Oline.Partner. Api SOLUTION DOCUMENTATION 19-02-2019 Contents Introduction....................................................... 3 User Password hashing..............................................3 Definitions........................................................ 3 Active.................................................................5 ETUser.................................................................5 HAWK Header............................................................5 PricePrSqm / RentPrSqm.................................................5 Partner................................................................5 Portal.................................................................5 status............................................................. 5 Develop................................................................5 Beta...................................................................5 Production.............................................................5 API models......................................................... 6 brokers............................................................ 6 count..................................................................6 favorites.......................................................... 7 GET....................................................................7 POST...................................................................8 DELETE.................................................................8 metadata........................................................... 8 intervals..............................................................8 interesttypes..........................................................8 propertytypes..........................................................9 categories.............................................................9 sortorders/propertytype................................................9 geotypes...............................................................9 wordtypes.............................................................10 provincemunics........................................................10 searchword............................................................10 searchwords/propertyType..............................................10 Solution Documentation.docx Page 1 / 36

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ContentsIntroduction...............................................................................................................................3User Password hashing............................................................................................................3Definitions.................................................................................................................................3



HAWK Header..................................................................................................................................................5

PricePrSqm / RentPrSqm.................................................................................................................................5






API models............................................................................................................................... 6brokers......................................................................................................................................6
















refTypes / PropertyLogRefType.....................................................................................................................13



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GET list/searchFilterId...................................................................................................................................14

PUT list/searchFilterId...................................................................................................................................15



GET map/searchFilterId.................................................................................................................................16


PUT map/searchFilterId.................................................................................................................................16

POST list.........................................................................................................................................................16

POST map......................................................................................................................................................16

search.....................................................................................................................................17GET searchFilterId.........................................................................................................................................17




subscriptions...........................................................................................................................18GET agent......................................................................................................................................................18

POST agent....................................................................................................................................................18

DELETE agent/searchFilterId.........................................................................................................................18

POST agent/searchFilterId.............................................................................................................................18

PUT agent/searchFilterId/name....................................................................................................................18

DELETE agent/searchFilterId/name...............................................................................................................18

GET agent/list/searchFilterId.........................................................................................................................18

GET agent/map/searchFilterId......................................................................................................................18

GET notification/notificationId......................................................................................................................18

GET inbox.......................................................................................................................................................19

GET inbox/count............................................................................................................................................19

PUT inbox/notificationId...............................................................................................................................19

PUT inbox/all.................................................................................................................................................19

users.......................................................................................................................................19POST users/anonymous................................................................................................................................19

GET users/information..................................................................................................................................19

PUT users/information..................................................................................................................................19

DELETE users/login.......................................................................................................................................19

POST users/login...........................................................................................................................................19

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PUT users/login/changepassword.................................................................................................................19

POST users/login/forgotpassword................................................................................................................19

POST users/login/creation.............................................................................................................................20

GET users/devicetoken..................................................................................................................................20

POST users/devicetoken................................................................................................................................20


IntroductionThis document’s purpose is to describe Ejendomstorvet’s Partner API, its Endpoints and data in depth.

The API will provide most of its responses with error codes, messages and whether the input was valid, whenever possible. Errorcodes can be viewed in this document.

User Password hashingThe password of the user must be hashed before sending it through the API. The password is concatenated with a salt. The salt is as follows:

gdhfjkgdhfjk54785364fsdghjfsdgjh4534æøåThe algorithm for hashing goes like this

1) Concatenate the password with the salt2) Encode to bytes using the ANSII code page3) Hash using MD54) Remove any dashes ‘-‘ and change to uppercase


User’s password: AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs

1) Add hash:


2) Encode to bytes using ANSI:41-6C-6C-59-6F-75-72-42-61-73-65-41-72-65-42-65-6C-6F-6E-67-54-6F-55-73-67-64-68-66-6A-6B-67-64-68-66-6A-6B-35-34-37-38-35-33-36-34-66-73-64-67-68-6A-66-73-64-67-6A-68-34-35-33-34-E6-F8-E5

3) Hash with MD5:5C-69-04-D8-55-9A-03-C2-F3-97-9C-03-54-B4-52-94

4) Remove any dash and change any letter to uppercase:5C6904D8559A03C2F3979C0354B45294

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DefinitionsHere is an overview of what will be mentioned, and what specifically is described.

Any call (with minor exceptions) to the API, must contain the following headers:


Word Description

Active A property is active, when the broker puts it “online”. If the property is not active, it is no longer for sale/rent.

ETUser Is a Guid and must be provided where applicable. On the API’s documentation (swagger), and in this document, it will be specified when this header may be left empty.

HAWK Header Is for authorization purposes. An API key is handed out by Sima.dk and must be stored safely on the Partner’s responsibility. Any misusage of the key can result in revoking of the key.

PricePrSqm / RentPrSqm

The PricePrSqm, and RentPrSqm are based around BaseArea if the property is of category “Parcel”. Otherwise it’s based around FloorArea

Partner The ‘Partner’ is the organization which has been given access to any of the Partner API’s. The partner is given a key and holds full responsibility for correct use of both the key and the API.

Portal www.ejendomstorvet.dk – the main site of Ejendomstorvet.

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statusThis group of endpoints consists of one call which can be called anonymously (without HAWK- and ETUser headers).The call provides the Partner with local server time, whether they are online or not and where to find them.

property type DescriptionServerUtcTime DateTime UTC time according to the server.

Use this to ensure that the client and server agree on the time with a maximum difference of 5 minutes

MinimumAndroidVersion String The minimum versionnumber on Android that the client should allow.

MinimumiOSVersion String The minimum versionnumber on iOS that the client should allow.

ServiceEnvironments List of ServiceEnvironment Each ServiceEnvironment unveils data whether the environment is offline, the path, version and name.

The different environments are explained here:

DevelopThis environment will mostly be used for proof-of-concept and does not reflect the data on the portal, instead the data provided are all test-based data.

BetaThis environment reflects what’s to come, and serves as the name implies, as beta-testing. Data from this environment is based around what is on the portal.

ProductionThis environment reflects the portal as close as possible with minor differences. This should be used for any release-builds.

API modelsThe API Models can be seen by clicking on ”Model” under the methods’ respective requests in Swagger (marked yellow).

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brokersCan be used to get information about brokers.

countReturns the total number of brokers.

favoritesAnything related to the user’s favorites are listed here.

GETReturns a list of favorites for a registered user. Inputting an anonymous user, will return 404. The model’s properties in details:

property type DescriptionId Integer (32-bit) The identifying key of the property.ImageThumbnailUrl String A thumbnail of the first image of this

property in the dimensions 620x400Category Enum (string) See categories in this document IsFavorite Boolean Indicates if this property is on the

input user’s favorite list. IsNew Boolean Indicates if the property was

recently uploadedIsPopular Boolean Indicates if the property is popularHasNewPrice Boolean Indicates if the price has been

recently changedInterestType Enum (string) See interesttypes in this documentHeading String A short heading, to peak the user’s

interestAddress String Streetname, number and if

applicaple, floorPostal Integer (32-bit) 4-digit postal codeCity String Name of the city under the

property’s postalAreaSqm Integer (32-bit) The area of the property/parcel.Price Long (64-bit) Price of the property, if any. If not,

this returns 0PricePrSqm Integer (32-bit) Price per area in squaremeters.

Returns 0 if there is no priceRentalPrice Long (64-bit) Yearly rental price of the property.

Returns 0 if there is noneRentalPrSqm Integer (32-bit) Yearly rental price per

squaremeters.Returns 0 if there is none

Return Double (2 decimals) The return-rate in percentage. RedirectToBroker String The url to use when the user wishes

to see the property, on the broker’s page. This is empty when the property has no redirect url.

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ViewPropertyUrl String The url to use when the user wishes to see details about the property.

IsHighlighted Boolean Returns true if this property is part of paid advertising in this list.

POSTInserts a favorite for a registered user using PropertyId. Returns 404 if the user was not found. Otherwise this returns 201

DELETERemoves the favorite for a user. 404 if the user is not registered. Otherwise this returns 204.

metadataReturns categories, intervals etc. All methods may omit using the ETUser header.

GETReturns one combined response of all below calls, divided into the respective PropertyTypes.

intervalsReturns a list of valid interval names which the API will expect. When using these in searchfilter, the minimum and maximum values will filter the results using the input values.

property type DescriptionName String The name to use when

doing requestsDisplayNameEN String The name to display in

EnglishDisplayNameDK String The name to display in

DanishDefaultMinimum Integer (32-bit) The default

minimumvalue of this interval

DefaultMaximum Integer (32-bit) The default maximumvalue of this interval

AbsoluteMinimum Integer (64-bit) The minimum value that should never be exceeded

AbsoluteMaximum Integer (64-bit) The maximum value that should never be exceeded

interesttypesReturns a list of valid interesttypes which the API will expect

property type DescriptionName String The name to use when

doing requests

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DisplayNameEN String The name to display in English

DisplayNameDK String The name to display in Danish

propertytypesReturns a list of valid propertytypes which the API will expect

property type DescriptionName String The name to use when

doing requestsDisplayNameEN String The name to display in

EnglishDisplayNameDK String The name to display in


categoriesReturns a list of valid categories which the API will expect.

property type DescriptionName String The name to use when

doing requestsDisplayNameEN String The name to display in

EnglishDisplayNameDK String The name to display in


sortorders/propertytypeReturns a list of valid sort orders for the input propertytype, which the API will expect.

property type DescriptionName String The name to use when

doing requestsDisplayNameEN String The name to display in

EnglishDisplayNameDK String The name to display in


geotypesReturns a list of valid geotypes:


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Returns a list of valid regions


Returns a list of valid areas. Areas are locations of varying sizes that are not necessarily officially defined otherwise.


Returns a list of valid provinces


Returns a list of valid municipalities


Returns a list of valid postal codes and the names of the cities

wordtypesReturns a list of valid wordtypes as a list of strings.


provincemunicsThis model returns a list of provinces, each with a list of municipalities or postals under which they belong

property type DescriptionGeoType GeoType View the geotypes section in this

documentGeoName String The name of the situation

searchwordSearchwords are modelled like this:

property type DescriptionWordId Integer (32-bit) The identifying key of the word.ParentId Integer (3-bit), nullable If applicable, this declares that the

word has a parent of the input idWordType WordType See the wordtypes section in this

documentWord String The word to display and use

searchwords/propertyTypeTo receive a list of suggestions to present the enduser, use this together with one of the valid propertytypes.

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propertiesThe Property methods gives one the opportunity to get a list of properties with minor or detailed information.

redirect/detailsTakes a propertyId, searchFilterId and a refType as input. See the reftype list in this document for further explaining.

property type DescriptionId Integer (32-bit) The identifying key of the property.ImageUrls Array of strings A list of the large images of this

property in the dimensions 1200x775

Category Enum (string) See the category list in this document

IsFavorite Boolean Indicates if this property is on the input user’s favorite list

IsNew Boolean Indicates if the property was recently uploaded

IsPopular Boolean Indicates if the property is popularInterestType Enum (string) See the interesttype list in this

documentIntroText String An introduction to further peak the

user’s interestDescription String A lengthy description of the

property.Heading String A short heading, to peak the user’s

interestAddress String Streetname, number and if

applicaple, floorPostal Integer (32-bit) 4-digit postal codeCity String Name of the city under the

property’s postalFloorAreaSqm Integer (32-bit) The floorarea of the property in

squaremeters.Price Long (64-bit) Price of the property, if any. If not,

this returns 0PricePrSqm Integer (32-bit) Price per area in squaremeters.

Returns 0 if there is no price.RentalPrice Long (64-bit) Yearly rental price of the property.

Returns 0 if there is noneRentalPrSqm Integer (32-bit) Yearly rental price per

squaremeters.Returns 0 if there is none.

Return Double (2 decimals The return-rate in percentageRedirectToBroker String The url to use when the user wishes

to see the property, on the broker’s page. This is empty if the property does not have a redirect url.

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BaseArea Integer (32-bit) The parcel-area if any

(redirect/details continued..)

property type DescriptionSecondaryArea Integer (32-bit) The area of any secondary

properties that belong to this case.IsActive Boolean Indicates if this property is active.Latitude / Longitude Double Together, these describe the precise

location of the propertyIsSale Boolean Indicates if this property is for saleIsRental Boolean Indicates if this property is for rentEnergyMarks Array of strings The array of energy marks, if anyEnergyMarkLaw Boolean Indicates if energymarks are

required by law on this propertyReturn Double The return rate, in percentageIsProject Boolean Indicates if this property is a projectOperationCost Double Yearly costs to operate the propertyOperationCostPrSqm Double OperationCost, per squaremeterPropertyName String The name of the property, if anyMunicipality String The municipality in which this

property is placedDepriciation Boolean Indicates if this property can be

used for depreciationCaseNumber String The identifying casenumber, used by

the brokerConcealedBrokerMail String The broker’s mail, which has been

concealed. Call the /mail function to receive the mail unconcealed

ConcealedBrokerPhone String The broker’s phonenumber, which has been concealed. Call the /phone function to receive the phonenumber unconcealed

Facilities Array of strings Consists of a list of facilities that this property has

UsageExamples Array of strings A list of usage examples of the property

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refTypes / PropertyLogRefTypeThe following values are allowed as refTypes, and is usually provided by the API:

Name DescriptionProperty Indicates that a user’s previous

display was about a propertyList Indicates that the user acted on a

listGallery Indicates interaction with a gallery –

this type is not provided by any of the API endpoints

Map Indicates interaction with a mapOther Fallback type indicating that the

interaction type is currently not supported by the API

Newest Indicates that a user interacted with a list of the newest properties

MatchingResults Indicates that a user interacted with a list of properties with matching category, pricerange and location

FrontPage Indicates that a user interacted with any property from a frontpage

Favorite Indicates that a user interacted with a property from their favorites list

Advert Indicates that a user interacted with a frontpage or a listing of an advert

AdvertOnProp Indicates an interaction with an advert that is related to the input property

Agent Indicates that a user interacted with their searchagent

InstantNotification Indicates that the user interacted with a notification that fired instantly

DailyNotification Indicates that the user interacted with a notification that fires on a daily basis

redirect/brokerUsing the RedirectToBroker, will return a RedirectAddress string. Caching or other means of saving this response, is strictly forbidden. The Partner must always use this endpoint to retrieve the data.

totalcountReturns the total number of searchable, active properties as an Integer (32-bit)

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newcountReturns the number of searchable, active properties that have been uploaded since the start of request date, as an Integer (32-bit).

lastseenReturns a list of properties that were last seen by the user. The model is PropertyTeaser, with an additional property, LastSeen which is a datetime.

phoneTaking a propertyId as parameter, this will return a PhoneNumber string. Caching or other means of saving this response, is strictly forbidden. The Partner must always use this endpoint to retrieve the data.

mailTaking a propertyId as parameter, this will return an EmailAddress string. Caching or other means of saving this response, is strictly forbidden. The Partner must always use this endpoint to retrieve the data.

contactThis method is used, when a use wishes to get contacted by the broker. The input model looks as follows:

property type DescriptionName String The name of the userCompany String The company, for which the user

worksEmail String The email the user wishes to get

contacted onPhoneNumber String The phonenumber the user wishes

to get contacted onUserHasAcceptedTerms Boolean Indicates that the user has legally

accepted the terms and conditions that were provided by the Partner.

GET list/searchFilterIdTakes the id of the searchfilter, pageNumber (optional), sortorder (optional) and whether the ordering is descending (optional). Returns the following model:

Property type DescriptionTotalNumberOfResults Integer (32-bit) The number of total results that

match this searchfilter’s criteriaSearchFilterId Guid Used in case this filter needs to be

saved etcNumberOfPages Integer (32-bit) The number of total pages with the

input valuesCurrentPageNumber Integer (32-bit) The pagenumber this result

representsProperties Array of PropertyTeasers View the further documentation

about propertyteasers

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PUT list/searchFilterIdTakes a searchfilter and its id as parameters and returns the same model as GET list/searchFilterId. The request model looks like this:

property type DescriptionDisplayOptions DisplayOptions View the further documentation

about displayoptionsSearchFilter SearchFilter View the further documentation

about searchfilters

DisplayOptionsproperty type DescriptionItemsPerPage Integer (32-bit) The number of properties that

should be shown per page. Should never exceed 100 and must be higher than 0.

PageNumber Integer(32-bit) The pagenumber to view which must be higher than 0.

SortByDescending Boolean Defines if the results should be ordered descending or ascending

SortOrder SortOrder View the sortorders in this document.

SearchFilterproperty type DescriptionPropertyType PropertyType View the propertytypes section in

this documentInterestType Array of InterestTypes View the interesttypes section in

this documentCategories Array of Categories View the categories section in this

documentSituations Array of situation View the situations section in this

document.Geometry RadiusSearchRequest RadiusSearchRequest contains a

Center with Latitude and Longitude as decimals. RadiusMetres is an integer.

SearchWords Array of searchword View the searchwords section in this document

Intervals Array of interval View the intervals section in this document.Each interval should also define a minimum and a maximum value. Each being Integet (32-bit) values.

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GET list/searchFilterId/notificationIdTakes both a searchFilterId and a notificationId as parameters, and returns only the list of the properties from the specified notification.

GET map/searchFilterIdTakes a searchFilterId, and returns this model:

property type DescriptionPropertyMapPoints PropertyMapPoint Read on for further documentationSearchFilterId Guid The id of the search filterTotalNumberOfResults Integer (32-bit) The number of results in this output

PropertyMapPointProperty type DescriptionPropertyId Integer (32-bit) The id of the propertyLatitude Double Indicate the specific location of this

property.Longitude DoubleViewPropertyTeaserUrl String The url to use, when teaser

information is required

PUT map/searchFilterIdTakes the same request as PUT list/searchFilterId and responds as GET map/searchFilterId

PUT map/searchFilterId/notificationIdTakes the same request as PUT list/searchFilterId/notificationId and responds as GET map/searchFilterId.

POST listTakes the same searchFilter and display options as discussed earlier and returns a new searchfilterid with the same model as GET list/searchFilterId

POST mapTakes the same searchFilter and display options as discussed earlier and returns a new searchfilterid with the same model as GET map/searchFilterId

GET map/teaser/propertyIdMainly used for when a user interacts with a propertymap model. This model is found here

PUT map/regionalcountUsing the input searchFilterId and limitations, returns a list of the following model:

Property Type DescriptionGeoType String The type of situationGeoName String Name of the current situationNumberOfMatchingProperties Integer (32-bit) The number of properties that are

within this sitatuion

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searchAnything that has to do with a user’s search filter are found here.

POST idIn case of an arbitrary searchFilterId is ever needed, use this endpoint.

GET searchFilterIdUsing this, together with the searchFilterId will return the users Search Filter. The model looking like the following:

property type DescriptionPropertyType Enum View the further documentation

about propertytypesInterestTypes Array of interesttypes View the further documentation

about interesttypesCategories Array of categories View the further documentation

about categoriesSituations Array of situations View the further documentation

about situationsGeometry RadiusSearchRequestSearchWords Array of searchwords View the further documentation

about searchwordsIntervals Array of intervals View the further documentation

about intervals.Each interval should also define a minimum and a maximum value. Each being Integet (32-bit) values.

RadiusSearchRequestproperty type DescriptionCenter Latitude (double)

Longitude (doubleThe center of the input circle that this model will form

RadiusMetres Integer (32-bit) The radius of the input circle, in metres

combinedTakes a request of the first model shown hereafter which will search for valid searchwords that can be used in the searchfilter

property type DescriptionQuery String The input string of what is to be

searchedPropertyType Enum View the further documentation

about propertytypesMaxNumberOfResults Integer (32-bit) Limits the number of results

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The response looking like this:

Property Type DescriptionSearchWordResults Array of SearchWordResult Read further for this modelDisplayWord String The word to displayNumberOfMatchingProperties Integer (32-bit) The number of properties that

contain the word(s)

SearchWordResultProperty type DescriptionWordId Integer (32-bit) The id that the API will use to better

identify the inputParentId Integer (32-bit) – nullable An Id of this word’s parent if anyeWordType String View this document for wordtypesWord String The word to search for

locationSearches for valid locations that can be put into the searchfilter. Uses the same requestmodel as “combined”

The response looking like this:

property type DescriptionGeoType String View the further documentation

about geotypesGeoName String The name of the locationNumberOfMatchingProperties Integer (32-bit) The number of properties that are

situated here

latestReturns a list of the latest SearchFilters

Property type DescriptionSearchFilterId String The id of the searchFilterLastSearchDate DateTime The date of the last time this filter

was usedPills List of strings An overview of which filters were


subscriptionsGET agentReturns a list of the user’s searchagents

POST agentCreates a new search agent and returns its base info.

DELETE agent/searchFilterIdDeletes the input search agent

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POST agent/searchFilterIdCreates an agent with the searchFilterId

PUT agent/searchFilterId/settingsUsing the optional parameters, name, isMailAgent, isDailyPush and isInstantPush – updates the input searchAgent accordingly.

PUT agent/searchFilterId/nameUpdates the name on a search agent

DELETE agent/searchFilterId/nameDeletes the name on a search agent

GET agent/list/searchFilterIdReturns a list of properties, using the search agent’s filter. Optional Parameters: pageNumber, sortOrder, sortDescending.

GET agent/map/searchFilterIdReturns a list of properties, using the search agent’s filter

GET notification/notificationIdReturns a list of properties that match the input notification Id.

property Optional type DescriptionNotificationId False String The notificationId for which

the properties should match

GET inboxReturns a list of notifications for a registered user

GET inbox/countReturns the number of unread notifications for a user

PUT inbox/notificationIdUsing the input notificationId and the optional markAsRead parameter, this sets a notification as read by default.

PUT inbox/allMarks all notifications as read for the user.

usersThis section describes all methods that relates to users.

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POST users/anonymousCreates an anonymous user and returns an Id of that user. This id should be used as the ETUser header where required.

GET users/informationReturns the name and e-mail for the input ETUser.

PUT users/informationUpdates the name and e-mail for the input ETUser.

DELETE users/loginDeletes any kind of user, using the input ETUser header.

POST users/loginPerforms a login, using the input credentials and returns this user’s id.

PUT users/login/changepasswordChanges the input user’s password

POST users/login/forgotpasswordSends an email, helping the user change the password.

POST users/login/creationCreates a new user with the input mail, password and name – then returns an Id.

GET users/devicetokenReturns a list of devicetokens.

POST users/devicetokenAdds the input devicetoken to the list for the input user.

ErrorcodesThis list is an overview of the possible error codes that are returned during validation. Multiple errors may exist on a request, but only one error will be returned at a time.

Here is a quick reference/overview of the codes:

ErrorCode interval Name1000-1999 Errors that have anything to do with the RequestHeaders2000-2999 Errors about the user3000-3999 Errors about a property

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4000-4999 Object errors5000-5999 Search filter errors6000-6999 Subscription errors9999 Unknown error – contact Ejendomstorvet if you face this error.

ErrorCode FieldName Message Detailed1001 IP Invalid IP format The format of the IP

was not recognized1002 UserAgent UserAgent must be entered UserAgent cannot be

null or empty1003 ETUser Missing ETUser header. The ETUser header is

missing and must be added

2001 UserId UserId cannot be null or empty, and must be a valid Guid.

The ETUser header is invalid

2002 Name Name cannot be null or empty. The user’s input name is incorrect

2003 Email Email cannot be null or empty, and must be a valid email.

The email must be valid

2004 Password Password cannot be null or empty, and must be hashed

See the documentation about hashing the password

2005 AcceptRequired User’s accept is required. This ensures that the Partner has been given proactive accept from the user

2006 Company Company name cannot be null or empty.

The user’s input company is incorrect

2007 PhoneNumber PhoneNumber cannot be null or empty and must be a valid phone number

Letters are not allowed etc

2008 UserId The input user is not registered The user did not create a login under the provided userId.

2009 DeviceToken DeviceToken may not be null or empty

The provided DeviceToken must be provided.

2010 Email The input email is already in use.

A different email must be provided

2011 UserNotFound The input email or password were invalid.

The input user could not be found.

3001 PropertyId PropertyId was not found The id of the property seems invalid

3002 PropertyLogRefType PropertyLogRefType was not found or invalid

View the further documentation about propertylogreftypes

4001 DisplayOptions DisplayOptions is null or invalid. The input object was not recognized.

4002 SearchFilter SearchFilter is null or invalid. The input object was not recognized.

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4003 SearchQueryRequest SearchQueryRequest is null or invalid.

The input object was not recognized.

4004 UserContactInfo UserContactInfo is null or invalid.

The input object was not recognized.

4005 AgentUpdateRequest AgentUpdateRequest is null or invalid.

The input object was not recognized.

4006 SearchAgentRequest SearchAgentRequest is null or invalid.

The input object was not recognized.

4007 UserCreateRequest UserCreateRequest is null or invalid.

The input object was not recognized.

4008 UserInformationUpdateRequest UserInformationUpdateRequest is null or invalid.

The input object was not recognized.

4009 UserLoginsRequest UserLoginsRequest is null or invalid.

The input object was not recognized.

5001 SearchId SearchId cannot be null, empty or an empty guid value

5002 ItemsPerPage Items per page must be larger than 0

5003 PageNumber PageNumber must be larger than 0.

5004 SortOrder SortOrder not found View the further documentation about sortorders

5005 PropertyType One or more PropertyTypes were not found

View the further documentation about propertytypes

5006 InterestType One or more InterestTypes were not found

View the further documentation about interesttypes

5007 PropertyCategory One or more property categories were not found

View the further documentation about categories

5008 GeoType One or more GeoTypes were not found

View the further documentation about geotypes

5009 WordType One or more WordTypes were not found.

View the further documentation about wordtypes

5010 Region One or more Regions were not found

View the further documentation about regions

5011 Area One or more Areas were not found

View the further documentation about areas

5012 Province One or more Provinces were not found

View the further documentation about provinces

5013 Municipality One or more Municipalities were not found

View the further documentation about municipalities

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5014 Postal One or more Postals were not found

View the further documentation about postals

5015 IntervalName One or more Interval names were not valid

View the further documentation about intervals

5016 IntervalValues One or more Intervals values were not valid. The Maximum value must be at least larger than Minimum.

Minimum must be smaller than Maximum

5017 IntervalMinimum The Minimum value exceeds the hard limit of 32-bit integers

An Interval has an invalid Minimum value

5018 IntervalMaximum The Maximum value exceeds the hard limit of 32-bit integers

An Interval has an invalid Maximum value

5019 Query The query cannot be null or empty and must be at least 3 characters long before posting

The input query is not allowed to be less than 3 characters long

5020 MaxNumberOfResults Max number of results must be larger than 0.

The number of results must be larger than 0.

5021 Latitude Latitude must be between 54 and 58.

The input latitude is outside the bounds of Denmark, and are therefore not valid

5022 Longitude Longitude must be between 7 and 16.

The input longitude is outside the bounds of Denmark, and are therefore not valid

5023 Radius Radius must be larger than 100 metres.

The input radius is too small, the search is therefore ignored.

6001 AgentName AgentName cannot be longer than 100 characters.

Input a name for the searchagent that is shorter than 100 characters.

6002 NotificationId NotificationId could not be found.

The input id is not valid or could not be found.

9999 [Any] [Any] Please try again or contact Ejendomstorvet if you receive this error.


Date Initials Changes/Updates

02-07-2019 PVS Created this document, added sections: _status, favorites, metadata, properties

04-07-2019 PVS Added section about ‘search’ and

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23-07-2019 PVS Added more error codes, saved searches and agents

01-08-2019 PVS Added links to cross references

13-08-2019 PVS Added more errors

20-08-2019 PVS Increased readability

04-09-2019 PVS Added more errors and Areas under metadata

10-09-2019 PVS Added error 2010. Updated metadata models

23-09-2019 PVS Added Users section

29-10-2019 PVS Geometry added to searchFilter

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