This is an invitation to take part in a research project called: Social and health impacts of Covid-19: How has lockdown affected your life? Please take time to read the information in this document. You can talk about the information with other people. If you have any questions, you can ask us for more information. What is the research about? We are doing this research to understand coronavirus better. We want to find out how lockdown has affected your life. Page 1

Social and health impacts of Covid-19: How has lockdown ......Sarah Armstrong:- [email protected] Lucy Pickering:- [email protected] Thank you for reading this

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  • This is an invitation to take part in a research project called:

    Social and health impacts of Covid-19: How has lockdown affected your life?

    Please take time to read the information in this


    You can talk about the information with other


    If you have any questions, you can ask us for more


    What is the research about?

    We are doing this research to understand

    coronavirus better.

    We want to find out how lockdown has affected your


    Page 1

  • Who is organising and funding the research?

    The project is organised by researchers who work at

    the University of Glasgow.

    The project is being funded by the Chief Scientist

    Office, Scotland.

    Why have I been asked to take part?

    We are asking you to take part in the project

    because you are in contact with a support


    You must be over the age of 18 to take part.

    Do I have to take part?

    You do not have to take part in this project.

    You can find out about the project and then decide if

    you would like to take part.

    You can change your mind about taking part at any


    Your decision will not affect the support you get from

    any services.

    Page 2

  • What does taking part involve?

    If you decide that you want to take part, you will be

    asked to do an interview.

    We can do the interview over the phone or on the


    The interview will last for around 45 minutes.

    We can take a break at any time and you can have

    someone with you if you want to.

    We will ask you questions about how lockdown

    affects your life.

    You do not need to answer any questions that you

    do not want to.

    We would like to record the interview on a voice

    recorder. This is so that we can listen carefully to

    what you said afterwards.

    Page 3

  • Will my name be kept confidential?

    We will not tell anyone who you are. We will not tell

    anyone your name, where you live or what you told


    We will not use your name when we write about

    what you have told us.

    We will share what you tell us with other people in

    our research team but we will keep your name


    If you tell us that you need help or someone is

    harming you, then we might need to share this with

    organisations that can help you.

    This could be:

    • a trusted person

    • the police

    • support services.

    If we need to do this, we will talk to you first.

    Page 4

  • What will happen to the information you have about me?

    When this project is over we will delete any personal

    information that we have about you.

    We will keep your personal information secure using

    a password on our computer. Only the research

    team can see your information.

    When we write our report we will not use your name,

    nobody will know that you have taken part in our


    What will happen to the results of the research project?

    We will write a report about how lockdown affects

    people in Scotland.

    The report will be available in Easy Read. You will

    be able to find the report on our website:


    If you prefer, we can send you a copy in the post.

    Page 5


  • If I take part, what are the positives for me?

    Covid-19 can affect some people more than others.

    It is important to tell public bodies about your


    By telling public bodies how it affects you, they

    might be able to make better decisions about


    Public bodies are organisations like councils or

    health boards.

    If I take part, what are the negatives for me?

    Taking part in the research will take up some of your


    You might tell us things that upset you. If this

    happens, we can take a break or stop the interview.

    We can try to get help if you need it. This could take

    longer than usual because of Covid-19.

    Page 6

  • Who has reviewed this research?

    This project has been reviewed and agreed by the

    College of Medical, Veterinary & Life

    Sciences Ethics Committee.

    An ethics committee is a group of people who work

    at the University.

    They make sure that research will not cause you

    harm and will make sure that your personal

    information is confidential.

    Contact details for further information

    You can find out more information about the project

    on our website: www.scotlandinlockdown.co.uk

    If you have any questions about the project, you can

    contact us by:

    • email:- [email protected]

    Page 7


  • If you are not happy about the project, you can

    contact the Principal Investigators:

    Sarah Armstrong:- [email protected]

    Lucy Pickering:- [email protected]

    Thank you for reading this information.

    Page 8

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