Liturgy Schedule Weekend Masses—Livestreamed Saturday: 5PM English Sunday: 1PM Spanish Weekend Masses—Outdoors Saturday: 5PM English Sunday: 1PM Spanish Weekday Masses (English) Livestreamed 9AM: Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 6:30PM: Tues. Anointing of the Sick By Appointment Confessions By Appointment Parish Information 141 156th Avenue SE Bellevue, WA 98007 425-747-4450 www.stlouise.org See page 10 for a full listing of Parish Staff. Consulte la página 10 para obtener una lista completa de Personal de la Parroquia. Parish Office Hours: Closed until further notice. Masses are being livestreamed on https://www.stlouise.org/livestream-mass. Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, Sunday, June 14, 2020 Domingo de la Solemnidad del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo (Corpus Christi), 14 de Junio de 2020 IGNITE FAITH AND WITNESS GOD'S LOVE ENCENDIENDO LA FE Y DANDO TESTIMONIO DEL AMOR DE DIOS 141 156th Avenue SE, Bellevue, WA 98007 | 425-747-4450

Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, Sunday, …...2020/06/14  · Padre Gary Zender p.d. ¡No puedo esperar para volverlos a ver! Dear Friends of St. Louise, Every year, on

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Page 1: Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, Sunday, …...2020/06/14  · Padre Gary Zender p.d. ¡No puedo esperar para volverlos a ver! Dear Friends of St. Louise, Every year, on

Liturgy Schedule

Weekend Masses—Livestreamed Saturday: 5PM English Sunday: 1PM Spanish

Weekend Masses—Outdoors Saturday: 5PM English Sunday: 1PM Spanish

Weekday Masses (English) Livestreamed

9AM: Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 6:30PM: Tues.

Anointing of the Sick By Appointment Confessions By Appointment

Parish Information 141 156th Avenue SE Bellevue, WA 98007 425-747-4450 www.stlouise.org See page 10 for a full listing of Parish Staff.

Consulte la página 10 para obtener una lista completa de Personal de la Parroquia.

Parish Office Hours: Closed until further notice.

Masses are being livestreamed on https://www.stlouise.org/livestream-mass.

Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, Sunday, June 14, 2020 •

Domingo de la Solemnidad del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo (Corpus Christi), 14 de Junio de 2020


141 156th Avenue SE, Bellevue, WA 98007 | 425-747-4450

Page 2: Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, Sunday, …...2020/06/14  · Padre Gary Zender p.d. ¡No puedo esperar para volverlos a ver! Dear Friends of St. Louise, Every year, on

From the Pastor • Del Pastor


Queridos Amigos de Sta. Luisa: Cada año, el segundo domingo después de Pentecostés, nosotros celebramos con gran alegría la solemnidad del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo. Y este año, esta solemnidad coincide con el primer fin de semana en que nuevamente tendremos Misas públicas en Sta. Luisa. De verdad es un tiempo para celebrar – aunque solamente alrededor de 250 personas (incluyendo voluntarios) podrán estar físicamente presentes en las Misas al aire libre (y transmitidas en vivo). Esperamos añadir más Misas a medida que desarrollamos el nuevo sistema. Además, este fin de semana la Arquidiócesis de Seattle empezará el Año de la Eucaristía. Ustedes tal vez ya leyeron la Carta Pastoral del Arzobispo Etienne titulada La Obra de Redención: Creencia y Práctica Eucarística en la Arquidiócesis de Seattle en Northwest Catholic (Noroeste Católico), la revista que la Arquidiócesis envía por correo a todos los hogares católicos registrados. Si no es así, pueden buscar en internet a la Arquidiócesis de Seattle y encontrarán la carta pastoral en la página principal, bajo “Northwest Catholic.” La carta está en inglés y esperamos pronto tenerla disponible en español. La Obra de Redención es un bello resumen de nuestra teología de la Eucaristía Católica. Para mí, que estudié teología hace algún tiempo, sirve como un maravilloso recordatorio. Para otros, puede proporcionar conocimientos y enseñanzas útiles que ayudarán a todos a apreciar el significado de la Eucaristía, la cual, como la Iglesia lo enseña tan claramente, es la “fuente y la cima” de nuestra vida juntos como Iglesia. Ustedes notarán hacia el final de la carta que el Arzobispo Etienne nos pide implementar algunos cambios en nuestra postura corporal de oración. Estos cambios incluyen arrodillarse después del “Cordero de Dios” y también después de recibir la comunión hasta que el celebrante esté sentado. (Aquellos que físicamente no puedan arrodillarse pueden permanecer sentados en esos momentos.) Algunos se sentirán felices con el regreso de esta práctica anterior, la cual está más alineada con la práctica universal en los Estados Unidos. A otros les parecerá frustrante o confuso que estemos cambiando la práctica de permanecer de pie en esos momentos, lo que hemos hecho en nuestra Arquidiócesis desde tiempos del Arzobispo Brunett. ¡Los cambios nunca son fáciles! El seminarista Brody Stewart y yo tocaremos este tema en un video que podrán ver a fines de este mes. Celebraremos este año como el año de la Eucaristía, no solo un fin de semana. Próximamente les haremos saber cómo será nuestro Año de la Eucaristía aquí en Sta. Luisa. Me siento agradecido de que este año especial de celebración va a coincidir con el 60° aniversario de nuestra parroquia. La Eucaristía, la evangelización, el servicio, la caridad – todo eso va junto. Espero sinceramente que este año especial nos ayude a todos a valorar lo que la Eucaristía significa realmente y la importancia que tiene en nuestras vidas. Con mi amor por ustedes y por Jesús en la Sagrada Eucaristía, Padre Gary Zender

p.d. ¡No puedo esperar para volverlos a ver!

Dear Friends of St. Louise,

Every year, on the second Sunday after Pentecost, we celebrate with great joy the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of the Lord. And this year, this solemnity coincides with the first weekend we’ll once again have public Masses at St. Louise. Truly a time to celebrate – even though only about 250 people (including volunteers) will be able to physically attend the open-air Masses. We will also continue livestreaming. We hope to add more Masses as we get the new system down. See page 4 of this bulletin for information about attending our open-air Masses.

In addition, this weekend in the Archdiocese of Seattle we begin the Year of the Eucharist. You may have already read Archbishop Etienne’s Pastoral Letter titled The Work of Redemption: Eucharistic Belief and Practice in the Archdiocese of Seattle in Northwest Catholic, the Archdiocesan magazine mailed to all registered Catholic households. Otherwise, you can do an internet search for the Archdiocese of Seattle, and you will find the pastoral letter on the homepage under “Northwest Catholic.” The letter is in English and we hope to have it available also in Spanish soon.

The Work of Redemption is a beautiful summary of our Catholic Eucharistic theology. For me, who studied theology some time ago, it serves as a wonderful reminder. For others, it might provide some helpful insights and learnings that will help all of us to better appreciate the meaning of the Eucharist, which, as the Church teaches so clearly, is the “source and summit” of our life together as Church.

You will notice that towards the end of the letter that Archbishop Etienne asks us to implement some changes in our posture of prayer throughout our Archdiocese. These include kneeling after the “Lamb of God” and again after receiving communion until the presider is seated. (It is fine for those who physically cannot kneel to be seated at these times.) Some will rejoice at this return to our former practice, which is more in line with the universal practice in the United States. Others will find it frustrating or confusing that we are changing the practice of standing at these times, which we have used in our Archdiocese since the time of Archbishop Brunett. Change is never easy! Seminarian Brody Stewart and I will address this very topic in a video coming to you before the end of this month.

We will celebrate this year as a year of the Eucharist, not just a weekend. We will be letting you know what our Year of the Eucharist will look like at St. Louise in the very near future. I am grateful that this special year of celebration will overlap with the 60th anniversary of our parish.

The Eucharist, evangelization, service, charity – all go together. It is my sincere hope that this special year will help us all to grow in our appreciation of what the Eucharist truly means and of its importance in our lives.

With my love for you and for Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist,

Fr. Gary Zender

p.s. I can’t wait to see you again!

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This Week In Our Parish Esta Semana en Nuestra Parroquia

Find our parish calendar online at https://www.stlouise.org/calendar-1.

Parish Office Hours: Closed until further notice

Church Building open for private prayer Monday-Friday: 9AM-10AM and 5PM-7PM;

Saturday: 5PM-6PM; Sunday: 1PM-2PM

Sunday, June 14 1PM Livestream Mass in the Chapel (Spanish) 1PM Outdoor Mass (Spanish) Pan Dulce y Chocolate con el P. Gary y el P. Carlos después

de la Misa de 1PM (Spanish) (livestream)

Monday, June 15 9AM Livestream Mass

Tuesday, June 16 6:30PM Livestream Mass

Wednesday, June 17 9AM Livestream Mass

Thursday, June 18 9AM Livestream Mass 7PM Livestream Rosary (English) 8PM Livestream Rosary (Spanish)

Friday, June 19 8:30AM Livestream Eucharistic Adoration 9AM Livestream Mass

Saturday, June 20 10AM Livestream Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena 5PM Livestream Mass (English) 5PM Outdoor Mass (English) Coffee and Donuts with Fr. Gary and Fr. Carlos after the 5PM

Mass (English) (livestream)

Sunday, June 21 1PM Livestream Mass (Spanish) 1PM Outdoor Mass (Spanish) Pan Dulce y Chocolate con el P. Gary y el P. Carlos después

de la Misa de 1PM (Spanish) (livestream)


Stay Connected to St. Louise Parish

Parish website (www.stlouise.org). The website has the most comprehensive information about our parish.

Facebook. The parish and school each have an active Facebook page (Facebook.com/StLouiseParish and Face-book.com/StLouiseSchool).

Parish Calendar: For a complete listing of events, www.stlouise.org/calendar-1.

Flocknote: Stay connected with important news/updates. www.stlouise.org/flocknote.

WELCOME to St. Louise Parish If you are new here, a returning Catholic, or have been a member and don’t feel connected, contact our Parish Office at 425-747-4450 to find out more information about the parish. If you are interested in registering, fill out an information card, found at the welcome desk in the main vestibule of the church, and drop it in the collection basket, or register online at www.stlouise.org.

BIENVENIDO a Santa Luisa Si es nuevo aquí, está regresando a la iglesia católica, o ha sido miembro y no se siente conectado, póngase en contacto con nuestra Oficina Parroquial al 425-747-4450 para obtener más información acerca de la parroquia. Si usted está interesado en registrarse, llene una tarjeta de información que se encuentra en la recepción de bienvenida en el vestíbulo principal de la iglesia, y colóquela en la canasta de la colecta, o regístrese en línea en www.stlouise.org.

St. Louise Church Opens with Limited Hours, for Individual Prayer

We are pleased to an-nounce that the church will be open daily for

individual prayer,

beginning Thursday, June 11, 2020. While our desire is to open the church full-time, we must limit our hours due

to restrictions associated with the COVID-19 crisis. These re-strictions require that we only open the church for individual prayer and no other activities at this time. The church-open schedule is as follows: Monday-Friday: 9AM-10AM and 5PM-7PM; Saturday: 5PM-6PM; Sunday: 1PM-2PM. These hours

will be adjusted as conditions change.

Important things to note:

Access to the church will only be through the main entrance

Masks must be worn at all times while in the church Hand sanitation will be required at the sanitation stations

provided at the main entrance Every other pew will be closed Participants must sit a minimum of 6 feet apart from any-

body not in their family/ family household group

We are also looking for volunteers to help greet parishioners and assist with any needs during individual prayer time. Please contact Dawn McIntosh, [email protected], if you would like to volunteer or have any questions.

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Activities and Events

Opportunities to help!

In these challenging economic times, many people will need our help. As a parish, we will focus our response through three or-ganizations: Catholic Community Services, Jubilee Reach in Bellevue and the St. Louise chapter of St. Vincent de Paul.

St. Vincent de Paul - To give to St. Vincent de Paul, visit the donation page, https://www.osvonlinegiving.com/1368/DirectDonate/34429.

Catholic Community Services - To give to Catholic Com-munity Services’ response to COVID-19 in King County, visit the donation page, https://secure2.convio.net/ccsww/site/Donation2;jsessionid=00000000.app20050a?6601.donation=form1&df_id=6601&mfc_pref=T&NONCE_TOKEN=69E39F6BD040FC023AFA72931DD9AF81.

Jubilee Reach - To donate groceries to Jubilee Reach, for more information or to sign up, visit https://www.stlouise.org/jubilee-reach.

You are Invited Are you seeking new ways to enrich your faith life and that of your teen or younger chil-dren? Check out FORMED, a new online resource offered

free to all members of our parish. This easy-to-use website provides many options. There are 3-5 minute daily Scripture reflections, and interviews covering a range of current faith topics you can check out. Well-produced videos offer inspira-tion designed for those searching for spiritual meaning in their lives, or enrichment for those looking to deepen their relation-ship with God and understanding of their faith. Films for all ages are easy to access. Many offerings are geared to chil-dren, engaging their interest and providing wholesome enter-tainment and religious education. There is also a library of ebooks offered through FORMED, and many resources are available in Spanish. To explore this rich resource, follow the instructions below.

1. Go to formed.org/signup 2. Select your parish (St. Louise) 3. Register with your name and email address 4. Check that email account for a link to begin using


Outdoor Masses (signup online to attend these masses)

We are thrilled to announce that St. Louise Parish will start to publicly celebrate Mass the weekend of June 13/14. We will hold 2 outdoor Masses,

June 13, 5PM (English)

June 14, 1PM (Spanish)

You must pre-register to attend one of our outdoor Masses. To RSVP for our outdoor Public Masses please see our website www.stlouise.org or call the Parish Office. NO Walk-ins will be allowed for our outdoor public Masses. If you call, please note that you will NOT be registered until you receive phone call confirmation from Nila or Michael confirming that a spot has been reserved for you.

The Outdoor Public celebration of Masses will be:

In front of the School and Faith Formation Center. Please bring your own folding chair. Come prepared for sun or rain. Wear your face mask.

While we will be implementing strict social distancing and em-phasizing safety for everyone, those who need to take extra precautions to avoid getting sick with COVID-19 should NOT attend public Mass at this time. We all attend at our own risk. As usual, if you have any symptoms of illness, you must NOT attend Mass.

Because we are limited to 100 people who can attend our out-door public Mass, the bishops have continued the general dis-pensation from the Sunday Mass obligation. In addition we will continue to livestream our 5PM Saturday and 1PM Sun-day Masses from the chapel. Our hope is to add more out-door Masses as time goes so please visit our website www.stlouise.org, flocknote or our for our newsletter for the most current information.

Next Step Pregnancy Services

Dear Friends of Next Step Pregnancy Services,

Next Step is a life-affirming Pregnancy Resource Center in Lynnwood WA. We support women and families in need espe-cially when experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. We provide baby and maternity supplies, counseling and early OB ultra-sounds - all free of cost.

Please join us on Saturday, June 20, at 7PM for our Virtual Gala! This is a FREE event! We have a virtual tour of the center, gift certificates, and dynam-ic pro-life speaker Patricia Sandoval! Register at nssupport.org and be entered into our prize draw-ings! Thank you for your support for the unborn!

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St. Louise School News It’s Time to Enroll for the 2020-21 School Year Parents interested in enrolling their children in grades Pre-K through 8 at St. Louise Parish School for the 2020-21 school year should call the School Office at 425-746-4220 or email school secretary, Tracy Brown, at [email protected]. We are already accepting applications and securing admissions

for new students.

Giving your child a Catholic school education is a fundamental way to assure he/she will receive a solid foundation not just in academics, but in morals and faith formation. Graduates of St. Louise Parish School leave us with a strong foundation and go on to do extremely well in high school, in college, and in life. More information on our outstanding parish school may be found at stlouiseschool.org.

School, Faith Formation, Youth and Young Adult Ministries


St. Louise School is happy to offer four week-long summer camps in August 2020!

Camps will be different than other camps. While we are

committed to the FUN, these camps were built on St. Louise’s strong foundation.

Our incredibly fun-loving and professional team love what they do and will provide campers with unforgettable memories. Campers will get wet, be challenged with outdoor skills, create and explore.Our schedule is flexible and offers security, inde-pendence and stimulation.

Camps are open to students from any school who will be enter-ing grades K-5 this Fall. For more information or to register online, please go to stlouiseschool.org “clubs and activities” then “summer camps.”

Questions? Please contact our Summer Camp Director at [email protected].

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Liturgy, Spirituality and Worship

Let Us Pray: PLEASE REMEMBER, IN YOUR PRAYERS THIS WEEK, ALL THOSE WHO HAVE ASKED FOR OUR PRAYERS: (To add or remove names please contact David Gehrig at [email protected] or 425-214-5466.)

This Week’s Mass Intentions

Sunday, June 14, 1PM Spanish

Cecilia Alivar-Bosangit, Deceased Elly Ting, Deceased

Monday, June 15, 9AM

Paul N. Cowgill, Deceased

Tuesday, June 16, 6:30PM Dorothy Pixley, Deceased

Wednesday, June 17, 9AM

Susan Ong, Spec. Int

Thursday, June 18, 9AM Victoria Matsunaga, Spec. Int.

Friday, June 19, 9AM

Sharon Haggerty Anderson, Deceased

Saturday, June 20, 5PM

Paul N. Cowgill, Deceased Felicita Ruiz, Deceased

For the sick. We remember especially: Ada, Diane Albee, Marylou Andersen, Luke Artalona, Terry Baker, Janet Blakely, Dahlia Borromeo, Manuel Brambila, Nick Monte Calvo, Eileen Conces, Richard Cortez, Linda Courter, Paul Desimone, Maria (Crum) Droz, Aria Faler, Angelina Folino, Tricia Freeman, Analisa Garcia, Forough Ghoddouss, Jan Ghosn, Fabio Gobbo, Jesse Gonzalez, Martha Gonzalez, Cathy Grainger, Lois Hernandez, Chris Hodneland, Avery Jaque, Elena Javelona, Kristina Kirpatrick, Amma Kumar, Kay Landau, Fr. Jim Lee, Yvette Lozano, Paul MacDonald, Billy Machado, Peyton Marquez, Bill Matson, Jim McBeth, Kris McGowan, D.J. McPherson, Ofelia Mendez, Hilda Michael, Mari Navarre-Fink, Shirley Neal, Freya O’Bryan-Herriott, Susy & Jay Ollis, Bud Olson, Tim Omundson, Regina Paniagua Jacobo, Abe Pachikara, Patti Partington, Gary Pfohl, Christine Philipp, Earl Rial, Elizabeth Rial, Carmelo Ricciardelli, Stephen Rusch, Branen Sanchez, Rosa Maria Santos, Dorothy Shindler, Deanie Smith, Clara Sun, George Thorpe, Fred Tuazon, Rich & Helen Vasek, Stanley Vasek, Mary Wirta, Des Zamora, Linda Zender.

For the dead: Parishioner Mary Velotta has passed from this world to the next. Catherine Fisher’s funeral is postponed due to COVID-19 gathering restrictions. Please pray for our deceased parishioners and their families. May the Lord receive them unto Himself and give peace, comfort and strength to their families. Amen For the most current information on parish funerals, go to the homepage of our parish website, www.stlouise.org.

Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Everyone is invited to join in celebrating a novena to the Virgin Mary under her title, "Our Lady of Perpetual Help," for nine Sat-urdays, beginning May 2. "Our Lady of Perpetual Help" is the name given to Mary as de-picted in a famous, centuries-old icon in the Byzantine style. The icon and the devotion to Mary it inspires is in the special charge of the Redemptorist order of priests. You can see a pic-ture of the icon and read about its history, miracles and symbol-ism at their website at http://www.iconoflove.org/.

Although anyone can make a private novena at any time, the Church teaches that there is added efficacy in the union of the faithful at prayer. Holding this public novena to Our Lady of Per-petual Help is a St. Louise tradition, sponsored by the Fil-Am community. The dates for the Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help: June 13 livestream at 10AM; June 20, 27 at

10AM. Novenas will be livestreamed.

Parish Prayer Intentions: Offer prayer intentions for those you are con-

cerned about. As a community, we will be praying for one another and have the op-tion to pray as a community online. Please submit anything or anyone you would like to pray for to [email protected]. The request will be posted to our web-site, so please do not include names or details of medical conditions in order to pro-tect people’s privacy.

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Our Financial Gifts

MAY 31, 2020 Offertory $39,838.87

Other collections and donations: Social Concerns .................................................. $215.00 St. Vincent ........................................................... $905.00 Building Fund ...................................................... $455.00 Holy Day ............................................................. $228.00 Flowers ................................................................. $25.00

Thank you for your generosity!

Will You Join Us in Our Mission? Have you wondered how you might support the Church during this time?

Persevering in living out our parish mission to Ignite Faith and Witness God’s Love through a pandemic is not easy – we need your help. Will you consider the opportunity to join us in this effort? Your prompt financial support will make a direct impact and sustain the good work that we are doing at St. Louise Par-ish.

Though parish life feels and looks different right now, our faith in Christ and our determination to witness his love is unwaver-ing. We are grateful for your consideration to financially support St. Louise Parish. We look forward to connecting with you to go over different giving options; please contact Barbara Abbott at 425 214-5471 or [email protected] or Jonathan Taasan at

425 214-5473 or [email protected].

NEW Parish Online Giving Website

Check out our new https://www.osvhub.com/st-louise-de-marillac-parish/funds website with OSV. We want to encourage everyone to sign up and use our secure and convenient Online Giving program to financially support St. Louise Parish.

Stewardship • La Corresponsabilidad

Called to Serve as Christ As of June 4, we have heard from 616 fami-lies and for those that were able to make a financial commitment, they raised a total of $1.6 million. We have reached 71% of our $2.3 million goal! We are so grateful for the generous support and sacrifices many fami-

lies have made to be part of this important campaign for our priests, women religious and our faith community – thank you! Overall, for the entire Archdiocese of Seattle, the total amount raised for the campaign so far is $53 million by 17,540 house-holds. The total campaign goal is $100 million. This fall 71 parishes are lined up for the final and largest wave of the cam-paign. Just a reminder that whatever is our parish total amount paid, St. Louise gets 15% as our parish share which will go towards our Building Fund. When we reach our goal, that’s a potential of $351K that will help seed our next building pro-ject. If you haven’t had the chance to respond, please visit www.stlouise.org/calledtoserve to learn more about the campaign and also to submit your commitment. Thank you.

Annual Catholic Appeal

We are most grateful to everyone who has had the chance to respond and raise a total of $129,000 so far— that’s 40% of our $295,000 Annual Catholic Appeal goal – thank you! Out of our 2,000-plus households, we’ve heard from 256 families. This is great! If each of the remaining 1,700-plus families made a one-time gift of $100, we would meet and exceed our goal. Howev-er, not everyone might be able to make a pledge so if you’re able to, kindly consider increasing your gift. Remember, equal sacrifice, not equal gifts. Every amount makes a differ-ence. Please consider making a pledge online by visiting our website at www.stlouise.org and clicking on the Annual Catho-lic Appeal button. Thank you for your generous response.

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Sección en español

NUEVO sitio de web parroquial para donaciones en línea Consulte nuestro nuevo sitio de web https://www.osvhub.com/st-louise-de-marillac-parish/funds con OSV. Queremos alentar a todos a inscribirse y usar nuestro programa de donaciones en línea seguro y conveniente para apoyar financieramente la parroquia de St. Louise

Misas al aire libre junio 13 y 14 Estamos encantados de anunciar que la parroquia de Sta. Luisa comenzará a celebrar públicamente el fin de semana, junio 13 y 14. Tendremos 2 misas al aire libre,

13 de junio, 5 p.m. (inglés) 14 de junio, 1 p.m. (español)

Debe inscribirse para asistir a una de las misas al aire li-bre. Para información de cómo confirmar su asistencia a nues-tras misas públicas al aire libre, visite nuestro sitio web www.stlouise.org o llame a la oficina parroquial. NO se permit-irán personas sin cita para nuestras misas públicas al aire li-bre. Si llama, tenga en cuenta que NO estará registrado has-ta que reciba la confirmación de llamada telefónica de Nila o Michael diciendo que un lugar ha sido reservado para usted. La celebración pública al aire libre de misas será:

Frente a la escuela y el centro de formación de fe. Por favor traiga su propia silla. Venga preparado para el sol o la lluvia. Tendrá que usar su cubre boca.

Aunque estaremos implementado un distanciamiento social estricto y enfatizaremos la seguridad de todos, aquellos que necesitan tomar precauciones adicionales para evitar enfer-marse con COVID-19 NO deben asistir a misa pública en este momento. Todos asistimos bajo nuestro propio riesgo. Como de costumbre, si tiene algún síntoma de enfermedad, NO debe asistir a misa.

Debido a que estamos limitados a 100 personas que pueden

asistir a la misa pública al aire libre, los obispos han contin-

uado la dispensación general de la obligación de la misa do-

minical. Además, continuaremos transmitiendo en vivo

nuestras misas del sábado a las 5PM en inglés y el domin-

go de 1PM en español de la capilla. Nuestra esperanza es

agregar más misas al aire libre poco a poco, así que visite

nuestro sitio web www.stlouise.org, flocknote o nuestro boletín

para obtener la información más actualizada.

La iglesia de Sta. Luisa abre con horario limitado, para oración individual

Nos complace anunciar que la iglesia estará abierta diariamente para oración individual, comen-zando el jueves 11 de junio de 2020. Nuestro deseo es abrir la Iglesia a tiempo completo, debe-mos limitar nuestras horas debido

a las restricciones asociadas con la crisis COVID-19. Estas restricciones requieren que solo abramos la iglesia para oración individual y ninguna otra actividad en este momento. El horario que la iglesia estar abierta es el siguiente: lunes a viernes: 9 AM-10AM y 5 PM-7PM; Sábado: 5 PM-6PM; Do-mingo: 1 PM-2PM. Estas horas se ajustarán a medida que

cambien las condiciones.

Cosas importantes a tener en cuenta:

El acceso a la iglesia solo será por la entrada principal Un cubre boca se deben usar en todo momento mientras

que estén en la Iglesia Se requerirá el uso de sanitizer (gel de alcohol) en las

manos. Hay estaciones con sanitizer (gel de alcohol) provistas en la entrada principal

Cada segundo banco de la iglesia estará cerrado Los participantes deben sentarse a un mínimo de 6 pies

de distancia de cualquier persona que no esté en su


También estamos buscando voluntarios para ayudar a saludar a los feligreses y ayudar con cualquier necesidad durante el tiempo de oración individual. Póngase en contacto con Dawn McIntosh, [email protected], si desea ser voluntario o tiene

alguna pregunta.

Page 10: Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, Sunday, …...2020/06/14  · Padre Gary Zender p.d. ¡No puedo esperar para volverlos a ver! Dear Friends of St. Louise, Every year, on

If you are interested in having an announcement published in the bulletin, please visit the parish website to read the bulletin publishing guidelines. Questions: email [email protected].

• Si está interesado en tener un artículo publicado en el boletín, visite por favor el sitio web de la parroquia www.stlouise.org, para leer las pautas editoriales para el boletín. ¿Preguntas? Email [email protected].

Pastoral and Administrative Staff

Pastoral Counseling

Cathy Callans, MA, LMHCA ……..…425-440-1162, [email protected]

Eastside Pastoral Care Ministry/

Ministerio de Cuidado Pastoral Eastside ……..…...…..425-655-3200

Pastor (habla español) Fr. Gary Zender …..………….425-747-4450 x5463, [email protected]

Parochial Vicar / Vicario Parroquial (habla español) Fr. Carlos Orozco…..……….425-747-4450 x5462, [email protected]

Deacon Dcn. Sam Basta………..….…..425-214-5382, [email protected]

Seminarian Brody Stewart……..……..425-747-4450x5461, [email protected]

Pastoral Assistants / Asistentes Pastorales

Community Life/Pastoral Associate Faith Formation, & Sacraments (English) Geri Hanley ……………………....425-747-4450 x5464, [email protected]

Initiation & Sacraments (Spanish) / Preparación Sacramental (español) *Para Bautizos, Primera Reconciliación, Comunión, Confirmación para niños y adultos, contactar Berenice Brambila.

Hispanic Ministry / Ministerio Hispano (habla español) Advocacy for Annulment Process/ Defensa del Proceso de Anulación para matrimonios Ma. Berenice Brambila ……425-747-4450 x5474, [email protected]

Pastoral Care and Advocacy for Annulment Process / Cuidado Pastoral y Defensa del Proceso de Anulación David Gehrig …………………...425-747-4450 x5466, [email protected]

Worship Liturgy and Music Ministry / Ministerio de la Música Lynette Basta ………………....425-747-4450 x5467, [email protected]

Evangelization Evangelization/Evangelización/Initiation (RCIA) Katie O’Neill …………………….425-747-4450 x 5477, [email protected]

Youth Ministry / Ministerio para Jóvenes Amy Baumgardner……………….425-747-4450 x 5465, [email protected]

Anyone who has any concerns or allegations related to the safety and wellbeing of our children regarding clergy or lay leaders in the Archdiocese of Seattle should con-tact the special hotline at 1-800-446-7762.

Cualquiera que tenga alguna inquietud o alegatos relacionados con la seguridad y el bienestar de nuestros niños en relación al clero o líderes laicos en la Ar-quidiócesis de Seattle puede llamar a la línea especial 1-800-446-7762.

The Archdiocese of Seattle has established a confidential telephone hotline, 1-844-815-8236, and website, seattlearchdiocese.ethicspoint.com, for parish staff and parishioners to anonymously raise concerns about suspected unethical behavior by church personnel. Learn more about this hotline by visiting the website or by getting a copy of the “We Never Sleep” brochure from the main vestibule of the church.

La Arquidiócesis de Seattle ha establecido una línea telefónica confidencial, 1-844-815-8236 y un sitio de web, ,seattlearchdiocese.ethicspoint.com, para que el personal de la parroquia y los feligreses expresen de forma anónima las preocupaciones sobre el comportamiento poco ético sospechado por el personal de la iglesia. Obtenga más información acerca de esta línea directa visitando el sitio web u obteniendo una copia del folleto "We Never Sleep" en el vestíbulo principal de la Iglesia.

Parish Administrator / Administrador Parroquial Jonathan Taasan ……….425-747-4450 x5473, [email protected] Bookkeeper—Capital Campaign / Contadora—Campaña de Capital Barbara Abbott ………...…425-747-4450 x5471, [email protected] Parish Receptionists / Recepcionistas Parroquiales Nila Agostini ..(habla español) 425-747-4450 x5460, [email protected]

Michael Johnson ………...425-747-4450 x5460, [email protected] Administrative Assistant for Fr. Gary / Asistente Administrativa

para el Padre Gary (habla español) Fabiola Ward …….…425-747-4450 x5476, [email protected] Facilities & Maintenance Supervisor / Supervisor de Instalaciones y Mantenimiento Paul Trussell ……………..…...425-746-4220 x5442, [email protected]

Parish School / Escuela Parroquial Principal / Director Dan Fitzpatrick …….…425-746-4220 x5454, [email protected] Vice Principal / Subdirector Mike Fuerte …………425-746-4220 x5406, [email protected] Secretary / Secretaria Lola Bazan ……….…..425-746-4220 x5400, [email protected] Mindy Morgan ….…425-746-4220 x5400, [email protected] Development Director / Directora de Desarrollo Cindy Wagner …...425-746-4220 x5386, [email protected]


Page 11: Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, Sunday, …...2020/06/14  · Padre Gary Zender p.d. ¡No puedo esperar para volverlos a ver! Dear Friends of St. Louise, Every year, on