Some People Want Boarders, some want Servants, some want Money, and a Multitude of Others want a Miscellaneous Collection of Articles. Toall thesePeople the Tee-Dee Want Columns will Open up the way thai they may secure what they desire »--.uvYing each cia.slfleatlon below reliable concern, which It prepared to Trade." Particularly to farmer« and t conveniences of the city «tores. Owln livery service throughout this section, town" to· do your shopping.simply ma »«slow, or write for Information, which order by mall. The concern» listed on and may be classed at headquarters In catalogues or Information always mint * the announcement ut ? progrès.ivo offer«special facilities to the "Mall Orde, hose who reside tome distane from the g to the extension of the rural free de· It la no longer necessary to "come te ke your «.lection: from the good« listed will be gladly mailed and then «end your this page ate selected as representative their particular line, When writing for Ion The Time«.Dispatch. PANAMA HATS BLEACHED. BTRAAV HATS, PANAMA HATS bleached, blocked, retrlmmed; straw Hats. 2G to i!5c. each; Panama nate. 11, »1.25, .1.60 <-noh. AMERICAN HAT CO., Shop DOt East Broad. EDGE8 THAT LAST. FOLLOWING ARE SOME OF THE various kinds or Keen Kutter Tools. Axes, Adzes, Hammers. Hatchets, Chisels Screw Drivers, Auger Bits. Piles, Planes, Draw Knives, Haws, Grass Hoes, Trow els, Pruning Shears, Tinners' Snips, Sels sors, Shears, Hair Clippers, Horno Sh'-ars Razors, etc.. nnd Knives of all kinds. "Thc Recollection of Quality Remains Long After the Price Is Forgotten." DAR RIS HARDAVARE CO. i ROOFING PAPER. TWO-PLY TAR ROOFING PAPER, with caps and nails, 05c. roll; 3:ply, 8Sc HARRIS'S. SUMMER COMPLAINT. .'RAYSER'S DIARRHOEA COKDIAL has beon on tho market forty year.«); guaranteed to euro all summer com¬ plaints; safe and suro; 2Gc. a bottle. J. AV. FRAYBER & CO., Eighteenth and Main Streets. PAINTS. ELBA HARDWARE CO.. .22 AVEST Broad, corner Henry. Everything In tho Paint line. Prices to suit tho purse. WANTED, TO SELL 1,000 GALLONS roof paint. We have the best and cheap¬ est paint to be had. If your ham or luof needs painting sec us. VAUOHAN'S. 002 East Broad. _ LIME, SPRINKLING AND BILDER8' LIME Cement and Plaster. ELBA HARD¬ WARE CO., 423 AVest Brond, FRUIT JAR8. MASON'S FRUIT JARS, ALL SIZES, tops nnd rubbers; rock-bottom prices. ELBA HARDWARE1 CO., 413 AVest Broad. PERSONALS. SLAY THE FLIES. Ot'R SCREENS keep files on outside. AVe have goori stock on hand and big shipment expected (Monday, If it's files you want to slay see u«. VAUGHAN'S. 602 East Brond. SCREEN DOORS. CALL AND SEE OUR LINE OF SCREEN Doors and Window.·., Hammocks, Water Coolers, Ic*.-Cream Freezers and Lawn Mowers. ELBA HARDAVARE CO., 422 .AVcst Broad, corncr Henry,_. OIL AND GAS STOVES. AVE HAVE THE BEST IN THE CITY and will match them side by side witn anything made; quality and price. See these before you buy. HARRIS HARD¬ AVARE CO._ FOUR IN ONE. OUR STEAM COOKERS will cook four meals or vegetables ln one vessel; economy, HARRIS'S. FLOOR VARNISH, STAINS AND Paints, Star Enamels, Gold Paints, will make home, pictures and bath tub beau¬ tiful. HARRIS'S, 403 Broad. ROOMS FOR RENT. FOR. RENT FOR THE SUMMER, POS- Hibjy longer, large furnished tbird-etory iront room, with privilege« of bath; rct- erences required. J. 151, caro, this office. WANTED, YOUNG LADY TO OCCUPY .nice room (free) to be in houso wlHi lady at night whose husband Is sometimes absent; very central; references. Ad¬ dress; E. _·._, care this-ofMc·.·. ; AVANTED. TO RENT BY THE 1ST OF July, two very large unfurnished, con¬ necting rooms nnd hall room, on second floor, for light housekeeping. For terms apply to <SI3 IC. Murshall Street. FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS IN new cottage at Buckroe Beach. Address Postplflce Box tilt. *v_^ SEVENTH ST.. N.. 1H-FURNISHED OR unfurnished front room, cool, and con¬ venient to porcelain bath. Gas rango for .«al·*.' IH NVSoventii Street. .' SRACE ST., E., -..I».WANTED, BOARD- ers for vacant rooms, also tablo board- era desired- Apply 2trJ E. Grace Street. POR RENT-LARGE, COOL. FURN1S1Í ed room. 2307 E. Broad Street; also par¬ lor floor, unfurnished, If desired. FRANKLIN. E., 623-FOR RENT. TWO nlro connecting rooms, on first floor: nlso two on second floor; hot and cold water, bath; floors iurnlshed or unfur¬ nished. AVANTED-TO RENT TO A REFINED couple, part of a ten-room liou.se, on West Grace, 1000 block; modern conveni¬ ences. Addr.-ss II. lili, care this ofllce. WANTED.GENTLEMAN TO OCCUPY' dirllglitful room in new homo in Lee District: porcelain bath; good board; family of four adults; two squares from car line. Address A, G7-, caro tills ofllce. CARY ST.. AV.. .-FOR RENT-TAA'O OR three rooms, newly papered and paint- cd; porcelain bath; southern exposure;« reference exchanged; Immediate posses¬ sion. Apply 0 AVest Cary. ri REAL ESTATE.For Rent. FOR RENT.NEAV, MODERN HOUSE, six rooms and splendid bath; willing to make unexceptlonally cheap rate for un- explrod lease to September Int. For further particulars Inquire 107 N. Twcn- ty-olghtli Street, city. TO RENT-SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, UN- fiirnlslied, adjoining colloge campus; plenty of shade; J15 per month, $160 per ycur. Address Box 153, Ashland, A'u. Besirable houses near the uni- versity of Virginia for rent for tho sum¬ mer months. Address C. R. RAN¬ DOLPH, Agent, Charlottesvllle, Va. .TORE FOR RENT AND »STOCK OF goods for sale. On account of the death of my hu.sl.iand I offer my stock of goods for Milo and store for rent: postonico in store. G alno havo a nice llttlo farm In connection with store. Parties desiring to rent or purchase apply to Mrs. ED¬ WIN SHELTON, Pole Groen, 1 Innover county, Va. WANTED. TO LET FOR IJIM-EDIATE possession, tho house, iil2 East Leigh Street: wido halls, large rooms; cool and ulry, Apply on premises. DO YOU AVANT~THE NICEST PLACE in Ashland for tho months of July and August? All furnished; also gardon ¡md Jersey cow. Terms reasonable. Address OWNER, Box No. 38., city. FOR RENT.903 AVEST GRACE STREET, two nicely furnished front rooms, «ccond floor, with board, If desired. l'OR RENT-FURNISHED H O U S ¿G near University of A'lrglnla, from daio to September 10th. Apply to Mrs. M. ti, AVA1.LACE. University of Virginia. FOÍl RENT-? NICE SEVEN ROOM houso, half square from Chlmborazo Park. Apply 316 N. Thirty-sixth Street. FOR RENT CHEAP-TWO, FURNISHED Cottages at Capo Henry, nenr R. R. sta¬ tion and pavilion; one nine rooms and one five. Apply to D. XV. AVASHÜURN, Capo Henry, A'a. TAVO LARGE NEW STORE-ROOMS, with dwelling-rooms nttuolv-d, on Eighteenth Street, near Broad. Call up .092._£ WANTED, BY OCTOBER 1ST. A SEC- ond-floor flat with four rooms, besides kitchen and bath, on Third Street, or near that location. Address W. H. P, O. Box 460. city._ WANTED, TO SELL NICE YOUNG Jersey Cow. Apply nt 12Ü7 Hull Street, !.. AV. CHEATHAM. _ WANTED. TO RENT A GOOD MILL IN grain «ectlon. Address AA'., No. 1908 AV. Main Street, Richmond, A'a._ ^ TIME FOR EXCURSIONS. \F YOU AVANT ANY EXCURSION posters, dodgere or tickets, PIHglNI SHOW PRINT Is the place to ¦»a?·* you money, 10-1 South Eighth S tied, COAL, WOOD AND ICE. AM BETTER KNOWN AS A WOOD MAN. AM SELLING 1-4 CORD. $1.25; 1 CORD, $1.90. DURING THIS MONTH WILL* SELL I TON STOVE OR NUT, »6.00. THIS IS STRICTLY FIRST- CLASS PENNSYLVANIA ANTHRA¬ CITE COAL. A RARE BARGAIN. TWO YARDS. BOWE AND MAR¬ SHALL, 'PHONE 1320; GILMER AND CLAY. 'PHONE 1069. EUGENE T, LONG. WE SELL GOOD, COLD ICE. LET US have your order. The best 0f attention and prompt delivery at reasonable prices Is our motto. FORD & CARRINGTON, 301 South Pine Street. Coal, Wood and Ice Dealers. 'Phono 4760. n.25 FOR HALF CORD ALLEGHANY "Boje- Factory Kindling-AVood, delivered; all kinds o_ fuel ¿it prices to'meet all comers, quantity and quality- consid¬ ered; established In J86S. J. B. LACY. YES, WE CAN SERA'E YOB WITH pure Ice; also half cord Sawed Pine, $2.75; Oak, $3.00. All kinds of Coal and Coke at lowest prices. TYLER & RYAN, Linden and Cary. 'Phono 1071). JUST ARRIVED, ANOTHER LOT OF thoso nice,* dry, Phie slabs, $2.25 a half cord, sawed any length and delivered. QUARLES & WINGFIELD, Seven¬ teenth and "Washington. 'Phono 108.1. _PERSONALS. ???? USE SAUER'S EXTRACTS? " SAUER'S EXTRACTS BEST BY TEST. SAUER'S EXTRACTS ARE CHEAPEST. SAUER'S EXTRACTS. WHY! BECAUSE extra strong. SAUER'S EXTRACTS ARE STRICTLY pure. SAUER'S EXTSRACTS GIVE YOU RE- sulla where others fall. SAUER'S EXTRACTS HAVE THE flavor. BAUER'S EXTRACTS RECEIVED . highest award and medal at World's Fair. ENTER NOAV AND BE PREPARED for situation next fall; largo discount from rates of tuition for pupils enter¬ ing during the month of June. AVrlto or call for particulars. MASSEY BUSI¬ NESS COLLEGE. SURE CURE FO.r1 ? DiO ESTION, Gout. Urlo Acid, Bladder and Kidney trouble« is Harris's Antl-Dyspeptlo and Llthla Water; springs located at Burke- vlile, Va.; can furnish testimonial·. J. A. MORRIS & CC, 'Phone 4883, INDIGESTION AND ANY TROUBLES caused by uric seid Is cured by drink¬ ing Harris Antl-Dy.speptic and Llthla Water; springs located near Burkevllle, Vn.i received fresh every day. J. A. MORRIS & CO., No. 114 North Seventh Street. 'Phone 4SS2. PERSONAL.MY HUSBAND WAS A hard drinker for over 20 years, I cureo him by a Bt.i.plo home treatment, and I will gladly tell you how I did IL I have nothing to sell, so I want no money, Mrs. MARGARET ANDER- SON, Box 149. Hlllburn, ?, g*. _ MORPHINE, OPIUM, LAUDANUM AND cocaine habits cured permanently at home of patient without Inconvenience or detention from business; havo cured hundreds; complete treatment $10. For full particulars write Dr. LONG CO., Box 1117. Atlanta, G<u DON'T BURY YOUR MONEY IN A SOCK or hldo It under the floor. You are apt to stuy awake thinking about burglars. Deposit It In THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, nichmond, A'n., and go to sleep with the knowledge that It Is safe. TRY SNOW AVHITE SHOE POLISH, easy to apply and does not rub off, price Bo at BLANKS'S, The Preschlptlon Druggist Stores LADIES' FINE AVHITE CANVAS OX- fords, with wldo ribbons, $1,00, STEIN'S, corner Fifth and Broad. "CARPETS AND RUGS ALAVAYS CON- tatn more or less unwholesome dust and dirt; can you afford to run the risk of sickness In your family next fall? when for so small a sum you can have them cleaned and nil Impuri¬ ties eradicated. Our purifier la our own Invention. Is patented and used only by us. 'Phone 3522. MRS. A. J. PYLE, No, 815 North Fifth Street, PERFECT MANHOOD.FULL 1NBTKUC- tlons showing how strength may bo fre¬ quently regained and effects of advanc¬ ing nge often postponed. Send 2c, posl- ngo for free copy. HEALTH ASSOCIA¬ TION, ??? 724, Philadelphia, Pa. ROYALTY PAID ON SONG-POEMS AND musical composition; we arrange and popularize. PIONEER MUSIC PUB. CO., INC., M. 734, Manhattan Bldg., Chicago. ENGRAVED BRASS, CHIPPED AND embossed signs, lho kind thut appeal. EMPIRE SIGN CO., -.OU AA'. Broad. TAKE run HINT. ' ~ TIRED ? US I NIC**.!". ME.., WITH NER- vous Indigestion and Insomnia, are cured by using Harri.» Antl-Dyspuptlo Water; try It, J. A. MORRIS & CO., Ill North «Pev«enth St. 'Phone 4883, MILLINERY. MRS. M. D. CHA M LEE. 318 -E. BROAD special this week: Polo Turbans, In white, were f3.W, will pell fnr $l.f"0. Lovely assortment of Ready-Trimmed Hals at reducid prices. FASHIONABLE MILLINERY AT greatly reduced prices this week nt Mrs. AVORTIIAM'S. if you want a hat It will pay you to call. 21(1 N. Third Street. ' DYEING AND CLEANING. V-à.'. -n-i-?.!. yr-n..,, CLEANING, DYEING. SCOURING- Gents' suite pressed, COc; pants pressed, 10c; ladles' suits pressed, 60c upwards; pants scoured and pressed, 36c.¡ suits scoured and pressed, $1.00; ladlee' eklrti. cleaned and pressed, 60c; ladles' .skirts scoured and pressed, 76c; dyeing at cost; old rellablo dyo house. MUTUAL STEAM DYKING <_ CLEANING» AVORKS, 812 W. Broad Street 'Phoni 2274. Wagon, calls and delivers «oods. PURITAN STEAM CLEANING AND Dyeing Works. 'Phone 2310, 2494 East Broad Street. E. 8. JARVIS, Proprietor. Kid gloves cleaned, 5c. per pair; suits pressed, 3Gc; suits cleaned an«' t>res«-ed, COc; suits scoured and pressed, 75c; iklrts cleaned and pressed, 35c.; skirts scoured and pressed, 60c. ¡ skirts dyed and pressed, $1; suits dyed and pressed, $1.75; silk.· cleaned. Ladles' and gents' garments of all kind cleaned, pressed and dyed. MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESS- cd for $1.00 at ??,'??????'?, 418-420 E. Marshall Street. Goods called for and delivered, 'rhone 2340. Old place in old hands, month- ly rate, $1,60. The oldest club In the olty, THE ELITE PRESSING CO., 213 North Sixth Street. 'Phono _S-S8. Harry AV. AValden, Mgr. Clothes called for and delivered same day. Ladies' work a specialty. LACE CURTAINS, BLANKETS, ORGANA dy and Mull Dresses steamed cleaned. The best equipment, the best material, the best workmen, the best results. 'Phone 2522. MRS. A. J, PYLE, No. 815 North Fifth Street MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESS» ed for $1.00 at M'KENNEY'S, 418-420 E. Marshall Street. Goods' called for and delivered. 'Phone 3340. NOTICE. OLIA'ER'S AUCTION HOUSE, 00 BROAD Street, 'phtno 458L· If you have any¬ thing to sell go to GEO. V. OLIVER'S, 00 Broad Street. Sale every other day. Goofls received at any time. No charges for storage while awaiting sale. 'Phone 458L. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES OF THE Massey Business College are now In ef¬ fect. Write or call for Information. MASSEY BUSINESS COLLEGE, cor¬ ner Main and Seventh Streets, Mayo Building. IF YOU CAN AFFORD TO HAVE YOUR shirts made to order it Is certainly to your Interest to see our display of shirt¬ ings. If you* can't call ask to see sam¬ ples. W. S. CONSTABLE & CO., .736. 'East"Main Street. WHERE IS THE DIVrtsrNG LINE OF the cityT OLIA'ER'S AUCTION HOUSE, 00 Broad Street DON'T PUT OFF OPENING A BANK account until you have a whole lot of money; start in a small way by deposit¬ ing a little ovory day In THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, and you will bo sur¬ prised to see how quickly It will grow. HAVE YOU EVER HAL YOUR OLD carpets converted Into nice, fluffy, clean rugs to fit your rooms? Give your orders now and we will have them ready for you by the fall. 'Phone 2522. MRS. A. J. PYLE, 316 North Fifth Streot. ENGRAVED BRASS SIGNS, THE cheapest sign ln the end. EMPIRE SIGN CO., 203 W. Broad. ARE YOU IN TROUBLE? IS 'THERE anything worrying you7 See the famous Hindoo Palmist and Fortune-Teller, Madame RAAJ-PUTTY, at Reservoir Park. 9 A. M. to 11 P. M. CRIGHTON'S GREAT SALE. CRIGHTON'S GREAT SALE. UNTRIMMED HATS, IN BLACK, white and all colora, that were U8c" and $1.25, for 50c. each. Be sure and see same. CRIGHTON'S, 113 E. Broad St. HORSE-HAIR BRAIDS, ALL COLORS, sold for 11.23 pleca: to-morrow (Monday), 50c. piece. CRIGHTON'S. FLOAVERS, WREATHS AND SPRAYS, In white and all colors, at 10c· New lot for to-morrow. C RIGHTO ?'3. CHILDREN'S SAILORS. AVITH WHITE and colored bands, the usual 76c. kind; to-morrow, 50c. each. .CRIGHTON'S. UNTRIMMED HATS, IN ALL C0LOIÎ3, a few black, 50 and 75c. Hats for BSc. to-morrow. CRIGHTON'S. DON'T MISS TO-MORROAV (MONDAY'S) salo at CRIGHTON'S. Bargains! Bar¬ gains! Bargains! Read carefully. JUST RECEIVED A~LOT OF CHIFFON and Horse-Hair Hats, -white only, trir·»- med ln ribbon and silk flowers, worth $L00, for $2,98. CRIGHTON'S. SHIRT-AVAIST HATS. BLACK AND all colors, sold at $1.50 and fl·*«, to¬ morrow (Monday), $1.00 each. CRIGH¬ TON'S. ANOTHER LOT SHIRT-AVAIST HATS, were 75 and OSc, for 60c. See theso. CRIGHTON'S, 113 E. Broad Street. POULTRY, PET AND LIVE STOCK. STYLISH DRIA'ING HORSE, FOR SALE ut reasonable price; color dark. Address C, 190, care this ofllce. FOR SALE-FOX TERRIER PUPPY, 1 months old, vory smart; white with black spot oroud right eye. Address G, 191, care this ofllce. caro this ofllce, or 316 AAV-st Clay. ÁVAÑTED-TO BUY A HORSE, SUIT- ablo for laundry wagon, for cash. 'Phono 4842, or call 723 AVast Cary Street, FOR SALE-? BAY MARE, 6, YEARS old, gentío and kind, Any lady can drive her. Also one business huggy. Apply to 821 Brook Avenue. MATTRÉS8 MANUFACTORY! MATTRESSES AT î WHOLES A LE FOR the trade. JACOB UMLAUF, 705 West Main Street, Richmond. Vn. -¦_. ,1 .-."' "¦¦¦ · ¦¦-.*.=·***, FINE UPHOLSTERING AND MAT¬ TRESSES. FURNITURE REPAIRED AND REUP- holstered, Hair Mattresses to order, old ones mado over like new; Slip Covers a specialty. JACOB UMLAUF, 70ô W. Main. 'Phone 8292.___^ MINERAL WATERS. ALAVAYS ON HAND: BUFFALO. BETH- esda, Searlght. Poland and Otterburn AVater. THAW & GRANT, No. 11O0 East Main, 'phone "_34. DENTISTRY. 80UTHERN DENTAL ROOMS, ????. site the postomeli. 'Phone 3290- Exam· (nation· and estimate* free. DENTISTRY ON CREDIT-GOLD ANTD sliver illllngs, gold crowns und sutB teeth, small cash payments, bu'aiico weekly; all work guaranteed. Dr, DOR- sm, 310 ?*. Fourth. AWNINGS, TRNTS AND FLAGS. CONSULT US «BEFORE GOING E1J81Î+ where nnd see What we c«-in do for you In the awning lino, COPKLAND & CO., 108 North Ninth Street. 'Phone 2570. CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. WEl'lAVE AN ASSORTMENT OF NEAV and second-hand AVagnns, several set* ond-hand Buggies, ono Rood Surrey. If wo haven't named what you want call 1167. RICHARDSON UROS-, 013 Brook Avenue. _^__ NATURAL BRIDGE EXCURSION. EXCURSION ON TUE.SDA*.. JUNIü 27TH, to the great Naturnl Bridge of Virginia, the Seventh Wonder of the World! All expenses, _0.60. Ticket») and particulars nt 809 East Main Streel. WATER FILTER. MICROBES! MICROBES'! «MICROBES!!! AVhy drink them when a Scalfo Water Filter will cleanse the water. Try one. residence filter capacity io gallons per hour. For sale by G. A. INMAN & CO., Tlmea-Dls->atchi Bldg. 'Phone Zia. FEATHER BEDS "WANTED. WANTED, TO BUY. OLD FEATHER Beds and Furniture for cosh. J. AV. CASPER, 808 W. Broad Street. Thona um._!_ STORAGE^ I»«»»»»»»»»»» .»»»fi II .. rOR CHEAP AND Dill BTORAGl- rooms apply to RICHARDSON ék C_A_*· PELL, Storac· Department, Belvlder· Building, 601 W. Mato Straet 'Phon» *»__. HORSES AND MULES. CAN PASTURE 100. HEAD OF HORSES or cattle (at owner's risk) on Nowsteaa Farm, end of Osborno Turnplko, Hen-« rico county. Address J. M'PHAIL, Box 674, Richmond, or call at farm. FLY SCREENS. SCREENS AND AWNINGS MADE TO order; get estimates at once. C. B. NORVELL, 211 .1-2 North Sixth St., 'Phone 4S0._ HÔTEL LAWRENCE CAFE. G YEST, IT IS HOT ALL RIGHT! BUT suppose you were under tho fans at1 HOTEL LAAVRENCE CAFE drinking a Gin Rickey, Mint Julep, High Ball or Cold Bottle (any'brand) Beer, don't you think you would cool off some7 Twelfth nnd Main. BARBER SHOP,' "oí jc-hñn--.. get Your hair cut at SEITZ'S, 1203 East Main Street, at 15c. Save money and look handsome. ¦ GROCERY BARGAINS. BRING IN A SAMPLE ORDER OF groceries and see whRt you save; als«, good, pure whiskey, 2 years old, $1.5.; and 8 years okl $4.00 per gallon. Counl try orders given special attention. Hi J. RUBIN, 126 and 12S N. Eighteenth St t '.¦ :«"«' ¦--_-_-¦, ________ ICE CREAM. LADIES! AVHEN YOU ARE -TIRED and warm, stop In at 403 E. Broad Street and get a piate' of-', our delicious ice cream ln our .new parlor. HUB CANDY 'MANUFACTURING' CO._": ;. SEA FOOD. ¦;*, /", THE BEST. DEVILED. CRABS IN THE city-.(home-made);. flam .chowder-'the best; sea food cooked.to.prder. BROAD STREET CAFE'^Max.JieTns.ein, Pro¬ prietor,' 402 East 'BroA'cLStroet.· '.. UpHOL'STEÄJNG.'.H « LEA**.*, T_.E UPHOLSTERER.- CAN mako your «slip covers now.avoid the rush. B4-Brook Avenue. >'Phone.-1036. , DYSENTER.Y CURE. ,'.,', i* ""».·'.'.rrrr:.i.,,r. ,,.,...¦....,_<,_. WADE'S DIARRHOEA AND DYSEN- .tery Compound. Cuy«*_ diarrhoea and dysentery, cholera morbus, cramp colic, bilious colic, painters' colic, chronic diarrhoea, cholera (nfantum, and all summer complaints;'excellent for chil¬ dren teething; pleasant and agreeable to take. Highly recommended by physi¬ cians, professional nurses and druggists. See testimonials of what those who havo used it have to say about it. Over nrty year's reputation behind every bottlo. Price, 25 cents per bottle. All druggists. WATCH REPAIRING. YOUR AVATCH REPAIRED OR CLEAN- ed by WM. TOBI EN, Jr., is a guarantee that It Is done properly; 20 years' experi¬ ence. Cleaning, 11.00; Main Spring«, $1.00. 408 East Broad Street. All work guaranteed. AWNINGS. AAVNINGS AND SCREENS MADE TO order; estimates cheerfully given. C. B. NORVELL, _U*_ North Sixth Street. 'Phone 4S». __________ _ GOLD AND SILVER BUYER. WANTED, OLD GOLD AND SILA*ER IN any condition; highest uash prices paid, or will givo watches. Jewelry, silverware in exchange. A. M. MEYER & BRO., Jowelers, No. 523 Broad Street. Rich¬ mond, Va. TRANSFER. .PHONE 1354, RAPID TRANSFER CO., E. M. Tralnum, Manager, for freight, furniture, plunos and hauling of all de¬ scription; careful drivers; terms reason¬ able. TEE-DEi-BRANHCES. The following Branch Offices havo beon established for tho benefit of thoBO living at a distance from tho Main Offlco of The Tlmes-Dlspatch. The Tee-Deo Wants left at any of these branches will receive tho same careful attention as, though th*y hud been loft at the Main Office, and there will bo no extra cost to tho ad¬ vertiser: SLAUGHTER'S DRUG STORE, Twen- tyflfth and Venable Street«. W. F. EANES, Twenty.fifth and Leigh Streets, A. A. SCOTT, Twenty-fifth and Broad Streets, ROBERT J, WILLIAMS, Twenty-first and Marshall Streets, R, H. M. HARRISON, Fousliee and Broad Streets, a, W, Lattlmer, No. 800 West Mar¬ shall Street. THOMPSON'S DRUG STORE, No, 1621 West Main 8treet, I. L. BEVERIDGE, Brook Avenue and Clay Street. RADY'S DRUG STORE, Barton Heights. PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE, No. 3900 Wllllam.burg Avenue, Fulton, ROBIN'S PHARMACY, No. 200 East Marshall Street. CITY DRUG STORE, No, 1444 East Main Street, corne. Fifteenth. JUD60N CUNNINGHAM, No. 2037 East Main, corner Twenty.first. PINE 8TREET PHARMACY, No. 334 South Pine Street, POINDEXTER-KIRK-PARRI8H CO., No, 412 Eaut Broad Street. THE PARAGON PHARMACY, No. 801 West Cary Street. EATON PHARMACY, Twenty.elghth and ? Streets. RISON'S PHARMACY, No, 119 Canal Street. J. T, LEWIS, No. 4 E, Broad Street. ROOFING. SLAG,"GRANITE AND GRAVEL ROCÎF^ lng, guaranteed for ten years. Refer¬ ence: American National Bank (sky·· scraper), Mutual Assurance Bunding (skyscraper), Jefferson Hotel, New Richmond Hotel, Chesterfield Flats, American Tobacco Co,, American Can Co., American Locomotive AVorks, Rich, .mond Cedar .,*orks. Gallego Mille. AVrit*. for price to AliMITAGB MFG. CO., Richmond. Va. * WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING. BEST MAIN SPRINGS, GUARANTEED, 75c. AVhy pay others $1.00 or $1.50. Clean, lng watches, 75c; watch glasses, 16c, C. HOULGRAVE. The Reliable Jeweler, 222 East Broad, corner Third. FLAVORING» EXTRACTS. IF YOU APPRECIATE THE BEST AND purest, ask for Purity Flavoring Ex¬ tracts. If your grocer doesn't hs-ndle 1-, ask him to, or address PURITY MFG. CO., 2300 Church Hill Avenue, Rich¬ mond, Va. HARNES8 MAKER8. BROOK AVENUE HARNESS CO., 82J Brook Avenue. 'Phone HIS. Ajl kinds or harness made to order; repairing· promptly and neatly done. il. c. STERNHEliM-ER, Proprietor. BUSINESS MEN'S QUICK LUNCH. DO YOU KNOAV THAT YOU. CAN GET better value for your money and In less time at HOTEL LAAVRENCE CAFE'S Quick Business Men's Lunch Counter than any placo In the city? Ir you .don't know It one trial will convince you. Twelfth and Main. 8AVE MONEY. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK IS THE place to deposit your money. They will take care of It for you, and roturn the principal on demand, and interest if it stays ninety days. PLUMBING AND HEATING. SEE J. W. SARGEANT ABOUT PLUMB- lng, steam and hot water; lot me heat your home, overhaul your bath room. AVta are masters of tho details and keep a force of skilled workmen to serve you at G20 E. Main Street, Richmond, Va. CARRIAGES AND WAGONS; FOR FINE AVAGON8 AND CAKKlAUES, all kinds of repair work and rubber tires go to P. R. PHILLIPS & CO.. 402 and 404 North Seventh. ... flXOE ?£-G??___?3_G· ?2_?_____ 75C. HALFSOLB MEN'S SHOES, O0C. ¦halfsole ladles' shoes; white, oak soles, sewed on the same machine as they are made; no big, ugly stitches to rip like tho cobbler sews by hand; no squeaking, no pegs. Cut out this coupon and bring with shoes and we will accept It for 15c. cash debate during the week ending June 24th. Our own make sewed AVorklng Shoe, $2. Rubber heels,- Sic DREWS ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY. 71« East Main Street. "Phone 2C67, Send any¬ where. ... WINES A4MD LIQUORS. WHY NOT ORDER STRAIGHT. GOODS. They are flnst-class and cost no more than seconds. I have been supplying my. trade with straight whiskies direct frpm distillery for the past 12 years. Three-year-old Straight Kentucky Ryes and Bourbons as low as $2.»0 per gallon, cannot be equaled at tho price. Gibson and Montlcello (Spring 1899), $4 per gal¬ lon; Overholt and Calvert (Spring 1900), $3.50 per gallan; Meli wood, Atnerton and Maysvllle Club (Spring 1900), $3 per. gal- Ion; Carroll (Spring 1801), $2.50 per gal¬ lon; Jessamine County Rye ?901), $2._ß per gallon; Straight Holland Gins, Î2, $2.60 and $-'1 per gallon ; Valley of Virginia Claret, 6-quart bottles, $1.75; Imported Claret. 6-ouart bottles, $2.60; 6-year Old Straight Malt (Medicinal), $3.50; 3-year Old Corn Whiskey, $2.00 por gallon. No charge for jugs and packing on goods at $3.00 per gallon or over. Express prepaid on goods over $3.00 per gallon. Remit by certified check, registered letter, ex¬ press or money order. P. G. KELLY, Box 89. Ttlchmond- Va._ MISCELLANEOUS^ WHITE AS SNÖAV, SNOW WHITE Shoe Polish. Try. It, prlco 5c. at RLANICS'S, The Prescription Druggist Stores. OLD MAIDS PAINT THEIR FACE3, wise men paint their roofs. AVe sell the liest roof paint to be. had at low price. VAUGHAN, 602 E. Broad. MONEY! MONEYl WANTED.TO BORROW MONEY AT fi per cent. AVI11 give new frame houSes as security. Call up 4992. BICYCtES AND AUTOMOBILES. NEW AND SECOND-HAND BICYCLES bought, sold and exchanged; bicycle sun¬ dries; good tires cheap; ropuiring a spe¬ cialty and guaranteed, D. W. VAUGHN. 618 East Main Street. BRACES. 11" YOU NEED A SUPPORT FOR tinkle, knee-or hip use Hill's Detachable. It has no equal. Can ba changed from uno shoe to another in a moment. G. G. HILL, 12 E. Main. PRINTIN*·. TRY UB ON PRINTING; WB KNOW we can suit you. TAYLOR & TAYLOR PRINTING CO., Quick Printers, No. I Guveruor Str-M-t. 'CAILLER'S CHOCOLATE8." QUADRUPLE AVRAPPED CAKES FOR entlng, convenient for. hasty lunched, and ''bites" between inoals. Sold every¬ where' RESTAURANTS. FRANCIONE'S IS TUB PLACE TO satisfy yourself when you are hungry ,???? thirsty. Thoro you will find all tho delicacies of the season, and Oysters a specialty all tho summer. Dinner, 8 to 10 dishes, only 3Sc Open till 3 ?. M. Htñ-7 East Broad Street. AWNINGS, TENTS ANO FLAGS. KEEP YOUR STORE COOL AND shady. Just call 'phone 2570 and COPE- LAND & CO. will do tho rest by fur¬ nishing you an up-to-date awning. Get their prices. 108 N. Ninth Street. HATS. HATS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION bleached, dyed or blocked, THURS- TON'S, No. 308 North Fifth Street. "OSTRICH FEATHERS. OLD TIPS, PLUMES AND BOAS MADE new In tho latest colors; bring your samples nnd lot us dye your feathers to »natch your irimmlngs. TIIURSTON'S, 808 North Fifth. SHOE REPAIRING. HALF-PRICE MONDAY, JUNE .1DTH. only, If you out out this coupon and bring with cash ami shoes; 76c hnlfsolo iimn*a shoes, 38c; 00c. halfsoin ladies' «hoes, 80c; íffio. boys' halfsoles, 33c; 40c. children's halfsoles, 20*·. Every pair sowed, no nulla, no pegs. AVe will not send for shoes at tho above prices, One pair shoes to each' customer only. Owr own mako AVorklng «lions for Men, 12,00. DREW'S ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY, 7115 E, Main Street. BAKERY. BEST HOME-MADE BREAD, FRENCH, Vienna and German Rye Bread! Cakes and, Pies a specialty; rotiaurante una private families supplied, NEW YORK BAKERY. 4K> W. Broad. 'Phone ¡¡ßna, 10O, SPONGE CAKES: LARGE AND nlco; ii-ll). jelly roll, 26c; angel cuke, «Oc. PRINKARDS, 423 *.*. North Sixth. EMPIRE DECCO SHOPPES. AVE BEG TO ANNOUNCE THE OPEN- Ing of Ihe most up-to-date decorative shop of Hh kind In the South. Makers of things decorative In "Arts nnd Crafts" design« nf wood, leather, metal, plaster and various other stuffs; decorative painting and enamollng* as It should be; artists In draperies making; upholster¬ ing and repairing of furniture, reflnlRh- Ing antique nnd other furnlttirft ln all tho latest finishes, Flemish, Antwerp, Dutch Mission. A special Invitation extended the ladles to visit our beautiful show room; Ideas and designs nt their dis¬ posal for beautifying tho homo; Interior* of tha prominent houses on exhibition. Calls appreciated. EMPIRE DECCO SHOPPES, 209 W. Broad, Fred A. Sut¬ ton, Mgr. Next to Thompson's. ~ 8IGNS. EMPIRE SIGN CO.SIGNS THAT Ap¬ peal. The moat modern «nop in tho Houtn, of every material and description. Man¬ ufacturers of mirrors and gliding on glass, AVo nro tho only manufacturer·«, or engraved brass, nickel and copper signs In tho South; also only manufac¬ turers of chipped, engraved and emboss¬ ed glass signs; highest clnss advertising signs a specialty. Up-to-date show cards. Visit our show rooms,' 209 West Broad, noxt to Thompktn's. FRED A. SUTTON. Manager._ .MUNTINE COUNTRY ORDERS SOLICITED. TAT· LOB & TAYLOR PRINTING CO.. No. 1 Oovernor gtr.it-. Rtc_mo_t__ V*. ? =r DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Richmond, Va-, June let, 1006. THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing for the conduct of the Coal and AVood business, by the undersigned, un¬ der the style ot William H. Culllng- worth & Company, Ellison & McUaw, Successors, haa been this day dissolved by mutual consent. All of the liabili¬ ties ot the concern havo beon assumed, and will be paid by Stephan A. Ellison, to whom all debts due the late concern should be paid. STEPHEN A. ELLISON, T. \V. M'CAW. Referring to the above notice of dis¬ solution. I take this method of Informine; the public that I will continuo the Cool and Wood Business at Seventeenth and Dock Streets under the style of Stepnen A. Ellison & Company. AVIth Increased facilities I respectfully solicit the pa¬ tronage of the ouatomers of our old firm and the public. STEPHEN A. ELLISON «_ CO. DIVIDEND NOTICE. Office of Virginia-Carolina,, Chemical Co«, Richmond, Va., June 18, 1905. DIVIDEND NO. 89. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS HAVE this day declared a Dividend of 2 Per Cent. (Two Per Cent.), the samo being- Quarterly Dividend-No, 89 on the pre¬ ferred Stock of this Company, payable July 15th. 1805, when checks will be mailed to nil Preferred Stockholders of record at tno close of business June ¡iïtn. Books for transfer of Preferred Stock, will bo closed from 8 P. M., June 29th, to 10 A. iti July 20th« , S. W. TRAVEHS., Treasurer. Virginia «Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Richmond, Va., June 20, 1003. DIA'IDEND.THE DIRECTORS OF THIS Company have declared- a semi-annual Dividend of Four Per Cent, (free of tax), payable to -StocKhoiders ot record Juen 20th,-1804, from which dato to July .1st, 1005, i the .Transfer Books, will be closed. Checks for this'Dividend will be mailed to Stockholders. Changes of ad¬ dress should be no tilled tho company. AVM. H. M'CARTHY, Secretary. LEGAL. NOTICE. OF THE COUNTY OF-HENRICO, JUNE 10TH, 1905. In the Matter of tho Estate of Margaret R. Gresham, Dec'd. EX PARTE. It appearing to the court that a report of the accounts of E. AA'. Gates, Executor of Margaret R. Gresham, dec'd, and a re¬ port of the debts and demands against said decedent's estate havo been died in the office of this court, and more than one year having elapsed since the qualification of the said administrator, now, on tho motion of Robert AV- Crafton, Jr., a legatee of said Margaret R. Gresham, deo'd, It ls ordered that the creditors, if any there be, of said Margaret R. Gres¬ ham, dec'd, do show cause, If any they can, on tho 18th day of July, 1905, beforo this court, against the payment and de¬ livery of the estate of the said decedent, Margaret R. Gresham, to her legatees, without requiring refunding bonds from any of them. And it Is ordered that a copy of this order bo published once ? week for four successive weeks In Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch, a newspaper published In tho city of Rich¬ mond, Ara. « ? copy.Teste: E..R. PHILLIPS Deputy Clerk. R. R. Flornncc, Counsel. Ju ll-law-4w NOTICE-TO WHOM IT MAY CON¬ CERN: The public Is hereby notified that on April 1st, 1801, the City Bank of Klcn- mond, A'a., Issued to Wm. R. Trlgg, late of the city of Richmond, Its deposit re¬ ceipt for fft,0_, being· amount of hla sub¬ scription to 41 shares of tho (Increased) capital stock of said Bank, by which re¬ ceipt snld Bank agreed to issue to said A\'m. R. Trlgg upon the return thereof a certittcato of stock for said 41 shares, ana that the said deposit receipt has boon lost and that application lias been mado by the undersigned to the said Bnnk for the Issu¬ ance of said stock certlllcute, and the public Is warned against trading for saia receipts. ROBERTA H. TRIGO, Solo Exootitrlx and Legatco of Wm. R. Trlgg, Deo'd," Richmond, Va., June Oth, 1906. Ju U-law-5w NOTICE. Notice to Tax-Payers. Offlco of Collector of City Taxes, City Hall, Richmond, Va· THIS OFFICE WILL BE READY TO RECEIVE ALL. OR ONE-HALF OF CITY TAXES, REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL, FOR THE YEAR 1906 ON JUNE 16« Tho Wholo tax Is due. but the ordi¬ nance provides that one-halt may be paid in Juno, and the remaining half In Decomber. Failure to pay all or one- half In «Juno Inours a ponalty of 6 per cent, on the whole amount, which Is due at once, and If not paid before SEP¬ TEMBER 1st the Collector Is required to levy, with cOHts added. (See Chapter XIV.. Beo. 7.) ALL MALES 21 years of age. ALL PERSONO (MALE OR FEMALE) who own para.nal property, or hold personal prot*er_Y na fiduciary, and all partie., conducting business In the oily of Rich¬ mond (of whatever naturo) are assessed, and will please call and settle,, so us to avoid delinquency. Gradin«.. Paving., Pipe and Sewer Con¬ nection Bills are payable in tho name in»nnur us Tiixuu, and at lha same tun·. Give uuinu In which property stands, anil see that you get all your titila. Tilla being the only notice provided for by law, plea«., give It ¡*»ompt atten¬ tion, as under tlie now ari manco 6 per cent, penalty will have m bo added to the whcle b"W after June/u.th. F. W. CUNNINGHAM, JuMmo Collector of City Tax.a, The Valentine Museum, ELEVENTH AND CLAY STREETS, OPEN 10 A. M. TO 0 ?, M. ADMISSION, ailO. FREE ON SATURDAY* BRILLIANT END OF CAME OF M The Finish Had Distinctively"a Death Struggle Effect. A DEAFENING ROAR OF GUNS The Forts and the Squadron All in Action at the Same Time. (By Associated Press.) FORT MONROE, VA., Juno 17.~Th· Ja_st half hour of the war game between, the army and navy, ending* at noon to¬ day, eclipsed all engagements of the week In every feature of the spcctactllar possible In sham battles. The fleet Under Admiral DIcklns, headed by hie fiag- shlp Toxas, sailing: ln single column clone In shore, passed every gun of Fort Mon¬ roe. Every ship of tho fleet was ln ao- tlon at the same time, .and every gun of ' the fifteen ships was being· served te th* « limit of rapidity. On the one side was Fort Monroe a* a » target and on tho other Fort Wool. With equal energy and rapidity «ie forts replied; whllo the squadro.! was on· that would bo impossible in war It' de¬ pleted a scene which left nothing to th* Imagination ln tho realisation of* the ! magnificence of battle. Death Struggle Effect. Every effect was there except the ef¬ fect of the shells. Strategic play for position and favorable conditions were abandoned that thc Inspiration of "battle might bo attained by the man behind the grins. That tho closing minutes of the** gamo produced this "death struggle" ef¬ fect thero can be no doubt. In the line of battle throe of the moni- ·' tors followed the Texas. They were the Florida, Arkansas and Nevada, -all paint« ed with war color. Then came the cruis¬ ers Newark and Atlanta, painted white.. The old Hartford was next In lino. The monitor Puritan, with the liaval mllltla of the District of-Columbla, preceded the four destroyers, the "Whlpple. the W<t"r*.n. ' McDonough and Stewart, whllo tho.Hor-j net. Siren and Silvia brought tip- the rear. The battleflag of the Texas: went down and she ceased firing, as she had gotten well past the tort, and this exam¬ ple was followed toy the unite of the squadron as they successively reached the same point; In this way the conflict reached Its end gradually, and as the last gunboat went out of action the fort sent up a huge smoke bomb, Indicating: that tho Joint exercises of the army and navy were at an end. Psychological. Moment. The shlpe proceeded up Hampton Roads after cablegrams had' been exchanged between Admiral DIcklns "and "General "Wade. The last day of the war game opened with an attack on Fort Monroe at dawn 'by tho destroyers and the gun- *boat-5 of Admiral D-lcklns's fleet. Just botween dark and daylight there Is a brief period when conditions are most favorable for offensive naval operations, It being too light for the searchlights to be effectively operated, and too dark to see without them. These conditions were taken advantago pf by Admiral DIcklns this morning, and, thre^ oj .his destroyers and two gunboats crept close to tho walls of the fort beforo they were discovered. An Incoming steamship also gave pro¬ tection to the mosquito flotilla, whlca hanked Itself in the lee of the big «hip and floated closo ln before being seen. Tho fusilado was brief, but lively, and at its conclusion the offending craft de¬ parted toward the Capes. JUDGE MANN. GOING TO THE "ENEMY'S" COUNTRY (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) NOTTOWAY C. H. VA.; June TI.-In consequenco of a very pressing* Invitation, from many citizens of Plttsylvanla coun¬ ty, Judgo Mann has cancelled another appointment and -will speak In Chatham on Monday. Judge Mann says ho haa gained eoi rapidly of late that he be¬ lieves It Is now time to carry the war Into the enemy's «country. The Very Fastest. "Hero'ii a western man who c)alm» to he,v_ invented a machine that Is the fastest thing known." "I think I hod an experience with the fastest tiling known last nicht." . "How was that?'' "I M-aui setting separated from a. porou· piaster.".Houston Post. WANTED, Experienced Shoe Salesman. APPLY SEYMOUR SYCLE, 633 E. Broad Street. ¦___- NI BET INQ8. ~ Zi* "TH E ST?? ED COMMUNI CAT ION _*____ or Manchester Longe No. 14, F. /VN & a. M., will be held at the Masonic Temple, Manchester. Va., Monday liven¬ ing, May 19th, 1905. at ß o'clock. Member« of sister lodges nnd transient brethren cordially Invited (a attend. By order of the XV. M. _R. E, BROWN, aooretary, Jt, A CALLED COMMUNICATION JG\ of Richmond Lodge No, 10, A. v. & , ^ A. M. will be held»*, Masonic Tem¬ pla To-morrow 'Mondt-y. Evening at · o'clock. Momi'Di-i and visiting brethren are fraternally Invited to bo present. ?*. ?- SNEAD, Bdcrutury. The Confederate Museum* TWELFTH AND CLÀT STREETS. Open» dally from * A. M. to 6 f, u. .dml-mlon, 2$ cents. Fr-»· on Staturd..·-. PATENTS OUARANTEEOT" PATENTS SBCUBBl". OR yKB RKTUKNBD- rtiirui model or «ketch for tree, »pinion M te» pstautablllly, Send for Illustrated Util*· Book. Contain· 10O meon-tntoU movement· »?! ?,?ß? OK INVENTIONS \VA_NTE& PartioUl»*- KBW TKADB-MARK LAW. COPTRiaHT, el·. Talent« *«·*?«_p?»?,? tr·» Id World's Fron«·. (lampi· copy free, EVANS. WILKENS 4 CO, Reglitered Patent Attornoy-u .lä ? Street, W««hlngteil. D. *.

Some People Want Boarders, Servants, Money ......Some People Want Boarders, some want Servants, somewant Money, andaMultitude of Others wanta Miscellaneous CollectionofArticles. Toall

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Page 1: Some People Want Boarders, Servants, Money ......Some People Want Boarders, some want Servants, somewant Money, andaMultitude of Others wanta Miscellaneous CollectionofArticles. Toall

Some People Want Boarders, some want Servants, some want Money, and a Multitude of Others want a MiscellaneousCollection of Articles. Toall thesePeople the Tee-DeeWant Columns will Open up the way thai they may secure whatthey desire

»--.uvYing each cia.slfleatlon belowreliable concern, which It prepared toTrade." Particularly to farmer« and tconveniences of the city «tores. Owlnlivery service throughout this section,town" to· do your shopping.simply ma»«slow, or write for Information, whichorder by mall. The concern» listed onand may be classed at headquarters Incatalogues or Information always mint

* the announcement ut ? progrès.ivooffer«special facilities to the "Mall Orde,hose who reside tome distane from theg to the extension of the rural free de·It la no longer necessary to "come teke your «.lection: from the good« listedwill be gladly mailed and then «end yourthis page ate selected as representativetheir particular line, When writing forIon The Time«.Dispatch.


BTRAAV HATS, PANAMA HATSbleached, blocked, retrlmmed; straw

Hats. 2G to i!5c. each; Panama nate. 11,»1.25, .1.60 <-noh. AMERICAN HAT CO.,Shop DOt East Broad.


FOLLOWING ARE SOME OF THEvarious kinds or Keen Kutter Tools.

Axes, Adzes, Hammers. Hatchets, ChiselsScrew Drivers, Auger Bits. Piles, Planes,Draw Knives, Haws, Grass Hoes, Trowels, Pruning Shears, Tinners' Snips, Selssors, Shears, Hair Clippers, Horno Sh'-arsRazors, etc.. nnd Knives of all kinds."Thc Recollection of Quality RemainsLong After the Price Is Forgotten." DARRIS HARDAVARE CO.


TWO-PLY TAR ROOFING PAPER,with caps and nails, 05c. roll; 3:ply, 8Sc



.'RAYSER'S DIARRHOEA COKDIALhas beon on tho market forty year.«);guaranteed to euro all summer com¬plaints; safe and suro; 2Gc. a bottle. J.AV. FRAYBER & CO., Eighteenth andMain Streets.


ELBA HARDWARE CO.. .22 AVESTBroad, corner Henry. Everything In tho

Paint line. Prices to suit tho purse.

WANTED, TO SELL 1,000 GALLONSroof paint. We have the best and cheap¬

est paint to be had. If your ham or luofneeds painting sec us. VAUOHAN'S. 002East Broad.


SPRINKLING AND BILDER8' LIMECement and Plaster. ELBA HARD¬WARE CO., 423 AVest Brond,


MASON'S FRUIT JARS, ALL SIZES,tops nnd rubbers; rock-bottom prices.

ELBA HARDWARE1 CO., 413 AVestBroad.


SLAY THE FLIES. Ot'R SCREENSkeep files on outside. AVe have goori

stock on hand and big shipment expected(Monday, If it's files you want to slay seeu«. VAUGHAN'S. 602 East Brond.


CALL AND SEE OUR LINE OF SCREENDoors and Window.·., Hammocks, Water

Coolers, Ic*.-Cream Freezers and LawnMowers. ELBA HARDAVARE CO., 422.AVcst Broad, corncr Henry,_.


AVE HAVE THE BEST IN THE CITYand will match them side by side witn

anything made; quality and price. Seethese before you buy. HARRIS HARD¬AVARE CO._FOUR IN ONE. OUR STEAM COOKERSwill cook four meals or vegetables ln

one vessel; economy, HARRIS'S.

FLOOR VARNISH, STAINS ANDPaints, Star Enamels, Gold Paints, will

make home, pictures and bath tub beau¬tiful. HARRIS'S, 403 Broad.

ROOMS FOR RENT.FOR. RENT FOR THE SUMMER, POS-Hibjy longer, large furnished tbird-etoryiront room, with privilege« of bath; rct-erences required. J. 151, caro, this office.

WANTED, YOUNG LADY TO OCCUPY.nice room (free) to be in houso wlHi ladyat night whose husband Is sometimesabsent; very central; references. Ad¬dress; E. _·._, care this-ofMc·.·.;

AVANTED. TO RENT BY THE 1ST OFJuly, two very large unfurnished, con¬necting rooms nnd hall room, on secondfloor, for light housekeeping. For termsapply to <SI3 IC. Murshall Street.

FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS INnew cottage at Buckroe Beach. AddressPostplflce Box tilt. *v_^

SEVENTH ST.. N.. 1H-FURNISHED ORunfurnished front room, cool, and con¬venient to porcelain bath. Gas rangofor .«al·*.' IH NVSoventii Street. .'

SRACE ST., E., -..I».WANTED, BOARD-ers for vacant rooms, also tablo board-era desired- Apply 2trJ E. Grace Street.

POR RENT-LARGE, COOL. FURN1S1Íed room. 2307 E. Broad Street; also par¬lor floor, unfurnished, If desired.

FRANKLIN. E., 623-FOR RENT. TWOnlro connecting rooms, on first floor:nlso two on second floor; hot and coldwater, bath; floors iurnlshed or unfur¬nished.

AVANTED-TO RENT TO A REFINEDcouple, part of a ten-room liou.se, onWest Grace, 1000 block; modern conveni¬ences. Addr.-ss II. lili, care this ofllce.

WANTED.GENTLEMAN TO OCCUPY'dirllglitful room in new homo in LeeDistrict: porcelain bath; good board;family of four adults; two squares fromcar line. Address A, G7-, caro tillsofllce.

CARY ST.. AV.. .-FOR RENT-TAA'O ORthree rooms, newly papered and paint-cd; porcelain bath; southern exposure;«reference exchanged; Immediate posses¬sion. Apply 0 AVest Cary. ri


FOR RENT.NEAV, MODERN HOUSE,six rooms and splendid bath; willing tomake unexceptlonally cheap rate for un-

explrod lease to September Int. Forfurther particulars Inquire 107 N. Twcn-ty-olghtli Street, city.

TO RENT-SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, UN-fiirnlslied, adjoining colloge campus;plenty of shade; J15 per month, $160 perycur. Address Box 153, Ashland, A'u.

Besirable houses near the uni-versity of Virginia for rent for tho sum¬mer months. Address C. R. RAN¬DOLPH, Agent, Charlottesvllle, Va.

.TORE FOR RENT AND »STOCK OFgoods for sale. On account of the deathof my hu.sl.iand I offer my stock of goodsfor Milo and store for rent: postonico instore. G alno havo a nice llttlo farm Inconnection with store. Parties desiringto rent or purchase apply to Mrs. ED¬WIN SHELTON, Pole Groen, 1 Innovercounty, Va.

WANTED. TO LET FOR IJIM-EDIATEpossession, tho house, iil2 East LeighStreet: wido halls, large rooms; cooland ulry, Apply on premises.DO YOU AVANT~THE NICEST PLACEin Ashland for tho months of July andAugust? All furnished; also gardon ¡mdJersey cow. Terms reasonable. AddressOWNER, Box No. 38., city.

FOR RENT.903 AVEST GRACE STREET,two nicely furnished front rooms, «ccondfloor, with board, If desired.

l'OR RENT-FURNISHED H O U S ¿Gnear University of A'lrglnla, from daioto September 10th. Apply to Mrs. M. ti,AVA1.LACE. University of Virginia.

FOÍl RENT-? NICE SEVEN ROOMhouso, half square from ChlmborazoPark. Apply 316 N. Thirty-sixth Street.

FOR RENT CHEAP-TWO, FURNISHEDCottages at Capo Henry, nenr R. R. sta¬tion and pavilion; one nine rooms andone five. Apply to D. XV. AVASHÜURN,Capo Henry, A'a.

TAVO LARGE NEW STORE-ROOMS,with dwelling-rooms nttuolv-d, onEighteenth Street, near Broad. Callup .092._£

WANTED, BY OCTOBER 1ST. A SEC-ond-floor flat with four rooms, besideskitchen and bath, on Third Street, ornear that location. Address W. H. P,O. Box 460. city._

WANTED, TO SELL NICE YOUNGJersey Cow. Apply nt 12Ü7 Hull Street, !..AV. CHEATHAM.


WANTED. TO RENT A GOOD MILL INgrain «ectlon. Address AA'., No. 1908 AV.Main Street, Richmond, A'a._^ TIME FOR EXCURSIONS.

\F YOU AVANT ANY EXCURSIONposters, dodgere or tickets, PIHglNISHOW PRINT Is the place to ¦»a?·* youmoney, 10-1 South Eighth S tied,



WE SELL GOOD, COLD ICE. LET UShave your order. The best 0f attentionand prompt delivery at reasonable pricesIs our motto. FORD & CARRINGTON,301 South Pine Street. Coal, Wood andIce Dealers. 'Phono 4760.

n.25 FOR HALF CORD ALLEGHANY"Boje- Factory Kindling-AVood, delivered;all kinds o_ fuel ¿it prices to'meet allcomers, quantity and quality- consid¬ered; established In J86S. J. B. LACY.

YES, WE CAN SERA'E YOB WITHpure Ice; also half cord Sawed Pine, $2.75;Oak, $3.00. All kinds of Coal and Cokeat lowest prices. TYLER & RYAN,Linden and Cary. 'Phono 1071).

JUST ARRIVED, ANOTHER LOT OFthoso nice,* dry, Phie slabs, $2.25 a halfcord, sawed any length and delivered.QUARLES & WINGFIELD, Seven¬teenth and "Washington. 'Phono 108.1.





SAUER'S EXTSRACTS GIVE YOU RE-sulla where others fall.


BAUER'S EXTRACTS RECEIVED. highest award and medal at World's


ENTER NOAV AND BE PREPAREDfor situation next fall; largo discountfrom rates of tuition for pupils enter¬ing during the month of June. AVrlto or

call for particulars. MASSEY BUSI¬NESS COLLEGE.

SURE CURE FO.r1 ? DiO ESTION,Gout. Urlo Acid, Bladder and Kidneytrouble« is Harris's Antl-Dyspeptlo andLlthla Water; springs located at Burke-vlile, Va.; can furnish testimonial·. J.A. MORRIS & CC, 'Phone 4883,

INDIGESTION AND ANY TROUBLEScaused by uric seid Is cured by drink¬ing Harris Antl-Dy.speptic and LlthlaWater; springs located near Burkevllle,Vn.i received fresh every day. J. A.MORRIS & CO., No. 114 North SeventhStreet. 'Phone 4SS2.

PERSONAL.MY HUSBAND WAS Ahard drinker for over 20 years, I cureohim by a Bt.i.plo home treatment, andI will gladly tell you how I did IL Ihave nothing to sell, so I want no

money, Mrs. MARGARET ANDER-SON, Box 149. Hlllburn, ?, g*.


MORPHINE, OPIUM, LAUDANUM ANDcocaine habits cured permanently athome of patient without Inconvenienceor detention from business; havo curedhundreds; complete treatment $10. Forfull particulars write Dr. LONG CO.,Box 1117. Atlanta, G<u

DON'T BURY YOUR MONEY IN A SOCKor hldo It under the floor. You are aptto stuy awake thinking about burglars.Deposit It In THE FIRST NATIONALBANK, nichmond, A'n., and go to sleepwith the knowledge that It Is safe.

TRY SNOW AVHITE SHOE POLISH,easy to apply and does not rub off, priceBo at BLANKS'S, The PreschlptlonDruggist Stores

LADIES' FINE AVHITE CANVAS OX-fords, with wldo ribbons, $1,00, STEIN'S,corner Fifth and Broad.

"CARPETS AND RUGS ALAVAYS CON-tatn more or less unwholesome dustand dirt; can you afford to run therisk of sickness In your family nextfall? when for so small a sum youcan have them cleaned and nil Impuri¬ties eradicated. Our purifier la ourown Invention. Is patented and usedonly by us. 'Phone 3522. MRS. A. J.PYLE, No, 815 North Fifth Street,

PERFECT MANHOOD.FULL 1NBTKUC-tlons showing how strength may bo fre¬quently regained and effects of advanc¬ing nge often postponed. Send 2c, posl-ngo for free copy. HEALTH ASSOCIA¬TION, ??? 724, Philadelphia, Pa.

ROYALTY PAID ON SONG-POEMS ANDmusical composition; we arrange andpopularize. PIONEER MUSIC PUB. CO.,INC., M. 734, Manhattan Bldg., Chicago.

ENGRAVED BRASS, CHIPPED ANDembossed signs, lho kind thut appeal.EMPIRE SIGN CO., -.OU AA'. Broad.

TAKE run HINT.' ~

TIRED ?US I NIC**.!". ME.., WITH NER-vous Indigestion and Insomnia, are curedby using Harri.» Antl-Dyspuptlo Water;try It, J. A. MORRIS & CO., Ill North«Pev«enth St. 'Phone 4883,

MILLINERY.MRS. M. D. CHAM LEE. 318 -E. BROADspecial this week: Polo Turbans, Inwhite, were f3.W, will pell fnr $l.f"0.Lovely assortment of Ready-TrimmedHals at reducid prices.FASHIONABLE MILLINERY ATgreatly reduced prices this week nt Mrs.AVORTIIAM'S. if you want a hat It willpay you to call. 21(1 N. Third Street.


DYEING AND CLEANING.V-à.'.-n-i-?.!. yr-n..,,

CLEANING, DYEING. SCOURING-Gents' suite pressed, COc; pants pressed,10c; ladles' suits pressed, 60c upwards;pants scoured and pressed, 36c.¡ suitsscoured and pressed, $1.00; ladlee' eklrti.cleaned and pressed, 60c; ladles' .skirtsscoured and pressed, 76c; dyeing at cost;old rellablo dyo house. MUTUALSTEAM DYKING <_ CLEANING»AVORKS, 812 W. Broad Street 'Phoni2274. Wagon, calls and delivers «oods.

PURITAN STEAM CLEANING ANDDyeing Works. 'Phone 2310, 2494 EastBroad Street. E. 8. JARVIS, Proprietor.Kid gloves cleaned, 5c. per pair; suitspressed, 3Gc; suits cleaned an«' t>res«-ed,COc; suits scoured and pressed, 75c;iklrts cleaned and pressed, 35c.; skirtsscoured and pressed, 60c. ¡ skirts dyedand pressed, $1; suits dyed and pressed,$1.75; silk.· cleaned. Ladles' and gents'garments of all kind cleaned, pressedand dyed.

MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESS-cd for $1.00 at ??,'??????'?, 418-420 E.Marshall Street. Goods called for anddelivered, 'rhone 2340.

Old place in old hands, month-ly rate, $1,60. The oldest club In theolty, THE ELITE PRESSING CO., 213North Sixth Street. 'Phono _S-S8. HarryAV. AValden, Mgr. Clothes called for anddelivered same day. Ladies' work aspecialty.

LACE CURTAINS, BLANKETS, ORGANAdy and Mull Dresses steamed cleaned.The best equipment, the best material,the best workmen, the best results.'Phone 2522. MRS. A. J, PYLE, No.815 North Fifth Street

MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESS»ed for $1.00 at M'KENNEY'S, 418-420 E.Marshall Street. Goods' called for anddelivered. 'Phone 3340.

NOTICE.OLIA'ER'S AUCTION HOUSE, 00 BROADStreet, 'phtno 458L· If you have any¬thing to sell go to GEO. V. OLIVER'S,00 Broad Street. Sale every other day.Goofls received at any time. Nocharges for storage while awaitingsale. 'Phone 458L.

SPECIAL SUMMER RATES OF THEMassey Business College are now In ef¬fect. Write or call for Information.MASSEY BUSINESS COLLEGE, cor¬ner Main and Seventh Streets, MayoBuilding.

IF YOU CAN AFFORD TO HAVE YOURshirts made to order it Is certainly toyour Interest to see our display of shirt¬ings. If you* can't call ask to see sam¬ples. W. S. CONSTABLE & CO., .736.'East"Main Street.WHERE IS THE DIVrtsrNG LINE OFthe cityT OLIA'ER'S AUCTIONHOUSE, 00 Broad Street

DON'T PUT OFF OPENING A BANKaccount until you have a whole lot ofmoney; start in a small way by deposit¬ing a little ovory day In THE FIRSTNATIONAL BANK, and you will bo sur¬prised to see how quickly It will grow.

HAVE YOU EVER HAL YOUR OLDcarpets converted Into nice, fluffy,clean rugs to fit your rooms? Giveyour orders now and we will have themready for you by the fall. 'Phone 2522.MRS. A. J. PYLE, 316 North FifthStreot.

ENGRAVED BRASS SIGNS, THEcheapest sign ln the end. EMPIRESIGN CO., 203 W. Broad.

ARE YOU IN TROUBLE? IS 'THEREanything worrying you7 See the famousHindoo Palmist and Fortune-Teller,Madame RAAJ-PUTTY, at ReservoirPark. 9 A. M. to 11 P. M.



UNTRIMMED HATS, IN BLACK,white and all colora, that were U8c" and$1.25, for 50c. each. Be sure and seesame. CRIGHTON'S, 113 E. Broad St.

HORSE-HAIR BRAIDS, ALL COLORS,sold for 11.23 pleca: to-morrow (Monday),50c. piece. CRIGHTON'S.

FLOAVERS, WREATHS AND SPRAYS,In white and all colors, at 10c· New lotfor to-morrow. CRIGHTO?'3.

CHILDREN'S SAILORS. AVITH WHITEand colored bands, the usual 76c. kind;to-morrow, 50c. each. .CRIGHTON'S.

UNTRIMMED HATS, IN ALL C0LOIÎ3,a few black, 50 and 75c. Hats for BSc.to-morrow. CRIGHTON'S.

DON'T MISS TO-MORROAV (MONDAY'S)salo at CRIGHTON'S. Bargains! Bar¬gains! Bargains! Read carefully.

JUST RECEIVED A~LOT OF CHIFFONand Horse-Hair Hats, -white only, trir·»-med ln ribbon and silk flowers, worth$L00, for $2,98. CRIGHTON'S.

SHIRT-AVAIST HATS. BLACK ANDall colors, sold at $1.50 and fl·*«, to¬morrow (Monday), $1.00 each. CRIGH¬TON'S.ANOTHER LOT SHIRT-AVAIST HATS,were 75 and OSc, for 60c. See theso.CRIGHTON'S, 113 E. Broad Street.


STYLISH DRIA'ING HORSE, FOR SALEut reasonable price; color dark. AddressC, 190, care this ofllce.

FOR SALE-FOX TERRIER PUPPY, 1months old, vory smart; white with blackspot oroud right eye. Address G, 191,care this ofllce.caro this ofllce, or 316 AAV-st Clay.

ÁVAÑTED-TO BUY A HORSE, SUIT-ablo for laundry wagon, for cash.'Phono 4842, or call 723 AVast Cary Street,

FOR SALE-? BAY MARE, 6, YEARSold, gentío and kind, Any lady can driveher. Also one business huggy. Applyto 821 Brook Avenue.


-¦_. ,1 .-."' "¦¦¦ · ¦¦-.*.=·***,


FURNITURE REPAIRED AND REUP-holstered, Hair Mattresses to order, oldones mado over like new; Slip Covers aspecialty. JACOB UMLAUF, 70ô W.Main. 'Phone 8292.___^


ALAVAYS ON HAND: BUFFALO. BETH-esda, Searlght. Poland and OtterburnAVater. THAW & GRANT, No. 11O0East Main, 'phone "_34.

DENTISTRY.80UTHERN DENTAL ROOMS, ????.site the postomeli. 'Phone 3290- Exam·(nation· and estimate* free.

DENTISTRY ON CREDIT-GOLD ANTDsliver illllngs, gold crowns und sutBteeth, small cash payments, bu'aiicoweekly; all work guaranteed. Dr, DOR-sm, 310 ?*. Fourth.

AWNINGS, TRNTS AND FLAGS.CONSULT US «BEFORE GOING E1J81Î+where nnd see What we c«-in do for you Inthe awning lino, COPKLAND & CO., 108North Ninth Street. 'Phone 2570.

CARRIAGES AND WAGONS.WEl'lAVE AN ASSORTMENT OF NEAVand second-hand AVagnns, several set*ond-hand Buggies, ono Rood Surrey. Ifwo haven't named what you want call1167. RICHARDSON UROS-, 013 BrookAvenue.



EXCURSION ON TUE.SDA*.. JUNIü 27TH,to the great Naturnl Bridge of Virginia,the Seventh Wonder of the World! Allexpenses, _0.60. Ticket») and particularsnt 809 East Main Streel.

WATER FILTER.MICROBES! MICROBES'! «MICROBES!!!AVhy drink them when a Scalfo WaterFilter will cleanse the water. Try one.residence filter capacity io gallons perhour. For sale by G. A. INMAN & CO.,Tlmea-Dls->atchi Bldg. 'Phone Zia.

FEATHER BEDS "WANTED.WANTED, TO BUY. OLD FEATHERBeds and Furniture for cosh. J. AV.CASPER, 808 W. Broad Street. Thonaum._!_

STORAGE^I»«»»»»»»»»»» .»»»fi II..

rOR CHEAP AND Dill BTORAGl-rooms apply to RICHARDSON ék C_A_*·PELL, Storac· Department, Belvlder·Building, 601 W. Mato Straet 'Phon» *»__.


CAN PASTURE 100. HEAD OF HORSESor cattle (at owner's risk) on NowsteaaFarm, end of Osborno Turnplko, Hen-«rico county. Address J. M'PHAIL, Box674, Richmond, or call at farm.


SCREENS AND AWNINGS MADE TOorder; get estimates at once. C. B.NORVELL, 211 .1-2 North Sixth St.,'Phone 4S0._

HÔTEL LAWRENCE CAFE. GYEST, IT IS HOT ALL RIGHT! BUTsuppose you were under tho fans at1HOTEL LAAVRENCE CAFE drinkinga Gin Rickey, Mint Julep, High Ballor Cold Bottle (any'brand) Beer, don'tyou think you would cool off some7Twelfth nnd Main.

BARBER SHOP,'"oí jc-hñn--.. get Your hair cutat SEITZ'S, 1203 East Main Street, at15c. Save money and look handsome.



BRING IN A SAMPLE ORDER OFgroceries and see whRt you save; als«,good, pure whiskey, 2 years old, $1.5.;and 8 years okl $4.00 per gallon. Counltry orders given special attention. HiJ. RUBIN, 126 and 12S N. Eighteenth St

t '.¦ :«"«' ¦--_-_-¦, ________


LADIES! AVHEN YOU ARE -TIREDand warm, stop In at 403 E. Broad Streetand get a piate' of-', our delicious icecream ln our .new parlor. HUB CANDY'MANUFACTURING' CO._": ;.

SEA FOOD. ¦;*, /",THE BEST. DEVILED. CRABS IN THEcity-.(home-made);. flam .chowder-'thebest; sea food cooked.to.prder. BROADSTREET CAFE'^Max.JieTns.ein, Pro¬prietor,' 402 East 'BroA'cLStroet.· '¦


LEA**.*, T_.E UPHOLSTERER.- CANmako your «slip covers now.avoid therush. B4-Brook Avenue. >'Phone.-1036.

, DYSENTER.Y CURE. ,'.,',i* ""».·'.'.rrrr:.i.,,r. ,,.,...¦....,_<,_.

WADE'S DIARRHOEA AND DYSEN-.tery Compound. Cuy«*_ diarrhoea anddysentery, cholera morbus, cramp colic,bilious colic, painters' colic, chronicdiarrhoea, cholera (nfantum, and allsummer complaints;'excellent for chil¬dren teething; pleasant and agreeable totake. Highly recommended by physi¬cians, professional nurses and druggists.See testimonials of what those who havoused it have to say about it. Over nrtyyear's reputation behind every bottlo.Price, 25 cents per bottle. All druggists.


YOUR AVATCH REPAIRED OR CLEAN-ed by WM. TOBI EN, Jr., is a guaranteethat It Is done properly; 20 years' experi¬ence. Cleaning, 11.00; Main Spring«,$1.00. 408 East Broad Street. All workguaranteed.

AWNINGS.AAVNINGS AND SCREENS MADE TOorder; estimates cheerfully given. C.B. NORVELL, _U*_ North Sixth Street.'Phone 4S».

__________ _


WANTED, OLD GOLD AND SILA*ER INany condition; highest uash prices paid,or will givo watches. Jewelry, silverwarein exchange. A. M. MEYER & BRO.,Jowelers, No. 523 Broad Street. Rich¬mond, Va.


.PHONE 1354, RAPID TRANSFER CO.,E. M. Tralnum, Manager, for freight,furniture, plunos and hauling of all de¬scription; careful drivers; terms reason¬able.

TEE-DEi-BRANHCES.The following Branch Offices havo

beon established for tho benefit ofthoBO living at a distance from thoMain Offlco of The Tlmes-Dlspatch.The Tee-Deo Wants left at any ofthese branches will receive tho same

careful attention as, though th*y hudbeen loft at the Main Office, andthere will bo no extra cost to tho ad¬vertiser:SLAUGHTER'S DRUG STORE, Twen-tyflfth and Venable Street«.

W. F. EANES, Twenty.fifth and LeighStreets,

A. A. SCOTT, Twenty-fifth and BroadStreets,

ROBERT J, WILLIAMS, Twenty-firstand Marshall Streets,

R, H. M. HARRISON, Fousliee andBroad Streets,

a, W, Lattlmer, No. 800 West Mar¬shall Street.

THOMPSON'S DRUG STORE, No, 1621West Main 8treet,

I. L. BEVERIDGE, Brook Avenue andClay Street.

RADY'S DRUG STORE, BartonHeights.

PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE, No. 3900Wllllam.burg Avenue, Fulton,

ROBIN'S PHARMACY, No. 200 EastMarshall Street.

CITY DRUG STORE, No, 1444 EastMain Street, corne. Fifteenth.

JUD60N CUNNINGHAM, No. 2037East Main, corner Twenty.first.

PINE 8TREET PHARMACY, No. 334South Pine Street,

POINDEXTER-KIRK-PARRI8H CO.,No, 412 Eaut Broad Street.

THE PARAGON PHARMACY, No. 801West Cary Street.

EATON PHARMACY, Twenty.elghthand ? Streets.

RISON'S PHARMACY, No, 119 CanalStreet.

J. T, LEWIS, No. 4 E, Broad Street.


SLAG,"GRANITE AND GRAVEL ROCÎF^lng, guaranteed for ten years. Refer¬ence: American National Bank (sky··scraper), Mutual Assurance Bunding(skyscraper), Jefferson Hotel, NewRichmond Hotel, Chesterfield Flats,American Tobacco Co,, American CanCo., American Locomotive AVorks, Rich,.mond Cedar .,*orks. Gallego Mille. AVrit*.for price to AliMITAGB MFG. CO.,Richmond. Va. *WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING.

BEST MAIN SPRINGS, GUARANTEED,75c. AVhy pay others $1.00 or $1.50. Clean,lng watches, 75c; watch glasses, 16c,C. HOULGRAVE. The Reliable Jeweler,222 East Broad, corner Third.


IF YOU APPRECIATE THE BEST ANDpurest, ask for Purity Flavoring Ex¬tracts. If your grocer doesn't hs-ndle 1-,ask him to, or address PURITY MFG.CO., 2300 Church Hill Avenue, Rich¬mond, Va.


BROOK AVENUE HARNESS CO., 82JBrook Avenue. 'Phone HIS. Ajl kinds orharness made to order; repairing·promptly and neatly done. il. c.STERNHEliM-ER, Proprietor.BUSINESS MEN'S QUICK LUNCH.

DO YOU KNOAV THAT YOU. CAN GETbetter value for your money and In lesstime at HOTEL LAAVRENCE CAFE'SQuick Business Men's Lunch Counterthan any placo In the city? Ir you.don't know It one trial will convince you.Twelfth and Main.


THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK IS THEplace to deposit your money. They willtake care of It for you, and roturn theprincipal on demand, and interest if itstays ninety days.


SEE J. W. SARGEANT ABOUT PLUMB-lng, steam and hot water; lot me heatyour home, overhaul your bath room.AVta are masters of tho details and keepa force of skilled workmen to serve youat G20 E. Main Street, Richmond, Va.


all kinds of repair work and rubber tiresgo to P. R. PHILLIPS & CO.. 402 and404 North Seventh. ...

flXOE ?£-G??___?3_G· ?2_?_____75C. HALFSOLB MEN'S SHOES, O0C.¦halfsole ladles' shoes; white, oak soles,sewed on the same machine as they aremade; no big, ugly stitches to rip liketho cobbler sews by hand; no squeaking,no pegs. Cut out this coupon and bringwith shoes and we will accept It for 15c.cash debate during the week ending June24th. Our own make sewed AVorklngShoe, $2. Rubber heels,- Sic DREWSELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY. 71« EastMain Street. "Phone 2C67, Send any¬where. ...


WHY NOT ORDER STRAIGHT. GOODS.They are flnst-class and cost no morethan seconds. I have been supplyingmy. trade with straight whiskies directfrpm distillery for the past 12 years.Three-year-old Straight Kentucky Ryesand Bourbons as low as $2.»0 per gallon,cannot be equaled at tho price. Gibsonand Montlcello (Spring 1899), $4 per gal¬lon; Overholt and Calvert (Spring 1900),$3.50 per gallan; Meliwood, Atnerton andMaysvllle Club (Spring 1900), $3 per. gal-Ion; Carroll (Spring 1801), $2.50 per gal¬

lon; Jessamine County Rye ?901), $2._ß pergallon; Straight Holland Gins, Î2, $2.60and $-'1 per gallon ; Valley of VirginiaClaret, 6-quart bottles, $1.75; ImportedClaret. 6-ouart bottles, $2.60; 6-year OldStraight Malt (Medicinal), $3.50; 3-yearOld Corn Whiskey, $2.00 por gallon. Nocharge for jugs and packing on goods at$3.00 per gallon or over. Express prepaid

on goods over $3.00 per gallon. Remitby certified check, registered letter, ex¬

press or money order. P. G. KELLY,Box 89. Ttlchmond- Va._

MISCELLANEOUS^WHITE AS SNÖAV, SNOW WHITEShoe Polish. Try. It, prlco 5c. atRLANICS'S, The Prescription DruggistStores.

OLD MAIDS PAINT THEIR FACE3,wise men paint their roofs. AVe sell theliest roof paint to be. had at low price.VAUGHAN, 602 E. Broad.

MONEY! MONEYlWANTED.TO BORROW MONEY AT fiper cent. AVI11 give new frame houSesas security. Call up 4992.


NEW AND SECOND-HAND BICYCLESbought, sold and exchanged; bicycle sun¬dries; good tires cheap; ropuiring a spe¬cialty and guaranteed, D. W.VAUGHN. 618 East Main Street.


11" YOU NEED A SUPPORT FORtinkle, knee-or hip use Hill's Detachable.It has no equal. Can ba changed fromuno shoe to another in a moment. G. G.HILL, 12 E. Main.


TRY UB ON PRINTING; WB KNOWwe can suit you. TAYLOR & TAYLORPRINTING CO., Quick Printers, No. IGuveruor Str-M-t.


QUADRUPLE AVRAPPED CAKES FORentlng, convenient for. hasty lunched,and ''bites" between inoals. Sold every¬where'


FRANCIONE'S IS TUB PLACE TOsatisfy yourself when you are hungry,???? thirsty. Thoro you will find all thodelicacies of the season, and Oysters a

specialty all tho summer. Dinner, 8 to10 dishes, only 3Sc Open till 3 ?. M.Htñ-7 East Broad Street.


KEEP YOUR STORE COOL ANDshady. Just call 'phone 2570 and COPE-LAND & CO. will do tho rest by fur¬nishing you an up-to-date awning. Gettheir prices. 108 N. Ninth Street.


HATS OF EVERY DESCRIPTIONbleached, dyed or blocked, THURS-TON'S, No. 308 North Fifth Street.


OLD TIPS, PLUMES AND BOAS MADEnew In tho latest colors; bring yoursamples nnd lot us dye your feathers to»natch your irimmlngs. TIIURSTON'S,808 North Fifth.


HALF-PRICE MONDAY, JUNE .1DTH.only, If you out out this coupon andbring with cash ami shoes; 76c hnlfsoloiimn*a shoes, 38c; 00c. halfsoin ladies'«hoes, 80c; íffio. boys' halfsoles, 33c; 40c.children's halfsoles, 20*·. Every pairsowed, no nulla, no pegs. AVe will notsend for shoes at tho above prices, Onepair shoes to each' customer only. Owrown mako AVorklng «lions for Men, 12,00.DREW'S ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY,7115 E, Main Street.

BAKERY.BEST HOME-MADE BREAD, FRENCH,Vienna and German Rye Bread! Cakesand, Pies a specialty; rotiaurante unaprivate families supplied, NEW YORKBAKERY. 4K> W. Broad. 'Phone ¡¡ßna,

10O, SPONGE CAKES: LARGE ANDnlco; ii-ll). jelly roll, 26c; angel cuke,«Oc. PRINKARDS, 423 *.*. North Sixth.


AVE BEG TO ANNOUNCE THE OPEN-Ing of Ihe most up-to-date decorativeshop of Hh kind In the South. Makers ofthings decorative In "Arts nnd Crafts"design« nf wood, leather, metal, plasterand various other stuffs; decorativepainting and enamollng* as It should be;artists In draperies making; upholster¬ing and repairing of furniture, reflnlRh-Ing antique nnd other furnlttirft ln all tholatest finishes, Flemish, Antwerp, DutchMission. A special Invitation extendedthe ladles to visit our beautiful showroom; Ideas and designs nt their dis¬posal for beautifying tho homo; Interior*of tha prominent houses on exhibition.Calls appreciated. EMPIRE DECCOSHOPPES, 209 W. Broad, Fred A. Sut¬ton, Mgr. Next to Thompson's.



EMPIRE SIGN CO.SIGNS THAT Ap¬peal. The moat modern «nop in tho Houtn,of every material and description. Man¬ufacturers of mirrors and gliding onglass, AVo nro tho only manufacturer·«,or engraved brass, nickel and coppersigns In tho South; also only manufac¬turers of chipped, engraved and emboss¬ed glass signs; highest clnss advertisingsigns a specialty. Up-to-date showcards. Visit our show rooms,' 209 WestBroad, noxt to Thompktn's. FRED A.SUTTON. Manager._



? =r


Richmond, Va-, June let, 1006.THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFOREexisting for the conduct of the Coal andAVood business, by the undersigned, un¬der the style ot William H. Culllng-worth & Company, Ellison & McUaw,Successors, haa been this day dissolvedby mutual consent. All of the liabili¬ties ot the concern havo beon assumed,and will be paid by Stephan A. Ellison,to whom all debts due the late concernshould be paid.


Referring to the above notice of dis¬solution. I take this method of Informine;the public that I will continuo the Cooland Wood Business at Seventeenth andDock Streets under the style of StepnenA. Ellison & Company. AVIth Increasedfacilities I respectfully solicit the pa¬tronage of the ouatomers of our oldfirm and the public.



Office ofVirginia-Carolina,, Chemical Co«,

Richmond, Va., June 18, 1905.DIVIDEND NO. 89.

THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS HAVEthis day declared a Dividend of 2 PerCent. (Two Per Cent.), the samo being-Quarterly Dividend-No, 89 on the pre¬ferred Stock of this Company, payableJuly 15th. 1805, when checks will bemailed to nil Preferred Stockholders ofrecord at tno close of business June ¡iïtn.Books for transfer of Preferred Stock,will bo closed from 8 P. M., June 29th,to 10 A. iti July 20th« ,

S. W. TRAVEHS., Treasurer.

Virginia «Fire and MarineInsurance Company,

Richmond, Va., June 20, 1003.DIA'IDEND.THE DIRECTORS OF THISCompany have declared- a semi-annualDividend of Four Per Cent, (free oftax), payable to -StocKhoiders ot recordJuen 20th,-1804, from which dato to July

.1st, 1005, i the .Transfer Books, will beclosed. Checks for this'Dividend will bemailed to Stockholders. Changes of ad¬dress should be no tilled tho company.

AVM. H. M'CARTHY, Secretary.


OF THE COUNTY OF-HENRICO,JUNE 10TH, 1905.In the Matter of tho Estate of MargaretR. Gresham, Dec'd.

EX PARTE.It appearing to the court that a report

of the accounts of E. AA'. Gates, Executorof Margaret R. Gresham, dec'd, and a re¬port of the debts and demands againstsaid decedent's estate havo been died inthe office of this court, and more than oneyear having elapsed since the qualificationof the said administrator, now, on thomotion of Robert AV- Crafton, Jr., a

legatee of said Margaret R. Gresham,deo'd, It ls ordered that the creditors, ifany there be, of said Margaret R. Gres¬ham, dec'd, do show cause, If any theycan, on tho 18th day of July, 1905, beforothis court, against the payment and de¬livery of the estate of the said decedent,Margaret R. Gresham, to her legatees,without requiring refunding bonds fromany of them.And it Is ordered that a copy of this

order bo published once ? week for foursuccessive weeks In Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch,a newspaper published In tho city of Rich¬mond, Ara. «

? copy.Teste:E..R. PHILLIPS Deputy Clerk.

R. R. Flornncc, Counsel.Ju ll-law-4w


The public Is hereby notified that onApril 1st, 1801, the City Bank of Klcn-mond, A'a., Issued to Wm. R. Trlgg, lateof the city of Richmond, Its deposit re¬ceipt for fft,0_, being· amount of hla sub¬scription to 41 shares of tho (Increased)capital stock of said Bank, by which re¬

ceipt snld Bank agreed to issue to saidA\'m. R. Trlgg upon the return thereof acertittcato of stock for said 41 shares, anathat the said deposit receipt has boon lostand that application lias been mado by theundersigned to the said Bnnk for the Issu¬ance of said stock certlllcute, and thepublic Is warned against trading for saiareceipts. ROBERTA H. TRIGO,Solo Exootitrlx and Legatco of Wm. R.Trlgg, Deo'd,"Richmond, Va., June Oth, 1906.

Ju U-law-5w


Notice to Tax-Payers.Offlco of Collector of City Taxes,


nance provides that one-halt may bepaid in Juno, and the remaining halfIn Decomber. Failure to pay all or one-

half In «Juno Inours a ponalty of 6 percent, on the whole amount, which Is dueat once, and If not paid before SEP¬TEMBER 1st the Collector Is required tolevy, with cOHts added. (See ChapterXIV.. Beo. 7.)ALL MALES 21 years of age. ALLPERSONO (MALE OR FEMALE) whoown para.nal property, or hold personal

prot*er_Y na fiduciary, and all partie.,conducting business In the oily of Rich¬mond (of whatever naturo) are assessed,

and will please call and settle,, so us toavoid delinquency.Gradin«.. Paving., Pipe and Sewer Con¬

nection Bills are payable in tho namein»nnur us Tiixuu, and at lha same tun·.Give uuinu In which property stands,

anil see that you get all your titila.Tilla being the only notice provided

for by law, plea«., give It ¡*»ompt atten¬tion, as under tlie now ari manco 6 percent, penalty will have m bo added tothe whcle b"W after June/u.th.

F. W. CUNNINGHAM,JuMmo Collector of City Tax.a,


OPEN 10 A. M. TO 0 ?, M.ADMISSION, ailO.



The Finish Had Distinctively"aDeath Struggle



The Forts and the Squadron Allin Action at the Same


(By Associated Press.)FORT MONROE, VA., Juno 17.~Th·

Ja_st half hour of the war game between,the army and navy, ending* at noon to¬day, eclipsed all engagements of theweek In every feature of the spcctactllarpossible In sham battles. The fleet UnderAdmiral DIcklns, headed by hie fiag-shlp Toxas, sailing: ln single column cloneIn shore, passed every gun of Fort Mon¬roe. Every ship of tho fleet was ln ao-tlon at the same time, .and every gun of


the fifteen ships was being· served te th* «

limit of rapidity.On the one side was Fort Monroe a* a »

target and on tho other Fort Wool.With equal energy and rapidity «ie fortsreplied; whllo the squadro.! was on·that would bo impossible in war It' de¬pleted a scene which left nothing to th*Imagination ln tho realisation of* the !magnificence of battle.

Death Struggle Effect.Every effect was there except the ef¬

fect of the shells. Strategic play forposition and favorable conditions wereabandoned that thc Inspiration of "battlemight bo attained by the man behind thegrins. That tho closing minutes of the**gamo produced this "death struggle" ef¬fect thero can be no doubt.In the line of battle throe of the moni- ·'

tors followed the Texas. They were theFlorida, Arkansas and Nevada, -all paint«ed with war color. Then came the cruis¬ers Newark and Atlanta, painted white..The old Hartford was next In lino. Themonitor Puritan, with the liaval mllltlaof the District of-Columbla, preceded thefour destroyers, the "Whlpple. the W<t"r*.n. '

McDonough and Stewart, whllo tho.Hor-jnet. Siren and Silvia brought tip- therear. The battleflag of the Texas: wentdown and she ceased firing, as she hadgotten well past the tort, and this exam¬ple was followed toy the unite of thesquadron as they successively reachedthe same point; In this way the conflictreached Its end gradually, and as thelast gunboat went out of action the fortsent up a huge smoke bomb, Indicating:that tho Joint exercises of the army andnavy were at an end.

Psychological. Moment.The shlpe proceeded up Hampton Roads

after cablegrams had' been exchangedbetween Admiral DIcklns "and "General"Wade. The last day of the war gameopened with an attack on Fort Monroeat dawn 'by tho destroyers and the gun-*boat-5 of Admiral D-lcklns's fleet. Justbotween dark and daylight there Is a

brief period when conditions are mostfavorable for offensive naval operations,It being too light for the searchlightsto be effectively operated, and too darkto see without them. These conditionswere taken advantago pf by AdmiralDIcklns this morning, and, thre^ oj .hisdestroyers and two gunboats crept closeto tho walls of the fort beforo they werediscovered.An Incoming steamship also gave pro¬

tection to the mosquito flotilla, whlcahanked Itself in the lee of the big «hipand floated closo ln before being seen.

Tho fusilado was brief, but lively, and atits conclusion the offending craft de¬parted toward the Capes.


(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)NOTTOWAY C. H. VA.; June TI.-In

consequenco of a very pressing* Invitation,from many citizens of Plttsylvanla coun¬ty, Judgo Mann has cancelled anotherappointment and -will speak In Chathamon Monday. Judge Mann says ho haagained eoi rapidly of late that he be¬lieves It Is now time to carry the war

Into the enemy's «country.

The Very Fastest."Hero'ii a western man who c)alm» to he,v_

invented a machine that Is the fastest thingknown.""I think I hod an experience with the fastest

tiling known last nicht.". "How was that?''

"I M-aui setting separated from a. porou·piaster.".Houston Post.

WANTED,Experienced Shoe


SEYMOUR SYCLE,633 E. Broad Street.

¦___-NI BET INQ8.


Zi*"THE ST??ED COMMUNICATION_*____ or Manchester Longe No. 14, A» F./VN & a. M., will be held at the MasonicTemple, Manchester. Va., Monday liven¬ing, May 19th, 1905. at ß o'clock. Member«of sister lodges nnd transient brethrencordially Invited (a attend.By order of the XV. M.

_R. E, BROWN, aooretary,

Jt, A CALLED COMMUNICATIONJG\ of Richmond Lodge No, 10, A. v. &,^ A. M. will be held»*, Masonic Tem¬

pla To-morrow 'Mondt-y. Evening at ·o'clock. Momi'Di-i and visiting brethrenare fraternally Invited to bo present.

?*. ?- SNEAD, Bdcrutury.

The Confederate Museum*TWELFTH AND CLÀT STREETS.Open» dally from * A. M. to 6 f, u.

.dml-mlon, 2$ cents. Fr-»· on Staturd..·-.


rtiirui model or «ketch for tree, »pinion M te»pstautablllly, Send for Illustrated Util*· Book.Contain· 10O meon-tntoU movement· »?! ?,?ß?OK INVENTIONS \VA_NTE& PartioUl»*-KBW TKADB-MARK LAW. COPTRiaHT, el·.Talent« *«·*?«_p?»?,? tr·» Id World's Fron«·.(lampi· copy free,

EVANS. WILKENS 4 CO,Reglitered Patent Attornoy-u

.lä ? Street, W««hlngteil. D. *.