Soil Biology – A Primer Who is who & What do they do? Elizabeth Sulzman, Oregon Stat & T. Kittel

Soil Biology – A Primer Who is who & What do they do? Elizabeth Sulzman, Oregon State & T. Kittel

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Page 1: Soil Biology – A Primer Who is who & What do they do? Elizabeth Sulzman, Oregon State & T. Kittel

Soil Biology – A PrimerWho is who


What do they do?

Elizabeth Sulzman, Oregon State& T. Kittel

Page 2: Soil Biology – A Primer Who is who & What do they do? Elizabeth Sulzman, Oregon State & T. Kittel

Important Groups of Soil Organisms

• Macroflora

• Microflora

• Macrofauna

Vascular plants, mosses (autotrophs)

Vascular plants (root hairs), algae, actinomycetes, bacteria, and fungi (auto- and heterotrophs)

Vertebrates, arthropods, earthworms, snails… (herbivores, detritivores, predators)

Size, functional groups:

• Mesofauna

• Microfauna

Arthropods, worms (detritivores, predators)

Nematodes, protazoa… (detritivores, fungivores, bacterivores, predators)

Page 3: Soil Biology – A Primer Who is who & What do they do? Elizabeth Sulzman, Oregon State & T. Kittel

Relative Sizes


Animated gif – view in slideshow mode

Note ruler for scale

Page 4: Soil Biology – A Primer Who is who & What do they do? Elizabeth Sulzman, Oregon State & T. Kittel

• heterotrophs (bacteria, fungi) & autotrophs (algae, cyanobacteria)

• the primary decomposers• release plant available nutrients

• stabilize soil aggregates


Soil fungiSoil bacteria

Page 5: Soil Biology – A Primer Who is who & What do they do? Elizabeth Sulzman, Oregon State & T. Kittel

Aggregates held together by:– Fungal hyphae– Bacterial “glues”– Organic matter





Microflora –

Page 6: Soil Biology – A Primer Who is who & What do they do? Elizabeth Sulzman, Oregon State & T. Kittel




• heterotrophs; some parasitic

• feed on bacteria and fungi

• release plant nutrients – protozoa KEY for N




Page 7: Soil Biology – A Primer Who is who & What do they do? Elizabeth Sulzman, Oregon State & T. Kittel

Collembola (springtails)

Fungus feeding mite

• heterotrophs (detritivores, predators)• feed on fungi, protozoa, nematodes, mites• important in regulating populations of everything smaller

Nematode feeding mite


Page 8: Soil Biology – A Primer Who is who & What do they do? Elizabeth Sulzman, Oregon State & T. Kittel

Photo by Suzanne Paisley

• heterotrophs

• shred plant material

• feed on bacteria and fungi associated with organic matter


Page 9: Soil Biology – A Primer Who is who & What do they do? Elizabeth Sulzman, Oregon State & T. Kittel

Addo National Park, South Africa

Tembe Elephant ReserveKwaZulu Natal, South Africa

Dung Beetles

Amboseli National Park, Kenya

Macrofauna –

Key disposer of elephant dung and so a protected species!(you can imagine the ‘or else’…)

Page 10: Soil Biology – A Primer Who is who & What do they do? Elizabeth Sulzman, Oregon State & T. Kittel

Soil Food WebEcosystem Function –

Page 11: Soil Biology – A Primer Who is who & What do they do? Elizabeth Sulzman, Oregon State & T. Kittel

Influence of soil biota on soil processesNutrient cycling Soil structure





Break up O.M., mineralize and immobilize nutrients

Bind aggregates, hyphae entangle particles

Regulate bacterial and fungal populations

Indirectly affect structure

Regulate above pops.; fragment plant tissue

Fecal pellets, pores

Fragment plant tissue Mix O.M. and mineral soil; pores; feces

Ecosystem Function –

Page 12: Soil Biology – A Primer Who is who & What do they do? Elizabeth Sulzman, Oregon State & T. Kittel

Recall: Rate of decomposition depends on –

• Physical and chemical nature of the litter material

• Temperature and moisture of the soil environment

• Aeration (vs. anaerobic)

• The kinds and numbers of soil fauna

More bugs, and more different kinds of bugs, means more decomposition

Ecosystem Function –

Page 13: Soil Biology – A Primer Who is who & What do they do? Elizabeth Sulzman, Oregon State & T. Kittel

– Mendenhall