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Sol2e Int Cumulative Test a 1-10

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Cumulative Test Units 1–10 Test A

Cumulative Test 1–10AName: ___________________________________________

Grammar1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 James was hungry because he ____________ (not eat) any breakfast that morning.

2 The boys ____________ (listen) to music when their friends arrived.

3 If I ____________ (have) more time, I’d learn the guitar.

4 He ____________ (do) his homework for an hour and he still hasn’t finished it.

5 Do you know if all the invitations ____________ (send) yet?

6 This time next week, I ____________ (sit) on a beach in California.

7 I saw Helen yesterday and she told me she ____________ (have) a fantastic time on holiday.

8 Sometimes I wish I ____________ (know) what other people were thinking.

9 Hurry up! The exam ____________ (start) in five minutes.

10 Did you paint the house yourself or did you ____________ (it / paint) professionally?

11 Most of the people ____________ (watch) the concert were teenagers.

12 You look different! You ____________ (not / used to / have) blonde hair, did you?

Mark __/12

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Cumulative Test Units 1–10 Test A

2 Choose the correct answers.1 The more exercise I do, ___ I get.

a fitter b the fitter c fittest d the fittest

2 Nathan didn’t like it when we suggested ___ instead of going out.

a study b to study c studying d studies

3 When I arrived at the party there was ___ there. They’d all gone home.

a Nobody b Somebody c Anybody d Everybody

4 My parents’ wedding anniversary, ___ we celebrate every year, is an opportunity for all the

family to get together.

a where b who c whose d which

5 Did you and Jessica enjoy ___ at the concert last night?

a yourself b yourselves c itself d themselves

6 Everybody knew who had drawn on the walls, but ___ of the students said anything.

a all b each c no d none

7 If he hadn’t been so nervous, he ___ his driving test.

a had passed b would have passed c will pass d would pass

8 We finished our classes early on Friday, so we decided ___ for our exam on Monday.

a to study b studying c studied d study

Mark __/8

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Cumulative Test Units 1–10 Test A

Vocabulary3 Choose the correct answers.

1 I like wearing __________ clothes when I’m at home, such as old jeans and T-shirts.

a gaudy b smart c elegant d scruffy

2 Sam felt __________ of himself when he discovered he had passed his driving test.

a ashamed b proud c disappointed d afraid

3 My friend’s lucky. She works in a bank and __________ a lot of money.

a deals b serves c earns d does

4 He hurt himself while playing tennis. I think he’s sprained his __________ .

a calf b thigh c shin d wrist

5 I write a daily __________ about my thoughts and feelings. It’s like a diary.

a blog b site c channel d link

6 I don’t smoke, so I don’t have any __________ in the house.

a sideboards b ashtrays c fireplaces d footstools

7 They bought a new __________ armchair. It’s very comfortable.

a leather b paper c marble d china

8 My sister was very sad when she __________ up with her boyfriend.

a split b got c fell d made

9 Shall we go along to the buffet __________ and get a coffee for the journey?

a room b car c desk d shop

10 The trains are so __________ . It took us three hours longer than usual to get there.

a relaxing b unreliable c convenient d uncomfortable

11 I gave the shop assistant a ten pound note, but she forget to give me my __________ .

a cash b card c price d change

12 He writes great __________ that tell stories about people in difficult relationships.

a melodies b lyrics c harmonies d movements

Mark __/12

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Cumulative Test Units 1–10 Test A

4 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.1 I’m fed __________ with working so hard. I need a holiday.

2 I’m satisfied __________ my exam results. I did quite well.

3 OK, you’ve twisted my __________ . I’ll come to the circus with you tomorrow.

4 It was getting dark, so I turned on the table __________ in the corner.

5 I fell __________ love with Lydia at the end-of-year party.

6 Jack likes Lisa, but he’s too shy to ask her __________ on a date.

7 We got off the train, then went to the taxi __________ and waited in the queue.

8 You shouldn’t drive on the __________ shoulder of the motorway. It’s only for people whose car

has broken down.

Mark __/8

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Cumulative Test Units 1–10 Test A

Use of English5 Complete the text. Choose the correct answers, A, B, C or D.

Stephenie Meyer is the best-selling author of the young adult novel Twilight and its sequels. She grew up in Phoenix, Arizona, and was one of six children. She 1____ her husband, Christian, at school, but they didn’t marry until after she had left University. They had three sons, and Stephenie chose 2____ at home to look after them. Then one night, Meyer had a dream 3____ she couldn’t stop thinking about. She decided to write a novel about the characters in her head. She spent her days thinking about the plot, and then late at night, while her children 4____ , she wrote a novel about Edward, a vampire, and Bella, a human girl. In the novel, the two characters fall in love with each other and of course there are plenty of 5____ between them. After three months, Stephenie 6____ a 500 page manuscript. Soon after, she found an agent who was delighted 7____ her work. It wasn’t long before she had a publisher and a three-book deal. Today, Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight books 8____ into films and are known all over the world. It’s strange to think that if Stephenie Meyer hadn’t had a dream, she probably 9____ have written the novels. But it’s fairly certain now that if she writes 10____ more books they will probably be best-sellers too.

1 A was meeting B met C has met D meets

2 A stay B staying C to stay D stayed

3 A what B who C when D which

4 A sleep B were sleeping C had slept D have slept

5 A comrades B battlefields C casualties D conflicts

6 A was creating B had created C created D has created

7 A of B on C with D at

8 A have been made B are made C were made D had been made

9 A hadn’t B won’t C wouldn’t D haven’t

10 A every B little C each D any

Mark __/10

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Cumulative Test Units 1–10 Test A

Listening6 Listen to five radio news items. Choose the correct answers.

News item 1

1 Where will the military parade take place?

a In different places across the country

b Inside the National Opera House

c Close to the capital’s war memorial

News item 2

2 The police know that the burglars …

a entered through an unlocked door.

b had help from one of the employees.

c previously worked at the travel agent’s.

News item 3

3 The new Finnish device tells you …

a what food you should buy.

b when you should throw food away.

c which food you should eat soon.

News item 4

4 The singer and the model met …

a last night for the first time.

b while they were working together.

c at a press conference three months ago.

News item 5

5 What is going to happen to the Buy and Low shops?

a They will be closed down.

b They will be improved.

c They will be sold.

Mark __/5

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Cumulative Test Units 1–10 Test A

Reading7 Read the text. Match the missing sentences A–F with the gaps 1–5. There is one sentence

that you do not need.The story of breadIf you had bread for breakfast today, a slice of toast, or perhaps a croissant, you are certainly not alone. 1____ No matter where you travel, you will probably find a culture that has its own type of bread.The story of bread goes back a long way – in fact, about 10,000 years. 2____ However, they discovered that they could use rocks to crush the hard grains from some plants, which we know today as wheat, to make a rough powder, or flour. They mixed the flour with water, put the mixture on flat stones and waited for the bread to bake.These first breads were hard and flat and they probably didn’t taste very nice, but gradually, the recipe for bread improved. The ancient Egyptians, for example, discovered how to make fermented dough: they added ingredients to make the mixture rise, so that it became lighter and tasted better. 3____ In the same way, different cultures developed their own recipes, using local ingredients and suiting it to their traditions.The technology for baking bread also improved. The first ovens were made of clay and a wood fire burned inside them. 4____ By the time the oven had cooled, the bread was baked. At first, bread was made in people’s homes. Then, in the Middle Ages, people started to take their bread mixtures to local bakeries to be baked. These bakeries had large brick ovens which were heated by wood or coal. Today, of course, most of the world’s bread is baked in large factories and is then transported to where it is sold.Most people can easily go to a supermarket or a baker’s shop to buy bread when they need it. 5____ In France in the 18th century, for example, there was very little bread in the shops and its price was high. Angry people rioted in the streets and Marie Antoinette famously said, ‘Let them eat cake.’ Bread is an emotional issue. It’s mentioned in ancient books, prayers, and proverbs of many different cultures. In many places it’s seen as one of the most important foods, and is central to many cultures in ways that other foods are not.

A However, when things go wrong, it’s often bread that disappears first.

B People didn’t grow food then, but went out in the grasslands to look for plants and grains that

they could eat.

C Bread is one of the most widely eaten foods in the world and it comes in an incredible range of

shapes and sizes.

D In some countries, bread was considered a greater luxury than the most expensive meat.

E The ancient Greeks, and later the Romans, baked flat bread and often flavoured it with herbs

and spices.

F The bread mixture was placed inside these and then the opening was closed.

Mark __/5

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Cumulative Test Units 1–10 Test A

Writing8 Imagine you have just read an interesting job advert for student helpers at a museum,

gallery or art festival. Write a formal letter (120–150 words) to ask for more information before you apply.

Say where you saw the advert and express your interest. Explain that you are writing for more information.

Ask what skills and qualifications are needed and briefly describe the skills and qualifications you have.

Ask about working conditions: dates, working hours and payment. Write a suitable polite ending for your letter.

Mark __/10Total: ___/70

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