Social Media in Today

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Different characteristics of Social Media. Its impact - negative or positive ?

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Social media has several advantages for students. Social media can enable students to easily contact each other with regards to school projects and assignments. It is also possible for them to work on group assignments from the comfort of their own homes. Students that use social media can also participate more in class. When social media is used in pedagogy, students who have difficulty in expressing their thoughts in their classrooms can get involved in the learning process. It will help build these childrens confidence level as well. Social media is also useful for students when doing homework. Any doubts can be cleared by posting a message through social media. Any questions that they may have can be asked on a message board and other students can also benefit from the feedback given by the teacher.Students that use social media regularly may lose their ability to engage in face to face communication. Even if the world is turning to technology, students must know how to communicate in the real world. Social media websites are becoming notorious for cyber bullying. This has become an alarming trend. Students may write hurtful messages about other students and this could scar students for life. Yet another problem with social media is that it is impossible to know whether students will use the medium in a constructive manner. Students may post inappropriate content like pornography on social media. This will defeat the purpose of the medium altogether. Social media is a rather effective way for students to make friends and also to get their education. At the same time there are certain disadvantages as well. The true challenge lies in overcoming the disadvantages and ensuring that the advantages create the desired impact.

The advangtasd of social media as a learning tool.1.) It is a familiar tool. Most of your students are on social networking platforms, and these services are already tools that students are generally comfortable with -- and they can probably show you a thing or two in return. 2.) Improve your own knowledge and skills as an educator. By learning how to use these platforms as a teacher, you are making yourself more aware of issues surrounding students today. If a student tells you a classmate is harassing them over Twitter -- doing something called 'tweeting', how can you investigate the situation unless you know how to search profiles and send messages yourself? 3.) Resource availability. From current news feeds, following public figures, learning a new language or improving software skills, there is an endless range of free resources available through social media -- both linked and hosted. If you are looking for a debate, a video or commentary based on a recent news report, Facebook and Twitter's search functions make them a valuable and free set of tools. 4.) Improvement of research skills. Being able to find information online is a skill that is now important in the workplace -- and one that can be taught through lessons designed around social media platforms. 5.) The improvement of communication. If conducted within a controlled environment, then social media can be a way for students and teachers to communicate effectively. This could include sending out reminders, posting homework notes and organizing projects or events such as revision classes. 6.) Relevant, real-life learning. Teaching students how to use social media in order to improve their job prospects can be extremely valuable. How do you find a job through Twitter? Who do you follow? Why do I need a LinkedIn profile? 7.) The promotion of digital citizenship. Students have to learn about how to conduct themselves appropriately online. Not only do they have to face the consequences if they behave in ways that are considered cyberbulling, but it is also necessary for them to understand privacy policies and the transfer of data online. By using online platforms, these lessons can be integrated within a more traditional school curriculum. 8.) Engaging your students. Gen-Y and younger generations are stereotypically portrayed as being glued to their gadgets, and are known for using such devices for social networking, games and entertainment purposes. Use this to your advantage. 9.) The ability to share learning material. Social media sites including Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest are full of user-generated content, links and shared items. This can be used to your classes' advantage. Why not create a Facebook group dedicated to your class, or set a task to research something across these networks? 10.) The potential to appeal to different learning styles. Whether a learner naturally prefers kinetic, audio or visual learning, the varied types of media and information found on sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn can appeal to a wide range of learner styles. 11.) Ease of access. Social networking requires no expensive equipment or modern upgrades -- all you need is a computer or mobile device with an Internet connection. 12.) Assisting shy students. There are some students that find social interaction or contribution difficult -- and engaging students through an online project can make this easier for them. The cons of social media as a learning tool.1.) The gimmick factor. Unless the use of sites such as Facebook and Twitter are incorporated into a class plan in order to contribute towards an objective lesson aim, then it could become nothing more than a waste of time. 2.) Distractions. Unless teachers properly supervise their students -- and maintain control if the novelty of YouTube makes them too excited -- it can be difficult to follow through with a lesson based on Internet research. 3.) The risk of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is rampant on social networks, and it is something teachers need to be aware of. Social media projects may not be confined to a classroom -- and if this is the case, teachers (and potentially parents) need to monitor student activity for any signs of bullying. 4.) Limiting face-to-face communication. If a balance is not maintained, then too much technological input can have a detrimental effect on social skills that children need to learn. 5.) The need for schools to research, understand and implement. Educational establishments are slowly making their presence known on social media for advertising and information-based purposes. However, it requires a good level of technical understanding to use and maintain social media effectively. 6.) Continual social media change. There are constant changes to platforms themselves and their security settings -- of which schools and teachers must keep up to date with and act accordingly. 7.) The need to manage multiple sites and keep updated. If schools decide to make use of these platforms, pages and profiles should be updated in order to prevent them becoming stagnant. 8.) The possibility of malware infections or phishing scams. Social networks are now a breeding ground for scam artists to lure both children and adults to exchange personal information or in order to gain access to a computer network. Educational establishments need to be aware of this risk and monitor their usage accordingly. 9.) The need to filter and plan. Schools have a duty of care to their students, and as such, the use of social media platforms has to be planned and executed appropriately in order to protect children from inappropriate communication, images or video. Several options are available, such as YouTube for Schools. 10.) Inappropriate content sharing or exposure. It is important for children in school to be protected from inappropriate content; but it is also necessary for teachers to monitor what they are sharing between themselves. It is not only a matter of duty to students -- but protecting yourself as the teacher responsible for them. 11.) Controlling device use in class. Teachers have to grow eyes in the back of their heads -- and when mobile devices are used in class, the need for continual monitoring and regulation increases. 12.) Exposing the 'haves' and 'have nots'. Once you introduce social media use in to a classroom, then unless the school has the facilities to supply each student, it is sometimes the case that students are asked to bring their own device. This in turn can highlight divides between students who can afford certain devices, and those that cannot.

.Social media is a way of connecting people or a medium for sharing ones ideas.

It's technologies takes different forms like internet, blogs, forums, social networks etc.

The qualities social media possess are reach, accessibility, immediacy, permanence.

Today's younger generation depend on social media completely as they prefer to be connected with the world through social networks like facebook, twitter etc.

If we look up the statistics 93% of youth are active users of internet and 73% own a cellphone.

They find it as a place where they can share their ideas globally and the increasing fascination for the gadgets like ipod, tab are due to the impact of social media.

It facilitates to have open communication leading to enhanced discovery and delivery.

For students social media gives a lot of exposure and help them to have updated knowledge about various technologies. It serves to kindle their ideas in their interested subjects. One can even start a blog and discuss his views with everyone.

It helps a lot for education where students can refer data from ebooks, articles, presentations etc.

And also they can browse about various job opportunities around the world through websites like naukri, linkedin. They can upload their resume and can view the company's profile their technologies and can update their knowledge based on the current trends.

Today online shopping is engrossing among youth rapidly since everything is available in a single place and also a wide variety of choices. The payment it can be done either by credit cards or debit cards or even cash on delivery is available.

There are social media threats like cyberbullying, phishing etc and there are certain ways to prevent them:

Install theft protection software, avoid giving personal information, privacy settings, do not save your passwords in public PC's.

The major factor of social media is communication of data and that data can be an appropriate or inappropriate. So it depends on a person who uses this boon in a right way.

From my point of view social media is a great boon given to younger generation as it upgrades us in all ventures.

Social networking has been a common use on the internet in todays generation. Throughout the past, we had social networking sites which did not make it uphold a longer life than those which have ended up being very popular. One of these popular social networks is Facebook which has over millions of members connecting with friends every day with new members joining daily.Despite the good uses of Facebook, it has its disadvantages. If youre not a user of Facebook yet, you will soon realise yourself the problems that Facebook can cause.Social networking has been a common use on the internet in todays generation. Throughout the past, we had social networking sites which did not make it uphold a longer life than those which have ended up being very popular. One of these popular social networks is Facebook which has over millions of members connecting with friends every day with new members joining daily. Facebook is also free of cash which adds a reason why it is so popular. Facebook helps you connect yourself with friends that you might have not seen for many years and those who now live in another part of the world. Despite the good uses of Facebook, it has its disadvantages. If youre not a user of Facebook yet, you will soon realise yourself the problems that Facebook can cause.1) Threat of viruses!Facebook is filled with thousands of daily users from around the globe and there is no surprise if you discover a number of viruses storming through most of the pages. There is no surprise to believe that Facebook involves several hackers who actually steal other peoples account. Regular Facebook users can tell you how they notice suspicious activity occurring while they are not logged in. The reason how this occurs is because hackers cleverly send viruses to hundreds of members and succeed in stealing their own data. These hackers could cost you a lot of money to repair your computer depending on how badly damaged it may be. Always keep an updated Norton360 when using Facebook to filter out new viruses.2) Spam and scams!This problem wouldnt be on Facebook alone. Other social networking sites like Myspace and Bebo are full of spam and scams! Many users receive emails nearly every day from anonymous users asking to date and chat on other websites. It continuously becomes frustrating to receive all these useless spam emails and no solution is being revised.Scam is an extra problem for the users. Unfortunately, some scammers trick members and scam them in so many ways to steal their accounts. A ordinary recognized trick could be through a phishing website which looks very similar to Facebook and fools people in believing that they are still on the official Facebook website. Once a member logs in using the email and password, scammers can now access his account and scam his friends, spreading further spam and malware through the website. Fake websites can also steal your bank information if consumers fall prey to their advertisements. If you have never come across a problem like this before, it is your responsibility to avoid such a threat and keep your information secure.3) Waste of life!Facebook can be very addictive for its members. Once you stay connected with friends, you will realize how often you login for another chat and discover what other members are doing. Some people know the drawbacks of Facebook but cannot help staying connected with old friends who they havent seen in years. All this will certainly make you addicted to Facebook and will stop you from deleting your account.Many hours may also pass and you could have done something more important than using Facebook. Several members of social networking sites actually use them throughout the day and night without any sense at all.4) Ruining your professional life!You might be one of those millions of people who are unemployed and use Facebook to post offensive images of you and your friends. Though it is fun and provides humour for all your friends to see, it can be a major drawback when you apply for a job. Employers will want to know more about you and by searching on these social networking sites which contain your offensive content, employers may get distressed and could result in losing the job role that you applied for. There might have been a high chance of getting the job, but because of your social network page, your chances were ruined. The first site they would search would be on Facebook because its the most popular. More people are leaving other social networking sites for Facebook itself.SummaryLooking at all these drawbacks, your life will become a waste of time and avoid you from doing more enjoyable activities than having to sit on your seat and type away for many hours. Facebook is good for staying in contact with friends, but you need to understand that these sites can be used to some extent, but not over the limit.

Pros & Cons Of Growing Up Without The InternetPros Higher levels of physical activity Associated with lower levels of childhood obesity and better general health. Children sit more and move less than they did 20 years ago. Fact. Its not all the internets fault, but it pretty much is. According to ChildWise UK children spend an average of 1 hour 50 minutes online per day. Thats 1 hour 50 minutes of sedentary time, not flexing their muscles, improving their lung capacity, not growing bigger and stronger. It may not sound like that long but if you take into account school, dinner, bathing and bedtime its quite a large proportion of an under 18s free time. Stronger social ties based in the physical world (Granovetter, 1973) In the next section we run through research that indicates that online social connections are more widespread and higher in numbers, but these create a weaker bond than those formed or regularly maintained in the real world. Safety first Less access to unsavoury characters that should not be allowed near children. Of course there were boogie men and lurkers back in the 1980s, but the anonymity afforded by the internet has in many instances made children more accessible to those who seek them.Cons Less access to educational material Living in a small village meant the only way to access information aside from the school library was via friends notes, parents, and the local library which was over 5 miles away. Smaller social field Some children who find it hard to socialise at school or suffer bullying can find friendship and socialisation through chat rooms, forums, and gaming often leading to increased confidence and real life relationships. Before the advent of the internet socially awkward children did not have this alternative, this escapism, in which to develop their confidence and sense of self. Greater likelihood of losing contact with existing contacts as time goes by we have a tendency to lose touch, albeit due to house moves, lost address books, or simply too much time passing. The internet allows us so many new paths with which to maintain and rediscover our connections.NowIt might be my rose tinted specs and hazy memory causing unfair bias, but I dont think the world our children occupy today works like mine did, for better or for worse. Obviously I cannot speak from personal experience about growing up with the internet, but thats what the comments section is for. Feel free correct me, give you opinion, or simply add more facts to the mix.From my own experiences, this is what I see:Pros & Cons Of Growing Up With The InternetPros Access to information and education the shift in accessibility to educational and informational materials since the internet became widely available is unprecedented. I could write every day for a year and not make a dent in the vast array of subject areas where the internet has fundamentally changed peoples lives by enabling them in ways never possible before. Prensky (2001) argues that growing up a Digital Native means childrens brains are wired differently, causing them to be more creative, social, expressive and better able to multi-task (along with many more benefits). This effectively makes them better at creative tasks and problem solving. However it comes at a cost, often making children impatient, ego-centric and with a self of entitlement (Im sure weve all met a child like that). Networking & sociability without question children have access to more peers and potential social connections than ever before. However, these relationships are predominantly weaker social ties (Constant, Sproull, & Kiesler, 1996), exhibiting less communication and affection that those formed in the physical world. There are instances where this powerful medium provides a hugely supportive environment for users in their time of need. This is well demonstrated in the case of Pat Rhoads, who found a wealth of support after the tragic death of his wife.Cons Increase in RSI injuries the more time children (and the rest of us, but usually to a lesser degree, not having experienced it from such a young age) spend on the internet the greater the likelihood of RSIs such as carpal tunnel syndrome and wrist injuries. As described above, children in more modern times have increasingly sedentary lifestyles more sitting, less moving. Increased and excessive internet usage is, unsurprisingly, linked to an increased in childhood obesity (and that of adults). Suggested ever-increasing link between gaming and negative learned behaviours, such as social maladaptation, increased aggression and propensity for violence. Yes, we had violent games in the 1980s. Personally Im not convinced that the chances of a child playing Ubisoft Prince of Persia or Ataris Battlezone is likely to lead to increased levels of hostility. The graphics and sound effects were so far removed from reality, and far less hours per week were spent on such activities. Interestingly, Kotaku quote a sadly unattributed study of the link between arcade games and violence carried out in 1984 as concluding even then, that The data indicates that video game playing is neither the menace that many of its critics have portrayed it to be, nor necessarily without possible negative consequences. Potential dampening of quality education The internet opens up a Pandoras Box of activities to keep children entertained. Many of these successfully marry education and entertainment, however many sacrifice the former for the latter, and often coerce their younger audience into parting with theirs or their parents cash at the same time. Equally plagiarism is rife and much harder to control than in pre-internet days. In contrast to my last positive bullet point, a number of research papers indicate that access to the internet and social media can actually lead to increased levels of loneliness, isolation, and depression among children and adults alike. The wall of anonymity which can grant unsavoury characters access to our children can also provide the same channel for bullies. You can read more about the effects of cyber-bullying in my post, The Three Billy Goats Gruff Dealing with Trolls on the InternetIn ConclusionThere is no conclusion. In the 1980s, my growing up time, Id like to think we were a little healthier, a little safer, and maybe even a little happier. However growing up in the present day offers an extraordinary wealth of opportunity, information, and connections that just didnt exist when I was small.Im not sure which I would have preferred given the choice, and as much as I love the idea of being taught code from a young age so it came more naturally to me, and having Google by my side from birth to answer all those nagging questions I couldnt answer, I think I would chose the one I had.