r THE MANHAS8RT PRESS. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 21, 1936 Afeu», Notes Of Interest In Manhasset Mrs Daniel OConnell, who has been a patient at the North Country Community Hospital In 01?n COve, Is recuperating from pneumonia at the home of her* brother. Arthur Moore on Summit Driveway Nassi^u Ck>unty To Foreclose c * Delinquenlsf Mr. and Mrs. George O. Linkictter | of Northern Boulevard will enter-1 tafn. at dinner at their home this evening Mr. and Mrs. fVed H. Rle- i bow, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kott- mliier, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm New-1 bold, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schencit. aii5 Mr. antt •Mr!^^.I*^!»^H<'Olllespie of Bdanhasset. ' ^ State Official Brines OHarter To Lions Club (Continued from Page 1) Mr. Hedger pointed out. work lS«r started on the tax arrearages With the assignment to his office of 10 WPA workers. These will start the work that *the larger group of civil service workers, will bring the compleUon. during July, August and tax liens on property two yean be-1 hind the taxes The 199t ^x de- llnqulht properUes will thus have liens upon them sold In JUly; the foreclosures on 1»30 delinquencies will follow. Records In the County Treasurers | office since 10& show a steadily ! I mounting total of delinquent taxes, j Mr. Hedger declared. He showed a, ArrangeinentH For' has list of taxes owed to the county as | SuDflay MaVle Junior League To Have Dance At The Temple Mr. and Mrs. R. A. , land Terrace entertained as their w^'-end guest Frederick Francals of Westharapton Beach. cole of High-1 Port Washington, West- hiiry UnitN Reprenent- ed At Dinner !- - mss ^'Evelyn Dleta. daughter of, Willis E. Dodge, president of the Mr. and Mrs, Edward Dietz of High- Great Ntck Uons Club, on Tuesday land Terrace, returned on Wednes- evening received the clubs charter day from Chatham; N. j.where she- from Herbert A. Djavatate governor, j had been vLslUng -Mr. and Mrs. =■' thP Mnn.vv Park i George Howell. , MT. ana Mrs, iwwai u u, t land Terrace, returned September Seeks to ^lieve Borden .In normal limes,Mr. Hedger explained, the amount of property falling behind In taxed is small. Now, with recent hard times, we ^iSr lax delffiquKrtg ptltorTip.' MwH It becomes necessary to foreclose. If we don't begin to get all this follows: 1928-a>In these two years the; tax books from the towns In Nas- j sau showe^ a total of $780,000 in [ At Meeting unpaid taxes. 1096gl.039.ai5 total unpaid 1091—$1,712,043 total unpaid 1933$4,560,507 total unpaid 1033$5,598,603 total unpaid 1934$4.070.»44 total unpaid 1936$4,839,570 total unpaid, one-half year's school taxes. -, Arrangements for a tea dance on Sunday afternoon were dis- cussed on Monday evening by mem-^ bers of the Junior beague of Temple Beth-El at a meeting In the social hall of the Temple. To Review Plays For Drama Groiiip lirgaret Wentworth Will Addreia Local Club Membera Miss Margaret 'Wentwbrth will lecture on''"Broadway at a Glance" at a meeting at 3 pm. on February 28 of the Drama Deiaartment of Flushing Man Fined For Drunken Driving Jesse Kahn, So years of age. of 33-41 iSoth Street, Flushing, on Wednesday everting was convicted by a Jury In the Great Neck court of driving while intoxicated. A $100 fine tVas Imposed by Justice of the Peace Egbert E. LeCluse. Kahn was arrested on January 16 at Northern Boulevard and the womans Club of Qr,eat Neck, I cutter Mill Road by Patrolman Mrs. William R. I Watson of the Nassau County en- { Rabbi Jacob Philip Ru^Jn i ious puzzles, conundrums and an- j lous puzzles, conundrum and w- DMplte ••lean" years, Mr. Hedger | agrams. Refreshments were scr- the I'wults oT fi^t years j and there was dancing, tax collections In the county were; Prc.sent were Sam Oxmari, Ed- at union Chapel Wltherell will preside. MlM Wentworth will review cur- rent plays, among them "Victoria Regina, "Pride, and Prejudice", "Ethan prome, 'First Lady, "Dead End", "Wlnterset',and "Lady Preci- ous Stream." Slie succeeded Wil- liam Lyons'Phei^ on the Town police. The patrolman testified that he saw Kahn 'firlve past a red traffic signal and ordered AtTEND thEah More than 30 komls Cniapter, q friends attended the' eon and theatre pJi day afternoon. Ani| .■4,at Chins at 44th I Broadway, the' pan,} matinee irerforirian,,. Abroad. . The Ohapivr win and cake .sale starting at 9:30 a ? at 74 Middle N«k 'Vetta Zoellner, chaj refreshments comu;,.,.,» cliarge of arrangetn^'''encouraging. On the town. State' ward Goldfarb. Bob Stillman.' Ucatlons. property, back on the tax rolls Where levy, 76 per cent was Herbert Jaffe. A1 Jaffe. Marge the Crierand has fcpntrTbuted drama columns to leading theatrical pub- put black figyres once more It will be Just too at a dinner at the Munsey, Park | books Golf Club. More than 100 members ! ., of the Weslburj'. Port Washington gy bad" Mr. Hedger Indl- afid Great Neck clubs were present, means the solvent proper- Wllliam C Vviison. president 'Of county next year will the Port Washington club ,-icted as ^ave to carry Ihe burden of the tax toastmaster. The visiting Lions were ' arrearages welcomed by Mr Dodge _ j ^ .searched," Mr Hedger said ' In ex- plaining what the.^tax arrears work Involved! "The "foreclosures will Mhss Florence Wright, of Port , have to be brought. It is .safe to Wa.shlngton entertained on Satur- J'*!? Director of property Involved day evening. Miss Kay Ro.senthal of t I amounts to 250.(XX) pieces of land of Great Neck. Mls.s Grace Heinz of Jack Cliamplain of the Port' port Washlrigton, Leroy Wenlger, . Wa.shlngton Club wa.s in charge of Stephen Chemela. Thomas Connell, entertainment, nnrt Buiii unrvenir of Miinhas.sel Other officers of- the Great Neck and Paul Varvenlc of ,Manhas.sei, ^ ^ j p^^^ property; land left over after Mir. and Mrs. LouU H. Ollle.sple of Ffiroredale Drive entertained at dinner' at ihel^ home on Friday eve- ning Mr. and Mrs. George O'Link- letter, Mr. and Mrs Alfred Kott- mlller, and Mr and Mrs Fred H. Rlebdw. collected; 81 per cent of school taxes , ,oiasser. Jaffe. Sarah Oxman, Gladys was paid in. also. The .speakers Included Mr, D>e. Dr. L. B. Scheib of Little Neck, for- mer medical superintendent at Wel- fare Island, and George Elder. York Director of | all kinds from 20-root fronts to I areas that embrace acres. of the land is unlm- wiitoi taiimtl bridge on Wednesday tne Me.sdames ----- - ........ I wltli a .small hole lit the top and vlcfi-pre.sidenl; GleiiRen King Vkrs 1 .^5^, paderiieath U>e words.^'kev-check,:, second vlce-jirt5iidenl; Leon o. laiia i6t hbme bUIIOlfig ni T^Bernstein. Harold Margan, Mich- ael Levy, Adele Yu.sen. Arthur Lambert. Miml Jacoby. Emile Mall- lard. Dot S,yaar. Rita 'Wolf. Car- vel Klee. Joyce Mayer,^ Stanley . Schlu-ssel,' ' Elaine Ro«en.' Carol Schattman. Betty Friedman. Sey- mour Komllor. Harriet Flnkelstein and Mrs Hafy^TtOsenbloom. Sis- terhood Advisor to the League. ' Florence Taylor wa.s a guest ; : i I of Ruth and Leonard Lader. and ':! Arnold Smith assisted in Uie in- ' Julius Glrisberg, Lennie Kushions I vestigallon. The three men are, and Vivian Mandclbaum were said to have had In their pos- , guests of carvel Kiee. _ . Ij .^ession a box cont^nihg a variety. next meeting will b^'- oiv of slugs of different sizes, each j \igrch 2 at the Temple iQueens Trio ' Arraigned In Plaza Court She 'is editor and .publisher of The Sign Post," a weekly review of current plays, which Dr. Richard Burton palls "the be.st thing of Its kind now Issued." Wax newl^ painted woddwork and floors to preserve paint and tnake washing easier. PHONE 45 Ir HIGHEST OtWCLtK PRICES 437 MIDDLE NECK RP GREf>T NECK VILLAGE (Continued froin pa^re 1) at Reasonable Prices i The same quality liquors that have made us popular among the people who know good liquor arc now offered at 're- markable, savings! Visit or call us today! Ixiehr described hjm^lf as an automobile .salesman, Haenleln as Joseph A. O'Connell, George Waller Anderson. Bernard Vincent. Floyd Kleeck, and Joseph Glen. The Rev James F Himtins-|-^'''Geisman, Harold O'Dell, they ih.ey were married and had children in school In Queens. A. D, Bister,. Edward J. Beckman. | pr„ve profitable." ^ mechanic, while Bayer twister; Roy C. Hitchcock, .secretary. I Mr. Hedger said in bringing about' occupation as real estate and Howard L._Friend. Hon tamer 1 the collective foreclosures It will not; Loehr and Bayer .said Tho.se present included H. R. Hill, j be necessary tq:nie .separate actions J. M I In the Supreme Court for eqeh pnr- Pitzpatrick and P. A., Hartwell of [ cel. The foreclosures will gothrough Westbury Club; Howard C. .the court In mass lots.'^ i __ __ ____ ... .i- **** . , , . ' ;Hegeman.,W. L. Davis, Hartford N j Under the law, property' owhers' Try H AdJ. Gunn, George c. Wallingford, F- E. are given six years of grace during I" 'f. ' ' Granmiller, Charles L. DePorest, I which they may redeem' Uielr tax- Joseph Helm Jr.. Herbert Ander-son delinquent .holdings. Mi'.. Hedget 'and Thomas Vovino of the Port; pointed out. Thus, the foreclosures planned for thl.s year are all / HOMANN l^'tiktion Flaza A 5^'osraj mm Great Neck Thurs.-Fri. ' and PBI.s JAMES niNN "B.M) BOr SaL to Mon. f, WAI.I.ACE REE BARKYMOHt*,' AH, WILDER^ .SLSO "LAST OF TIIEU T a'tdi.'* V. with MA1..V a'jd Tues.-WetL ."NEXT TIME oTlh. .MAKU.XKET .'lUBd ______ and JAYIES Thurs.-Fri. 'ha “TWO IN TllEiSrq. with MARUOT r.lDl I "PAUIIY O'ti Miss Hope Ford of Portr Washing- ton entertained, on Sunday eve- ning the Misses Kay Patten, Doro- thy Johnson and Jean Patten of . port wa.shlngton;-Harry Van Dyke, ^ , .••vu J"-T" l.l Paul VavrlnM William T O'Con-: Herman venzxe. Dr. E. F. | land owned by people who did nol| | nell, and Stephen Chemela of" .Man- ' pay their 1930 taxes. In 1932, in hasset Friend. Dr. Louis T. Zaner, Louis the normal course of events, tax , , ,, , Schneider, Lsidore X.ader, Hector liens on the property were .sold; Miss Evelyn Bethel, daughter of ! Oian^ini, Albert Otrlstonsen. the tho.^ tax liens may be redeemed up Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bethel of . ^cKenzie, A.. J. until the time of foreclosure. First Street, attended a social given Vaw C. E. i Foreclosures Seen by the XI Theta Pi .sorority of Nas- darkey Jr^eon C. High, Edwln P since the years following 1930 sau Collegiate Center qt t'he home profitable years for land- of Mis* Violet Chaussabel in Bald-' f Smith, Arthur K („vners in the county. Mr Hpdger win last evening. Smith. J. Courtney Anderson, Ralph pointed out, there will be more fore- i William h Lan^idge. (closures In succeeding years. Tlius, Leroy Weniger of Park Avenue,'!, ^ 1937, foreclosures will be on prop- ' of the Great Neck chib. entertained on Tuesday evening, f the Misses Patricia Sanders .andl.^^., ^ ! Georgette Durand of Manhasset. i A« Dorothy Johnson. Jean Patten, Kay j C^lAcll C patten of Port Washington; and j Douglas LHommedieu. Paul Vav- rinec, Stephen Chemela, Thomas, O'Connell, Fred Wallers, Samuel i ,-------- . Maxwell, Richard Allen. William j (Continued from page 1) Gives Report erty for which taxes were unpaid In I 1931; 1.938 foreclosures will be upon 1932 delinquencies, and so on. On top of the foreclosures this year, the county trea.surer reported there must be the routine sale *• of. for all your painting and decoratiriif, inside and out. Painterssupplies - artistsmaterial - .signs - lettering CENTURY PAiNT Co. 94 Middle Necl$ Rbaul^ Phone GREAT NECKf4346 These fancy, plump, young turkeys are of the same high quality that pleased you sjb well during.the holiday seasonf.. ..each and eypry one groin-fed to assure tender, delicious meat. Remeniber.. v this special price on Turkeysf> as well as the following special meat ahd fish prices, are efTf^ctive until Saturday flight only! Wi^e, and Harry Van Dyke of Man- j the membership difive would begin hasset. 0*1 March 15 and urged members to * I subscribe «s~generously a sposslble. Ralph Cunningham and Rubin membership fee is one dollar. Gibson, attended the basketball 1 also asked members to give the, game between Long Island Univer-1 t**® their cars for the Motor slly and Rice Institute on Wednes- j Corps.'! wnidli assists Miss <7hurchll! day evening at MadLson Square get patients to hospitals for- X- CJarden. , , , rays. etc. Sh6*repeated a request for furniture for the nurse'.s qiiar- •J Miss Margaret CJowley of Orch- ard Street Is recovering from illness. Malcolm Newbold, son of Mr. and Kps. Malcolm Newbold of George sireet, is ill at Duke University, N. "cr Miss Agnes Kennedy of East Turnpike departed on Friday for a stay In Florida. Mrs. Thomas O'Brien heads the committee In charge of the monthly oagd party to be held this evening at St. Marys Church. )3ers in,'the Health Center. Tlie next meeting will be on Mareh- 16-fft-3-p;-nT.-ar"^ra'^e InLsltute. Miss Cfiirlstlhe Nuno of Plandome. missionary nur^e to Toklo, J«n-.Ti, for many years, ntw ^iomc u.. will talk on her personal experi- ences. Members are urged to bring a ''•end. T6a was served, with "Mrs. R. C. Kamphausen, hostess, assisted by Mrs. Th'omas Huxley, 'Mrs. John' i* Marslcano and Mrs. Clinton V. Mur- ray. Mrs. William. Haugaard^ qnd Mrs A. Stewart Angus contributed cakes. Local Home Economics Committee Is Represented At State Convention Mrs. Joseph Donohue of Great ^ress: Mrs. D. Leigh Colvin;, presi- Neck Estates, last week attended tha State Farm and Home Bureau convention at Cornell University as- a representative of the Home Bxmomlcs Deparlmeilt of the Wo- mans Cli* of Qreqt Neck,' which functions ks a Home Bureau unit. More than 7,090 inenibera of l^te Bureaus alteiided. Reporting on' the sessions Mrs. Donohue said that the program of the. Home Economics' group w,qs centered on family relationships' and;, •consumer educaUon. She found Mrs, Franklin b, Roosevelt "an intereetlng speaker". The wife of the president discussed '■Todays ettaUenga to .-Wemen", remindiw her audience that 'woman\ sphere is not limited to the home but should be extended to the communi- ty and to Ahe world at large. Among other speakers were Mrs. AJmeron W. Smith of Plandome. tafoeldent of thq^New York state Federation of weimens Clubs: Mrs. R*l^ Brodle, president of the New Vorfc State Parent-Teacher Con- Fogarty Funerals dent of the Womens Temperance union of New York State and Mrs. Charles Everetts, chairman of the Hospitality Committee of the New York State Orange. ____ The Great Neck and Sea Cliff unlts^ received awards for flaember- ship. William Louden of-Hempstead was speaker at the Master Farmers dinner. H. J. Hutchings Sneoeem to E. 1. BBMSEN undertaker EMBALMER Telephene-Roelyn 717 SCHOOL 8T„ HOSLm, 1* L V' ■iMt iMst ^04i«$» Pur$«. Caaktta and all , B«c#$tin*$ can snUctad in our ahowrooms. or TKAN8IT FACIUTIBS - NO CHARGE FOR USE CF ftlNEEAL HOME - IiRrVAre AMBULANCE SERVICE ■raOMAS G. FOGARTY EMahllahed IS88 Ua$ Af%. ELUBBlNa, N. Y. TKU PLUBHOrO *-$Ni ARMOURS STAR, SWIFTS PREMIUM, WILSONS CERTIFIEQ^AND OTHERS Whole or Either Half 10 to 12 lb. Average Personal BANKING SERVICE Whole or Either Halt 10 to 12 lb. Average SMOKED HAMS 27; A traxft with ROASl'aH t dromedaw athfli CRANBERRY SAUClf^ %$t t r Good banking service is not measured by effi- ciency alone. Our customers appreciate the per- sonal and cordial spirit in which we meet theif requirements. Our officers are accessible when- ever you wish to consult them, and they are sincerely interested in being helpful in every YVlYiwihte SLICED SMOKED HAM LOIN LAMB CHOPS FANCY FRANKFURTERS CENTER CUTS CHOICE GRAPE 'Fancy Smelts ib lS" Fancy Mackerel THE (UtEAT NECK TRUST ' COMPANY established 1917 MRMRBR NASSAU COUNTY CLEARING HOUSE A8SOClA]tlON FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORAnON Th^ Citizens Water Supply Co. M Applications for WATER SUPPLY IN E \ Great -Neck Water District THE Obtained at the omca: . Wbitmig' Ave., near Broadway, Elmbunt, L. L or i. PUMPING STATION Cutter Mill Rdad, Great Neck, L. 1. HYDRANTS FOR. FIRE PjROTEimON ENStAlXEp ON PRIVATE PROI^TV RED CIRCLE Ri£b gnd FuU-Bgdied Coffee Doles PINEAPPLE JI^CE ^ loffipfeetPs TDMiTmaor 2 pkg^35<= Pink Salmon 2 cant I9« Sauerkraut "WHERE ECONOMY ye, de QUel ALASKA COLD STREAM CUT BEETS Iona Brand Bisquick Makes Biscuits 20 oz.i 4(oni Heckers cream farina I'dli X u'drtci 2<'!f * i»n. .. axitid Quickly large 40 oz. pkg. 25.C Cheese Ritz N. B. c. pi<8 j/ke<: Ra R Chicken Broth 2.on.25My-T-Finevo„,ii<."c"" »N.. 3. I3Chipso FiakeA M gmnuus 'X17' SnanliAtfi encore cooked Ar WpF%B^plilSlXI ItalianStylaReadyt«Serve can "'gesi Calif. Sardines •tee THE NEW ALL-VEGETABLE 1 lb- can ®PTy SHoniNiNa KeniL-Ration 2i.« ,4^ cm i>r' ■hesk FRUITS and »■ J* u VEGETABLES Only the finest fresh fruits and vegetables are good enough for customers. Our experts coml^ the markets for top- quality produce and we ruth it fresh fo our stores, took over the special offerings below . . . Note the fine selection . ., and note our very attractive prices for this week-end only I lbs. McIntosh Apples fancy 3 ExceufNt roa capng oa cooking Lcirp® Bananas yellow ib. Hearts * 2 bunches 25^ New Cabbage . . . 3 ih*. IQc Yellow Onions u.!S!fSL, 3 ib*. lOc Young Spinach * Fancy Carrots . tbs. I5c bunch S^ I A I, T I K N U I V I S I O N 20 Mule Team Borax 2 p^ Vol^^ O«ANDM0W£«jj^»U^ itnsBD fc brerd Other Varieties of Grandmother s Ove Rye Bread ihearw-eaked RoIslnBread Wholewheat^ wH^« THE CREHT UTIBIITH & PB[IN[ TEH 10

SMOKED - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn95071155/1936-02-21/ed-1/seq-6.pdfr THE MANHAS8RT PRESS. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 21, 1936 Afeu», Notes Of Interest In Manhasset

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Afeu», Notes Of Interest In Manhasset

Mrs Daniel O’Connell, who has been a patient at the North Country Community Hospital In 01?n COve, Is recuperating from pneumonia at the home of her* brother. Arthur Moore on Summit Driveway

Nassi^u Ck>unty To Foreclose

c *

DelinquenlsfMr. and Mrs. George O. Linkictter |

of Northern Boulevard will enter-1 tafn. at dinner at their home this evening Mr. and Mrs. fVed H. Rle- i bow, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kott- mliier, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm New-1 bold, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schencit. aii5 Mr. antt •Mr!^^.I*^!»^H<'Olllespie of Bdanhasset. ' ^

State Official Brines OHarterTo Lions Club

(Continued from Page 1)Mr. Hedger pointed out. work lS«r started on the tax arrearages With the assignment to his office of 10 WPA workers. These will start the work that *the larger group of civil service workers, will bring the compleUon. during July, August and

tax liens on property two yean be-1 hind the taxes The 199t ^x de- llnqulht properUes will thus have liens upon them sold In JUly; the foreclosures on 1»30 delinquencies will follow.

Records In the County Treasurer’s | office since 10& show a steadily !

I mounting total of delinquent taxes, jMr. Hedger declared. He showed a, ArrangeinentH For'

has list of taxes owed to the county as | SuDflay MaVle

Junior League To Have Dance At The Temple

Mr. and Mrs. R. A., land Terrace entertained as their

w^'-end guest Frederick Francals of Westharapton Beach.

cole of High-1 Port Washington, West- hiiry UnitN Reprenent-

ed At Dinner!-

• -mss^'Evelyn Dleta. daughter of, Willis E. Dodge, president of the

Mr. and Mrs, Edward Dietz of High- Great Ntck Uons Club, on Tuesday land Terrace, returned on Wednes- evening received the club’s charter day from Chatham; N. j.’where she- from Herbert A. Djavatate governor, j had been vLslUng -Mr. and Mrs. =■' thP Mnn.vv Park iGeorge Howell.

, MT. ana Mrs, iwwai u u,t land Terrace, returned

SeptemberSeeks to ^lieve Borden

‘.In normal limes,” Mr. Hedger explained, “the amount of property falling behind In taxed is small. Now, with recent hard times, we ^iSr lax delffiquKrtg ptltorTip.' MwH It becomes necessary to foreclose. If we don't begin to get all this

follows:1928-a>—In these two years the;

tax books from the towns In Nas- j sau showe^ a total of $780,000 in [

At Meeting

unpaid taxes.1096—gl.039.ai5 total unpaid 1091—$1,712,043 total unpaid1933— $4,560,507 total unpaid 1033—$5,598,603 total unpaid1934— $4.070.»44 total unpaid 1936—$4,839,570 total unpaid,

one-half year's school taxes.

-, Arrangements for a tea dance on Sunday afternoon were dis­cussed on Monday evening by mem-^ bers of the Junior beague of Temple Beth-El at a meeting In the social hall of the Temple.

To Review Plays For Drama Groiiiplirgaret Wentworth Will ” Addreia Local Club


Miss Margaret 'Wentwbrth will lecture on''"Broadway at a Glance" at a meeting at 3 pm. on February 28 of the Drama Deiaartment of

Flushing Man Fined For Drunken Driving

Jesse Kahn, So years of age. of 33-41 iSoth Street, Flushing, on Wednesday everting was convicted by a Jury In the Great Neck court of driving while intoxicated. A $100 fine tVas Imposed by Justice of the Peace Egbert E. LeCluse.

Kahn was arrested on January 16 at Northern Boulevard and

the woman’s Club of Qr,eat Neck, I cutter Mill Road by Patrolman Mrs. William R. I Watson of the Nassau County

en-{ Rabbi Jacob Philip Ru^Jn i ious puzzles, conundrums and an- j lous puzzles, conundrum and w-

DMplte ••lean" years, Mr. Hedger | agrams. Refreshments were scr- the I'wults oT fi^t year’s j and there was dancing,

tax collections In the county were; Prc.sent were Sam Oxmari, Ed-

at union Chapel Wltherell will preside.

MlM Wentworth will review cur­rent plays, among them "Victoria Regina”, "Pride, and Prejudice", "Ethan prome”, '“First Lady”, "Dead End", "Wlnterset',’ and "Lady Preci­ous Stream." Slie succeeded Wil­liam Lyons'Phei^ on the Town

police. The patrolman testified that he saw Kahn 'firlve past a red traffic signal and ordered

AtTEND thEah More than 30

komls Cniapter, q friends attended the' eon and theatre pJi day afternoon. Ani|

.■4,at Chin’s at 44th I Broadway, the' pan,} matinee irerforirian,,. Abroad. ■ .

The Ohapivr win and cake .sale starting at 9:30 a ? at 74 Middle N«k 'Vetta Zoellner, chaj refreshments comu;,.,.,» cliarge of arrangetn^'''’’

encouraging. On the town. State' ward Goldfarb. Bob Stillman.' Ucatlons. property, back on the tax rolls Where levy, 76 per cent was Herbert Jaffe. A1 Jaffe. Marge

theCrier’and has fcpntrTbuted drama columns to leading theatrical pub-

put black figyres once more It will be Just tooat a dinner at the Munsey, Park | “books

Golf Club. More than 100 members ! .,of the Weslburj'. Port Washington gy bad" Mr. Hedger Indl-afid Great Neck clubs were present, means the solvent proper-

Wllliam C Vviison. president 'Of county next year willthe Port Washington club ,-icted as ^ave to carry Ihe burden of the tax toastmaster. The visiting Lions were ' arrearageswelcomed by Mr Dodge _ j ^

.searched," Mr Hedger said ' In ex­plaining what the.^tax arrears work Involved! "The "foreclosures will

Mhss Florence Wright, of Port , have to be brought. It is .safe toWa.shlngton entertained on Satur- J'*!? Director of property Involvedday evening. Miss Kay Ro.senthal of t I amounts to 250.(XX) pieces of land ofGreat Neck. Mls.s Grace Heinz of Jack Cliamplain of the Port' port Washlrigton, Leroy Wenlger, . Wa.shlngton Club wa.s in charge of Stephen Chemela. Thomas Connell, entertainment, nnrt Buiii unrvenir of Miinhas.sel Other officers of- the Great Neckand Paul Varvenlc of ,Manhas.sei, ^ ^ j p^^^ property; land left over after

Mir. and Mrs. LouU H. Ollle.sple of Ffiroredale Drive entertained at dinner' at ihel^ home on Friday eve­ning Mr. and Mrs. George O'Link- letter, Mr. and Mrs Alfred Kott- mlller, and Mr and Mrs Fred H. Rlebdw.

collected; 81 per cent of school taxes , ,oiasser.Jaffe.Sarah Oxman, Gladys

was paid in. also.

The .speakers Included Mr, D>e. Dr. L. B. Scheib of Little Neck, for­mer medical superintendent at Wel­fare Island, and George Elder.

York Director of |

all kinds from 20-root fronts to I areas that embrace acres.

of the land is unlm-

wiitoi taiimtlbridge on Wednesday tne Me.sdames

----- - ........ I wltli a .small hole lit the top andvlcfi-pre.sidenl; GleiiRen King Vkrs 1 .^5^, paderiieath U>e words.^'kev-check,:’,second vlce-jirt5iidenl; Leon o. laiia i6t hbme bUIIOlfig ni T^’

Bernstein. Harold Margan, Mich­ael Levy, Adele Yu.sen. Arthur Lambert. Miml Jacoby. Emile Mall- lard. Dot S,yaar. Rita 'Wolf. Car­vel Klee. • Joyce Mayer,^ Stanley . Schlu-ssel,' ' Elaine Ro«en.' Carol Schattman. Betty Friedman. Sey­mour Komllor. Harriet Flnkelstein and Mrs Hafy^’TtOsenbloom. Sis­terhood Advisor to the League.

' Florence Taylor wa.s a guest ; : i I of Ruth and Leonard Lader. and ':!

Arnold Smith assisted in Uie in- ' Julius Glrisberg, Lennie Kushions I vestigallon. The three men are, and Vivian Mandclbaum were said to have had In their pos- , guests of carvel Kiee. _ . Ij.^ession a box cont^nihg a variety. next meeting will b^'- oivof slugs of different sizes, each j \igrch 2 at the Temple i’

Queens Trio ' Arraigned In

Plaza Court

She 'is editor and .publisher of “The Sign Post," a weekly review of current plays, which Dr. Richard Burton palls "the be.st thing of Its kind now Issued."

Wax newl^ painted woddwork and floors to preserve paint and tnake washing easier.




(Continued froin pa^re 1)at Reasonable Prices i

The same quality liquors that have made us popular among the people who know good liquor arc now offered at 're­markable, savings! Visit or call us today!

Ixiehr described hjm^lf as an automobile .salesman, Haenleln as

Joseph A. O'Connell, George Waller Anderson. Bernard Vincent. Floyd Kleeck, and Joseph Glen.

The Rev James F Himtins-|-^'’''‘‘ Geisman, Harold O'Dell,they ih.ey were married and had children in school In Queens.

A. D, Bister,. Edward J. Beckman. | pr„ve profitable." ^ mechanic, while Bayertwister; Roy C. Hitchcock, .secretary. I Mr. Hedger said in bringing about' occupation as real estateand Howard L._Friend. Hon tamer 1 the collective foreclosures It will not; Loehr and Bayer .said

Tho.se present included H. R. Hill, j be necessary tq:nie .separate actions J. M I In the Supreme Court for eqeh pnr-

Pitzpatrick and P. A., Hartwell of [ cel. The foreclosures will ‘go’ throughWestbury Club; Howard C. .the court In mass lots.'^ i __ __ ____ ... .i-

**** . , , . ' ;Hegeman.,W. L. Davis, Hartford N j Under the law, property' owhers' Try H AdJ.Gunn, George c. Wallingford, F- E. are given six years of grace during I" 'f. ' 'Granmiller, Charles L. DePorest, I which they may redeem' Uielr tax- Joseph Helm Jr.. Herbert Ander-son delinquent .holdings. Mi'.. Hedget 'and Thomas Vovino of the Port; pointed out. Thus, the foreclosures

planned for thl.s year are all

/ HOMANNl^'tiktion Flaza

A 5^'osraj

mmGreat Neck

Thurs.-Fri. '

■ and PBI.s


"B.M) BOr

SaL to Mon. f, WAI.I.ACE REE



T a'tdi.'* V.with MA1..V a'jd

Tues.-WetL ."NEXT TIME

oTlh. .MAKU.XKET .'lUBd ______ and JAYIES

Thurs.-Fri. 'ha“TWO IN TllEiSrq.

with MARUOT r.lDl I


Miss Hope Ford of Portr Washing­ton entertained, on Sunday eve­ning the Misses Kay Patten, Doro­thy Johnson and Jean Patten of .port wa.shlngton;-Harry Van Dyke, ^ , .—••“vu J"-— T" ““ l.lPaul VavrlnM William T O'Con-: Herman venzxe. Dr. E. F. | land owned by people who did nol| |nell, and Stephen Chemela of" .Man- ' pay their 1930 taxes. In 1932, inhasset Friend. Dr. Louis T. Zaner, Louis the normal course of events, tax

, , ,, , Schneider, Lsidore X.ader, Hector liens on the property were .sold;Miss Evelyn Bethel, daughter of ! Oian^ini, Albert Otrlstonsen. the tho.^ tax liens may be redeemed up

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bethel of . ^cKenzie, A.. J. until the time of foreclosure.First Street, attended a social given Vaw C. E. i Foreclosures Seenby the XI Theta Pi .sorority of Nas- darkey Jr^eon C. High, Edw’ln P since the years following 1930 sau Collegiate Center qt t'he home profitable years for land-of Mis* Violet Chaussabel in Bald-' f Smith, Arthur K („vners in the county. Mr Hpdgerwin last evening. Smith. J. Courtney Anderson, Ralph pointed out, there will be more fore-

• ■ i William h Lan^idge. (closures In succeeding years. Tlius,Leroy Weniger of Park Avenue,'!, ^ 1937, foreclosures will be on prop-' of the Great Neck chib.entertained on Tuesday evening, f

the Misses Patricia Sanders .andl.^^., ^ ’ !Georgette Durand of Manhasset. i A«Dorothy Johnson. Jean Patten, Kay j ”” C^lAcll C patten of Port Washington; and j Douglas L’Hommedieu. Paul Vav- rinec, Stephen Chemela, Thomas,O'Connell, Fred Wallers, Samuel i ,-------- .Maxwell, Richard Allen. William j (Continued from page 1)

Gives Report

erty for which taxes were unpaid In I 1931; 1.938 foreclosures will be upon 1932 delinquencies, and so on.

On top of the foreclosures this year, the county trea.surer reported

there must be the routine sale*•of.

for all your painting and decoratiriif, inside and out. Painters’ supplies - artists’ material - .signs - lettering


94 Middle Necl$ Rbaul^ Phone GREAT NECKf4346

These fancy, plump, young turkeys are of the same high quality that pleased you sjb well during.the holiday seasonf.. ..each and eypry one groin-fed to assure tender, delicious meat. Remeniber.. v this special price on Turkeysf> as well as the following special meat ahd fish prices, are efTf^ctive until Saturday flight only!

Wi^e, and Harry Van Dyke of Man- j the membership difive would begin hasset. 0*1 March 15 and urged members to

• * • • I subscribe «s~generously a sposslble.Ralph Cunningham and Rubin membership fee is one dollar.

Gibson, attended the basketball 1 also asked members to give the,game between Long Island Univer-1 t**® their cars for the “Motor slly and Rice Institute on Wednes- j Corps.'! wnidli assists Miss <7hurchll! day evening at MadLson Square get patients to hospitals for- X- CJarden. , , , rays. etc. Sh6“*repeated a request

for furniture for the nurse'.s qiiar-•JMiss Margaret CJowley of Orch­

ard Street Is recovering from illness.

Malcolm Newbold, son of Mr. and Kps. Malcolm Newbold of George sireet, is ill at Duke University, N.


Miss Agnes Kennedy of East Turnpike departed on Friday for a stay In Florida.

Mrs. Thomas O'Brien heads the committee In charge of the monthly oagd party to be held this evening at St. Mary’s Church.

)3ers in,'the Health Center.Tlie next meeting will be on Mareh-

16-fft-3-p;-nT.-ar"^ra'^e InLsltute. Miss Cfiirlstlhe Nuno of Plandome.

missionary nur^e to Toklo, J«n-.Ti,for many years, ntw ^iomc u.. will talk on her personal experi­ences. Members are urged to bring a ''•’end.

T6a was served, with "Mrs. R. C. Kamphausen, hostess, assisted by Mrs. Th'omas Huxley, 'Mrs. John' i* Marslcano and Mrs. Clinton V. Mur­ray. Mrs. William. Haugaard^ qnd Mrs A. Stewart Angus contributed cakes. •

Local Home Economics CommitteeIs Represented At State Convention

Mrs. Joseph Donohue of Great ^ress: Mrs. D. Leigh Colvin;, presi-Neck Estates, last week attended tha State Farm and Home Bureau convention at Cornell University as- a representative of the Home Bxmomlcs Deparlmeilt of the Wo­man’s Cli* of Qreqt Neck,' which functions ks a Home Bureau unit. More than 7,090 inenibera of l^teBureaus alteiided.

Reporting on' the sessions Mrs. Donohue said that the program of the. Home Economics' group w,qs centered on family relationships' and;, •consumer educaUon. She found Mrs, Franklin b, Roosevelt "an intereetlng speaker". The wife of the president discussed ’“'■Today’s ettaUenga to .-Wemen", remindiw her audience that 'woman\ sphere is not limited to the home but should be extended to the communi­ty and to Ahe world at large.

Among other speakers were Mrs. AJmeron W. Smith of Plandome. tafoeldent of thq^New York state Federation of weimen’s Clubs: Mrs. R*l^ Brodle, president of the New Vorfc State Parent-Teacher Con-

Fogarty Funerals

dent of the Women’s Temperance union of New York State and Mrs. Charles Everetts, chairman of the Hospitality Committee of the NewYork State Orange. ____

The Great Neck and Sea Cliff unlts^ received awards for flaember- ship.

• William Louden of-Hempstead was speaker at the Master Farmers dinner.

H. J. HutchingsSneoeem to E. 1. BBMSEN


Telephene-Roelyn 717 SCHOOL 8T„ HOSLm, 1* L


■iMt iMst ^04i«$» Pur$«. Caaktta and all , B«c#$tin*$ can b« snUctad in our ahowrooms.


■raOMAS G. FOGARTYEMahllahed IS88

Ua$ Af%. ELUBBlNa, N. Y. TKU PLUBHOrO *-$Ni


Whole or Either Half —10 to 12 lb. Average


Whole or Either Halt —10 to 12 lb. Average

SMOKED HAMS 27;A traxft with ROASl'aH t

dromedaw athfli


rGood banking service is not measured by effi­ciency alone. Our customers appreciate the per­sonal and cordial spirit in which we meet theif requirements. Our officers are accessible when­ever you wish to consult them, and they are sincerely interested in being helpful in every YVlYiwihte




'Fancy Smelts ib lS" Fancy Mackerel


established 1917MRMRBR


Th^ Citizens Water Supply Co.M Applications for


Great -Neck Water DistrictTHE

Obtained at theomca: .

Wbitmig' Ave., near Broadway, Elmbunt, L. L or i.

PUMPING STATION Cutter Mill Rdad, Great Neck, L. 1.



RED CIRCLERi£b gnd FuU-BgdiedCoffee


loffipfeetPs TDMiTmaor

2 pkg^35<= Pink Salmon 2 cant I9« Sauerkraut




Iona Brand

Bisquick Makes Biscuits 20 oz.i4(oni Hecker’s cream farina

I'dli X u'drtci

2<'!f* i»n... axitid


40 oz. pkg. 25.C Cheese Ritz N. B. c.pi<8j/ke<:

Ra R Chicken Broth 2.on.25‘’My-T-Finevo„,ii<."c“"" »N.. 3. I3‘Chipso FiakeA M gmnuus 'X17'SnanliAtfi encore cooked ArWpF%B^plilSlXI ItalianStyla—Readyt«Serve can


Calif. Sardines •tee






■hesk FRUITS and»■ J* u

VEGETABLESOnly the finest fresh fruits and vegetables are good enough for customers. Our experts coml^ the markets for top- quality produce and we ruth it fresh fo our stores, took over the special offerings below . . . Note the fine selection . ., and note our very attractive prices for this week-end only I

lbs.McIntosh Apples fancy 3ExceufNt roa capng oa cooking

Lcirp® Bananas yellow • ib.

Hearts * 2 bunches 25^ New Cabbage . . . 3 ih*. IQc Yellow Onions u.!S!fSL, 3 ib*. lOcYoung Spinach * Fancy Carrots .

tbs. I5c

bunch S^

I A I, T I K N U I V I S I O N

20 Mule Team Borax 2 p^

Vol^’ ^O«ANDM0W£«jj^»U^

itnsBD fcbrerdOther Varieties of Grandmother s Ove

Rye Bread ihearw-eaked

RoIslnBreadWholewheat^ wH^«