Temple Learning Academy SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural) Calendar for 2017/2018 This is an overview of the key events we have planned for this year. There are so many worthy charities and awareness days – we have tried to include a range of different awareness celebrations. These develop our sense of community; develop our values and our knowledge, tolerance, understanding and support of others. If you feel you can support with any of these events please get in touch. SMSC at Temple Learning Academy At Temple Learning Academy, we recognise that the personal development of pupils, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve. We therefore aim to provide an education with inbuilt opportunities to explore and develop their own values and beliefs, spiritual awareness, high standards of personal behaviour, a positive caring attitude towards other people, an understanding of their social and cultural traditions and an appreciation of the diversity and richness of many cultures. This is embedded throughout all aspects of school life. Our everyday education: Is holistic rather than focused narrowly on purely academic aspects of learning Provides opportunities which include learning how to play and work together, understanding each other, our rights and views. Prepares learners to contribute to society and culture throughout their lives and enables them to contribute positively to the life of the school, community and wider society. Gives everyone a change to celebrate their uniqueness and that of others. As well as our commitment to a curriculum model that supports this approach and ongoing enrichment opportunities we have a timetable of events and activities which support and enhance our offer.

SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural) Calendar for ... · Temple Learning Academy SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural) Calendar for 2017/2018 This is an overview of the

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Page 1: SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural) Calendar for ... · Temple Learning Academy SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural) Calendar for 2017/2018 This is an overview of the

Temple Learning Academy

SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural) Calendar for 2017/2018

This is an overview of the key events we have planned for this year. There are so many worthy charities and awareness days – we have

tried to include a range of different awareness celebrations. These develop our sense of community; develop our values and our

knowledge, tolerance, understanding and support of others.

If you feel you can support with any of these events please get in touch.

SMSC at Temple Learning Academy At Temple Learning Academy, we recognise that the personal development of pupils, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve. We therefore aim to provide an education with inbuilt opportunities to explore and develop their own values and beliefs, spiritual awareness, high standards of personal behaviour, a positive caring attitude towards other people, an understanding of their social and cultural traditions and an appreciation of the diversity and richness of many cultures. This is embedded throughout all aspects of school life. Our everyday education:

Is holistic rather than focused narrowly on purely academic aspects of learning

Provides opportunities which include learning how to play and work together, understanding each other, our rights and views.

Prepares learners to contribute to society and culture throughout their lives and enables them to contribute positively to the life of the school, community and wider society.

Gives everyone a change to celebrate their uniqueness and that of others. As well as our commitment to a curriculum model that supports this approach and ongoing enrichment opportunities we have a timetable of events and activities which support and enhance our offer.

Page 2: SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural) Calendar for ... · Temple Learning Academy SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural) Calendar for 2017/2018 This is an overview of the

Date Event SMSC Objective

September 15th

Parent and carer coffee morning

Moral Social

To raise awareness of the care and support that TLA can offer all students and their families. To create a sense of community within the school

September 18th

Trust School Council Elections

Moral Social

Democracy in action – voting the Trust School Council members who will represent TLA throughout the year.

September 21st

Read, Write Inc. Curriculum Event


To raise awareness of how we teach phonics, reading and writing in school. To empower parents and carers, giving them the skills and confidence to be part of our reading community.

w/c September 25th

After School Enrichment Starts

Social Cultural Moral Spiritual

To provide extra enrichment opportunities for all pupils. Every day 3.30 – 4.30 pm.

w/c September 25th

TNLP Trust Sponsorship Week

Cultural Spiritual Moral

To be aware of the TNLP Trust, its members and the benefits they bring to the community.

September EID Cultural Spiritual

To celebrate EID. To develop an understanding of other faith.

October Black History Month

Cultural Spiritual Moral

To raise awareness of other cultures. To observe similarities and differences in theirs and the lives and others. To understand which prejudices exist.

October 3rd

Halton Moor Area Committee

Moral Social

Hosted in school, an opportunity for local residents to meet with Cllrs to discuss issues within the community.

Page 3: SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural) Calendar for ... · Temple Learning Academy SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural) Calendar for 2017/2018 This is an overview of the

October 17th

Harvest Celebrations

Moral Social

Everyone invited to make a special offering of food. All food donations made to St. George’s Crypt to support those in times of hardship in our community. Poems, songs and reflections. A whole school act of worship.

October 19th

Diwali Cultural Spiritual

To develop understanding and respect of other faiths. To observe similarities and differences. We aim to have a Hindu visitor celebrate with us.

November 5th

Guy Fawkes Night

Cultural Spiritual Social

To understand events in our history that shaped Britain. To consider safety around this event.


12th Armistice Day

Moral Cultural Spiritual

To ensure children remember World War II in Britain and the sacrifices made by our ancestors. At 11am we will observe the national silence and reflect on sacrifice (age appropriate).


13th – 17th

Anti-bullying Week

Moral Spiritual

To raise awareness of bullying and discuss what we can do to stop it. To ensure children and parents have the skills to seek help if they need it. The theme is ‘All Different All Equal’ and we shall create an audio clip giving advice on what to do if you are being bullied.


20th – 24th

Road Safety Week

Moral Social

Raising awareness of road safety and looking at how we can help keep each other safe. To encourage walking to school and exploring the healthy aspects to this.



St. Andrew’s Day

Cultural Social Spiritual

To understand the importance of St. Andrew's day to people living in Scotland.


12th Hanukkah

Cultural Spiritual

To raise awareness of Judaism and the importance of Hanukkah to Jews. Opportunity to compare to own beliefs.

Page 4: SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural) Calendar for ... · Temple Learning Academy SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural) Calendar for 2017/2018 This is an overview of the


9th Christmas Fair

Social Cultural

A whole school celebration run by our PTFA.

December 14th

Carol Service Spiritual Social Cultural

TLA hosting a traditional family carol service after school. Join in with a mince pie and some seasonal singing. This will help us form links with our community and develop an appreciation for music.






Cultural Spiritual Moral Social

To understand the importance of Advent and Christmas within Christianity. To celebrate the true meaning of the Christian festival. Including: advent services, Christmas Jumper (charity day), parties and Nativity.



Halton Moor Area Committee

Moral Social

Hosted in school, an opportunity for local residents to meet with Cllrs to discuss issues within the community.




National Story Telling Week

Social Cultural

Storytelling can be found enriching lives everywhere. The sharing between teller and listener empowers, feeding the imagination from one generation to the next. We want to share that at TLA.




LGBT History Month

Cultural Spiritual Moral Social

To raise awareness of other cultures. To observe similarities and differences in theirs and the lives and others. To understand which prejudices exist.



Safer Internet Day

Moral Social Spiritual

Raising awareness with adults on how to stay safe when using the internet and other mobile technologies.

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Chinese New Year


To understand how Chinese people celebrate their New Year. To explore some of the traditions and customs associated with the day.


12th & 13th

Shrove Tuesday/Ash Wednesday and Lent

Cultural Spiritual Social Moral

Pupils to understand that Easter is an important event within the calendar of Christianity.


14th Valentine’s Day

Spiritual Cultural

To understand why people in Britain celebrate Valentine's Day.



International Mother Language Day

Cultural Spiritual Moral Social

To encourage children to maintain their knowledge of their mother language. To have improved awareness of the different languages spoken throughout the School. To promote linguistic and cultural diversity.

March 1st World Book Day

Cultural Social

What’s your favourite book? Come dressed as your favourite character. ALL staff will share their favourite books as part of our DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) activities. We may pay a visit to our local library too. This will raise the profile and enjoyment of reading.

March 11th Mother’s Day Moral Cultural

We shall look at the importance of all the female figures in our lives and give them thanks. To be grateful to the important women in our lives.

March 13th Commonwealth Day

Spiritual Cultural

To understand that the Commonwealth is a family of 53 nations, spread over every continent and ocean in the world. Although the people of the Commonwealth and different in many ways, they work together by sharing ideas and experiences, skills and knowledge.

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23rd Sport’s Relief

Social Moral Cultural

To understand that there are people in the UK and Africa, as well as other parts of the world who live in poverty. To understand how we can help disadvantaged people through fundraising. We shall be hosting some fun fundraising activities – would you like to take part?

April 1st Easter Sunday Cultural Spiritual

To understand the true meaning of Easter. To understand how Christians celebrate Easter. Be prepared to adorn your best Easter bonnets as we go on an egg hunt.

April 21st The Queen's Birthday

Social Cultural

Children understand why birthdays are celebrated. Children understand that Britain has a Monarchy and that the Queen is Head of State.

April 23rd St George's Day

Spiritual Cultural

Children celebrate English heritage and learn about the story of St. George and the Dragon. Children know that St. George is the Patron Saint of England.




Cultural Diversity Week

Cultural Spiritual Moral Social

To raise awareness about the importance of intercultural dialogue, diversity and inclusion. To build a community of individuals committed to support diversity with real and every day-life gestures. To combat stereotypes to improve understanding and cooperation among people from different cultures.

Date tbc Healthy Eating Week

Spiritual Cultural Moral Social

Children understand that eating healthy has a positive impact on their well-being. Children are encouraged to try new foods and make the right choices.

Page 7: SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural) Calendar for ... · Temple Learning Academy SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural) Calendar for 2017/2018 This is an overview of the

June 11th –


Child Safety Week

Spiritual Moral

Children have a greater awareness of potential dangers in and around the home.

June 17th Father’s Day Moral Cultural

We shall look at the importance of all the male figures in our lives and give them thanks. To be grateful to the important men in our lives.

July 5th Summer Fair Social Cultural

A whole school celebration run by our PTFA.