SOL Review: US History WWII

SOL Review: US History

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SOL Review: US History. WWII. During World War II, women and minorities made economic gains mainly because a shortage of traditional labor created new opportunities in the workplace more educational opportunities increased the number of skilled workers in these groups - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: SOL Review: US History

SOL Review: US History


Page 2: SOL Review: US History

During World War II, women and minorities made economic gains mainly because

1. a shortage of traditional labor created new opportunities in the workplace

2. more educational opportunities increased the number of skilled workers in these groups

3. labor unions successfully demanded equal opportunities for these groups

4. new civil rights legislation forced businesses to change their hiring practices

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A major cause of the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II was

1. national segregation policies 2. immigration quotas 3. racial prejudice 4. economic depression

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President Harry Truman’s decision to use atomic bombs against Japan was primarily based on his belief that

1. an invasion of Japan would result in excessive casualties

2. Germany would refuse to surrender in Europe

3. an alliance was developing between Japan and the Soviet Union

4. Japan was in the process of developing its own atomic weapons

Page 5: SOL Review: US History

Which precedent was established by the Nuremberg war crimes trials?

1. National leaders can be held responsible for crimes against humanity .

2. Only individuals who actually commit murder during a war can be guilty of a crime.

3. Defeated nations cannot be forced to pay reparations.

4. Defeated nations can be occupied by the victors.

Page 6: SOL Review: US History

The United States became involved in World War II primarily because

1. Germany refused to pay its debts from World War I

2. European democracies supported United States policies toward Germany and Japan

3. President Franklin D. Roosevelt did not enforce the Neutrality Acts

4. Germany and Japan achieved important military successes in Europe and Asia

Page 7: SOL Review: US History

An immediate effect of the Lend-Lease program was that

1. Western Europe recovered from the damage caused by World War I

2. the Soviet Union formed the Warsaw Pact

3. Japan declared war against the United States

4. the United States provided critical aid to Great Britain and the Soviet Union

Page 8: SOL Review: US History

The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 is an illustration of the

1. impact a single event can have on public opinion a time of crisis

2. effectiveness of a policy of appeasement in stopping aggression

3. success of the pacifist movement in the United States

4. role of communism as a negative influence in global affairs

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The rulings of the Supreme Court inDred Scott v. Sanford (1857), Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), and Korematsu v. United States (1944) all demonstrate that the Supreme Court has

1. continued to extend voting rights to minorities

2. protected itself from internal dissent 3. sometimes failed to protect the rights of

minorities 4. often imposed restrictions on free speech

during wartime

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What was a key challenge faced by the United States during World War II?

1. lack of public support for the war effort

2. fighting the war on several fronts 3. difficulty gaining congressional

support 4. total reliance on naval power

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World War I and World War II brought about changes for minorities and women because these conflicts led to

1. the creation of new job opportunities 2. the passage of the Equal Rights

Amendment 3. a greater number of high-level

management positions 4. greater integration in housing and schools

throughout the nation

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Prior to United States entry into World War II, Congress passed the Cash-and-Carry Act of 1939 and the Lend-Lease Act of 1941. These foreign policy actions showed that the United States

1. gave equal support to both the Allied and Axis Powers

2. attempted to contain the spread of communism

3. maintained a strict policy of isolationism 4. became increasingly drawn into the war in


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During World War II, posters of Rosie the Riveter were used to

1. recruit women into wartime industries

2. encourage women to serve in the armed forces

3. promote women’s suffrage 4. support higher education for


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During World War II, this poster was used primarily to

1. contain the spread of communism

2. create jobs for the unemployed

3. gain financial support for the war

4. convince women to fill vacant factory jobs

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Why was the United States called the “arsenal of democracy” in 1940?

1. The leaders in the democratic nations of Europe were educated in the United States

2. Most of the battles to defend worldwide democracy took place on American soil.

3. The United States supervised elections in European nations before the war.

4. The United States provided much of the weaponry needed to fight the Axis powers.

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Shortly after entering World War II, the United States began the Manhattan Project to

1. work on the development of an atomic bomb

2. increase economic production to meet wartime demands

3. defend New York City against a nuclear attack

4. recruit men for the military services

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This World War II cartoon was used to encourage Americans to

1. buy war bonds 2. conserve natural

resources 3. serve in the armed forces 4. work in war industries

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What battle turned the tide in the Pacific War for the U.S.?

1. Midway2. Pearl Harbor3. Leyte Gulf4. D-Day

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During WWII, what nation was responsible for the Holocaust?

1. Germany2. Italy3. Russia4. Iraq

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Allied victories at Midway, Leyte Gulf, and Guadalcanal marked the turning point against

1. Italy’s participation in the war2. Germany’s submarine warfare3. German occupation in Europe4. Japanese control of the Pacific

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Allied victories at Normandy and Bulge, marked the turning point against

1. Italy’s participation in the war2. Germany’s submarine warfare3. German occupation in Europe4. Japanese control of the Pacific

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What event occurred on December 7, 1941?

1. Germany’s invasion of Poland2. French surrender to the Nazis3. The Japanese invasion of Pearl

Harbor4. The dropping of the Atomic bomb

on Japan

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Which event caused the outbreak of World War II in September 1939?

1. the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

2. the Soviet-German nonaggression pact

3. the formation of the Axis military alliance

4. the German invasion of Poland

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The D-Day invasion was directed against the coastline of

1. France2. Germany3. Italy4. Japan