Solution Statement Template

Solution Statement Template

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Solution Statement Template. Project name. Solution title - Use 1 statement for each solution. Presentation title goes here in Arial 36pt regular. Reference #. Project owner xxx. Solution owner xxx. The Solution Background / Issues - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Solution Statement Template

Presentation title goes here in Arial 36pt regular Subheading/Speaker’s name in Arial 24pt regular

Date in Arial Roman 24pt regular

The Solution

Background / Issues• Highlight the issues and their root causes (as

identified during the diagnostics) • •

Solution• Briefly describe the solution and point how it will fix the

issue• •


To evaluate the ease of implementation, highlight in this section:• The magnitude of the change. For this your may want

to explain what is in scope and what is out of scope• The resources required• The timeframe until full implementation• The potential risks / challenges to implement and how

to manage them• Major dependencies

Solution title - Use 1 statement for each solutionReference


Ease of Implementation

Low Medium High

Project name

Solution ownerxxx

Project ownerxxx

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Date in Arial Roman 24pt regular


Expected impact on KPIs

Other Benefits• List other benefits not included in KPI• • • • •


Solution title (cont.)- Use 1 statement per solution

Description Cost FrequencyKPI Description Baseline Target


Low Medium High

Impact on KPI

Low Medium High

Does our solution have a positive impact on: Yes / NoPatient Flow / Access

Patient Outcomes

Patient Experience

Patient Safety

Staff Experience

Waste Reduction

Solution Statement Example

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Date in Arial Roman 24pt regular

The Solution

Background / Issues• NEAT performance for the hospital was on average

58% over the last 12 months, while our target is 75%• Process mapping and data analysis highlighted that

the turnaround time for pathology analysis was on average 2h33min.

• Tests is the number one delay for 65% of ED patients • Root causes:1) Pathology samples taken in ED are not

differentiated from those taken throughout the hospital

2) No mechanism exists for urgency of sample to be communicated to laboratory staff

Solution• ED and Lab will agree on turnaround time for main

tests (see attachment)• ED and Lab staff will develop special ED stickers • Lab will provide 6 education sessions to ED staff • Research: Hospital Gama proved a 5% NEAT

improvement through better labelling (med. Journal, 2013, ed Nov, p40)


• Turnaround time will only be agreed for the 4 main tests: full blood count, EUC, CRP, NPA. These represent 80% of the ED urgent tests.

• No major resources required (stickers and time for 6 training sessions)

• Implementation from 01/02/15 to 10/03/15• Implementation led by Lab manager, closely

supported by ED NUM and ANUMs• No major dependency identified• Major risks:1) Non compliance of turnaround time: performance

and impact will be reviewed monthly at committee meeting

2) New staff / on leave staff not trained: absent staff will be allocated a buddy, training to be recorded in training roster / welcome training, pamphlets available in storage room next to laboratory supplies

Solution 1: Pathology Sample LabellingReference#4Nsol1

Ease of Implementation

Low Medium High

4Neat: Improving patient flow in the Emergency Department

Solution ownerLab manager (Michael Blood)

Project ownerED project manager (Greg Gantt)

Presentation title goes here in Arial 36pt regular Subheading/Speaker’s name in Arial 24pt regular

Date in Arial Roman 24pt regular


Expected impact on KPIs

Other Benefits•Patient satisfaction will be measured before and after the implementation•Expectations will be clearer which will help staff prioritise their work, and increase their satisfaction• Timely results can also lead to better patient outcome when time is critical • This first project will strengthen working relationships between ED and lab•Reduced repeated requests and blood collection


Pathology Sample Labelling (cont.)

Description Cost FrequencyTraining time(6 x 30min)

6 x .05 x $60 = $180 Once (Feb 2015)

Stickers and printing $50 Monthly (ongoing)

KPI Description Baseline TargetPathology turnaround time 2h33 1h15

NEAT (impact of this solution) 58% 63%


Low Medium High

Impact on KPI

Low Medium High

Does our solution have a positive impact on: Yes / NoPatient Flow / Access

Patient Outcomes

Patient Experience

Patient Safety

Staff Experience

Waste Reduction