Sorbitol, osmoregulation, and the complications of diabetes. M B Burg, P F Kador J Clin Invest. 1988; 81(3):635-640. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI113366. Research Article Find the latest version: http://jci.me/113366/pdf Pdf

Sorbitol, osmoregulation, and the complications · Perspectives Sorbitol, Osmoregulation, andtheComplicationsof Diabetes MauriceB. BurgandPeter F. Kador NationalHeart, LungandBloodInstitute,

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Page 1: Sorbitol, osmoregulation, and the complications · Perspectives Sorbitol, Osmoregulation, andtheComplicationsof Diabetes MauriceB. BurgandPeter F. Kador NationalHeart, LungandBloodInstitute,

Sorbitol, osmoregulation, and the complicationsof diabetes.

M B Burg, P F Kador

J Clin Invest. 1988;81(3):635-640. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI113366.

Research Article

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Page 2: Sorbitol, osmoregulation, and the complications · Perspectives Sorbitol, Osmoregulation, andtheComplicationsof Diabetes MauriceB. BurgandPeter F. Kador NationalHeart, LungandBloodInstitute,


Sorbitol, Osmoregulation, and the Complications of DiabetesMaurice B. Burg and Peter F. KadorNational Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, and National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892

IntroductionSorbitol, glycerophosphoryicholine, inositol, and betaine are"compatible" or "nonperturbing" osmotically active organicsolutes (organic "osmolytes"). These organic osmolytes accu-mulate to high levels in renal medullary cells in response to theelevated concentration of salt in the renal medullary intersti-tium (1).

Similar organic osmolytes accumulate in cells of a widevariety of organisms exposed to high salt environments (2).The organic osmolytes elevate intracellular osmolality tomatch the high external osmolality, while keeping the intra-cellular levels of sodium and potassium salts and cell volumenear normal. High levels of sodium and potassium salts per-turb intracellular macromolecules much more than do compa-rable levels of organic osmolytes. Thus, organic osmolytes helpmaintain the volume of cells and their internal milieu whenthey face a high and variable extracellular salt concentration.These compounds are also intermediates in a variety of bio-chemical pathways that are not obviously related to osmore-gulation, and they occur in cells outside of the renal medulla.In view of their role in the renal medulla, it is plausible thatthey may also act as organic osmolytes in other tissues, but thishas not been generally established.

In ocular and neural tissues increased levels of sorbitolalong with concomitantly decreased levels of inositol are asso-ciated with the onset of diabetic complications (3, 4). Sorbitolis produced in cells from glucose by a reaction catalyzed byaldose reductase. In uncontrolled diabetes both the concentra-tion of glucose in blood and the levels of aldose reductaseincrease in some tissues. Then, more sorbitol is produced. Theincreased sorbitol upsets osmoregulation in these cells anddamages them. Inositol generally is actively transported intocells. Its lower level in diabetes appears to be linked to thehigher levels of sorbitol and glucose. Low intracellular inositolhas been associated with diabetic complications in nerve (4).Because of the experimental evidence that links increasedlevels of sorbitol with the onset of diabetic pathology, a seriesof clinical trials are underway with various aldose reductaseinhibitors. The aim is to block the intracellular conversion ofglucose to sorbitol and thus prevent some complications ofdiabetes.

The seemingly disparate studies on the renal medullarycells and on the complications of diabetes converge on the roleof sorbitol in osmoregulation, both normal in the renal medul-

Address reprint requests to Dr. Burg, Building 10, Room6N307, Na-tional Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD20892.

Receivedfor publication 1 December 1987.

The Journal of Clinical Investigation, Inc.Volume 81, March 1988, 635-640

lary cells, and abnormal in the neural and ocular tissues af-fected in diabetes.

Organic osmolytes and osmoregulationSince cell membranes are incapable of sustaining significantosmotic pressure differences, the osmolality inside a cell mustremain close to that of its surroundings. Therefore, when theextracellular salt concentration rises, intracellular solute con-centration increases as well. This occurs in all animal cells,including those in the renal inner medulla. The initial responseto increased salt in the environment is loss of water by osmosis,accompanied by an increase in the concentration of the solutesthat remain behind in the cells. Many types of osmoticallyshrunken cells regulate back towards their normal volume byaccumulating sodium and potassium salts, followed by uptakeof water. However, this phase of osmoregulation is only tem-porary since in the long term, cells in general (2), and renalmedullary cells in particular (1, 5), do not balance high extra-cellular salt concentrations with equally high intracellularconcentrations of sodium and potassium salts. Instead, theyaccumulate organic osmolytes either by uptake from their sur-roundings or by synthesis. Thus, cellular osmoregulation, afteran increase in extracellular salt concentration, occurs in twophases: (i) volume regulatory increase by influx of sodium andpotassium salts, followed by (ii) accumulation of organic os-molytes, replacing the sodium and potassium salts and thusrestoring the intracellular milieu.

A theoretical basis for understanding organic osmolyteswas first established in explaining the high level of amino acidsin the cells of some euryhaline animals (2). This accumulationis restricted to neutral and acidic amino acids and is directlyrelated to environmental salinity. The particular neutral andacidic amino acids that are accumulated resemble the cationsand anions in the Hofmeister or lyotropic series that favor"6native" macromolecular structure and function. In contrast,high concentrations of sodium and potassium chloride tend todenature macromolecules. Polyhydric alcohols, like sorbitoland inositol, are analogous in this respect to neutral and acidicamino acids (2). Osmotically active organic solutes with theseproperties are called "compatible solutes" or "nonperturbingsolutes" (2).

The difference between perturbing and nonperturbing sol-utes is exemplified by their effects on enzyme function (2, 6).High levels of perturbing solutes, such as NaCl and KC1, in-crease the Kmof some enzymes or decrease their Vma.,, whereaseven higher levels of nonperturbing solutes do not. In additionto enzymes, perturbing solutes also affect other types of pro-teins and nucleic acids (7) by altering the association-dissocia-tion equilibria between macromolecules, the stability of mac-roscopic fibrous structures made up of proteins or nucleicacids, the conformation of nucleic acids and globular proteins,

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and the rates of macromolecular transconformational reac-tions.

Organic osmolytes, which are nonperturbing or compatiblesolutes, have been identified during water stress in a wide vari-ety of bacteria, plants, and animals (2). They fall into threeclasses: (a) polyhydric alcohols (polyols), (b) free amino acidsand their derivatives, and (c) combinations of urea and meth-ylamines. The predominant osmolytes in renal medullas fitthese categories. Sorbitol and inositol are polyols, betaine isboth an amino acid derivative and a methylamine, and glyc-erophosphoryicholine is both a polyol and methylamine (1, 5).

The concentration of organic osmolytes in renal medullarycells generally varies directly with the concentration of theurine (1, 8). The link presumably is the renal medullary extra-cellular salt concentration, which must be high to concentratethe urine and often varies with urine concentration. Thus, theaccumulation of osmolytes in renal medullary cells must beregulated. Of the different organic osmolytes in the renal me-dulla, the control of sorbitol accumulation has been most com-pletely studied.

Regulation of sorbitol in renal medullary cells afterchanges in extracellular NaCi concentrationIn mammalian tissues sorbitol is produced from glucose in areaction catalyzed by the enzyme aldose reductase (low Kmaldehyde reductase; alditol/NAD(P)+ 1-oxidoreductase, EC1.1.1.21) (3): glucose + NADPH-- sorbitol + NADP'.Sorbitol may in turn be oxidized by sorbitol dehydrogenase(l-iditol dehydrogenase, EC to fructose (3). Sorbitol+ NAD+-. fructose + NADH. This two-step conversion ofglucose to fructose is known as the sorbitol or polyol pathway.

High levels of aldose reductase have been found in renalmedullas (3). As determined by immunofluorescence micros-copy with specific antibodies, aldose reductase is abundant inthe terminal part of the collecting duct, thin limbs of Henle'sloop, papillary surface epithelium, and interstitial cells. Nostaining was observed, however, in collecting ducts from theouter part of the inner medulla. Also, immunoreactive stain-ing in the outer medulla was spotty and difficult to distinguish.

In rats deprived of water there is a gradient of sorbitol from5 mmol/kg wet weight in the outer medulla to - 60 mmol/kgwet weight at the tip of the papilla (8). The concentration ofsorbitol in cell water is presumably even higher, because thesorbitol is mostly intracellular and the cell water is only afraction of the wet weight. When rats (8) and rabbits (1) weregiven access to water the levels of sorbitol in the inner medulladecreased by - 20-40%. It is difficult to determine whetherthe change is consistent with the proposed role of sorbitol as anosmolyte since the resulting diuresis was modest, and the ex-tent and duration of changes in medullary extracellular NaClconcentrations were not measured. It is difficult to accuratelycontrol and measure extracellular salt concentrations in theinner medulla in vivo. Therefore, the control of sorbitol levelsand aldose reductase activity in renal cells has been most thor-oughly investigated using cell culture.

GRB-PAP1 is a line of rabbit renal cells derived from thepapillary surface epithelium (9), which is one of the renal med-ullary tissues that contains a high level of immunoreactivealdose reductase protein (3). These cells contain large amountsof aldose reductase and sorbitol when they are grown in hyper-osmotic medium (500-600 mosmol/kg), but not when grownin medium with a normal osmolality (300 mosmol/kg) (10).

The intracellular sorbitol concentration was 240 mMin the600 mosmol/kg medium, which is sufficiently high to balancemost of the 300 mosmol/kg excess of NaCl added to make themedium hyperosmotic. The cell water content and sodiumand potassium concentrations in these cells did not differ sig-nificantly between the 300 mosmol/kg medium and the 600mosmol/kg medium. Thus, the accumulation of sorbitol ap-parently increased the intracellular solute concentrationenough to balance the high external osmolality, while the cellsmaintained normal volume and concentrations of sodium andpotassium salts. No significant amounts of osmolytes otherthan sorbitol were identified. The increase in aldose reductaseactivity in hyperosmotic medium is due to an increase in theamount of enzyme protein (11). The enzyme, which has aweight of 39 kD in this tissue, increased from low levels underisosmotic conditions to > 10% of the soluble cell protein in600 mosmol/kg medium.

Large amounts of sorbitol produced by the cells appear inthe medium (12). The amount of sorbitol in the medium after24 h approximately equals the amount present in the cells atany given time. Because of the relatively large volume of me-dium, however, the concentration of sorbitol in the mediumremains < 1 mM,which is much lower than the concentrationin the cells. Initially, the large amounts of sorbitol in the me-dium seemed surprising because sorbitol is generally regardedas a nonpenetrating solute. Moreover, high cellular permeabil-ity to sorbitol would make sorbitol ineffective as an osmolyte.Considering the large concentration gradient and the long timeinvolved (24 h), it can be readily calculated, however, that thepermeability to sorbitol actually is quite low.

The time course for changes in aldose reductase levels inGRB-PAPl cells is relatively slow. When the medium wasswitched from 300 to 500 mosmol/kg by adding NaCl, a timelag of 12-24 h occurred before aldose reductase activity andsorbitol concentrations began to increase. The increase washalf maximal after 2 d, and the highest levels were reachedonly after 3 to 4 d (13). WhenGRB-PAPI cells were grown in ahyperosmotic medium (600 mosmol/kg), and then switched tonormal osmolality, the rate of decrease in aldose reductase waseven slower. Both the amounts of aldose reductase protein andthe enzyme activity decreased by only one-half in a week andrequired 2 wk to reach low levels (12).

In contrast to the slow fall in aldose reductase, sorbitolconcentration fell rapidly in cells switched from 600 mosmol/kg to 300 mosmol/kg medium. After medium osmolality wasreduced, cell sorbitol decreased within 1 d to 10% of its initialvalue. This fall in cell sorbitol is accounted for by the acceler-ated efflux of sorbitol from the cells to the medium. This initialflux is very rapid and a large fraction of the cell sorbitol ap-pears in the medium within 5 min after the osmolality is de-creased (Bagnasco, S., and M. Burg, unpublished observation).Thus, changes in cell sorbitol in response to changes in me-

dium osmolality occur by at least two mechanisms: slowchange in aldose reductase activity and a rapid change in sor-

bitol flux.The nature of the stimulus that induces aldose reductase in

GRB-PAPl cells was investigated by increasing the osmolalityof the medium to the same extent with different solutes andcomparing the magnitude of the changes. The effectiveness ofthe solutes depended on their molecular size (13). Raffinose, a

trisaccharide with a large molecular size, had essentially thesame effect as NaCI. Onthe other hand urea and glycerol, both

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molecules with small molecular weights, did not cause in-creases in aldose reductase or sorbitol. The result apparentlydepends on the osmotic effectiveness of the solutes. Hyperos-motic addition of NaCl or raffinose causes prolonged shrink-age of the cells, associated with increased intracellular Na andK concentration. Urea, on the other hand, does not changeeither cell volume or the concentration of Na or K (except verytransiently) because it exerts little osmotic effect due to itsrapid penetration. Ouabain, which generally increases cell so-dium, decreases cell potassium, and causes cells to swell, wasused to perturb the relations between cell potassium, sodium,and water after increase in osmolality. Under those conditions,aldose reductase activity and sorbitol accumulation were notsignificantly related to cell sodium or water content. They weresomewhat correlated with cell potassium, but most stronglyrelated to the sum of cell sodium plus potassium concentra-tion, i.e., ionic strength (Uchida, S., and M. Burg, unpublishedobservation). In this respect it is interesting to note that ele-vated cell potassium and ionic strength have been linked withhigh medium osmolality and increased transcription of theosmoregulatory proU gene, which codes for a betaine trans-porter, in Escherichia coli (14).

Role of sorbitol and other sugar alcohols (polyols) in thecomplications of diabetesAlthough the accumulation of sorbitol may be beneficial forrenal medullary cells, sorbitol and other polyols do not nor-mally accumulate to high levels in other tissues, and when theydo, cellular pathology may result. The best evidence for this isthe fact that damage occurs in tissues that accumulate thepolyol galactitol when animals are fed galactose, and this dam-age is preventable by aldose reductase inhibitors. Further,there is increasing experimental evidence that aldose reduc-tase-dependent accumulation of sorbitol is a common bio-chemical link in the pathogenesis of many late-onset diabeticcomplications that are related to the control of blood glucoselevel (3, 15, 16). The specific mechanisms by which the accu-mulation of polyols lead to the onset of these diabetic compli-cations are the subject of continued investigation.

Polyols and sugar cataractsThe adverse effects of sorbitol were first observed by Kinoshitain the lens (17). In this tissue, when extracellular glucose con-centration rises, more sorbitol is produced, and is catalyzed byan increased level of aldose reductase. The accumulation ofsorbitol leads to cell swelling, which in turn leads to alteredlens membrane permeability and biochemical changes asso-ciated with cataract formation. These observations led to thedevelopment of the osmotic hypothesis, which states that lenscell swelling in response to the aldose reductase-initiated ac-cumulation of polyols leads to loss of cellular integrity.

The train of events is as follows (18). Accumulation ofsorbitol raises intracellular osmolality, which results in an in-flux of water into the lens. Cell swelling is accompanied byincreased membrane permeability, increased intracellular so-dium, and decreased cell potassium. In addition, the levels ofreduced glutathione, myo-inositol, ATP, and free amino acidsdecrease, and vacuoles form. As vacuole formation progresses,cortical opacification results. Protein synthesis decreases andthe cells lose dry weight. Eventually, complete loss of osmoticintegrity occurs. Electrolytes, amino acids, and proteins freely

permeate the cell plasma membranes, and lens opacificationproceeds to the final nuclear cataract stage.

The osmotic hypothesis is supported by a variety of experi-mental observations including in vitro lens culture studies,studies with various animal models, and the use of aldosereductase inhibitors that prevent or significantly delay cataractformation in proportion to their potency in preventing polyolformation in the lens (18). A variety of structurally diversealdose reductase inhibitors have been used (15, 16, 18). Ofthese, perhaps the best-known inhibitors undergoing clinicaltrials are the hydantoin sorbinil and the carboxylic acids Al-drestat (tolrestat), Ponalrestat (Statil), and Epalrestat (ONO2235). Administered either orally, by injection, or topically aseye drops, these inhibitors delay or prevent the appearance ofdiabetic or galactosemic (sugar) cataracts in animals. Animalstudies demonstrate that the rate of sugar cataract formation isdirectly dependent upon both the levels of aldose reductasepresent in the lens and on how well the sugar serves as asubstrate for this enzyme (18). Cataracts occur in galactose-fedanimals because aldose reductase reduces a variety of aldonicsugars, including galactose. High levels of galactose causefaster and greater damage than do high levels of glucose be-cause galactose is a better substrate for aldose reductase, andthus is reduced to galactitol (dulcitol) more rapidly than glu-cose is to sorbitol. Further, galactitol is more persistent thansorbitol because galactitol is not further metabolized by sorbi-tol dehydrogenase. In addition to cataract formation, galac-tose-fed animals also display other cellular pathology similarto diabetes, except that the pathology occurs earlier under ga-lactosemic conditions and is more severe than in the diabeticstate. This has been useful in elucidating the relationship be-tween aldose reductase and diabetic complications because thegalactosemic animals have normal insulin levels.

Aldose reductase activity and immunohistochemical stain-ing of aldose reductase protein increase in diabetic rat lenses,suggesting that the aldose reductase protein level is increased(19), just as it is in renal medullary cells exposed to high NaCl.Aldose reductase activity is also increased in diabetic humanlenses cultured in vitro, and these lenses accumulate higherlevels of polyols than those from nondiabetics (18). Moreover,increased immunohistochemical staining for aldose reductasehas also been observed in both the anterior and posterior su-perficial cortical layers of cataractous lenses extracted fromdiabetics, but not in those extracted from nondiabetics ( 19).

Polyol effects in the corneaAldose reductase is present in both the corneal epithelium andendothelium, and experimental studies link deranged osmo-regulation in both regions to damage that occurs in diabeticand galactose-fed animals. Defects in the rate of reepitheliali-zation occur in severely diabetic or galactosemic rats whosecorneas have been denuded by limbus to limbus scraping (3,16, 20), and the resurfaced corneas of these rats appear hazyand edematous. In addition, the epithelial cells appear dis-tended and lack filopodia. Both the delay in reepithelializationand the hazy, edematous appearance of the cornea are pre-vented by oral or topical administration of aldose reductaseinhibitors.

In the corneal endothelium, which consists of a monolayerof hexagonally shaped cells, there are changes in endothelialcell size (polymegathism) and shape (pleomorphism) in dia-betic humans, rats, and dogs (8, 21, 22). The diabetic endothe-

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Hal monolayer may loose cells, and the remaining cells mayhave to stretch and slide to cover the cell-free areas. Topicaladministration of an aldose reductase inhibitor to diabetic ratshas been reported to significantly reduce the extent of thesemorphological changes.

The clinical manifestations of these defects are decreasedcorneal sensitivity and decreased tolerance of the corneal epi-thelium to stress during therapies that include photocoagula-tion, vitrectomy, and even use of contact lenses. Traumatizedareas of the corneal epithelium tend to heal more slowly indiabetics and require increased medical attention. Cornealthickening and persistent stromal edema, suggestive of abnor-mal endothelial cell function, have also been observed clini-cally. Limited administration of aldose reductase inhibitors inthe United States and Japan has resulted in apparent improve-ment in the state of the corneal epithelium in diabetics(23, 24).

Polyols and diabetic retinopathyRetinopathy leads to loss of vision in a significant fraction ofdiabetics. It is characterized by changes in the retinal capillarybed with initial formation of microaneurysms, exudates, andsmall intraretinal hemorrhages. Later, neovascularization, fi-brovascular proliferation, and vitreous hemorrhages occur. Al-though the etiology of this complication remains uncertain,considerable evidence implicates the abnormal accumulationof polyols, which causes degeneration of retinal capillary peri-cytes. Trials are underway with aldose reductase inhibitors inan attempt to prevent retinopathy.

A distinguishing feature of early retinal changes is selectivedegeneration of pericytes (mural cells), whose long processesencircle the retinal endothelial capillary cells. Loss of pericytesis associated with decreased capillary tonicity, followed by for-mation of microaneurysms, dilation of vessels, increased num-ber of endothelial cells, and formation of some acellular ves-sels. There is evidence that sorbitol accumulates in pericytesand causes them to degenerate into cell ghosts. Aldose reduc-tase protein (detected immunohistochemically) is present inthe mural cells but not in the endothelial cells of human anddog retinal capillaries (16, 25). Cultured human and dog reti-nal mural cells display aldose reductase activity, and the pro-duction of polyol in these cells is inhibited by aldose reductaseinhibitors (26). Finally, retinal vascular changes similar tothose observed in diabetic dogs and humans occur in galac-tose-fed dogs (27). Galactitol production in isolated dog retinalvessels cultured in medium containing 30 mMgalactose issignificantly reduced by the aldose reductase inhibitor sorbi-nil (28).

In addition to pericyte degeneration, retinal capillary base-ment membrane thickening is commonly observed in diabeticanimals and those fed galactose. This thickening can be pre-vented by aldose reductase inhibitors (29). The relationshipbetween aldose reductase and basement membrane thickeningremains unclear. Possibly, the membrane thickening is sec-ondary to degeneration of the retinal pericytes.

Because of the considerable evidence linking retinopathyto polyol accumulation, a number of clinical studies are beingconducted to see if aldose reductase inhibitors can delay orarrest the progression of retinal changes in early diabetic reti-nopathy. No conclusive results are reported, as yet. However, apossible indication of clinical improvement is the report that

sorbinil reduces the blood retinal barrier permeability in dia-betics, as monitored by vitreous fluorophotography (30).

Diabetic neuropathyA variety of neurological disorders are associated with diabetesmellitus, and a majority of all diabetics are to some degreeafflicted with neurological symptoms. Recent reviews havediscussed the relationship of aldose reductase to neurologicalsymptoms (3, 16).

Both sorbitol and myo-inositol appear to be involved in theonset of neuropathy, and their relative roles are questioned.The possible primacy of myo-inositol has been emphasizedelsewhere (4); the relationship to sorbitol accumulation willmainly be considered in the present context. In peripheralnerves such as the sciatic, there is aldose reductase in Schwanncells, which are the cells responsible for the formation andmaintenance of the myelin sheath (3, 16). Sorbitol and galac-titol accumulate in the sciatic nerves of diabetic and galactose-mic rats, respectively, and cause these nerves to swell. Thisoccurs more rapidly in the galactose-fed than in the diabeticrats, and can be reversed by aldose reductase inhibitors (31,32). These changes resemble those that have been shown todamage lenses (16). Polyol accumulation and nerve swellingare associated with decreased nerve myo-inositol and aminoacid levels, decreased nerve conduction velocity, and de-creased choline acetyltransferase. Polyol accumulation and theother effects are prevented by aldose reductase inhibitors (3,16, 33, 34).

Impairment of motor nerve conduction, a clinical hall-mark of peripheral neuropathy, is among the earliest and mosteasily quantifiable signs of diabetic neuropathy. Clinical im-provement in nerve conduction has been reported with severalaldose reductase inhibitors. A small but significant increase inmotor nerve conduction was first reported in a multicenterrandomized, doubly masked, crossover trial with sorbinil (35).This has been followed by other studies, many with inconclu-sive results (16). Nevertheless, the positive effects of sorbiniltreatment, as reported in the initial multicentered trial, werealso supported by morphological and morphometric examina-tions of sural nerve biopsies (36). Several studies indicate morepositive responses in patients with mild neuropathy comparedwith those with severe neuropathy. Perhaps, aldose reductaseinhibitors improve nerve conduction velocities in patientswith mild, but not severe, neuropathy.

Aldose reductase inhibitors may be useful for the subjec-tive relief of pain. First observed in early clinical trials withalrestatin (37), this has become more evident in recent studieswith sorbinil, which is more potent. In the sorbinil trials pa-tients who were unresponsive to conventional therapy experi-enced decreased pain, improved sensory perception, increasedmuscle strength, and normalization of nerve conduction ve-locities (38, 39).

The initial clinical trials with alrestatin (37) also suggestedthat aldose reductase inhibitors may be beneficial for symp-toms of autonomic neuropathy, which include gastroparesis,diarrhea, erectile dysfunction, abnormal sudomotor, pupillaryfunction, and weakness. Since then, these symptoms have allbeen reported to qualitatively improve in selected patients re-ceiving sorbinil (16, 39). Sorbinil also produced quantitativeimprovements in the ratio of the R-R interval during expira-tion to that during inspiration (E/I ratio) and decreases in the

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minimal heart rate (16, 39). Beneficial effects of sorbinil oncardiac performance have also been reported (40).

Do aldose reductase and sorbitol have a normalosmoregulatory role in nonrenal tissues affectedby the complications of diabetes?In view of the evidence that aldose reductase and sorbitol helpregulate the volume and intracellular milieu of renal medul-lary cells after changes in external osmolality, it is worth con-sidering whether they have a similar role in the lens and othertissues. Recently, based on indirect evidence, it was proposedthat aldose reductase activity and intracellular sorbitol accu-mulation protect lenses against daily, diet- and disease-relatedchanges in osmotic pressure in the aqueous humor (41). Thistheory was tested by incubating rabbit lenses for 4 h in me-dium made hyperosmotic with added glucose (55.5 mM)(42).Sorbitol and fructose accumulated continuously during thehyperosmotic period, but never reached a level high enough tobalance the hyperosmolality of the glucose added to the me-dium. Then, the glucose and osmolality were reduced to nor-mal levels for four additional hours. Lens sorbitol and fructoseremained elevated at approximately a constant level duringthis time. The authors concluded that the observed accumula-tion of sorbitol and fructose was beneficial for reducing dehy-dration of the lens during acute cyclical changes in blood glu-cose, but that continuous, rather than cyclical activity of thepathway might be detrimental and cause cataracts. The puta-tive acute osmoregulatory benefit of the sorbitol and fructosemay be questioned, however, considering that they accumu-lated in the lenses slowly (42), and that their level did not fallwhen the glucose was reduced to isosmotic levels. In this re-spect renal medullary cells were strikingly different. Recall thata large efflux of sorbitol reduced its level in PAP-HT25 cellswithin minutes after the medium osmolality was decreased (9).Based on these observations, the role of aldose reductase andsorbitol in osmoregulation may well differ between renal andlens cells, but an exact comparison is difficult because theexperimental conditions were so different in the various stud-ies. In addition, it is not clear whether hyperosmolality asso-ciated with hyperglycemia causes the increase in aldose reduc-tase activity observed in lenses of diabetic rats analogous to theeffect of hyperosmolality in renal medullary cells.

Summary and conclusionsSorbitol, whose synthesis is catalyzed by aldose reductase, isone of several organic solutes that renal medullary cells use toosmoregulate in the face of high and variable osmolality in therenal medullary extracellular fluid. Evidently, sorbitol accu-mulation is beneficial to renal medullary cells, and they areable to control its level without obvious harm. There is no suchobvious normal role for the aldose reductase and sorbitolwhich occur in lenses, corneas, retinal vessels, and peripheralnerves, and there is considerable evidence that accumulationof sorbitol in these tissues during uncontrolled diabetes causesabnormal osmoregulation and subsequent cellular pathology.Aldose reductase inhibitors may prevent harmful sorbitol ac-cumulation in diabetes. The possible helpfulness of these drugsin preventing complications of diabetes is being tested in clini-cal trials. Some benefit has been demonstrated in a limitednumber of patients with diabetic neuropathy and corneal ero-sions. However, clinical trials studying these and other com-

plications, such as retinopathy and cataracts, are unfinished,and will require years to complete because of the chronic anderratic progression of these complications. Nonetheless, thereis considerable promise based on these early trials and onwell-documented studies in animals, and there is reason tohope that aldose reductase inhibitors will prove clinically use-ful for preventing at least some of the distressing complicationsof diabetes.


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