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  • 8/7/2019 SMART-PSMB


    S elf M anagement And R elaxationT echnologies

    By Nalini Muthaiyah

  • 8/7/2019 SMART-PSMB


    for you

    Le arn t ec hniqu es that will: K eep you h e althy H e lp you to d e-s tr ess Aid you to br e ath e be tte r Str e ngth e n your body H e lp you to r e lax your body and


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    To introdu ce Yoga t ec hniqu es which

    aid s the pra ctition e r in maintaining

    good health , inner strength and to

    de-stress .

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    D e-st ressing

    -for the corpora te world-

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    What is stress?Stress (sympathetic dominance Selyes model) r es ults in as tat e of arou s al , fight or flight r esp on se , dise a ses of ada ptation e g.chroni c he ada ches , ulce r s and low e r ba ck pain ,

    dep le tion/ e xhau s tion wh e r e the bodys s ys te ms s imply s hut downand in e xtr e me ca ses cau se de ath.

    Stress (parasympathetic dominance Seligmans model) manif es ts a s dep r ess ion/withdrawal , i.e . pe ople fr eeze from fright.

    You know it wh e n you f ee l it!!

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    C an You Relate To This?

    P hys ical Cognitiv e

    Emotional Be havioral

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  • 8/7/2019 SMART-PSMB


    C ommon symptoms of stress In s omnia

    Loss of m e ntal con ce ntration Anxi e ty, s tr ess Ab se ntee is m D ep r ess ion Sub s tan ce abu se

    Extr e me ang e r and fru s tration Family conflict

    P hys ical illnesses s uch a s he art di se a se , migrain es ,he ada ches , s toma ch probl e ms and ba ck p robl e ms .


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    What is Yoga?Yoga is s imply a con sc ious and s ys te mati c p rocess for th ecom ple te p hys ical , me ntal , inte llec tual , e motional and se lf de ve lopme nt of a human b e ing.

    A holi s tic p ra ctice that combin es p hys ical postures ,breathing , deep relaxation , mental clarity pra ctices ,lif es tyle manag e me nt and philos ophies to live a pos itive lif e .

    R es tor es internal balance to b e in harmony with se lf , oth e r sand s urrounding s .

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    What is Self Management and RelaxationTechnologies (SMART) thru Yoga?The SMART programm e te a ches : Sim ple p os tur es and mov e me nts , focus ing on r e le a s ing th e

    phys ical s tr ess /te ns ion zon es

    P ow e r -na pp ing to r ec harg e me ntally and phys ically

    Br e athing to e ne rgize the body

    M e ntal clarity pra ctices that promot e : S e lf -coun se ling and l e tting go of m e ntal/ e motional s tr ess or s Cultivating harmony with se lf and oth e r s

    .. with minimal disruption. All practices can be performedin work attire in the allocated work space.

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    H ow SMART improves work performance R es ults in an al e rt and fo cuse d mind to im prov e quality and

    pe rforman ce of wor kP romot es deep r e laxation for b e tte r h e alth

    Im prov es br e athing processes H e als ba ck p ain Yoga pos tur e s & p os tural awar e ness c an h e lp to r e le a se

    phys ical t e ns ion s Wh e n f ee ling phys ically b e tte r , e ne rgy in cr e a ses and mind

    bec om es c le ar e r In cr e a se d e ne rgy = im prov e d wor k e fficie ncy M e ntal clarity t ec hniqu es awa ke n cr e ativ e thin king to s olve

    probl e ms

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    Major organisations offeringYoga @ Work to their employees

    Int e rnational Finan ce Cor poration Int e rnal R e ve nu e S e rvice U.S. D ep artm e nt of Ju s tice Int e r -Ame rican D e ve lopme nt Ban k National A cad e my of S cie nces Di sc ove ry Chann e l Communi cation s Wa s hington P os t Am e rica' s He alth In s uran ce P lan s

    Library of Congr ess

    D e utsc he Ban k, Googl e and Hugh es Air craftoff e r m e ntal clarity classes tothe ir wor ke r s .

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    Pra ctices

    -b reathing, movements and r elaxa ti on-

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    BreathingKapalbhati P ranayama

    -Frontal Brain Cleansing Breath-

    Tec hniqu e :1. Sit in a comfortabl e pos ition. The he ad and sp ine s hould b e

    s traight with th e hand s r es ting on th e knees .2. Clo se the e yes and r e lax th e whol e body.3. Exhal e through both no s trils with a for ce ful contra ction of th e

    abdominal mu sc les . The following inhalation s hould ta ke place pa ss ive ly by allowing th e abdominal mu sc les to r e lax.

    * inhalation should be spontaneous recoil, involving no effort.

    Contra -indication s : Should not b e pra ctise d by tho se s uff e ring from h e art di se a se ,

    high blood pr ess ur e , ve rtigo , ep ileps y, he rnia or ga s tric ulce r.

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    BreathingKapalbhati P ranayama

    -Frontal Brain Cleansing Breath-

    Be ne fits :1. Ka palbhati ha s a cle an s ing e ff ec t on th e lung s and i s a good

    pra ctice for r esp iratory di s ord e r s .2. It balan ces and s tr e ngth e ns the ne rvou s s ys te m and ton es

    the dig es tive organ s .3. It e ne rgizes the mind for m e ntal wor k.4. It r e mov es s leep iness .

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    BreathingNadi Shodhana P ranayama

    -Internal Cleansing Breathing-

    Hand pos ition:1. Hold th e finge r s of th e right hand in front of th e face .

    2. R es t th e ind e x and middl e finge r s ge ntly on th e e ye browce ntr e . Both fing e r s s hould b e r e lax e d.

    3. The thumb i s abov e the right no s tril and th e ring fing e r is abov e the le ft no s tril. These two digit s control th e flow of br e ath in th e no s trils by alt e rnat e ly pr ess ing on on e no s tril,

    blo ck ing th e flow of br e ath , and th e n th e oth e r.4. The little finge r is comfortably fold e d.

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    BreathingNadi Shodhana P ranayama

    -Internal Cleansing Breathing-

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    BreathingNadi Shodhana P ranayama

    -Internal Cleansing Breathing-

    Tec hniqu e :1. Sit in a comfortabl e pos ition keep ing th e he ad and sp ine

    upright. R e lax th e whol e body and close the e yes .2. P os ition th e hand a cc ordingly.3. Clo se the right no s tril with th e thumb.4. Inhal e and e xhal e through th e le ft no s tril 5 tim es and b e

    awar e of e a ch br e ath.5. R e le a se the pr ess ur e of th e thumb on th e right no s tril and

    pr ess the le ft no s tril with th e ring fing e r , blo ck ing th e flow of air.

    6. Inhal e and e xhal e through th e right no s tril 5 tim es and b e awar e of e a ch br e ath.

    7. This is on e round. P ra ctice 5 round s .

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    BreathingNadi Shodhana P ranayama

    -Internal Cleansing Breathing-

    L eft nostril Right nostril

    Clo se by pr ess ingwith thumb

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    BreathingNadi Shodhana P ranayama

    -Internal Cleansing Breathing-

    L eft nostril Right nostril

    Clo se by pr ess ingwith ring fing e r

  • 8/7/2019 SMART-PSMB


    BreathingNadi Shodhana P ranayama

    -Internal Cleansing Breathing-

    Contra -indication s : Not to b e pra ctise d whil e s uff e ring from cold s , flu or f e ve r.

    Be ne fits :1. In cr e a ses awar e ness of and se ns itivity to th e br e ath in th e

    no s trils .2. Minor blo ck ag es ar e r e mov e d and th e flow of br e ath in both

    no s trils bec om es mor e balan ce d.3. Br e athing through th e le ft no s tril te nd s to a ctivat e the right

    brain h e misp he r e and br e athing through th e right no s trila ctivat es the le ft he misp he r e .

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    M ovementP ada Ha s ta s ana-Hand to Foot Pose-

    Tec hniqu es :1. Stand u pright with th e f ee t tog e the r.

    2. Exhal e and b e nd forward from th e hips until th e finge r s or palm s of th e hand s tou ch th e floor on e ithe r s ide of th e f ee t.3. Bring th e for e he ad a s close to th e knees a s is comfortabl e .4. Do not s train.5. K eep the knees s traight.

    Contra -indication s :P e ople with ba ck condition s s hould not b e nd forward fully.

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    M ovementP ada Ha s ta s ana-Hand to Foot Pose-

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    M ovementP ada Ha s ta s ana-Hand to Foot Pose-

    Be ne fits :1. Ma ss ag es and ton es the dig es tive organ s , alle viat es

    flatul e nce, con s tipation and indig es tion.2. S pinal n e rves ar e s timulat e d and ton e d.

    3. Inv e rting th e trun k can in cr e a se vitality, improv e me taboli s mand con ce ntration and h e lp with na s al and throat di se a ses .

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    M ovementKati Cha kra s ana-Waist Rotating Pose-

    Tec hniqu es :1. Stand with th e f ee t abov e the s hould e r width a part and th e

    arm s by th e s ides2. Rai se the arm s to s hould e r le ve l, the n twi s t th e body to th e

    right.3. Bring th e le ft hand to th e right s hould e r and wra p the right arm

    around th e ba ck , bringing th e right hand around th e le ft s ide of th e wai s t. Loo k ove r th e right s hould e r a s far a s comfortabl e .

    4. K eep the ba ck of th e neck s traight. Hold for two sec ond s , a cce ntuat e the twis t, ge ntly s tr e tching th e abdom e n.

    5. R e turn to th e s tarting pos ition.6. R epe at on th e oth e r s ide to com ple te on e round.

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    M ovementKati Cha kra s ana-Waist Rotating Pose-

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    M ovementKati Cha kra s ana-Waist Rotating Pose-

    Be ne fits :1. Ton es the neck , s hould e r s , wai s t, ba ck and hi ps .

    2. U se ful for corr ec ting ba ck s tiffness and pos tural probl e ms .3. The r e laxation and twi s ting mov e me nt indu ces a f ee ling of

    lightn ess and may b e use d to r e lie ve phys ical and m e ntalte ns ion at any tim e during th e day.

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    M ovementT irya ka Tada s ana-Swaying Palm Tree Pose-

    Tec hniqu es :1. Stand with th e f ee t mor e than s hould e r width a part.2. Fix th e ga ze on a point dir ec tly in front.3. Int e rlock the finge r s and turn th e palm s outward.4. Rai se the arm s ove r th e he ad , s tr e tching u pward s .5. B e nd to th e right s ide from th e wai s t.6. Do not b e nd forward or ba ck ward or twi s t th e trun k.

    7. Hold th e pos ition for a f e w sec ond s , the n s lowly com e ba ck tothe upright pos ition.

    8. R epe at on th e le ft s ide . This com ple tes on e round.

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    M ovementT irya ka Tada s ana

    -Swaying Palm Tree Pose-

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    M ovementT irya ka Tada s ana-Swaying Palm Tree Pose-

    Be ne fits :1. D e ve lops me ntal and phys ical balan ce .

    2. The e ntir e sp ine is s tr e tche d and loo se ne d , he lping to cle ar up cong es tion of th e sp inal n e rves at th e point s wh e r e the ye me rg e from th e sp inal column.

    3. H e lps to in cr e a se he ight by s tr e tching th e mu sc les andligam e nts , e nabling growing bon es to grow long e r.

    4. Str e tches the r ec tus abdominal mu sc les and th e intes tines .5. Ma ss ag es , loo se ns and e xe r cises the s ides of th e wai s t.6. Balan ces the right and l e ft grou ps of pos tural mu sc les .

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    elaxa ti onShava s ana-Complete Relaxation Pose-

    Tec hniqu es :1. Lie flat on th e ba ck with th e arm s about 15 cm away from th e

    body , palm s facing u pward with fing e r s r e lax e d.2. Mov e the f ee t s lightly a part to a comfortabl e pos ition and

    close the e yes .3. The he ad and sp ine s hould b e in a s traight lin e .4. Ma ke s ur e the he ad do es not fall to on e s ide or th e oth e r.

    5. R e lax th e whol e body and s top all phys ical mov e me nt.6. B ec om e awar e of th e natural br e ath and allow it to b ec om e rhythmi c and r e lax e d.

    7. Aft e r s om e time , again b ec om e awar e of th e body ands urrounding s , and g e ntly and s moothly r e le a se the pos tur e .

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    elaxa ti onShava s ana-Complete Relaxation Pose-

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    elaxa ti onShava s ana-Complete Relaxation Pose-

    Be ne fits :1. R e lax es the whol e ps ycho -phys iologi cal s ys te m.

    2. It s hould id e ally b e pra ctice d b e for e s leep , be for e , during andaft e r a s ana (yoga pos tur es) pra ctice , parti cularly aft e r dynami c e xe r cises , wh e n th e pra ctition e r f ee ls phys ically andme ntally tir e d.

    3. D e ve lops body awar e ness .

    4. Wh e n th e body i s com ple te ly r e lax e d , awar e ness of th e mindincr e a ses .

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    Typical health improvements through Yoga

    Im prov es mu sc le ton e , fle xibility, s tr e ngth , s taminaP romot es be tte r br e athing & incr e a ses lung ca pa city

    All e viat es neck & ba ck pain R e du ces car pal tunn e l s yndrom e , arthriti s D ec r e a ses te ns ion h e ada ches & migrain es Indu ces r es tful s leep (body & mind ) In cr e a ses con ce ntration , e ne rgy and e motional w e ll-be ing

    (U niversity of Wisconsin scientists reported that people newly trained in mental clarity increased electrical activity in the left frontal part of the brain, associated with positive emotion)

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    Thank You

    Disclaimer Yoga a s ana s and oth e r yoga t ec hniqu es ar e for pe ople with no se ve r e

    me dical condition s or ailm e nts and ar e me ant to b e pe rform e d inprogr ess ion aft e r s uitabl e pr ep aration to avoid injuri es . The Yoga Fran chise and it s ins tructor s a ccep t no r esp on s ibility for any injury how s oe ve r cau se d.

    Self Management And Relaxation Technologies