Additional resources are available at gospelproject.com. For free training and session-by- session help, visit MinistryGrid.com/gospelproject. Unit 12 • Session 1 TEACH THE STORY (15–20 MINUTES) PAGE 104 EXPERIENCE THE STORY (25–30 MINUTES) PAGE 106 REVIEW THE STORY (10+ MINUTES) PAGE 108 Solomon Asked for Wisdom BIBLE PASSAGE: 1 Kings 2–3 STORY POINT: God gave Solomon wisdom. KEY PASSAGE: James 1:5a BIG PICTURE QUESTION: What does God know? God knows everything. 100 Preschool Worship Guide Unit 12 • Session 1 005806039_v4_PreschoolWorshipGuide.indb 100 11/26/18 9:48 AM August 4, 2019 For 3's/Pre-K Use Week of:

Solomon Asked for Wisdom - First Baptist...2019/06/10  · Solomon Asked for Wisdom 1 Kings 2–3 David had been the king of Israel for a long time.Now his son Solomon was going to

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Additional resources are available at gospelproject.com. For free training and session-by-session help, visit MinistryGrid.com/gospelproject.

Unit 12 • Session 1


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Solomon Asked for Wisdom

BIBLE PASSAGE: 1 Kings 2–3

STORY POINT: God gave Solomon wisdom.

KEY PASSAGE: James 1:5a

BIG PICTURE QUESTION: What does God know? God knows


100 Preschool Worship GuideUnit 12 • Session 1

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August 4, 2019

For 3's/Pre-K

Use Week of:

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LEADER Bible StudyThe downfall of David’s kingdom was propelled by David’s sin with Bathsheba. Amid the pain of losing their firstborn son, God showed David and Bathsheba that He still loved them. Bathsheba gave birth to Solomon. God chose Solomon to be Israel’s next king. (See 2 Sam. 12:24-25; 1 Chron. 22:9-13.)

David spoke to his son from his deathbed, giving specific instructions: “Keep your obligation to the Lord your God to walk in his ways” (1 Kings 2:3a). After 40 years of reigning over Israel, David died and Solomon became Israel’s king.

Early in Solomon’s reign, God appeared to him in a dream. “What should I give you?” God asked. Solomon’s response set him apart from many other kings. His God-honoring qualities were apparent. First, Solomon humbly acknowledged his lack of experience in leading God’s people. Then he said, “Give your servant a receptive heart to judge your people and to discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of yours?” (1 Kings 3:9).

If you were a king or queen and God offered to give you anything you asked for, what request would you make? Ask the preschoolers you teach what they would ask for if they could receive anything their hearts desired. One might assume that a king would ask for power or for victory over his enemies. Perhaps he would ask for riches or to live a long life. Solomon asked for none of these. Instead, he asked God to make him wise. God was pleased with Solomon’s request, and He agreed to give Solomon a wise and understanding heart.

Solomon’s heart was surrendered to God. Solomon was a wise king who wanted to do God’s plan. Solomon wasn’t perfect, but God had a plan to give His people a greater and wiser king—His Son, Jesus. Jesus completely trusted God. Jesus surrendered His own life to die on the cross for our sin.

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The BIBLE Story

Solomon Asked for Wisdom1 Kings 2–3

David had been the king of Israel for a long time. Now his son Solomon was going to be the king. Before David died, he gave Solomon some special instructions.

David said, “Be strong and brave. Obey God, and you will be a good king. God will keep His promise

to us. Every king of Israel will come from our family.”

David told Solomon to make wise choices. When David died,

Solomon became the king of Israel.

One night, God talked to Solomon in a dream. God said, “Solomon, ask for anything you want and I will give it to you.” Now, a king might ask to live a long life or to be very rich. Solomon could

have asked God to take away all his enemies. But Solomon did not

ask to be rich or to live a long time. He asked for something even better.Solomon said, “God, I am young,

and I do not know very much about being a king. Please make me wise. Help me

obey You. Help me know what is right and wrong. Help me be a good leader.”

God told Solomon, “I am happy you asked for wisdom. I am going to make you more wise and understanding than anyone who

Bible Storytelling Tips

• Use different voices: Speak in a wise, fatherly manner as you narrate David’s speech, in a powerful voice as you speak for God, and in a young, humble voice for Solomon.

• Use a prop: Lay out a sleeping bag, and gather preschoolers to sit on it as you tell the Bible story. Encourage preschoolers to imagine they are sitting in Solomon’s bed.

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Solomon Asked for Wisdom1 Kings 2–3

David had been the king of Israel for a long time. Now his son Solomon was going to be the king. Before David died, he gave Solomon some special instructions.

David said, “Be strong and brave. Obey God, and you will be a good king. God will keep His promise

to us. Every king of Israel will come from our family.”

David told Solomon to make wise choices. When David died,

Solomon became the king of Israel.

One night, God talked to Solomon in a dream. God said, “Solomon, ask for anything you want and I will give it to you.” Now, a king might ask to live a long life or to be very rich. Solomon could

have asked God to take away all his enemies. But Solomon did not

ask to be rich or to live a long time. He asked for something even better.Solomon said, “God, I am young,

and I do not know very much about being a king. Please make me wise. Help me

obey You. Help me know what is right and wrong. Help me be a good leader.”

God told Solomon, “I am happy you asked for wisdom. I am going to make you more wise and understanding than anyone who

Bible Storytelling Tips

• Use different voices: Speak in a wise, fatherly manner as you narrate David’s speech, in a powerful voice as you speak for God, and in a young, humble voice for Solomon.

• Use a prop: Lay out a sleeping bag, and gather preschoolers to sit on it as you tell the Bible story. Encourage preschoolers to imagine they are sitting in Solomon’s bed.

has ever lived. No one in the future will ever be as wise as you, Solomon.”

God also said, “Because you asked for wisdom, I will also give you what you did not ask for: long life, riches, and honor. You will be greater than any other king while you are alive.”

Then Solomon woke up. He thanked God and praised Him.

Christ Connection: Solomon was a wise king who wanted to follow God’s plan, but Solomon was not perfect. God had a plan to send a greater and wiser king—Jesus. Jesus trusted God and followed God’s plan by dying on the cross for our sin.

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TEACH the Story

SESSION TITLE: Solomon Asked for WisdomBIBLE PASSAGE: 1 Kings 2–3STORY POINT: God gave Solomon wisdom.KEY PASSAGE: James 1:5aBIG PICTURE QUESTION: What does God know? God knows everything.

Welcome and worship with songGreet preschoolers with a smile. As preschoolers arrive, sing an action song such as “The Lord Gives Wisdom” to engage and welcome them. Begin worship by leading preschoolers in the theme song “Greater Than Anything.”

Watch or tell the Bible storyAsk preschoolers this question: “If you could ask God for whatever you wanted, what would you ask for?” Give preschoolers an example and allow them to respond.SAY • Solomon became king after his dad, King David,

died. Solomon wanted to be a good king, but he was young. He was not sure how to be a good king. One night God talked to Solomon in a dream and told him He would give him anything he wanted. What do you think Solomon asked God to give him?

Open your Bible to 1 Kings 2. Show the video or tell the Bible story using the provided storytelling tips. Use the bolded version of the Bible story for young preschoolers.

Practice the key passage and a Bible skillBefore the session, print the key passage on a crown shape cut from paper. Cut the crown into four to six pieces. Place the key passage marker at James 1:5. Invite a child to open

• “The Lord Gives Wisdom” song

• “Greater Than Anything” song

• Bible• “Solomon Asked

for Wisdom” video (optional)

• Bible Story Picture Poster

• Story Point Poster• Giant Timeline

• yellow paper• scissors (adult use)• marker• Bible• Key Passage Marker• Key Passage Poster• “Ask God” song

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your Bible to the key passage. Say the key passage. Show the crown pieces, and help preschoolers assemble the crown. Point to each word of the key passage on the crown as you say it. Lead preschoolers in saying the verse several times.SAY • Our key passage tells us to ask God for wisdom.

Solomon asked God for wisdom, and God gave Solomon wisdom. Solomon was a wise king, but Jesus is a wiser King. Jesus died on the cross for sin.

Sing the key passage song “Ask God” together.

Learn the big picture question and answerSAY • Our big picture question is, What does God know?

Can anyone tell me what God knows? God knows everything. Solomon did not know much about being a king. He asked God to give him wisdom, and God did! God knows everything!

Respond through song and prayerSAY • God gave Solomon wisdom. Solomon was a wise

king who wanted to follow God’s plan, but Solomon was not perfect. God had a plan to send a greater and wiser king—Jesus. Jesus trusted God and followed God’s plan by dying on the cross for our sin.

Sing “Greater Than Anything” and “Wisdom” as preschoolers move with the music. Prepare for prayer by singing “Jesus, Thank You.” Collect an offering. SAY • God, thank You for sending Jesus who is a greater

and wiser King than Solomon. Help us trust You and follow Your plan like Jesus when He died on the cross for our sins. Amen.

Transition to experience the story

• Big Picture Question Poster

• Story Point Poster • “Greater Than

Anything” song• “Wisdom” song• “Jesus, Thank You”

song• offering basket

• countdown video (optional)

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EXPERIENCE the StorySESSION TITLE: Solomon Asked for WisdomBIBLE PASSAGE: 1 Kings 2–3STORY POINT: God gave Solomon wisdom.KEY PASSAGE: James 1:5aBIG PICTURE QUESTION: What does God know? God knows everything.

Sing a songSing the following lyrics to the tune of “Are You Sleeping?” If you are unfamiliar with the tune look it up online before the session.

“ God gives wisdom, God gives wisdom every day, every day. I’ll ask God to help me, I’ll ask God to help me *Make me wise. Make me wise.”

*Substitute “trust in Him, trust in Him.”SAY • God gives us wisdom when we ask Him! God gave

Solomon wisdom. Solomon was a wise king who wanted to follow God’s plan, but Solomon was not perfect. God had a plan to send a greater and wiser king—Jesus. Jesus trusted God and followed God’s plan by dying on the cross for our sin.

Act out wise choicesSay a wise choice and its corresponding foolish choice. Ask children to show which choice they think is wise by acting it out. Use the choices in the margin or create your own.SAY • Making wise choices is not easy. That is why

Solomon asked God to make him wise. God gave Solomon wisdom. We can ask God to help us make wise choices too, and He will!

Option: Provide musical instruments for preschoolers to play as they sing.

Choices:• obeying your mom

when she says to clean your room or disobeying

• taking a toy from a friend or asking him to share

• listening as the Bible story is being told or being disruptive

• hugging your brother or hitting him

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Decorate a crownCut a strip of bulletin board border to fit a child’s head. Set out self-stick gems and glitter foam stickers for preschoolers to decorate a crown. Secure the crown with tape. SAY • Solomon asked for wisdom to be a good king. God

gave Solomon wisdom. Solomon was a wise king who wanted to follow God’s plan, but God had a plan to send a greater and wiser king—Jesus.

“Wrap” giftsSet out various sized boxes and pieces of wrapping paper. Give preschoolers short strips of clear tape. Encourage a child to wrap a box. Allow her to enjoy the process without focusing on the results. Help her if she asks. SAY • We wrapped pretend gifts, but God gave Solomon a

real gift that cannot be wrapped in a box. God gave Solomon wisdom. Later, God gave us the greatest gift of all when He gave us King Jesus. Jesus is a greater and wiser King than Solomon. Jesus followed God’s plan by dying on the cross for our sin.

Match Bible versesPrint and cut apart “Wisdom Verses.” Place one set of cards in a basket and place the other set at the appropriate places in a Bible. Invite a preschooler to draw a card from the basket and locate its match in the Bible. Read and talk about each verse or passage.SAY • God gave Solomon wisdom to be a good leader for

God’s people, but God had a plan to send a greater and wiser king than Solomon—Jesus—God the Son.

Transition to review the story

• bulletin board border• scissors (adult use) • self-stick gems• glitter foam stickers• tape

• boxes, various sizes• wrapping paper

(avoid fantasy themes)

• clear tape• blunt-tipped scissors

• “Wisdom Verses” printable

• scissors (adult use) • basket • Bible

• countdown video (optional)

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REVIEW the Story

SESSION TITLE: Solomon Asked for WisdomBIBLE PASSAGE: 1 Kings 2–3STORY POINT: God gave Solomon wisdom.KEY PASSAGE: James 1:5aBIG PICTURE QUESTION: What does God know? God knows everything.

ReviewPoint to the giant timeline as you review today’s Bible story. Ask the following review questions:

1. After David died, what did Solomon become? (king)

2. Who spoke to Solomon in a dream? (God)3. What did Solomon ask God for? (wisdom)4. What other things did God give Solomon? (long

life, riches, honor)5. What does God know? God knows everything.

SAY • After David died, Solomon became king of Israel. God told Solomon He would give him anything he asked for. Solomon asked God for wisdom. God gave Solomon wisdom. God also gave Solomon long life, riches, and honor. Solomon was a wise king who wanted to follow God’s plan, but Solomon was not perfect. God had a plan to send a greater and wiser king—Jesus. Jesus trusted God and followed God’s plan by dying on the cross for our sin.

Sing the theme song “Greater Than Anything” or key passage song “Ask God.”

PrayInvite preschoolers to tell you any prayer requests they have.

• Bible• Bible Story Picture

Poster• Giant Timeline • Story Point Poster• Big Picture Question

Poster• Key Passage Poster• “Greater Than

Anything” song (optional)

• “Ask God” song (optional)

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SAY • God, thank You for sending Jesus, the greatest and wisest King. He trusted Your plan and died on the cross for our sin. Give us wisdom. Help us to turn from our sin and follow Your wise plan. Amen.

Missions momentSAY • God often asks missionaries to leave a place

they call “home” to live in a new place where they may not know anyone. God knows everyone and every place on the planet! Missionaries depend on God’s wisdom to help them take the gospel to places they know very little about. Watch this video about the Mandrells, a missionary family from Tennessee. They needed God’s wisdom to make some really big decisions about where they should go to share the gospel.

Show the “Going West (Part 1)” missions video.

Follow directionsMake a tape line on the floor. Direct preschoolers to stand on the tape side by side. Give two step directions for the preschoolers to follow as a group. Encourage them to watch others and be safe. Explain that this is not a race but a fun activity that checks their listening skills. Use the directions in the margin or create your own. SAY •You had to listen and follow my directions to play

the game. Solomon wanted to be a wise king who followed God’s plan. God gave Solomon wisdom, but Solomon was not perfect. God had a plan to send a greater and wiser king—Jesus. Jesus trusted God and followed God’s plan by dying on the cross for our sin.

• “Going West (Part 1)” missions video

• painter’s tape

Directions: • Hop to the table

and march back to the line.

• Crawl to the wall and tiptoe back to the line.

• Take baby steps to the wall and then take giant steps back to the line.

• Shake hands with a friend and then scratch your head.

• Touch your toes and then reach for the sky.

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