Societal Crowd-Conferencing Workshops, Class Sessions and Deliberation System © Globplex.org and Associates Contact: Boudewijn De Graeve, [email protected], 0032 474 294587, skype: globplex. Preliminary Flyer Model Version 08.06.2015 Global e-Society Complex Crowd-Platform for Societal Re- engineering www.globplex.com globplexholding.com Equipment include: Electronic screens, paper and other boards, computers, mobile devices, geo-tables, burotic utensils, etc. Documents include * Globplex-Dossiers with Modulable Files * Crowd-Syllabus with Adaptable Components Communication and Interaction Deontology include: * Respectful language * Orderly discussion * No personal private matters * Bias-free logic and thinking * Complementary strategies, replacing competitivity Priority Topics include * Societal applications school disciplines * Deliberation Public Budgets and Governance Programs * Elaboration Cluster-Theses * North-South Co-Transition * Global-Local Transition Issues and Solutions * … Research, study, editing and organizing initiatives, directed to real soc development or transition impact, personally and collectively. Venues include: Conference rooms and halls class rooms, offices, exhibition halls, etc. Societal Crowd-Conferencing Workshops, Class Sessions and Deliberation System cietal e-Features and Didactic Modules r Conferencing, Training Courses and Deliberations include: A complete flow of street surveys, societal crowd-research and local planning with regional schools + local communities. Example of object of Societal Crowd-Conferences Workshops and Class Sessions: Creation of Regional Network of Sustainable Socio-economy Micro-Entities with thousands of Decent Jobs Introductory conferences and model research and deliberation sessions on request, with conventional and 3-Screen methods, including live street surveys, excursions and real e-conferencing with other actors and schools, worldwide. 90+ % of all conferences and workshops in the world, indeed thousands per day, do not feature modulable tools, do not imply proactive preparation and implication of participants, and do have very little or no after-results. The application of the Globplex-System can change this radically at a neglectible cost, and with a staggering benefit, for the organizers, for the participants, for the related sector and for the whole of society. Globplex advocates the integration, as much as possible, of a selection of conference groups and venues simultaneously in North and South, giving, for now, priority to countries in Europe, Africa and the ACP countries. In real time Globplex-Transcription of Open Data, of any Public Publisher, worldwide * Permanent Opinion and Voting Boards with Instant Surveying * Modulable File Editing Crowd-Deliberation > On-site Co-Decision Sessions * Spatial Co-Planning Sessions in real time * Instant Panergetic Index and Price Calculation for any Product, Service, Estate, Investment, … * 3D Cognitive Location Exercises ( Cube Model ) * Design of complexity chart of any phenomenon, person, geo-territory, product, service, idea, … * Elaborating Academic Cluster-Theses * Societal Applications School Disciplines - 100s of Modules per Discipline * Networking and Clustering for Enterprises a source of savings for billions of €s * 3D-Design Local Landscapes for Crowd-Planning * Money-free Socio-economy Transaction Examples * Live Street Surveys * Instant Polls, Votings, Interaction Games, and Ideas Scannings * …..

Societal Crowd-Conferencing Workshops, Class Sessions and Deliberation System Societal Crowd-Conferencing Workshops, Class Sessions and Deliberation System

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Societal Crowd-ConferencingWorkshops, Class Sessionsand Deliberation System

Societal Crowd-ConferencingWorkshops, Class Sessionsand Deliberation System

© Globplex.org and Associates

Contact: Boudewijn De Graeve, [email protected],

0032 474 294587, skype: globplex.

Preliminary Flyer ModelVersion 08.06.2015

Global e-Society ComplexCrowd-Platform for Societal Re-engineering

www.globplex.com globplexholding.com

Equipment include:Electronic screens,

paper and other boards,computers, mobile devices,

geo-tables,burotic utensils, etc.

Documents include* Globplex-Dossierswith Modulable Files* Crowd-Syllabus with Adaptable ComponentsCommunication

and Interaction Deontology include:* Respectful language* Orderly discussion* No personal private matters* Bias-free logic and thinking* Complementary strategies, replacing competitivity

Priority Topics include* Societal applications school disciplines* Deliberation Public Budgets and Governance Programs* Elaboration Cluster-Theses* North-South Co-Transition* Global-Local Transition Issues and Solutions* …

Research, study, editing and organizing initiatives, directed to real societal development or transition impact, personally and collectively.

Venues include:Conference rooms and halls

class rooms, offices,exhibition halls, etc.

Societal Crowd-ConferencingWorkshops, Class Sessionsand Deliberation System

Societal e-Features and Didactic Modulesfor Conferencing, Training Courses and Deliberations include:

A complete flow of street surveys,

societal crowd-researchand local planning with

regional schools+ local communities.

Example of object of Societal Crowd-ConferencesWorkshops and Class Sessions:

Creation of Regional Networkof Sustainable Socio-economy Micro-Entities

with thousands of Decent Jobs

Introductory conferences and model research and deliberation sessions on request,

with conventional and 3-Screen methods,including live street surveys, excursions

and real e-conferencing with other actors and schools, worldwide.

90+ % of all conferencesand workshops in the world,indeed thousands per day,do not feature modulable tools,do not imply proactive preparationand implication of participants,and do have very little or no after-results.

The application of the Globplex-Systemcan change this radicallyat a neglectible cost,and with a staggering benefit,for the organizers, for the participants,for the related sectorand for the whole of society.

Globplex advocates the integration,

as much as possible, of a selection of conference groups and venues

simultaneously in North and South,giving, for now, priority

to countries in Europe, Africaand the ACP countries.

* In real time Globplex-Transcription of Open Data, of any Public Publisher, worldwide

* Permanent Opinion and Voting Boardswith Instant Surveying

* Modulable File Editing* Crowd-Deliberation > On-site Co-Decision Sessions

* Spatial Co-Planning Sessions in real time * Instant Panergetic Index and Price Calculation

for any Product, Service, Estate, Investment, …* 3D Cognitive Location Exercises ( Cube Model )* Design of complexity chart of any phenomenon,

person, geo-territory, product, service, idea, …

* Elaborating Academic Cluster-Theses* Societal Applications School Disciplines -

100s of Modules per Discipline* Networking and Clustering for Enterprises

a source of savings for billions of €s* 3D-Design Local Landscapes

for Crowd-Planning * Money-free Socio-economy

Transaction Examples* Live Street Surveys

* Instant Polls, Votings, Interaction Games, and Ideas Scannings

* …..

CoordinatingTriptych 3-Screen Hall

Triptych 3-ScreenRoom 01

Triptych 3-ScreenRoom 02

Triptych 3-ScreenRoom 03

Triptych 3-ScreenRoom 04

Triptych 3-ScreenRoom 05






Standard Societal Conference Workshop Class Session RoadmapBefore During After

Announcement Invitation

> Subscriptionswith indication of

SubTopics> Preparationby ParticipantsFeedback toOrganizers

Editing DossierModulable Files

List of SubTopics

Reporton feedback

to Participants+ List

Participants> Contactsbetween


Participantspost Comments,

ProposalsContributions on Own-Domain Site

Definitive ProgramPlenary

SessionsSubTopic SessionsCrowd-Research

Didactic Animation,Connecting

and Decision Modules

In real time:Update of

Conferenceand Participants

Filesand Sites



LaunchingNew and/orChanges




Global Central Modulable

Data Platform


Societal Crowd-ConferencingWorkshops, Class Sessionsand Deliberation System

Globplex-Site with 300+ Documentsfor replication for organizing


Shortly to be updatedwith online interactive features.

Globplex-DataBank Components SystemModulable Web: Hompage-Text-Graphics-Vidéo-Publicity

+ Table-file(s) + Presentation-File(s) DataBase(s) + Prints + Video(s) + Mobile Apps

Standard Triptych 3-Screen Roomwith Planning Table, Exposition Panels,

Instant Voting Software, etc.

Personal Globplex-Keycontaining whole Globplex-Dossiersand Personal Files.

Gradually for each citizenin the world.

Own-Domain SitesOrganizers, Conferencists and Participants

are recommended to have theirOwn-Domain Site and Offline Set.

Available at 15 € / Yearincl. taxes, 2GB Space + 2GB Mailbox100+ Blank Globplex-Documents Set

Personal ownership. No time obligation. No publicity.

Global e-Society ComplexCrowd-Platform for Societal Re-engineering

www.globplex.com globplexholding.com

Parallel Exposition of Mega-Panelspossibly to draw and write-on.



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Note: Globplex does not useor link to commercial social media.

