SOLAR ENERGY ISRAEL TODAY.. TOMORROW? Jerusalem College Of Technology Prof. Claude Oiknine 05/03/2013

SOLAR ENERGY ISRAEL TODAY.. TOMORROW? Jerusalem College Of Technology Prof. Claude Oiknine 05/03/2013

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Jerusalem College Of Technology

Prof. Claude Oiknine 05/03/2013


1- Main Solar Energy Characteristics

2- Transforming Solar Energy in Usable Energy

3- Efficiency and Price

4- Solar Power Installed in the World and in Israel

5- Historic of Solar Energy in Israel

6- What Future for Solar Energy in Israel

7- Conclusions

Jerusalem College Of TechnologyProf. Claude Oiknine 05/03/2013

Solar Energy CharacteristicsNature:


Geographically and Time Dependant:

Power Density( Solar Irradiance ) :


Prof. Claude Oiknine Jerusalem College Of Technology



Intermittent: Day-Night , Clouds

Unpredictable Weather


- Light Has Both a Wave and Particle Nature. - Sun Energy is Composed of a Multitude of Photons

Having Each a Different Wavelength λ ,.- A Photon of Wavelength , λ , has an Energy E:

E=hc/ λ (h is Planck’s constant c is speed of light)

- The Solar Irradiance (W/m2) is the Power Density incident on an Object due to sun illumination.

Radiation Direct or Diffuse:


Solar Energy Characteristics

Prof. Claude Oiknine Jerusalem College Of Technology


Direct Radiation and Diffuse Radiation





Prof. Claude Oiknine Jerusalem College Of Technology


Energy Reaching the Surface of the Earth every houris greater than the energy used during one year worldwide

SizeSolar Energy Characteristics

Prof. Claude Oiknine Jerusalem College Of Technology 05/03/2013

Geographically Dependent

Solar Irradiance

Energy Released by One Liter of Fuel Combustion


Energy of Sun at Maximum Irradiation Impacting an Area of One Meter Square During Ten Hours

Sun Energy is huge but very diluted ( 1000 W/m2 at Ground)

Solar Energy Characteristics

Prof. Claude Oiknine Jerusalem College Of Technology 05/03/2013


Storage is One Mean of Overcoming Intermittent Nature of Solar Energy

Existent Systems of Storage are : Batteries and Melt Salts ;they Are Expensive and Polluting

Today Major R&D Effort to Find Better Systems for Storage

Question: Is Storage the Optimal Solution ? Why not Hybridization?

Solar Energy Characteristics

Prof. Claude Oiknine Jerusalem College Of Technology 05/03/2013

Transforming Solar Energy in Usable Energy

1- Pure Calorific :Hot Water Production

2- Photovoltaic:Flat Panels ( CV ) without sun concentration

Systems with Sun Concentration (CPV)Low Concentration : C< 20Medium : C < 100High : C > 500

3- Solar Thermal :

Trough: Medium concentration , parabolic reflective optics , high power

Tower : High concentration , mirrors optics

4- Sterling : Sun concentration by reflective dishes

medium to low power







Cheap Optics for Sun Concentration

Prof. Claude Oiknine Jerusalem College Of Technology 05/03/2013


Prof. Claude Oiknine Jerusalem College Of Technology 05/03/2013

Efficiency and Price of Different Systems

System Hot Water

PV CPV Trough Thermal

Thermal Tower


Efficiency 50-70% 15% 30% 15-20% 15-23% 27%

Power MW > 40 kW one unit


10-50 MW

>50 kW

Capital Cost ($/W)

2.25> < 3 4.0> 4.5> ?

LCOE (c$/kWh)

15 ? 14 - 36 17 - 29 ?

Capital cost= all initial costs: ground preparation, hardware, installation, inverter,financial and administration costs ……($/W)

LCOE (Levellized Cost Of Energy)= (Capital Cost + Maintenance Costs During Life Time)/ Total Energy Produced during Life Time ( c$/kWh )

Prof. Claude Oiknine Jerusalem College Of Technology 05/03/2013

Solar World Capacity


Prof. Claude Oiknine Jerusalem College Of Technology 05/03/2013

Solar Energy Implementation in Israel

1- Solar Power Installed in Israel is about 0.5% of Total Power Installed ; it is 6 times less than France and 20 times less than Germany.2- L’intention est de porter en 2020 cette puissance a :

- 1550 MW en champs solaires- 200 MW en rooftop

Israel Goal is to Reach about 7% of Total Power When Germany aims at least 35%

3- Achieved Projects or at least Initiated:

- Arava Power 5 MW PV Achieved (Ketura) ; 68 MW PV Initiated- Megalim ( Bright Source /Alstom) 121 MW Thermo-Solar Ashalim Initiated

In project 250 MW for Ashalim - Rooftop : 80 MW initiated , part achieved.

Solar Energy Implementation in Israel is today very limited

Prof. Claude Oiknine Jerusalem College Of Technology


Historic of Solar Development in Israel

1950s : First Solar Water Heater by Levi Yssar

1970s : New Generation of Solar Heat Water by Harry Zvi Tabor

solar water heater now used in over 90% of Israeli homes

1970s-1980s : Solar Pond developed by ORMAT (L.Y.Brunicki) 5MW, first solar thermal plant in Israel

1983-1990 : Trough thermo solar by Luz I ( A. Goldman) Nine Power Solar Stations installed in California, 354 MW

1992- 2009 : SOLEL purchased most of the assets of Luz I Major supplier of replacement collectors for California Plants

Siemens Acquired Solel for 418 M$


Prof. Claude Oiknine Jerusalem College Of Technology


Solel Sun Collector

Today Solar Development in Israel

UniversitiesTechnion: Basic Research and PV Laboratory

Ben Gurion University: New Multi Junction Cells, Solar Systems, David Faiman

Weizman Institute: Tower (3000 kW,64 heliostats)- Furnace (7000 Sun)- Pilot Tower with beam down optics

Tel Aviv University :Center for Renewable Energy A.Kribus

Companies About 100 companies

Distribution and sub systems ManufactureWater Heating, Engineering Procurement Construction(EPC)for PV and Thermo solar.Startup R&D and Manufacturing 3GSolar,D.I.S.P,Ener-T,LuzII(Bright source), MST, Pythagoras, Zenith,bSolar, Aora ,Tenoga…….

Good inter relations between University and Industry

Israel is perceived worldwide as a major source of solar technology

Prof. Claude Oiknine Jerusalem College Of Technology 05/03/2013

Israel Assets for Solar Energy


Israel is one of the best location for solar irradiation

Technical Knowledge

Israel is between the most advanced countries in solar technologies

However solar energy production is today ridiculously small! Why?

Energy (and Water) are not strategic assets ?

We have not enough available ground?

Necessary Investment is prohibitive?

Prof. Claude Oiknine Jerusalem College Of Technology


Goals and Orders of Magnitude

1- National Consensus in Israel on Strategic Importance of Energy and Water

2- Ground Necessary for 1 GW PV:

12 km2 (less than 1/1000 of Negev area)

3- Capital Investment Necessary for 1GW PV:

Today the Capital Investment is 2,25 $ /W

So the Capital Investment for PV is 2.25Md$/GW

4- Official Goal of 1,75 GW in 2020 Will Require:

21km2 and about 4 Md$

5- In Order to be, at least Close to European Goal we Will Need :

40 km2 and Invest 8 Md$ till 2020


Prof. Claude Oiknine Jerusalem College Of Technology



1- Negev is One of the Best Locations for Solar Energy

2- Israel is One of the Most Advanced Countries for Solar Technology

3- The Official Goal to Reach in 2020 10 % of Renewable Energy Must Be Reached

and Increased if Possible Doubled

4- The Area Necessary to Reach this 10% Goal is only 21 km2

5- Discovery of Gas is an Unique Occasion to Finance Installation of Renewable Energy Plants and in particular Solar Plants The Capital Investment per Year is About 500 M$ per year


PV Panels Are Mainly Manufactured in China and Installed in EuropeWhere DNI is Two to Three Times Less than in the Sun Belt

Who Manufacture , Who Installs?

Prof. Claude Oiknine Jerusalem College Of Technology 05/03/2013