Soil 50% pores and 50% solids

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  • Soil 50% pores and 50% solids
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  • Sand A soil solid No electrical charge No electrical charge Very large pore spaces Very large pore spaces Water drains rapidly Water drains rapidly
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  • A soil solid Clay A soil solid Retains nutritional elements (due to negative electrical charge) Retains nutritional elements (due to negative electrical charge) Very small pore spaces Very small pore spaces Water drains very slowly Water drains very slowly
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  • (A cation is an atom with a positive charge) 20 MILLION hydrogen atoms laid in a line would equal 1 mm
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  • N +/- P + K + S - Ca + Mg + Fe + Mn + Cu + Zn + B + Mo - Al + Primary nutrients Secondary nutrients Micronutrients {Ni + and Cl - are sometimes included} http://Plantsinaction. Most of the nutrients that plants need have a positive electrical charge. 0.25mm) (i.e. >0.25mm)">
  • Sandy Loam Good soil for a garden is SANDY LOAM -less silt and clay and more sand than a true loam -sand should be predominately coarse and medium sized particles (i.e. >0.25mm) (i.e. >0.25mm)
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  • Clay soils are usually: Fertile - negative charge so good nutrient retention (storehouse) Fertile - negative charge so good nutrient retention (storehouse) Tend to compact and thus limit O 2 availability Tend to compact and thus limit O 2 availability Inadequate pore space for good air and water movement Inadequate pore space for good air and water movement As little as 20% clay particles result in soil behaving like a clayey, sticky soil. As little as 20% clay particles result in soil behaving like a clayey, sticky soil. Source: Colorado State Extension Service Source: Colorado State Extension Service
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  • SoilTextureTriangle
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  • AMENDMENTS IMPROVING SOIL TILTH Water retention --addition of organic material -addition of vermiculite (not perlite) -addition of clay to sandy soil -what about underlying clay soil ?(it will limit drainage) Pore size Nutrient retention
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  • VERMICULITE VERMICULITE Increases moisture holding capacity holding capacity Increases pore space PERLITE PERLITE Low water holding capacity Increases pore space AMENDMENTS
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  • Tilth Suitability of a soil to support plant growth (physical condition of a soil); -moisture retention -drainage-aeration -ease of seed germination and emergence -ease of root development & penetration -ease of tillage
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  • AMENDMENTS IMPROVING SOIL TILTH PROVIDING NUTRIENTS Microbial activity Microbial activity (see SOIL {2}) Correcting deficiencies Soil test (LSU pH, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, S, Cu and Zn)