FAMILY DIVERSITY Theoretical views

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FAMILY DIVERSITYTheoretical views

Page 2: SociologyExchange.co.uk Shared Resource


1. Using the post-its, write out one family type. 2. One another post-it, give 2 reasons why

there has been an increase in one of the following;

single-parent families, same-sex families, co-habitees reconstituted families

Stick your post-its on the relevant flipchart paper at the front of the room.

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Explain a range of different sociological views of family diversity

Understand the difference between modernist and postmodernist approaches to family diversity

Compare and contrast sociological explanations of family diversity

Create an essay plan that demonstrates A01 and A02 skills for a question on family diversity

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Functionalism – Talcott Parsons The New Right – Charles Murray Neo – Conventional family – Robert Chester The Rapoports – 5 types of family diversity Feminism - Stacey Postmodernism – David Cheal

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Perspectives such as functionalism and the New Right are describes as ‘modernist’

They see modern society as having a fairly fixed, clear-cut and predictable structure.

One best family type – Nuclear family

What other sociological perspectives might be considered modernist? (AO1)

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FUNCTIONALIST Parsons – there is a

‘functional fit’ between the nuclear family and society. It meets the needs of society

Other family types are inadequate, abnormal or deviant, since they are less able to perform the functions required of the family.

There is no need for family diversity

Activity Watch the video clip


Make a list of functions the family provides for individuals and wider society (AO1)

Why might a single parent or same-sex family be considered inadequate or abnormal and not able to provide these functions? (AO2)

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A group of thinkers and commentators who believe very strongly in tradition. They tend to be against change and support the Conservative party.

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THE NEW RIGHT Conservative and anti-

feminist perspective on the family

Firmly opposed to family diversity

Only one correct family type – the patriarchal, nuclear family with a clear-cut division of labour between the husband and wife (instrumental and expressive).

The decline of the nuclear family and growth of family diversity are the cause of many social problems

Key thinker – Charles Murray

What social problems could be caused by the decline in the nuclear family? (A01)

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NEW RIGHT CONTINUED….. They see lone-parent families

as unnatural and harmful. Lone mothers are a burden on the welfare state and cannot discipline children properly.

They disapprove of mothers working, caring for families should be a priority

Marriage is essential for creating a stable environment

Cohabitation and divorce create instability

Welfare and benefits discourage men from working and encourage a ‘dependancy culture’.

What other family types would they disapprove of and why? (AO1, AO2)

What problems do you think there with the functionalist and New Right approach? (AO2)

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A - You are to come up with approx. 5 laws, benefits, or solutions to deal with the ‘threats’ to the family put forward by the New Right. (imagine you are a New Right thinker)

B - You are to come up with approx. 5 liberal (left wing) laws, benefits, or solutions that would deal with the ‘true’ issues faced by families today.

Try and convince your partner that your government ideas will benefit society more.

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We have moved away from the traditional nuclear family to a range of different types

1. Organisational diversity – differences in ways family roles are organised

2. Cultural diversity – different cultural, religious and ethnic groups have different structures

3. Social class diversity – family structure and practices may be different based on income

4. Life-stage diversity – life cycle5. Generational diversity – different

generations have different attitudes and experiences towards family life

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CULTURAL AND CLASS DIVERSITY In your own words, summarize

the trends in the table.

You will need to work in pairs. One person will research

ethnicity, the other class. Skim read the resources on

class/ethnicity. Choose 2 or 3 studies/theorists that explain class/ethnic diversity and briefly summarise in a table. (10 mins)

Explain you findings to your partner, who will then take notes in the remaining parts of the table. (10 mins)

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family diversity, but not as significant as others make out. The extent and importance of family diversity is exaggerated

Neo Conventional Family - A nuclear family but with a division of labour between the male and female

Dual-earner family The nuclear family is still the

family most people aspire to. Due to our life cycle, most

people will still be part of a nuclear family at some point in their lives

Age Family Family Type

0-10 Nikki is born and stays with both parents

11-13 Nikki’s parents divorce, she stays with mum

14-18 Mum re-marries who has a son of his own

18-21 Nikki shares a flat with students

22 -25 Nikki lives alone

25 -28 Nikki meets Pete and they live together

28 -48 They marry and have 3 kids

49 -78 Their children leave home

78 -88 Pete dies and Nikki lives in a retirement home

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FEMINISTS Stacey - Greater family

diversity has benefited women, enabling them to free themselves from patriarchal oppression and shape the family to meet their needs.

In what ways might the nuclear family oppress women? (AO1)

Can you think of a criticism of this approach? (AO2)

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structures are fragmented and individuals have much more choice in their lifestyles, personal relationships and family arrangements.

Family life is more diverse than ever before and its shape depends on the active choices people make about how to live their lives, e.g. whether to get divorced, cohabit, come out as gay etc.

Are friends the new family?

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Read back through each of the theories. Next to each slide write whether the view; Is against family diversity Believes greater family diversity doesn’t

really exist Supports family diversity Believes we now have greater family


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Against Family diversity

Greater family diversity doesn’t exist

For family diversity

Greater family diversity does exists

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1. Using the post-its, write up to 3 different theoretical views on family diversity (try to include names/perspectives/key concepts)

2. On a separate post-it, write down what you think is the best explanation of family diversity and why OR which is the worst explanation and why.

3. Put the post-its on the relevant flipchart paper

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Assess sociological explanations of the nature and extent of family diversity today. Start by outlining the nature and extent of diversity –

different family types and some of the reasons why they have increased/decreased (AO1)

Discuss a range of different views – functionalist, new right, postmodernist, feminist, Chester, Rapoports. Compare and contrast them to each other. (AO1, AO2)

Conclusion – which is the best explanation for modern British society and why? (AO2)