TOEIC Grammar Quiz 1 TAKE THIS TOEIC QUIZ. THERE ARE 25 QUESTIONS. WRITE DOWN YOUR ANSWERS. CHECK AND REVIEW YOUR ANSWERS AT TOEIC Gram Quiz 1 Review. 1. Our human resources department will help you acclimate to the San Francisco area __________ your arrival there. (A) when (B) while (C) upon (D) if 2. For being the top ________ real estate saleswoman of the quarter, Susan Miller received the accolades of her manager (A) produce (B) production (C) produced (D) producing 3. Your accommodations at the Pan-Pacific Hotel in Vancouver __________ been confirmed for two nights. (A) having (B) has (C) have (D) have to 4. President Smith's ________ assistant will accompany her on her trip to New York this week. (A) executing (B) executive (C) execution (D) executable 5. ________ John accomplished little as production supervisor,he was fired. (A) Even though

Soal bahasa inggris toeic grammar

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1. Our human resources department will help you acclimate to the San Francisco area __________ your arrival there.

(A) when(B) while(C) upon(D) if

2. For being the top ________ real estate saleswoman of the quarter, Susan Miller received the accolades of her manager

(A) produce(B) production(C) produced(D) producing

3. Your accommodations at the Pan-Pacific Hotel in Vancouver __________ been confirmed for two nights.

(A) having(B) has(C) have(D) have to

4. President Smith's ________ assistant will accompany her on her trip to New York this week.

(A) executing(B) executive(C) execution(D) executable

5. ________ John accomplished little as production supervisor,he was fired.

(A) Even though(B) In spite of(C) While(D) Because

6. It was quite an accomplishment to turn the company around in such ________.

(A) time a short(B) short, a time(C) time a short(D) a short time

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7. Talks have broken off because the two companies have been unable ________ an accord.

(A) to reach(B) reaching(C) reach(D) they reached

8. According to our records, your checking account is $123.00 ________ as of this morning.

(A) overdrawn(B) overdrawing(C) was overdrawn(D) to overdraw

9. You ________ an accountant calculate your taxes and complete your return.

(A) should let(B) can (C) could have been(D) might need

10. Should you decide to take our money market ________ account, interest will accrue at a rate of 4.5% per year.

(A) to check(B) check(C) checking(D) checked


11. She has yet to achieve her goal ________ the company on sound financial footing.

(A) by putting(B) with putting(C) of putting(D) on putting

12. William's ________ of accomplishment within the company is only exceeded by his record of service to the community.

(A) record(B) recorded(C) recording(D) records

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13. Pacific Gas and Electric refused to acknowledge receiving our letter ________ complaint.

(A) by(B) of(C) in(D) to

14. Mr. Young is a business acquaintance whom I met at our annual convention ________ year.

(A) past(B) passed(C) prior(D) last

15. Dutch Telecom is reportedly seeking to acquire VoiceStream Technologies for ________ fifty billion dollars.

(A) some(B) any(C) much(D) many

16. AOL's acquisition of Time Warner was accomplished mainly as a result of selling shares in ________ company.

(A) their(B) it's(C) its(D) they're a

17. As of Mr. Jones' ________ from the company, Janet Jackson has been appointed acting head of the Trust Division.

(A) dismissive(B) dismiss(C) dismissal(D) dismissed

18. You may activate your credit card by calling 1-800-888-0002 at any ________ 24 hours a day.

(A) timing(B) times(C) time(D) timer 19. According to actuarial calculations, the average male born in the United States has

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a life ________ of 74 years.

(A) expectation(B) expectancy(C) expecting(D) expect

20. To become the CEO of a corporation, one must ________ extraordinary business acumen and aggressive leadership skills.

(A) possess(B) possessed(C) have possessing(D) have been possessed

21. We cannot count on ________ changing their negotiating position because their response to our latest offer was adamant.

(A) they are(B) them(C) their(D) that they

22. The addendum to the agreement has yet to be formulated but ________ crucial points which must be worded carefully.

(A) include(B) includes(C) including(D) its including

23. Please note that the address which is listed on our business card has been changed ________ 512 Valencia Avenue.

(A) in(B) on(C) by(D) to

24. I would like to send this letter by ________ return receipt so that the addressee will have to sign for it.

(A) certify(B) certification(C) certifiable(D) certified

25. ________ our program this afternoon, the meeting will be adjourned promptly at 5:00 p.m.

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(A) In accordance by(B) To accord with(C) According to(D) Accord in