uniformly-

    sized blocks, the model would apply with small changes to filesystems with non-uniform blocks and to other media, includingRAID and network storage.

    We assume that stable storage commits data in units calledblocks. All writes affect one or more blocks, and it is impossi-ble to selectively write part of a block. In disk terms, a block is asector or, for file system convenience, a few contiguous sectors.

    A patch models any change to block data. Each patch applies toexactly oneblock, so a changethat affects n blocks requires at least npatches to represent. Each patch is either committed, meaning writ-ten to disk; uncommitted, meaning not written to disk; or in flight,


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    p a patchblk[p] patch ps block

    C,U,F the sets of all committed, uncommitted, and in-flightpatches, respectively

    CB,UB,FB committed/uncommitted/in-flight patches on block B

    q p q depends on p (p must be written before q)dep[p] ps dependencies: {x | px}

    q p q directly depends on p(q p means either q p or x : qx p)

    ddep[p] ps direct dependencies: {x | p x}

    Figure 1: Patch notation.

    meaning in the process of being written to disk. Theintermediate in-flight state models reordering and delay in lower storage layers; forexample, modern disks often cache writes to add opportunities fordisk scheduling. Patches are created as uncommitted. The operatingsystem moves uncommitted patches to the in-flight state by writingtheir blocks to the disk controller. Some time later, the disk writesthese blocks to stable storage and reports success; when the oper-ating system receives this acknowledgment, it commits the relevantpatches. Committed patches stay committed permanently, althoughtheir effects can be undone by subsequent patches. The sets C, U,


    represent all committed, uncommitted, and in-flight patches,respectively.Patch ps block is written blk[p]. Given a block B, we write

    CB for the set of committed patches on that block, or in notationCB = {p C| blk[p] = B}. FB and UB are defined similarly.

    Disk controllers in this model write in-flight patches one blockat a time, choosing blocks in an arbitrary order. In notation:

    1. Pick some blockB with FB =.2. Write blockB and acknowledge each patch in FB.3. Repeat.

    Disks perform better when allowed to reorder requests, so operatingsystems try to keep many blocks in flight. A block write will gener-ally put all of that blocks uncommitted patches in flight, but a filesystem may, instead, write a subset of those patches, leaving someof them in the uncommitted state. As we will see, this is sometimesrequired to preserve write-before relationships.

    We intentionally do not specify whether the storage system writesblocks atomically. Some file system designs, such as soft updates,rely on block write atomicity, where if the disk fails while a blockBis in flight,B contains either theold data or thenew data on recovery.Many journal designs do not require this, and include recovery pro-cedures that handle in-flight block corruptionfor instance, if thememory holding the new value of the block loses coherence beforethe disk stops writing [33]. Since patches model the write-beforerelationships underlying these journal designs, patches do not pro-vide block atomicity themselves, and a patch-based file system withsoft updates-like dependencies should be used in conjunction witha storage layer that provides block atomicity. (This is no different

    from other soft updates implementations.)

    3.2 Dependencies

    A patch-based storage system implementation represents write-before relationships using an explicit dependency relation. Thedisk controller and lower layers dont understand dependencies; in-stead, the system maintains dependencies and passes blocks to thecontroller in an order that preserves dependency semantics. Patch qdepends on patch p, written q p, when the storage system mustcommit q either after p or at the same time as p. (Patches can becommittedsimultaneously only if they areon thesame block.) A file

    system should create dependencies that express its desired consis-tency semantics. For example, a file system with no durability guar-anteesmightcreate patches with no dependenciesat all; a filesystemwishing to strictly order writes might set pn pn1 p1.Circular dependencies among patches cannot be resolved and aretherefore errors; for example, neither p nor q could be written first ifp q p. (Although a circular dependency chain entirely withina single block would be acceptable, Featherstitch treats all circu-lar chains as errors.) Patch ps setof dependencies, written dep[p],

    consists of all patches on which p depends; dep[p] = {x | px}.Given a set of patches P, we write dep[P] to mean the combineddependency set

    pP dep[p].

    The disk safety property formalizes dependency requirementsby stating that the dependencies of all committed patches have alsobeen committed:

    dep[C] C.

    Thus, no matter when the system crashes, the disk is consistent interms of dependencies. Since, as describedabove, the disk controllercan write blocks in any order, a Featherstitch storage system mustalso ensure the independence of in-flight blocks. This is preciselystated by the in-flight safety property:

    For any blockB, dep[FB] CFB.

    This implies that dep[FB]dep[FB ]Cfor any B = B, so the disk

    controller can write in-flight blocks in any order and still preservedisk safety. To uphold the in-flight safety property, the buffer cachemust write blocks as follows:

    1. Pick some blockB with UB = and FB =.2. Pick some P UB with dep[P] PC.3. Move each p P to F (in-flight).

    The requirement that FB = ensures that at most one version of ablock is in flight at any time. Also, the buffer cache must eventuallywrite all dirty blocks, a liveness property.

    The main Featherstitch implementation challenge is to designdata structures that make it easy to create patches and quick tomanipulate patches, and that help the buffer cache write blocks andpatches according to the above procedure.

    3.3 Dependency Implementation

    The write-before relationship is transitive, so if r q and q p,there is no need to explicitly store an r p dependency. To reducestorage requirements, a Featherstitch implementation maintains asubset of the dependencies called the direct dependencies. Eachpatch p has a corresponding set of direct dependencies ddep[p]; wesay q directly depends on p, and write q p, when p ddep[q]. Thedependency relation q p means that either q p or qx pfor some patch x.

    Featherstitch maintains each block in its dirty state, includingthe effects of all uncommitted patches. However, each patch carriesundo data, the previous version of the block data altered by thepatch. If a patch p is not written with its containing block, the buffercache reverts the patch, which swaps the new data on the buffered

    block and the previous version in the undo data. Once the blockis written, the system will re-apply the patch and, when allowed,write the block again, this time including the patch. Some undomechanism is required to break potential block-level dependencycycles, as shown in the next section. We considered alternate de-signs, such as maintaining a single old version of the block, butper-patch undo data gives file systems the maximum flexibility tocreate patch structures. However, many of our optimizations avoidstoring unnecessary undo data, greatly reducing memory usage andCPU utilization.

    Figure 1 summarizes our patch notation.


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    bitmap block

    inode block

    data block

    alloc block

    clear data

    attach block

    set size







    bitmap block

    inode block

    data block



    clear data






    dJ iJ




    data block


    inode block


    bitmap block



    bitmap block

    inode block

    data block






    alloc block

    clear data



    a) Adding a block (soft updates) b) . . . plus removing a file c) Adding a block (journaling)

    Figure 2: Example patch arrangements for an ext2-like file system. Circles represent patches, shaded boxes represent disk blocks, and arrows representdirect dependencies. a) A soft updates order for appending a zeroed-out block to a file. b) A different file on the same inode block is removed beforethe previous changes commit, inducing a circular block dependency. c) A journal order for appending a zeroed-out block to a file.

    3.4 Examples

    This section illustrates patch implementations of two widely-usedfile system consistency mechanisms, soft updates and journaling.Our basic example extends an existing file by a single blockperhaps an application calls ftruncate to append 512 zero bytesto an empty file. The file system is based on Linuxs ext2, an FFS-like file system with inodes and a free block bitmap. In such afile system, extending a file by one block requires (1) allocatinga block by marking the corresponding bit as allocated in thefree block bitmap, (2) attaching the block to the files inode, (3)setting the inodes size, and (4) clearing the allocated data block.These operations affect three blocksa free block bitmap block, aninode block, and a data blockand correspond to four patches: b(allocate), i (attach), i (size), and d (clear).

    Soft updates Early file systems aimed to avoid post-crash diskinconsistencies by writing some, or all, blocks synchronously. Forexample, the write system call might block until all metadata writeshave completedclearly bad for performance. Soft updates pro-vides post-crash consistency without synchronous writes by track-ing and obeying necessary dependencies among writes. A soft up-dates file system orders its writes to enforce three simple rules formetadata consistency [9]:

    1. Never write a pointer to a structure until it has been initial-ized (e.g., an inode must be initialized before a directory entryreferences it).

    2. Never reuse a resource before nullifying all previous pointersto it.

    3. Never reset the last pointer to a live resource before a newpointer has been set.

    By following these rules, a file system limits possible disk incon-sistencies to leaked resources, such as blocks or inodes marked asin use but unreferenced. The file system can be used immediately

    on reboot; a background scan can locate and recover the leakedresources while the system is in use.

    These rules map directly to Featherstitch. Figure 2a shows a setof soft updates-like patches and dependencies for our block-appendoperation. Soft updates Rule 1 requires that i b. Rule 2 requiresthat d depend on the nullification of previous pointers to the block;a simple, though more restrictive, way to accomplish this is to letd b, where b depends on any such nullifications (there are nonehere). The dependencies i d and i d provide an additionalguarantee above and beyond metadata consistency, namely that nofile ever contains accessible uninitialized data. Unlike Featherstitch,

    the BSD UFS soft updates implementation represents each UFSoperation by a different specialized structure encapsulating all ofthat operations disk changes and dependencies. These structures,their relationships, and their uses are quite complex [18].

    Figure 2b shows how an additional file system operation can

    induce a circular dependency among blocks. Before the changes inFigure 2a commit, the user deletes a one-block filewhose data blockand inode happen to lie on the bitmap and inode blocks used by theprevious operation. Rule 2 requires the dependency b2 i2; butgiven this dependency and the previous i b, neither the bitmapblock nor the inode block can be written first! Breaking the cyclerequires rolling back one or more patches, which in turn requiresundo data. For example, the system might roll back b2 and writethe resulting bitmap block, which contains only b. Once this writecommits, all ofi, i, and i2 are safe to write; and once they commit,the system can write the bitmap block again, this time including b2.

    Journal transactions A journaling file system ensures post-crashconsistency using a write-ahead log. All changes in a transactionare first copied into an on-disk journal. Once these copies commit, a

    commit recordis written to thejournal,signaling that thetransactionis complete and all its changes are valid. Once the commit record iswritten, the original changes can be written to the file system in anyorder, since after a crashthe system can replay the journal transactionto recover. Finally, once all the changes have been written to the filesystem, the commit record can be erased, allowing that portion ofthe journal to be reused.

    This process also maps directly to patch dependencies, as shownin Figure2c. Copies of theaffected blocksare written into thejournalarea using patches dJ, iJ, and bJ, each on its own block. Patch cmtcreates the commit record on a fourth block in the journal area; itdepends on dJ, iJ, and bJ. The changes to the main file system alldepend on cmt. Finally, patch cmp, which depends on the main filesystem changes, overwrites the commit record with a completion

    record. Again, a circular block dependency requires the system toroll back a patch, namely cmp, and write the commit/completionblock twice.

    3.5 Patch Implementation

    Our Featherstitch file system implementation creates patch struc-tures corresponding directly to this abstraction. Functions likepatch_create_byte create patches; their arguments include therelevant block, any direct dependencies, and the new data. Mostpatches specify this data as a contiguous byte range, including anoffset into the block and the patch length in bytes. The undo data for


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    very small patches (4 bytes or less) is stored in the patch structureitself; for larger patches, undo data is stored in separately allocatedmemory. In bitmap blocks, changes to individual bits in a word canhave independent dependencies, which we handle with a specialbit-flip patch type.

    The implementation automatically detects one type of depen-dency. If two patches q and p affect the same block and have over-lapping data ranges, and q was created after p, then Featherstitchadds an overlap dependency q p to ensure that q is written afterp. File systems need not detect such dependencies themselves.

    Foreach blockB, Featherstitch maintainsa list of allpatches withblk[p] =B. However, committedpatches are not tracked;when patchp commits, Featherstitch destroys ps data structure and removes alldependencies q p. Thus, a patch whose dependencies have allcommitted appears like a patch with no dependencies at all. Eachpatch p maintains doubly linked lists of its direct dependencies andreverse dependencies (that is, all q where q p).

    The implementation also supports empty patches, which have noassociated data or block. For example, during a journal transaction,changes to the main body of the disk should depend on a journalcommit record that has not yet been created. Featherstitch makesthese patches depend on an empty patch that is explicitly held inmemory. Once the commit record is created, the empty patch is

    updated to depend on the actual commit record and then released.The empty patch automatically commits at the same time as thecommit record, allowing the main file system changes to follow.Empty patches can shrink memory usage by representing quadraticsets of dependencies with a linear number of edges: if all m patchesin Q must dependon alln patches in P, one could add anemptypatche and m + n direct dependencies qi e and e pj. This is usefulfor patchgroups; see Section 5. However, extensive use of emptypatches adds to system time by requiring that functions traverseempty patch layers to find true dependencies. Our implementationuses emptypatches infrequently, andin therest of this paper, patchesare nonempty unless explicitly stated.

    3.6 Discussion

    The patch abstraction places only one substantive restriction on its

    users, namely, that circular dependency chains are errors. This re-striction arises from the file system context: Featherstitch assumesa lower layer that commits one block at a time. Disks certainlybehave this way, but a dependency tracker built above a more ad-vanced lower layersuch as a journalcould resolve many circu-lar dependency chains by forcing the relevant blocks into a singletransaction or transaction equivalent. Featherstitchs journal mod-ule could potentially implement this, allowing upper layers to create(size-limited) circular dependency chains, but we leave the imple-mentation for future work.

    Patches model write-before relationships, but one might insteadbuild a generalized dependency system that modeled abstract trans-actions. We chose write-before relationships as our foundation sincethey minimally constrain file system disk layout.

    4 Patch Optimizations

    Figure 3a shows the patches generated by a naive Featherstitch im-plementation when an application appends 16 kB of data to an ex-isting empty file using four 4 kB writes. The file system is ext2 withsoft updates-like dependencies and 4 kB blocks. Four blocks areallocated (patches b1b4), written (d1d4 and d


    4), and attached

    to the files inode (i1i4); the inodes file size and modification timeare updated (i1i

    4 and i

    ); and changes to the group descriptorand superblock account for the allocated blocks (g and s). Eachapplication write updates the inode; note, for example, how overlap

    dependencies force each modification of the inodes size to dependon the previous one. A total of eight blocks are written during theoperation. Unoptimized Featherstitch, however, represents the op-eration with 23 patches and roughly 33,000 (!) bytes of undo data.The patches slow down the buffer cache system by making graphtraversals more expensive. Storing undo data for patches on datablocks is particularly painful here, since they will never need to bereverted. And in larger examples, the effects are even worse. Forexample, when 256 MB of blocks are allocated in the untar bench-

    mark described in Section 8, unoptimized Featherstitch allocates anadditional 533 MB, mostly for patches and undo data.

    This section presents optimizations based on generic dependencyanalysis that reduce these 23 patches and 33,000 bytes of undo datato the 8 patches and 0 bytes of undo data in Figure 3d. Additionaloptimizationssimplify Featherstitchsother mainoverhead, the CPUtime required for the buffer cache to find a suitable set of patches towrite. These optimizations apply transparently to any Featherstitchfile system, and as we demonstrate in our evaluation, have dramaticeffectson realbenchmarks as well; for instance,they reduce memoryoverhead in the untar benchmark from 533 MB to just 40 MB.

    4.1 Hard Patches

    The first optimization reduces space overhead by eliminating undo

    data. When a patch p is created, Featherstitch conservatively detectswhether p might require reversion: that is, whether any possible fu-ture patches and dependencies could force the buffer cache to undop before making further progress. If no future patches and depen-dencies could force ps reversion, then p does not need undo data,and Featherstitch does not allocate any. This makes p a hard patch:a patch without undo data. The system aims to reduce memory us-age by making most patches hard. The challenge is to detect suchpatches without an oracle for future dependencies.

    (Since a hard patch h cannot be rolled back, any other patch on itsblock effectively depends on it. We represent this explicitly using,for example, overlap dependencies, and as a result, the buffer cachewill write allof a blocks hard patches whenever it writes theblock.)

    We now characterize one type of patch that can be made hard.Define a block-level cycle as a dependency chain of uncommit-

    ted patches pn p1 where the ends are on the same blockblk[pn] = blk[p1], and at least one patch in the middle is on a dif-ferent block blk[pi] = blk[p1]. The patch pn is called the head ofthe block-level cycle. Now assume that a patch p U is not thehead of any block-level cycle. One can then show that the buffercache can write at least one patch without rolling back p. This istrivially possible if p itself is ready to write. If it is not, then p mustdepend on some uncommitted patch x on a different block. How-ever, we know that xs uncommitted dependencies, if any, are all onblocks other than ps; otherwise there would be a block-level cycle.Since Featherstitch disallows circular dependencies, every chain ofdependencies starting at x has finite length, and therefore containsan uncommitted patch y whose dependencies have all committed.(Ify has in-flight dependencies, simply wait for the disk controller

    to commit them.) Since y is not on ps block, the buffer cache canwrite y without rolling back p.Featherstitch may thus make a patch hard when it can prove that

    patch will never be the head of a block-level cycle. Its proof strat-egy has two parts. First, the Featherstitch API restricts the creationof block-level cycles by restricting the creation of dependencies: a

    patchs direct dependencies are all supplied at creation time. Oncep is created, the system can add new dependencies q p, but willnever add new dependencies p q.1 Since every patch follows this

    1The actual rule is somewhat more flexible: modules may add newdirect dependencies if they guarantee thatthose dependencies dont pro-


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    inode block data blocks bitmap block


























    set size

    attach block

    set mtime

    write data clear dataalloc block

    group desc



    a) Naive implementation

























    b) With hard patches . . .

    i14+ i

















    c) . . . plus hard patch merging . . .

    i14+ i











    b1 . . . 4



    d) . . . plus overlap merging

    Figure3: Patches requiredto append4 blocksto an existingfile,withoutand with optimization. Hard patches are shown with heavy borders.

    rule, all possible block-level cycles with head p are present in thedependency graph when p is created. Featherstitch must still checkforthesecycles,of course, andactual graph traversals proved expen-sive. We thus implemented a conservative approximation. Patch p iscreated as hard ifno patches on other blocks depend on uncommit-ted patches on blk[p]that is, if for allyx withx an uncommittedpatch on ps block, y is also on ps block. If no other block dependson ps, then clearly p cant head up a current block-level cycle nomatter its dependencies. This heuristic works well in practice and,

    given some bookkeeping, takes O(1) time to check.Applying hard patch rules to our example makes 16 of the 23

    patches hard (Figure 3b), reducing theundo data required by slightlymore than half.

    4.2 Hard Patch Merging

    File operations such as block allocations, inode updates, and direc-tory updates create many distinct patches. Keeping track of thesepatches and their dependencies requires memory and CPU time.Featherstitch therefore merges patches when possible, drasticallyreducing patch counts and memory usage, by conservatively iden-tifying when a new patch could always be written at the same timeas an existing patch. Rather than creating a new patch in this case,Featherstitch updates data and dependencies to merge the new patch

    into the existing one.Two types of patch merging involve hard patches, and the first

    is trivial to explain: since all of a blocks hard patches must bewritten at the same time, they can always be merged. Featherstitchensures that each block contains at most one hard patch. If a newpatch p could be created as hard and ps block already contains ahard patch h, then the implementation merges p into h by applyingps data to the block and setting ddep[h] ddep[h]ddep[p]. Thischanges hs direct dependency set after h was created, but since pcould have been created hard, the change cannot introduce any newblock-level cycles. Unfortunately, the merge can create intra-blockcycles: if some empty patch e has p e h, then after the mergeh eh. Featherstitchdetectsand prunes any cyclic dependenciesduring the merge. Hard patch merging is able to eliminate 8 of thepatches in our running example, as shown in Figure 3c.

    Second, Featherstitch detects when a new hard patch can bemerged with a blocks existing softpatches. Block-level cycles mayforce a patch p to be created as soft. Once those cycles are broken(because the relevantpatches commit), p could be converted to hard;but to avoid unnecessary work, Featherstitch delays the conversion,performing it only when it detects that a new patch on ps blockcould be created hard. Figure 4 demonstrates this using soft updates-like dependencies. Consider a new hard patch h added to a blockthat contains some soft patch p. Since h is considered to overlapp, Featherstitch adds a direct dependency h p. Since h could behard even including this overlap dependency, we know there are noblock-level cycles with head h. But as a result, we know that thereareno block-levelcycles with head p, and p can be transformed intoa hard patch. Featherstitch will make p hard by dropping its undo

    data, then merge h into p. Although this type of merging is not verycommon in practice, it is necessary to preserve useful invariants,such as that no hard patch has a dependency on the same block.

    4.3 Overlap Merging

    The final type of merging combines soft patches with other patches,hard or soft, when they overlap. Metadata blocks, such as bitmapblocks, inodes, and directory data, tend to accumulate many nearby

    duce any new block-level cycles. As one example, if no patch dependson some empty patch e, then adding a new e q dependency cantproduce a cycle.


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    directory data inode block




    id2 id3


    a) Block-level cycle b) d1 commits c) After merge

    Figure4: Soft-to-hardpatch merging. a) Soft updates-like dependencies

    among directory data and an inode block.d1 deletes a file whose inodeis on i, so Rule 2 requires i d1; d2 allocates a file whose inode is on i,

    so Rule 1 requires d2 i. b) Writing d1 removes the cycle. c) d3, whichadds a hard link to d2s file, initiates soft-to-hard merging.

    and overlapping patches as the file system gradually changes; forinstance, Figure 3s i1i4 all affect the same inode field. Even datablocks can collect overlapping dependencies. Figure 3s data writesdn overlap, and therefore depend on, the initialization writes dnbut our heuristic cannot make dn hard since when they are created,dependencies exist from the inode block onto dn. Overlap mergingcan combine these, and many other, mergeable patches, furtherreducing patch and undo data overhead.

    Overlapping patches p1 and p2, with p2 p1, may be mergedunless future patches and dependencies might force the buffer cache

    to undo p2, but not p1. Reusing the reasoning developed for hardpatches, we can carve out a class of patches that will never causethis problem: if p2 is not the head of a block-level cycle containingp1, then p2 and p1 can always be committed together.

    To detect mergeable pairs, the Featherstitchimplementation againuses a conservative heuristic that detects many pairs while limitingthe cost of traversing dependency graphs. However, while the hardpatch heuristic is both simple and effective, the heuristic for over-lap merging has required some tuning to balance CPU expense andmissed merge opportunities. The current version examines all de-pendency chains of uncommitted patches starting at p2. It succeedsif no such chain matches p2x p1 with x on a different block,failing conservatively if any of the chains grows too long (more than10 links) or there are too many chains. (It also simplifies the imple-mentation to fail when p2 overlaps with two or more soft patchesthat do not themselves overlap.) However, some chains cannot in-duce block-level cycles and are allowed regardless of how long theygrow. Consider a chain p2x not containing p1. If p1x as well,then since there are no circular dependencies, any continuation ofthe chain p2x will never encounter p1. Our heuristic white-listsseveral such chains, including p2 h where h is a hard patch onp1s block. If all chains fit, then there are no block-level cycles fromp2 to p1, p2 and p1 can have the same lifetime, and p2 can bemerged into p1 to create a combined patch.

    In our running example,overlap merging combines allremainingsoft patches with their hard counterparts, reducing the number ofpatches to the minimum of 8 and the amountof undo datato the min-imum of 0. In our experiments, hard patches and our patch mergingoptimizations reduce the amount of memory allocated for undo data

    in soft updates and journaling orderings by at least 99.99%.

    4.4 Ready Patch Lists

    A different class of optimization addresses CPU time spent inthe Featherstitch buffer cache. The buffer caches main task is tochoose sets of patches P that satisfy the in-flight safety propertydep[P] PC. A naive implementation would guess a set P andthen traverse the dependency graph starting at P, looking for prob-lematic dependencies. Patch merging limits the size of these traver-sals by reducing the number of patches. Unfortunately, even modesttraversals become painfully slow when executed on every block in a

    large buffer cache, and in our initial implementation these traversalswere a bottleneck for cache sizes above 128 blocks (!).

    Luckily, much of the information required for the buffer cache tochoose a set P can be precomputed. Featherstitch explicitly tracks,for each patch, how many of its direct dependencies remain un-committed or in flight. These counts are incremented as patches areadded to the systemand decremented as the systemreceives commitnotifications from the disk. When both counts reach zero, the patchis safe to write, and it is moved into a ready list on its containing

    block. The buffer cache, then, can immediately tell whether a blockhas writable patches. To write a block B, the buffer cache initiallypopulates the set P with the contents ofBs ready list. While movinga patch p into P, Featherstitch checks whether there exist depen-dencies q p where q is also on blockB. The system can write qat the same time as p, so qs counts are updated as if p has alreadycommitted. This may make q ready, after which it in turn is addedto P. (This premature accounting is safe because the system wonttry to write B again until p and q actually commit.)

    While the basic principle of this optimization is simple, its effi-cient implementation depends on several other optimizations, suchas soft-to-hard patch merging, that preserve important dependencyinvariants. Although ready count maintenance makes some patchmanipulations more expensive, ready lists save enough duplicate

    work in the buffer cache that the system as a whole is more efficientby multiple orders of magnitude.

    4.5 Other Optimizations

    Optimizations can only do so much with bad dependencies. Just ashaving too few dependencies can compromise system correctness,having too many dependencies, or the wrong dependencies, cannon-trivially degrade system performance. For example, in both thefollowing patch arrangements, s depends on all of r, q, and p, butthe left-hand arrangement gives the system more freedom to reorderblock writes:

    s r q p s r q p

    Ifr, q, and p are adjacent on disk, the left-hand arrangement can be

    satisfied with two disk requests while theright-hand onewill requirefour. Although neither arrangement is much harder to code, in sev-eral cases we discovered that one of our filesystem implementationswas performing slowly because it created an arrangement like theone on the right.

    Care must be taken to avoid unnecessary implicit dependencies,and in particular overlap dependencies. For instance, inode blockscontain multiple inodes, and changes to two inodes should generallybe independent; a similar statement holds for directories. Patchesthat change one independent field at a time generally give the bestresults. Featherstitch will merge these patches when appropriate,but if they cannot be merged, minimal patches tend to cause fewerpatch reversions and give more flexibility in write ordering.

    File system implementations can generate better dependency ar-rangementswhen theycan detect thatcertain states willnever appear

    on disk. Forexample, soft updates requires that clearingan inode de-pend on nullifications of all corresponding directory entries, whichnormally induces dependencies from the inode onto the directoryentries. However, if a directory entry will never exist on diskforexample, because a patch to remove the entry merged with the patchthat created itthen there is no need to require the correspondingdependency. Similarly, ifall a files directory entries will never existon disk, the patches that freethe files blocks need not depend on thedirectory entries. Leaving out these dependencies can speed up thesystemby avoiding block-levelcycles,such as those in Figure 4, andthe rollbacks and double writes they cause. The Featherstitch ext2


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    module implements these optimizations, significantly reducing diskwrites, patch allocations, and undo data required when files are cre-ated and deleted within a short time. Although the optimizations arefile system specific, the file system implements them using generalproperties, namely, whether two patches successfully merge.

    Finally, block allocation policies can have a dramatic effect onthe number of I/O requests required to write changes to the disk. Forinstance, soft updates-like dependencies require that data blocks beinitialized before an indirect block references them. Allocating an

    indirect block in the middle of a range of file data blocks forcesthe data blocks to be written as two smaller I/O requests, since theindirect block cannot be written at the same time. Allocating theindirect block somewhere else allows the data blocks to be writtenin one larger I/O request, at the cost of (depending on readaheadpolicies) a potential slowdown in read performance.

    We often found it useful to examine patch dependency graphsvisually. Featherstitch optionally logs patch operations to disk; aseparate debugger inspects and generates graphs from these logs.Although the graphs could be daunting, they provided some evi-dence that patches work as we had hoped: performance problemscould be analyzed by examining general dependency structures, andsometimes easily fixed by manipulating those structures.

    5 PatchgroupsCurrently, robust applications can enforce necessary write-beforerelationships, and thus ensure the consistency of on-disk data evenafter systemcrash, in only limited ways: they canforce synchronouswrites using sync, fsync, or sync_file_range, or theycan assumeparticular file system implementation semantics, such as journaling.With the patch abstraction, however, a process might specify justdependencies; the storage system could use those dependencies toimplement an appropriate ordering. This approach assumes littleabout file system implementation semantics, but unlike synchronouswrites, the storage system can still buffer, combine, and reorder diskoperations. This section describes patchgroups, an example API forextending patches to user space. Applications engage patchgroupsto associatethem withfile system changes; dependencies are defined

    among groups. A parent process can set up a dependency structurethat its child process will obey unknowingly. Patchgroups apply toany file system, including raw block device writes.

    In this section we describe the patchgroup abstraction and applyit to three robust applications.

    5.1 Interface and Implementation

    Patchgroups encapsulate sets of file system operations into unitsamong which dependencies can be applied. The patchgroup inter-face is as follows:

    typedef int pg_t; pg_t pg_create(void);int pg_depend(pg_t Q, pg_t P); /* adds QP */int pg_engage(pg_t P); int pg_disengage(pg_t P);int pg_sync(pg_t P); int pg_close(pg_t P);

    Each process has its own set of patchgroups, which are currentlysharedamongall threads.The call pg_depend(Q, P) makes patch-group Q depend on patchgroup P: all patches associated with P willcommit prior to any of those associated with Q. Engaging a patch-group with pg_engage associates subsequent file system operationswith that patchgroup. pg_sync forcesan immediatewriteof a patch-group to disk. pg_create creates a new patchgroup and returns itsID and pg_close disassociates a patchgroup ID from the underlyingpatches which implement it.

    Whereas Featherstitch modules are presumed to not create cyclicdependencies, the kernel cannot safely trust user applications to

    P = pg_create() pg_engage(P) pg_depend(*, P)



    pg_depend(*, P)pg_depend(P, *) pg_depend(*, P)


    Figure 5: Patchgroup lifespan.

    hP tP hOtQ

    file system changes

    written while

    P was engaged

    pg_depend(Q, P)

    pg_depend(P, O)

    . . . . . .

    Figure 6: Patchgroup implementation (simplified). Empty patches hPand tP bracketfile system patchescreatedwhile patchgroup P is engaged.pg_depend connects one patchgroups t patch to anothers h.

    be so well behaved, so the patchgroup API makes cycles uncon-structable. Figure 5 shows when different patchgroup dependencyoperations are valid. As with patches themselves, all a patchgroupsdirect dependencies are added first.After this, a patchgroupbecomesengaged zero or more times; however, once a patchgroup P gainsa dependency via pg_depend(*, P), it is sealed and can never beengaged again. This prevents applications from using patchgroupsto hold dirty blocks in memory: Q can depend on P only once thesystem has seen the complete set of Ps changes.

    Patchgroups and file descriptors are managed similarlythey are

    copied across fork, preserved across exec, and closedon exit. Thisallows existing, unaware programs to interact with patchgroups, inthesameway that theshell canconnectpipe-oblivious programs intoa pipeline.For example, a depend program could apply patchgroupsto unmodified applications by setting up the patchgroups beforecalling exec. The following command line would ensure that in isnot removed until allchanges in thepreceding sort have committedto disk:

    depend "sort < in > out" "rm in"

    Inside the kernel, each patchgroup corresponds to a pair of con-taining empty patches, and each inter-patchgroup dependency cor-responds to a dependency between the empty patches. All file sys-tem changes are inserted between all engaged patchgroups emptypatches. Figure 6 shows an example patch arrangement for twopatchgroups. (The actual implementation uses additional emptypatches for bookkeeping.)

    These dependencies suffice to enforce patchgroups when usingsoft updates-like dependencies, but for journaling, some extra workis required. Since writing the commit record atomically commitsa transaction, additional patchgroup-specified dependencies for thedata in each transaction must be shifted to the commit record itself.These dependencies then collapse into harmless dependencies fromthe commit record to itself or to previous commit records. Also, ametadata-only journal, which by default does not journal datablocksat all, pulls patchgroup-related data blocks into its journal, makingit act like a full journal for those data blocks.

    Patchgroups currently augmentthe underlying file systems con-sistency semantics, although a fuller implementation might let a

    patchgroup declare reducedconsistency requirements as well.

    5.2 Case Studies

    We studied the patchgroup interface by adding patchgroup sup-port to three applications: the gzip compression utility, the Subver-sion version control client, and the UW IMAP mail server daemon.These applications were chosen for their relatively simple and ex-plicit consistency requirements; we intended to test how well patch-groups implement existing consistency mechanisms, not to createnew mechanisms. One effect of this choice is that versions of theseapplications could attain similar consistency guarantees by running


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    on a fully-journaledfile systemwith a conventional API, although atleast IMAP would require modification to do so. Patchgroups, how-ever, make the required guarantees explicit, can be implementedon other types of file system, and introduce no additional cost onfully-journaled systems.

    Gzip Our modified gzip uses patchgroups to make the input filesremoval depend on the output files data being written; thus, a crashcannot lose both files. The update adds 10 lines of code to gzip

    v1.3.9, showing that simple consistency requirements are simple toimplement with patchgroups.

    Subversion The Subversion version control systems client [2]manipulates a local working copy of a repository. The working copylibrary is designed to avoid data corruption or loss should the pro-cess exit prematurely from a working copy operation. This safetyis achieved using application-level write ahead journaling, whereeach entry in Subversions journal is either idempotent or atomic.Depending on the file system, however, even this precaution maynot protect a working copy operation against a crash. For example,thejournal fileis markedas complete by movingit from a temporarylocation to its live location. Should the file system completely com-mit the file rename before the file data, and crash before completingthe file data commit, then a subsequent journal replay could corrupt

    the working copy.The working copy library could ensure a safe commit ordering

    by syncing files as necessary, and the Subversion server (repository)library takes this approach, but developers deemed this approachtoo slow to be worthwhile at the client [ 25]. Instead, the workingcopy library assumes that first, all preceding writes to a files dataare committed before the file is renamed, and second, metadataupdates are effectively committed in their system call order. Thisdoes not hold on many systems; for example, neither NTFS with

    journaling nor BSD UFS with soft updates provide the requiredproperties. The Subversion developers essentially specialized theirconsistency mechanism for one file system, ext3 in either orderedor full journaling mode.

    We updated the Subversion working copy library to express com-mit ordering requirements directly using patchgroups. The file re-

    name property was replaced in two ways. Files created in a tem-porary location and then moved into their live location, such asdirectory status and journal files, now make the rename depend onthe file data writes; but files only referenced by livefiles, such as up-dated file copies used by journal file entries, can live with a weakerordering: the installation of referencing files is made to depend onthe file data writes. The use of linearly ordered metadata updateswas also replaced by patchgroup dependencies, and making the de-pendencies explicit let us reason about Subversions actual orderrequirements, which are much less strict than linear ordering. Forexample, theupdated filecopies used by thejournal maybe commit-ted in any order, and most journal playback operations may commitin any order. Only interacting operations, such as a file read andsubsequent rename, require ordering.

    Once we understood Subversion v1.4.3s requirements, it took aday to add the 220 lines of code that enforce safety for conflictedupdates (out of 25,000 in the working copy library).

    UW IMAP We updated the University of Washingtons IMAPmail server (v2004g) [3] to ensure mail updates are safely com-mitted to disk. The Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) [6]provides remote access to a mail servers email message store. Themost relevant IMAP commands synchronize changes to the serversdisk (check), copy a message from the selected mailbox to an-other mailbox (copy), and delete messages marked for deletion(expunge).

    write copy

    write copy

    write copy













    write copy

    write copy

    write copy










    pg_depend(copy2, copy1)

    pg_depend(copy3, copy2)

    pg_depend(expunge, copy3)

    a) Unmodified, fsync b) Patchgroups

    Figure 7: UW IMAP server, without and with patchgroups, movingthree messages from mailbox.src to mailbox.dst.

    We updated theimapd andmbox mail storage drivers to usepatch-groups, ensuring that all disk writes occur in a safe ordering withoutenforcing a specific block write order. The original server conserva-tively preserved command ordering by syncing themailbox fileaftereach check on it or copy into it. For example, Figure 7a illustratesmoving messages from one mailbox to another. With patchgroups,each commands file system updates are executed under a distinct

    patchgroup and, throughthe patchgroup, made to dependon thepre-vious commands updates. This is necessary, for example, so thatmoving a message to another folder (accomplished by copying tothe destination file and then removing from the source file) cannotlose the copied message should the server crash part way throughthe disk updates. The updated check and expunge commands usepg_sync to sync all preceding disk updates. This removes the re-quirement thatcopy sync its destination mailbox: the clients checkor expunge request will ensure changes are committed to disk, andthe patchgroup dependencies ensure changes are committed in asafe ordering. Figure 7b illustrates using patches to move messages.

    These changes improve UW IMAP by ensuring disk write order-ing correctness and by performing disk writes more efficiently thansynchronous writes. As each commands changes now depend onthe preceding commands changes, it is no longer required that all

    code specifically ensure its changes are committed before any later,dependent commands changes. Without patchgroups, modules likethe mbox driver forced a conservative disk sync protocol becauseensuring safety more efficiently required additional state informa-tion, adding further complexity. The Dovecot IMAP servers sourcecode notes this exact difficulty [1, maildir-save.c]:

    /* FIXME: when saving multiple messages, we could getbetter performance if we left the fd open andfsync()ed it later */

    The performance of the patchgroup-enabled UW IMAP mailserver is evaluated in Section 8.5.

    6 Modules

    A Featherstitchconfigurationis composed of modules thatcooperateto implement file system functionality. Modules fallinto threemajorcategories. Block device (BD) modules are closest to the disk; theyhave a fairly conventionalblock device interface withinterfaces suchas read block and flush. Common file system (CFS) modules areclosest to the system call interface, and have an interface similar toVFS [15]. In between these interfaces are modules implementinga low-level file system (L2FS) interface, which helps divide filesystem implementations into code common across block-structuredfilesystems andcodespecific to a given filesystem layout. TheL2FSinterface has functions to allocateblocks, add blocks to files, allocate


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    block resizer

    SATA sda





    loop loop

    VFS interface





    L2FS L2FS




    / /loop

    data journal

    /f s.img /fs.jou rnal

    Figure 8: A running Featherstitch configuration. / is a soft updated filesystem on an IDE drive; /loop is an externally journaled file system onloop devices.

    file names, and other file system micro-operations. A generic CFS-to-L2FS module called UHFS (universal high-level file system)decomposes familiar VFS operations like write, read, and appendinto L2FS micro-operations. Our ext2 and UFS file system modulesimplement the L2FS interface.

    Modules examine and modify dependencies via patches passedto them as arguments. For instance, every L2FS function that mightmodify the file system takes a patch_t **p argument. Before thefunction is called, *p is set to the patch, if any, on which the modi-fication should depend; when the function returns, *p is set to somepatch corresponding to the modification itself. For example, thisfunction is called to append a block to an L2FS inode f:

    int (*append_file_block)(LFS_t *module,fdesc_t *f, uint32_t block, patch_t **p);

    6.1 ext2 and UFS

    Featherstitch currently has modules that implement two file systemtypes, Linux ext2 and 4.2 BSD UFS (Unix File System, the modernincarnation of the Fast File System [19]). Both of these modules ini-tially generate dependencies arranged according to the soft updatesrules; other dependency arrangements are achieved by transformingthese. To the best of our knowledge, our implementation of ext2 isthe first to provide soft updates consistency guarantees.

    Both modules are implemented at the L2FS interface. UnlikeFreeBSDs soft updates implementation, once these modules setup dependencies, they no longer need to concern themselves withfile system consistency; the block device subsystem will track andenforce the dependencies.

    6.2 Journal

    The journal module sits below a regular file system, such as ext2,and transforms incoming patches into patches implementing jour-nal transactions. File system blocks are copied into the journal, acommit record depends on the journal patches, and the originalfile system patches depend in turn on the commit record. Any softupdates-like dependencies among the original patches are removed,since they are not needed when the journal handles consistency;however, the journal does obey user-specified dependencies, suchas patchgroups, by potentially shifting dependent patches into thecurrent transaction. The journal format is similar to ext3s [34]: atransaction contains a list of block numbers, the data to be written

    to those blocks, and finally a single commit record. Although thejournal modifies existing patches direct dependencies, it ensuresthat any new dependencies do not introduce block-level cycles.

    As in ext3, transactions are required to commit in sequence. Thejournal module sets each commit record to depend on the previ-ous commit record, and each completion record to depend on theprevious completion record. This allows multiple outstanding trans-actions in the journal, which benefits performance, but ensures thatin the event of a crash, the journals committed transactions will beboth contiguous and sequential.

    Since the commit record is created at the end of the transaction,the journal module uses a special empty patch explicitly held inmemory to prevent file system changes from being written to thedisk until the transaction is complete. This empty patch is set todepend on the previous transactions completion record, which pre-vents merging between transactions while allowing merging withina transaction. This temporary dependency is removed when the realcommit record is created.

    Our journal module prototype can run in full data journal mode,where every updated block is written to the journal, or in metadata-only mode, where only blocks containing file system metadata arewritten to the journal. It can tell which blocks are which by lookingfor a special flag on each patch set by the UHFS module.

    We provide several other modules that modify dependencies,including an asynchronous mode module that removes all depen-dencies, allowing the buffer cache to write blocks in any order.

    6.3 Buffer Cache

    The Featherstitch buffer cache both caches blocks in memory andensures that modifications are written to stable storage in a safe or-der. Modules below the buffer cachethat is, between its outputinterface and the diskare considered part of the disk controller;they can reorder block writes at will without violating dependen-cies, since those block writes will contain only in-flight patches.The buffer cache sees the complex consistency mechanisms that

    other modules define as nothing more than sets of dependenciesamong patches; it has no idea what consistency mechanisms it isimplementing, if any.

    Our prototype buffer cache module uses a modified FIFO policyto write dirty blocks and an LRU policy to evictclean blocks. (Uponbeing written,a dirty block becomes clean andmay then be evicted.)The FIFO policy used to write blocks is modified only to preservethe in-flight safety property: a block will not be written if none ofits patches are ready to write. Once the cache finds a block withready patches, it extracts all ready patches P from the block, revertsany remaining patches on that block, and sends the resulting data tothe disk driver. The ready patches are marked in-flight and will becommitted when the disk driver acknowledges the write. The blockitself is also marked in flight until the current version commits,

    ensuring that the cache will wait until then to write the block again.As a performance heuristic, when the cache finds a writable

    blockn, it then checks to see if blockn +1 can be written as well.It continues writing increasing block numbers until some blockis either unwritable or not in the cache. This simple optimizationgreatly improves I/O wait time, since the I/O requests are mergedand reordered in Linuxs elevator scheduler. Nevertheless, theremay still be important opportunities for further optimization: forexample, since the cache will write a block even if only one of itspatches is ready, it can choose to revert patches unnecessarily whena different order would have required fewer writes.


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    6.4 Loopback

    The Featherstitch loopback module demonstrates how pervasivesupport for patches can implement previously unfamiliar depen-dency semantics. Like Linuxs loopback device, it provides a blockdevice interface that uses a file in some other file system as its stor-age layer; unlike Linuxs block device, consistency requirementson this block device are obeyed by the underlying file system. Theloopback module forwards incoming dependencies to its underlying

    file system. As a result, the file system will honor those dependen-cies and preserve the loopback file systems consistency, even if itwould normally provide no consistency guarantees for file data (forinstance, it used metadata-only journaling).

    Figure 8 shows a complete, albeit contrived, example configu-ration using the loopback module. A file system image is mountedwith an external journal, both of which are loopback block devicesstored on the root file system (which uses soft updates). The jour-naled file systems ordering requirements are sent through the loop-back module as patches, maintaining dependencies across bound-aries that might otherwise lose that information. Most systems can-not enforce consistency requirements through loopback devices thiswayunfortunate, as file system images are becoming popular toolsin conventional operating systems, used for example to implementencrypted home directories in Mac OS X. A simpler version of this

    configuration allows the journal moduleto store a file systems jour-nal in a file on the file system itself, the configuration used in ourevaluation.

    7 Implementation

    The Featherstitch prototype implementation runs as a Linux 2.6 ker-nel module. It interfaces with the Linux kernel at the VFS layer andthe generic block device layer. In between, a Featherstitch modulegraph replaces Linuxs conventional file system layers. A small ker-nel patch informs Featherstitch of process fork and exit events asrequired to update per-process patchgroup state.

    During initialization, the Featherstitch kernel module registers aVFS file system type with Linux. Each file system Featherstitch de-tects on a specified disk device can then be mounted from Linux us-

    ing a command like mount -t kfs kfs:name /mnt/point. SinceFeatherstitch provides its own patch-aware buffer cache, it setsO_SYNC on all opened files as the simplest way to bypass the normalLinux cache and ensure that the Featherstitch buffer cache obeys allnecessary dependency orderings.

    Featherstitch modules interact with Linuxs generic block de-vice layer mainly via generic_make_request. This function sendsread or write requests to a Linux disk scheduler, which may reorderand/or merge the requests before eventually releasing them to thedevice. Writes are considered in flight as soon as they are enqueuedon the disk scheduler. A callback notifies Featherstitch when thedisk controller reports request completion; for writes, this com-mits the corresponding patches. The disk safety property requiresthat the disk controller wait to report completion until a write hasreached stable storage. Most drives instead report completion when

    a write has reached the drives volatile cache. Ensuring the strongerproperty could be quite expensive, requiring frequent barriers orsetting the drive cache to write-through mode; either choice seemsto prevent older drives from reordering requests. The solution is acombination of SCSI tagged command queuing (TCQ) or SATAnative command queuing (NCQ) with either a write-through cacheor forced unit access (FUA). TCQ and NCQ allow a drive to inde-pendently report completion for multiple outstanding requests, andFUA is a per-request flag that tells thedisk to reportcompletion onlyafter the request reaches stable storage. Recent SATA drives handleNCQ plus write-through caching or FUA exactly as we would want:

    the drive appears to reorder write requests, improving performancedramatically relative to older drives, but reports completion onlywhen data reaches the disk. We use a patched version of the Linux2.6.20.1 kernel with good support for NCQ and FUA, and a recentSATA2 drive.

    Our prototype has several performance problems caused by in-complete Linux integration. For example, writing a block requirescopying that blocks data whether or not any patches were undone,and our buffer cache currently stores all blocks in permanently-

    mapped kernel memory, limiting its maximum size.

    8 Evaluation

    We evaluate the effectiveness of patch optimizations, the perfor-mance of the Featherstitch implementation relative to Linux ext2and ext3, the correctness of the Featherstitch implementation, andthe performance of patchgroups. This evaluation shows that patchoptimizations significantly reduce patch memory and CPU require-ments; that a Featherstitch patch-based storage system has overallperformance competitive with Linux, though using up to four timesmore CPU time; that Featherstitch file systems are consistent aftersystem crashes; and that a patchgroup-enabled IMAP server outper-forms the unmodified server on Featherstitch.

    8.1 MethodologyAll tests were run on a Dell Precision 380 with a 3.2 GHz Pentium 4CPU (with hyperthreading disabled), 2 GB of RAM, and a SeagateST3320620AS 320 GB 7200 RPM SATA2 disk. Tests use a 10 GBfile system and the Linux kernel with the Ubuntu v6.06.1distribution. Because Featherstitch only uses permanently-mappedmemory, we disable high memory for all configurations, limitingthe computer to 912 MB of RAM. Only the PostMark benchmarkperforms slower due to this cache size limitation. All timing resultsare the mean over five runs.

    To evaluate patch optimizations and Featherstitch as a whole weran four benchmarks. The untar benchmark untars and syncs theLinux 2.6.15 source code from the cached file linux-2.6.15.tar(218 MB). The delete benchmark, after unmountingand remounting

    the file system following the untar benchmark, deletes the result ofthe untar benchmark and syncs. The PostMark benchmarkemulatesthe small file workloads seen on email and netnews servers [14].We use PostMark v1.5, configured to create 500 files ranging in sizefrom 500 B to 4 MB; perform 500 transactions consisting of filereads, writes, creates, and deletes; delete its files; and finally sync.The modified Andrew benchmarkemulates a software developmentworkload. The benchmark creates a directory hierarchy, copies asource tree, reads the extracted files, compiles the extracted files,andsyncs. The source code we use for the modified Andrew benchmarkis the Ion window manager, version 2-20040729.

    8.2 Optimization Benefits

    We evaluate the effectiveness of the patch optimizations discussedin Section 4 in terms of the total number of patches created, amount

    of undo data allocated, and system CPU time used. Figure 9 showsthese results for the untar, delete, PostMark, and Andrew bench-marks for Featherstitch ext2 in soft updates mode, with all combi-nations of using hard patches and overlap merging. The PostMarkresults for no optimizations and for just the hard patches optimiza-tion use a smaller maximum Featherstitch cache size, 80,000 blocksvs. 160,000 blocks, so that the benchmark does not run our machineout of memory. Optimization effectiveness is similar for journalingconfigurations.

    Both optimizations work well alone, but their combination isparticularly effective at reducing the amount of undo datawhich,


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    Optimization # Patches Undo data System time

    UntarNone 619,740 459.41 MB 3.33 secHard patches 446,002 205.94 MB 2.73 secOverlap merging 111,486 254.02 MB 1.87 secBoth 68,887 0.39 MB 1.83 sec

    DeleteNone 299,089 1.43 MB 0.81 secHard patches 41,113 0.91 MB 0.24 sec

    Overlap merging 54,665 0.93 MB 0.31 secBoth 1,800 0.00 MB 0.15 sec

    PostMarkNone 4,590,571 3,175.28 MB 23.64 secHard patches 2,544,198 1,582.94 MB 18.62 secOverlap merging 550,442 1,590.27 MB 12.88 secBoth 675,308 0.11 MB 11.05 sec

    AndrewNone 70,932 64.09 MB 4.34 secHard patches 50,769 36.18 MB 4.32 secOverlap merging 12,449 27.90 MB 4.20 secBoth 10,418 0.04 MB 4.07 sec

    Figure 9: Effectiveness of Featherstitch optimizations.

    again, is pure overhead relative to conventional file systems. Undodata memory usage is reduced by at least 99.99%, the number ofpatches created is reduced by 8599%, and system CPU time isreduced by up to 81%. These savings reduce Featherstitch memoryoverhead from 145355% of the memory allocated for block data to418% of that memory, a 9597% reduction. For example, Feath-erstitch allocations are reduced from 3,321 MB to 74 MB for thePostMark benchmark, which sees 2,165 MB of block allocations.2

    8.3 Benchmarks and Linux Comparison

    We benchmark Featherstitch and Linux for all four benchmarks,comparing the effects of different consistency models and com-paring patch-based with non-patch-based implementations. Specif-ically, we examine Linux ext2 in asynchronous mode; ext3 in write-

    back and full journal modes; and Featherstitchext2 in asynchronous,soft updates, metadata journal, and full journal modes. All file sys-tems were created with default configurations, and all journaled filesystems used a 64 MB journal. Ext3 implements three different

    journaling modes, which provide different consistency guarantees.The strength of these guarantees is strictly ordered as writeback