Readings for the week of February 11, 2018 : Sunday: Lv 13:1-2, 44-46/Ps 32:1-2, 5, 11 [7]/1 Cor 10:31--11:1/Mk 1:40-45 TODAY’S MISSAL PAGE 55 Monday: Jas 1:1-11/Ps 119:67, 68, 71, 72, 75, 76 [77a]/Mk 8:11-13 Tuesday: Jas 1:12-18/Ps 94:12-13a, 14-15, 18-19 [12a]/Mk 8:14-21 Wednesday: Jl 2:12-18/2 Cor 5:20--6:2/Ps 51:3-4, 5 -6ab, 12-13, 14 and 17 [cf. 3a]/Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday: Dt 30:15-20/Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6 [40:5a]/ Lk 9:22-25 Friday: Is 58:1-9a/Ps 51:3-4, 5-6ab, 18-19 [19b]/Mt 9:14-15 Saturday: Is 58:9b-14/Ps 86:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 [11ab]/Lk 5:27-32 Next Sunday: Gn 9:8-15/Ps 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [cf. 10]/1 Pt 3:18-22/Mk 1:12-15 Scripture Verse for the Week : A leper came to Jesus and kneeling down begged him and said, "If you wish, you can make me clean." Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand, touched him, and said to him, "I do will it. Be made clean." - Mk 1:40-41 Please Remember Rita Bauman, Mother of Debbie Monschein Ladonna Tilley Darlene Kovack May they enjoy Eternal Peace and may their families be comforted by the Prince of Peace. This weekend February 11th & 12th we cele- brate World Marriage Day at all Masses. Some Questions from the Parish Survey MASS TIMES: Area Parishes are encouraged to offer a variety of Mass times for the convenience of people. To make a change a number of people would make a request to Pastoral Council members, Coun- cil would than review other parish schedules and how a change might impact parish programs, if the request does not present significant problems a vote would be held at Masses to determine the will of the parishioners List of Pastoral Council Members appears below Maria Daull; Jeff Fry; Carla Grasso; Charles Kraus; Julie Lobello; Amanda Mullins Matthew Nicholas; Terri Noe; Ron Ralston Karla Smith PERPETUAL ADORATION: Both Sacred Heart and St. Augustine have Perpetual Adoration. Other parishes have Adoration on occasion. A list and con- tact information will be placed on our website. Those parishes that have Adoration struggle at times to find volunteers so having a couple of parishes do- ing this lessens the number of people needed. The side door of the church by the Rectory is open each day until 4:00pm so people can enter and spend quiet time in prayer. 2018 Catholic Charities Annual Appeal This year’s appeal theme is: #YOUR MERCY: Trans- forming Lives + Communities. With your help, we can feed the hungry, care for the sick, welcome the stranger as Jesus has asked us to do. THIS weekend will be our In-Pew Commitment process so be ready to pledge or respond with your mailing you received. Please support this vital Ministry of Catholic Charities! Thank You!

Some Questions from the Parish Survey - Prince of Peace …€¦ ·  · 2018-02-06welcome the stranger as Jesus has asked us to do. ... Kathy O. Memory of Don Cassidy *If you are

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Readings for the week of February 11, 2018:

Sunday: Lv 13:1-2, 44-46/Ps 32:1-2, 5, 11 [7]/1

Cor 10:31--11:1/Mk 1:40-45

TODAY’S MISSAL PAGE 55 Monday: Jas 1:1-11/Ps 119:67, 68, 71, 72, 75, 76

[77a]/Mk 8:11-13

Tuesday: Jas 1:12-18/Ps 94:12-13a, 14-15, 18-19

[12a]/Mk 8:14-21

Wednesday: Jl 2:12-18/2 Cor 5:20--6:2/Ps 51:3-4, 5

-6ab, 12-13, 14 and 17 [cf. 3a]/Mt 6:1-6, 16-18

Thursday: Dt 30:15-20/Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6 [40:5a]/

Lk 9:22-25

Friday: Is 58:1-9a/Ps 51:3-4, 5-6ab, 18-19 [19b]/Mt


Saturday: Is 58:9b-14/Ps 86:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 [11ab]/Lk


Next Sunday: Gn 9:8-15/Ps 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [cf.

10]/1 Pt 3:18-22/Mk 1:12-15

Scripture Verse for the Week: A leper came to Jesus and kneeling down begged

him and said, "If you wish, you can make me clean."

Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand, touched

him, and said to him, "I do will it. Be made clean."

- Mk 1:40-41

Please Remember

Rita Bauman, Mother of

Debbie Monschein

Ladonna Tilley

Darlene Kovack

May they enjoy Eternal Peace and may their families

be comforted by the Prince of Peace.

This weekend February 11th & 12th we cele-

brate World Marriage Day at all Masses.

Some Questions

from the Parish


MASS TIMES: Area Parishes are encouraged to

offer a variety of Mass times for the convenience of

people. To make a change a number of people would

make a request to Pastoral Council members, Coun-

cil would than review other parish schedules and

how a change might impact parish programs, if the

request does not present significant problems a vote

would be held at Masses to determine the will of the


List of Pastoral Council Members appears below

Maria Daull; Jeff Fry; Carla Grasso;

Charles Kraus; Julie Lobello; Amanda Mullins

Matthew Nicholas; Terri Noe; Ron Ralston

Karla Smith


and St. Augustine have Perpetual Adoration. Other

parishes have Adoration on occasion. A list and con-

tact information will be placed on our website.

Those parishes that have Adoration struggle at times

to find volunteers so having a couple of parishes do-

ing this lessens the number of people needed. The

side door of the church by the Rectory is open each

day until 4:00pm so people can enter and spend quiet

time in prayer.

2018 Catholic Charities Annual Appeal This year’s appeal theme is: #YOUR MERCY: Trans-

forming Lives + Communities.

With your help, we can feed the hungry, care for the sick,

welcome the stranger as Jesus has asked us to do.

THIS weekend will be our In-Pew Commitment process

so be ready to pledge or respond with your mailing you

received. Please support this vital Ministry of Catholic

Charities! Thank You!

Target Donations for BACM:


Thank you for your generosity.

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time: February 11, 2018

Wednesday, February 14th

Mass Times 7:30AM & 7:00PM

Friday February

16th 4:00pm 6:30pm

Volunteer Workers: Rebecca A. Jim B. Jim H. Cathy H. Michelle B. Marilyn W. Barb D. Mike D. Chris D. Julie D. Jeanne S. Brenda H. Paula T. Dolly T. Harry M. Emily M. Marilyn C. Flo C. Bonnie C. Bill J. John K. Pam K. Maryann O. Carol Sue P. Bill F. Irene F. Kathy O. *If you are unable to volunteer, please call Chris at


Lenten Rice Bowls

We are blessed in so many ways; let us make our self

sacrifice this Lent a blessing to others. This year the

funds from our Rice Bowls will be divided two ways-

one half to Catholic Relief Services to assist people of

the world suffering from life threatening poverty, war,

and disasters; and one half to our local SVDP.

I ask that each family take a Rice Bowl and decide how

each family member will by prayer and self sacrifice

touch the lives of our brothers and sisters who cry out to

God in their suffering. On Palm Sunday (March 29th),

there will be baskets on the steps of the sanctuary. When

you arrive for Mass, please present to Christ your offering

for those in need.

Lenten Reminders “Fast and Abstinence” Ash Wednesday, February 14th and Good Friday, March 30th are days of absti-nence from meat and also days of fast, that is limited to a single full meal. The law of absti-nence (No Meat) binds all Catholics 14 years and older. The law of fasting binds all Catho-lics from their 18th birthday until their 59th birthday. The other Fridays of the season of Lent are days of abstinence from meat.

Altar Flowers

The flowers in the Church for this

weekend are in Memory of :

Memory of Don Cassidy

From: Wife, Florence



The Confirmation Class, along with Pastoral Council, and KofC would like to invite every-one to a parish social as we celebrate our Prince of Peace ministries and the unique ways we are called to serve after all Masses the weekend of February 17th & 18th. In the Parish Hall. Please come meet, greet and enjoy some fel-lowship.

Diocesan Collection: A special envelope for the

133rd Black and Indian Mission Collection–

Building our Mission to the Missions is in your

packet. The collection will be taken up next week-

end February 17th & 18th. You can help meet un-

met needs with a contribution. Thank you for your

continued support.

Saturday, February 10th 4:00 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:00 pm Don Cassidy Int. of Wife, Florence Sunday, February 11th 8:00 am Arthur Pokopac Int. of Clara Pokopac & Family 10:30 am Jeanne Zimmer Int. of Prince of Peace Parish Monday, February 12th No Morning Mass Tuesday, February 13th 7:30 am Pauline Fowkes Int. of Denny & Joyce Lovas Wednesday, February 14th ASH WEDNESDAY 7:30 am Dan Manning Int. of Wife, Colleen & Family 7:00 pm Joseph Underation Int. of Mr. & Mrs. Peter Underation Thursday, February 15th 7:30 am Dorothy Roth Int. of Robert & Carol Macko Friday, February 16th 7:30 am Clarence & Ann Gable Int. of The Bennett Family Saturday, February 17th 4:00 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:00 pm Jack Leonhard Int. of Wife, Winnie Sunday, February 18th 8:00 am Angie Plucinski Int. of Prince of Peace Parish 10:30 am Dolores Krizay Int. of Husband Bill & Family

Rosary Group Here at Prince of Peace we do have a Ro-

sary Group and all are invited to come

pray the rosary. We meet in the Church

every Friday at 3PM. We recite the ro-

sary, the chaplet of Divine Mercy, and the

chaplet of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer Shawl Meeting

If you are in need of a prayer

shawl during this time please con-

tact Dianne Ranftl at 330-239-


Shrove Tuesday, CARD PARTY– February 13th 5:00pm at St. Augustine (Barberton). Call the church rectory at 330-745-0011 for tickets. Answer the Call-Men’s Conference– Saturday, February 24th at the Holiday Inn Rockside Rd. in Independence. All men 18 years of age and older are encouraged to attend. go to www.cmfneo.com for more information Free Parenting Workshops in Barberton- At the Lake Anna YMCA Wednesday, February 28th starting at 4:30pm. Free childcare will be provided. Register at the YMCA or contact Joann at 330-724-7481 ext. 225 for more information.

LADIES NIGHT OUT! Attention all ladies of the parish please join us for some

fellowship and time to get to know each other. We have

monthly dinners planned. Thursday, February 15th at

Thano’s in Barberton. Please RSVP to Rita at 330-745-

6849 if you are interested in joining us. We will order

dinner at 6:30pm. Hope to see you there!

Cub Scouts– Monday, February 5th 6:30pm

SVDP– Thursday, February 8th 7:00pm

KofC– Tuesday, February 13th 7:00pm

Lent Bible Study– Tuesday, February 20th 7:00pm

Pastoral Council– Wednesday, February 21st 7:00pm


Regular & Misc. Collection ……. $ 4,484.00

Energy & Maintenance……………. $ 3,984.00

SVDP………………………………. $ 461.00

Major Facility Repairs…………….. $ 1,441.50

On Line Giving…………….. $ 1,934.00

Thank you for your continued generosity!

Children’s Weekly Worship Bulletins

Each week there are Children’s Worship Bulletins available for children, ages 3-6. They are located in the main Vestibule and at all entrance doors. These bulletins are based on the Gospel teachings, and include many activities while providing a great opportunity for our young children to learn and un-derstand our faith.

MEMORIAL BRICKS Each brick can contain 3 lines with 14 letters and or

spaces per line. One of the lines may be used for a

symbol such as a Cross. The cost per brick is $45. Your Name: _________________

Phone Number: _________________ Name(s) to Appear ______________________

On Brick:

(Please Print) ______________________


*Any questions, please call the Rectory: 330-825-9543

Homebound Parishioners Over these few winter months if any parishioners find

they are unable to come to Church on a regular basis

because of the weather or illness, please let the rectory

know. Our Sunday Eucharistic Ministry to the Home-

bound would be happy to bring them Holy Commun-

ion after the 8:00 am Mass on Sunday morning. Please

call 330-825-9543.

Lenten Wednesday Soup Dinner

The first Soup Dinner will begin

on Wednesday, February 28th

from 4:30 — 6:00pm, in the

school hall.

We are still looking for helpers for cooking, setup

and cleanup. Please call Pam Kelly at 330-356-

2523 if you can help out. Your Lenten service will

be greatly appreciated!

Lenten Bible


Join Fr. Bob for an Intro to the Book of

Genesis Better appreciate the richness of

God’s loving mercy as revealed in the very be-

ginning of the Bible.

Tuesday evenings, beginning Tuesday Febru-

ary 20th at 7:00pm in the school hall.

HS Youth Group: LOCK-IN The HS Youth group would

like to invite anyone grades

7th-12 (including friends!) to

our Lock-In Sunday, Febru-

ary 18th from 6pm-8am at the

school gym.

Permission slips area avail-

able on the parish website, and in the church vestibule.

Call Amanda at 330-203-0915 if you have any questions

recently baptized here

at Prince of Peace:

Tessa Faith Green Daughter of Joseph & Jenna

Has your address or phone number changed? Or have you eliminated your land line? If so, please call the parish office at 330-825-9543 so we can update our records. Thank you!

The Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 10, 2006 6th Sunday in ordinary Time: February 11, 2018


Sharing the Journey of Hope with Thomas Awiapo –

A grumbling belly, cries of hunger, fights over a

small ration of food between starving siblings – vivid

memories that CRS’ Thomas Awiapo recounts as he

shares his story of survival as a child facing hunger

in West Africa. Thomas will be visiting Prince of

Peace on Saturday, 2/17, to share his personal story

and the stories of our neighbors who have benefited

from programs such as the Catholic Relief Services

Rice Bowl. The presentation will be from 3:30 to

4:30 PM.

Lent: Returning to the Way of God What does Lent mean to you? No meat on Fridays? Giv-

ing up a bad habit? Annual Confession?

These practices are good; but Lent is more than that. Lent

is a time that recalls Jesus’ 40 days of fasting in the de-

sert; a time of sacrifice and a time of encountering God.

Lent is also a time of spiritual renewal, to get to know the

Lord Jesus, and to learn what it means to be called Chris-

tian from a Roman Catholic perspective.

We will have 4 sessions on Lent, for men and women,

covering these topics: Fasting, Repentance, Temptation

and Prayer, and Sacrifice for Others.

The booklet we will be using is authored by Pope Bene-

dict XVI, entitled, “Lent: Easter Awaits Us-Returning to

the Way of God.” No charge for these booklets.

Sessions are at 7 P.M. Thursday evenings on March 1, 8,

15, and 22, for about 1 hour. Contact Jerry Lamecker

(330-714-6338 or [email protected]) for more in-


Please respond by Feb 22 by email or by phone if you

plan to attend these 4 sessions, (So that we can order

enough booklets).

March29th- No 7:30AM Mass

- 7:00 pm. - Mass of the Lord’s Supper March 30th- No 7:30AM Mass

- Noon - Family Stations of the Cross

- 3:00 pm. - Good Friday of the

Lord’s Passion

-4:00 pm– Fish Fry

-6:30 pm– Stations of The Cross

Confessions- 7:00pm March 31st

- Noon - Blessing of Baskets

- 12:00 pm. - Easter Egg Hunt

- 7:30 pm - Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday, April 1st

- 8:00 am. - Mass

- 9:30 am. - Mass

-11:00 am. - Mass

Easter Monday, April 2nd Church Office Closed

We are excited to announce our new Online Di-

rectory and Mobile App is Coming Soon!

The directory is password protected and only avail-

able to members of our parish and each member can

control how much information to share. Before

launching, we need everyone to provide or confirm

preferred email addresses and phone numbers for

texts. After mass on the weekends of Feb. 10/11

and 17/18 council members will be available to col-

lect and edit the information.

Next weekend there will be a email address available

for you to send your email address to.

For those without email, there will be outreach to

take pictures and keep information current and a

printed directory will be printed periodically.



RENEWAL Come and spend time with other women and see

how our Lord has used the gifts, limitations, and

experiences of our lives to shape us into the

women we are today. Stop by our table at the

Ministry Fair the weekend of February 17 & 18.

Online Giving Consider trying Online Giving for our parishioners who prefer to donate through automatic draft. Online Giving is a secure personalized way to give to the parish. Sign up for Online Giving by using the t a b o n o u r p a r i s h w e b s i t e a t www.princeofpeaceparish.org or contact the parish office at 330-825-9543. It is a quick and easy to sign up today

Lenten Calendar A Lenten Calendar with

the Lent Schedule and

Practices is included in the

Bulletin, this weekend.