2013 Leş Koding Baran KÜÇÜKGÜZEL Batuhan TAŞDÖVEN Ali Barış UZUNER Bekir ÖZTÜRK SOFTWARE DESIGN DESCRIPTION This document is prepared by Leş Koding’s members; the document is about software design description of the project “Science Wars”.

SOFTWARE DESIGN DESCRIPTIONuser.ceng.metu.edu.tr/~e1746221/docs/SDDv1.1.pdf · Leş Koding Baran KÜÇÜKGÜZEL 2013 Batuhan TAŞDÖVEN Ali Barış UZUNER Bekir ÖZTÜRK SOFTWARE

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Leş Koding Baran KÜÇÜKGÜZEL Batuhan TAŞDÖVEN Ali Barış UZUNER Bekir ÖZTÜRK

SOFTWARE DESIGN DESCRIPTION This document is prepared by Leş Koding’s members; the document is about software design description of the project “Science Wars”.



This Document contains the system design information about Science Wars project. This

document is prepared according to the “IEEE Standard for Information Technology – Systems Design –

Software Design Descriptions – IEEE Std 1016 – 2009”. This Software Design Documentation provides a

complete description of all the system design and views of the Project on both client and server side

applications. The first section of this document includes Project Identification, Stakeholders

Identification and requirements, Composition of the developers’ team. The following sections include

document purpose and design viewpoints of the system.


Table of Contents PREFACE ........................................................................................................................................................ 1

1. Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 5

1.2 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................... 5

1.3 Intended Audience .............................................................................................................................. 5

2. Definitions ................................................................................................................................................. 5

3. Conceptual model for software design descriptions ................................................................................ 7

3.1 Software design in context ................................................................................................................. 7

3.2 Software Design Descriptions within Life Cycle .................................................................................. 7

3.2.1 Influences on SDD Preparation .................................................................................................... 7

3.2.2 Influences on Software Life Cycle Products ................................................................................. 7

3.2.3 Design Verification and Design Role in Validation ....................................................................... 7

4. Design Description Information Content .................................................................................................. 8

4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 8

4.2 SDD identification ............................................................................................................................... 8

4.3 Design Stakeholders and Their Concerns............................................................................................ 8

4.4 Design Views ....................................................................................................................................... 8

4.5 Design Viewpoints ............................................................................................................................... 9

4.6 Design Rationale ................................................................................................................................. 9

4.7 Design Languages ................................................................................................................................ 9

5. Design Viewpoints ..................................................................................................................................... 9

5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 9

5.2 Context viewpoint ............................................................................................................................. 10

5.2.1 Log in Screen .............................................................................................................................. 10

5.2.2 Lobby Screen .............................................................................................................................. 11

5.2.3 Game Screen .............................................................................................................................. 12

5.3 Logical viewpoint .............................................................................................................................. 13

5.3.1 Design elements ......................................................................................................................... 13

5.4 Dependency viewpoint ..................................................................................................................... 47

5.4.1 Design elements ......................................................................................................................... 48

5.4.2 Subsystem Connections ............................................................................................................. 50


5.5 Information viewpoint ...................................................................................................................... 51

5.6 Interaction viewpoint ........................................................................................................................ 53

5.6.1 Design concerns ......................................................................................................................... 53

5.6.2 Design elements ......................................................................................................................... 53

5.6.3 Login Interaction ........................................................................................................................ 53

5.7 State dynamics viewpoint ................................................................................................................. 61

6 Estimated Schedule .................................................................................................................................. 63

7 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................ 64


Figure 1 Login Screen Use Case Diagram .................................................................................................... 10

Figure 2 Lobby Screen Use Case Diagram ................................................................................................... 11

Figure 3 Game Screen Use Case Diagram ................................................................................................... 12

Figure 4 Modules of the project ................................................................................................................. 48

Figure 5 Illustration of the network communication .................................................................................. 51

Figure 6 Database tables ............................................................................................................................. 51

Figure 7 Login Interaction ........................................................................................................................... 53

Figure 8 EnterQueue Interaction ................................................................................................................ 54

Figure 9 Match Found Interaction .............................................................................................................. 55

Figure 10 Build Tower Interaction .............................................................................................................. 56

Figure 11 Spawn Minion Interaction........................................................................................................... 57

Figure 12 Upgrade Tower Interaction ......................................................................................................... 58

Figure 13 Upgrade Minion Interaction ....................................................................................................... 59

Figure 14 Use Skill Interaction .................................................................................................................... 60

Figure 15 State Diagram of the Client ......................................................................................................... 61

Figure 16 Estimated schedule of the project .............................................................................................. 63


1. Overview

The Software Design Document gives information about how the software should be build.

Details of the system are represented using graphical notations like: use case models, class diagrams,

sequence diagrams etc.

1.1 Scope

In this document all components of the system and a detailed design of each model are

explained. There will be some set of design views which will help the process of developing and

understanding the project. This documentation is the guideline for the implementation.

1.2 Purpose

This document aims to describe the both Client and Server side software of the Science Wars

project with the help of several viewpoints. This document is to primary reference to the

implementation phase. This document describes the system so that the system fills the needs described

in the SRS document.

1.3 Intended Audience

The intended audience for this document is both stakeholders and the developers.

2. Definitions

IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

GUI: Graphical user interface.

DAO: Data Access Object

Science Wars: Permanent name of the game.

SVN: Subversion repository.

TortoiseSVN: The program we used for revision control.

Unity3D: Game engine we used for client side.


Visual Studio: A platform we used for implement server.

MySQL: Open-source relational database management system.

Session: A class for people connected to game before log in.

User: A class for people after log in.

Player: A class for user after joins a game.

Board: Part of map which belongs to one player in game.

Game: A class creating after start a game and keep all informations about it.

Minion: Soldiers a player can use for attack his opponents.

Tower: Buildings a player can use for defense from his opponents.

Missile: Bullets used by towers for attack to minions.

Message: Objects we used for communications between server and client.

Lobby: A place for all players in after log in.

Queue: A line where players wait for us to find suitable opponents for them.

Skill: Some special talents a player can use in game.

Science Tree: An upgrade tree every player has and unlocks new features for game.

SOLID: Single responsibility, Open-closed, Liskov substitution, Interface segregation and

Dependency inversion

Elo: The Elo rating system is a method for calculating the relative skill levels of players in such

competitor-versus-competitor games such as chess, LOL and so on.


3. Conceptual model for software design descriptions

3.1 Software design in context

This project will be designed as object –oriented in a modular design fashion. In this structure, it

can respond to users’ demands quickly and efficiently. Since it is a multiplayer-real time game, this

property is critically important. With modularity and adaptability, new game modes and different

towers, minions, skills can easily be added to the game.

3.2 Software Design Descriptions within Life Cycle

3.2.1 Influences on SDD Preparation

This document is prepared by considering the opinions of the stakeholders and the SRS

document is an important reference to this document.

3.2.2 Influences on Software Life Cycle Products

This project is a client-server application. All of the game steps are going to be simulated and

calculated on the server and the clients (users) will be informed via the network module of the game.

Hence the most important concepts in this project is the network module and the server module. We

should make these components available as soon as possible so we could get feedback from the

stakeholders. Then the development of the client side will be easier. Moreover we are going to have

multiple client applications like desktop application, android tablet application etc. , so first of all the

server-side should be available as soon as possible then we can continue on developing multiple client


3.2.3 Design Verification and Design Role in Validation

Since Science Wars is a multiplayer real-time strategy game, the server is responsible of making

calculation of every game simultaneously and there is a definite time period of calculation of each game

state. The server is responsible of calculating game progress in given time and sending related

information to the clients for the sake of real-time game concept. The server and network modules

should be reliable, stable and scalable. The client module is responsible for the listening for user

commands and sending them to the server for processing then listening related information from the

server module. Another important responsibility of the client is to show the game progress visually to


the users. Therefore we should test our design and overall system constantly throughout the

development progress.

4. Design Description Information Content

4.1 Introduction

This part of the Software Design Document is aiming to provide information about how the

design description will be explained in the later parts of this document. In this section we will give

information about SDD identification, identified design stakeholders Identified design concerns, selected

design viewpoints, each with type definitions of its allowed design elements and design languages,

design view, design overlays ,design rationale.

4.2 SDD identification

This is the initial SDD for the project Science Wars of the team Leş Koding. The date of issue for

this document is: 29.11.2013. This is not the final design document for the project Science Wars and is

subject to change in future. The issuing organization for this document is team Leş Koding which is

established by Ali Barış Uzuner, Baran Küçükgüzel, Bekir Öztürk, Batuhan Taşdöven. The supervisors of

this project are Dr. Selim Temizer and Asst. Serdar Çiftçi. The scope of this document is the software

design information about the project Science Wars. In this design report we will mainly use UML for

explaining the design viewpoints.

4.3 Design Stakeholders and Their Concerns

The design stakeholders of this document are Dr. Selim Temizer and Asst. Serdar Çiftçi and other

CENG 490 staff. Dr. Selim Temizer is the one of the instructors of the CENG 490 course and the main

supervisor of the team Leş Koding. Asst. Serdar Çiftçi is one the teaching assistants of the CENG 490

course at the Middle East Technical University and is responsible for the team Leş Koding. The team and

Asst. Serdar Çiftçi will have weekly meetings about the project hence the team is going to be able to get

feedback from him. So the main contact between the team and the CENG 490 staff will be Asst. Serdar


4.4 Design Views

This project will be implemented by following SOLID which enables to create modular structure.

As a result of that, the stakeholders can add new features to our game or remove the unnecessary ones

from project. Thanks to the SOLID, they can easily update the project. Also new game boards can be


easily integrated to the system. Product context is specified and all restricted limitations are given in the

SRS document before. Composition and team organization is equally made. Design view also shows

estimated cost, staffing, documenting and scheduling. A logical view of the product is explained and also

it is supported by diagrams. Relationships of the classes are easily perceived. Dependency and

information viewpoints show possible future problems and how the information is stored and shared

among the users. Lastly, state dynamic views shows the state transitions and flow of actions with


4.5 Design Viewpoints

Context viewpoint shows what is expected from the user actor in the system. The roles of the

user and stakeholders are clearly specified. Logical viewpoint shows the logical class structure of the

both server and client applications. Dependency viewpoint is used for explaining the dependencies

inside the system. Information viewpoint is the viewpoint which explains the structure of data about the

game and their state over the total game progress. Interaction viewpoint is explaining the interactions

between modules in the game like user-client, client-server applications also the internal interactions

between modules of the client and server. Finally the state dynamic viewpoint is used for explaining the

game in a state described way. The game and the users will have their states coded in the server in our

project. Hence this viewpoint is very suitable for our project.

4.6 Design Rationale

Design choices are made according to some significant features like sustainability, integrating

another project. It can be updateable according to stakeholders and users requirements. Each function

in the software will be commented so that it can be understandable for the other developers and also

they can change the code by help of these comments.

4.7 Design Languages

Unified Modeling Language (UML) is selected as a part of design viewpoint specification.

5. Design Viewpoints

5.1 Introduction

In this part, six main design viewpoints will be explained.

● Context viewpoint


● Logical viewpoint

● Dependency viewpoint

● Information viewpoint

● Interaction viewpoint

● State dynamics viewpoint

During the explanation of these viewpoints, UML diagrams will be used to increase


5.2 Context viewpoint

Science Wars software context viewpoint shows the functions provided by design. There are

basically three screens controlled by user. First one is log in screen. Functions in here are created after

session started. Second one is lobby screen which is coming after log in. And the last one is game screen

where player can use functions about game.

5.2.1 Log in Screen

Figure 1 Login Screen Use Case Diagram

Enter Username: After session started user can write his username in the specified area.

Enter Password: After session started user can write his password in the specified area.

Log In Button: After filled the blanks user can log in the game.


Forgot Password: If user forgets his login information, he can ask for it.

5.2.2 Lobby Screen

Figure 2 Lobby Screen Use Case Diagram

Search Game: When user wants to play a game, he can use search game button. After that he can

choose the science what he wants and gets in the queue where other players are waiting for a game.

Unlock New Leaves on Science Tree: User can spend his points which he collects from games. He can

unlock new minions, towers, upgrades or skills. After unlocked, he can use these features in next game.

Chat: Users can speak with each other in lobby.

Change Skills: User can changes and saves his skills which he will use in next game.

Get Premium Account: User can buy a premium account and have some privileges from game.


5.2.3 Game Screen

Figure 3 Game Screen Use Case Diagram

Create Minion: Player can create minions to attack his opponents.

Build Tower: Player can build towers to destroy his opponents minions.

Use Skill: Player can use special skills which he decided before the game is started.

Upgrade Tower: Player can upgrade towers which he built.

Upgrade Minion: Player can upgrade his available minions and improve their skills.

Look At Map: Player can check around the map and look for what other players are doing.


5.3 Logical viewpoint

In this part of the document the classes that are going to be implemented in the Science

Wars project will be explained. All classes will be explained clearly below, with tables and

diagrams. After the explanation of all the classes, relationships between them will be explained.

5.3.1 Design elements Server Classes

Science_Wars_Server NameSpace

Purpose of this namespace is to keep the whole project together. All elements in the solution

belong to this namespace.

Runner Class

Purpose of this class is to run the game indefinitely and step each entity on a predefined period.

For example, every 30 milliseconds, runner class will call step functions of al Minions causing them to

walk on their path for some distance.


Session Class

Purpose of this class is to keep the connection between Engine and NetWorker.dll. If

NetWorker.dll is replaced with some other socket programming library, the modification of this class

only will be enough to adapt project to this change.

User Class

This class is used to represent connections that are authenticated with a valid username and



Game Class

Game class is the class that handles everything about the game: minions, missiles, towers, skills



Player Class

Although Player is not instantiated from it, this class is an extension to the user class. Each user

also becomes a player when s/he joins a game and this class includes the stats of the user concerning

current game.

Boards Namespace

Purpose of this namespace is to keep all the board implementations together.

Boards.Board Abstract Class

Purpose of this class to be an outline to the future boards to be implemented. No matter what

kind of different boards we implement, each of these boards has to implement methods given in this

class with abstract keyword and also include the attributes that this class includes.


Towers Namespace

Purpose of this namespace is to keep all the tower implementations together.

Towers.Tower Abstract Class

Purpose of this class to be an outline to the future towers to be implemented. No matter what

kind of different towers we implement, each of these towers has to implement methods given in this

class with abstract keyword and also include the attributes that this class includes.


Towers.TowerNode Class

TowerNodes are basically nodes of a Tower tree. Each child of a node means that the parent

tower can be upgraded to its child tower.

Minions Namespace

Purpose of this namespace is to keep all the minion implementations together.

Minions.Minion Abstract Class

Purpose of this class to be an outline to the future minions to be implemented. No matter what

kind of different minions we implement, each of these minions has to implement methods given in this

class with abstract keyword and also include the attributes that this class includes.


Missiles Namespace

Purpose of this namespace is to keep all the missile implementations together

Missiles.Missile Abstract Class

Purpose of this class to be an outline to the future missiles to be implemented. No matter what

kind of different missiles we implement, each of these missiles has to implement methods given in this

class with abstract keyword and also include the attributes that this class includes.

AreaEffects Namespace

Purpose of this namespace is to keep all the area-effect implementations together.


AreaEffects.AreaEffect Abstract Class

Purpose of this class to be an outline to the future AreaEffects to be implemented. No matter

what kind of different AreaEffects we implement, each of these AreaEffects has to implement methods

given in this class with abstract keyword and also include the attributes that this class includes.

Skills Namespace

Purpose of this namespace is to keep all the skill implementations together.

Skills.Skill Abstract Class

Purpose of this class to be an outline to the future skills to be implemented. No matter what kind

of different skills we implement, each of these skills has to implement methods given in this class with

abstract keyword and also include the attributes that this class includes.

Queues Namespace

Purpose of this namespace is to keep all the queue implementations together.


Queues.IPlayerQueue Interface

Purpose of this interface to be an outline to the future queues to be implemented. No matter

what kind of different queues we implement, each of these queues has to implement methods given in

this interface.

Queues.BasicPlayerQueue Class

This is the simplest queue implementation. This class is going to be used to match 4 players and

put them in a game.

Messages Namespace

Purpose of this namespace is to keep all the message implementations together.

Messages.IMessage Interface

This interface is used to define the most generic methods of a message.


Messages.IIncomingMessage Interface

Purpose of this interface to be an outline to the future incoming-messages to be implemented.

No matter what kind of different incoming-messages we implement, each of these incoming-messages

has to implement methods given in this interface.

Messages.IncomingMessageImp Abstract Class

Purpose of this class is to implement the basic operations that each incoming message needs to

implement. By using this class, we make sure that no duplicate codes included in the incoming message


Messages.IOutgoingMessage Interface

Purpose of this interface to be an outline to the future outgoing-messages to be implemented.

No matter what kind of different outgoing-messages we implement, each of these outgoing-messages

has to implement methods given in this interface.


Messages.OutgoingMessageImp Abstract Class

Purpose of this class is to implement the basic operations that each outgoing message needs to

implement. By using this class, we make sure that no duplicate codes included in the outgoing message


Paths Namespace

Purpose of this namespace is to keep all the path implementations together.

Paths.IPath Interface

Purpose of this interface to be an outline to the future paths to be implemented. No matter what

kind of different outgoing-messages we implement, each of these paths has to implement methods

given in this interface.

ResourceManager Namespace

Purpose of this namespace is to keep all the entities related to resource loading together.

ResourceManager.ResourceLoader Static Class

Purpose of this class is to load all file based resources from disks for all the classes that

implement IRequiresResource.


ResourceManager.IRequiresResource Interface

Purpose of this interface is to label a class that it has some resources to be loaded during the

startup period of the server.

ScienceTrees Namespace

Purpose of this namespace is to keep all the entities related to science trees together.

ScienceTrees.ScienceTree Abstract Class

Purpose of this class is to implement the basic operations that each science-tree needs to

implement. By using this class, we make sure that no duplicate codes included in the science-tree


ScienceTrees.PhysicsTree Class

This class is one of the 3 ScienceTree implementations. It holds scienceNodes that includes tower

and minion unlock options.


ScienceTrees.BiologyTree Class

This class is one of the 3 ScienceTree implementations. It holds scienceNodes that includes tower

and minion unlock options.

ScienceTrees.ChemistryTree Class

This class is one of the 3 ScienceTree implementations. It holds scienceNodes that includes tower

and minion unlock options.

ScienceTrees.ScienceNode Class

This class is used to represent each node in Science Tree.


GameUtilities Namespace

Purpose of this namespace is to keep all the entities related to science trees together.

GameUtilities.MinionPosition Class

This class is used to keep information about the position of a minion on the map.

GameUtilities.PathPosition Class

This class is used to specify a point on a path.

GameUtilities.TowerSlots Class

This class is used to keep the locations of the towers on a board.

GameUtilities.TypeIdGenerator Static Class

Purpose of this class is to make sure that entities are given proper ID’s on both server and client

so that both sides of the connection will know that they use the same language during the

communication over network.


Helpers Namespace

Purpose of this namespace is to keep all the helper classes together.


Helpers.Chronos Static Class

This class contains functions to handle timing required operations. This class makes sure that

server runes on a stable pace.

Helpers.Vector3 Class

This class is used to handle all kinds of 3-dimensional arithmetics including the calculations of

minion positions and missile positions.

29 Client Classes

Science_Wars_Client NameSpace

Purpose of this namespace is to keep the whole project together. All elements in the solution

belong to this namespace.

Engine.Runner Class

Purpose of this class is to run the game indefinitely and step each entity on a predefined period.

For example, every 30 milliseconds, runner class will call step functions of al Minions causing them to

walk on their path for some distance.

Engine.User Class

This class is used to represent connections that are authenticated with a valid username and

password. Client uses this class to provide chat and other social connections.

Engine.UserMe Static Class


This class includes every infomation related to the current logged-in user. This means

SciencePoints, unlocked towers, unlocked minons, friendlist and so on. Since each client can only login

to a single account at a given time, this class is static.

Engine.Player Class

This class is used to represent each player in the current game.

Engine.PlayerMe Static Class

This class is used to keep the data that is specific to the current player. Since each client can only

login to a single account at a given time, this class is static.


Engine.Game Static Class

Game class is the class that handles everything about the game: minions, missiles, towers, skills

etc. Since each client can only login to a single account at a given time, this class is static.


Engine.Boards Namespace

Purpose of this namespace is to keep all the board implementations together.

Boards.Board Abstract Class

Purpose of this class to be an outline to the future boards to be implemented. No matter what

kind of different boards we implement, each of these boards has to implement methods given in this

class with abstract keyword and also include the attributes that this class includes.

Engine.Towers Namespace

Purpose of this namespace is to keep all the tower implementations together.

Towers.Tower Abstract Class

Purpose of this class to be an outline to the future towers to be implemented. No matter what

kind of different towers we implement, each of these towers has to implement methods given in this

class with abstract keyword and also include the attributes that this class includes.


Towers.TowerNode Class

TowerNodes are basically nodes of a Tower tree. Each child of a node means that the parent

tower can be upgraded to its child tower.

Engine.Minions Namespace

Purpose of this namespace is to keep all the minion implementations together.

Minions.Minion Abstract Class

Purpose of this class to be an outline to the future minions to be implemented. No matter what

kind of different minions we implement, each of these minions has to implement methods given in this

class with abstract keyword and also include the attributes that this class includes.


Engine.Missiles Namespace

Purpose of this namespace is to keep all the missile implementations together

Missiles.Missile Abstract Class

Purpose of this class to be an outline to the future missiles to be implemented. No matter what

kind of different missiles we implement, each of these missiles has to implement methods given in this

class with abstract keyword and also include the attributes that this class includes.


Engine.AreaEffects Namespace

Purpose of this namespace is to keep all the area-effect implementations together.

AreaEffects.AreaEffect Abstract Class

Purpose of this class to be an outline to the future AreaEffects to be implemented. No matter

what kind of different AreaEffects we implement, each of these AreaEffects has to implement methods

given in this class with abstract keyword and also include the attributes that this class includes.

Engine.Skills Namespace

Purpose of this namespace is to keep all the skill implementations together.

Skills.Skill Abstract Class

Purpose of this class to be an outline to the future skills to be implemented. No matter what kind

of different skills we implement, each of these skills has to implement methods given in this class with

abstract keyword and also include the attributes that this class includes.


Engine.Messages Namespace

Purpose of this namespace is to keep all the message implementations together.

Messages.IMessage Interface

This interface is used to define the most generic methods of a message.

Messages.IIncomingMessage Interface

Purpose of this interface to be an outline to the future incoming-messages to be implemented.

No matter what kind of different incoming-messages we implement, each of these incoming-messages

has to implement methods given in this interface.

Messages.IncomingMessageImp Abstract Class

Purpose of this class is to implement the basic operations that each incoming message needs to

implement. By using this class, we make sure that no duplicate codes included in the incoming message


Messages.IOutgoingMessage Interface

Purpose of this interface to be an outline to the future outgoing-messages to be implemented.

No matter what kind of different outgoing-messages we implement, each of these outgoing-messages

has to implement methods given in this interface.


Messages.OutgoingMessageImp Abstract Class

Purpose of this class is to implement the basic operations that each outgoing message needs to

implement. By using this class, we make sure that no duplicate codes included in the outgoing message


Engine.Paths Namespace

Purpose of this namespace is to keep all the path implementations together.

Paths.IPath Interface

Purpose of this interface to be an outline to the future paths to be implemented. No matter what

kind of different outgoing-messages we implement, each of these paths has to implement methods

given in this interface.

Engine.ScienceTrees Namespace

Purpose of this namespace is to keep all the entities related to science trees together.


ScienceTrees.ScienceTree Abstract Class

Purpose of this class is to implement the basic operations that each science-tree needs to

implement. By using this class, we make sure that no duplicate codes included in the science-tree


ScienceTrees.PhysicsTree Class

This class is one of the 3 ScienceTree implementations. It holds scienceNodes that includes tower

and minion unlock options.

ScienceTrees.BiologyTree Class

This class is one of the 3 ScienceTree implementations. It holds scienceNodes that includes tower

and minion unlock options.


ScienceTrees.ChemistryTree Class

This class is one of the 3 ScienceTree implementations. It holds scienceNodes that includes tower

and minion unlock options.

ScienceTrees.ScienceNode Class

This class is used to represent each node in Science Tree.

Engine.GameUtilities Namespace

Purpose of this namespace is to keep all the entities related to science trees together.

GameUtilities.MinionPosition Class

This class is used to keep information about the position of a minion on the map.


GameUtilities.PathPosition Class

This class is used to specify a point on a path.

GameUtilities.TowerSlots Class

This class is used to keep the locations of the towers on a board.


Purpose of this class is to make sure that entities are given proper ID’s on both server and client

so that both sides of the connection will know that they use the same language during the

communication over network.


Engine.Helpers Namespace

Purpose of this namespace is to keep all the helper classes together.

Helpers.Chronos Static Class

This class contains functions to handle timing required operations. This class makes sure that

server runes on a stable pace.

Helpers.Vector3 Class


This class is used to handle all kinds of 3-dimensional arithmetic including the calculations of

minion positions and missile positions.

Engine.IGUI Namespace

Purpose of this namespace is to keep all the GUI interfaces together.

IGUI.Graphics Static Class

This class holds the classes that implement IGUI interfaces. These classes then represented to the

engine for proper displaying of current game state.


IGUI.ILoginGUI Interface

This interface includes the methods that are required to display the game state during LOGIN

state. Engine uses an implementation of this interface to call the proper graphics functions.

IGUI.ILobbyGUI Interface

This interface includes the methods that are required to display the game state during LOBBY

state. Engine uses an implementation of this interface to call the proper graphics functions.

IGUI.IGameGUI Interface

This interface includes the methods that are required to display the game state during GAME

state. Engine uses an implementation of this interface to call the proper graphics functions.


IGUI.IStep Interface

This interface is used to mark classes so that engine interacts with them. Step functions will be

called each frame by the engine, causing graphics to proceed, updating the visuals.

GUI Namespace

Purpose of this namespace is to keep the GUI entities together and separate them from any

Engine classes.

GUI.EntityGUI Namespace

Purpose of this namespace is to keep the GUI interfaces of game entities together.

EntityGUI.IAreaEffectGUI Interface

Purpose of this interface to be an outline to the future area-effect graphics classes to be

implemented. No matter what kind of different area-effect graphics class we implement, each of these

area-effect graphics classes has to implement methods given in this interface.

EntityGUI.IBoardGUI Interface

Purpose of this interface to be an outline to the future board graphics classes to be implemented.

No matter what kind of different board graphics class we implement, each of these board graphics

classes has to implement methods given in this interface.


EntityGUI.IMinionGUI Interface

Purpose of this interface to be an outline to the future minion graphics classes to be

implemented. No matter what kind of different minion graphics class we implement, each of these

minion graphics classes has to implement methods given in this interface.

EntityGUI.IMissileGUI Interface

Purpose of this interface to be an outline to the future missile graphics classes to be

implemented. No matter what kind of different missile graphics class we implement, each of these

missile graphics classes has to implement methods given in this interface.

EntityGUI.ISkillGUI Interface

Purpose of this interface to be an outline to the future skill graphics classes to be implemented.

No matter what kind of different skill graphics class we implement, each of these skill graphics classes

has to implement methods given in this interface.

EntityGUI.ITowerGUI Interface

Purpose of this interface to be an outline to the future tower graphics classes to be implemented.

No matter what kind of different tower graphics class we implement, each of these tower graphics

classes has to implement methods given in this interface.


GUIHandler Class

This class is used to make proper adjustments to bind the GUI and the Engine.

LoginGUI Class

This class is an implementation of ILoginGUI and it handles all the drawings that need to be done

during LOGIN phase.

LobbyGUI Class

This class is an implementation of ILobbyGUI and it handles all the drawings that need to be done

during LOBBY phase.


GameGUI Class

This class is an implementation of IGameGUI and it handles all the drawings that need to be done

during GAME phase.

5.4 Dependency viewpoint

In this section of document, the subsystem of the system and interconnections between those

subsystems will be defined in detail.

In this project, our system will have 5 main subsystems:

● Server Database

● Server Engine

● Networker


● Client Engine

● Client GUI

The basic schema for these subsystems is shown below:

Figure 4 Modules of the project

5.4.1 Design elements

In this section, each subsystem will be explained and connections among them will be shown in

detail. Server Database Subsystem

This subsystem shall responsible for storing the whole data in it and permitting server engine to

access them.

This subsystem basically controls the game and user data. There will be two kinds of user data.

One is used to store login information of the user. The other one is used to store game related

information of the user. Any access to the data will be done via interfaces between this subsystem and

other subsystems. Those interfaces will be group into DAO. Any other subsystem will access to DAO in

order to get data that it needs. By applying DAO layer to our subsystem, we will provide secure data

access and also encapsulated subsystem.

49 Server Engine Subsystem

This subsystem mainly deals with gathering client requests, answering request results,

modifying data models and accessing to database.

In this subsystem, firstly, client requests are come as a message and then processed. Each

message has its own structure in this subsystem so that each message can reach any data model, can

modify them and can do any database access in order to supply its own needs.

As being main part of the server, this subsystem has a strong control over the server part. As a

result of this, every action that may change anything on the data should be handled by this component. Networker Subsystem

In this subsystem, there will be two Networker DLLs, one is for the server and the other one is

for the client. Each Networker DLL is part of this subsystem and will work in a synchronized state with

other Networker DLL. In other words, it is guaranteed that every message sent by server has its

corresponding structure in the client and vice versa.

What this subsystem basically does is that it creates an interface between client and server so

that interaction between server and client can be done easily and fully correctly. As a result of this, this

subsystem will only interact with both Server Engine and Client Engine.

Networker Subsystem has its own classes and interfaces in it. Server Engine and Client Engine

use those interfaces in order to send and receive message. By means of this subsystem, in the future, if

we need to change anything in the network part, we will be able to connect this new component to our

whole system without any change. Client Engine Subsystem

This subsystem is very similar subsystem with Server Engine. Since it is responsible for most of

the works in the Client, it will have very similar responsibility with the Server Engine.

This subsystem can be separated into 2 parts:

● Message Handler



Message Handler part is responsible for processing received message and sending a new

request to Server. While it processes the message, this subsystem may response it by either sending a

message to Server or calling a function in IGUI.

IGUI is the interface between Server engine and Client GUI. IGUI is triggered by Message

Handler to show an action to user or by Client GUI to send a request to Server Engine. In other words,

IGUI is the key point between user interaction and data. Client GUI Subsystem

Last subsystem in our system is responsible for handling interaction between User and Client

Engine. This is end-hand of our project. This part is completely separated from other subsystems except


This subsystem gathers information from Client Engine and controls all the graphical

information and shows graphical results to User. It implements IGUI interface so that it can be in an act

with Client Engine and also can be completely independent. In future, this subsystem can be replaced

with any other GUI if and only if new GUI implements IGUI interface. By the power of this structure, we

can easily change GUI according to user’s wish.

5.4.2 Subsystem Connections

The subsystem structure and connections between them will be investigated with respect to

game scenes. Currently, we have only one game scene in which 4 players can compete in a circular game

board. However; in the late part of the project, we shall have new game scenes and so new subsystem


Below schema illustrates how 4 players represented as Client can interact with each other via



Figure 5 Illustration of the network communication

5.5 Information viewpoint

In our project, there will be only one type of persistent data storage. This persistent data

storage will be taking care of user’s information. In other words, there will be a database having two

tables in which user related information are stored. These tables in the database are shown below:

Figure 6 Database tables


From now on, the general structure of these tables, accessing methods and so on will be


General Structure

In our database, there will be two tables which are UserLogin and UserData. UserLogin will be

used to connect a user to server. After connecting a user to database, we will only use UserData table to

access user’s data.

The reason of having two databases is mainly priority difference of these two tables. Because

there is a password field of the UserLogin table, the accessing method to user’s password should be top-

secure. To make a connection top-secure, we will use SSL which needs more time than usual connection

methods. However, all users’ related information stored in the UserData table need fast access in order

to decrease database operation time so that game will not be delayed.

Accessing to Database

When the server application is opened, application connects to the database for a once by using

API called MySQL Connector/NET. After that, when a user is connected, we will check username

password pair by accessing UserLogin table and if the signing in is successful then we will read user

related datas from UserData table. As a result of this operation, we will be able to load and use user


Changing the Database

When the server application is wanted to be closed, application writes to the database by using

same API used to access to database. The write operation will be done only when server is wanted to be

closed. However; in order to prevent from losing information in case of electricity or any external

problem, we will write the information to database in every 10 minutes interval.

Security of the Database

Because we are storing user passwords in the database, there should be encrypted connection

to the database so that passwords and other important data stored securely. In order to protect our

server and database, we will use SSL. However; due to high cost of SSL, we will only use it when user

tries to connect to server. In the other database accesses, we do not need to secure connection.


5.6 Interaction viewpoint

5.6.1 Design concerns

Science Wars is a multiplayer real-time strategy game. Science wars is a client-server type

application. The client and server will have their own network modules to talk interact with each other.

The client and server will use the “Networker.dll” which is coded by Bekir Öztürk. “Networker.dll” is a

network library with great capabilities which will help the team to achieve client - server side semantics

easily. The interaction between server and client will be explained in this section with the help of some

UML sequence diagrams.

5.6.2 Design elements

5.6.3 Login Interaction

Figure 7 Login Interaction

The above figure shows the login interaction between the Client and the Server side.

The client GUI module is responsible for catching the login attempt then telling the Client Engine that

the user wants to login, then the Client Engine is responsible interacting with the Server and making

semantically correct messaging protocols. The reason why Client GUI and Client Engine modules are


separated is that we want to reuse the Client Engine module when we put a new GUI interface to the

client like we will need to do for different platforms.

5.6.4 Enter Queue Interaction

Figure 8 EnterQueue Interaction

The above sequence diagram shows what kind of interaction happens between server and client

applications. The user (client) could want to enter game queue to play a game with other players. The

user can enter the queue with three different points of his/her own. There will be Physics, Biology and

Chemistry elo points for each user and the user will place the user to the game queue according to its

elo points. This sequence diagram above shows the process of entering game queue for a player in the

Lobby. Only the players in the lobby can enter to the game queue.


5.6.5 Game Found Interaction

Figure 9 Match Found Interaction

The above diagram shows what happens when the server founds a suitable game for a set of

Users. The above diagram is showing the sequence of events for a user, the only difference of what

happens is the server is responsible for working with multiple clients. The above diagram is showing the

case when the User says “Yes” to a match found request. However when the User says “No” to the

game request the user is going to be removed from the queue and the game will not start, but the other

users who have said “Yes” to the game request is going to be placed to the queue again.


5.6.6 Build Tower Interaction

Figure 10 Build Tower Interaction

The above diagram shows what happens when a user wants to build a new tower into his/her

game area. The Client GUI is responsible for capturing the request and informing the Client Engine that

the user wanted to create a new tower. Then the Client Engine is sending this request to the Server

Engine so that it can handle this request. The Server Engine checks whether the user is able to build the

new tower or not. If the user is able to build that tower the server will inform the client that he/she can

have successfully built that tower. After doing that the Server Engine informs other clients which is

connected to the same game as the requesting user. If the user is not able to build that tower the server

will inform only the requesting user about the process.


5.6.7 Spawn Minion Interaction

Figure 11 Spawn Minion Interaction

The above diagrams show what happens when a user wants to spawn a new minion. The Client

GUI is responsible for capturing the request and informing the Client Engine that the user wanted to

spawn a new minion. Then the Client Engine is sending this request to the Server Engine so that it can

handle this request. The Server Engine checks whether the user is able to spawn a new minion or not. If

the user is able to spawn that minion the server will inform the client that he/she can have successfully

spawned that minion. After doing that the Server Engine informs other clients which is connected to the

same game as the requesting user. If the user is not able to spawn that minion the server will inform

only the requesting user about the process.


5.6.8 Upgrade Tower Interaction

Figure 12 Upgrade Tower Interaction

The above diagrams show what happens when a user wants to upgrade a tower. The Client GUI

is responsible for capturing the request and informing the Client Engine that the user wanted to upgrade

a tower. Then the Client Engine is sending this request to the Server Engine so that it can handle this

request. The Server Engine checks whether the user is able to upgrade the tower or not. If the user is

able to upgrade that tower the server will inform the client that he/she can have successfully upgraded

that tower. After doing that the Server Engine informs other clients which is connected to the same

game as the requesting user. If the user is not able to upgrade that tower the server will inform only the

requesting user about the process.


5.6.9 Upgrade Minion Interaction

Figure 13 Upgrade Minion Interaction

The above diagrams show what happens when a user wants to upgrade a minion. The Client GUI

is responsible for capturing the request and informing the Client Engine that the user wanted to upgrade

a minion. Then the Client Engine is sending this request to the Server Engine so that it can handle this

request. The Server Engine checks whether the user is able to upgrade the minion or not. If the user is

able to upgrade that minion the server will inform the client that he/she can have successfully upgraded

that minion. After doing that the Server Engine informs other clients which is connected to the same

game as the requesting user. If the user is not able to upgrade that minion the server will inform only

the requesting user about the process.


5.6.10 Use Skill Interaction

Figure 14 Use Skill Interaction

The above diagrams show what happens when a user wants to use a skill. The Client GUI is

responsible for capturing the request and informing the Client Engine that the user wanted to use a skill.

Then the Client Engine is sending this request to the Server Engine so that it can handle this request. The

Server Engine checks whether the user is able to use that skill or not. If the user is able to use that skill

the server will inform the client that he/she can have successfully used that skill. After doing that the

Server Engine informs other clients which is connected to the same game as the requesting user and

Server Engine sends the related messages which affect the other user’s status. If the user is not able to

use that skill the server will inform only the requesting user about the process.


5.7 State dynamics viewpoint

Figure 15 State Diagram of the Client


An illustration of the defense system is given with the above state diagram.

Client: Client is the state where session is started.

Login: After session started, user can log in to the system if he enters the correct username-

password combination. Then, user will successfully be in the lobby.

Lobby: Lobby is the state where users can unlock new towers and minions, upgrade their

properties, change skills, chat with other players and join to the queue.

Queue: When user selected the join queue in lobby, the search for suitable opponents will start.

In this part we are checking for science points and win/lose rates. Then we can create a balanced game

for players.

ReadyWait: When suitable game is found, users get in the ReadyWait state. If every player

accepts the game, it will start, otherwise players will return to queue and continue searching for another


Loading: After every user accepts the game then the players will wait for others to connect.

StartCountDown: In this state, every player loaded and the game is ready to start. We have a

short countdown here and after that, the game will start.

PlayTime: After game started players can use in game functions like create minion, build tower

etc. during the game.

AnimationWait: If any player died, game stops for a moment and every player watches a little

animation about destroying the area of that player.

EndGame: When every player except winner loses, game will end, and all players will return to

the lobby.

Disconnect: After getting back to lobby, players can spend their points, chat with others and

play another game. When a player decided to log out, his session will end.


6 Estimated Schedule

Figure 16 Estimated schedule of the project


7 Conclusion

In this design document, we provide details about the software architecture and initial design of

the project Science Wars and also implementation details of the project with respect to viewpoints,

modules and data design. This document is intended to be used as a reference to the both stakeholders

defined before in this document and also to the team LeşKoding.