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Open Air preaching conference in Las Vegas

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Bro. John Brekeen gave his personal testimony about how he was a

onetime dope smoking madman and how the Lord Jesus Christ radically

SAVED and DELIVERED him from living a life of wasted days and wasted

nights. His life is a true testimony to the saving power of the Lord to

heal and deliver souls from bondage to alcohol, dope, drugs and

fornication. Now he severs the Lord in the ministry of open air

preaching as he seeks to save souls from a devil’s Hell. Bro. John also

preached, held a banner, witnessed one on one and passed out tracts

on the Vegas strip. He is redeeming the time that he once spent in

sin…it was a pleasure to meet Bro. John, since the time that the Lord

saved him he has been to Mardi Gras and several big events including

the country music awards in Nashville. The Lord has thrust John into the ministry with a fire burning in his soul to see

others liberated from lives of bondage to sin and death.

Bro.Greg gave his personal testimony of how he was radically SAVED and DELIVERED from the cult of the Jehovah’s

Witnesses. Wow! Now Bro. Greg is no longer going door to door spreading the lies of this manmade cult, he has been

delivered from bondage to a false religion of works based salvation. He now serves the SAVIOR, the God of the KJV Bible

and he takes the message of salvation to the streets of Las Vegas with

Bro. Jim Webber on a regular basis. Bro. Greg has been called out of

the tombs much like the man possessed of devils in Luke 8: 26 And

they arrived at the country of the Gadarenes, which is over against

Galilee. 27 And when he went forth to land, there met him out of the

city a certain man, which had devils long time, and ware no clothes,

neither abode in any house, but in the tombs. 28 When he saw Jesus,

he cried out, and fell down before him, and with a loud voice said,

What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God most high? I

beseech thee, torment me not.

Bro. Petar brought a message on the freedoms we enjoy in America

relative to the extremely limited freedom of speech in European countries. It was encouraging to listen to the

perspective he brought because we all sometimes feel like we have it pretty bad at times when the local police shut us

down or ask us to relocate from our preaching location. So, we have here a unique view of the current status of our

freedoms and liberties on the public sidewalks and college campuses across the land. If you have time to watch the

video you should do so, it’s available online at: http://www.youtube.com/user/southernpreachers#p/u/1/rTE93xCjsIg

No, this is not a police car…this is the top of Bro.Phil’s preaching van. What we have here is a

full set of all weather loud speakers through which Bro. Phil can PREACH the Gospel across

America! He not only preached on this high tech system but played a variety of Christian music

as he drove around the Las Vegas Strip. Talk about getting someone’s attention…this is a

totally new take on drive by preaching!

In addition to traveling the country preaching as he goes

Bro. Phil has formed a small team of dedicated young

men who share the same vision for reaching the lost

with the life saving Gospel of our Lord and Savior. He

brought several of these young men to the conference

and they were able to preach alongside Bible Jim and

Bro. Ruben on the Vegas Strip. It was encouraging to see

the Lord raising up the next generation of young men

who have a burden for souls and the public proclamation

of the Gospel.

Bro. Phil brought a message on modern day idolatry and how the world has been successful in marketing idols

in every possible way imaginable. Sports idols, music idols, Hollywood idols and Corporate idols…clothing,

accessories, food brands and video games are all parts of a larger picture of modern day idolatry. People

become trapped in a mindset of identification with their idols. They take on a false persona and self image

when they identify with and identify themselves by these graven images. Bro. Phil testified to his own

personal battles with idolatry and identification with Canada’s favorite sport…Hockey. He brought along his

Wayne Gretzky hockey jersey and testified to the level of commitment he once had to hockey and the hero’s

of the game. He is a repentant sports idolater…he told

us how he planned on burning the Gretzky hockey

jersey and how this would cause many people

including his own family and friends to have a fit…they

would even consider him crazy for doing such a thing

but he is convinced that the Lord has so greatly

delivered him from bondage to sports idolatry that

making a show of his dedication to the Lord in the

burning of this coveted jersey will shake many people

to their core and help others to see or realize their

own lack of commitment to Christ and His Kingdom.

Bro. Josiah brought a message on

the topic of the Islamic Antichrist.

Who would have guessed that the

Islamic Antichrist is the returning

King of Kings Himself? Yes, the sad

fact of the matter is that the

Muslim’s have so perverted the

Biblical message that their false

religion teaches them to make war

against the King of Kings when He

returns in Glory. The Muslim religion

teaches them that the One we know

as the Risen Savior is actually the

“Antichrist” and that their “savior”

the Mahdi will make war against this

One and spread the man made

perversion of 700 AD all across the globe through worldwide conquest. Talk about a demonically inspired text

and religion…Islam could not be more opposed to Christianity than it is…So, this message really served to

enlighten us as to the notions and propositions brought forward by Islam concerning the end times scenario.

The fact is that the current president of Iran stood on the floor of the UN and announced that he expects the

Mahdi to be revealed soon and that Iran as a nation will do whatever it can to speed his coming…

Bro. Josiah also preached alongside the rest of the brethren on the Vegas Strip, he rebuked many loose

women for their immodesty and immorality. Bro. Josiah spent a significant amount of time dealing with

questions from passersby that had stopped to watch and listen to the preaching of the Word. He engaged

many people in one-on-one conversations and also preached on the Truth Horn to the crowds of Vegas

Revelers on the Strip. Many people stopped to watch the water show and heard a message of repentance as

they gathered to view the display.