Presented by Winter 2005-06 Edition Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption

Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption

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Page 1: Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption

Presented by

W i n t e r 2 0 0 5 - 0 6 E d i t i o n

Snapshots ofPhiladelphia’s Children

Awaiting Adoption

Page 2: Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption

The Heart Gallery

of Philadelphia

More than 20 professional

photographers donated

their time and skill to

create beautiful, compelling

portraits of foster children in

Philadelphia as part of the

Heart Gallery’s goal of finding

permanent, loving homes for

these youth. Over the course of

the year, these photographs will

be part of a traveling exhibit.

The exhibit raises adoption

awareness, but more importantly

gives a voice to the many foster

children in our community

looking for their “forever family.”

Ultimately, the hope is

that through these portraits

prospective parents will be

moved to adopt. These children

are deserving of our attention,

our compassion, our help,

and our respect.

To learn more about the Heart

Gallery of Philadelphia or to find

the location of the exhibit, visit


List of Contributing Photographers

Kara Barnett

Bob Bueding

Charles Callaghan

Karen Carey

Chris Crisman

David DeBalko

Debra DiFulvio

Aimee Dilger

Michelle DuSold

Lynn Fenimore

David Fonda

Christine Foster

Jessica Griffin

Terry Hirst

William Hooper

Peter Lester

Jennifer Levitt

Tom McKean

Dan Naylor

Sabina Louise Pierce

Judy Silverstein

Paul Simeone

Ed Wheeler

Tony Wood

Page 3: Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption

Dear Friend of Children:

Welcome to the Winter 2005-2006 edition of the PhillyKids Connection:

Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption presented by the Heart

Gallery of Philadelphia.

This year the Heart Gallery of Philadelphia volunteers donated their services to

collaborate with the Philadelphia Department of Human Services and the National

Adoption Center to fill these pages with extraordinary images of our children

awaiting adoption. Through the hard work and commitment of all those involved

we hope to find loving families for each of Philadelphia’s children in waiting.

In the City of Philadelphia, there are more than 100 children waiting to become

part of a loving family. DHS commits itself and its resources to protecting children,

preserving their safety, and establishing permanency in their lives. We have

witnessed the positive impact a stable living situation and the love and support

from an adoptive family has on transforming the lives of these children.

As you review this booklet, make a connection as you open your heart and read

about the children who are waiting for families to make a lifelong commitment.

They deserve the chance to be part of a loving family. Look within these pages to

meet each child, read their description and look into their eyes, taking the time

to make a personal connection. While adoption may not be for everyone, those

who decide to make this lifelong commitment will experience a unique bond

with their adoptive child.

Every child deserves the chance to grow up in a stable, nurturing and supportive

family environment. Adoption requires a willingness to open your home and a

commitment to create a lasting connection between parent and child.

Pick up the phone today and change a life forever. Call 1-800-TO-ADOPT and

ask for the PhillyKids Connection.


John F. Street Cheryl Ransom-GarnerMayor Commissioner

Page 4: Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption

The “PhillyKids Connection” Fact Sheet

What is the “PhillyKids Connection?”

The “PhillyKids Connection” is a collaborative effort between the PhiladelphiaDepartment of Human Services (DHS) and the National Adoption Center to recruitadoptive parents for Philadelphia’s population of children-in-waiting.

Do you have to reside in Philadelphia to adopt aPhiladelphia child?

Although the Philadelphia Department of Human Services is interested in recruitingmore adoptive parents from within the city, being a resident of Philadelphia is not arequirement in order to adopt a child from Philadelphia.

What is a typical profile of a Philadelphia child-in-waiting?

The majority of Philadelphia’s children-in-waiting are between the ages of eight and 12,although there are some children younger and older than this median age range andmore and more are becoming teenagers. The vast majority of Philadelphia’s children-in-waiting are African-American. Caucasian children and Hispanic children make up the balance. Some of the children have emotional, psychological and developmentalchallenges stemming from histories of poverty, abuse and neglect. Despite these circumstances, every one of these children deserves and would greatly benefit fromthe love and support of an adoptive family.

What are the requirements for becoming an adoptive parentof a Philadelphia child?

The first requirement is that you have plenty of love in your heart, space in your home and a true sense of commitment. The profile of adoptive parents has changeddramatically over the years. Single people, same sex couples, retirees, and trans-racialadoptive parents have joined the traditional nuclear family. Becoming an adoptive


Page 5: Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption

parent of any child is not easy. Children with special needs have endured varyingdegrees of trauma in their young lives, and therefore require a great deal of love,patience and support. Prospective adoptive parents must first submit an application tothe National Adoption Center. This application will then be forwarded to a licensedadoption agency that conducts background checks, an in-home assessment, and thenecessary training and orientation. The prospective family then works with the licensedagency and with the DHS social worker through the adoption process.

Can I choose the child I am interested in adopting?

The licensed adoption agency works closely with prospective adoptive parents toachieve the most ideal match between a family and child. Because this is a recruitmentinitiative for Philadelphia children, please emphasize with the adoption agency that youare interested in a child from Philadelphia. Although it is not always possible to adopt aspecific child - primarily because the needs of the child may not fit ideally with thecapabilities or home circumstances of the prospective adoptive parent – the adoptionagency and DHS will work closely with adoptive parents to bring about a unionbetween family and child that is in everyone’s best interests.

How do I get started with the adoption process?

You have already taken the first step by contacting our colleagues at the NationalAdoption Center. The next step is to fill out and mail the application you are sent by the National Adoption Center and follow up with the licensed adoption agency thatcontacts you about your interest.

What ongoing help and support can I expect from DHS?

There are various levels of financial subsidies available to adoptive parents. Additionally,the adoption agency and DHS will work closely with adoptive parents throughout theadoption process and beyond, in a committed effort to ensure that the bonds of loveand family are fully developed. For example, you will be provided with information onadoption support groups in your area.

Who can I speak with if I have additional questions aboutthe adoption process?

There are several organizations that stand ready to assist you:

National Adoption Center 1-800-TO-ADOPT

Statewide Adoption Network (S.W.A.N.) 1-800-585-SWAN


Page 6: Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption

Ronald, born 5/30/1991,enjoys outdoor activitiessuch as swimming andfishing. Ronald has aninquisitive personality but is always pleasant andpolite with everyone hemeets. If you would liketo open your heart andhome to this child, please call the NationalAdoption Center at 1-800-TO-ADOPT and ask for the “PhillyKidsConnection.”


Some of the children awaiting adoption have special needs and may be receiving services accordingly.

If you are interested in this specific child and you have already completed a home study, please ask your

adoption agency to contact DHS Social Worker Joan Jenkins at 215 683-6301.



Photographer Aimee Dilger

Page 7: Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption

Tiffany, born 4/20/1991, isan outgoing and friendlybundle of energy. She hasmany friends at schooland likes her teachers.Tiffany enjoys going tothe park, eating out,singing and participatingat summer camp. Sheaspires to go to collegeand become a nurse. Ifyou would like to openyour heart and home tothis child, please call theNational Adoption Centerat 1-800-TO-ADOPT and ask for the “PhillyKidsConnection.”


Some of the children awaiting adoption have special needs and may be receiving services accordingly.

If you are interested in this specific child and you have already completed a home study, please ask your

adoption agency to contact DHS Social Worker Joan Jenkins at 215 683-6301.



Photographer Judy Silverstein

Page 8: Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption

Nadirah, born 6/15/1998,is an intelligent girl thatloves playing with hertoys. Sometimes, she has difficulty interactingwith peers and acceptingdirection from authority.The family that adoptsNadirah will ideally be atwo parent family unitthat has experience withspecial needs, no smallchildren, and possiblyresides in the Philadelphiaarea. If you would like toopen your heart andhome to this child, please call the National Adoption Centerat 1-800-TO-ADOPT andask for the “PhillyKidsConnection.”


Some of the children awaiting adoption have special needs and may be receiving services accordingly.

If you are interested in this specific child and you have already completed a home study, please ask your

adoption agency to contact DHS Social Worker Joan Jenkins at 215 683-6301.



Photographer Charles Callaghan

Page 9: Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption

Luis, born 8/07/1992, is a young man who loves to be challengedwith problems to solve.At school, his favorite subject is math and healways impresses teacherswith his aptitude. Luis develops positiverelationships with histeachers and classmatesand always volunteers tohelp the teacher withclassroom projects. Afterschool, Luis loves to playbasketball and participatein church activities. Ifyou would like to openyour heart and home tothis child, please call theNational Adoption Centerat 1-800-TO-ADOPT andask for the “PhillyKidsConnection.”


Some of the children awaiting adoption have special needs and may be receiving services accordingly.

If you are interested in this specific child and you have already completed a home study, please ask your

adoption agency to contact DHS Social Worker Joan Jenkins at 215 683-6301.



Photographer David DeBalko

Page 10: Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption

It’s no wonder thatJonathan’s favorite restaurant is McDonald’s.He loves to smile andloves to see you smile.Jonathan, born 5/15/1995,is an active and inquisi-tive young man that loves to play video games,watch movies and listento hip-hop music. Heenjoys reading and prideshimself on being a goodreader. The family thatadopts Jonathan mustprovide him with a structured and nurturingenvironment. If youwould like to open yourheart and home to thischild, please call theNational Adoption Centerat 1-800-TO-ADOPT andask for the “PhillyKidsConnection.”


Some of the children awaiting adoption have special needs and may be receiving services accordingly.

If you are interested in this specific child and you have already completed a home study, please ask your

adoption agency to contact DHS Social Worker Joan Jenkins at 215 683-6301.



Photographer Jennifer Levitt

Page 11: Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption

Shawn, born 2/29/1998, is a pleasant, non verbalyoung man. He is attentive and cooperativewith everyone aroundhim. He enjoys listeningto music, dancing, andplaying with objects thatmake sound or light.Shawn is a special needschild who requires assistance in most areas of daily living. If youwould like to open yourheart and home to thischild, please call theNational Adoption Centerat 1-800-TO-ADOPT andask for the “PhillyKidsConnection.”


Some of the children awaiting adoption have special needs and may be receiving services accordingly.

If you are interested in this specific child and you have already completed a home study, please ask your

adoption agency to contact DHS Social Worker Joan Jenkins at 215 683-6301.



Photographer Terry Hirst

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Evelyn, born 2/25/2001, is a charming little ladywith a winning smile anda laugh full of joy. Sheenjoys watching Dora the Explorer and Disney feature films. Evelyn is bilingual and lovesdancing to music. If youwould like to open yourheart and home to thischild, please call theNational Adoption Centerat 1-800-TO-ADOPT andask for the “PhillyKidsConnection.”


Some of the children awaiting adoption have special needs and may be receiving services accordingly.

If you are interested in this specific child and you have already completed a home study, please ask your

adoption agency to contact DHS Social Worker Joan Jenkins at 215 683-6301.



Photographer Karen Carey

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Timothy, born 8/30/90, is a smart and well spoken young man. He has a great sense ofhumor and quickly bonds to people. He is very caring and loves to help others. Timothybelongs to a sibling group and is looking for ahome that is willing to adopt he and his brotherAntonio. If you would like to open your heartand home to these children, please call theNational Adoption Center at 1-800-TO-ADOPTand ask for the “PhillyKids Connection.”


Some of the children awaiting adoption have special needs and may be receiving services accordingly.

If you are interested in these specific children and you have already completed a home study, please ask your

adoption agency to contact DHS Social Worker Joan Jenkins at 215 683-6301.


Photographer Sabina Pierce

Antonio, born 7/24/1991,is a playful and politeyoung man who can easily carry a conversationwith adults. His favoritesport is football but healso enjoys playing othersports. Antonio workshard in school where hisfavorite class is readingand his least favorite ismath. Antonio belongs to a sibling group and islooking for a home that is willing to also adopt hisbrother Timothy. If youwould like to open yourheart and home to thesechildren, please call theNational Adoption Centerat 1-800-TO-ADOPT andask for the “PhillyKidsConnection.”


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Raheem, born 1/22/1991,is a handsome and charming young manwith a winning smile. He enjoys watching andplaying all types of sports.He listens to Hip-Hop andGospel Music. Raheem has a healthy appetite and loves fried chicken,macaroni & cheese, andcorn bread. One ofRaheem’s favorite thingsto do is to go to Church.If you would like to openyour heart and home tothis child, please call theNational Adoption Centerat 1-800-TO-ADOPT andask for the “PhillyKidsConnection.”


Some of the children awaiting adoption have special needs and may be receiving services accordingly.

If you are interested in this specific child and you have already completed a home study, please ask your

adoption agency to contact DHS Social Worker Joan Jenkins at 215 683-6301.



Photographer Aimee Dilger

Page 15: Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption

Troy, born 6/26/1997, isan extremely intelligentchild with brown eyes and brown hair. He isalways eager to help withactivities and often displays a positive attitude. Troy enjoysplaying video games,watching cartoons andspending time with animals. If you would like to open your heartand home to this child,please call the NationalAdoption Center at 1-800-TO-ADOPT and ask for the “PhillyKidsConnection.”


Some of the children awaiting adoption have special needs and may be receiving services accordingly.

If you are interested in this specific child and you have already completed a home study, please ask your

adoption agency to contact DHS Social Worker Joan Jenkins at 215 683-6301.



Photographer David Fonda

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Joseph, born 03/29/1991,developed an interest intraveling after visitingVirginia and Washington,D.C. He enjoys campingand taking hikes throughthe woods. Joseph is ahighly creative youngman who loves to spend time drawing andcoloring. At school, hisfavorite classes are math,spelling and gym. If youwould like to open yourheart and home to thischild, please call theNational Adoption Centerat 1-800-TO-ADOPT andask for the “PhillyKidsConnection.”


Some of the children awaiting adoption have special needs and may be receiving services accordingly.

If you are interested in this specific child and you have already completed a home study, please ask your

adoption agency to contact DHS Social Worker Joan Jenkins at 215 683-6301.



Photographer David DeBalko

Page 17: Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption

Darnell, born 2/8/1990, isa sweet, considerate youngman with a good sense ofhumor. He enjoys thecompany of adults and isgreat at rememberingnames and faces of peoplehe meets. He loves artsand crafts and is oftendrawing or coloring.Darnell likes school anddoes well in his classeswith one on one attentionand assistance. Darnellaspires to be a part of a family and wants amother and father. If youwould like to open yourheart and home to thischild, please call theNational Adoption Centerat 1-800-TO-ADOPT andask for the “PhillyKidsConnection.”


Some of the children awaiting adoption have special needs and may be receiving services accordingly.

If you are interested in this specific child and you have already completed a home study, please ask your

adoption agency to contact DHS Social Worker Joan Jenkins at 215 683-6301.



Photographer Peter Lester

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Sade, born 10/10/1990, is a friendly, fun-lovinggirl. She enjoys playinggames and swimming.Sade is looking for a family that will be opento her maintaining contact and visits with her biological brothersand sister. Sade has madegreat strides in improvingher ability to get alongwith her peers, and would do well in a homewith other children or byherself. If you would liketo open your heart andhome to this child, please call the NationalAdoption Center at 1-800-TO-ADOPT and ask for the “PhillyKidsConnection.”


Some of the children awaiting adoption have special needs and may be receiving services accordingly.

If you are interested in this specific child and you have already completed a home study, please ask your

adoption agency to contact DHS Social Worker Joan Jenkins at 215 683-6301.



Photographer Kara Barnett

Page 19: Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption

Patricia, born 4/19/1994,has an ear for music. She enjoys singing andwants to learn how toplay the piano. This seventh grader is an avidreader who is making agreat effort to achieve academically. If youwould like to open yourheart and home to thischild, please call theNational Adoption Centerat 1-800-TO-ADOPT andask for the “PhillyKidsConnection.”


Some of the children awaiting adoption have special needs and may be receiving services accordingly.

If you are interested in this specific child and you have already completed a home study, please ask your

adoption agency to contact DHS Social Worker Joan Jenkins at 215 683-6301.



Photographer Tony Wood

Page 20: Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption

Chaka, born 7/01/1991, is a remarkable younglady with a positive outlook on life. She lovesto play sports, especially basketball and aspires tobe a professional basket-ball player. Chaka reallywants to have a family of her own. If you wouldlike to open your heartand home to this child,please call the NationalAdoption Center at 1-800-TO-ADOPT and ask for the “PhillyKidsConnection.”


Some of the children awaiting adoption have special needs and may be receiving services accordingly.

If you are interested in this specific child and you have already completed a home study, please ask your

adoption agency to contact DHS Social Worker Joan Jenkins at 215 683-6301.



Photographer Terry Hirst

Page 21: Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption

Mikal, born 3/07/1996, is an amazing child whodoes well in school. He attends church on aregular basis and socializeswell with most adults.Mikal enjoys dressingnicely, swimming, football, drawing and creating things with his hands. If you wouldlike to open your heartand home to this child,please call the NationalAdoption Center at 1-800-TO-ADOPT and ask for the “PhillyKidsConnection.”


Some of the children awaiting adoption have special needs and may be receiving services accordingly.

If you are interested in this specific child and you have already completed a home study, please ask your

adoption agency to contact DHS Social Worker Joan Jenkins at 215 683-6301.



Photographer Tom McKean

Page 22: Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption

Stacey, born 3/04/1990loves trips to the zoobecause she gets to learnabout exotic animals.One days she hopes to bea hairdresser. She loveslearning about music, culture and history.Stacey enjoys playingmany sports, drawing andlearning about art. If youwould like to open yourheart and home to thischild, please call theNational Adoption Centerat 1-800-TO-ADOPT andask for the “PhillyKidsConnection.”


Some of the children awaiting adoption have special needs and may be receiving services accordingly.

If you are interested in this specific child and you have already completed a home study, please ask your

adoption agency to contact DHS Social Worker Joan Jenkins at 215 683-6301.



Photographer Karen Carey

Page 23: Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption

Tashime, born12/30/1993, is a handsome child with a beautiful smile. Heenjoys playing outside,shooting hoops, throwingthe football and riding hisbike. One of his favoritepastimes is learning howto play the drums. If youwould like to open yourheart and home to thischild, please call theNational Adoption Centerat 1-800-TO-ADOPT andask for the “PhillyKidsConnection.”


Some of the children awaiting adoption have special needs and may be receiving services accordingly.

If you are interested in this specific child and you have already completed a home study, please ask your

adoption agency to contact DHS Social Worker Joan Jenkins at 215 683-6301.



Photographer Jessica Griffin

Page 24: Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption

Steven, born 11/26/1991,is a bright student who is in the seventh grade.He enjoys playing different sports andwatching his favoriteshows on the television.If you would like to openyour heart and home tothis child, please call theNational Adoption Centerat 1-800-TO-ADOPT and ask for the “PhillyKidsConnection.”


Some of the children awaiting adoption have special needs and may be receiving services accordingly.

If you are interested in this specific child and you have already completed a home study, please ask your

adoption agency to contact DHS Social Worker Joan Jenkins at 215 683-6301.



Photographer Debra DiFulvio

Page 25: Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption

Marquise, born 3/30/1994,has a special interest incars and collects modelcars as a way to learnmore about the differenttypes. He enjoys participating in varioussporting events but basketball will alwaysremain his favorite sport.If you would like to openyour heart and home tothis child, please call theNational Adoption Centerat 1-800-TO-ADOPT andask for the “PhillyKidsConnection.”


Some of the children awaiting adoption have special needs and may be receiving services accordingly.

If you are interested in this specific child and you have already completed a home study, please ask your

adoption agency to contact DHS Social Worker Joan Jenkins at 215 683-6301.



Photographer Ed Wheeler

Page 26: Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption

Monte, born 8/15/1996, is a handsome and intelligent youth. Oneday he hopes to join asoccer team. Monte is a friendly child who loves riding his bike. His two favorite holidaysare Halloween andChristmas. If he couldtravel anywhere, Montewould want to visitDisney World. If youwould like to open yourheart and home to thischild, please call theNational Adoption Centerat 1-800-TO-ADOPT andask for the “PhillyKidsConnection.”


Some of the children awaiting adoption have special needs and may be receiving services accordingly.

If you are interested in this specific child and you have already completed a home study, please ask your

adoption agency to contact DHS Social Worker Joan Jenkins at 215 683-6301.



Photographer Dan Naylor

Page 27: Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption

Michael, born 2/08/1994,is a shy young man. Heloves participating in out-door activities such asfootball, basketball andbike riding. Michaelenjoys the company ofothers and loves to do artsand crafts projects. If youwould like to open yourheart and home to thischild, please call theNational Adoption Centerat 1-800-TO-ADOPT andask for the “PhillyKidsConnection.”


Some of the children awaiting adoption have special needs and may be receiving services accordingly.

If you are interested in this specific child and you have already completed a home study, please ask your

adoption agency to contact DHS Social Worker Joan Jenkins at 215 683-6301.



Photographer Chris Crisman

Page 28: Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption

David, born 3/30/1992, is a young man with awonderful sense of humorand a talent for makingpeople laugh. Davidattends an alternative education program wherehis favorite subjects arescience and math. He is ina physical fitness programthat he enjoys and hewants to get into bettershape. David has putmuch thought into hisfuture plans and wouldlike to go to college. After college, he wouldlike to enter the Army orbecome a fire fighter. Ifyou would like to openyour heart and home tothis child, please call theNational Adoption Centerat 1-800-TO-ADOPT andask for the “PhillyKidsConnection.”


Some of the children awaiting adoption have special needs and may be receiving services accordingly.

If you are interested in this specific child and you have already completed a home study, please ask your

adoption agency to contact DHS Social Worker Joan Jenkins at 215 683-6301.



Photographer William Hooper

Page 29: Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption

Ziare, born 8/17/2001,loves playing with his cars and action figures.He enjoys watching cartoons and cuddling upto people. If you wouldlike to open your heartand home to this child,please call the NationalAdoption Center at 1-800-TO-ADOPT and ask for the “PhillyKidsConnection.”


Some of the children awaiting adoption have special needs and may be receiving services accordingly.

If you are interested in this specific child and you have already completed a home study, please ask your

adoption agency to contact DHS Social Worker Joan Jenkins at 215 683-6301.



Photographer Michele Du Sold

Page 30: Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption

Aisha, born 1/8/1994, is a sociable young lady who loves to smile and laugh at jokes. Aisha enjoys dancing to Hip-Hopmusic, playing dress up and singing along to theradio. She is a hard workerand is making progress in school. In addition to enjoying time on the computer she loves physical education and reading. Some of Aisha’sfavorite foods are BBQ ribs, greens, chicken andice cream. If you would like to open your heart andhome to this child, please call the NationalAdoption Center at 1-800-TO-ADOPT and ask for the “PhillyKidsConnection.”


Some of the children awaiting adoption have special needs and may be receiving services accordingly.

If you are interested in this specific child and you have already completed a home study, please ask your

adoption agency to contact DHS Social Worker Joan Jenkins at 215 683-6301.



Photographer Christine Foster

Page 31: Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption

Tiffany, born 5/31/2000, is a bright energetic little girl with dark hair anddark eyes. This young lady loves attention and works hard to obtain it.Tiffany loves all types of food but is partial to junk foods. Tiffany belongs to a sibling group and is looking for ahome that is willing to adopt her andher brother Joseph. If you would like to open your heart and home to thesechildren, please call the NationalAdoption Center at 1-800-TO-ADOPTand ask for the “PhillyKids Connection.”Joseph, born 7/01/2001, is a young manwho loves to sing and imitate MichaelJackson. He has a quiet nature andinteracts very well with other people.He loves to try new food but also enjoys eating junk food. Joseph belongs to asibling group and is looking for a homethat is willing to also adopt his sisterTiffany. If you would like to open your heart and home to these children, please call the National Adoption Centerat 1-800-TO-ADOPT and ask for the“PhillyKids Connection.”


Some of the children awaiting adoption have special needs and may be receiving services accordingly.

If you are interested in these specific children and you have already completed a home study, please ask your

adoption agency to contact DHS Social Worker Joan Jenkins at 215 683-6301.

Tiffany & Joseph


Photographer J. Paul Simeone

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The City of Philadelphia and the Department of

Human Services thank the Heart Gallery of

Philadelphia and the photographers who have

generously donated their services and time.

The City of Philadelphia and the Department of

Human Services do not discriminate, or permit

discrimination against people because of race, color,

religion, age, marital status, national origin,

disability, sexual orientation, or ancestry.

Page 36: Snapshots of Philadelphia’s Children Awaiting Adoption

Philadelphia Department of Human Services1515 Arch Street

Philadelphia, PA 19102


John F. Street, MayorCity of Philadelphia

Pedro A. RamosManaging Director

City of Philadelphia

Julia Danzy Director

Division of Social Services

Cheryl Ransom-GarnerCommissioner

Department of Human Services