Societal Trends towards Obesity

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  • 8/18/2019 Societal Trends towards Obesity


    Societal Trends towardsSocietal Trends towards


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  • 8/18/2019 Societal Trends towards Obesity


  • 8/18/2019 Societal Trends towards Obesity



    Obesity is a social issue that has been affecting nations around the globe as it is the most

    extensively faced issue in most social societies. As the obesity, for the consequences on

    individual lives are detrimental, is not acceptable for any class or culture in the world, the issue

    has been of great debate and remarkable attempts made by the countries to address and handle it.

    The obesity as it is related with the social and economic status of the individuals residing in a

    region are the topic under discussion for this essay. The obesity in particular context its

    association with the poverty in western communities and also in Algeria has been studied further 

    in this discussion.


    To determine if an individual is obese, the body weight is required to be compared to a set

    standard and internationally, it is done by comparing the body weight with the height of the

    individual. Any individual having a weight above the desirable limit according to the height is

     believed to be obese. Obesity, in the scientific terms is the accumulation of fat which is in excess

    in the body and this could lead to adverse health effects (aslam and !ames, "##$%. &hether a

     person is obese or not is mainly determined by the body mass index which is calculated by

    measuring a person's weight and height in kilograms and meters respectively (nsel, Turner,

    )oss, "##*%, and any + above -# kgm" depicts a man obese (&O, "###%. A number of 

    diseases are contributed by obesity such as numerous cardiac diseases, diabetes particularly type

    two diabetes and certain categories of carcinomas, osteoarthritis and obstructive sleep apnea are

    to name a few (aslam and !ames, "##$%.

    Obesity is caused ma/orly by a combination of three factors which are excessive intake of high

    energy food, physical activity dearth and genetic susceptibility. owever, some other causes of 

    obesity include certain endocrine disorders, defected genes, psychiatric illnesses and certain

    medications ()obert, "##0%. n treating obesity, two interventions are of key importance, diet

    control and physical exercise. 1nhancing an individual's quality of dietary intake could play a

    significant role in preventing and curing obesity for example reduction in the energy dense food

     product and increasing the fibre intake on daily basis. n certain cases, anti2obesity drugs are also

  • 8/18/2019 Societal Trends towards Obesity


    administered to control the adverse consequences and in cases where all these are not effective,

    some other approaches such as stomach bands and gastric balloons are also used to cope with the

    issue (ma3 et al. "##4%. Around the globe, the obesity has been considered as one of the most

    solemn health concern for the public as it is a prominent cause of death which is avertable

    (+arness et al. "##0%.


    istorically considered a sign of fertility and richness in certain regions of the world even today

    (&oodhouse, "##4%, the obesity has been stigmati3ed in the contemporary society particular the

    western culture (aslam and !ames, "##$%. The media coverage of obesity has been observably

    increased manifolds over past years and it is almost impossible for an individual to pass his

    whole day without being exposed to anything in the media addressing with the weight loss and

    consequences of obesity in western civili3ations.The food trends in the 5nited 6tates have been

    considered as the ma/or cause of obesity in the society and the ever increasing rate is associated

    with the increased consumption of high energy, high calorie food (7utnam et al.  "##"%. The

    dietary habits of the individuals like the increased consumption of snacks, caloric beverages and

    fast food among not only the children but also the young adults has been reported extensive for 

     being associated with the excessive weight gain and high obesity rates in the society (8rench et 

    al. "##9%. The affordability of the food thus makes the /unk food a ma/or reason of obesityamong the rich however this may not be true in certain situations.


    &ith the increased awareness about the social issue, the need to control it has raised remarkably

    making the understanding more important about the reasons which contribute to the obesity

    trends in any society. Over the past years, the rates of obesity have raised drastically

    (6choenborn, "##"% and according to a study conducted in 5nited 6tates, almost :;< of the

     population of adults who belonged to the age group of = "# years, in 5nited 6tates were

    overweight and thirty per cent of these were obese (56>6, "###% in the time period of 9***2

    "###. Among certain sub groups of the population, a significant increase in the massively obese

    individuals was found carrying a body mass index on =-$ (?umanyika, 9***%. This increased

  • 8/18/2019 Societal Trends towards Obesity


    obesity levels among the population calls further to understand the social factors that contribute

    to unhealthy eating habits of individuals belonging to certain social class.


    The current increase in the obesity rate of populations could not be totally described by the

    genetic influences and require a more appropriate discussion (@ach et al. "##:%. The two factors

    ma/orly contributing to obesity, the energy consumption and energy expenditure have been

    considerably debated during last few years to discuss the shifts in the eating habits (the energy

    consumption% and lifestyle (1nergy expenditure% on the social scale. The rates of obesity are

    ominously associated with the socioeconomic status of an individual and the obesity and the

    related diseases are found to be more linked with the people with limited living resources and

     poor (56>6, "###%. onsidering this important aspect in the female population of the

    American society, it was reported that women coming from low income and also low educational

    groups of the society were more obese (7aeratakul et al. "##"% contributed by less awareness and

    concern about the physical fitness. owever, this association is not reported to be so much

    consistent among the male population as is seen in females (8legal et al . "##"%.

    A survey conducted by the &orld ealth organisation in 5nited 6tates to evaluate the health

    status of the :4, $$: adults who participated in the Bational ealth 6urvey, indicted a positive

    association among the highest obesity rates in the society and the low education and income of 

    the individuals (6choeborn et al. "##"%. The results obtained from this survey as were published

     by &O and it could be easily observed from the datathat the rate of obesity has been increasing

    among all sub groups of the population however, the rates are significantly higher among the

    most deprived population group of poor (okda et al.  "##-%.Another ma/or contributor to

    obesity, as studied in the western societies is the food insecurity (+asiotis and Cino, "##"%. The

    food insecurity could be defined as the uncertainty for the availability of food which is

    nutritionally acceptable and also safe (+lumberg et al. 9***%. The extensive studies in the field

    indicates that a rather complex association is present among the three factors, the obesity,

     poverty and the food insecurities, (?endall et al. 9**:%.

    A study conducted by cCaren ("##0% about the link between socio2economic status of the

    individuals and obesity,it was reported that the variation among the correlation of the social class

  • 8/18/2019 Societal Trends towards Obesity


    and the body mass index is significantly observed globally. The women belonging to the high

    social class of the society are found to be less likely to be obese and this class difference is

    comparatively less significant among the male population of the society. n the developed

    countries, a number of factors contribute to a controlled body mass index of the high social class

    individuals such as their affordability of the high nutrition foods, societal pressure to be fit and

    slim and the greater opportunities for physical fitness. 8urther the attitudes towards the body

    mass index plays a ma/or role in controlling obesity and this awareness comes with education.

    The individuals from low social class and low education are more likely to be obese for this

    factor, low awareness of body mass index and its value (cCaren, "##0%.

    Algeria is a country belonging to the Borth Africa and having a population of -0, *##, ### out of 

    which an estimated "-< have been categorised to be poor (+enabib, "##0%. The situation,

    when it comes to the association of poverty with the social class of an individual is no different

    from the western world. This could be demonstrated by the rate of obesity in the country which

    was reported to be around 9:.;< in the year "##- while in "##: the rate varied to include 9#.-<

    of boys and 4.0< of girls under the category of overweight kinds belonging to the age group of 

    six tot en years (inistry of Agriculture, "#9#%. The high social class has been resided by more

    fit individuals of the society that is believed to be contributed by the similar factors as have been

    observed to be contributing to the western societies such as the social pressure, awareness and

    education level and affordability. On the other hand, the food insecurities, low or absent food

    availably of good nutritional quality and deficient awareness contribute to the significantly high

    obesity rates among the poor population of the society which is undoubtedly a common factor 

    for both western societies and Algeria.


    Obesity is a ma/or concern for the societies around the globe and the prevention and control have

    emerged as a ma/or challenge in different parts of the world. 5nderstanding of the factors

    contributing to societal practices leading to obesity in the society in important and when studied

    in association with the socio economic status of an individual, in the present time, it could be

    observed that poor people of the community tends to be more obese. This is contributed by the

    low awareness and low concern of the physical fitness and food insecurities as could be observed

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    from the above study. On the other hand, the rich population of the society tends to be more

    concerned about their fitness as the trends are more strictly followed by those who could afford

    almost anything that could facilitate their weight loss activities. &hen compared this situation in

    the western community with that of Algeria, the results are almost similar. The poor population

    of the community tends to be more obese and the reasons are similar to those observed in the

    western culture.

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