So you want to learn to work with healing energy. Maybe you've always been interested, maybe you're facing a health crisis, or maybe you just want to find out more about it. I've created a step by step tutorial for beginners that will teach you the ins and outs of how to do energy healing. First things first. What the heck is it? Science 101. Pretend you're back in 10th grade, but science class will only take two paragraphs this time. There are two things that construct the entire universe. Energy and matter. All things, including people, are made of matter (atoms and molecules). There's also this other thing that scientists spend a lot of time trying to figure out called "energy". Albert Einstein, discovered that matter and energy are different forms of the same thing. Energy can be turned into matter and matter can be turned into energy. He called his theory E=mc2. You've probably heard of it! It means that all things, including people, are made of matter and energy.

So You Want to Learn to Work With Healing Energy

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very interesting basic guide

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So you want to learn to work with healing energy. Maybe you've always been interested, maybe you're facing a health crisis, or maybe you just want to find out more about it. I've created a step by step tutorial for beginners that will teach you the ins and outs of how to do energy healing.

First things first. What the heck is it? Science 101. Pretend you're back in 10th grade, but science class will only take two paragraphs this time. There are two things that construct the entire universe. Energy and matter. All things, including people, are made of matter (atoms and molecules). There's also this other thing that scientists spend a lot of time trying to figure out called "energy". Albert Einstein, discovered that matter and energy are different forms of the same thing. Energy can be turned into matter and matter can be turned into energy. He called his theory E=mc2. You've probably heard of it! It means that all things, including people, are made of matter and energy.

He also discovered that since the two, energy and matter, are interchangeable, that they also effect each other.

This is how energy healing works. The healing energy effects matter in a positive way. It can come from a specific healing modality like Reiki, chakra therapy or sound healing to name a few common ones. Or it can come from something less structured like creative visualizations (very powerful), healing music, or even something very common, like a bubble bath. Energy is not made the same. Some energy is good and some is bad. Examples of good energy are: A healing touch. A massage. A kiss from mom on a skinned knee. Reiki. Feeling supported by your loved ones. That sort of thing. Examples of bad energy are: Stress in the workplace. A person demeaning you or belittling you. Being too busy. There's also environmental bad energy like pollution, emf waves from electrical appliances and power plants. Radiation.

Good energy effects our "matter" in a good way. Bad energy effects our "matter" in a bad way. Sometimes, there is enough bad energy that some of it gets completely and totally stuck in our "matter" permanently. It makes us feel bad. We then need a lot of good energy to come along and unstick it. That's where energy healing steps in.

This bad energy accumulates over time, and gets more and more stuck inside of you. It can become so dense that the bad energy turns into matter. This is how disease often starts. Slowly over time an energetic blockage can become a physical blockage.

The bad energy gets dense, making it harder for the good energy to get in. It's like if you've ever known a person who always seemed to have bad luck, and a cynical, down-trodden attitude to match. That's an example of bad energy being so stuck that good energy (good things) can't come into them (or their sphere of reality).

Then over time as more bad energy gets stuck, your matter becomes denser and denser (vibrating at a lower level) because of all the stuck energy (bad energy). Your chakras get blocked. Energy stagnates. When energy stagnates disease, depression and lethargy can settle in.

This is part 3. If you want to start at the beginning, check out Learning Energy Healing Part 1.

The easiest way to learn how to do energy healing is to start practicing on yourself. When you're ready start practicing on friends and family too (who are willing and open to the idea). You can do healings on more than just yourself and other people too.

You can do healings on your pets and other animals. You'll learn to know if they are open to it. If they snuggle up and want more, they like it. If they give you a strange look or start to slink away they may not be ready. You can also do it in a group with other healers, taking turns on who is the receiver.

As you advance, you'll learn distance healing. You don't have to be touching a person or animal to send healing energies. You don't even need to be in the same room. As you get better you'll see that you can be in Timbuktu while they're sitting at home in Kansas!

You'll also learn that you can do energy healing on objects, places, even situations. Belongings and spaces get stuck energy too! This type of work is often called space clearing or energy clearing.

This is part 4. If you want to start at the beginning, check out Learn How to do Energy Healing Part 1. You've learned about matter (people are matter) and energy and how energy effects matter. You've learned what good energy is and what bad energy is. You've also learned all the different ways you can do energy healing. Now it's time to start practicing! ( It helps to have energy healing music while you practice. Here's a short audio file of our crystal singing bowls cd you can turn on if you want. Press the start arrow on the player below to listen while you practice.) *Older versions of internet explorer may not show the player. The first step is opening the hand chakras. You do this to activate the healing energies in your hands. This can take anywhere from 1 minute to ten minutes before each healing session. After you become experienced, the time will be reduced. Once you have a lot of experience you may not need this step at all to activate your hand chakras. It is very helpful for beginners though.

Hold your hands in front of your chest in prayer position. Your fingers and palm on one hand should touch the fingers and palm on your other hand. Rub your hands quickly up and down, as though you were warming them on a chilly winter day. This is the starter step.

Next, with elbows bent, hold one hand in front of you at chest height with the palm facing down. Hold the other hand in front of you with the palm facing up. Your hands should be horizontal a few inches in front of your chest. The undersides of your hands should be facing one another and your elbows should be out to the side of your body.

Now, quickly make fists with your hands then reopen them. It is a rapid movement of open, close, open, close, open, close. Do this for at least 60 seconds. Longer if you want.

Now flip which hand is on top and which hand is on the bottom. Make sure the undersides of your hands are still facing each other. Repeat the rapid movement of open, close, open, close, open, close. Do this for another 60 seconds. Longer if you want.

You're almost done. Rub your hands together for 30 seconds, just like you did in the first step.

Now bring your hands back in front of your chest, one palm down and one palm up, undersides of hands facing each other, with around 2 inches between them. Take time to feel the sensation. You will most likely feel tingling in your hands and fingers. That is the most common sensation and the first one beginners feel when they are learning energy healing. Now, pay attention to the space between your hands. That's right. The 2 inches of air in between your 2 hands. Do you feel a ball of energy? As you increase your sensitivity to working with healing energies, you'll feel that ball of energy more and more clearly. When you feel a ball of energy between your hands it means you have fully activated your hand chakras and tuned in to the energy of your hand chakras. Don't fret if you don't feel it. It doesn't mean your hand chakras aren't activated, it just means you're still developing your sensitivities to the feeling of energy. You can practice this technique over and over again until you're comfortable with it. Don't worry about the timing of each movement. The times are just to give you a starting point. Once you get used to it you can do this energy healing exercise in as short as one minute or all the way up to 20 minutes or an hour. The more you practice the better you'll get. So you're hand chakras are open and activated. What's next? You're starting to learn energy healing! Now it's time for some healing work.

SIMPLE TECHNIQUE TO OPEN YOUR HAND CHAKRASThis is a very simple technique that will allow you to open or activate the chakra energy centers located in the center of the palms. It is useful for doing energy healing work of all types, whether it is Reiki healing, massage, or any other energy healing method. Putting positive energy into anything improves your results. 1) Begin by holding your hands, left over right, palms open, at solar plexus height. Hold them so that the fingers of your left hand point to your right, and the fingers of your right hand point to your left. It will look a little bit like you are holding a small ball between your hands. 2) Focus your intention on opening the hand chakras. 3) Start opening and closing both hands, as quickly as is comfortable, anywhere from 12-24 times. This is like making a loose fist, one hand over the other, very quickly, over and over. 4) Reverse the hand positions so that your right hand is now over the left. The fingers of both hand will still be facing the same direction, left fingers pointing right, right fingers pointing left. 5) Repeat step 3, opening and closing both hands quickly 12-24 times. 6) Hold hands at chest height, prayer position, and rub your palms together as though trying to warm them. Do this for about 6 seconds. 7) Say or think, "Open" and clap your hands together 3 times. 8) Hold your hands at chest height and allow yourself to feel the energy between the palms of your hands. Focus on the sensations in your hands. There may be a tingling, warming sensation. This is a combination of the circulation being stimulated and energy being channeled. The more a person practices this technique, the easier it will become to activate and open the hand chakras and the easier it will be to feel the energy. I use it every time I am going to: Do energy healing work Pass a Reiki attunement Draw energy healing symbols Sense or scan for energy (such as when working with crystals) Play crystal singing bowls, guitar, or didjeridooYou can use it to do all of the things mentioned above as well as to practice your skills as you learn energy healing.

CUTTING ENERGY CORDSCutting Energy Cords to Toxic RelationshipsWe, as humans, have a tendency to get attached to things. Some of these energetic attachments are great and allow us to feel connected to loved ones, others aren't so good. I make a daily practice of cutting off all cords that are no longer beneficial. The energy healing technique can be used anytime. In particular, if you find yourself thinking extensively about a particlar person, place or thing and you can feel frustration or anger, or sadness in your body, use this technique then. It works very quickly and will often allow you to release your frustration and move on. Let's get started now...

CUTTING ENERGY CORDS TECHNIQUE* To do the energy healing technique, get yourself a good piece of crystal that resonates with your energies. I have found that a quartz point works the best for me. * Stand up, holding the crystal in your right hand and just behind your crown chakra. *Take a deep breath inwards and hold. Say: "I Hereby Severall Cords thatno Longer Representmy Highest and Greatest Good"* Then, while exhaling, move the crystal down along your chakra line past the root. * As you cut, visualize any unwanted cords being severed by your intent and the crystal. Using the filter, "That which represents my highest and greatest good" while doing this keep us from severing something beneficial. I also hold my hand in such a way that is passes like a blade along my chakra line, just for extra effectiveness. If you don't have access to a crystal, just use the blade of your hand. The Breaking Cords Energy Healing Technique is great for: Reclaiming your personal energy. Grief recovery after the death of a loved one. Rebalancing after a painful relationship break-up. Releasing attachments to toxic people from your past. Healing groups or organizations that are not love-based. Releasing attachments to toxic people currently in your life. As a general energy healing maintenance to keep unhealthy cords from attaching in the first place.

RELEASING GRUDGES ENERGY HEALING TECHNIQUEThe Releasing Grudges Energy Healing Technique is designed to send healing energy to a person, place or thing that you feel anger towards, and remove unwanted attachments or energy cords at the same time. Have you ever felt anger towards a person, place or organization? Many of us have. There is an emotional charge built up around political stances, religion, and moral beliefs. This emotional charge gets out of hand when a person finds their energetic pattern being disrupted just by thinking about people who hold opposing beliefs. It can manifest as anger, depression, anxiety, tightness in the chest, shallow breathing, and a general feeling of discomfort. I used to feel this way when thinking about the political decisions of people elected to public office, political decisions that often flew in the face of my beliefs. I found myself getting angry, upset, and depressed whenever I thought about the political state of the country. All this was accomplishing was destabalizing my energetic structure. Then I discovered a healthy alternative: Sending love to those you disagree with. That's what this technique is all about, transferring those negative emotions into positive emotions, so that you can regain control over your own energetic structure. Try this technique today. Send loving energy to anyone who is getting under your skin,, whether it be your boss, your mother-in-law, the president, your next door neighbor, or an ex-spouse. You'll be amazed at how much better you feel when you release the attachments of anger. SIMPLE RELEASING GRUDGES ENERGY HEALING TECHNIQUEAll you need to do the Releasing Grudges Energy Healing Technique is a quiet place and a few minutes of time. Try it out and see how you feel: 1) Relax, close your eyes, and bring your attention to your third eye chakra. 2) Place the tip of your tongue gently on the roof of your mouth, just behind your teeth. 3) While focusing on your third eye, breath deeply, in through the nose and out through the mouth, 3 times. 4) Visualize the person, place or thing that you wish to heal. With organizations, it is good to use a symbol such as an American flag for the United States, a gun or a helmet for the military, or a hood for the KKK. 5) Bring your attention to your heart chakra. This is to assure that the energy you send is love based. 6) Visualize a flood of golden light pouring from your heart center and into that which you wish to heal. With each out-breath, visualize more and more golden light beaming outward. 7) Allow the image in your third eye to become completely infused by golden light, to the point where you can no longer see the image at all. 8) Cross your arms over your chest. 9) Say Thank You three times. 10) Send it off with a nice blast of golden healing light.

By learning energy healing, and doing it on a regular basis, you release that old, stuck bad energy and make room for the good energy to come in. You clear and balance your chakra system. You release old, negative emotions. You change your entire vibrational frequency.