SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: www.sniip.ru e-mail: [email protected] RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT Specialized Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Engineering

SNIIP, JSC · SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: e-mail: [email protected] RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT

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Page 1: SNIIP, JSC · SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: e-mail: sales@sniip.ru RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT

SNIIP, JSCAddress: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69Web-site: www.sniip.rue-mail: [email protected]


Specialized Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Engineering

Page 2: SNIIP, JSC · SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: e-mail: sales@sniip.ru RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT

1www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected], +7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69. 1


52515The number ofemployees

More than The average age ofemployees is

candidates and doctors of Sciences involved in the sessions of the IAEA, IEC, ISO

specialists up to35 years – 31.2%


Page 3: SNIIP, JSC · SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: e-mail: sales@sniip.ru RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT

3www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected], +7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69. 32 www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected],

+7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69.

About the CompanyInstrumentation of SNIIP provides the main volume of standard control of the situation, dosimetric and spectrometric measurements of ionizing radiation in various branches of science, techno-logy, industry and defense.

Information and measuring systems developed in the Institute provide

diagnostics, monitoring and control of reactor facilities, monitoring of nuclear, radiation and ecological situation on more than 30 nuclear power units in Russia and abroad, and on many research reactors.

Surface ships and nuclear submarines are equipped with the automated sys-tems for radiation monitoring that are developed and manufactured in SNIIP.

During the existence of SNIIP more than 100 doctors and candidates of techni-cal Sciences worked in the Institute. Its staff have published more than 60 monographs, several thousands of sci-entifi c publications and made approxi-mately 2000 of inventions and patents.

In 2010 SNIIP has launched a program of technical re-equipment of produc-tion capacities in the amount of 300 million rubles: new metrology equip-ment was procured; a special testing ground for comprehensive testing of complex systems, including systems of control and management of reactor

installations was set up, as well as the machine equipment was renewed. The program being implemented by SNIIP allows manufacturing high-quality and competitive products that meet inter-national requirements and standards.

The key product of SNIIP and one of the main elements of the radiation monitoring devices is the detec-tion units. The instrument is used for measu ring and registering different types of radiation in the energy sector and related industries.

The catalog contains blocks and ap-paratus of the fi fth generation. Applying the information about the new measurement tools, developed and manufactured in SNIIP that is repre-sented in this catalog, will allow the radiation control specialists, designing and operating organizations to choose the optimal architecture, structure and placement of systems at specifi c sites, and to solve the radiation control prob-lem on up-to-date technical level.

SNIIP, JSC (Specialized Scientifi c Research Institute of Instrument Engineering) is the one of the leading nuclear instrumenta-tion scientifi c institutions. SNIIP has been founded in 1952. The idea of its foundation belonged to I.V. Kurchatov. In its activities, SNIIP has created several generations of high quality and reliable equipment for nuclear technology, and offered new ap-proaches to solving the major problems of ensuring the radiation and nuclear safety.

In 2012 SNIIP became a part of the machine building division of ROSATOM corporation – Atomenergomash.

Page 4: SNIIP, JSC · SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: e-mail: sales@sniip.ru RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT

5www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected], +7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69. 55

www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected], +7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69.



















4www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected], +7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69.















East EuropeCountries






South America(Bolivia, Brazil)


Target markets and position of the company

Kola NPP

«Hanhikivi» NPP

«Loviisa» NPP

Leningrad NPP - 2

Kalinin NPP

Smolensk NPP

Kursk NPP

Bilibino NPP

Novovoronezh NPP-2

Rivne NPP

Zaporizhzhya NPP

South-Ukrainian NPP

Rostov NPP

1 14

2 15

3 16

4 17

5 18

6 19

7 20

8 21

9 22

10 23

11 24

12 25

13 26

Balakovo NPP

Beloyarsk NPP

«Akkuyu» NPP

«Bushehr» NPP

«Kozolduy» NPP

«Paks» NPP

«Bohunice» NPP

«Temelin» NPP

«Dukovany» NPP

«Mochovce» NPP

«Kudankulam» NPP

«Tianwan NPP»

Belarusian NPP


• Availability of funds

• Availability of production facilities, for testingequipment and its own certifi ed metrological service

• The presence of a full production cycle

• Availability of qualifi ed professionals (doctors, candidates of sciences)

Page 5: SNIIP, JSC · SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: e-mail: sales@sniip.ru RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT

7www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected], +7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69. 7INFORMATION


AND DEVICES Designation:ABLK.468172.405

Function:The device UKK-56R27is designed to provide:

Collect information from detector units and sensors with analog and frequency output, information processing to obtain the values of monitored parameters, setpoint con-trol, management and diagnostics of the connected equipment. Generating control signals by the internal and external alarm device, by external actuators; maintaining the long-term archive, detector unit power supply, information exchange with upper

Intermediate information processing device UNO-209R

Conversion unit BPA-57R

Intermediateinformation processing device UNO-209R

Application :

Used as part of automated radiation monitoring systems.

Page 6: SNIIP, JSC · SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: e-mail: sales@sniip.ru RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT

9www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected], +7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69. 98 www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected],

+7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69.

Designation: ABLK.467412.418


receiving and processing data from the detection units and sensors with frequency or analog outputs (DB) with subsequent transfer of information due to channels on the basis of RS-485 interface

• generation of signals on exceeding of the preset threshold levels onto external optic-acoustic alarms

• issuing relay signals in the form of “dry” contacts on exceeding the preset threshold levels onto exter-nal actuators

• processing and executing com-mands from technical facilitiesof higher hierarchy level

• displaying the data on its information display

• diagnosing of detector unitsand self-diagnosing

• detector unit power supply.

Conversion unit BPA-57R


Application :

Used within automatedradiation monitoring systems.


Flow readout box unitBKI-41R

Distribution boxKR

Alarm unitBCC-46R1

Switching deviceUKK-56R27



Switching unitBKA-51R

Page 7: SNIIP, JSC · SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: e-mail: sales@sniip.ru RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT

11www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected], +7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69. 1110 www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected],

+7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69.

Translator BVC-240R

Designation: ABLK.468347.404


UKK-56R27 device is designed to provide:

• management of the blocks BCC46R-type in detector units location

• generating signals to the external I&C system about exceeding of the alarm thresholds in the measur-ing channels in the form of dry contacts

• managing the electromagnetic valves by means of the BUK-type blocks

• receiving signals about switching off and on single electromagnetic valves and blowdown valves from the I&C system in the form of dry contacts

• providing unit status control for blocks BCC-46R-type and elec-tromagnetic valves.

Switching deviceUKK-56R27


Application :

Used within automatedradiation monitoring systems.

Designation: ABLK.467149.408


Designed to connect technical devices of information system.

All types of translators work in passive mode. Translators BVC-240P4 are switched on in the input and intermediate levels of data transmission channel, and the translator BVC-240P3 in the output of this channel.

Page 8: SNIIP, JSC · SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: e-mail: sales@sniip.ru RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT

13www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected], +7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69. 1312 www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected],

+7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69.

Designation: ABLK.468347.415


The unit is designed for use in automated systems of radiation monitoring and radiation safetylocal control systems at facilities with nuclear power units.

Switching unitBKA-51R


Adapter BVC-257Р is used to match the signals of the ultrasonic fl owmeter “Vzlet MR” and information pre-processing device UNO-209Р of local station LS-01R


Application :

Used within automatedradiation monitoring systems.

The unit provides

• receiving control commands from the device UNO-209Р, which is included in the local station LS-01R, at the threshold alarm settings exceeding in any of the four measuring channels of the local station

• issuing signals in the form of dry contacts through four channels into external systems.

Page 9: SNIIP, JSC · SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: e-mail: sales@sniip.ru RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT

15www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected], +7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69. 1514 www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected],

+7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69.

Designation: ABLK.468349.496

Distribution box KR

Designation: ABLK.468213.413


The unit is designed for use in automated systems of radiation monitoring and radiation safety lo-cal control systems at facilities with nuclear power units.

The unit provides:

• receiving, measuring and displaying information received from the fl ow readout box unit (FU) on the controlled fl ow of air through the detection unit (DU)

• translating information from DU and FU through the same cable from the unit to the device UNO-209R.

Flow readout box unit BKI-41R


Designed for use in automated systems of radiation monitoring and radiation safety local control systems at facilities with nuclear power units, distribution box is designed for electrical circuits redistribution from connectors of the device UKK-56Р27 to the connector blocks of BUK-type device, as well as connect a valves control.


from connectors ofBUK-type device, as well as connect a valves control.

Page 10: SNIIP, JSC · SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: e-mail: sales@sniip.ru RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT

17www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected], +7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69.1716 www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected],

+7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69. 1717

Designation: ABLK.468232.409


The unit is designed to provide information in the form of tricolor light and sound signals about the value ranges of monitoring parameters.

Alarm unitBCC-46R1

Detection unitBDJG-13R

Detection deviceUDJG-35R

Detection unitBDGB-40P

Detection unitBDGB-21S3


Detection unit BDGG-02S

Detection unit BDAS-04R

Detection unit BDAG-05R1

Page 11: SNIIP, JSC · SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: e-mail: sales@sniip.ru RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT

19www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected], +7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69. 1918 www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected],

+7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69.

Designation: ABLK.418273.401


The device is intended for measu-rement of volumetric activity of beta-gamma-emitting radionuclides by gamma-radiation in li quid media.

The unit is applied as a part of systems and instrument complex at the facili-ties with nuclear power units or other facilities related to receiving, process-ing and use the radioactive materials.

Sensor: combo-scintillation.Measuring range: Bq/m3.Protection category: IP67.

Detection device UDJG-35R

Designation: ABLK.418273.401


The unit is intended for measurement of volumetric activity of beta-gamma-emitting radionuclides after photon ra-diation in liquid media, including waste waters of the nuclear power plants.

The unit is applied as a part of systems and instrument complex at the facili-ties with nuclear power units or other facilities related to receiving, process-ing and use the radioactive materials.

Sensor: combo-scintillation.Measuring range: Bq/m3.Protection category: IP67.

Detection unit BDJG-13R

Page 12: SNIIP, JSC · SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: e-mail: sales@sniip.ru RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT

21www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected], +7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69. 2120 www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected],

+7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69.



The unit provides measurement of volumetric activity of gaseous nuclides (inert radioactive gases con-centration) in technological environ-ments and in the air of the premises.

The unit is applied as a part of sys-tems and instrument complex at the facilities with nuclear power units or other facilities related to receiving, processing and use the radioactive materials.

Sensor: Geiger – Muller.Measuring range: Bq/m3.Protection category: IP56.

Detection unitBDGB-21S3

Designation: ABLK.418274.403


The unit is designed for measuring volumetric activity of nuclides 133Хе, 85Kr of inert radioactive gases by beta-radiation.

The unit is applied as a part of systems and instrument complex at the facili-ties with nuclear power units or other facilities related to receiving, process-ing and use the radioactive materials.

Sensor: combo-scintillation.Measuring range: Bq/m3.Protection category: IP67.

Detection unit BDGB-40P

Page 13: SNIIP, JSC · SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: e-mail: sales@sniip.ru RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT

23www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected], +7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69. 2322 www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected],

+7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69.



The detection unit is designed to control the volumetric activity of alpha and beta-active aerosols in the air. The unit is applied as a part of systems and instrument complex at the facilities with nuclear power units or other facilities related to receiving, processing and use the radioactive materials.

Sensor: Silicon, spectrometric.Measuring range: Alpha activity – Bq/m3.Beta activity – Bq/m3.Protection category: IP65.

Detection unitBDAS-04R



Provides measuring of volumetric activity of radionuclides in gases. Designed to monitor the status of the active zone and the condition of fuel element shells using the changing the volumetric activity of gaseous nuclides in the monitoring gas loop and for do-simetry and process monitoring.

The unit is used in composition sys-tems and instrument systems at the facilities with nuclear power plants and other facilities related to receiv-ing, processing and use of radioactive materials.

Detection unit BDGG-02S

Sensor: Semicondactor.Measuring range (MBq/m3):

133Xe –, 41Ar –.Protection category: IP56.

Page 14: SNIIP, JSC · SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: e-mail: sales@sniip.ru RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT

25www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected], +7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69.2524 www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected],

+7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69.



The unit is intended for measure-ment of volumetric activity of iodine 131. The unit may be used as a part of systems and instrument complex at the facilities with nu-clear power units or other facilities related to receiving, processing and use the radioactive materials.

Sensor: Scintillation.Measuring range: Bq/m3.Protection category: IP65.

Detection unit BDAG-05R1


Filter holderFD-02M

Electric valves control unitBUEK-01R

Compressorcontrol unitBUK-1R

Compressorcontrol unitBUK-2R

Page 15: SNIIP, JSC · SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: e-mail: sales@sniip.ru RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT

27www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected], +7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69. 2726 www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected],

+7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69.

Designation: ABLK.468332.564


The unit is designed for separate control of four sole-noid valve (electronic switches) of DC voltage of +24V (opening and closing of valves) via control signals from command devices, or in the form of dry contacts, or digitally via channel EIA RS-485 (MODBUS).

Electric valves control unit BUEK-01R

Application :

• receiving control on/off signals for SV from technical means of upper system level

• management of on/off states of SV, receiving “dry contact” signals from SV about their status

• generating handshake signals about the status of SV onto the upper or lower level of technical means

• ability of manual control of SV

• visualizing states of SV and unit operation mode on the information display

• integrated diagnostics.

Designation: ABLK.468332.533


The unit is designed for use in automated systems (system) of radiation monitoring and radiation safety local control systems (complex) at facilities with nuclear power units.

Controls the compressor air intake after commands from upper technical means (UTM) in the emission control sys-tems and control lines for inert radioactive gases from the containment vessel after an accident.

Compressor control unit BUK-1R

Application :

The unit is an automatic hardware-softwaredevice, designed to:

• control the compressor after UTM commands

• generate signals about the status of the com-pressor and information about self-operability onto UTM

• generate signals at compressor malfunction onto the complete transformer substations of pole type with feed-water pump

• provide manual control of the compressor

• control temperature of the compressor.

Page 16: SNIIP, JSC · SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: e-mail: sales@sniip.ru RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT

29www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected], +7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69. 2928 www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected],

+7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69.



The fi lter holder is designed for the AFA-type fi lters (analytic aerosol fi lters) with a fi lter surface area of 20 cm2 or any other fi lters of similar design to be installed in it at the time of exposure. FD-02M is a part of the radiation monitoring system and can be used at nuclear power plants with any type reactors, as well as at enterprises of the nuclear fuel cycle, radioactive waste, spent nuclear fuel and other factories.

Filter holderFD-02M


The unit is designed for use in automated systems (system) of radiation monitoring and radiation safety local control systems (complex) at facilities with nuclear power units.

Compressor control unit BUK-2R

Application :

Serves for the coordinated control of compressors (pri-mary and backup) and the main valves in normal ope-ration mode while the air intake from the premises by commands from upper technical means of the system (UTM), with temperature control of the compressor

Page 17: SNIIP, JSC · SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: e-mail: sales@sniip.ru RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT

31www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected], +7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69. 31

Designation:ABLK.418266.451-01 ABLK.418266.451-02


Designed to measure the gamma radiation absorbed dose rate in the air (ADR).

The unit may be used as a part of systems and instrument complex at the facilities with nuclear power units or other facilities related to receiving, processing and use the radioactive materials.

Sensor: Silicon, ion implanted.Measuring range: Gy/h.Protection category: IP67.

Detection unitBDRG-42R


Detection unit BDRG-42R

Detection unitBDBG-13R

Detection unitBDRG-17S1

Detection unitBDRG-17S1K

Detection unitBDRG-17S2

Detection unitBDRG-17S2K

Detection unitBDRG-17S4

Detection unitBDRG-17S4K

Page 18: SNIIP, JSC · SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: e-mail: sales@sniip.ru RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT

33www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected], +7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69. 3332 www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected],

+7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69.



Designed to measure the gamma radiation exposure (absorbed in the air) dose rate.

The unit may be used as a part of systems and instrument complex at the facilities with nuclear power units or other facilities related to receiving, processing and use the radioactive materials.

Sensor: Geiger – Muller.Measuring range: Gy/h.Protection category: IP67.

Detection unitBDRG-17S1


Designed to measure the photon emission ambient equivalent dose rate (AEDR). The unit may be used as a part of systems and instrument complex at the facilities with nuclear power units or other facilities related to receiving, processing and use the radioactive materials.

Sensor: Silicon, ion implanted.Measuring range: Sv/h.Protection category: IP67.

Detection unit BDBG-13R

Page 19: SNIIP, JSC · SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: e-mail: sales@sniip.ru RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT

35www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected], +7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69. 3534 www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected],

+7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69.


Designed to measure the gamma radiation exposure rate (absorbedin the air).

The unit is applied as a part of systems and instrument complex at the facilities with nuclear power units or other facilities related to receiving, processing and use the radioactive materials.

Sensor: Geiger – Muller.Measuring range: Gy/h.Protection category: IP67.

Detection unitBDRG-17S2

Designation:JS2.328.663-08 JS2.328.663-09


Provides indication of volumetric activity of gamma-emitting nuclides in the pipeline with diameter of 60 mm and in the pipeline with diameter of 220 mm when it is installed on a special platform by the collimator in the direction of the pipeline with the controlled environment.

Sensor: Geiger – Muller.Measuring range: Gy/h.Protection category: IP67.

Detection unit BDRG-17S1K

Page 20: SNIIP, JSC · SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: e-mail: sales@sniip.ru RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT

37www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected], +7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69. 3736 www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected],

+7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69.


Designed to measure the gamma radiation exposure rate (absorbed in the air).

The unit is applied as a part of systems and instrument complex at the facilities with nuclear power units or other facilities related to receiving, processing and use the radioactive materials.

Sensor: Geiger – Muller.Measuring range: Gy/h.Protection category: IP67.

Detection unitBDRG-17S4

Designation:JS2.328.663-12 JS2.328.663-13


Provides indication of volumetric ac-tivity of gamma-emitting nuclides in the pipeline with diameter of 60 mm and in the pipeline with diameter of 220 mm when it is installed on a special platform by the collimator in the direction of the pipeline with the controlled environment.

Sensor: Geiger – Muller.Measuring range: Gy/h.Protection category: IP67.

Detection unit BDRG-17S2K

Page 21: SNIIP, JSC · SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: e-mail: sales@sniip.ru RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT

39www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected], +7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69.3938 www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected],

+7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69.

Designation:JS2.328.663-14 JS2.328.663-15


Provides indication of volumetric activi-ty of gamma-emitting nuclides in the pipeline with diameter of 60 mm and in the pipeline with diameter of 220 mm when it is installed on a special plat-form by the collimator in the direction of the pipeline with the controlled environment.

Sensor: Geiger – Muller.Measuring range: Gy/h.Protection category: IP67.

Detection unit BDRG-17S4K


Page 22: SNIIP, JSC · SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: e-mail: sales@sniip.ru RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT

41www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected], +7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69. 4140 www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected],

+7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69.

• creating and editing video frames using the integrated graphic editor

• displaying measurement and diagnostic information in the form of tables, graphs, charts and histograms

• creating and maintaining the archives, formation of queries to the archives to get the informa-tion of the radiation and tech-nological parameters in different time periods, including measure-ment and diagnostic archives and archives of the events; displaying

Automated Radiation Monitoring System upper level software, developed by SNIIP, allows integration both the lower level equipment of own production and equipment from outside or foreign manufacturer.

archives’ data in charts, tables, and reporting forms

• generalized representation of current and historical information for each measurement channel in special informational windows

The main functions of the upper level software for the ARMS are:

• displaying of measurement and diagnostic information on video frames in the form of symbols and numerical values, the repre-sentation of aggregated data of the ARMS

The upper level control software for automated radiation monitor-ing system (ARMS) is designed for the centralized control of the radiation environment and includes functionality to con-trol the lower level equipment of the ARMS, displaying and processing current and archived information and diagnostics of the lower level equpment.

• preparing the unifi ed report forms to print out

• displaying the reference informa-tion about the lower level equip-ment of the ARMS and measure-ment channels

• transmitting commands to con-trol actuators by requests of the operator

• executing the special algorithms.

Page 23: SNIIP, JSC · SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: e-mail: sales@sniip.ru RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT

43www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected], +7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69. 43SNIIP, JSC today.

Products life cycle. Full cycle production


Full cycle production:

Tooling production

• Procuring area

• Foundry site

• Stamping area

• Lathe area, milling

• Metalwork area

• CNC machines area

• Decorative coatingsarea

Scientifi cresearches,developmentand constructing.

Page 24: SNIIP, JSC · SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: e-mail: sales@sniip.ru RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT

45www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected], +7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69. 4544 www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected],

+7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69.

Assembling andmounting production

• Assembling area

• Surface mount line area (SMT line)

• Adjustment site

• Paint section

• Serigraphy

• Metalworkassembly area

• Packing area

Page 25: SNIIP, JSC · SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: e-mail: sales@sniip.ru RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT

47www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected], +7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69. 4746 www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected],

+7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69.

Metrologyand Testing Center

The SNIIP State Testing Center for measuring instruments of nuclear instrumentation products (STC MI of SNIIP) is registered in the State Reg-ister of measuring instruments under No. 30050-08, and certifi ed accord-ing to ISO 17025, ISO 9001.

The STC MI of SNIIP is equipped by the attested proof-of-concept equip-ment and as per prescribed manner proven standards, manned by the skilled personnel, disposes a fund of normatively-technical and other necessary documents suffi cient for testing of measuring facilities - wares of nuclear instrumentation.

The results of tests are registered in protocols, containing information about the results of tests, parametric

values and descriptions of measuring facilities, as well as by a test report, the form of which corresponds to the prescribed one by the normative documents of the State System for ensuring the uniformity of measure-ments.

Besides the measuring facilities for wares of nuclear instrumentation, the STC MI of SNIIP possesses the attested equipment for testing the operating parameters indicated below:

• temperature (high and low temperature, abrupt temperature changes)

• relative humidity,

• pressure(rapid changing of pressure)

• solar radiation

• sinusoidal vibrations

• seismic resistance

• temperature (high and low temperature, abrupt temperature changes)

• relative humidity,

• pressure(rapid changing of pressure)

• solar radiation

• sinusoidal vibrations

• seismic resistance

Page 26: SNIIP, JSC · SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: e-mail: sales@sniip.ru RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT

49www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected], +7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69. 4948 www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected],

+7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69.

• jutter at transportation

• shock infl uence

• roll-trim

• linear overloads

• leaktightness,drop-impermeability

• impermeability in vacuum

• permanent and variablemagnetic fi elds

• deviation of power supplyfrequency and voltage

• power consumption

• electrical safety

Page 27: SNIIP, JSC · SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: e-mail: sales@sniip.ru RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT

51www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected], +7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69. 5150 www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected],

+7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69.

• Integrated managementsystem of reactor facility(IMS RF)

Integrated management system of reactor facility for the WWER type reactors is designed for au-tomated management of reactor functioning, monitoring its perfor-mance parameters and ensuring emergency protection.

Equipment for In-Core Instru-mentation System (ICIS).

In-Core Instrumentation Sys-tem equipment provides meas-urement of nuclear-physical parameters of the reactor core to

ensure safe operating conditions. ICIS system is a part of IMS RF.

• Automated Radiation Monitoring System (ARMS)

Automated Radiation Control System Designed to provide ra-diation and technological control of the power generating unit and provides radiation monitoring of the premises, vaults, fi lters, emis-sions, and discharges.

• Automated radiation situation monitoring system (ARSMS)

Automated radiation environment monitoring system is designed for continuous monitoring of radiation and meteorological conditions in the area of radia-tion-hazardous object. One the main functions of the system is the control existing and potential sources of radioactive contami-nation of water and air.

• Equipment for civilian objects, such as transport terminals, emergency services, bridges and other crowded places:

automated chemical monitor-ing systems (ACMS), diesel generators, instrumentation and automation.

Civil productsEquipment for NPP and combines

Page 28: SNIIP, JSC · SNIIP, JSC Address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina st. 5, build. 1 Tel: +7(499)968-60-60 ext.21-69 Web-site: e-mail: sales@sniip.ru RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT

52 www.sniip.ru, E-mail: [email protected], +7 (499) 968-60-60 ext.: 21-69.

Installation supervision and com-missioning support of the operation author’s supervision

• Installation supervision

• Adjustment supervision

• Commissioning

• Participation in the autonomous and integrated tests

• Put into operation

• Maintenance during operation

• Technical support after comple-tion of warranty period

• Author supervision

• Decommissioning

*List of works and services, provided by the SNIIP, JSC