'*?..? 1 « * J ? r,I r y 'V if'-; ■:'WtSv’s •: , , .t • DAILY TRIBUNE-EXAMINER Tuesday, March 26,1974 ... ' "' "’ : ' •'• *" '" "T^ ,* • r *• - > ■>> - r, . V- ' ; ^ /w V I’ .,í A’;,"s¡ Dillon, Montana Page 3 Tuesday Trim •■ Itamtetotaare sosto» »tari* a Jean’s Corner tot» M r.aad M ss.«Mai fiume, hu ta» mmtmSr* «h* Atoft S d H ta Mr. and M n "■ ffiSjas 1rs our business*,^ s3 S S 3 a S S a ?ÄS=,:= ““* “** Hold» •aiotawitkUsgri« t iferei« ............. . .. ibtonun. • Saturday tn 8». Ron Cr-i Qiureh. TB« Rav. F, Emmen O'NaUl ' ' ¿..»-î-'.j’i äiese ï£, vJ5r . „ anirlro. or ■*»• Up «f ' -•*••'-* i"iff»*t «re »riconto to^*^ '*•“# ami «Juron Hsrvey ei tta Kocm« m 4 KouN wrn in Um*. Msrrh 1314 for a ragtensl Pttgidtara metti»« 1 er* Mr. t»d U n . Jeta He. , Eureka. . Matron of honor wan T mmtau Aoy OM u *• «rat« e ra. TBof t o t a * i t thanakwl litares, te ,1a«tat«1 tao." Ita O ireN reaa* utf 0 ulto Evtka «as bon tasa. I were Ton Straub and Holder. Roana RainrlOt “>*1 Hlnck and Frankie Riattati of (be Bureau of Und - ...... “» »"«ndta an admMaratro contem n in BiUtoi •• ha «Mili ru.b u . _ . . . ... ____ T. « a* M a . «M * '! ^^W.^Í»a3«tai*taeaiorta(tamülianftataMdnrtpNttajr*ere D?vid U M* U eeu S ' «lek, W. ‘ ‘ WÛU ii n a Earlier in the month Dick Hanna aiiwded a rame ondbiaebiidrena and «lie's hair. ItaU .S. 'i^nagrmeni refresher coures at U g » , Utah. eking is David Bruca. Another tantslr o ^ » Hawaiian v o l t e a . r a u n te « boma Busday. a: During the week of March 18-22, 1974, the Tribune-Examiner carried more than 570 column inches of local news plus 26 local photographs. To match that, a weekly tabloid would have to carry 7% pages of news and 3% pages of pictures. You get more in your daily newspaper! Smile when you say that. Friday, March 22 Meeting» nual mtetuif M Saiorday. ~ hit TV o office baa been dttailed in ite r i« » handle io assist with wrvey «tang. \ . snd will be there ior about «o la M Service civd engineer, »as i'shisaai bogt« Nation« Forest a< comof li and children will n » » <» rfcetWMC in j«* Alcoholic» Anonymous, S p ro . REA Bidldtbg holiest« Bridge. 1:19 pm , State B* Saturday, March 23 Meeting» Cold Ni'|get square dance, » p .m , St. J a m « Guild Hall Vcierans of Foreign Ware cart party. 7:19 p m .. LogtenHalh Special event» Jsyceen Style ^ww, '‘Gingham and Lace.” 11:19 pm ., ft. Eon Family Center AAU Junior Olympic» WrwtUng T o m n r n l ; M e m weigh- trw.lBam mat eetion.U pw . mat action eaoit e l t ; Weetfre Mcxiuna GoUegt Vt|llaoie Electric Ceoperative. Inc. annul BW ttn|. WAITING FOR THE OIUOHER— ravaged and dNerted at the corner of Orr and Pacific «nota. . Ihb t r e t et hat been stripped of sim o« every removable Hem encept the rear tentare ft w u 1 out on the street by H* owner to swell the car cnohtng firm that was scheduled to vieti DUIon early A thU m «h lining i eyaeorea like this m e recyclable rete» of scrap stasi Tta « h a g s company 1 hubaendeUyedumil neat month, howi----------- -------------------- - ~n— r»or, to H win have lo watt. Otilen poBca have n '■ - io repwt m abandonad vetada. caB lh- Faculty, board near contract, BCHS asks $118,320 mill levy draws nur ........................ negotiation* between the the nine ■ faculty and board of truetaet at « weil as the quetaon Beaverhead Couity High School »beiher high actual dlatrl •re being ffcialUed, eceerdtagt». trusteM are te be efeeud. y* tw u a la petition toihe board leather to lb* fact«y prapoatng elect ion of the If the Spadai EduesliM truateea The petition was (SB! t by » per cent of the leg« St s qualified ' ............... - y Rodger*. John Cnhon •pi* Scout Dînent' Day .u advarire'o the rank of BCHS principe! Cile MItcteU. The T-E reported yoMcrday reqdred. and the reaotutloa ta * Negotiated hires inclining ih« Joe Heile red Neil Breton (fared « the April# ballot, salariai, tfdt leave and beskh here filed for elect lea es If (he reiolation mum , inaurinee have be« treuüvely tnotees for atanettary Dtartet wxrei will elect etodioau K Plan for airport “" weather station r both the board end tin the .third minee undtdsta. nest April, teacher*, aay* MitcheU. Joan Deri*. Beaten « d ted e The high edwta' mt The high aduoi dtarict will ‘ ............. * 1" Prepare,l«i* are bela» oorepieted and the Incalió» (« 1 1 levy fron orepleted (or repiaeetMM <d quite cenata yet. however." I tun the the «»ether sultanat the DUtantarvtce wid be previtad M ) aac ior en s s mui. i i i i j s levy a n n a irwce* me cwrenuy o« i rmiuie n r m jwm. which hou* drpen, Starting April I. hnr* s day. wtth we* ' h r 1974-7} operation* mn the «ppointed by , the Cewily « « TJ mUta *m «M i9.T ta. ta I The fnellUy was nored from obrer»«ion from ( a n school balks Also facing tour Commissioner*, but this y « r t a m a « is primarily du» u sa svai the airport afi» FAA terranei pm and two dally we* «Uictpnied «inflaoM rire of «9 Ami wUb+m. sod te tta dwets Kudins*, and wtU ataomatfe «ta* P*K two months 8 tus basaCertification of ttam»<« .... addition of a«epbiaatlon pm eperatsd by WandaCehrta fromnr*rip is al«, ta M m a t» s».V: - r k«, k ._ . .^.k mtu> aw. St ;.“ .* r"1«" •. tat «fang a btec dite^iUe a»d reOecttag the [«■« ttataM Éteef bit ctaM Mend, wad ( S ä M l Metta sf tta fwr „iS M, “SJTSJSl S Candidates begin campai^ for 15 County, State offic Every county and atata legislMlvt office will be up for ffabe in this etaatan year tesrept District Judge and Oerfcof DUtriet Couel. sod tta Trlbun» ExaDlner has com piled this unofficial e t e i t a Rdde on the offica «id tta candidate» __ Filing deadline for the Jime « have moved _ _____ irtmsry and Nov. I jreeral voted or registered iteidd iiVotartau sTredtir coeuct the County Ctark. TERM1 ^ApplleiUon* ^for ataentta tar home north of DUtan will continue to oper«* tta airpon we«tar ««tan "For various reasons, the tarpon is the be« poetata* location foy the weather ««Ion." said Dan Reedy, a t' S Westtar Servici specislM horn Poceullo ta^arvtautg U m DUtan tptaal)stlon. "There are from the Federal Aviarie» Adminiti ration Provliioaal reruAcaitan tas tace granted, tccording to county Civil tefotne Director Ed Bwetltai, •>d • me*Ung will ta held In April to dtacuM perreanent cerufictaton requirement* Swetlta, ha* also request *d «w y - y f Hintdiy airport Casey Reitz ta tta Alesante ta champa ta t e E v * tÿ « i **SΔ " °* -l* ar* 1 " T * - Ateta tew. t e a Eta» tei h Jmw. Cenate TT hmsn Représentai for réélection, or docided . ___ . ... S ge election 1* April XS. ao addìi candid«« may file lor t e affino rteeitliWire to. sad Senator wtaleoidity. u ■NCUMBeNT: Frank (tettetam.ÌUp.n^n'Mn i«ividi«rJf^S?Ä tes duc If ta doee raTlt «10 bo ta i t e rwtaatan. Otaria 0 (DUtan and « w e n r*£ ** FTATE REPREBENTATIVU Beevmtaod Coter» --------------- ? £ ? 'Election Guide' p. 3 hosts weekend mat meet □erk reornlt Over 100 yotng wnKtan. Lett ranging frtre sti to 14 yeart ta regtar age. will be gutting for etata Tourney Chain taertta* touroament berths this Stutate said t o « ■ . .... . . Sundsy r w k n l wtan t e South« scheduled is the divisions! by eeerioo* at 1 red I pm. Tta weight division. Tta four Htaree. tey at Divtaiona! AAU Jraior reaperitlon which matches uneyeltmaxeenttb today's ftnsftas (rere sad, age nad Harte, Friday, aym pfs wrwttag ow« ud- taaitau from tetria moots « <tareptand>iprotmd,opaafeg« welgte damtlle«tai odvoaea to Qwoty folds at Wksiern Moatana DtBon. Boaamaa. Hetooa red t pm. »•y* no 4 ____ _______ rtmiec made on extra 4iours lar per mile for irgvti to red from «•«troilon. ‘ their residence* Wtan t e ' ................... J ' Hardin. Youte «apata te taw ago PbDowing wtagWoa from I la poup»-8reum.frT-g; Mldpl, Ctarire Stouter laid unofficial •ra • a m S«wday, mm oaten t-18; Junior. U-U; sad te- Ogwe* indie«* the drilstaaal w* geu underway at 10. fadowad iwcaedteu. 1>H spawning 17 »Ul sunn ill «rwtart (ran ------ ---- Tta lour Htare*. Ita from Besamte. Ite Cl1t i M et ° lr d Parties E le c tio n g u id e continued fro/H page 1 (COUNTY SHERIFF diem under eer TERM: four year* SALARY: aggregate* |M N plus lie per mile for um ta Ma . ''DUTIES: chief law «• forcement official of the County, custodian ta the JaU ted prisoners, snd palorms cirtate ci officio dull** such as livestock inspection «td re- forcement of Fish and Game law* INCUMBENT: Uoyd Thomas ---------- - tRepublican) has annoiocsd cuModton ta cotmty futuk. that he will not seta redact km INCUMBENT: Fred Backus CANDIDATES: The only iRcpubllcsni will seek announced c in didst* to tat* ta retaeaton. a* t e formerJaw Undereherltf Raymond ( Buis') Davie (Deroocref) COUNTY ATTORh] TERM: (our yes SALARY: It.nc t e K»U AAU watered at Bñags. Btfrt mfgs ta te co» e t e r i ■eiw attaa teftagt (taf otto «v&nat, 3RM* «M. Armstrong chosen for Frontier honors tx-yrer caaor. wh r ko- Tta taayare adfi_ ____ _____ rerwd Gñfao’a a n t e Etesr. Anna Bell* Gtasch. «ptafl I atar autan, irete Jacne Erfle, Laurie Chaffin, te « tarred t e «wtdote« Und* Luder*, aad Laune *fdy «ta a Us dato-la * Barmt; Leather A Kak Shop- '•». t Wwern Moni«« * Frantlor tea tMrd ovar a Ki-yaar re*a«ooii n>*mp* «in—u u n a « tta Buftteg ho* the tap »• AB-Frontlw talee- poptaar W w « gata tana announced ihta wate by «mflw bawn te tai . laague »Odala, uta ate» m od laadtodhtadtabteFrereter WMC1« Caaay Kdts "Crete of ........ -*— “ --------------- ttaYaar." ÑAU I 'Ita kite wort a9 yrer —»» £t*H«l»Bd risate ai Miutar c o i* Vlthl Ganmctl and Judy ——- ar* Ksmaa Oty. Ha tetetad tad T ---------g ì » t *-------- listali*'*- Verta w f *tawy aty. Ta ta teatad itat trip Larey Arautreng «f W w « ; yaar, wbre bla Btaldaga ,$am « a A te n r e and Jtnis Hartwig. cwtaraare wte Ray MeFlpe, EMC; T^rre Bnkteod aoeatel tte norrow^y - . , _ «*d Btwn Fiorai— Ksrta Uno* 7 1 Davta.Roeky; DavaLWtared « t e d upaottted E o o « te --w ^ tea Uovo tow . tate ta Carte to rio pteyeM jtew tea tata zS k ÌrJ S iZ S !* ¿ fi r* ‘8 * * * ^ * - 4 '“ Maetad (or aaomtf-uaa af a Uro* g«ti* w Tn-m 222ta!fwf2Siae2H! tarerà « m Off M«tear and AmstrrefsidtatireiaBnt- ZSH *JZ ÌT tE ? !rT . GódlrsT Saunder», WMC; tawn «atre care* u h « g*2» P**- ??.**.*■ _ iBuvreore. Rotey;_Fata arte» Tta Mtea terear, a w ^y*.y.T r , Hte tetta n o r d , erar tta* .... WMC; Rotey; Fata ori». Tta Ute* taapar. a H " Taay sealer, was seaotslly oc- _ , , cistmod th* isagre's maat ^ * ..1?'* ware Tan Blatewtal, lew adopt te reto t e i or tate- StaUvan. P « « Cm way sod newt. Ariwtrreg pored tta Chute Youag. E w « ; Tad Bulldogs ia two ewtti^ DUTIES: member <i three mre Board ta Comity Com missioners. tesrgeo with responsibility for handling county buKMM sffnirn INCUMBENT: Jsmts Berrett (Repubtlcsn) he* not ftad TREA1UMR TERM: low yeare. SALARY: «9.730. DUTIES: a x collector and «anto«rei ^«re • 1E^ T yoob tatare Ms opataagnutte ata «10 notan aUgtete lar a of Commtationeri, »lection inl etympfe truWyW nire will regWrar. end doten* of «her Brundt i «gh eooreri cm- mitctfianeou* <knle* filed fo ^ INCUMBENT Margaret q . JVBTW TTtompaoi tRepublican) hat not «mounced. , ■UFERINTENDENT OF SAU ■TBOOLS Comml j y b U u e ^ t a awartad the TERM, low war* right« M ^ ma SALARY' 19.190. bv the brack«. DUTIES: g«n«ral tupervi*"' of coumy tcbool tynem, w m i* hold vaUd treching n tificMe and have three yea teaching experience. INCUMBENT. Jmphi Eudeily (Rcputfiean) he* i renounced PUBLIC ADMINIfTRATI TERM: tow yean SALARY, no aalary ère êfcheduled '1 -kTsa»4S*í3*Jl?- Royal Netrebon ta Amarte* are ateadtaod ter Morte » red Agri! S, » aad r . Tta partire will ta held te Qty H0D taginiuag at • pm Tta 7Kb annrvanary ot tta soctety will ta obrerved by ita nmntare March U « I p.m ta (be Qty Hall. Sn Ja< attraction or* the W««*m kteatrea Coiteti Boo«ar Ouk, Montan* Amateur Ateteilc Unten, red Ctanutel Dtvtetre ta Greerta Molare. AttlRteg Stubbe tournament dlroeUre vohwaor «taf ta store. Besveri) worker* draws from “* -------------- wuuw no —ioti i mkmnll*‘l (Me prohibiting a Ttaasww from PubbcAdminutratorrecrivci Wwmntál «ta retatoonal « « t a t e i auccaedteg himseif te office has peremsge ta the tpprais H «rh7l « tne^jacure aoore • — — ■ 111 athnteiitcr v , JiSTJ" JliSS Jiffs-HSR1* *■ t” " rs slate l ì un Day’. Baibara Huntley John Wifitn “Not Now, Darling has comedy , beauty % Rachel Throckmorton ff DUTIES: prow legal proceeding*. INCUMBENT ('Duke') Gil (Republican) rtclection. COUNTY COMM: ta 91 TERM: tlx yea SALARY: cai B.7W. plus mile wttb races ter kl ling estât« croM-ceuntry - - awards d‘"*ev te the Coim snd adulti.* «au event, and , w T, « tee J»' , 0 ‘ A titular rem was MM •c. » . . . MwchtOuWitdom.w«h«any •re) ha* fit m ean red spectators turning out despite nenr-tere tea- S TMww* Mottars, kid* and then took turcs with tta ." S . Caron Vi»«, ¡M ¿ ' r day for r#ct* V. f . . ^H.wU. Comedy end booiay reire re woduciion of "Life wtth tta n ig i ta tta Ddtefi Oks baB Feteer " tei* monte. * Rate« Tlirete- Admiation *t» tta pre- mcrton. John Warren. Bartare termanrer tebyraam-Mte» Humtey and righi oltan m p through rehisreals •! »3» « M I Player»' venian ta ita Braodway and landre hit. mNh New. Dariteg " Tta ptey «tu ta prremtad u * reecial dtener-Uveater benefit ter ita Ellt* Spente red Howteg ADDITIONAL CANDIDATE*-who bree fited f v almtten to County office* tedude Margaret TTrenpaen. Cterg and Roconter. and Joretelne Eudally. Superimredret «f y > ~ u . Bote are Incumbent Repubikaca. a* la District t Conunteelmr Jsmia G. Barrett, who filed for redaction yw w d sy The tribree-Eiamteer (mneously reported in Thireday'i «ecLlan story ttal County Commtetlorer* are salaried Actually the office teefudst only ■ per dtem aOeweaee and mtirege Bcavohead County CommiMireen have voted to wcept ■ »mailer dally allowance than Hun to which they are legally milted, receiving 190 perday while te eemioa red tte terroed , tta day'* activKles Then came the fi«-track raca on tee Wladom track, which I* not banked and nowhere near oval It has a hard turn to tee left on tta wW end. followed by a right, another hard left, and finally a s neering left-hander on tta « « end For the fira lime te» yew. snowaho# race* were bold with an uietpaaed enthuaiesm red i turnout — n ran for the honors j te low claw«. The day was , Jayceen Newsletter Throckmorton. ■ Park view elemretary school teacher red Dillon bustoereweman. I* making ber recoud apprenne* « a comedienne with ita Players, Lait soring she •tarred te "Let) of ita Rita Hot ‘-¿rob... Hun.l.y. Ulta WSSLiblS ÏÎSi. “L boreewife. Big Hot* rancher F s g ^ held prevtdteg u* with * i “3“itra » ä . Dilten t Junior Mire, Fere ow gureta. M—‘mr Hlkhtte. gave sn tewratof only red reati* Is MmMta Bateere mreetar Jay Bert tes reports teat taH * e rener- vstlon* are already pm*. Tu u TvSn'Bt ma i led et ah Un, Amutm ii ; rA ¿ Cowbelles hold Sheridan meet The Itoida* CowloBre am readsy, MwOt u. « tta maximum charas jmiHM ton (M After s bvriy discireKs L^lalaUvtBO « t e t t a i was adjtureod, with Ariana Barnoaky reported Malta vireteg U n to * i toto^Q^àebredotaafr ita aaM atereto rtB be a gift far tta and Patty Flyre. third Iu £ Tta dutria reotoofl win ta held *t a tec« tat* te Dllten Th* Bref Wart chalrmre reponed su itati tersi bref and vocali« i ^ n?* *t****f *a5*-°r j , ^ new m a rn a « , t« to| «sge in a nreohiglng rete *• r«»«d n«ii«r ------- --- ■ - "“•1 ' “ '^r'SaíifK I protra«s »»•taridtal «•tortd in musie . Untvcrehy «f Montan» » d has entertained si voesltet e Mary O'Con • Hretteren. rTrn..J OH «teg teen ireta tari! 1 S * 7 “ÌTnSta.^5Lrwe* I * , red il wwuM ta tta A«htapte Young Dillon ettomey J * n w Jhe terel d*>« hr Grade tore! We*en returiM t» rtildrea. Msrleae SlMtlskt Î C rem ev red Venta Qeveriey vtelted tta «Ifl t a t a r a 0*ed«t> hmw tagrita i» tea Halfway Houre Ißr Eaow . Tta uub voted te tosi» a Brtt Buchte, with ita Jaycore, te tee toter Ridia« Ota ta testoGuareCento. W » «tu NEW EXERCISE EQUI?MENT-dew*tod by tee Barrau Hospital Auxiliary to Parivi* Idrnl participei* ta Ita OWJMadbte nursing hems has reayki d te eutawmlal pregrere by reme ptotreta, according to physical t itlakt Yeung Woman ef Amortes louteMri»(C««tar) BMhtetbieycteeuorelsardtmcautrsudbrMoteii’itMtrtatoLynn ^ - mdthe vaiberaswete« bate*urei ky paient WUUsmToetay, haveboreln urefer si tta nursing tare» (T F eta' rv- "■ ffV “I "■ T| * A ~wr y ............. -•« rn.v . " » club ti e»i»te a ¿ S i t e ASSTTeyta. wrekiV 171 earn berths m AAU mat m eet^rrae yga meeting Saturday f Vigilant* Ceepsrstive rw««ta« «renter to*« An m im iied COOjunior m il l Tracy Sawyer. Dttlcn I Mark Johnston. Bull* t u n from Butte, Dillon and 3 Shawn Hoektni, Wslkervtlle * Fai Downey. Bate VArit*ehall arc** competed 4. Todd Garrison. DtOon * M»ny Smah, Bate Saturday m the SoulhweMcrn 79 Pound*: * Thomre Crane. Whiltoiall AAU Junior Otympte* I Keith Rebtcb. DUIon 78 Poimte ~ .......... 1 Craig Peteraon. DUkn I John West. Butte 3 Shewn Sr w U , DtUon l NeUian Mattioli. Butte March t> 1C at We«em 4 Pete Babcock. Whiltoiall Montana College Unlimited: Dillon wreitltn led the I John Gibson. Butt* divisional qualifier*, pterinf ® * Jere McGintey, DUIon Uu'ic had 7* and Whitehall 17. * ~ Suiurdsy'» diyten* meat siiraciing crowd prnumitely 1.000 f, ter (wn im ioni. fee solid hour* of ac youigner* ranging) vear* of age. (her 1 .000n iMC wnghl rliMificUlo the ditirirt eereion m m opera ling c ii most of I Dan Sla)car. Butte 4 Tire Daly, Butte 109 Pounds: I Alan Hilton. DUIon I. Dirk Howard, DUIon I Mike Bewate*. DUteo 4. David Milter, DUkn I t o n Sholey. WhltchaU 9 Jaecyh Rreeraan. Butte « Pnid* I (Un Doti. Dillon i William Ou*«. Biete 9 Mkta« Jeme*. Butte 4 Ru« Dak OUI» TJ P ____ indy Rainville. DUIon Douglas tUdurèto. Dilkm 1 M h Stoddard. C ÜU)---------- tetar««, i Cnchtoi. oí throughout mi fhilrman h I David Bagla. DUten >. Otarite Hayw. DUten l PhU Crawford, DUten 4 Km Goody. Mtorore i l l Pouncto: l Steve Ritey, Dill» I Jim Keans, MOrore J. (tarteo CnrraU, DUh l>n4 bundled eighty IIS Pounds: perven* from «round tta i 111 Pound* I David Cbttom. Dillon J Dick Ysm, Butte 9 Scon Panchert. DUten 4 Tim Flym, DUIon IM P o »» ’ I Mike SUjcor. lu to I Ray Kirk, WMltoU 9 t o n Burns, Bate 4 Louis Yeung. W b h ^ IB Pound* D illo n e n g in e e r s a tte n d c o n fe r e n c e I t o n Love. DUten Roed* *nd Sir*«* (or/erence Wghwsy safety Nudanti and I Don Groarenh. DUteomndiaiedby ita Mont«n* Stale t a t i » standard* IM Pounds: Uwvmiiy (Vpe/imww ef Civil TJiw ronlwence it . ledersi eld Forest Servit», dlMrlcl Montano Arrien eignwr Dreald E WUren, removal, national * « a u of Land Managern«« Keñry Socry, Oardwe Engineering end raguteerteg biennially “ “ * * " “'* cooper ilion imouihly" and lit* nf almost 180 vorkiri hiuhh* ctllm. v-rckcnd'i (bvitiom siirsrt between 7 wrenteri frotr Dupmsn. lUrdm diMiui' mriixluig wmiirii from eaci *t-ighl tirackri*. I- molisti IN* w vance to the MS March 10-31 « Bt”' BANTAM DI (4-74 Yrer 49 Pound»: _ _ 1 W tateP tam snI lf» ' «»«rOnr i Thkd Bla 4. John Osl.. I ” s m « T » :yter t ^ * ' > * » > * « « < , outtoandtenaervie« t Jim Meired V u nHddlreird snl oltat workers by J » Ftetctar, J mimwrsier for tta M wsna Slat« “ J i Trey Webarg, l)i M Pounta: l Gil Stoddard. DUten , t Jrif Mayfield. DUtef) I Mark Heard, Butts I Tad KeUy. BUte IttmkiùtATtDtV dr*)i lU-HYoarOMs) te ¿reign I Paid Tatoi. DUten Méchame» Tta Ihr«e4*y igned OMlf "fiSu*” - privala ------ .... ........... . *7*d agencies red Participant* from Dillon toad* eng included Forest »nginter* Nreru ■ chsnce te gate naw Richard Hockley snd Lowell J * Eddte Barere, Wtetto r»pe«_iM *re ».«reng* »dre* Schellark and engineering Among levered were technicien Andy Hope. US • i í i n f » * ! Fud Mate <0ere«> _ ^ .^ A f t e g t o o » Reprerenutlve A r _____ , - - . ---- - The DUten affiso atawsd t o Mgh«t eer- tem a’ I c*n,Mr W '*<vkeri pf«r«4 to ta g i n among Ì S 1 Ì C u ÎJfiüL pf-j-mcti s»>tire..fftrtsiniho« iis fi»pereontog»Hui ta. •• f*r « » > * 'hre*»• recoudtecslrtfire Tta th 4 Refer 8»cry, WhHohaU Ufvr-*- niundb: 1 Jack Hog*£, I. Johnn: 9 Scotti^,. '■must™ ' ““ •■JIKw, 1»« w iw f e l?. HwM* * * i I Heure, dumm» dvntey. **■ LoiftMtoP.i^wresaâAS;1 |aft;*aAsna |p u m sri, irasri't Style t o p »^ I Uteri r- . _ I Ita dore jfiy i «■ ba-w I taiSy tetta T Ì.Joto» ^ Irr-îîK’ÂfîSEïï I Frevidiag la w « tro tta Itdtewto) Aren M m M . ■ tri»la>sb*rt»( t a f ,n*k. taste Hw«. Oten Ectaten, BMty Hflmtalte.. »«»ta»« ^ v 1saJSTotì 109 Founds: I. Rotate Rowling, R*M IMFtodi: I. Ronald CarreB, DBte* IM F--*-' gilente Coepartii*« ncttmm »> *• ___isèr* will gettar te DUten em tel lFT Saturday fer their annual dim« to —irei toting »g m » «g tagte at I;* rm "+ Tta garet spiibtr 1er the octari atahsrii event will he Orerà* W O'Cwrer te » tota«; " (TComer, ctaef enaeuUve to- director •• «ta subsidiary « ^ fiere to tta Montana Preme oompstore el Mreto» Fo w runsinr Company, vire gretodrel am AtolLhiftoif»thengends draciar to t o Freme Tfre- i* tta eteciton to drecrer* ter thwett J«» ®rejW ibm groas director of Ediren ElKtrtc Diradare te ta tacita reo: U«Nut*. draerer Wert* ene f r i t o Ddtea renk arre M u sa i to Mteteg te Brtte^ held by H. B. C o r ti; are tare dkreioe ef » « m t o i r e to the WhlutaM sree tate by Ire M iao«, dragar , red jm OtriMdy. end ere (rem tta prealdcrt to ita tot* ttoreto Sltrer teorWawrlre ores bta totteunewwretorto to ta Ed Nolle ktawtons Cb» ta to tta »tor AcUvKtre • • tata « f io Brems *f t e t a j b n t a to « « . to tta VWtsafo Bloctote ö f tere tre» Otato.to Mirerei Beg »Kb «ambo» Bo«i« * Tatosfagy tata ¡reure for t o dtater sod toten of Btois, direct« to t o teg Afro*wtadsy Nellonst Atreriajlre to unni ... X CoopOf«'»* ■oattars aad tote taunadtet* theM teres.Bata to M oO taO ; IsmB tre w«tatoread teto Butio.atadracw rtoWB teV to BwvwkredCiuy H igh Stool Mito. ........ - * Oat to (Borito, w« • recito hour tetaw»! I taita Friday «9 p« teto ■ tortdM Wg> tetad Ora TBs « o n c i will futur* rentetoonti » to Oft rango et it te is, »hi to pom el «wring tot «arie io a UM«g AND U R M M M «tototeyl AAU Jtater -------- ■“ » «a« tettatoli totem** taure ofstash tere «tatatong. Iky O ta lliovol, gto. kdâjwg Jtag tato et and (aredtoteg «a dismng m .. . ............. Ha. Dtoäaadlfa'gMC B orei Cbd a l »«d »stiff wren « ito u , «oreo, beaetat. sad super iresrtoi^ppjtare who partopaad teorer tt er. FVRNtmiE HACE» it a « Morerick t a n t e re luaf atosf yrere Ttare « a t a r e s rtdteg t o rentrnpbre beta tadtenctaVtaiatodtesreftasaary hsktosd TWttwre putol« schul itudoat par-a IteyBarere. «M dem the teaW T i r e t l SoreadwrerefrreregresrdriteudbyKte D^pref » 1 1toe reds. Mtewadf - eadKirk l agu reasutodoaedkalereareyor M l «rea brindad te t o pre»*« «M flaaodRrereUKlop ii ... — --------- -------- ■- —• 1— ----------- ------------- ---------in a it . ............................ -rp»N « aurtnll »0* to mre's O0»rp«tto) wHogutart -' - lU p g (p* tetton tote» Místatela tre t a »at tan’ tonTredtoirtaS ta»irta»s^ ■ jjre»Tn n « y to d Tim »00« bo tore) t o W rum utsi round, ¿tore) ............ ......... «tore, M l ta ita . Atea tate at Morsrtck » litote» w* rete» nad reumbfre, elscg w«h iual taten MerpaWstear I 1batelMotobylMrryBwilift.fi« ' by Wall Harvoy i t e l i aod J t o W ator U HI ........ ................................. .... ........... _ . _ . ¡¡ftetai.R ldi K ta ril. T I Bareoo, i t a Harrt*»». Ray Barere. K » Otaria aad Ruas Kipp ( p H by Bob mat officials to meet Thursday Gun Club shoots to win roïlÜT ****••*••* *•*"VW« U M M M , U: H*t a.ta.BaU.a,l P *.0 * -~ V > w ere K M * J K Î" » ÎÎ «~U..Twro.,Ü<lro«l, M>/IroVrol.j; Ï “V-0« w s .»*v« » « * > « . * *,,■*»< H l.a IMMtro.Dron.ro. aTOdro M>7u Mini, If Uti (mnM W M DM M ‘rat I rnem. m e to ht tard »to IM stab »« rei > tette rears, fsastHtated. . _ Bsb Beysre. «star (Must* Mtrsb h ^ "9 *"'*** M » sad 0 » Ktou. «; RarWt Brotaste —ratei tata#, to «lob Rata», jtaay OreKlTsuu Rato.17 remmimm* te l to M Andrea», otre I m to d d , iT lt i i. Miks Hofsrt, Page . ïjbôor Prices y*»:» r e ------- ------- '.'¿.trLia- ggaB asB Bs a a sg ^ æ s tor t o Jiq^ren ®>te saasw m & m . tm S e iw i tos tta teM oSftsja ».rgtoftetai Smrei rresrdod tor tta « t u psood Morete M Tbwadoy,M oschi],rere oí MreyeO» aftÍM ! ■: • 3BK8 L,. r '¿T^SiaB TMJaysrere M totateto ¡XSi ST un Um S1 k ................. WAIT1NC AI ih»ir annual D ito ■ » » . , « th*mot, rertsK*khdm« thllv. R c V-rlng the A AU "ml . ita Styl« teto wtt ta teiored, Mrerre, dur» tt * - ' Pair pleads guilty in Dilloñ tool theft * ■TO— rororororo Mill.ro . . . Two young DUtoh MM paOMtel» khokld erir.' —“r toJudgsF . idteN*ilre«n* Hair «r . -mtowriag e n lu t e n IL _ SïS£'.-.i« « « I Ä/ti.Ä'Si'S ........ H»n‘teriBg p i i an «r Individuai ^»1 giîüriliTy'Tdarete n te t o " ll. rê w repstsd in W wtogÑ bri "¿tribet DUten u h , Ratart DrUlka CW Tta n « «• ' Rat» Celholk d e r . A tun-■ (* « •) Al*» Hulfard. «psareed re a iriteuad. . ,.n _____ _ _ ri**w ill tareread MU ite tons of «ladtmitar AJurenllo torrVd ih ÙwlfîTîrefll >m with t o Style teto » . » s i tai af flUsDuan* aid »rttelMtlan te a tmum ^ ilio* Praewdi tram t o rto Tta w m tote» ta sta anritan mi IdM (tere of dio.M MBof«f Doter. ’W ater G ònservation banquet slated . . X_ Tta «»M l wmmmt «Itoreteorreytosteodtere |i^ k bmrewsft o Rtay VsBoySali O w ly ■ « be rtv» byîw ë J . ’ {üroXro büTiSIS. I __ -f. .J L Cast completed for WMC musical • JtaVFl will g Rest Item». telato ta rw iranntoreñmktoteta w !iü!j! re.ta Ite} preH»» M reto to m Ra ?jg\ _ Hw putete te torito. TVhKs rUl1XA> o ih» dl«>r/ rsa bo atrrfui torRMtoC Jiend ol Dm» or nt mette«. CMitata ,1 CW superattor tor ita board raParhiiew U to b« elecipd « this tnsaii, ‘ • " iKcordieg la Stv Wdetalehw, •ta NBte BUteNEBMtB A R E tU ' >M ' -4i DMHaftteg taSSi'M itai ■Kt . , itwnl «rtth tnttsllir tlttoiUnnsn of t o » u n miiatai •TO, Mita Krily, p is to teltored , induded J*ff Ssidtti«tirk< tedudsd te tta p r o v i »tt . Ui» VF'* bmta Hifi* T u ’w»Ilde» tnd ■ u lk N t o M te I ........................ .. **■- I prosiden Ed IwMNh Is Odsify i4rtete| M ’hSta Htodkr ImpratolMr focUHtes. B m tW iattl# wrs yreterdoy t o od Ita.tereverilead irodMte te ressi p i i Sus Tarmi arre Atony Oraiti r tlh itei“ A s Treten« P i wtì aff« aarenrey.toathtr »nèh ( t i i and pi»tof|B te mgptire <T-E ptatei- .Ikforvlilag (ho . dranrestrePto,Prems i .re*/ Jp KtaQJMre MKranw M t o nute» T- . y /: v ; ü Bridges downs Frazer, IIv=T2f Norman Luboff Choir in Dillon on Wednesday At 8 p.m. Friday, March 29, internationally-acclaimed choral conductor and composer Norman Luboff will lead his choir onto the Western Montana College auditorium stage. There, under the auspices of Dillon Community Concert Association and the generosity of the late Mrs. Edna Moe, will begin one of the most unique and exciting performances in the Dillon association's 25-year history. With over 50 LPs and a decade of concert touring to its credit, the Norman Luboff Choir has achieved a reputation unmatched by any other vocal group in the world. It is appropriate, therefore, that ¡Friday's concert is dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Moe, who prior to her death on January 8, 1966, had been recognized as “ Mrs. Music” to generations of local students. A longtime patron of the arts and secretary of the Com munity Concert Association, Mrs. Moe bequeathed one-fifth of her estate to the association for the express purpose of “promoting and presenting quality concerts in the city of Dillon.” Norman Luboff Established as the Edna Moe Memorial Concert Fund, the bequest was made in memory of her many years with the Community Concert organization and the musical education programs of Dillon schools and Western Montana College. From 1947—when the local association was founded—until 1966, Mrs. Moe was its only secretary. Her 19-year service in this post was marked by dedication and a desire to upgrade the musical climate of this area. Association President Bob Harrison recalls Mrs. Moe as “the dominant figure behind the success of Dillon Community Concerts, which through the years has secured well over 100 outstanding international ar tists for local programs." Harrison predicted that few of those illustrious past artists will surpass the 20-member Luboff Choir in total audience # 1- joyment. There is literally no other choral conductor—or scarcely another musician of any kind— who possesses Lubofr’s ver satility and craftsmanship. He is equally at home with Beethoven and Brahms as he is with a Bacharach ballad or a Beatles’ hit. His Friday program at Dillon will be selected from a reper toire of sacred, secular, folk, popular and spiritual com positions. "This is certain to be one of the most important musical events of this or any other season," Harrison said. He stressed that admission is by membership only and no tickets are sold at the door. Senring Southwestern Montana Since 1881 Keltz named Frontier Coach of 19 t o t a n i Ca**r Kata, wta Csaferance and V e a s k tm Backlog tta» aom “Ore- iato u tate tobrekq d alato to W isn t o r e <Uuh) CeUags, »Mck n M to tree" »ta • letereHato bota t o r t a - » are i fiere red Catte«» BunBaf t t* a »7 fteckv I t a u a tear» teatariog Ron teVHa, N vk aoa* af t o « in » tare» rearea aad t o Froatter C »- Added t o n «re acktevta Grek. Jolloa Drireaaa. T w vrittegatewrete*re« * teff» Maaco titì», k » ta » reto to te s ito bordre «ta* Ktas' Ttakre «ta Rtar IMw. IvO raat Fell* ttare. frier te a&srsLS: sls .? zzz-: w * show -— «toon by diitlUg fore aratffcl ^ . ft» tar Tta tortai sta alada n s C id i» »»»rets, tartalM J K " :!? Ill final StttfeS t o stagte Kata'ftMtesrti-yaofstrare pnalgtew UalrorsKy *1 "-------- - * - * ------ .«toW Itn tata «tara bte AJbrela i erne bam laarea b a n merer fitted*» Bala* tarer t o a reared te teagus bjrword, tatto. Aria. Kata' ms-74 tardeoon <1 R tt »ealloara »terited a il l eoafemce anag, «UHirire, t o Kata sod Us Bulk irol*?,?*“" Maisltsl - ton d te • ant cor acciài, injuries, while is * accumd « 141 pre sumiaed ptsslbls J j i . COM* Ttareo*. Kevin I » » LM “ l » « d o r north ef DO* » I- Juries U to Own ws U t o » , sod Jnaite Johnsor. * »¡gJSîis *«B prertbl« to d » rien'e AfllV 10» ^ » s a e j lu rorororororo Lro , ka ... . . , ___ «rds, « t o ’' Dot’s Fatal»- _______________ Otate— re. Uorte Richards, ***- .___ . «rea Mr ota Un Albi rat tauri allai Ï3ÆÜT"’ *5î.N r*'r' «¡îroJÏÏT! T-"1 Itaror rou •» ‘“ < a ro * a * i o~««ro»uroDro Kevi* W U ta n . JenU* Fljmr. « » ‘»F««* »“ LMgie was idmlned u total— KeOl DaUney, end Jennifer A tare «If Ita _ Hesitad, S t s p b « s s *-71 trttol wKyjautopwaisaattawrii G reiteres. r«r. Æltoih. » t o t talC *«rtadrestatate»,topa _ Laonhardt's- Saadi Ries, _ t . ■ tO **-Î* ■ was m Ortto Wsriett and Mro Jet tataboditato «,bM i CBj_ Oajrenataf» Smith, tlirt s - Barber, D f e m rii '1 II w iÿ i— . teâgw'l erem i, E4|»r Anas Mite Osato, »tote», » n tort» aad^h»ta» h»Otaf EXTENSIVE REMODELING—of the grocery are* in Roberts Food* has been going on during the S at week. New grocery ialtnda of white metal have given a nreat deal of additional shelf apace for >d items as well as widening the aisles of the store to make it easier for shoppers to maneuver grocery carts. The clerks shown above added stock to the shelves as a part of the new arrangement. Dave Hughes and T. W. Sargent said the new shelving will make It easier for customers to find the items they wish in a friendly store, where personal and courteous service is the motto of the business. (T-E photo) Hits ‘publicity game’ on subdivision effect HELENA (AP) - The presi dent of the Montana Association of Realtors charged Monday in a letter to Wesley R. Woodgerd, director of the Montana Fish and Game Department, that the state agency is conducting “a publicity game” in squabbles with the realtors over sub divisions and the welfare of wildlife. Cliff Christian accused Fish and Game of releasing letters to the press without bothering to send the originals to his as sociation. An old spat between the agency and the realtors was re vealed in January, when the of ficial department magazine criticized subdivisions and their effects on wildlife. Campaign reform battle has begun WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate is starting what promis es to a stormy, drawn-out battle over campaign reform legislation. The most controversial part of a bill to be bro Tht up for debate todav nrovldes for use of tax funds financing presi- d ntial and congressional elec ts i campaigns. It Is under attack by Presi dent Nixon and others as a raid on the treasury for the benefit of politicians. But Alpporters of public fi- nancingpnaintain it is the best way to eliminate the influence Stomach Upset by Gas and Acid? Dl-Q*l”v reliavea bo llmeth1 '!'*'« quickly acid ■ - >:.i : kl This utuqu' <■ )s-;i. up and dis-so; -.a., bubbles. Your relnu' k: mi ' uo cofnpletebecauHu Di-Gel takes the acid and the gas out of acid indigestion. When you eat too well, demand Di-Gel. Tablets, liquid. Product of Plough, Inc. of big money in politics and are counting on the Watergate scandals to help them win votes. Other parts of the bill would limit campaign contributions and expenditures, require an nual financial disclosure state ments by Congress members and all other top government officials, and restrict personal spending by candidates for fed eral office. More centralized reporting of campaign financing would be required, tax Incentives for small contributions would be doubled, stiff penalties would be provided for diversion of campaign funds to personal use and the equal time requirement for political broado.".,:tr» would be repealed. Still another major feature.is the creation of a federal elec tions commission that could op erate independently of flt .‘ us* hnent in prosecuting Except for the public financ ing provisions, the bill Is essen tially the same os one the Sen ate passed 83 to 8 lost July 30, : but on which the House has taken no actitm, -t-' . .--V n'- » iL. „1«CTk ¿I .‘èro . ,¡t^h^jek3jO L^JS»Lw eSíí, - ~ -------------------------------------------------------- --------- &-■„ storili í I ébé Ü híbs É Woodgerd fired the next-to- latest salvo in a series of ex changes last Friday, when he released a letter to newsmen saying Fish and Game wanted the realtors to supply a list of proposed subdivision develop ments in the state. Christian said Monday he did not receive a copy of the same letter. “The only communication we have received from the depart ment was a letter dated March 16, 1974, signed by you which made no mention of such a list,” he said in the letter to Woodgerd. The realtors had no intention of starting a feud with Fish and Game, he claimed. “It started very simply with the department printing a story which blamed subdivisions for loss of wildlife habitat. We sup posed tht you had supporting data for this contention and so we asked for it,” Christian wrote. The association recently aired in its newsletter a request for information from the agency on impacts of subdivisions on water quality, hunting and fishing access by the pubuc and wildlife. Chriitian sold he considers information fUrnlohed to date by Flah and Game to be of . little specific value, and added, “finding that It Is not available from an agency which profeses to have the welfare of the stat ) as its objective makes the tack infinitely more difficult; “I had hoped the dep'irtrnevit woe sufficiently aincem in its concern to offrir sptciñc infor mât ionl'Wlth such information, we could work closely with our local boards and:' individual members tot the 0 t>od Of the state.” 4 •>>*., 11 '

Smile whenmontananewspapers.org/lccn/sn85053037/1974-03-26/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · 3/26/1974  · “ " weather station r both the board end tin the .third minee undtdsta. nest April, teacher*,

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Page 1: Smile whenmontananewspapers.org/lccn/sn85053037/1974-03-26/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · 3/26/1974  · “ " weather station r both the board end tin the .third minee undtdsta. nest April, teacher*,

'*?..? 1 « *J ? r , I r “ y 'V i f '- ;

■:'WtSv’s •: , , .t •

DAILY TRIBUNE-EXAMINER Tuesday, March 26,1974 ...

' " ' "’ : ' •'• ■ ■ * " ' " " T ^,* • r *• - >


- r, . V - ' ; ^ / w V

I’ .,í A’;,"s¡

Dillon, Montana Page 3


•■ I ta m te to ta a r esosto» »tari* a

Jean’s Corner

tot» Mr. aad Mss. «Mai fiume,h u ta» mmtmSr* « h * A t o f t S d H ta

Mr. and M n

"■ f f i S j a s1rs our business*,^ s 3 S S 3 a S S a ? ÄS=,:= “ “* “**

Hold»•aiotawitkUsgri« t i f e r e i «

............. . .. ib ton un . •Saturday tn 8». Ro n Cr-i Qiureh. TB« Rav. F,Emmen O'NaUl ' '

¿..»-î-'.j’i ä i e s e ï£ , v J 5 r . „anirlro. or ■*»• Up «f '

-•*• •'-* i"iff»*t «re » r ico n to t o ^ * ^'*•“# ami «Juron Hsrvey e i tta Kocm« m 4 KouN w rn inUm*. Msrrh 1314 for a ragtensl Pttgidtara metti»« 1

er* Mr . t»d U n . Jeta He. , Eureka. • .

Matron of honor wan

Tmmt au Aoy OM u *• «rat « era. TBof to ta * i t th a n akw l lita r es , te ,1a «tat «1 tao." Ita OireNreaa* utf 0

ultoE vtka « as bon tasa. I were Ton Straub and Holder. Roana RainrlOt

“>*1 Hlnck and Frankie Riattati of (be Bureau of Und - ...... “» »"«ndta an admM aratro c o n tem n in BiUtoi ••ha «M ili ru.b u . _ ■ . . . . . . ____T. «

a * M a . «M * ' ! ■^ ^ W .^ Í » a 3 « ta i* ta e a io r ta ( ta m ü lia n f ta ta M d n r tp N tta jr * e r e D?vid U M * U eeu S '

’ « lek , W. ‘ ‘WÛUiin a Earlier in the month Dick Hanna aiiwded a rame ondbiaebiidrena and «lie's hair. ItaU .S .

'i^nagrmeni refresher coures at U g » , Utah. eking is David Bruca. Another tantslro^» Hawaiian v o l t e a . rau n te« boma Bus day. a :

During th e week of M arch 18-22, 1974, th e Tribune-Examiner

carried m ore th an 5 7 0 colum n inches of local new s plus 26

local photographs. To m atch th a t, a weekly tabloid would

have to carry 7% pages o f new s and 3% pages of pictures.

You get m ore in your daily new spaper!

Smile when you say that.

Friday, March 22M eeting»

nual mtetuif M Saiorday. ~ hit TV o

office baa been dttailed in it e r i« » handle io assist with wrvey «tang. \

. snd will be there ior about «o la M Service civd engineer, »as i'shisaai b ogt« Nation« Forest a< com of li and children will n » » <» rfcetWMC in j« *

Alcoholic» Anonymous, S p ro . REA Bidldtbg

holiest« Bridge. 1:19 pm , State B*

Saturday, March 23 M eeting»

Cold Ni'|get square dance, »p.m , St. Jam « Guild Hall

Vcierans of Foreign Ware cart party. 7:19 pm .. LogtenHalh

S p ec ia l event»Jsyceen Style ^ww, '‘Gingham and Lace.” 11:19 pm ., ft. Eo n Family Center

AAU Junior Olympic» WrwtUng T o m n r n l; M e m weigh- trw.lBam mat eetion .U p w . mat action eaoit e l t ; Weetfre Mcxiuna GoUegt

V t|llaoie Electric Ceoperative. Inc. a n n u l B W ttn|.

WAITING FOR THE OIUOHER— ravaged and dNerted at the corner of Orr and Pacific «nota. . Ihb t r e t et hat been stripped of simo« every removable Hem encept the rear tentare ft w u 1 out on the street by H* owner to swell the car cnohtng firm that was scheduled to vieti DUIon early A thU m « h lin in g i eyaeorea like this m e recyclable rete» of scrap stasi Tta « h a g s company 1hubaendeUyedumil neat month, howi------------------------------- - ~ n — ■r»or, to H win have lo watt. Otilen poBca have n

'■ - io repwt m abandonad vetada. caB lh-

F a c u lty , b o a rd n e a r c o n tra c t, B C H S ask s $ 1 1 8 ,3 2 0 m ill levydraws n u r ........................negotiation* between the the nine ■ faculty and board of truetaet at « weil as the quetaon Beaverhead Couity High School »beiher high actual dlatrl •re being ffcialUed, eceerdtagt». trusteM are te be efeeud.

y*tw uala petition toihe board leather to lb* fact«y prapoatng elect ion of the If the Spadai EduesliM truateea The petition was (SB!

t by » per cent of the leg«St s qualified ' ............... -

y Rodger*. John Cnhon •pi* Scout D înent' Day

.u advarire'o the rank of

BCHS principe! Cile MItcteU. The T-E reported yoMcrday reqdred. and the reaotutloa ta* Negotiated hires inclining ih « Joe Heile red Neil Breton (fared « the April# ballot,

salariai, tfdt leave and beskh here filed for elect lea es If (he reiolation m u m , inaurinee have b e « treuüvely tnotees for atanettary Dtartet wxrei will elect etodioau

K Plan for airport “ " weather station

r both the board end tin the .third m inee undtdsta. nest April, teacher*, aay* MitcheU. Joan Deri*. Beaten « d ted e The high edwta' mt

The high aduoi dtarict will ‘ ............. * 1"

Prepare, l«i* are bela» oorepieted and the Incalió» (« 1 1 levy fron orepleted (or repiaeetMM <d quite cenata yet. however." I

t u n the the «»ether sultanat the DUtan tarvtce wid be previtad M )aac ior en s s mui. i i i i j s levy a n n a irw ce* me cwrenuy o« i rm iuie n r m jwm. which hou* drpen, Starting April I. hnr* s day. wtth we* 'hr 1974-7} operation* mn the «ppointed by , the Cewily « « TJ mUta * m « M i9 .T ta . ta I The fnellUy was nored from obrer» «ion from ( a nschool balks Also facing tour Commissioner*, but this y « r t a m a « is primarily du» u sa svai the airport a f i» FAA terranei pm and two dally we*

«Uictpnied «inflaoM rire of «9 Ami w U b + m . sod t e tta dwetsKudins*, and wtU atao matfe «ta* P*K two months 8 tus basa Certification of tta m»<« . . . .addition of a «epbiaatlon pm eperatsd by WandaCehrta from nr*rip is al«, ta M m a t» s » . V :- r k«, k . _ . .^ .k mtu> aw. St ; . “ . * r"1«" •.

tat «fang a btec dite^iUe a»d

reOecttag the [ « ■ « ttataM Éteef bit ctaM Mend,

wad ( S ä M l Metta sf tta fw r

„iS M , “SJTSJSl S

C an d id ates b eg in cam pai^ fo r 1 5 C o u n ty , S tate o fficEvery county and atata

legislMlvt office will be up for ffabe in this etaatan year tesrept District Judge and Oerfcof DUtriet Couel. sod tta Trlbun» ExaDlner has com­piled this unofficial e te it a Rdde on the offica «id ttacandidate» __

Filing deadline for the Jime « have moved _ _____irtmsry and Nov. I jreeral voted or registered iteidd iiV otartau sT r e d tir

coeuct the County Ctark. TERM1^ApplleiUon* for ataentta

tar home north of DUtan will continue to oper«* tta airpon w e«tar ««tan

"For various reasons, the tarpon is the be« poetata* location foy the weather ««Ion." said Dan Reedy, a t' S Westtar Servici specislM horn Poceullo ta^arvtautg Um DUtan tptaal)stlon. "There are

from the Federal Aviarie» Adminiti ration Provliioaal reruAcaitan tas tace granted, tccording to county Civil tefotne Director Ed Bwetltai, • •>d • me*Ung will ta held In April to dtacuM perreanent cerufictaton requirement*

Swetlta, ha* also request *d « w y - y f Hintdiy airport

Casey Reitz

■ ta tta A lesante

ta champa ta t e E v * tÿ « i* * S Î ” " ° * -l* ar* 1 " T * - Ateta t e w .t e a Eta» t e i h Jm w . Cenate TThmsn

Représentai for réélection, or docided

. ___ . . . . S geelection 1* April XS. ao addìi candid«« may file lor t e affino rteeitliWire to.

sad Senator w taleoid ity.u ■NCUMBeNT: Frank ( t e t t e ta m .Ì U p .n ^ n 'M n

i « i v i d i « r J f ^ S ? Ä te s duc If ta doee raT lt «10 bo tai t e rwtaatan. Otaria 0 (DUtan and « w e n

r * £ * * FTATE REPREBENTATIVU Beevmtaod Coter»

--------------- ? £ ? 'Election Guide' p. 3

hosts weekend mat meet□erkreornlt Over 100 yotng wnKtan.

Lett ranging frtre sti to 14 yeart ta regtar age. will be gutting for etata Tourney Chaintaertta* touroament berths this Stutate said to « ■ . . . . . . .Sundsy r w k n l wtan t e S ou th « scheduled is the divisions! by eeerioo* at 1 red I pm . Tta weight d iv ision . Tta four Htaree.tey at Divtaiona! AAU Jraior reaperitlon which matches un eyeltm axeenttb tod ay 's ftnsftas (rere sad, age nad Harte,Friday, a y m p fs wrwttag ow « ud- taaitau from te tr ia moots « <tareptand>iprotmd,opaafeg« welgte dam tlle«tai odvoaea toQwoty folds at Wksiern Moatana DtBon. Boaamaa. Hetooa red t pm.»•y* no 4 ____ _______ rtmiecmade on extra 4iours lar per mile for irgvti to red from«•«troilon. ‘ ‘ their residence* Wtan t e ' ................... J '

Hardin. Youte «ap ata te taw agoPbDowing wtagWoa from I la poup»-8reum.frT-g; Mldpl, Ctarire Stouter laid unofficial

•ra • a m S«wday, mm oaten t-18; Junior. U-U; sad te- Ogwe* indie«* the drilstaaal w* geu underway at 10. fadowad iwcaedteu. 1>H spawning 17 »Ul s u n n i l l «rw tart (ran

------ ---- — Tta lour Htare*. Ita from Besamte . Ite

Cl1t iM et ° l r d P a r t i e s

E l e c t i o n g u i d e

continued fro/H page 1(COUNTY SHERIFF diem under eer

TERM: four year*SALARY: aggregate* |M N

plus lie per mile for um ta Ma

. ''DUTIES: chief law « • forcement official of the County, custodian ta the JaU ted prisoners, snd palorms cirtate c i officio dull** such as livestock inspection «td re- forcement of Fish and Game law*

INCUMBENT: Uoyd Thomas ---------- - —tRepublican) has annoiocsd cuModton ta cotmty futuk. that he will not seta redact km INCUMBENT: Fred Backus

CANDIDATES: The only iRcpubllcsni will seek announced c in didst* to tat* ta retaeaton. a* t e former Jaw Undereherltf Raymond ( Buis') Davie (Deroocref)COUNTY ATTORh]

TERM: (our yes SALARY: It.nc

t e K»U AAU watered at Bñags.

Btfrt mfgs t a te co» e t e r i ■eiw attaa teftagt (tafo t t o « v & n a t , 3RM* «M .

Armstrong chosen for Frontier honors

tx-yrer caaor. w h rko- Tta taayare a d f i _ ____ _____rerwd Gñfao’a a n t e Etesr. Anna Bell* Gtasch. «ptafl I atar au tan , ir e te Jacne Erfle, Laurie Chaffin, te « tarred t e «w td o te « Und* Luder*, aad Laune *fdy «ta a U s dato-la * Barmt; Leather A Kak Shop- '•» . t

Wwern Moni«« * Frantlor tea tMrd ovar a Ki-yaarre*a«ooii n>*mp* « in — u u n a « tta Buftteg ho* — the tap »• AB-Frontlw talee- poptaar W w « gata tana announced ihta wate by «m flw baw n te tai . laague »Odala, uta ate» m od laadtodhtadtabteFrereterWMC1« Caaay Kdts "Crete of ........ -*— “ ---------------ttaYaar."

ÑAU I 'I t a kite wort a9 yrer—» » £t*H«l»Bd risate ai M iutar c o i * Vlthl Ganmctl and Judy — — -

ar* Ksmaa Oty. Ha te te ta d tad T ---------g ì » t *-------- l is ta l i* '* - Verta w f *taw y a ty . Ta ta teatad itat tripLarey Arautreng «f W w « ; yaar, wbre bla Btaldaga ,$am « a A te n r e and Jtnis Hartwig. cwtaraare wteRay MeFlpe, EMC; T^rre Bnkteod aoeatel tte norrow^y - . , _ «*d Btwn Fiorai— Ksrta Uno* 7 1Davta.Roeky; DavaLWtared « t e d upaottted E o o « te - - w ^ t e aUovo t o w . tate ta C arte t o r i o p te y eM jtew tea tata z S k Ì r J S i Z S ! * ¿ f i r* ‘8 * * * ^ * - 4 '“

M aetad (or aaomtf-uaa af a Uro* g«ti* w T n -m 2 2 2 t a ! f w f 2 S i a e 2 H !tarerà « m O ff M«tear and A m strrefsidtatireiaBnt- Z S H *JZ ÌT tE ? !rT .GódlrsT Sa under», WMC; tawn «atre care* u h « g * 2 » P * * - ? ? . * * . * ■_ iBuvreore. Rotey;_Fata arte» Tta Mtea terear, a w ^ y * . y . T r ,

Hte tetta n o r d , erar tta*

. . . . WMC;Rotey; Fata ori». Tta Ute* taapar. a H

" Taay sealer, was seaotslly oc- _ , ,cistmod th* isagre's maat ^ * ..1?'*

ware T an Blatewtal, le w adopt te r e t o t e i or tate-StaUvan. P « « Cm way sod newt. Ariwtrreg pored tta Chute Youag. E w « ; Tad Bulldogs ia two e w tt i^

DUTIES: member <i three mre Board ta Comity Com­missioners. tesrgeo with responsibility for handling county buKMM sffnirn

INCUM BENT: J s m ts Berrett (Repubtlcsn) he* not ftadTREA1UMR

TERM: low yeare.SALARY: «9.730.DUTIES: a x collector and

«anto«rei ^ « r e •1E T yoob tatare Ms opataagnutte

ata «10 n o ta n aUgtete lar a

of Commtationeri, »lection in l etympfe truWyW nire willregWrar. end doten* of «her Brundt i «gh eooreri cm- mitctfianeou* <knle* filed fo ^

INCUMBENT Margaret q . JVBTW “TTtompaoi tRepublican) hat not «mounced. ,■UFERINTENDENT OF SAU■TBOOLS Comml j y b U u e ^ t a awartad the

TERM, low war* right« M ^ m aSALARY' 19.190. bv the brack«.DUTIES: g«n«ral tupervi*"'

of coumy tcbool tynem, w m i* hold vaUd treching n tificMe and have three yea teaching experience.

INCUMBENT. Jm ph i Eudeily (Rcputfiean) he* i renouncedPUBLIC ADMIN IfTRATI

TERM: tow yean SALARY, no aalary

ère êfcheduled'1-kTsa»4S*í3*Jl?-

Royal Netrebon ta Amarte* are ateadtaod ter Morte » redAgri! S, » aad r .

Tta partire will ta held te Qty H0D taginiuag at • pm

Tta 7Kb annrvanary ot tta soctety will ta obrerved by ita nmntare March U « I p.m ta (be Qty Hall.

S n


attraction or* the W««*m kteatrea Coiteti Boo«ar Ouk, Montan* Amateur Ateteilc Unten, red Ctanutel Dtvtetre ta Greerta Molare.

AttlRteg Stubbe tournament dlroeUre vohwaor «taf ta store.

Besveri) worker* draws from“ * -------------- w u u w no —ioti i m k m n ll* ‘l (M e

prohibiting a Ttaasww from PubbcAdminutratorrecrivci Wwmntál «ta retatoonal « « t a t e i auccaedteg himseif te office has perem sge ta the tpprais H «rh 7 l « tne^jacure aoore • — — ■

111 athnteiitcr v , JiSTJ"

JliSS Jiffs-HSR1* *■ t” "

rs slate l ì un D ay’.

Baibara Huntley John W ifitn

“Not Now, Darling has comedy , beauty

%Rachel Throckmorton


DUTIES: prow legal proceeding*.

INCUMBENT ('Duke') Gil (Republican) rtclection. COUNTY COMM: ta 91

TERM: tlx yeaSALARY: cai

B.7W. plus mile

wttb races ter kl ling estât« croM-ceuntry ■ - - awards d‘"*evte the Coim

snd adulti.* «au event, and , w T,

« tee J » '

, 0 ‘ A titular r e m was MM•c. » . . . MwchtOuWitdom.w«h«any•re) ha* fit m ean red spectators turning

out despite nenr-tere tea -

STMww* Mottars, kid* and then took turcs with tta

. " S . Caron V i»«, ¡ M ¿ ' r day for r#ct*V. f . . ^H.wU.

Comedy end booiay reire re woduciion of "Life wtth tta n ig i ta tta Ddtefi Oks baB Feteer " tei* monte. * Rate« Tlirete- Admiation *t» tta pre- mcrton. John Warren. Bartare termanrer te by raam-Mte» Humtey and righi oltan m p through rehisreals • ! »3»« M I Player»' venian ta ita Braodway and landre hit. mNh New. Dariteg "

Tta ptey «tu ta prremtad u * reecial dtener-Uveater benefit ter ita Ellt* Spente red Howteg

ADDITIONAL CANDIDATE*-who bree fited f v almtten to County office* tedude Margaret TTrenpaen. Cterg and Roconter. and Joretelne Eudally. Superimredret «f y > ~ u . Bote are Incumbent Repubikaca. a* la District t Conunteelmr Jsmia G. Barrett, who filed for redaction yw w d sy The tribree-Eiamteer (mneously reported in Thireday'i «ecLlan story ttal County Commtetlorer* are salaried Actually the office teefudst only ■ per dtem aOeweaee and mtirege Bcavohead County CommiMireen have voted to wcept ■ »mailer dally allowance than Hun to which they are legally m ilted, receiving 190 perday while te eemioa red tte terroed

, tta day'*activKles

Then came the fi«-track raca on tee Wladom track, which I* not banked and nowhere near oval It has a hard turn to tee left on tta wW end. followed by a right, another hard left, and finally a s neering left-hander on tta « « end

For the fira lime te» yew. snowaho# race* were bold with an uietpaaed enthuaiesm red i turnout — n ran for the honors j te low c law « . The day was ,

Jayceen NewsletterThrockmorton. ■ Park­

view elemretary school teacher red Dillon bustoereweman. I* making ber recoud apprenne*« a comedienne with ita Players, Lait soring she •tarred te "Let) of ita Rita Hot

‘-¿rob... Hun.l.y. Ulta WSSLiblS ÏÎSi. “Lboreewife. Big Hot* rancher F s g ^ held prevtdteg u* with * i

“3“ i t r a »ä .

Dilten t Junior Mire, Fere ow gureta. M—‘mrHlkhtte. gave sn tew rato f

only red rea ti* Is MmMta Bateere mreetar Jay Bert tes reports teat taH * e rener-vstlon* are already pm*.

Tu u TvSn'Btma i led et ah

Un, Amutmii; rA ¿

Cowbelles hold Sheridan meet

The Itoida* CowloBre am readsy, MwOt u . « tta

maximum charas j m i H M t o n ( M

After s bvriy discireKs L^lalaUvtBO « t e t t a i was adjtureod, with

Ariana Barnoaky reported Malta vireteg U n to * i to t o ^ Q ^ à e b r e d o t a a f r i ta aaM atereto rtB be

a gift far tta

and Patty Flyre. third Iu £ Tta dutria reotoofl win ta

held *t a tec« tat* te Dllten Th* Bref Wart chalrmre

reponed su itati tersi bref

and vocali« i^ n?* *t****f *a5*-°r j , ^ new m arn a«, t« tì to|«sge in a nreohiglng rete * • r«»«d n«ii«r -------- - - ■- "“•1' “ '^r'SaíifK

I protra « s » » •ta r id ta l

«•tortd in musie . Untvcrehy «f Montan» » d has entertained s i ■ voesltet

e Mary O'Con • Hretteren.rT rn ..J OH «tegteeni reta tari! 1S

* 7 “ÌTnSta.^5Lrw e* I * , red il wwuM ta tta A«htapte Young Dillon ettomey J* nw Jh e terel d*>« hr Grade to re ! We*en returiM t» rtildrea. Msrleae SlM tlskt

Î C rem ev red Venta Qeveriey vtelted tta

«Ifl ta ta r a 0*ed«t> ■hm w ta grita i» tea Halfway Houre Ißr Eaow.Tta uub voted te to s i» a

Brtt Buchte, with ita Jaycore, te tee to te r Ridia« O ta t a testo Guare Cento. W» «tu NEW EXERCISE EQUI? ME NT-dew* tod by tee Barrau Hospital Auxiliary to Parivi*

Idrnl participei* ta Ita OWJMadbte nursing hems has reayki d te eutawmlal pregrere by reme ptotreta, according to physical t itlakt Yeung Woman ef Amortes louteMri»(C««tar) BMhtetbieycteeuorelsardtmcautrsudbrMoteii’itMtrtatoLynn

^ - mdthe vaiberaswete« bate*urei ky paient WUUsmToetay, haveboreln urefer sitta nursing tare» (T F eta'

rv-" ■ f f V “ I "■ T | • * A ~ w r y ............. - • « r n .v . " » club ti e» i» te a ¿ S i t e ASSTTeyta. w rek iV

171 earn b erth s m AAU m at m e e t ^ r r a ey g a m e e t i n g S a t u r d a yf V ig ilan t* C ee p sr st iv e r w « « ta « «renter to*«

An m im iied COO junior m il l Tracy Sawyer. Dttlcn I Mark Johnston. Bull*t u n from Butte, Dillon and 3 Shawn Hoektni, Wslkervtlle * Fai Downey. BateVArit*ehall arc** competed 4. Todd Garrison. DtOon * M»ny Smah, BateSaturday m the SoulhweMcrn 79 Pound*: * Thom re Crane. Whiltoiall

AAU Junior Otympte* I Keith Rebtcb. DUIon 78 Poimte~ — .......... 1 Craig Peteraon. DUkn

I John West. Butte 3 Shewn SrwU, DtUon l NeUian Mattioli. Butte

March t> 1C at We«em 4 Pete Babcock. Whiltoiall Montana College Unlimited:

Dillon w re itltn led the I John Gibson. Butt* divisional qualifier*, pterinf ® * Jere McGintey, DUIonUu'ic had 7* and Whitehall 17. * ~

Suiurdsy'» diyten* meat siiraciing crowd prnumitely 1.000 f, ter (wn im ion i. fee solid hour* of ac

youigner* ranging) vear* of age.(her 1.000 niMC wnghl rliMificUlo the ditirirt eereion m m opera ling c

ii most of

I Dan Sla)car. Butte 4 Tire Daly, Butte

109 Pounds:I Alan Hilton. DUIon I. Dirk Howard, DUIon I Mike Bewate*. DUteo 4. David Milter, DUkn

I t o n Sholey. WhltchaU 9 Jaecyh Rreeraan. Butte

« Pnid*I (Un Doti. Dillon i William Ou*«. Biete 9 M kta« Jeme*. Butte 4 Ru« Dak OUI»

TJ P____ indy Rainville. DUIon

Douglas tU d urèto . Dilkm 1 M h Stoddard. C Ü U )----------

tetar««, i Cn chtoi. oí

throughout mi fhilrman h

I David Bagla. DUten >. Otarite Hayw. DUten l PhU Crawford, DUten 4 Km Goody. Mtorore

i l l Pouncto: l Steve Ritey, D ill»I Jim Keans, MOrore J. (tarteo CnrraU, DUh l>n4 bundled eighty

IIS Pounds: perven* from «round tta i

111 Pound*I David Cbttom. Dillon J Dick Ysm, Butte 9 Scon Panchert. DUten 4 Tim Flym, DUIon

IM P o » » ’I Mike SUjcor. lu to I Ray Kirk, WMltoU 9 t o n Burns, Bate 4 Louis Yeung. W b h ^

IB Pound*

D i l l o n e n g i n e e r s a t t e n d c o n f e r e n c e

I t o n Love. DUten Roed* *nd Sir*«* (or/erence Wghwsy safety N udanti and I Don Groarenh. DUteomndiaiedby ita Mont«n* Stale t a t i» standard*

IM Pounds: Uwvmiiy (Vpe/imww ef Civil TJiw ronlwence it

. ledersi eld Forest Servit», dlMrlcl Montano Arrien eignw r Dreald E WUren,

removal, national * « a u of Land Managern««

Keñry Socry, Oardwe Engineering end raguteerteg biennially “ “**"“'* cooper ilion

imouihly" and lit* nf almost 180 vorkiri

hiuhh* ctllm. v-rckcnd'i (bvitiom siirsrt between 7 wrenteri frotr Dupmsn. lUrdm diMiui' mriixluig wmiirii from eaci *t-ighl tirackri*.

I- molisti IN* w vance to the MS March 10-31 « Bt”'

BANTAM DI (4-74 Yrer

49 Pound»: _ _

1 WtatePtamsn I lf»' «»«rOnri Thkd Bla 4. John Osl..

I ” sm « T » :yter t ^ * ' > * » > * « « < , outtoandtenaervie« t Jim Meired V u nHddlreird sn l oltat workers by J » Ftetctar, J mimwrsier for tta M wsna Slat« “ • Ji Trey Webarg, l)i

M Pounta:l Gil Stoddard. DUten , t Jrif Mayfield. DUtef)I Mark Heard, Butts

I Tad KeUy. BUte I t tm k iù tA T t D tV dr*)i

lU-HYoarOMs) te ¿reign

I Paid Tatoi. DUten

Méchame»Tta Ihr«e4*y igned


" fiS u * ”

- privala ------ . . . . ........... .*7*d agencies

red Participant* from Dillon toad* eng included Forest »nginter*

Nreru ■ chsnce te gate naw Richard Hockley snd Lowell J * Eddte Barere, Wtetto r»pe«_iM *re ».«reng* »dre* Schellark and engineering

Among levered were technicien Andy Hope. U S

• i í i n f » * ! Fud Mate <0ere«> _ ^ .^ A f t e g t o o » Reprerenutlve A r

_____ , - - . - - - - - The DUten affiso atawsd t o Mgh«t eer-t e m a ’ I c*n,Mr W '*<vkeri pf«r«4 to ta g i n among Ì S 1 Ì C u ÎJ f iü L pf-j-mcti s»>tire ..fftrtsiniho« i i s fi»pereontog»H ui ta . ’ •• f* r « • » > * ' hre*»• recoudtecslrtfire Tta th

4 Refer 8»cry, WhHohaU U fv r- *-niundb:

1 Jack Hog*£,I. Johnn:9 S c o t t i ^ , .

'■must™' “ “ • ■ J I K w ,

1»« w i w f e l?. HwM* * * i I Heure, dum m » dvntey. * * ■

L o i f t M t o P . i^ w r e s a â A S ; 1

|a f t;* a A s n a|p u m sr i, irasri't Style t o p » ^I U te r i r- . _ I I t a dore j f i y i « ■ b a -w I t a iS y t e t ta T Ì . J o t o » ^

Irr-îîK’ÂfîSEïïI Frevidiag l a w « tro tta I td tew to ) Aren M m M . ■ tr i» la> sb *rt» ( t a f ,n * k .

ta s te Hw«. Oten Ectaten, BMty H flm talte .. »«»ta»«

^ v 1saJSTotì

109 Founds:I. Rotate Rowling, R*M

IM F to d i:I. Ronald CarreB, DBte*IM F --* - '

g i l e nt e C o ep a rtii* « n c ttm m »> *•___isèr* will gettar te DUten e m t e l lFTSaturday fer their annual dim« t o —ir e i to t in g » g m » «g tagte at I ; * r m " +

Tta garet sp iib tr 1er the octari a t a h s r i i event will he Orerà* W O'Cwrer te » tota«; " (TComer, ctaef enaeuUve to- director • • «ta subsidiary

« ^ fiere to tta Montana Preme oompstore el Mreto » Fo w runsinr Company, vire gretodrel am

A to lL h ifto if» th en gen d s draciar to t o Freme Tfre- i* tta eteciton to drecrer* ter thwett J « » ® r e j W ib m groas director of Ediren ElKtrtc

Diradare te ta ta c ita reo: U «N ut*. draerer Wert* ene f r i t o Ddtea renk arre M u s a i to Mteteg te Brtte held by H. B. C o r t i; are tare dkreioe ef » « m t o i r e to the WhlutaM sree tate by Ire M ia o « , dragar , red j m OtriMdy. end ere (rem tta prealdcrt to ita t o t * tto r e to Sltrer teorWawrlre ores b ta t o t t e u n e w w r e t o r t o t o ta Ed Nolle ktawtons Cb» ta to tta »tor

AcUvKtre • • t a t a « f io Brems *f t e t a j b n t a to « « . to tta VWtsafo Bloctote ö f tere tre» Otato.to Mirerei

Beg »Kb «ambo» B o « i« * Tatosfagy ta ta ¡reure for t o dtater sod to ten of Btois, direct« to t o

teg Afro*wtadsy Nellonst Atreriajlre tou n n i . . . X CoopOf«'»*■oattars aad to te taunadtet* the Mteres.Bata to MoOtaO; IsmBtre w« ta toread te to Butio.atadracwrtoWBteVto B w vw kred C iuy High Stool Mito.

........- * Oat to (Borito, w « • recito hour tetaw »!I t a i t a Friday « 9 p « t e t o ■ tortdM Wg> tetad O ra

TBs « o n c i will futur* rentetoonti » to Oft rango et it te is, »hi to pom el «wring t o t «arie io a U M «g

AND U R M M M « to to tey l AAU Jtater-------- ■“ » «a« t e t t a t o l i totem **taure of stash tere «tatatong.

Iky O ta lliovol,

g t o . kdâjwg Jtag t a t o et •and (aredtoteg « a dismng m . . . .............Ha. D toäaadlfa'gM C B o r e i Cbd a l »«d »stiff

w ren « i t o u , «oreo, beaetat. sad super iresr to i^ p p jtare who partopaad teorer

tt er.

FV R N tm iE HACE» i t a « Morerick t a n t e re luaf a to sf yrere Ttare « a t a r e s rtdteg t o rentrnpbre beta ta d ten cta V ta ia to d te sre fta sa a r y hsktosd TWttwre putol« sc h u l itudoat p a r -a IteyBarere. «M dem the teaW T i r e t l SoreadwrerefrreregresrdriteudbyKte D^pref » 1 1 toe reds. Mtewadf -eadKirk l a g u reasutodoaedkalereareyor M l «rea brindad te t o pre»*« «M flaaodRrereUKlop ii

. . . — --------- -------- ■- — • 1— ----------- ------------- ---------in a it. ............................-rp»N

« aurtnll »0* t o mre's O0»r p«tto) wHogutart - ' -l U p g (p*

tetton to te» Místate la t r e t a »at t a n ’

tonT redto irtaS ta»irta»s^ ■ jjre»Tn n « y t o d Tim »00« bo to re ) t o W r u m u ts i round, ¿tore) ............ .........« t o r e , M l t a i t a . Atea tate at Morsrtck » litote» w* rete» nad reumbfre, elscg w«h iu a l taten MerpaWstear I

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T -. y / :v;ü Bridges downs Frazer, IIv=T2f

Norman Luboff Choir in Dillon on Wednesday

At 8 p.m. Friday, March 29, internationally-acclaimed choral conductor and composer Norman Luboff will lead his choir onto the Western Montana College auditorium stage.

There, under the auspices of Dillon Community Concert Association and the generosity of the late Mrs. Edna Moe, will begin one of the most unique and exciting performances in the Dillon association's 25-year history.

With over 50 LPs and a decade of concert touring to its credit, the Norman Luboff Choir has achieved a reputation unmatched by any other vocal group in the world.

It is appropriate, therefore, that ¡Friday's concert is dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Moe, who prior to her death on January 8, 1966, had been recognized as “ Mrs. Music” to generations of local students.

A longtime patron of the arts and secretary of the Com­munity Concert Association, Mrs. Moe bequeathed one-fifth of her estate to the association for the express purpose of “ promoting and presenting quality concerts in the city of Dillon.”

Norman LuboffEstablished as the Edna Moe

Memorial Concert Fund, the bequest was made in memory of her many years with the C o m m u n i t y C o n c e r t organization and the musical education programs of Dillon schools and Western Montana College.

From 1947—when the local association was founded—until 1966, Mrs. Moe was its only secretary. Her 19-year service in this post was marked by

dedication and a desire to upgrade the musical climate of this area.

Association President Bob Harrison recalls Mrs. Moe as “the dominant figure behind the success of Dillon Community Concerts, which through the years has secured well over 100 outstanding international a r­tists for local programs."

Harrison predicted that few of those illustrious past artists will surpass the 20-member Luboff Choir in total audience # 1- joyment.

There is literally no other choral conductor—or scarcely another musician of any kind— who possesses Lubofr’s ver­satility and craftsmanship.

He is equally at home with Beethoven and Brahms as he is with a Bacharach ballad or a Beatles’ hit.

His Friday program at Dillon will be selected from a reper­toire of sacred, secular, folk, popular and spiritual com­positions.

"This is certain to be one of the most important musical events of this or any other season," Harrison said.

He stressed that admission is by membership only and no tickets are sold at the door.

Senring Southwestern Montana Since 1881

Keltz named Frontier Coach of 19t o t a n i Ca**r Kata, wta Csaferance and V e a sk tm Backlog t ta » a o m “Ore- i a t o u ta te to b r ek q d

a la to t o W i s n t o r e <Uuh) CeUags, »Mck n M t o tree" » ta • letereHato b o t a t o r t a - » are i fiere red Catte«» Bun Baf t t* a » 7 fteckv I t a u a tea r » teatariog Ron teVHa, N v k aoa* af t o « i n » tare»rearea aad t o Froatter C »- Added t o n «re acktevta Grek. Jolloa Drireaaa. T w vri ttegatewrete*re« * t ef f »Maaco titì», k » t a » r e t o t o t e s i t o bordre «ta* Ktas' Ttakre « ta R tar IM w. Iv O r a a t Fell* ttare. frier te

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. « t o W I t n ta ta «tara bte AJbrela i erne b a m laarea b a n merer fitted*» Bala* tarer t o a reared te teagus bjrword, t a t t o . Aria.

Kata' m s-74 tardeoon < 1 R t t »ealloara » ter ited a i l l e o a fe m c e a n a g ,

«UHirire, t o Kata sod Us Bulk

iro l* ? ,? * “" M aisltsl -t o n d te • ant cor a c c ià i , injuries, while i s * accumd « 141 pre su m iaed ptsslbls

J j i . COM* Ttareo*. Kevin I » » L M “ l » « d o r north ef D O * » I- Juries U to Own ws U t o » , sod Jnaite Johnsor. * » ¡ g J S îi s *«B prertbl« to d »rien'e AfllV 10» ^ » s a e j l u rorororororo Lro , ka . . . . . , ___

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_ Laonhardt's- Saadi Ries, _ t . ■ t O * * - Î * ■ was m Ortto Wsriett and Mro Jet ta tab od itato « , b M i CBj_

O a jre n a ta f» Smith, tlirt s - Barber, D f e m r i i '1 II w i ÿ i— . teâgw'l erem i, E4|»r Anas Mite O sato, » to te» , » n t o r t » aad^h»ta» h »O taf

EXTENSIVE REMODELING—of the grocery are* in Roberts Food* has been going on during the

Sat week. New grocery ialtnda of white metal have given a nreat deal of additional shelf apace for >d items as well as widening the aisles of the store to make it easier for shoppers to maneuver

grocery carts. The clerks shown above added stock to the shelves as a part of the new arrangement. Dave Hughes and T. W. Sargent said the new shelving will make It easier for customers to find the items they wish in a friendly store, where personal and courteous service is the motto of the business. (T-E photo)

Hits ‘publicity game’ on subdivision effect

HELENA (AP) - The presi­dent of the Montana Association of Realtors charged Monday in a letter to Wesley R. Woodgerd, director of the Montana Fish and Game Department, that the state agency is conducting “a publicity game” in squabbles with the realtors over sub­divisions and the welfare of wildlife.

Cliff Christian accused Fish and Game of releasing letters to the press without bothering to send the originals to his as­sociation.

An old spat between the agency and the realtors was re­vealed in January, when the of­ficial departm ent magazine criticized subdivisions and their effects on wildlife.

Campaign reform battle has begun

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate is starting what promis­es to a stormy, drawn-out battle over campaign reform legislation.

The most controversial part of a bill to be bro Tht up for debate todav nrovldes for use of tax funds financing presi- d ntial and congressional elec­ts i campaigns.

It Is under attack by Presi­dent Nixon and others as a raid on the treasury for the benefit of politicians.

But Alpporters of public fi- nancingpnaintain it is the best way to eliminate the influence

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of big money in politics and are counting on the Watergate scandals to help them win votes.

Other parts of the bill would limit campaign contributions and expenditures, require an­nual financial disclosure state­ments by Congress members and all other top government officials, and restrict personal spending by candidates for fed­eral office.

More centralized reporting of campaign financing would be required, tax Incentives for small contributions would be doubled, stiff penalties would be provided for diversion of campaign funds to personal use and the equal time requirement for political broado.".,:tr» would be repealed.

Still another major feature.is the creation of a federal elec tions commission that could op­erate independently of f l t .‘ us*

hnent in prosecuting

Except for the public financ­ing provisions, the bill Is essen­tially the same os one the Sen­ate passed 83 to 8 lost July 30, : but on which the House has taken no actitm,

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Woodgerd fired the next-to- latest salvo in a series of ex­changes last Friday, when he released a letter to newsmen saying Fish and Game wanted the realtors to supply a list of proposed subdivision develop­ments in the state.

Christian said Monday he did not receive a copy of the same letter.

“The only communication we have received from the depart­ment was a le tte r dated March 16, 1974, signed by you which made no mention of such a list,” he said in the letter to Woodgerd.

The realtors had no intention of starting a feud with Fish and Game, he claimed.

“ It started very simply with the department printing a story which blamed subdivisions for loss of wildlife habitat. We sup­posed tht you had supporting data for this contention and so we asked for it,” Christian wrote.

The association recently aired in its newsletter a request for information from the agency on impacts of subdivisions on w ater quality, hunting and fishing access by the pubuc and wildlife.

Chriitian sold he considers information fUrnlohed to date by Flah and Game to be of . little specific value, and added, “finding that It Is not available from an agency which profeses to have the welfare of the stat ) as its objective makes the tack infinitely more difficult;

“I had hoped the dep'irtrnevit woe sufficiently aincem in its concern to offrir sptciñc infor­mât ionl'Wlth such information, we could work closely with our local boards and:' individual members tot the 0t>od Of the state.” 4 •>>*., 11 '