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Socialization research methodology in language teaching-final paper criteria-2012-2

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Research paper title Student’s Name

Universidad Santo Tomás

Sandra Milena, 05/10/12,
The title must be specific and concise (20 word limit) include page number. Alignment: Flush right Margins: One inch on all sides (top, bottom, left, right) Font Size and Type: 12-pt. Times New Roman font
Page 2: Socialization research methodology in language teaching-final paper criteria-2012-2



Write your research project

Sandra Milena, 11/08/12,
The abstract sums up the components of your research proposal: the topic and the general objective of your research project, the population or the group of participants involved in this research project, the research methodology you have selected and the techniques or methods for data collection. Write an abstract within 150-250 words limit. Section header centered on the page.
Page 3: Socialization research methodology in language teaching-final paper criteria-2012-2


Introduction here

The introduction involves information about the topic(s) of your proposal, your research interests, the ideas that motivate you to investigate and a general overview of the research components described in your project.

Research Rationale

The justification of the proposal involves aspects related to the relevance of the project, the contributions you expect to make through the project and the impact of the investigation on the research participants and the educational context where the proposal is going to be developed.

You may also include information related to the theoretical support, aspects of the foreign language and the analysis of findings based on existing research projects to demonstrate the relevance of doing this research project.

Problem statement and Research questions

The problem statement implies the needs analysis underpinning your research interests and your proposal. It is expected that you include aspects framed based on the analysis of the educational context, the characteristics of the participants you have decided to focus on and the ideas that sustain your problem description and research questions formulation. The research

Smilena, 11/08/12,
(One page description)
Smilena, 11/08/12,
(Maximum 2 pages)
Sandra Milena, 11/08/12,
APA style criteria for writing your research proposal introduction: Do not use direct quotes. Write the whole text in your words and if you use information taken from authors or any other references, cite them. Remember the risk of plagiarism and the academic consequences of it.
Sandra Milena, 05/10/12,
(Maximum 2 pages)
Page 4: Socialization research methodology in language teaching-final paper criteria-2012-2


questions must describe implications, inquiries and problems you consider relevant and meaningful for doing a research proposal.

Theoretical conceptualization and findings taken from existing research projects can be included as part of the arguments which support the research problem and the formulation of the research questions.

Research Procedure

General objective and specific objectives

The objectives are connected with the research procedure and can be established based on the analysis of the problem statement and the research questions. The general objective involves the whole research development and the specific objectives describe what you plan to do through the proposal; these objectives refer to the explicit actions or activities you plan to do for carrying out the general objective.

Theoretical support (It includes references and main concepts underpinning the proposal)

Since theory is needed to support your research proposal, it is required to write (minimum 1 page -maximum 3 pages) to summarize the concepts implied in your investigation. It is precise to include authors and analyze how concepts, approaches and theories are related to your proposal and support your project development

Instructional Design or Pedagogical Design

If you are going to intervene as a teacher in the context of the project, you must describe the pedagogical actions that sustain your research project.

Research Methodology and Data Collection Techniques

Describe the type of methodology that you expect to follow for the development of your research proposal. It is necessary to provide the why of your choice and the techniques for data collection linked to the research methodology of your proposal.

Smilena, 11/08/12,
One page description
Sandra Milena, 05/10/12,
Citations and references are needed here.
Smilena, 11/08/12,
Include a brief description (maximum two paragraphs) of the steps or actions you plan to carry out in your project.
Page 5: Socialization research methodology in language teaching-final paper criteria-2012-2


You may complete the chart below to be clear enough when organizing the research methodology characteristics and data collection techniques.

Table 1Research Methodologies and Data Collection Techniques



Aldridge, D. (1991). Spirituality, healing and medicine. British Journal of General Practice, 41, 425-427. Retrieved from http://www.rcgp.org.uk/publications/bjgp.aspx

Byrd, R. C. (1988). Positive therapeutic effects of intercessory prayer in a coronary care unit population. Southern Medical Journal, 81, 826-829.

**You might include appendices to include evidences (if you got them) of the needs analysis, data collection instruments or evidences that support observation carried out in the educational context.

Smilena, 11/08/12,
Sandra Milena, 05/10/12,
Sometimes, students hesitate on the methodology choice, you are allowed to include in this chart more than one methodology. Final decisiones will be made when evaluating this paper on the socialization’s date since your tutor can suggest or can help you analyze the convenience and coherence of the methodologies you consider for your own proposal.