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No!Thatcanneverbe.IamMalvel, theDarkWizardwhostrikesfearintotheheartsofthepeopleofAvantia.Istillhavemuch more to show this wretched kingdom, and one boy inparticular—Tom.

TheyoungheroliberatedthesixBeastsofAvantiafrommycurse.Buthis fight is far fromover.Letus seehowhe fareswith a new Quest, one that will surely crush him and hiscompanion,Elenna.

Avantia’s Beasts had good hearts that I corrupted for myown wicked purpose. Now, thanks to Tom, they are free toprotect the kingdom once more. But I have created newsupreme Beasts whose hearts are evil and so cannot be setfree. Each one guards a piece of the most precious relic ofAvantia, a relic I have stolen: the suit of golden armor thatgives magical strength to its rightful owner. I will stop atnothing topreventTom fromcollecting thecompletesuitanddefeatingmeagain.Thistimehewillnotwin!


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ITHADBEENALONGDAYFORFARMERGRETLIN.Heploddedalongtheearthfurrowsbehind his two oxen. Sweat dripped down his neck as he guided theheavyplowthroughthesoil.

Thesunwassettingover themarsh that lay to thewestof the farm.The farmer looked up, then frowned, lifting an arm tomop his brow.Densefogwasbeginningtocreepfromthemarshacrossthefield.Itwasunusualforittobesothickatthistimeofyear.

Shivering a little, he unharnessed the oxen and began to lead themtowardthestable.Theanimalswereusuallyeagerfortheirmealatday’send,butnowthefarmercouldhardlygetthemtomove.Hesnappedtheleatherharness,thenfrownedagain.Theharnesshadbecomeicycoldinhisfingers.Heturned.Thetwooxenhadcometoadeadhalt.

“What’swrong, lads?” he asked, walking back to them. Tendrils offogencircled themall,cutting themoff fromthe farmhouse.Hepattedtheneckofoneox,thenletoutashockedgasp.Insteadofwarmflesh,hishandhadtouchedahard,coldsurface.


As he looked into the oxen’s great brown eyes—which were stillmoving,wideandrollingwithfear—hesawashadowy,milkyoutlinereflectedinthem.


Heturned,cryingoutinfearashestaredatthefemalefigurethathadstepped from the heart of the fog. The setting sun shone behind her,ringingherwithagoldenglow.

The woman was two heads taller than he, her body swathed in ashining,ripplinggarment—likeacloakmadeofblackwater.Hegazed

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up into the woman’s face — but found that she had no face, just afeaturelesssurface,marblesmoothandmilkywhite.


Thecreature’sfacefoldeduponitselflikeahugeeyelid—andfrombeneath that eyelid stared a single great eye, as green and clear as anemerald.

Gretlin stared into the unblinking eye and suddenly his fear slippedaway.

Hetookasteptowardthewoman,closeenoughnowforhimtoseehisown reflection in the great green eye. Crystals of ice filled his veins,deadeninghislimbsandfreezinghisheart.


Thewomanturned,hercloakundulatingasshedriftedbackinto thefog.

A few moments later, Farmer Gretlin saw a movement out of thecornerofhis eye.A smallboywas crouching in terrorbehind the lowdrystonewall thatmarked theboundaryof thefield.He tried tocall totheboy, to askhim to fetchhelp,but theonly sound that escapedhimwasagroan.




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“No kidding!” said Elenna, close behind him. “I was beginning tothinktheDarkJunglewentonforever.”

They stepped out into the cool of the late afternoon, exhausted andgladtobefreeofthedark,sultryheat.


Tomtookonefinalglancebackintothesinisterjungle,thinkingofhisbattle with Claw the Giant Ape, and remembering how he had justmanagedtosnatchthegoldenchainmailfromtheevilBeast.

Silver the wolf and Storm, Tom’s noble stallion, emerged from thejungle,too.Silverboundedandbarkedjoyfully,andStormneighedandpranced.

“They’regladtobeoutintheopen,”Elennasaid.“Canwecampforthenightdownbytheriver?Icouldcatchussomefishforsupper.”Tomsighed, looking into the distance. “What’s wrong?” she asked. “I wasthinking about Aduro,” he replied. “I’m worried about what Malvelmighthavedonetohim.”

The DarkWizard Malvel had kidnapped their friend and protector,Wizard Aduro. Malvel had appeared to them in a vision after Tom’sdefeatofClaw,showingthemtornstripsofAduro’sredcloak.Wasthegoodwizardevenstillalive?


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QuestandunitethesixpartsofthegoldenarmorthatMalvelhadstolenandscatteredacross thekingdom.Adurohadtold themitwas theonlywaytheycouldrescuehim.OnlythenwouldthelandofAvantiabesafefromthesixevilBeastsMalvelhadsetloose.

The friendsand their twoanimalcompanionsmade theirway to theriver.Theyfolloweditthroughthevalley,downtoarockybeach.

Tomwatched asElennawaded into thewaterwith an arrow on herbow. After a long wait, she fired the arrow and a moment later wassplashingherwayup to theshorewitha largesalmon.She left itonarockandwentbacktocatchsomemore.

Silversniffedthefishbutshookhisbig,shaggyheadandtrottedoff.Tom guessed that he was on the prowl for something he’d find a bittastier.Stormwasgrazingcontentedlyonsometallgrass.


Heshookhimselfandstartedtogatherwoodforafire.Hemadetwotripodsofsturdytwigsandskeweredthesalmononanothertwigtohangabove the flames.By the timeElenna returnedwithmore fish, the firewasready.

The twilightdeepenedas the fishcooked, andas theyate,Tom toldElennaabouthishome.“Thelakeisasclearascrystal,”hesaid.“Onhotsummereveningseveryonegoestothelakeshoretoeat,playmusic,andwatchthesunset.”


“People say that the water has healing properties,” Tom continued,gazing at thedarkening sky. “Thewater has tobe collected as the sunsets.” He laughed. “It’s just a legend,” he said. “I don’t suppose it’strue.”

“It’sanicestory,allthesame,”Elennasaid.“Andafterallthatwe’veseen, who knows what’s true and what isn’t? Most people think theBeastsareamyth,butweknowthey’renot.”

Aftertheyhadfinishedtheirmeal,TomandElennawenttocheckontheir companions. Silver was lying with his head between his paws,snoringsoftly.Stormstoodcloseby,dozingpeacefully.

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The two friends found a place to spread their bedrolls for thenight.Tomkeptthepiecesofarmorthathehadalreadyrecoveredbyhisside.The golden helmet, forged into the shape of an eagle’s head, gleamedsoftly in the growing starlight. He reached out and touched the chainmail vest,wondering about theMaster of theBeastswho hadworn itbefore him.He thought of his own father,Taladon theSwift,whohadundertaken a Beast Quest of his own many years ago, but haddisappeared. I wish I had known him, he thought drowsily. He hopedtheymightbereunitedoneday.


Ashe studied it, themap came to life.Meadowgrassmoved in thewind and the tiny mountains were cold to the touch. The forests andrivers, villages and castles were all miniature versions of the reallandscapeofAvantia.


“There!”exclaimedElennaaftertheyhadbeenstaringatthemapforalittle while. A tiny heart of golden light was glowing on themap.AsTomandElennapeered,itpulsedandgrewlargeruntiltheycouldmakeouttheshapeofagoldenbreastplate.

“It’s the next piece of armor!” Elenna said. Tom let out a cry ofdelight.“Yes!”hegasped.“Andlookwhereitis.”Hepointedtoawide,clearlakesetinrichfarmlands.Besidethelakenestledasmallvillage.“It’s Errinel,my home.You’ll be able tomeetUncleHenry andAuntMaria,whobroughtmeup.”Tomfelthiseyesfillwithtears.“Ihaven’tseenthemsinceIstartedtheQuest,”hesaid.




But his laughter soon faded as he thought of his Quest and of the

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TOMANDELENNASATASTRIDESTORM’S BROADbackashecanteredalong,withSilverlopingathisside.Despitetheperilsthatlayahead,Tomwasgladto be heading home. It had been an easy journey so far, following theweavinglineoftheriver.Thedaywashot,butafreshbreezekeptthemcool. Brightly colored butterflies and jeweled dragonflies danced overthewater.

“We’re nearly there,” Tom said at last. A thrill of excitement shotthroughhimat the thoughtofseeinghisuncleandauntagain.But thiswouldbenoordinaryhomecoming.The imageof agoldenbreastplatehad brought him here, and that could onlymean one ofMalvel’s evilBeastswaslurkingnearthevillage.

“We should leave the river nowandgoupover that lowhill,”Tomsaid,pointing.“There’sasmallwoodontheotherside,andthenit’sallfarmlandtillwegettoErrinel.”




Thewolf letoutasoftwhine.Stormwhickeredandturnedhishead.Somethingwasunsettlingtheanimals.

Tom’s hand went to his sword hilt. His shield, which carried sixmagical tokens from the good Beasts of Avantia, was slung over hisshoulder.HehadfreedalltheBeastsfromMalvel’sevilcurse—FernotheFireDragon,SeprontheSeaSerpent,

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Cypher theMountain Giant, Tagus the Night Horse, Tartok the IceBeast, and Epos theWinged Flame— and he knew he could call onthem if he was in trouble. The golden chain mail and helmet he hadalreadyretrievedfromZephatheMonsterSquidandClawtheGiantApewerecloseathandinthesaddlebag.Thechainmailgavehimstrengthofheartandthehelmetsharpenedhissight.HispowersweregrowingwitheveryQuest.Hewasreadyforbattle.


Elennanodded, slidinganarrow fromherquiver and slotting it intothebowstring.

Slowlytheycameoutofthewoodsandmadetheirwayalongatrackbetween high hedges. Through gaps in the hedgerows, they could seefieldsallaroundthemandtheoccasionaldistantfarmhouseorbarn.

“It all seems normal enough,” Tom said warily. “Except …” Hefrowned.Therewassomethingwrong,buthecouldn’tputhisfingeronit.Andthenitstruckhim.“It’stooquiet.Whathashappenedtoall thebirds?”

“There’s a row of starlings over there,” Elenna said, pointing to awoodengateaheadofthem.

Tompeeredatthebirdsastheyapproached.Heexpectedthemtotakefright and flap away over the fields. But they didn’t move. The hairprickledonthebackofhisneck.

Tomsliddownfromthesaddleandwalkeduptothebirds,thenletoutabreath ashe realized theywere just statues.He reachedout to touchoneofthem.Thebird’sbodywashardandcold.


Elennajumpeddownandranovertohisside.Shetouchedoneofthesmallstatues,thenleanedincloser.“Youcanseeeverytinydetailofthefeathers,” she said. “They are too perfect to have been carved. Tom, Idon’tlikethis.”

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Then Tom spotted something in the field beyond— a gray-brownshapeinthestubbleofnewlycroppedhay.

He climbed the gate andwalked over to the shape, crouching downbeside it and reaching out a hand. It was a stone hare, its long limbsstretched as if it had been frozen inmid-flight. Tom picked it up andcarrieditbacktothegate.Helaiditattheroadsideandstareddownatitwithafrown.

Silver moved hesitantly toward the hare and sniffed it. A momentlater,heboundedaway,snortingandshakinghismuzzle.


He looked at her. “I don’t believe they’re statues at all,” he said. “Ithinksomethinghasturnedlivingcreaturesintostone.”

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AnewurgencyfilledTom’sheart.“Wehavetogettothevillage,”hesaid. “Let’s hope theBeast hasn’t been there yet.” The thought of hisauntanduncleandtheothervillagersofErrinelturnedtostonewastooawful.



The village was a few miles away through the fields. Tomremembered the fragment of a horseshoe given to him by Tagus theNightHorse.Ithadthepowertogivehimgreatspeed.

HetouchedthemagicaltokeninhisshieldandStormbegantogallopfasterthanTomhadeverknown.HeclungtoStorm’sbackasthestallionflew through the fields, and Elenna gripped Tom’s belt as the windwhistledpast their ears.Silverboundedalongside the racinghorse, histonguelolling.





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“The Beast could still be nearby,” he said worriedly. “And it couldturnusintostone!”HestrodebacktowardStorm.“Ihavetobepreparedforanything.”

Heslippedontheheavychainmailandpulledonthegoldenhelmet.Nowhewould feel no fear and be able to see theBeast if itwas stilllurking.Heclimbedbackintothesaddle,slippinghisshieldoverhisleftarmandlooseninghisswordinitsscabbard.

Elenna scrambled up behind him, her bow drawn and her quiver ofarrowsathand.

“Go, boy!”Tom said toStorm, nudgingwith his heels.The stallionbackedawayfromthefence,then,withasurgeofpower,leapedforwardandtookthefenceinonelong,smoothjump.

Fearlessly,Stormcantered toward the frozen stone figures, the ever-loyalSilverbyhisside.TomexpectedanattackfromtheBeast,buttheycrossedthefieldwithoutharm.Thetwoanimalswereuneasy,though,asiftheysensedthatdangerwascloseathand.

Everything was eerily silent as they came to a stop near the stonefigures. Tom and Elenna slid down from the saddle. Storm neighednervouslyandbackedaway.Silvercircledthemanandhisoxen,sniffingtheair,hisearsdownandthehairalonghisbackasstiffaswire.

“It’s Farmer Gretlin!” Tom cried as he and Elenna drew near.Cautiously, he reached out and touched the stone man’s chest. It wascold.

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Elenna frowned. “He looks happy,” she said, as she gazed into thefarmer’sface.“Idon’tunderstand.Whywouldsomeonewhoisabouttobeturnedtostonebesohappy?”

“Malvel’s Beasts are usually terrifying,” Tom said, confused. “Thismusthavebeendonebysomethingthatlooksharmless,butisn’t.”


“Beautifulanddeadly,”Tomsaidgrimly.“This isbad,Elenna.Howdoyoufightsomethingthatdoesn’tseemdangerous?”


Tomgazedsadlyintothefarmer’sface.“Theonlypersonwhocouldtellushasbeenkilled,”hemurmured.Butthenhelookedcloser,staringup into the farmer’s eyes. Was it his imagination or had he seen amovement?


His friend looked carefully. “You could be right,” she said. As shemoved closer, her elbow struck the statue. Itmade a curiously hollowsound.

Tomrappedhisknucklesagainst the statue’sarm.Again, theyheardthehollowsound.




“NotifIfindtheweakpoint,”Tomsaid.“Myuncleisablacksmith,remember?Hetaughtmealwaystosearchfortheweakspot,andthentouse it.”He circled the farmer. “There has to be a crack or a fault linesomewhere,”hemuttered.“Therehastobe!”




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Then the stone shell shattered into fragments and tumbled to theground.

FarmerGretlin’s chest gave a great heave as he sucked air into hislungsandfellforwardontohishandsandknees,gaspingandcoughing.Hewasalive!

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TOMTOOKAWATERBOTTLEFROMSTORM’Ssaddlebagandbentdowntogiveittothe gasping farmer.As he drank, Elenna stood over him, arrow at theready,eyesscanningtheemptyfield.



“Tom!”exclaimed the farmer. “You’ve savedmy life!Helpmeup.”HeputahandonTom’sshoulderandgotshakilytohisfeet.



“She’smy friend,Elenna,”Tom said. “We’re here to help.Can youtelluswhathappened?”

Thefarmer’seyesnarrowed.“Therewasfogoverthemarsh,”hesaid.“Anda tall ladydressed inblack.”A shudderwent throughhim. “Shehad no face, just a huge green eye. Itwas themost beautiful eye I’veever seen. And then I couldn’t move.” He smiled gratefully at them.“Untilyoucametomyaid.”


The farmer shook his head. “A day,” he said uncertainly. “Maybemore.”

“Whocan thiswomanbe?”Tomwonderedaloud,as the farmerandElennawenttocheckonthestoneoxen.


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Tom gripped his sword, wishing he could put the cold steel intoMalvel’swickedheart.

“TheBeast iscalledSoltra,”hesaidtoElennawhenshecameback.HelookedovertoFarmerGretlin,whowasstillcheckingthestoneoxen.“Malveljustspoketome.Hesaysshecan’tbebeaten.”


Tomnodded.“You’re right.Weshouldgo to thevillage—and let’shope she hasn’t already been there.” What if his aunt and uncle hadalreadyfallenvictimtoSoltra?Hetriednottothinkaboutit.

Theywalkedback toGretlin,StormandSilver followingwithwide,watchfuleyes.



Tom and Elenna helped the farmer across the plowed field, thenwalkedalongthewindingroadthatledtothevillage.Tomgazedaround,memories flooding back, as the familiar rooftops and chimneys ofErrinelcameintosightabovethetrees.

Thevillagewas silent anddeserted, save for three gray statues: onewomancarryingawovenbasket;another layingoutwaresonamarketstall;andamanwithhisarmlifted,asifheweretryingtoshieldhiseyesfromthesun.Soltrahadbeenhere.

A lump filled Tom’s throat. He remembered the village square as aplacefilledwithnoiseandbustleasthecheerfulpeopleofErrinelwentabouttheirdailylives,notthisempty,desolatesilence.Heexaminedthethree statues but could not find a single crack to help him break theirstoneprisons.FarmerGretlinhadbeenlucky.

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AnurgentfearbuiltinsideTomasheranfromhousetohouse,hopingdesperately to find someone who had managed to survive Soltra’senchantment.Buttherewasnoone.


They came to the forge where Tom’s uncle Henry worked. Thefamiliarbellowslaybeside thefire,andthe ironworkingtoolsweresetoutontheworktableasusual.

“Wherehaseveryonegone?”askedFarmerGretlin. “Howarewe tofindthem?”

Tom gave a grim smile. “We have a wolf, don’t we?” he said. Hecalled to Silver, and the wolf padded into the forge and lookedquestioninglyupathim.Tomtookanoldleatheraprondownfromapegon the wall. “Here, Silver,” he said. “This will have Uncle Henry’sscent.”

Silversniffedattheapron.Amomentlater,heletoutasharpbarkandran from the forge. “Follow him!” Tom cried. “He’s got the scent!”Silverglidedalong,hisbodylow,hismuzzletotheground,movingfastbutstoppingeverynowandthentoallowtheotherstocatchup.Soonhewasleadingthemtowarddensewoodlandontheothersideofthetown.

Tom turned to FarmerGretlin. “Will you stay in the village in caseanyonecomesback?”heasked.“AndkeepStormwithyou?”“Iwill,”said the farmer. “Good luck.” Leaving Storm and Gretlin, Tom andElenna followed Silver. They pushed their way through brambles andferns, keeping the speeding wolf in sight as they plunged deeper anddeeperintothewoods.

Soontheycametoadellfilledwithatangleofivyandbriars.Therewas no sign of Silver. A few moments later, a sharp bark broke thesilence.Tom turnedand ran toward the sound,buthehadonlygoneafew steps when his foot caught in a snarl of ivy roots. He sprawledheadlong.


TomstruggledtohisfeetasAuntMariaemergedfromthecoverofthetrees, her face filled with joy and concern. And right behind her wasUncleHenry.


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TOMWAS CAUGHTUP IN A HUGE BEARHUG BYhisauntanduncle,and fora fewmomentsheforgotallaboutthedangertheyfaced.


Villagers stepped out of cover and stood uneasily around him, theirfacespaleandanxious.


Tom looked thoughtfully at his uncle and aunt and the gatheredvillagers.AdurohadalwaystoldhimnottotalktotheordinaryfolkofAvantiaabouttheBeasts,butpeopleofErrinelhadbeenturnedtostonebySoltra—andtheydeservedtoknowwhatshewas.

Heraisedhisvoicesothateveryonewouldbeabletohearhim.“WhatI’mgoingtotellyouisthedeepestsecretinallAvantia,andnoonemustever speak of it outside the village,” he told them. “I am under theguidanceofWizardAduro,advisertoKingHugo.Ihavecomeherewithmyfriends,Elenna,Storm,andSilver,tofindtheStoneCharmer,anevilBeast.”


UncleHenrysteppedforward.“Youare the truesonofyour father,”hesaidsolemnly.“AndIseefromyourface,andfromtheweaponsandarmoryoubear, thatyouarereadyforyourchallenge.Telluswhatweshoulddo.”

ItmadeTom feel proud thatUncleHenryknewhe couldbe trustedwithsuchanimportanttask.

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“Soltraseemstohaveleftthevillagefornow,”hesaid.“Weshouldgoback there for rest and food. If I am to defeat her, I need to knoweverythingthathappenedinErrinel.”

Whentheyreturnedtotheblacksmith’shouse,AuntMariawarmedupastew she had made, while Uncle Henry told Tom and Elenna how avillageboyhadseenSoltrawithFarmerGretlinatsunset,andhadruntowarntheothers.

“That ishowmostofusmanagedtoescapebefore theBeastcame,”AuntMaria said as she ladled the hearty stew intowooden bowls forTomandElenna.


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“It’s already late afternoon,” Elenna pointed out. “The sun will besettingsoon.”




Elenna looked curiously at him and leaned towhisper in his ear, “Ithoughtyoudidn’tbelieveinthatstory.”




Wordwasquicklysentaroundthevillagethatpeopleshouldprepareprovisions for thenight.ThenTom led them through thewoods to theshiningshoresofthelake.

Itlookedbeautifulinthegoldenlightofthesettingsun,hemmedwithtall trees thatwere reflected in thewide, stillwaters.Lookingoutoverthe glowing expanse ofwater, Tom could almost believe that the lakereallydidhavehealingqualities.Hecertainlyhopedso.Butevenifthelake had no special powers, at least the people were away from thevillageandperhapsharderforSoltratotrackdown.



TomandElennasatatafirewithUncleHenryandAuntMaria.Silverwas curled up close to the flames, enjoying the warmth. Storm stoodquietlycloseby.

“So,Tom,”UncleHenry asked, “will you be staying here once you

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The firesdieddownand thevillagersprepared forsleep.Soon,onlyTomandElennaandtheiranimalfriendswereawake.



Tom stared into the trees, knowing that Soltra was out theresomewhere.

“Ihopeshedoes,”hesaid.“Soltraattackedmyhome. Imustdefeather!”

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THELAKE’SWATERSSEEMEDTOKEEPSOLTRAatbay.TomwokereadytotakeontheBeast.The sunwasbright over the treetops and the lakeside campwasbustling.Hesprangup.ButAuntMariastoppedhimwithagentlehandonhisshoulder.









“If things were normal,” Aunt Maria said, “we would celebrateproperly,but…”Hervoicetrailedaway.

“Wehavemoreurgentmatterstoattendto,”saidUncleHenry.“We’llcelebrate when this is over. Now that it is daylight again, we shouldreturntothevillageandcallameeting.”


Elennapulledhimawayfromtheothers.“What’s thepointof that?”shewhispered.“Theywon’tbeabletodoanythingtostopSoltra.”

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“I know,” Tom replied softly. “But a village meeting will be theperfectcoverforwhatIhavetodo.ItwillkeepUncleHenryandAuntMariabusyandallowmetoslipawayunnoticed.”


Tomsmiled.Hewasglad thathehadsuchabraveand loyal friend.“Wecan’tletanothernightcomewithoutconfrontingtheBeast,”hetoldher.“Remember,whensheenchantedFarmerGretlinshehadherbacktothesettingsun.Ithinkshecan’tstandtohaveherfacetowardsunlight.Thatmight be our bestweapon. Ifwe can find her and force her intodaylight,wemaybeabletodefeather.”


“Yes,” Tom replied. “And there’s no time to waste. While there’sbloodinmyveins,I’llsavemyvillageanddefeatSoltra!”

At mid-morning, the villagers gathered for their meeting in the mainsquare.Tom,Elenna,andthetwoanimalsstoodoutofsightbehindtheforge,gettingreadytoleaveforthemarsh.

Tomwaspullingonhis chainmailwhenhis uncle appeared aroundthecorner.

“Youintend to leave thevillagewhilewetalk,”hesaid,“tofind theBeast.”





Tom’seyeswidenedinamazement;hisunclehadnevermentionedagift fromhis father before.Hismind raced as he andElenna followedUncleHenryintotheforge.Whatcoulditbe?


Tom grasped one end of the anvil and helped to shift it across thefloor.Thenhisuncle tookaspadeandbegantodig in thehard-packedearth.

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Tompicked up the box, his thoughtswhirling as hewonderedwhatsecretshisfather’sboxmightcontain.

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EAGERLY, TOM OPENED THE LID. INSIDE THE box, something lay wrapped in adark red velvet cloth. He lifted it out. It was heavy and solid. Tomunfoldedthevelvetwrapandgaveagaspofdelight.Itwasacompass,madeofbrassanddecoratedwithcurlingpatternsoffinesilver.





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“TaladonleftthisinmykeepingwhenhedepartedErrinelonhisownQuest,”saidUncleHenry.“Heasked that Igive it toyouonyour firstbirthdayasahero.Thatdayhascome.”

Tom looked at his uncle.He could feel his eyes brimming. “Did heleaveanymessageforme?”heasked.

“No,”hisunclereplied.“Butthecompassneedsnoexplanation.Theneedlewill show youwhen to step forward tomeet your destiny, andwhentofleeimpossibledanger.Yourfatherbelievedthatitwouldsaveyourlifeoneday.”

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“Perhaps today,” Tom murmured, gazing at the compass. “Thankyou.”Heheldthecompasstightly;hehadneverfeltsoclosetohislostfather.

Thenhegazedoutof thedoorwayof the forge. Itwas time togo insearchofSoltratheStoneCharmer.

Tom,Elenna,Silver, andStormstoodat theedgeof themarsh,gazingoutoverthebarrenwasteland.Eveninthefulllightofthesun,coilsandwreaths of fog drifted and crept low, like evil phantoms seeking theirprey.


Tom shook his head. “It’s too treacherous,” he said. “Aunt Mariaalwaystoldmethatonlyafoolwouldriskit.”


Tomdrewhisswordandcheckedthathisshieldwassecurelyfastenedto his back. He could feel the weight of the compass in his pocket,tuckedawayunderhischainmail.Hefeltstronginheart,readyforthebattle ahead. He had placed the golden helmet safely in Storm’ssaddlebag.




“No,” Tom said firmly. “It’s my village. This time I have to do italone.”


Tomshookhisheadwitharuefulsmile.Elennawasasstrong-willedas he was. “Come on, then,” he said. “But watch your footing. Thefartherwego,themoredangerousthegroundwillbecome.”

They moved slowly into the tall, whispering reeds, Tom leadingStorm,SilverkeepingclosetoElenna.Thefogrosetocoverthemlikeadampblanket. Soon, they came to stretches of blackwater and had topicktheirwayalongnarrowpathsofsolidground.

Stormbecamejittery,hishoovessinkingintothesoftearth.Atlast,heneighed and pulled back, bringingTom to a halt. Tompatted his neck

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“WillyoustaybackwithStormandSilver?”TomaskedElenna.“Wecan’t ask them to go any farther, and I don’twant to leave them hereunprotected.”

Elenna nodded, and slotted an arrow to her bow in readiness. Tomstepped into the fog. “Remember,” he heard her call, “if you’re indanger,summononeofthegoodBeastsofAvantia.”

He turned towave,but alreadyhis companionshadbeen swallowedbythefog.Hewasalone.Hishandstrayedtothecompasstuckedunderhischainmailandthefeelofitgavehimcomfort.

He squelchedonward, his feet sinking into the boggyground as thepools of stagnant and stinkingwater began to widen. The fogwas sothicknowthathecouldnotseethesunabovehishead.Thereedshissedandquivered.

He paused, breathing in the foul air, staring around.Howwould hefindtheBeastinthis?Shecouldbecloseenoughtoreachoutanarmandtouch him, and hewould hardly know it. Not even the golden helmetcouldhelphimseeinfoglikethis.Perhapsthecompasscouldhelp,butbeforehehadthechanceto take itout,agentlevoicespokeoutof thefog.







Tom stumbled on. But suddenly he tripped, lost his balance, andstaggeredsideways,fallingintothetallreeds.Hisfootplungedintodeepslime,andhecouldn’tpullitout.



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THE OOZING MUD SUCKED AT TOM’S LEGS, dragging him slowly deeper, andsuddenly he felt as if he had awoken from a dream. Thrashing aboutwouldonlymakeitworse,herealized.


Hesanktohiswaist.Howcouldhehavebeenstupidenoughtolistento that voice?Harsh, grating laughter filled his ears.Malvel! The evilwizardwasmockinghim,enjoyinghistriumph.



Tom tried to block out the voice, focusing all his concentration onpullinghimselffree.But itwashopeless.Hegaveahowlofangeranddespair as themud rose tohis armpits.After all hisbattles against theBeastsofAvantia,washegoingtodieinastinkingmudpit?

Then he saw something long and slender come hissing toward himthrough the fog. It curveddownwardandhit themuda few feet awayfromhim.Itwasanarrow—andtiedtotheshaftwasarope.

“Elenna!” he gasped. He fought with all his strength to get to thearrow,leaningfarover,hisfingersstretchingout.

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“Almost!” he shouted. Finally, his fingers closed around the rope.“Yes!”

“Stormwillpullyouout!”yelledElenna.Tomwrappedaloopofropearoundhiswrist as it tightened.For a fewdreadfulmoments, themudclungtohim.Butthen,slowly,Tomfelthimselfbeingdraggedoutoftheslime. Soon, therewas firm earth under his fingers. He scrabbled andkickedwithhislegsandsuddenlyhewaslyinggaspingonsolidground.He’dneverbeensoclosetodeathbefore.


“Iheardyoucryout,”shecalledback.“I fired thearrowtoward the

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“No!”Tomshouted.“Stayback—it’s toodangerous.”Butheknewheneededhelp.ThenherememberedallthegoodBeastsofAvantiaandoneinparticular:CyphertheMountainGiant!Withhissurefootingandabilitytodestroymountainmists,hecouldhelpTomthroughthemarsh.Quicklyhetookhisshieldfromhisbackandrubbedthecenter—whereasingletearfromCypherhadfallen—desperatelyhopingthatitwouldwork.


Theapproachingshapewashuge.Soon,itwascloseenoughforTomtobeabletomakeoutitsfeatures—theshaggyhair,theshamblinggait,and the familiar facepeeringdownat himwith its one friendlybrowneye.


The giant swung his huge arms, magically whisking away the fogaround them.Only thendidTom see a second form standingdark andstillinalongrobeamongthereeds.


Longarmsreachedout,theroberipplinglikeblackwater.Tomstaredather,strugglingtokeepholdofhissenses.Butthevoicewassolovely,andhecouldseethatSoltrawastallandslender,theovalwhereherfaceshouldhavebeenas smooth asglass andaswhite asmilk, her auburnhairpiledinshiningringsonherhead.



He stumbled toward Soltra, the fog closing behind him once again.Her great green eye opened. Tom stopped. Then he took another stepforward,gazingintothebeautifuleye.

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A TERRIFIED VOICE SHOUTED FROM DEEP within Tom’s mind. Look at thecompass!

Forcing his body to obey, he drew the compass out of his pocket,holdingitupinfrontofhiseyes.TheneedleonthecompasspointedtoDanger.



Tomwasno longerhypnotizedby thevoice,andtheBeastwasnowonly a few strides away. The urge to look into her eye was growingagain.Hisfeetfalteredandhestoodstill.

Soltra glided toward him. In one practiced movement, she drew awhipfromhercloakandlashedout.Tomheardahissasthewhipcamesnakingforward.

He raisedhis shield,blocking theattack.Butbeforehecould strike,Soltradisappeared,swallowedbythefogonceagain.

How can I fight the Beast when I can’t even look at her? Tomwondered.


Hewas just in time. Thewhip thudded against the shield’s surface.Soltra’s laughterwascutshort.This time,Soltradidnotdisappear intothefog.Thewhipsnappedforwardoncemore,catchingTomaroundthe

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Thena roarsounded. ItwasCypher!He loomedoverTom,blowingthefogawaywiththepowerofhishandsandhisbreath,allowinghimtosee.


A feeling of peace and joy flooded him once again. He smiled,forgettingeverythingasanicynumbnessseepedthroughhislimbs.

“The cold is no danger,” crooned Soltra’s voice. “Stone is your

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Cypher roared angrily and Malvel’s scornful laughter filled Tom’shead.

This time itwasMalvel’s laughter thatbroke thespell. It filledTomwith determination, and the golden chain mail gave him renewedstrengthofheart.HetorehiseyesfromSoltra’sfaceandtheicelefthislimbs.


Cypher gave another roar, once more waving away the fog aboveTom’s head. Somehow the giant understood that Tom needed thesunlight to defeat Soltra. Golden light filtered down and Soltra wasrevealedagain,buttheafternoonsunwasbehindhernow.



Thenhehadanidea.HastilyTomputthecompassintohispocketanddrewhissword.Lifting itabovehishead,heangled theblade tocatchthe sunlighton the steel edge.Hehad tobequick.Soon, hewouldbewithinreachofhercoilingwhip.

Justwhenhewasbeginningtolosehope,hisbladecaughtthesunanda burst of golden light was reflected straight into Soltra’s eye. Shescreamedinagony,lungingforward,herlongarmsreachingforhim.


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He was about to lose consciousness when he heard another roar.Cypher!TheMountainGiantappearedabovehimandswunghisgreatarm,strikingSoltrasothathergriploosenedonTom’sthroat.


Soltra let out a terrible scream and crumbled into dust, the goldenbreastplateclangingasithittheground.

Panting, Tom stooped to pick it up. The breastplate was decoratedwith etchedmuscles, and leather stripswithmetal buckles secured thesides. He clasped it around himself, threading the strips through thebuckles. It fit him perfectly! He flexed his arms, feeling the musclesswell, and understood immediately that the breastplate gave him greatphysicalstrength.



Tom turned and ran back through the fog toward where he hopedElenna, Silver, and Stormwould bewaiting for him.He longed to bewithhisfriendsagain.

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“Tom?” ItwasElenna’s voice! “I heard roaring and screaming.Areyouallright?”

The shape of his friend, together with Storm and Silver, appearedthroughthefog.


“The next piece of the armor!” Elenna cried in delight. “That’s thebest birthday present ever! But what was the roaring we heard? ItremindedmeofCypher.”



“We were hopeful that you had beaten the Beast when our stonefriends andFarmerGretlin’s oxenwere returned to life,”UncleHenrysaid.

The three villagers who had been turned to stone waved at Tom,smilingcheerily.




UncleHenrystepped forward.“Thengowithourblessing,”he said.“Butreturntousassoonasyoucan.”

Itwashard to leaveErrinelsoquickly,butTom,Elenna,Storm,andSilverweresoonontheroadawayfromthevillage.Theywouldbeabletotravelalongwaybeforemakingcampforthenight.

“Have you looked at themap?”Elenna asked. “Dowe knowwherewe’reheading?”

“Not yet,” Tom admitted. “I just needed to get out of the villagequickly,orIneverwouldhavebeenabletoleave.”Helookedbackoverhis shoulder. “Sometimes battling Beasts is not the hardest part of aquest,”hesaid.


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“We’re not afraid of you!” Tom shouted, drawing his sword andbrandishingitintheair,althoughheknewhewaslookingatavision.

TheDarkWizard smiled anddrewone sideofhis cloakback. “Areyousure?”heaskedasashiveringfigurewasrevealed,kneelingonthepath.



“See how I have humbled the great Aduro,”Malvel crowed. “Howlongdoyouthinkaboylikeyoucanstandagainstme?”

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“Listen well,” snarled Malvel. “You may have won your goldenbreastplate,butthebattleisnotover!”TheDarkWizard’seyesflashed.“IfyoucontinueyourQuest,therewillbeaheavypricetopay.”




Tomlookedather.“Idon’tknow,”hesaid.“Butitdoesn’tmatter.”HeflickedthereinsandStormbrokeintoatrot.“Nothingisgoingtostopusfrom fulfilling the Quest. Aduro sent us, and we must complete it in

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Stormracedalong the road,Silver lopingalongside themas theyallheadedintoanewadventure.

Whatever lay ahead, Tomwould defeat it. He had to. This was hisdestiny.

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