Soal Tropis International 2009

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1. A man 41 years old come to the hospital with chief complain present hypopigmented patches in hand with hipostesi and thickened nerve of neck sinistra. There are no thickened nerves on the other location. Most appropriated treatment is : a. Rifampisin 600mg monthly, DDS 100mg/day or 1-2 mg/kg b. Rifampisin 600mg, ofloxasin 400mg & minociklin 100mg single dose c. Rifampisin 600mg monthly, DDS 100mg/day, klofamisin 50mg/day d. Rifampisin 600mg, ofloxasin 400mg e. Ofloxasin 400mg & minociklin 100mg single dose 2. A women, 37yo come to policlinic dermatology RSWS with chief complain appears macule hypopigmentation with erythema in the lateral side on the back since 1 years 1. Lesion with no itching and pain. He has only one lesion with hypostesi and thickened nerves ulnaris dextra. Lesi tersebut mati rasa. Diagnose? a. b. c. d. e. allergic contact dermatitis pityriasis versikolor MH type MB Tinea corporis MH type PB

a. b. c. d.

Syphilis Chancroid Herpes simplex genital Limfogranuloma venerum

6. Treatment for this patient, except : a. b. c. d. Acyclovir 200mg 5 x daily for 7-10 days Valacyclovir 500mg 2 x daily for 5 days Famcyclovir 125mg 2 x daily for 5 days Saqunavir 800mg 2 x daily for 5 days

7. As we know that HIV is the virus which can infected the cells who having CD4 receptor, and giving damage of the immune system, while AIDS is the terminal phase of HIV infection where the condition of the body susceptible to infection with a wide range of bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa, with indicator CD4 count is very low. Porperties of HIV is: a. b. c. d. e. Enevelope virus DNA virus, ratroviridae Do not succeptible to vagina and skin injured(wound) belonging only reverse trancriptase enzyme and integrase enzyme killed at 80c 40 minutes

8.The major gene product of hiv a. gag,pol and env are the gene that code for structural proteins b. othergene gp41,gp120,gp160,p17,p24,p31,p66 are the gene which involved in infection process c. the p53 and p56 gene can differentiate between hiv and other retroviral d. a gene located at the gag pool junction code for glycoprotein e. the env gene code fo protease 9. Regulatory gene of HIV is A B C D E Negative expression factor regulator of expression for transcription transactivator of viral protein the gag gene the pool gene

3. A man 45yo come to hospital with chief complain small papule and pustule in orbital and chest since 3 days ago, pain sometimes itchy. From clinical findgins, dermatology status in region supraorbital, effloresency pustule and group of vesicle, eritem,crust. Regio thoracalis sinistra, effloresency eritem and group of pustule. Possible diagnosis? a. b. c. d. e. Herpes zoster Varicella Urticaria Contact allergic dermatitis Tinea corporis

4. what the best treatment from this diagnosis a. b. c. d. e. Acyclovir 800mg 3 times daily Erithromicine 500mg 3 x daily Prednisone 4mg 3 x daily Amoxicillin 500mg 3 x daily Metronidazole 500mg 3 x daily

5. A single woman 24yo come to the hospital with chief complain group of vesicles with painful, then become ulceration in her genitalia since 5 days ago. History of fever(+), malaise (+). History of sexual contact(+) 2 weeks ago. In physical examination show group of vesicle, confluent, shallow ulcer on the edematous vulva. Diagnosis?

10 SARS supporting examination A B C D E rapid test influenza immunohistokimia immuoflurocence smear mikroskop RT-PCR

E. Herald Patch 16. Etiology from that disease is: A. Candida Albicans B. Basidobolus ranarum C. Sporotrichium schenkii D. Malassezi furfur E. Trichophyton Rubrum 17. To make the diagnose from no.15 we need additional examination:

11. Properties of DHF A icosahedral symmetry B albocpictus predominant than aegypti C ss+RNA D male aedesdaytime feeder E viral replication take place in target dendritic cells 12 Varicella zoster A helical symmetry B replication;cyoplasm, bud from nuclear membrane C different time; macula, papule,vesicle,crust D sub family alphaherpes viridae E dormant in the spinal dorsal root ganglia 13 Poliovirus A B C D E acid nonstable 30-40-nm replicates in human respiratory tract fecal-oral infection stable in neutral ph

A. Wood Lamp B. Skin Biopsy C. Culture D. Histopathology E. KOH 50% 18. A women 45 y/o came to hospital with chief complaint itchy and redness on intertriginose side. From the physical examination were foun erythematous, erotion, scaly, and satellite lesion. What is the possible diagnose from this case. A. Candidosis Mucocutaneus B. Ptyriasis Vesikolor C. Candidosis intertriginosa d. Perleche E.Eritrasma 19. Etiology of the disease is. A. B. C. D. E. Pityrosporum orbiculare Pityrosporum ovale Pseudomiceles Candida Albican Malassezi furfur

20. Predisposition factor 14 Mumps A hemaglutini and neuromidaseon different spike B can naot infected testes and ovarium C only one antigenic type is known and man is natural host D naked helical symmetry E ssRNA positive sense genome 15. ..came to hospital with chief complain white spot on the trunk since 1 month ago, itchy when sweat. From physical examination were found hypopigmentation macula and the scale. The possible diagnose of the patient is: A. Pitytiasis Alba B. Pytiriasis Vesikolor C. Tinea Corporis D. Tinea Cruris A. Chronic heart failure b. Urine retetion c. Kidney Failure d. Diabetes Melitus e. Prolong fever 21. A boy, 14 years old come to the hospital with chief complain itchy in the scalp. From examination were found hyperkeratotic plaque, well defined, scaly on alopecia area, breaking hair. KOH examination found hyphae&spora on the hair. Diagnose.. A. Black dot ringworm B. grey patch ringworm C.Kerion D. Tinea favosa E. Perifoliculitis

28. Drug of choice of case 27 above is 22. Etiology of the case A. M. audini B. Trychopithon tonsurans C. trychophyton rubrum D. Microsporum canis e. Microsporum gypseum 23. Type of dermatofitosis which similar seborroic dermatitis, characterized by thick yellowcrust (scutula) within the hair which lead to alopecia and mousy odour is A. tinea favosa B. tinea glabrosa C. Tinea barbae D. Tinea capitis E. Tinea facialis 24. Characteristic type of tinea corporis like roof appearance caused by Trycophyton concentricum is a. b. c. d. e. Tinea Favosa Tinea Glabrosa Tinea Circinata Tinea Imbricata Tinea manus a. b. c. d. e. Potassium iodide Griseofluvin Ketoconazole Itraconazole Terbinafin

28. Etiology of case 27 is a. b. c. d. e. Fonsasea pedrosol Norcardia M.maduromicosys M. Acynomycosis Eurniceles

30. Dose of Adefovir for hepatitis B infection a. 10 mg/day b. 20 mg/day c. 30 mg/day d. 40 mg/day e. 100 mg/day 31. Dose of acyclovir for herpes Zoster infection in adult a. b. c. d. e. 5 x 800 mg / day for 7 days 5 x 800 /day for 3 days 5 x 400 mg /day for 7 days 5 x 200 mg / day for 7 days 5 x 200 mg / for 5-10 days

25. A 50 years old man comes with itchy and pain in his feet since 1 month ago. From examination we can found fissure surrounded by smooth scaly around finger IV and V, the diagnostic through the old man is a. b. c. d. e. Mocassin foot Tinea pedis Tinea manus Tinea unguinum Tinea corporis

32. Mechanism of action of Mebendazole a. b. c. d. e. Inhibiting glucose update in the morm muscle To increase impluse frequency in the worm muscle To block worm muscle response to acethycholine To decrease muscluar activity of the worm To inhibit folic acid of the worm

26. The drug of choice treatment from case above is a. b. c. d. e. Potassium iodide solution Griseofluvin 20-25 mg/kg/day Ketoconazole 1x200mg Terbinafin 2x0,5mg Itraconazole 1x200mg

33. The dose of pirantel pamoat as anthelminitic is a. 10 mg /kg BW Single Dose

34. AntiFilariasis is A. B. C. D. E. Mebendazole Pirantel Praziquantel Diethylcarbamazine Piperazine

27. A type of deep mycosis that mostly found in farmers with symptom nodule veriocus and if fibrosis can make elephantyasis is a. b. c. d. e. Maduromicosys Chromomycosis Micetoma Actinomycosis Madura Foot

35. A man 25 years old to hospital with complain his penis with smooth firm since a week ago. The first it small papul and then develop until 3-5 mm in diameter. History of contact sexually commercial women 2 week ago. Physical examination show multiple white papul, smooth, firm, dome shaped and central umblication. Diagnose A. B. C. D. E. Warts Molluscum contagiosum Syringomas Condiloma acuminate Verucca vulgar

40. one of the following causes of systemic infection: A. B. C. D. E. Epidermorphyton floccosum Exophilia wernekii Trichosporon beigelil Histoplama capsulotum Tricophyton rubrum

41. The specimen required for diagnosing a dermatomycoses: A. B. C. D. E. Skin or nail scrapping or hair shaft Swab of the mucous membrane Skin scraping,pus and biopsy Sputum Blood

36. Treatment for this patient A. B. C. D. E. Cryosurgary Excisional curettage Cauterization Chemical agent:phenol, silver etc All true

42. One of the easiest laboratorium examination required for diagnose of fungal infection: A. microscopy

37. Women 25 years old complain small papul at her genitalia. Physical examination show multiple small papular cauliflower-floret lesions, kerotic warts and flat topped papules plaques,lesion are skin coloured, pink, red, tan, brown A. B. C. D. E. Diagnose: Verruca vulgaris Condiloma acuminte Squamous cell carcinoma Molluscum contagiosium

42. D. DNA detection E. histologic examination 43. the examination that can be used to characterized candida albicans a) b) c) d) e) Gram KOH 10% Serum LActophenol cotton blue giemsa

38. Etiology of the disease: A. B. C. D. E. Herpes simplex virus Herpes zoster Human Papiloma V Neisseria gonorrhea Verucca vulgaris

44. Among the following statement concerning the culture of the fungi the correct one is: A. the certain type of fungi are able to grow in a glucose containing agar a. b. mold type fungi produces aerial mycelium that grows down into the agar medium b. a young colony of fungus at a size of 2mm can easily be distinguish from bacterial colony c. inoculation of agar medium with specimen obtained from a patient suspected of suffering from fungal infection must be observed after 1 week d. after inoculation onto agar medium,the plate is placed inverted at 25 C in a moist incubator

39. The right statement of superficial fungal infection: A. Infection rarely affecting human B. Causative agent is one of the dermatophyte group of fungi C. Fungal infection initiated following trauma of the foot D. Diagnosis made upon clinical symptom E. Infection may penetrate into subcutaneous layer of the skin

45. among the following statement concerning the morphology of the fungi the correct one is a. b. c. mould type fungi may produce pseudomycelium all pathogenic fungi are dimorphic yeast like fungi obtained from clinical specimen microscopically appears as round and oval shape mycelium are round shape cells that protrude from one end of yeast cell elongated form of the cell of fungus is called hypae

50 . ascaris lumbercoides eggs characterized a. b. c. d. e. Produce by female worm 1000/day Need a week to become infected Decorticated eggs is one that produce by male worm Unfertilized has refactale granules The fertilized eggs have athick shell with an external mammilated layer

d. e.

51. life span of the following parasite a. b. c. d. e. brugia malayi 5 years ancylostoma 6 month ascaris 6 month thricuris 1 year enterobius 6 month

46. non dermathopic infection caused by Exophillis werneckii is called a. b. c. d. e. tinea nigra white piedra black piedra otomycosis mycotitic keratitis

47. the statement that refers tp pytiriasis versicolor is a. a common superficial infection correlated with nutritional status b. a common infection of the skin ,nail and hair c. infection caused b Trichosporon Beigeli d. the causative fungus upon microscopic examination can be in the form of yeast or short hypae e. hiper of hypopigmentation,non scaling macule 48. the statement that is correct of Mycetoma a. b. c. d. e. f. 49. a mother visit a puskesmas to consult her son 10 years old that has cough since 3 days ago. If the cough is suspected due to worm , the infection probably caused by a. b. c. d. e. ascaris lumbricoides necator americanus ancylostoma duodenale wucheria broncrofti All true infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue including fascia and the bone infection often found on the trunk and head caused by yeast type of fungus clinically appears as dry scale lesion of the skin fungi that caused by mycetoma can be grown in BHI and blood Agar

52. Infection caused by the ingestion of food contaminated mature eggs A. Necator americanus B.Strongiloides stercoralis C. ancylostoma duodenale D. Trichuris trichiura (bukan felis!) E. All true

53. Charecteristics of larva filariform A. Hatch from egg B. Have a long buccal canal C. has an inconspicuous genital primordium D. have a pionted tail E. may be found if there is a delay in processing the stool specimen

54. The following statements are correct for lymphatic filariasis A. The infection caused by the penetration of larvae stadium 3 B. Human is the intermidiate host C. WHO has planned to free from lymphatic filariasis in 2030 D. Live in extracellular gastroinstestinal space including

58. A 35 y.o. women, vaginal discharge and pruritus at clinical finding there is vulva erytheme with fissuring and presence of thick white adherent plaques on vulva. Which of following drugs can be given. A Itracinazole 2x100 for 7 days B. Flucanozole 150 single dose C. Griseofulvin 1x100 for 14 days D. Ketokonozole 1x100 for 7 days E. Terbinafine 250 single dose

E. Death occur in one third on infected people

55. Characteristic of brugia malayi (microfilaris) A. Live in nodul lymphaticus B. Nuclear column is loosely packed C. Nuclei can be visualized individually & do not extended to the tip of the tail D. Sheated E. Nuclear column is loosely packed

59. Which of following drug may reduce the clearance of above drugs A. Chlorpropamide B. Gibenclamide C. Phenytoin D. Tolbutamide E. Cyclosporine

56. Intermidiate host of W. Bancrofti in Indonesia A. C quinquefasciates ( andemic in Jakarta & neighbourhood B. Musca domestica C. A. Barbirostris D. Mansonia E. Aedes

60. A 20 y.o man come to clinic complaining pruritus at the back, the clinical finding; there is round scaling lession which are dry erythematous and clearly circumscribed active at the margin of lession. A. Itracinazole 2x100 for 10 days B. Griseofulvin 500 for 5 days C. Ketokonozole 100 for 5 days D. Flucanozole 300 single dose

57. Positive diagnosis of trichinella spiralis can be made if A. Patient has a history of eating raw vegetable B. Found eosinophilia C. Found larvae in fecal sample D. Found larvae in muscle E. Found fever accompanied by muscle itchy

E. Terbinafine 250 for 2-4 weeks