L- 1 lie Richmond Climax r J 0 CHENAULT Preitdenb D MILLER Manager fl > BT S CEO WE Editor KDNESDAY JULY SO 1m rUBLISHKUZVERT WKDNKSUAY HT The Climax Printing Co Incorpora- tetiANNOUNCEMENTS FOR CONGRESS e are authorized to announce HON O O IBKRT as a candidate for reelection to- t ogress from this the Eighth ConcresMonal t i rlct subject to the action of the lJeno c tie party Wo are requested to announce ROy r v I TE as a candidate for Circuit Court Clerk cu iect to the action of the Den o ratio arty Ve are authorized to announce DAN H I KCK as a candidate for Clerk of the Mad o Circuit Court su Eject to the action of the a fliocratlc party I hereby announce rayolf all a candidate for t nomination fr Clir of t e Madi on rir Ioiirt ubl tt in the i tiOI lIb Demo r Jc ptV MO fngth l uiy n any friend in- put t will favorably consider any cUims l it I may have to the nomination if nom I ted I promise to use all honorable means to ure my election and if elected to endeavor have in the past to faithfully discharge I IutIesasCIerlc Thanking the people for I t and future favors I am Respectfully S U THORPE 1e are authorized to announce GEORGE D 1ITB of Whites Station as a candidate for I rk of the Madison Circuit Court subject to i action of the Democratic party FEUD despero e sort is predicted as a ref- ilL of the assassination of Marshal Cockrill at Jackson 2athitt county GOVERNOR BRCKHAM has Appointed Dr M K Allen of Louisville to succeed Judge Thomas R Gordon who re ¬ signed as commissioner of lakeland Asylum THE Eight District Repub liean CommittepmetatNichol ¬ asville Wednesday to select a late and place for the Con ¬ vention to nominate a repre N mtative to Congress to suc U ed Hon G G Gilbert icholasville was chosen as tle place and September 3 as 1 0 date for holding the con v ntion So far there are j > Republicans announced r the nomination THE citizens of the usually I iiet little town of Danville o just now greatly worked i i overan effort to have the uthern railway extended to i tijir town They have dis i ered that the only way to i t it is to dig up a sufficient mber of dollars to pay the I sight and they are digging j c all they are worth We sh for their good that when 1 3y get a road they could get LI re than a tailender THE much boasted civiliza n of the mountains seems i have slipped a cog some y Breathittcounty which j s leon the pride of the S ingelizers for years show what schools andchurches t aid do in bringing law and i ler out of chaos has once i re become the battle nuidTjtll a record of i rtyeight killed in seven j mths and the war not rtcdit looks like those x 10 have undertaken the 1rk of civilizing and taming i i feudist will have to take 1 sh hold iiFBroweCo LEXINGTON 1 KY t JulyIeruoce 3AlE i jig Bargains The coming week in allour departments Dont Miss This opportunity to pur- chase splendid values at greatly reduced prices I willpay you to look u ier our stoc- kfl1F1Broer t COIJ t IN AND BROADWAY JJEXINGTON Ky t I F A HOPKINS was nomina ¬ ted at WesbLiberty Thursday for Congress by the Democrats of the Tenth distrct on the third ballot Cogressman J B White withdrew leaving Judge Amos Davis and L H LiwsDn contesting with HOD kins On the third ballot Lawsons strength went to Hopkins A dispatch from Tusca hosa Ala says State Geo ¬ logist Eugene A Smith has received a notice from the Secretary of State that he had received a request from William Jennings Bryan for a slab of Alabama marble to be used as a tiling for a mantel ¬ piece Mr Bryan is having built Euch State that he carried in the last election is to be represented by a tile The slab selected was taken from the university museum and originally came from Blount county It is now in the hands of Thomas H Wild man being prepared under the direction of Dr Smith The stone which is six inch- es ¬ square and three inches thick is n clear white onyx WE WIlO edit newspapers know about this little com- ment ¬ from the Earlington Bee Every little while some of our friends tell us We did so and so lastweek or we went to such and such a place and you did not sayany thing about it in the paper No we did not say anything about it from the fact we knew nothing about it We ate not gifted with a second sight and cannot foretell the future If we could this pa ¬ per would be printed ahead of time We are always glad to chronicle the movements of the people of our town and will gladly 3o so if they will notify us the week before in- stead ¬ of the week after they happenSemiWeekly Pro ¬ gress The same condition of af- fairs ¬ seems to exist in our lit ¬ tle village Several have jumped on us with both feet because we made no mention of their being out of town for perhaps a day or two Care ¬ fully read the above andactl accordinglyBaldwin for sale Chtp call at Douglas Crutchers or JoJS Joplin 2t Osteopathy is in no sense related to faith cure The Osteopath adjust misplaced parts stimulates torpid nr jrans sets free the vital forces iittt fluids inherent in the body that nutuio may pursue her harmonious sway When this is done health ensues not as a result of faith but in spite ot doubt MATRIMONIALVTKI and Miss Bertha Shockle both of Berea were married by Judge N B Turpiu in this city last Wednesday- ALIRIOIITBflocKMr Edgar S Al ¬ bright the talented young editor of the Mt Vernon Signal and Miss Lucy Brockwele married at the residence of the brides parents in London Mon day morning the Rev C T Kunyon and Rev McCarity officiating Imme diately after the ceremony tho couple left for Owensboro to attend the annual meeting of the Kentucky Press Asso- ciation ¬ They will also take in the outing with members of the association which includes a visit to Cincinnati Toledo PutinBay Sandusky Snrnin Ont and Michigan points anti return to Mt Vernon about the 29tl11w CLIMAX joins the press boys allover the State in extending the heartiest congratulationsMCDOSALDBOoNEQulte a stir was created in the social circles of Rich mond Saturday afternoon when it be ¬ came known that Miss Fannie lioone and Mr Clifton McDonald Jr were to be married at the home of Col J Stone Walker Only a few witnessed the ceremony the guests being limited to most intimate friends of Col and Mrs Walker The marriage took Iplace at nine oclock the ceremony being rend by Rev Father Ryan Concerning the event the CourierJournal of Sunday says Society will receive a surprise this morning in the announcement of the marriage of Miss Fannie Boone and Mr Clifton McDonald which took place last night at 9 oclock at Rich ¬ mond There has been noprevious ¬ nouncement of the engagement of tho couple though their close friends knew thrt they were to be married in the near future Miss Boone went to Richmond several days ago with Mips Car I lie Walker who had been her guest for several week and the marriage was qnlotly solemnized at the homo of her sister Mrs Stone Walker formerly Miss Cora Wallace Boone Mrs Car- ne Morris Boone the brides mother was present having gone to Richmond yesterday afternoon for the wedding Miss Boone is the daughter of the late Rowan Boone and the granddaughter of Mr George W Morris President if tho Mutual Life Insurance Company- of Kentucky anti former President if- the Louisville Gas Company She IM one of the handsomest young women in Kentucky Mr McDonald is the son if Mr and Mrs J 0 McDonald and a brother of the beautiful McDonald sis- ters ¬ as they are always knownMrs D A Hanahan Mrs Brannin Sherley Mrs William Hixon of Manksto Minn Mrs Whitney Wall of Duluth Minn and Miss Ethel McDon- ah1BIRTHS EvANSiOnlast Friday to the wife Of Mr L4PEvansa fine girl Dahl The Lexington Cattle Sale Com- pany ¬ will hold asahi of fifty head of Short Horn cattle in thA Tattertalls building ydjoninjr fair grounds Tues ¬ day AURqttlo 12 EXCUIWOIU rites on sill ailroads Sate COMWUCCB proHlltJl rFiv tniI r- v It if 1rtt The Tragedy cf le1ee Perhaps the most remarkable picture taken by any of the numerous corres ¬ pondents and photographers who visit ed Martinque after the distraction of St Pierro was a photograph of Mt Pelee in eruption taken by Mr George Ken nan on May 28 the date when the volcano broke out into a tremendous explosion inferior in volume only to that which destroyed the city Time story of Mr Kennani adventures in fromI make an extraordinarily vivid and dramatic tale The photograph to which we have alluded accompanies the Installment of Mr Kenans The Tragedy of Pelee which appears in the August magazine number of The Outl- ook Health is the inheritance of man and should be jealously guarded Without it the wealth of Midas is but as dross while with it a thai is rich though he be a beggar This being granted it goes without saying that the public should eagerly investigate any new discovery that may be made in the art of healing Osteopathy if thus carefully investigated will surely com- mend ¬ itself to time average person While its methods are a radical depart ¬ are from the principles which have heretofore been accepted as the basis of msdical practice if th matter is only looked at without prejudice and the human body is regarded as but a com- plex ¬ machine It will be seen at once that Osteopathy is perfectly reasonable and rational Acts Immediately Colds are sometimes more trouble ¬ some ih summer than in winter its so hard to keep from adding to them while cooling oil alter exercises One Min ¬ ute Cough Cure cures at once Abso sutelv safe Acts immediately Sure cure for coughs colds croup throat and lung troubles lin ATLANTIC CITY EXCURSION Via the Chesapeake 4 Ohio Railway Thuaday- Aegust 14 The last excursion of the season will be run to Atlantic City from Lexing ¬ ton and Central Kentucky points Thursday August 14 via the Chesa- peake ¬ Ohio Railway and Washing- ton ¬ D C The round trip rate will be 14 from Lexington Winchester and Mt Sterl ¬ jug and correspondingly low rates will be made from other Central Kentucky pointsTickets will be good returning 12 days from date of sale and will permit stopovers at Philadelphia and Wash- ington ¬ on the return trip Through sleepers will be run from Lexington for which the berth rate will be 4 This excursion will permit a visit to New York at very little expense Atlantic City is the largest resort on the Atlantic coast and a great variety of recreation and amusement can bQ found there together with the best hotel accomodations to be had Full information and sleeping car reservations will be made on applica ¬ tion to GEO Wi BARNEY Div Pass Agent 3t Lexington Ky The renewed business of the Na- tional ¬ Rebate stamp Co with office and premiums at L E Lanes store has made it necessary for them to add lib- erally ¬ to there line of premiurrs They have now on display an elegant as- sortment ¬ of goods which the people can secure absolutely free ot cost by making this purchase of the merchants who give Rebate stamps Dont con lound us with some irresponsible con ¬ cern who run the business a short time and when tho people have collected enough stamps to secure some article then leave tIme town We are hero to stay we have the business in Lexing- ton ¬ and many other towns in Ken- tucky ¬ Call and inspect our goods and satisfy your selves that we mean busi ¬ ness Wo have added Rues Lace curtains Portiers and many other arr tides to our list of premiums Better Days The Harrodsburg Democrat says It is not known by but very few even by our older citizens that the farm directly opposite the W E Lven place on the Shakertown pike and which sold the other day for 135 per acre and which is separated from the Lyen tract by the Shakertown pike and now owned by Mrs McCampbell was bought In 1840 by John A Grimes at SW per acre a price which amazed the neighbors and which was unpre ¬ cedented at that time The purchaser had come to title county from Madison where he had edited probably the first newspaper ever published in that coon ¬ ty and brought a large number of slaves with him and cleared a great portion of the land which was then a forest He lived there and prospered until his death which occured 50 years ago lie was the great grandfather of Mayor Hal Grimes The newspaper business must have been a more lucrative employment 70 years ago than it is today but we dont blame our predecessor for buying a farm d Egg The news papers during the past week have contained a number of good stories about the Richmond Elks Fair and Carnival Time following from the Louisville Times is one of the best we have seen The Louisville excursionists who made the trip to Richmond last Satur JudgeBarker and while the party was waiting at the railway station for the train one of the Louisvillians discovered a man selling hardboiled eggs Instantly there was a rush on the supply Judge Barker heard of the discovery and hurried to thq corner When he reached the place some one ban led him an egg saying that it was the last oneThe Judge walked to a telegraph pole and smashed the egg There was a pop and a stream of yellow juice njuirted over the Judge while the crowd roar ed Some one hud rung in an over- ripe vncooked eggon him Hows Tins We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any caso of Catarrh that can not be CureF 0 knownF nilbusiness madeby Druggistsfoleth Walding KInnan Marvin Whole ¬ sale Druggists Toledo Ohio Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nallv acting directly upon the blood systamTestimonials bottle Sold by all Drnjrciste Halls Family Pillsure the best Ira 1 Hie inspiration that comes out ola bottle doe juc last long DR FENNE- RSKIDNEYand Backache AU diseases Bladder Also Dropsy Female TroublesCURE Dont become discouraged There is a I cure for you If necessary write Dr 1cnncr I Ho has spent a life time curing JUSt such coses as yours All consultations Your Kidney and Backache Cure has cured two very bad cases among our custo- mers the past year whom the doctors bad given up J L STILL CO Woodland la Druggists SOc it Ask forCook Book Tree 07 IlTIlQlflAflfSiroCurcCtrctilarDrt- a vII Wi IJDtIIUL Penner Sunday ronnd trip rates on L A 100 to Versailles 65c Nicholasville- 70c u Irvino 9cU Millers Creek One fare to all other stationstf Have just received one ot the fin ¬ est lines of diamonds watches clocks lamps candelabras and cut glass that has ever been shown in Richmond Call and examine my stock before mak- ing ¬ a purchase in this line apr30 tf L E LANE Lost A spotted sow weight about 300 pounds A liberal reward is offered for her return to Powell Bros July 16tf Richmond Ky For Rent Four rooms to rent cheap Well lo ¬ cated Apply to Thurman Grocery Co tf Lost A Knights Templar charm engraved with name and No Commandery Leave at this office and get reward may tf G W EVANS For Sale Two splendid building lots in the best part of the city One is 60x204 and the other 100x300 For terms ap- ply at this office mch26tf For Sole I offer for sale my residence on High street Lot is 00 x220 f J with new sta- ble ¬ and all necessary out buildings House contains eight rooms and kitch- en ¬ all in good repair and will be sold at a bargain tf Mrs Elizabeth Crow July Cost Sale at Eo V Elders Store For 30 days we otTer our entire stock of clothing shoes carpets dry goods millinery mattings notions etc at cost Now is the time to get bargains Our loss your gain Respectfully tf E V Elder Cheaper Than Going Barefooted 120 pairs of childrens and Misses tan oxfords good style toes dark shade sizes 81 to 11 and 1l J to 2 Guaranteed all solid leather former price 123 will close out tho lot at 50c a pair Come early and get your choice tf Rice Arnold Residence for Sate A nice residence on High street con ¬ taining eight rooms hath room with hot and cold water the property of Mrs Cinda Karr For particulars call on or address either of the undersigned MRS CIXDA KARK W H DOUGLAS julv23Jt Richmond Ky Real Estate Agents We will transfer buy or sell real estate of every kind city property speciality We also collect rents and attend to the paying of taxes insurance etc for a reasonable commission Call and see in at the State Lank < Trust CompanyC CHEXAUIL and LP EVANS apr16tf Real Estate Poisoning The Spstem It is through the bowels that the body is cleansed of impurities Con ¬ stipation keeps these poisons in time system causing headache dulness and melancholia at first then unsightly eruptions and finally serious illness un- less ¬ a remedy is applied DeWitta Little Early Risers prevent this troll ¬ tile by stimulating the liver and pro- mote easy healthy action of the bow ¬ els These little pills do not act vio- lently ¬ but by strengthening the bow ¬ els enable them to perform their own work Never gripe or distress 1m In Kentucky One day when SenatorElect Mc Creary of Kentuckywas out looking after lime political fences he stopped be ¬ fore a house where there wasa well in the yard and asked for ft drink Sorry Mister responded the man of the house but there aint a drop on this hero place and I am getting purty dry myself Isnt there any water in the well exclaimed McCreary- Of course there is blurted out the man I didnt know you wanted water I thought you wanted a drink From time New York Times Off to Mammoth Cave Company E of the Second Regiment of State Guards will leave on the SM5 L N train this morning for the State Encampment at Mammoth Cave The regiment will be in camp until August 9 and the boys are expecting to have an unusually gay time The new uni forns for the company were distributed Monday and the boys say now that the the company jhat makes any better show will have to hustle The folow ing roll of officers and men I Captain J J Greenleaf First Lieutenant Joe Tevis Second Lieutenant Jennings Manpin Surgeon Dr Moss Qibson Privates Wallace Hudgins B E Yates SnyderEmmett 0 Duncan P Cobb Park Coffee H R Prather Jack Bmnstnn Waller Samuel Jas L Bolton Walter Vernon DudleyWin Frank Davis Henry Carlisle JameR Davis Dave Hamilton Thomas Turpin Forrest Pratt ChristopherStatt B Calsher Len Pratt Robert Golf Joe Gentry ParkerJnmes Frsd Devore Eugene Shanks Henry White The noncommissioned officers to be announced this morning are 1st sergeant Prather 2nd sergeant Taylor 3rd sergeant Hudgins 4th sergeant Dudley 5th sergeant Million Corpor- als Gentry Reeves Duncan and White treatingdisease gards disease as time product of an ob- struction to or derangement of nerve force and circulation and undertakes by manipulation or by manual stimuli or inhibition of nerves and nerve ecu ters to remove obstructions or correct the derangement eo that nature may resume her perfect work People who write anonymous letters wvkieiitly dont b UOve in fcigim i Dr Hobson dentist next door to Government build n jr- tf Richmond Ky Have S L Midktff to repair your old vehicles and make them good as new tf S L Midkifl makes a specialty of putting on rubber tires Give him a tiial order tf The L A Sunday trains are be ¬ coming very popular try them Low ound trip rates to all stations tf SoJ Midkifl can supply you with any kind of a vehicle you desire and the prices are always right Glvebim a call tf My stock of Jewelry cut glass etc was never mow complete than now and mv prices will please every bod yaprGO If L E LANE If your watches clocks or in fact repairingtake the best apr30 tf Your city taxes are now due Please call and settle L P Evans tf City Collector Meat dishes 10 cents each one half gallon buckets 5 cents each coffee 10 cents per pound TEX CENT STORE Next door to Government lildg aprO lyr Senator Jas n Hctreaiy Disposes of Valuable Proptrty A big deal in Blue Grass farm lands was consumated by privatesale yester ¬ day says the Lexintton Democrat Mr John Ti Hughes the well known horseman purchased from Gov JasB MtCreary 383 acres on the Maysville pike The price paid was 4GOOO or about S120 per acre Tihs property is bounded on three sides by the estate of Mr Jas B Hag gin Mr Haggin has held to one price 100 an acre for all of his purchases in this vicinity and has repeatedly offered Mr McCreaiy this sum for his holding Time exGovernor has always held out for a larger offer and yesterday his rep resentative and Mr Hughes came to ¬ gether on the price at which the sale was made Dissolution Notice The drug firm of Stockton 1 Hasan was dis ¬ solved by mutual consent July 25 1S03 Mr Ilagan retiring All claims against the old firm should be presented at the drugstore for payment All parties Indebt id to the old firm must call and settle at once 30II4t STOCKTON HAG AN Prof R C Adams- OF PANOLA KY peopleMadlsoD to teach Ten Days Mmical Con- Tentions ¬ chorus and voice Also to conduct the music for pre tracted meetings and any public gathering Can furnish male quartette for special occasions Please give ten days notice 3C1 Cm Soda Pop is a purely temper ¬ ance drink It is the thing for this season Cecil Catron Iarc manufacturing a quality of SODA POP of all flavors and wish to place it on sale in every town and village Prices extremely low Cecil Catron Junction City Ky n The CXOTF Rij will discontinue running low rate Excursions on Sun ¬ days to Cincinnati W C Rinearson G PA I I Natures SignalsK Do your eyes blur at times readingAre ¬ aches Are the muscles around the eyes drawing wrinkles and crows feet They are- Natures f Danger Signals Only when sight is gone is the terrible danger realized It costs so little to helpthe eyes if done in time can give the early help later I have to refer the work to Oculist 4 + + + + ++ + ++ + 4 + +j tI the eyes la + most Intelligent e carrfnl manner j 4 charge It glMea ndj + needed teeD supply + correct lenses + In any manner desired H ++++ + T + A + Robinsbn Optician and Jeweler Main St v Rkhnjowi Ky Arara>ld M a 2 r Notice to Creditors r All persons holding claims against tho Richmond Elks Fair and Carnival Association are requested to present same to Secretary D R Tevis at once or same will be barred 2t HH Colyer Pros WALTERS Collegiate Institute + + James T Barrett PrincipalJ- ohns Hopkins University Robot F Hntdieson Associate HaroiMenSidney College + A Highgrade Boys School that promotes thorough scol arship and correct habits of study Affords a Splendid General Education Prepares Indents for entrancein- to ¬ the host Colleges and for hiirlier standing in many institu ¬ Lions Offers these advantages- An advanced Commons ense Course of Study Thorough painstaking instruction by well qualified and experienced teach- ers ¬ Firm discipline Study hoars in the school room under the personal supervision of tin instructors Beautiful and health ¬ fill location with the commodi- ous C U buildings and grounds Modern and well equipped Gym ¬ nasium Good Athletic Field Next Term opens September 3 Callon or address JAMES T BARRETT july22nt RICHMOND KY Public Sale I WILL ON Saturday August 30 At 10 Oclock A M on the premises sell to the highest bidder the farm known as the Col Reuben Munday farm situated in Madison county Ky 9 miles south of Richmond and 2 miles from Kingston lying between the Big Hill Turnpike and the Muddy Creek road containing about 450 acres with good gubstitial dwelling tenant house two good barns and all other necessary outbuildings with the best cave spring in Kentucky in the yard good land lies well and mostly in grass It will be offered as a whole ands two separate tracts with privilege of accepting the best bid Privilege of seeding will be given the purchaser and full possession January 1st 1903 iERMSOnelhinl cash time balance in one and two years equal installments bearing 6 per cent interest Anyone desiring to look at said farm before the sale will call on Mr James Hubbard on the premises who will take pleasure in showing it to them For any fur- ther ¬ particulars address RH Bronaugh Agt Crab Orchard Ky 23julCt Estill + + + + + Springs + + p + + p1 + ++ + White Sulphur and ApChalybeate VJc ctCI A ofafaf IlLJ a r a tta sot giJune 1st lt October 1st On the Louisville At ¬ lantic R R awl time Ken ¬ tucky Kiver In the midst of Mountains and Roman ¬ tic Scenery The White Sulphur is u specific f for skin and kidney troubles the Chalybeate natured tonic Hot Sulphur Baths in the house For further particulars address W R Thomas Manager IRVINE KENTUCKY Public SaleO- N THijR DAY AU U T 14 1 I will sell on the premises at public outcry at three oclock p m the residence of the late R X White de- ceased ¬ Situated in Rich ¬ mond Ky at the corner of the Barnes Mill and Lancas ¬ ter turnpike roads The place will first be offered in three separate tracts and then as a whole and will be sold so as to realize the most money for it The first tract beginsat the corner of D M Chenaults residence and runs 200 ft with Lancaster Avenue and back 735ft totheplank fence It contains 4i acres of land and on it is situated the dwell- ing ¬ house and outbuildings The se2ond tract at the poipt on Lancaster Aye ¬ nue where tlie first tract ends and runs with IAn caster AYe ¬ nue 175 feet to the intersec ¬ tion of the Barnes Mill road this lotcontains4 10100 acres plankfence The third tract fronts on the Barnes Mill road and con ¬ tains 7 54100 acres of land The terms of sale will be announced on the day of sale A R BURNAM WhiteTu1y28 BEGINNING July 1st I WILL SELL FOR TenDays = At the Hours From 8 to 3 oclockat js Absolutely Cost The Following ods Lawns Dimities Organdies Ginghams Percales Madras Piques Swisses allover Laces in white cream and black Babies Lice and Swiss Caps Ribbed Vests and Union Suits Hopsacking for Skirts Den ¬ ims Oxfords etc for Skirts and Suitings Cotton Nansook InsertinnoI some of the Bargainstp I OWEN S McKEE GREAT CLEARING SALE O- FCLOTHIN o > z 0 t > We Overstocked 1 Clothing Regardless akst 5 Manufacturers Cost Bsk Oas Here is a chance to get good Clothing at Cheap Pricest J 3 to 8 r 0 tiC are W os IIUIJ at i Best at > > at > 1lItI- is the cost of the c 500 coat and vest 1 IMPORTANT TO MOTHERSii READ THIS 1 Boys Suits o Boys ST1Jlf1 Good allwool three piece suits years es s f I r jss J 1 K 0I J o Mens Allwool Suits s Mens Allwool Mens Allwool Suits This about Mens Linen Suts pants 149 1 are arriving daily at our vast Emporium and Etc readymade stock of S has just been received and is now placed on know yoii lave the latest uptodate goods you at Is that wbat you want If so trade with 7t tI1 > Ciic- I t T t of Flannels Cassimere trimmings 49c 700 ogctare LOUIS GUS STRAUS LEADING CLOTHIERS LEXINGTON fz zZtt I1E Badly New Goods orSpring Ginghams White Goods mbroideriesl Insertions Unequaledis OoronationBraid Skirt Department fastIdioustastf1s oodlland New Matting worldselect Lowest Prices JLee Smitha Suits upI IiI t- p1t ipen UI < Jpp fJo UIOW S l i 0 j ET1 iiTTI

SO J The Climax Printing WKDNKSUAY fromI …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7m901zdw65/data/0134.pdf · L-1 lierRichmond Climax J 0 CHENAULT Preitdenb D MILLER Manager fl > BT S CEO WE Editor

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1 lie Richmond ClimaxrJ 0 CHENAULT PreitdenbD MILLER Manager

fl > BT S CEO WE Editor



The Climax Printing CoIncorpora-


FOR CONGRESSe are authorized to announce HON O O

IBKRT as a candidate for reelection to-

t ogress from this the Eighth ConcresMonalt i rlct subject to the action of the lJenoc tie party

Wo are requested to announce ROy rv I TE as a candidate for Circuit Court Clerkcu iect to the action of the Den o ratio arty

Ve are authorized to announce DAN HI KCK as a candidate for Clerk of the Mado Circuit Court su Eject to the action of thea fliocratlc party

I hereby announce rayolf all a candidate fort nomination fr Clir of t e Madi on rir

Ioiirt ubl tt in the i tiOI lIb Demor Jc ptV MO fngth l uiy n any friend in-

putt will favorably consider any cUimsl it I may have to the nomination if nomI ted I promise to use all honorable means to

ure my election and if elected to endeavorhave in the past to faithfully discharge

I IutIesasCIerlc Thanking the people forI t and future favors I am

RespectfullyS U THORPE

1e are authorized to announce GEORGE D1ITB of Whites Station as a candidate for

I rk of the Madison Circuit Court subject toi action of the Democratic party

FEUD desperoe sort is predicted as a ref-

ilL of the assassination ofMarshal Cockrill at Jackson

2athitt county

GOVERNOR BRCKHAM hasAppointed Dr M K Allen ofLouisville to succeed JudgeThomas R Gordon who re ¬

signed as commissioner oflakeland Asylum

THE Eight District Republiean CommittepmetatNichol ¬

asville Wednesday to select alate and place for the Con ¬

vention to nominate a repreN mtative to Congress to sucU ed Hon G G Gilbert

icholasville was chosen astle place and September 3 as1 0 date for holding the conv ntion So far there arej > Republicans announced

r the nomination

THE citizens of the usuallyI iiet little town of Danville

o just now greatly workedi i overan effort to have the

uthern railway extended toi tijir town They have disi ered that the only way toi t it is to dig up a sufficient

mber of dollars to pay theI sight and they are diggingj c all they are worth We

sh for their good that when1 3y get a road they could getLI re than a tailender

THE much boasted civilizan of the mountains seems

i have slipped a cog somey Breathittcounty which

j s leon the pride of theS ingelizers for years show

what schools andchurchest aid do in bringing law andi ler out of chaos has oncei re become the battle

nuidTjtll a record ofi rtyeight killed in sevenj mths and the war not

rtcdit looks like thosex 10 have undertaken the

1rk of civilizing and tamingi i feudist will have to take1 sh hold



3AlEi jig Bargains

The coming week inallour departments

Dont MissThis opportunity to pur-chase splendid values atgreatly reduced prices

I willpay you to looku ier our stoc-






F A HOPKINS was nomina ¬

ted at WesbLiberty Thursdayfor Congress by the Democratsof the Tenth distrct on thethird ballot CogressmanJ B White withdrew leavingJudge Amos Davis and L HLiwsDn contesting with HOD

kins On the third ballotLawsons strength went toHopkins

A dispatch from Tuscahosa Ala says State Geo ¬

logist Eugene A Smith hasreceived a notice from theSecretary of State that hehad received a request fromWilliam Jennings Bryan for aslab of Alabama marble to beused as a tiling for a mantel ¬

piece Mr Bryan is havingbuilt Euch State that hecarried in the last election isto be represented by a tileThe slab selected was takenfrom the university museumand originally came fromBlount county It is now inthe hands of Thomas H Wildman being prepared underthe direction of Dr SmithThe stone which is six inch-


square and three inchesthick is n clear white onyx

WE WIlO edit newspapersknow about this little com-


from the EarlingtonBee Every little whilesome of our friends tell usWe did so and so lastweek or

we went to such and such aplace and you did not sayanything about it in the paperNo we did not say anythingabout it from the fact weknew nothing about it Weate not gifted with a secondsight and cannot foretell thefuture If we could this pa ¬

per would be printed ahead oftime We are always glad tochronicle the movements ofthe people of our town andwill gladly 3o so if they willnotify us the week before in-


of the week after theyhappenSemiWeekly Pro ¬

gressThe same condition of af-


seems to exist in our lit¬

tle village Several havejumped on us with both feetbecause we made no mentionof their being out of town forperhaps a day or two Care ¬

fully read the above andactlaccordinglyBaldwin

for sale Chtpcall at Douglas Crutchers or JoJSJoplin 2t

Osteopathy is in no sense relatedto faith cure The Osteopath adjustmisplaced parts stimulates torpid nrjrans sets free the vital forces iitttfluids inherent in the body that nutuiomay pursue her harmonious swayWhen this is done health ensues not asa result of faith but in spite ot doubt


and Miss Bertha Shockle both of Bereawere married by Judge N B Turpiu inthis city last Wednesday-

ALIRIOIITBflocKMr Edgar S Al ¬

bright the talented young editor of theMt Vernon Signal and Miss LucyBrockwele married at the residenceof the brides parents in London Monday morning the Rev C T Kunyonand Rev McCarity officiating Immediately after the ceremony tho coupleleft for Owensboro to attend the annualmeeting of the Kentucky Press Asso-


They will also take in theouting with members of the associationwhich includes a visit to CincinnatiToledo PutinBay Sandusky SnrninOnt and Michigan points anti returnto Mt Vernon about the 29tl11wCLIMAX joins the press boys alloverthe State in extending the heartiestcongratulationsMCDOSALDBOoNEQulte

a stir wascreated in the social circles of Richmond Saturday afternoon when it be ¬

came known that Miss Fannie liooneand Mr Clifton McDonald Jr were tobe married at the home of Col J StoneWalker Only a few witnessed theceremony the guests being limited tomost intimate friends of Col and MrsWalker The marriage took Iplace atnine oclock the ceremony being rendby Rev Father Ryan Concerning theevent the CourierJournal of Sundaysays Society will receive a surprisethis morning in the announcement ofthe marriage of Miss Fannie Boone andMr Clifton McDonald which tookplace last night at 9 oclock at Rich ¬

mond There has been noprevious ¬

nouncement of the engagement of thocouple though their close friendsknew thrt they were to be married inthe near future Miss Boone went toRichmond several days ago with MipsCar I lie Walker who had been her guestfor several week and the marriagewas qnlotly solemnized at the homo ofher sister Mrs Stone Walker formerlyMiss Cora Wallace Boone Mrs Car-ne Morris Boone the brides motherwas present having gone to Richmondyesterday afternoon for the weddingMiss Boone is the daughter of the lateRowan Boone and the granddaughterof Mr George W Morris President iftho Mutual Life Insurance Company-of Kentucky anti former President if-the Louisville Gas Company She IM

one of the handsomest young women inKentucky Mr McDonald is the son ifMr and Mrs J 0 McDonald and abrother of the beautiful McDonald sis-ters


as they are always knownMrsD A Hanahan Mrs Brannin SherleyMrs William Hixon of MankstoMinn Mrs Whitney Wall of DuluthMinn and Miss Ethel McDon-


EvANSiOnlast Friday to the wifeOf Mr L4PEvansa fine girl Dahl

The Lexington Cattle Sale Com-pany


will hold asahi of fifty head ofShort Horn cattle in thA Tattertallsbuilding ydjoninjr fair grounds Tues ¬

day AURqttlo 12 EXCUIWOIU riteson sill ailroads Sate COMWUCCBproHlltJl rFiv tniI r-



The Tragedy cf le1ee

Perhaps the most remarkable picturetaken by any of the numerous corres ¬

pondents and photographers who visited Martinque after the distraction of St

Pierro was a photograph of Mt Peleein eruption taken by Mr George Kennan on May 28 the date when thevolcano broke out into a tremendousexplosion inferior in volume only tothat which destroyed the city Time

story of Mr Kennani adventures infromImake an extraordinarily vivid anddramatic tale The photograph towhich we have alluded accompaniesthe Installment of Mr Kenans TheTragedy of Pelee which appears in theAugust magazine number of The Outl-


Health is the inheritance of manand should be jealously guardedWithout it the wealth of Midas is butas dross while with it a thai is richthough he be a beggar This beinggranted it goes without saying that thepublic should eagerly investigate anynew discovery that may be made inthe art of healing Osteopathy if thuscarefully investigated will surely com-


itself to time average personWhile its methods are a radical depart ¬

are from the principles which haveheretofore been accepted as the basis ofmsdical practice if th matter is onlylooked at without prejudice and thehuman body is regarded as but a com-


machine It will be seen at oncethat Osteopathy is perfectly reasonableand rational

Acts ImmediatelyColds are sometimes more trouble¬

some ih summer than in winter its sohard to keep from adding to them whilecooling oil alter exercises One Min ¬

ute Cough Cure cures at once Absosutelv safe Acts immediately Surecure for coughs colds croup throatand lung troubles lin


Via the Chesapeake 4 Ohio Railway Thuaday-

Aegust 14

The last excursion of the season willbe run to Atlantic City from Lexing¬

ton and Central Kentucky pointsThursday August 14 via the Chesa-peake


Ohio Railway and Washing-ton


D CThe round trip rate will be 14 from

Lexington Winchester and Mt Sterl ¬

jug and correspondingly low rates willbe made from other Central KentuckypointsTickets

will be good returning 12days from date of sale and will permitstopovers at Philadelphia and Wash-ington


on the return tripThrough sleepers will be run from

Lexington for which the berth ratewill be 4

This excursion will permit a visit toNew York at very little expense

Atlantic City is the largest resort onthe Atlantic coast and a great varietyof recreation and amusement can bQ

found there together with the besthotel accomodations to be had

Full information and sleeping carreservations will be made on applica ¬

tion to GEO Wi BARNEY

Div Pass Agent3t Lexington Ky

The renewed business of the Na-


Rebate stamp Co with officeand premiums at L E Lanes store hasmade it necessary for them to add lib-erally


to there line of premiurrs Theyhave now on display an elegant as-


of goods which the peoplecan secure absolutely free ot cost bymaking this purchase of the merchantswho give Rebate stamps Dont conlound us with some irresponsible con ¬

cern who run the business a short timeand when tho people have collectedenough stamps to secure some articlethen leave tIme town We are hero tostay we have the business in Lexing-ton


and many other towns in Ken-tucky


Call and inspect our goods andsatisfy your selves that we mean busi ¬

ness Wo have added Rues Lacecurtains Portiers and many other arrtides to our list of premiums

Better Days

The Harrodsburg Democrat saysIt is not known by but very few

even by our older citizens that thefarm directly opposite the W E Lvenplace on the Shakertown pike andwhich sold the other day for 135 peracre and which is separated from theLyen tract by the Shakertown pikeand now owned by Mrs McCampbellwas bought In 1840 by John A Grimesat SW per acre a price which amazedthe neighbors and which was unpre¬

cedented at that time The purchaserhad come to title county from Madisonwhere he had edited probably the firstnewspaper ever published in that coon ¬

ty and brought a large number ofslaves with him and cleared a greatportion of the land which was then aforest He lived there and prospereduntil his death which occured 50 yearsago lie was the great grandfather ofMayor Hal Grimes

The newspaper business must havebeen a more lucrative employment 70years ago than it is today but we dontblame our predecessor for buying afarm

d Egg

The news papers during the pastweek have contained a number ofgood stories about the Richmond ElksFair and Carnival Time following fromthe Louisville Times is one of the bestwe have seen

The Louisville excursionists whomade the trip to Richmond last Satur

JudgeBarkerand while the party was waiting at therailway station for the train one ofthe Louisvillians discovered a manselling hardboiled eggs Instantlythere was a rush on the supply

Judge Barker heard of the discoveryand hurried to thq corner When hereached the place some one ban ledhim an egg saying that it was the last

oneThe Judge walked to a telegraph poleand smashed the egg There was a popand a stream of yellow juice njuirtedover the Judge while the crowd roared Some one hud rung in an over-ripe vncooked eggon him

Hows TinsWe offer One Hundred Dollars Re

ward for any caso of Catarrh that cannot beCureF 0knownFnilbusinessmadebyDruggistsfoleth

Walding KInnan Marvin Whole¬

sale Druggists Toledo OhioHalls Catarrh Cure is taken inter

nallv acting directly upon the blood

systamTestimonialsbottle Sold by all Drnjrciste

Halls Family Pillsure the best Ira1 Hie inspiration that comes out olabottle doe juc last long



BackacheAU diseases


Dropsy FemaleTroublesCURE

Dont become discouraged There is a I

cure for you If necessary write Dr 1cnncr I

Ho has spent a life time curing JUSt suchcoses as yours All consultations

Your Kidney and Backache Cure hascured two very bad cases among our custo-mers the past year whom the doctors badgiven up J L STILL CO Woodland laDruggists SOc it Ask forCook Book Tree

07 IlTIlQlflAflfSiroCurcCtrctilarDrt-a v I I Wi IJDtIIUL Penner

Sunday ronnd trip rates on L A100 to Versailles

65c Nicholasville-70c u Irvino9cU Millers Creek

One fare to all other stationstfHave just received one ot the fin ¬

est lines of diamonds watches clockslamps candelabras and cut glass thathas ever been shown in RichmondCall and examine my stock before mak-ing


a purchase in this lineapr30 tf L E LANE


A spotted sow weight about 300pounds A liberal reward is offeredfor her return to Powell Bros

July 16tf Richmond Ky

For Rent

Four rooms to rent cheap Well lo ¬

cated Apply to Thurman GroceryCo tf


A Knights Templar charm engravedwith name and No CommanderyLeave at this office and get reward

may tf G W EVANS

For Sale

Two splendid building lots in thebest part of the city One is 60x204and the other 100x300 For terms ap-ply at this office mch26tf

For Sole

I offer for sale my residence on Highstreet Lot is 00 x220 f J with new sta-


and all necessary out buildingsHouse contains eight rooms and kitch-en


all in good repair and will be soldat a bargain

tf Mrs Elizabeth CrowJuly Cost Sale at Eo V Elders Store

For 30 days we otTer our entire stockof clothing shoes carpets dry goodsmillinery mattings notions etc at costNow is the time to get bargains Ourloss your gain

Respectfullytf E V Elder

Cheaper Than Going Barefooted

120 pairs of childrens and Misses tanoxfords good style toes dark shadesizes 81 to 11 and 1l J to 2 Guaranteedall solid leather former price 123 willclose out tho lot at 50c a pair Comeearly and get your choice

tf Rice ArnoldResidence for Sate

A nice residence on High street con ¬

taining eight rooms hath room withhot and cold water the property ofMrs Cinda Karr For particulars callon or address either of the undersigned



julv23Jt Richmond KyReal Estate Agents

We will transfer buy or sell realestate of every kind city propertyspeciality We also collect rents andattend to the paying of taxes insuranceetc for a reasonable commission Calland see in at the State Lank < Trust


apr16tf Real Estate

Poisoning The SpstemIt is through the bowels that the

body is cleansed of impurities Con ¬

stipation keeps these poisons in timesystem causing headache dulness andmelancholia at first then unsightlyeruptions and finally serious illness un-less


a remedy is applied DeWittaLittle Early Risers prevent this troll ¬

tile by stimulating the liver and pro-mote easy healthy action of the bow ¬

els These little pills do not act vio-lently


but by strengthening the bow¬

els enable them to perform their ownwork Never gripe or distress 1m

In Kentucky

One day when SenatorElect McCreary of Kentuckywas out lookingafter lime political fences he stopped be ¬

fore a house where there wasa well inthe yard and asked for ft drink

Sorry Mister responded the manof the house but there aint a dropon this hero place and I am gettingpurty dry myself

Isnt there any water in the wellexclaimed McCreary-

Of course there is blurted out theman I didnt know you wantedwater I thought you wanted a drink

From time New York Times

Off to Mammoth Cave

Company E of the Second Regimentof State Guards will leave on the SM5L N train this morning for the StateEncampment at Mammoth Cave Theregiment will be in camp until August9 and the boys are expecting to havean unusually gay time The new uniforns for the company were distributedMonday and the boys say now that thethe company jhat makes any bettershow will have to hustle The folowing roll of officers and menI Captain J J Greenleaf

First Lieutenant Joe TevisSecond Lieutenant Jennings Manpin

Surgeon Dr Moss QibsonPrivates

Wallace Hudgins B E YatesSnyderEmmett0 Duncan P CobbPark Coffee H R PratherJack Bmnstnn Waller SamuelJas L Bolton Walter VernonDudleyWinFrank Davis Henry CarlisleJameR Davis Dave HamiltonThomas Turpin Forrest PrattChristopherStattB Calsher Len PrattRobert Golf Joe Gentry

ParkerJnmesFrsd Devore Eugene ShanksHenry White

The noncommissioned officers tobe announced this morning are 1stsergeant Prather 2nd sergeant Taylor3rd sergeant Hudgins 4th sergeantDudley 5th sergeant Million Corpor-als Gentry Reeves Duncan and White

treatingdiseasegards disease as time product of an ob-struction to or derangement of nerveforce and circulation and undertakesby manipulation or by manual stimulior inhibition of nerves and nerve ecuters to remove obstructions or correctthe derangement eo that nature mayresume her perfect work

People who write anonymous letterswvkieiitly dont b UOve in fcigim


Dr Hobson dentist next doorto Government build n jr-

tf Richmond KyHave S L Midktff to repair your

old vehicles and make them good asnew tf

S L Midkifl makes a specialty ofputting on rubber tires Give him atiial order tf

The L A Sunday trains are be¬

coming very popular try them Lowound trip rates to all stations tf

SoJ Midkifl can supply you withany kind of a vehicle you desire andthe prices are always right Glvebima call tf

My stock of Jewelry cut glassetc was never mow complete thannow and mv prices will please every

bod yaprGO If L E LANE

If your watches clocks or in fact

repairingtakethe best apr30 tf

Your city taxes are nowdue Please call and settle

L P Evanstf City Collector

Meat dishes 10 cents each onehalf gallon buckets 5 cents eachcoffee 10 cents per pound


Next door to Government lildgaprO lyr

Senator Jas n Hctreaiy Disposes of Valuable


A big deal in Blue Grass farm landswas consumated by privatesale yester ¬

day says the Lexintton DemocratMr John Ti Hughes the well knownhorseman purchased from Gov JasBMtCreary 383 acres on the Maysvillepike The price paid was 4GOOO orabout S120 per acre

Tihs property is bounded on threesides by the estate of Mr Jas B Haggin Mr Haggin has held to one price

100 an acre for all of his purchases inthis vicinity and has repeatedly offeredMr McCreaiy this sum for his holdingTime exGovernor has always held outfor a larger offer and yesterday his representative and Mr Hughes came to ¬

gether on the price at which the salewas made

Dissolution Notice

The drug firm of Stockton 1 Hasan was dis ¬

solved by mutual consent July 25 1S03 MrIlagan retiring All claims against the oldfirm should be presented at the drugstore forpayment All parties Indebt id to the old firmmust call and settle at once



peopleMadlsoDto teach Ten Days Mmical Con-Tentions


chorus and voice Alsoto conduct the music for pretracted meetings and any publicgathering Can furnish malequartette for special occasionsPlease give ten days notice

3C1 Cm

Soda Popis a purely temper ¬

ance drink It is thething for this season

Cecil Catron

Iarc manufacturing aquality of


of all flavors and wishto place it on sale inevery town and villagePrices extremely low

Cecil CatronJunction City Ky

nThe CXOTF Rij

will discontinuerunning low rate

Excursions on Sun ¬

days to CincinnatiW C Rinearson G PA




SignalsKDo your eyes blur at times

readingAre ¬

achesAre the muscles around the

eyes drawing wrinklesand crows feet Theyare-


Danger Signals

Only when sight is goneis the terrible danger realizedIt costs so little to helptheeyes if done in time cangive the early help later Ihave to refer the work toOculist

4++ ++ ++ +++ + 4 ++j

tI the eyes la+ most Intelligente carrfnl manner j4 charge It glMea ndj+ needed teeD supply+ correct lenses+ In any manner desired

H++ +++T+ A + Robinsbn

Optician and Jeweler

Main St v Rkhnjowi KyArara>ld M a 2 r

Notice to Creditorsr

All persons holding claims againsttho Richmond Elks Fair and CarnivalAssociation are requested to presentsame to Secretary D R Tevis at onceor same will be barred

2t H H Colyer Pros

WALTERSCollegiate Institute

++James T Barrett PrincipalJ-

ohns Hopkins University

Robot F Hntdieson AssociateHaroiMenSidney College+A Highgrade Boys School

that promotes thorough scolarship and correct habits ofstudy

Affords a SplendidGeneral Education

Prepares Indents for entrancein-to


the host Colleges and forhiirlier standing in many institu ¬


Offers these advantages-An advanced Commons e n s eCourse of Study Thoroughpainstaking instruction by wellqualified and experienced teach-ers


Firm disciplineStudy hoars in the school room under

the personal supervision of tininstructors Beautiful and health ¬

fill location with the commodi-ous C U buildings and groundsModern and well equipped Gym ¬

nasium Good Athletic Field

Next Term opens September 3Callon or address


Public SaleI WILL ON

Saturday August 30At 10 Oclock A M

on the premises sell to the highestbidder the farm known as the ColReuben Munday farm situated inMadison county Ky 9 miles south ofRichmond and 2 miles from Kingstonlying between the Big Hill Turnpikeand the Muddy Creek road containingabout 450 acres with good gubstitialdwelling tenant house two good barnsand all other necessary outbuildingswith the best cave spring in Kentuckyin the yard good land lies well andmostly in grass It will be offered as awhole ands two separate tracts withprivilege of accepting the best bidPrivilege of seeding will be given thepurchaser and full possession January1st 1903

iERMSOnelhinl cash time balancein one and two years equal installmentsbearing 6 per cent interest Anyonedesiring to look at said farm before thesale will call on Mr James Hubbardon the premises who will take pleasurein showing it to them For any fur-


particulars address

R H Bronaugh AgtCrab Orchard Ky



Springs++ p++ p1 ++++

White Sulphur andApChalybeate





a r atta sot

giJune 1stlt October 1st

On the Louisville At¬

lantic R R awl time Ken ¬

tucky Kiver In the midstof Mountains and Roman ¬

tic Scenery The WhiteSulphur is u specific f forskin and kidney troublesthe Chalybeate naturedtonic Hot Sulphur Bathsin the house For furtherparticulars address

W R ThomasManager


Public SaleO-

NTHijR DAY AU U T 14 1

I will sell on the premisesat public outcry at threeoclock p m the residenceof the late R X White de-ceased


Situated in Rich ¬

mond Ky at the corner ofthe Barnes Mill and Lancas ¬

ter turnpike roads Theplace will first be offered inthree separate tracts andthen as a whole and will besold so as to realize the mostmoney for it

The first tract beginsat thecorner of D M Chenaultsresidence and runs 200 ftwith Lancaster Avenue andback 735ft totheplank fenceIt contains 4i acres of landand on it is situated the dwell-ing


house and outbuildingsThe se2ond tract at

the poipt on Lancaster Aye ¬

nue where tlie first tract endsand runs with IAncaster AYe¬

nue 175 feet to the intersec ¬

tion of the Barnes Mill roadthis lotcontains4 10100 acresplankfence

The third tract fronts onthe Barnes Mill road and con ¬

tains 7 54100 acres of landThe terms of sale will be

announced on the day of saleA R BURNAM




TenDays =

At the Hours From8 to 3 oclockat js

Absolutely Cost

The Following ods

Lawns Dimities OrgandiesGinghams Percales MadrasPiques Swisses allover Lacesin white cream and blackBabies Lice and Swiss CapsRibbed Vests and Union SuitsHopsacking for Skirts Den ¬

ims Oxfords etc for Skirtsand Suitings Cotton Nansook

InsertinnoIsome of the Bargainstp I





We Overstocked


Clothing Regardlessakst 5

Manufacturers Cost Bsk OasHere is a chance to getgood Clothing at Cheap


3 to 8






at i

Best at >

> at >1lItI-

is the cost of the c

500 coat and vest 1



Boys Suits o Boys ST1Jlf1

Good allwool three piece suitsyears

es sf I







Mens Allwool Suits sMens AllwoolMens Allwool Suits

This aboutMens Linen Suts pants



are arriving daily at our vast Emporium and



stock ofS

has just been received and is now placed on

know yoii lave the latest uptodate goodsyouat

Is that wbat you want If so trade with

7t tI1


I t Ttof









New Goods

orSpringGinghams White Goodsmbroideriesl Insertions


Skirt Department

fastIdioustastf1soodllandNew Matting

worldselectLowest Prices

JLee Smitha

Suits upI


t-p1tipenUI <




S li0
