Mattereum creates smart contracts with the legal force of natural language contracts. WORKING PAPER SMART CONTRACTS. REAL PROPERTY.

SMART CONTRACTS. REAL PROPERTY. - Mattereum...2 Mattereum is an Internet of Agreements project to manage legal rights over physical property, intellectual property, and eventually

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Page 1: SMART CONTRACTS. REAL PROPERTY. - Mattereum...2 Mattereum is an Internet of Agreements project to manage legal rights over physical property, intellectual property, and eventually

Mattereum creates smart contracts with the legal force of natural language contracts.




Page 2: SMART CONTRACTS. REAL PROPERTY. - Mattereum...2 Mattereum is an Internet of Agreements project to manage legal rights over physical property, intellectual property, and eventually


Mattereum is an Internet of Agreements project to manage legal rights over

physical property, intellectual property, and eventually even real estate,

on the blockchain.

We will have met our challenge when these contracts allow you to rent your

next car, buy your next house, or sell your next startup.


When you update the state of a Mattereum smart contract, the real-world

legal system can see, recognize, and use that change. This is achieved

by using natural language contracts which specifically delegate legal

authority to two external systems: the smart contract on the blockchain,

and an arbitration-based dispute for handling any differences that might

arise between the parties. Arbitration decisions are given full legal weight

under the natural language contracts, thereby folding smart contract

edge cases into established off-chain legally binding dispute resolution.

This mechanism is known as a Ricardian contract, and was invented by Ian

Grigg, one of the authors of this paper.

Mattereum will produce a set of affordable natural language contracts

and corresponding smart contracts to facilitate common legal tasks like

buying, auctioning and renting physical property, licensing and assigning

intellectual property, and contracting for professional services.


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Preface: Law in a Time of Accelerating Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Beyond Payments, to Agreements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

What is Mattereum? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

The Benefits of Certainty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

The Mattereum Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

The Business Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Arbitration Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Bootstrapping the Ecosystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

Complexity and Mattereum Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Towards Flexible Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Assets and Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Case Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Purchase of Fine Wine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

How Arbitration Affects Outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Work-for-Hire Contract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31

How Arbitration Affects Outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Auction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

How Arbitration Affects Outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Advanced Topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Identity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Contract Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Contract validation and fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Contract fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Contract organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

The Future: a statutory register transition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Transparency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Can blockchain identities work like this? Should they? . . . . . . 43

Ecosystem Investment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Technological Cooperation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

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It is a profoundly erroneous truism, repeated by all copy-

books and by eminent people when they are making speeches,

that we should cultivate the habit of thinking of what we

are doing. The precise opposite is the case. Civilization advances

by extending the number of important operations which we can

perform without thinking about them.

— Alfred North Whitehead

Law is the product of labour: people have worked at creating it, over

centuries. Law, like code, grows into complex assemblages over time that no

one human can fully understand. Even if some notional master fully grasped

the Linux source code, it is likely that the mysteries of microprocessor

design, or the underlying power grid, would elude them. At some point, we

must all say ‘somebody else’s problem’ and rely on specialization in society

to handle the stuff that our merely human brains cannot contain.

However, the future is a foreign country, and it is also our largest trading

partner. New structures which are hard to fit into existing social frameworks

pour into reality all the time. For example, SnapChat sets up a new kind

of messaging (messages disappear after 10 seconds), new social norms

spring up around what can be said in permanent messaging, and what

is reserved for temporary messaging. More technical people understand

that these temporary messages are, in fact, stored forever. Different groups

form different social norms around the new technology.

Eventually it reaches a head. Somebody violates somebody else’s trust

enough for a lawsuit, or somebody does something which is currently

thought to be illegal. The whole matter winds up in court, and the courts

must decide – for a technology they have never seen before, used by a youth

culture they have only read about in newspapers – what is right or wrong.

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Over time, as lawmakers, judges, lawyers and jurors become more familiar

with the situation, court rulings and legal norms converge on something

that the surrounding culture can live with. The system has adapted. But there

is a lag, and the gap between our technical capabilities and the ability

of the legal system to integrate new technologies is widening: courts

sometimes seem more and more behind the curve.

The intensity of this future stress on our ability to make good law is only

increasing. Society changed in radical ways as birth control technology

became available, and the legal rulings around birth control continue to be

tested 50 years later. Gender reassignment technology is going through

a similar process as social, technical and legal systems struggle to represent

human will and human identity in holistically satisfying ways.

In the last ten years, public key cryptography has gone from a mechanism

for securing the privacy and authenticity of messages to a way to print

money. As a result of the creation of Bitcoin, legislators and courts are asked

to comprehend and rule on technical systems which have huge economic

implications. But these systems are so complicated that only a few hundred

people in the world could be said to fully understand them.

As a result of operating at the horizon of their understanding, people make

mistakes. Laws either don’t get passed for a long time (the ambiguity about

the tax status of bitcoins has lingered for years in some countries) or bad

laws get enshrined. The result is an uneven landscape of legislation: good

law, which will last, mixed with bad law which – although it will certainly be

revised in future – is still the law, for now.

Jurisdictions like Zug in Switzerland spin up approaches which may become

global legal standards, or ultimately be seen as bold experiments that were

later brought into line with a more conservative set of legal norms.

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In the beginning of the internet, there was no trade. Commerce was

prohibited by a mixture of formal rules, informal cultural values, and the lack

of any means of secure payment. The first .com domains were registered

in 1985, but these simply indicated that the domains belonged to commercial

entities, not that they were places one would go to buy stuff. It took

until 1995 for the National Science Foundation to relax the rules against

commercial activity online, inaugurating the age of e-commerce.

The entire multi-trillion dollar e-commerce economy runs on a handful

of core technologies: the credit card and HTTPS web pages secured by SSL

encryption. Together they give us the ability to pay for stuff on the internet.

This gets us lots of things: retail like Amazon or Alibaba, peer marketplaces

like eBay or Airbnb, subscription services like Netflix or GitHub; and it makes

it worth advertising to people in the hope of attracting their payments,

a business model that underpins Google and Facebook. Everything rests

on the ability to perform one-shot payments on the internet, and to do

so securely. Blockchain technology extends these capabilities further

by offering peer-to-peer payments that can be utilized globally without

an internet giant intermediating the transaction.

Agreements are more complex than payments. We have figured

out electronic payments. How do we master dynamic electronic agreements?

Agreements can include multiple parties; they can last for long – or indefinite

– periods of time; they can anticipate changing conditions; they can

make contingencies or exceptions explicit. If online payments gave us

e-commerce, a replacement for handing over cash in a store, then the ability

to create and perform agreements online gives us the ability to create

digital equivalents to wages, complex property transactions, many financial

instruments, and other complex chains of value, obligations, and rights.

An agreement sets out the roles that each party will play, the actions

that are permitted, mandatory or forbidden, and what the consequences

for each of these will be. We also set out a within the agreement a mechanism

to resolve any differences that arise over whether the rules are observed.

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Mattereum is a smart contract platform and related support services

that aims to provide a high degree of certainty about the legal frameworks

which will be used to handle issues arising from new technology in business.

The first horizon is making possible the legal transfer of property using

a smart contract.

For the first decade of e-commerce, courts debated jurisdictional issues

around the use of the internet in business. For example, it used to be

a topic of active debate whether an ecommerce transaction occurred

in the jurisdiction of the person making the purchase, the company selling

the goods, or the physical location of the server. If something went wrong,

one common recourse was the ‘chargeback’ operation, where the credit

card company (which might inhabit yet another country) would simply pull

the money back using the legal authorizations it had made vendors sign

in exchange for processing their payments.

In practice most of these queries are now resolved using another mechanism:

centralized hubs like Amazon or eBay who have powers much like those

of credit card companies, granted to them by legal agreements signed

by people when they start to use these services.

The terms and conditions (T&Cs) posted on the websites of internet

giants have become a sort of loose de facto law of the internet enforced

by legacy courts worldwide. For example, eBay’s T&C allows governs trade

that happens on eBay’s servers, and is loosely subject to eBay’s authority

for most non-criminal matters. When something criminal happens, nation-

state law kicks in to resolve the issues in the usual fashion, but the rest

of the time eBay’s (or Amazon/Google/Alibaba/etc.) rules form an additional

layer of regulation on top of the existing nation-state laws. If your account

is frozen, or eBay or Amazon decide they do not want your business, you

have little recourse in many jurisdictions.

Mattereum aims to build a system to facilitate the use of blockchain

technology in commerce. However, as befits the blockchain space,

a somewhat complex mix of different legal, technical and social norms have

to be combined to get this result. The integrity of the resulting contracts

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should be significantly higher than ordinary terms of service too, thanks

to the concept of an independent dispute resolution panel.

T&C-type ‘jurisdictions’ are relatively weak because, although we can

clearly see that the person using eBay or Amazon is legally bound to obey

the terms of service, these terms are seen as being one-sided and mainly

interpreted to benefit the company which published them. In counterpoint,

the Mattereum system uses negotiated contracts, which properly represent

the interests of both parties, and independent arbitrators (paid by the parties

themselves) to efficiently resolve any disputes that arise. A higher standard

of integrity will be rewarded with better acceptance of decisions as fair

and reasonable. The fairer, more equitable nature of the Mattereum contract

suite provides an additional set of benefits on top of those which naturally

follow a decentralized trade environment.

To effect Mattereum, we will need a body of law, people to arbitrate disputes,

a way of getting nation-states to recognize what we have done as legal

by their own norms, and of course we will need contracts. All of this can

be done by correctly constructing the natural language contracts between

the parties. Most jurisdictions recognise arbitration clauses, with 157 states

having contracted in to the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement

of Foreign Arbitral Awards (the ‘New york Convention’) under which local

courts recognise and enforce arbitration awards made in other jurisdictions

in all but a limited number of circumstances.

This paper will explain how this can become a reality.

A key component of trade is the formation of contracts. A contract aims

to represent the wider agreement in all its detail between two or more

traders. Sometimes this can be simply reflected in a paper document, other

times it can be complex, contained in many documents, many additional

promises, some verbal and some implied, and many events including some

related to performance. But before we can run, we have to walk.

A single printed document containing all agreed terms within what some

lawyers call ‘the four corners of the page’ is a key element in resolving any

dispute. Such a document is typically on paper (or an electronic presentation

of a document that could equally well exist on paper) because we as parties

needed to read it and agree to it.

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There are a number of techniques, all combined, that allow us to make much

more modern representations of our agreements. These days all documents

are already stored in digital form, in the format of Word documents. Most

lawyers work with Microsoft Word and will send you a copy to ‘redline’

as their version of negotiation. We also know how to sign a digital-but-

readable document by means of cleartext signing, an invention of the PGP


But we are not out of the woods yet. Unfortunately there are so many Word

documents flying back and forth that we do not know which is which.

The Ricardian contract solves the above problems. It takes the legal

prose of the lawyers or the legally adept business person, incorporates

the signature, and then hashes the agreed document.

It is that last step which is the ‘magic’ – the secure or cryptographic

digest or hash for short. This algorithm produces a one-for-one

number that perfectly relates to the document. Only that document

can reveal that hash, and that hash always refers to that one document.

Blockchains now allow us to store those hashes in a permanent form,










Select contract from

Delegates authority to Manages

Record all state changes to


Can appointIssue

complaints to


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and to represent substantial parts of the logic of the contract as a smart


Then, whenever we do things together relating to the contract, we include

the hash. Not the document, not the name or meaning, not an extract, not

the many terms and conditions – just the hash. This forces the developer

to keep a full contract repository (easy) and also forces the user to always

have the contract in her contract repository.

Forcing the software to always have the contract in a digitally accessible

fashion is an incredible benefit: because the transactions just refer to on-

blockchain objects, they are almost totally meaningless without the natural

language contract. For example, what is 5213 that you just sent? Refer

to the contract which will say that you have paid £52.13. Why do I have

a receipt for some 321 of a hash? The contract will tell you that you have

received 321 loyalty points from Blockchain Airlines. What is my process

for disputing the result?

As with a natural language contract the smart contract indicates

that arbitration is the dispute resolution mechanism. you have to file a notice

at the specified forum which your software will help you to do. The contract

will tell you whether smart code prevails over the prose or the prose prevails

over the code. And so on and so forth.

Many contracts are more complicated. Some contracts will need many

more signatures; we also need ways to record events such as payments

and delivery, and to formally vary the T&Cs. In particular, contract formation

is a messy business, being in essence a negotiation with many positions

trading back and forth before settling on the final agreement. yet, all of those

negotiations are potentially important to the contract, and a court can bring

them back into consideration in the event of ambiguity. Negotiation is part

of the contracting lifecycle, as is the dispute when something goes wrong.

Such dynamic change is more the domain of the smart contract

than a traditional paper contract. A Ricardian contract can simply point

(by hash, of course) to some automated code. Or vice versa. But two

things mitigate against just linking prose with code. First, as mentioned

above, we want the technology or process to capture the initial phase

of formation – the negotiation – and also the ultimate phase of dispute as it

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happens. Secondly, we want to use a standard piece of code over and over

again, and we want to use standard legal prose over and over again.

Those standards cannot be standard unless they leave parameterisation

as an external responsibility.

Thus a Ricardian contract that incorporates smart code and negotiating looks

like {prose, code, parameters}, being three separate components. Practically,

it starts out very lightweight, empty even – we negotiate to add all things

as we go. But that takes us into technicalities and also open experiments

that today’s blockchains are still working through.

The Ricardian Contract is a form of digital document that captures

the contract between parties, ensures by its hash that the right contract

is identified and also always present, and includes all the necessary

components to keep up with trade as users want it.

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In many places there is a hesitancy to ‘write things down’ in the form

of invoking natural language contracts. Some, largely oral, cultures feel

that it would be a breach of trust between the parties to write things down.

Other sub-cultures have had overly negative experiences with legal systems

and feel that they are expressly built to subjugate and reduce the ‘freedoms’

of individuals. However, as commercial activity has evolved over thousands

of years by utilizing contracts legal certainty has become a highly valued


Human societies are some of the most complex systems on earth.

As humans we span the spectrum from rational to irrational; sometimes we

follow through on our promises and sometimes we do not. When we do not

follow through on our promises sometimes there is a reason, and sometimes

there is not. Sometimes that reason excuses us not following through

on our promises; other times the reason does not excuse our behaviour.

This complexity leads to innumerable instances of what coders call ‘edge

cases’ and ‘corner cases’ that must be dealt with by legal systems.

When a dispute arises that is based upon this complexity, legal systems have

a few options. They can resolve the dispute in favor of one party according

to precedents that have been established within the jurisdiction. They can

resolve the dispute in a creative manner based upon the adjudicator’s desire

to ‘right a wrong’. But what the legal system cannot do is throw up its hands

and not resolve the dispute. Even if the adjudicator does not understand

the technical background of an agreement, the commercial context in which

an agreement was signed, or have a deep understanding of the particular

personal circumstances of the parties to the dispute – the adjudicator still

must resolve the dispute. How that dispute is resolved in many countries

then provides further background to the ever-evolving corpus of ‘law’.

Thus we now have a background understanding of why contracts exist at all:

to provide parties to an agreement with a modicum of certainty as to how

a dispute about their agreement would be resolved. This certainty provides

a systemic background across society that provides huge efficiencies

to both the ‘operation’ of an agreement as well as to the resolution

of any dispute. As an example, if both parties know that if a good was

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shipped from a producer to a consumer and was destroyed along

the way that it is the responsibility of the producer to send a new good

to the consumer, then there is little incentive to incur the costs of a legal

dispute. The producer should just send a new good. On the other hand,

if in the jurisdiction in question the opposite is the case, then the consumer

should just order a new good. In the real world this simplified example rarely

holds, but it provides an illustration.

The second predominant reason for leveraging contracts is that humans do

not always remember what was agreed. In oral cultures where families get

together to form a business, when there is a stress to that business it can

lead to rifts within the family as different members of the family remember

what was agreed differently based on their own subjective biases. Written

contracts reduce this systemic strain by providing a baseline understanding

of what was actually agreed between the parties.

The final major reason for utilizing natural language contracts is to cleanly

build a certain rule-set for the agreement. Law, like code, is typically

built modularly and in layers. The layers in the legal system differ

tremendously from, say, a software stack that operates an application.

However, the fundamentals are largely the same. Natural language contracts

are typically built to invoke what software engineers would call ‘macros’

or ‘libraries’. These invoked ‘functions’ have stood the test of time, have had

the edge cases and corner cases softened by adjudication, and have been

proven to provide a high degree of certainty to the ‘users’.

Taken together the benefits of leveraging natural language contracts

in complex agreements and transactions largely outweigh the counter-

arguments for not using them. This holds not because there is some

authority insisting that natural language contracts be used, but rather it

holds because it provides tangible benefits for the parties that are using

the contracts. It is private parties that move contract law forward much more

than the ‘state’ does. Thus it is not a stretch to say that, in the pre-blockchain

world, contracts were the closest thing that existed to ‘decentralized law’.

Ricardian contracts, as described above, extend further what a legal

contract alone can do. They give us not only the benefits of certainty over

the transaction or agreement but they also give us machine readability, API

invocation, and scalability in formulating our contracts.

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If the Ricardian contract is the narrative, we still need the story-tellers

and the audience. Let us turn to that.

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The Mattereum plan is to bootstrap the necessary legal and technical

structures to make the legal transfer of property possible online.

We will have met our challenge when we can rent our next car, buy our next

house, sell our next startup on the blockchain.

Meeting the challenge has three key components:

1. A population of ‘blockchain aware’ dispute resolution professionals,

particularly arbitrators.

2. The necessary legal infrastructure to accommodate the new


3. Deployment and use of particular contracts

Mattereum will build out a set of legal and smart contracts to enable

the transfer of ownership of an expanding set of different kinds of property.

In parallel, part of this project is to build the ecosystem on the other side

of this infrastructure: companies and clients ready to embrace and profit

from the new technology, and mechanisms for ensuring that dispute

are handled by suitably equipped dispute resolution professionals.

The other task is to build the natural language contracts and the smart

contracts which actually manage the legal rights in property. This is where

the majority of the set-up work for the Mattereum system resides.

For this task, the plan is to engage a spectrum of established law firms

to write the natural language contracts, and to contract with various technical

service providers in the Ethereum space to provide the smart contracts.

In almost all cases, a sketch of the legal contract (an outline mainly focused

on the possible states the property can be in) and the smart contract will be

developed in parallel, then the full legal complexity attached to the paper


Only a very limited pool of experience in marrying natural language contracts

and smart contracts exists.

Our team (and network) represents a significant fraction of that global pool

of experience.

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We expect this process to be a significant hill to climb, and we expect

iterative review and revision of both the legal and technical norms

that will enable the smooth, unified functioning of the Ricardian contract

triple. However, once a few base cases have been prepared for the simplest

cases in our suite, the rest should come more quickly.

What kinds of ground might these contracts cover? There are many

different kinds of legal property: personal property (shoes, pans), real

estate (land, buildings), intellectual property (copyright in text and sound

recordings, patents, trademarks), shares in a business, and so on. Some

kinds of property have complex and specific legal frameworks associated

with them – music is a case in point here. In addition, there are different

sets of operators which apply to various kinds of property: lending, leasing,

licensing, buying, mortgaging, auctioning, insuring, options to buy, etc.

are all possible, and different contract clauses apply (and, indeed, different

laws in some cases).

By spreading the work around multiple legal firms and technical firms,

we hope to foster broad understanding of how to create these Ricardian

contract triples (legal template prose, smart contract code, transaction-

specific parameters). We hope our initial efforts to get the first suite

of contracts written will be augmented by other firms (including those

we have paid to write a contract or two) finding new areas and forms

of property for which to create a contract triple. In this way we aim to create

a systemic transformation, where legal firms become used to the idea

of creating Ricardian contracts and will offer this as a service to their clients

in the future.

The result may well include a set of markets for different kinds of property

which have just been brought to the blockchain. It is easy to imagine

analogues of existing services like eBay or Amazon, but these take little

advantage of the unique properties of the blockchain environment. A wider

imaginative scope might see futures markets for charter jets or airline seats,

fine wine or antiques shipped with their full history and provenance tied

to the transfer of goods, complex option schemes allowing a whole set

of purchases (say renting house and furnishings from a variety of different

sources) to be locked in as a single transaction, and so on.

Broad adoption of any of these schemes is likely to be challenged by two

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factors: transaction fees and low transaction rates on the current Ethereum

blockchain. There are two solutions: in theory, permissioned blockchains

could be used to host the smart contract aspect. However, these systems

may be less stable and permanent than the public chains, causing future

problems. The other, more likely solution, is that scaled blockchain

technologies will rise to meet the need. Demand for property transfer

will take a while to get going, and as it gets faster, easier, cheaper and less

mysterious, demand will grow. But we are definitely aimed at the future if we

consider running entire supply chains on Mattereum.

We see Mattereum as a system which will start with relatively high value

transactions for types of property closely associated with the blockchain

ecosystem, but which will branch out as time passes and more work is done

to bring new kinds of property to the market.

The Mattereum organization will get the system bootstrapped

by investing in the legal and technical work required to start the system

and to represent the initial property types and transfers. Additional strategy,

marketing and other kinds of work may be necessary as time passes,

and the Mattereum organization undertakes to get what is necessary

and possible done to encourage the growth of the ecosystem.

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Mattereum sits in an ecosystem with many kinds of value flows.

1. Arbitrators can charge for hearing a dispute

2. Institutions can charge a fee for services such as appointing

an arbitrator and administering the dispute resolution process

3. A fee can be charged when a Smart Contract is instantiated, and/

or for operations carried out

4. Smart Contracts can charge a percentage of value exchanged using


5. Customers can pay each other using this smart contract ecosystem

6. Insurance can be offered for various potential costs (including dispute


7. Investment possibilities

However, several of these value flows will have the effect of slowing

the growth and adoption of the ecosystem – in particular, schemes around

charging percentages of exchanged value will tend to create competitors

or simply drive people to private arrangements.

We believe that the correct approach to this space is not to directly

intermediate any of the value flows (this is, after all, meant to be

a decentralization exercise!) but rather for Mattereum to have a dual nature:

setting up the infrastructure, and then acting as a (lead) investor

in the companies that are coming into the space to build businesses

in the ecosystem.

This approach tightly aligns our interests with the overall health and growth

of the ecosystem, without giving us any kind of incentive to raise

the transaction costs for using the system; in fact, our interest is to keep

the costs and risks as low as possible, while keeping the system fully

healthy. We trust the arbitrators to look after their own interests; the market

for arbitration services will include higher and lower cost options, depending

on the specific needs of the parties. Large scale commercial adoption

of arbitration is common in other industries, and arbitration systems are well

understood in industry.

We anticipate a complex and integrated ecosystem of services (many

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being investment opportunities) will form once the ability to transfer legal

property on the blockchain is well established. What market adoption will be

of that ecosystem is hard to predict: the ecosystem is filled with surprises.

Adoption could be slow, with gradual adoption in obvious areas, or it could

be sudden and unexpected as Magic the Gathering cards or some other

physical commodity suddenly leaps online with the blockchain as its primary

trading venue. It could be short leases on real estate, or some as-yet-

untraded object like hotel bedroom futures.

Human creativity about ways to make money is not in short supply. Our

hope is that there will be no shortage of interesting and creative investment

opportunities in the space we are about to create.

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An arbitration association is an institution which publishes a list

of proposed arbitrators, appoints arbitrators when the parties cannot

agree on the arbitrator to be appointed, and publishes rules to be followed

in arbitrations. The contract will include a term which requires disputes

to be decided by an arbitrator, who will either be selected (by agreement)

by the parties themselves, or (in default of agreement by the parties) will be

appointed by the association from the panel of arbitrators. There will be

a variety of options for arbitration, including low cost options. These kinds

of mechanisms are standard in the commercial ecosystem, and there are tens

of thousands of practising professional arbitrators.

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The next challenge is to get a simple test system built. The simplest test

system we can imagine is a copyright assignment contract. A simple

web form calculates the hash of a piece of text pasted into a box.

This hash is written to a smart contract, claiming ownership of this work

by the current operator. Assignment of the ownership of this work,

in exchange for a payment, is made possible on chain using another smart

contract method. To get this to be legally binding requires a contract to be

assented to by the parties (perhaps using an approved online representation

of a natural language contract – DocuSign type services.) Similarly, a copy

of the work itself should be assigned/stored somewhere.

Let’s break this system down into its constituent parts.

The system must include:

1. an arbitration procedure.

2. a natural language contract which delegates some authority to:

a. a smart contract, and

b. an arbitration procedure to resolve any dispute.

3. a smart contract which adequately represents the legal transfer

of copyright ownership as a technical operation.

4. a proven link between the author’s assent to the natural language

contract, the smart contract, and the work in question (all identified

by hashes)

5. secure storage for the original contract signatures, or other equivalent


6. a set of transactions on the blockchain corresponding to a sale.

In a sense, the static starting conditions of the game are laid

out in the natural language contract: I am the author of this work. In return

for a fee of $500 I will transfer ownership of this work to you, whoever you


The payment which actually makes this happen is done on the blockchain:

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a function is called which accepts a payment and changes the state

on the smart contract to indicate a change of ownership has occurred. No

new natural language contract is created. Rather, the agreement that a sale

is possible is conducted in the paper world, and the events which make

the sale final happen on the blockchain. If a non-technical person wants

to interpret this situation in the event of a dispute, they have the option

of raising a dispute about the contract, and asking for the decision

of an arbitrator.

The arbitrator musters whatever technical resources are needed to ascertain

the current status of the copyright. Because both buyer and seller have

committed to giving the arbitrator authority in this matter in the natural

language contracts, the arbitrator’s decision is legally binding. In some

countries there are limited rights of appeal, for example on the ground

of lack of jurisdiction or serious irregularity which causes substantial


What if something has gone wrong, like a bug in the smart contract has

destroyed the $500 payment made in ether, but the blockchain still shows

that the buyer owns the copyrighted work, even though the author never got


The answer is: it’s complicated. There is a body of law which applies

to situations of this type, and the job of the arbitrator is to apply the law

to our case and come up with a solution or remedy which in an ideal world

will be both legally correct and satisfactory from a technical point of view.

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To build a substantial and functional Mattereum ecosystem is going

to require a very solid structure. Although it is tempting to conceptualize

the smart contract ecosystem as mainly being an ecology of code,

the majority of the complexity of the real world is beyond the real capacity

of code to represent. Take goods in container shipping: there must be 500

different legal conditions that goods can be in as they go from a factory

in China through to a retailer in America – impounded by customs, lost

on the docks, trapped on a ship that has been ruled unseaworthy, flood

damaged, lost, lost-believed-stolen, sitting on the bottom of the sea,

and many more states, and each of those states could be in any country

in the world (more or less). A sea of possible states, and transitions between

those states exists largely in the paper world – a container is found,

or a ship is certified as lost at sea for insurance purposes. Attempting to jam

this complexity into a smart contract results in a lossy abstraction in which

the paper reality isn’t quite married up correctly to the smart contract reality.

If it’s close enough, people expect the mapping to be perfect, but instead

the mapping is just a little off and edge cases slip through. For this reason,

the Mattereum plan mainly focuses on natural language contracts. Smart

contracts exist to register the subset of state transitions which can be well

represented by current or near-future blockchain technology. An additional

factor is that if the granularity of the system is too fine, transaction

costs will price the use of smart contracts out of the market. So rather

than representing the passage of goods through a shipping system with 500

possible conditions and 75 possible mechanisms for triggering a transition

from one condition to another, each transition managed by a different set

of cryptographic keys, the system might be reduced to half a dozen states

(owned by A, bid offered, bid accepted, goods shipped, goods arrived,

goods accepted) with the parties keeping their own records of the full

complexity of the system, ready to be presented to arbitrators in the event

of a dispute.

Such a system is clearly a step on the way to systems which can truly

model and accept the complexity of the real world. Some of that software

exists already: SAP (for example) has those comprehensive models

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in place for much of manufacturing and some other industries. However, it

is more likely in the near future that bridges will be built between existing

repositories of complexity management know-how (i.e. law, legacy software

etc.) than that the full complexity of the real world will be internalized

into the blockchain space.

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If we let the imagination run wild, we can envisage a future where we

perhaps look beyond the proposed triple – prose, code and parameters

– where now the first two components are essentially static templates.

Each such contract might be made up of building blocks, both for prose

and for the smart contract code. Each contract might have plugins and each

plugin might have a set of parameters associated with it.

To get more specific, imagine a contract that represents the interaction

between a seller of shoes and a buyer. This main contract would be very

simple: buyer pays, seller delivers. A new feature to this contract would be

the ability of the buyer to return the shoes within a specified period of time.

A bulk of prose text would be added and also a counterpart smart contract

piece that now needs to add a couple more states to the internal automaton

to model the returning of the shoes and the issuing of the refund. Of course,

this futuristic platform would handle all the complexity of auto-generating

the contract(s) with the end users only needing to tick one more check-box

to add this feature together with the parameter which specifies the time

to return.

Further on, the seller might want to take off some of the risk of the shoes

getting lost in transit and might want to buy an insurance for the parcel.

Because most likely the insurance contract would be quite complex

as well, it would be added into the main one only as a reference. In case

of an insurance claim, the main smart contract would be paused in a Pending

state and continue execution inside the insurance smart contract until it gets

resolved. As such, linked contract networks would be formed.

Another example that illustrates the usefulness of having a flexible contract

is the process of buying a house. In the simplest of cases, the seller

owns the house, the buyer already has the cash to buy the house,

transaction occurs – money gets exchanged for the house ownership

title. But if the buyer doesn’t have the money, he would need to borrow

from a third party. The introduction of the third party and the part about

borrowing the money, with all the implications of a mortgage charge would

come as additions to the main contract. The newly formed contract would

also contain the schedule of mortgage repayments with automatic execution

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of the house ownership charge in case of default.

If the lending third party is an established blockchain business with their

own [smart] contracts in place, we could also think about composition

of contracts again, where the main contract ends with the exchange

of ownership title and would continue execution into the mortgage

repayment contract with a remaining charge in the main contract for the case

of default.

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Ecosystem transformation investments are complex, subtle things. Let us

break this down into a set of assets and capabilities.

The first asset is a body of arbitrators and the defined procedures to handle

disputes. Without them, the Ricardian contract pairs hang in space –

if something goes wrong, we have little recourse. A system could be stood

up with general commercial arbitrators, but a high quality, consistent,

service would be hard to find without technical competence on the part

of the arbitrators. So building technical knowledge among arbitrators

is critical to quality of ruling, which is critical to the function of the system.

The second asset is a very considerable portfolio of natural language

contracts, written in specific ways which make them suitable for precise

integration with smart contracts. The preparation of that contract suite

is a big job, and will be spread among many different law firms. The base

of skills and experience created will likely result in many more such contracts

being written by these firms for their clients as they begin to feel more

comfortable with the Ricardian contract approach, and the arbitration

association. Broad adoption may be driven as much by the lawyers

as by the startups. Professional networks that understand what we have

to offer are significant assets.

The third asset is a body of hard-won understanding on the technical

side. This is partly a suite of smart contracts, but more fundamentally it

is a nuanced model of how the contracts are created to fit the natural

language contracts, and vice-versa. There has never been a broad-

based effort to climb this particular hill, and in all probability at the end

of this process we will have the world’s best body of understanding

of this critical area.

The fourth asset is our network of investments. We anticipate using some

very solid new models for keeping together a tightly socially integrated set

of startups, with good recycling of talent from projects which are stuck

to projects which are fully viable. We also anticipate cutting edge approaches

to risk management for entrepreneurs, including equity pools. In short, we

believe the VC side of this operation will be fully adapted to the new world

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VC operates in. We believe the entrepreneur network we invest in will be

a huge asset.

Together, we feel these assets will deliver a very substantial change

in the position the crypto ecosystem has relative to the conventional world

of law, finance and regulation.

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Alice’s Fine Wine Emporium wishes to sell a variety of fine wines

to customers via their dapp. The dapp allows customers to browse

the currently-available wines, with provenance information recorded for each

step of the winemaking process.

Bob wants to buy wine. After selecting a particularly expensive Médoc, Bob

signs up to make his purchase.

Alice and Bob both sign a Ricardian contract which details the terms

and conditions of Alice’s Fine Wine Emporium. It explains how purchases,

returns and refunds are handled, how shipping and delivery will be arranged,



Retrieve Wine List

Select Wine

Sign contract

Make Purchase

Ship Bottle of Wine

[Bob Gets His Wine]

[Failure to Deliver]



Sign contract

Payment Release

Request for evidence

Ruling in favour of Bob












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and how purchases will be invoiced. Once signed, this contract covers all

purchases Bob may make in the future, so the signing only needs to happen


How Arbitration Affects Outcomes

In this example, Bob has recourse in the event that Alice fails to deliver

the wine as advertised – either by failing to deliver any product, or delivering

a product that is deficient under the terms of the contract. Bob has

the ability to ask the arbitrator for a ruling, and the arbitrator can gather

evidence from both parties before making a decision. If Alice cannot provide

evidence to counter Bob’s claims, the arbitrator will rule in Bob’s favour,

forcing Alice to pay Bob back.

In reality, the mere knowledge of the fact that Bob can request arbitration

would encourage Alice to resolve the situation before reaching arbitration.

As the costs of arbitration are normally borne by the losing party, Alice

has a strong incentive to reach a satisfactory conclusion with Bob before

arbitration becomes necessary.

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Aubrey has a great idea for a new startup business. With his MBA

and extensive business contacts, he’s convinced that he can build the next

Facebook – or, at least, the next LinkedIn! All he needs is someone to code

the prototype.


Payment terms

Effort estimate


ETH Deposit


Daily payment

[Bella completes the work]

[x5 days]




ETH Deposit


Extra work request

Trigger extra work clause

Notification of work completion

Final payment release

[Work not completed]


Refund of remaining funds


Request for evidence

Ruling in favour of Bob




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Bella is a web developer, and a friend of Aubrey’s cousin Cerys. Aubrey asks

Bella to build the prototype, in return for payment. Bella agrees, and her

estimate is that it will take her 5 days to complete the work. Aubrey is also

concerned that Bella might work slowly and costs might spiral out of control.

They agree that Bella should be paid her normal rate of 5 ETH per day

for the first 5 days, with both parties aiming to finish the work by then. They

agree that any further work will be charged at 2.5 ETH per day, giving Bella

an incentive to finish and move on to other work, without allowing Aubrey

to request further modifications without paying anything at all.

With the help of Bella’s friend Lawson, they draw up a contract specifying

the payment terms and the intellectual property rights (all work produced

will belong to Aubrey once completed).

Aubrey deposits 25 ETH to cover the first five days of the work. After each

day, Bella writes a record to the smart contract indicating that a day’s work

has been completed along with the hash of the latest commit in GitHub. 5

ETH is paid immediately to Bella.

After the five days is completed, Aubrey requests a further day’s worth

of changes. He deposits 2.5 ETH to cover the cost, and Bella notifies

the smart contract when she is finished, releasing the final payment.

How Arbitration Affects Outcomes

In this example, Aubrey deposits funds in escrow before Bella completes

the work, so there is no risk of Aubrey refusing to pay. However, there

is a risk that Bella does not complete the work, and Aubrey needs to seek

the return of escrowed funds.

In this case, Aubrey can ask the arbitrator to order the return of either

escrowed funds or funds already released to Bella (the legal contract should

stipulate how partial payment is handled in the case where Bella completes

part, but not all, of the work). Bella can be instructed either to repay directly

to Aubrey, or to withdraw her offer of work thus triggering the release

of the escrowed funds back to Aubrey.

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Arjun owns a Lamborghini Aventador. Following a decision to switch

to a more environmentally-conscious form of transport, he also decides

to sell the Lamborghini. Aware of high demand for Lamborghinis within

the Ethereum community, he decides to auction the car via a smart contract.

To ensure legal enforceability, he uses a standard Mattereum auction


The contract allows him to specify a minimum reserve price, and a time

limit on bids. Once these have been set, the auction can be opened. All

bids are openly visible on the Ethereum blockchain, and a competitive

bidding process ensues. Eventually, Zadie emerges as the person willing

to bid the most, and she is named as the winner of the auction, immediately

becoming the legal owner of the car.

The diagram below illustrates the contract as a state machine. This simple

model of the possible states of a contract, and the possible outcomes,

TermsSet SellerContractSigned






Time Limit Expired

Bids Open



Time Limit Expired

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can help to ensure that both the smart contract programmer and the legal

contract author agree on the expected behaviour. As state machines

are well-understood, they can provide simple but useful documentation.

How Arbitration Affects Outcomes

In the simple example above, there are relatively few opportunities

for arbitration. As the entire auction is conducted on-chain, there is no risk

of payment being withheld. The main risk is failure of the seller to provide

the item listed for auction, in which case the winner of the auction is entitled

to pursue to the seller for compensation.

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Natural language contracts require legal identity. Smart contracts require key

pairs, and protection of one’s private keys. Bridging these two different kinds

of identity is at the heart of making smart contracts legally binding.

There is no doubt that to make it possible to transfer legal property

on the blockchain requires the paper half of the contract pair to be signed

by a legal entity: there is no mechanism which can make a contract

enforceable against a public key. However, there are many legal methods

used to protect the privacy of property owners, usually involving having

a corporation own the property, or some kind of legal intermediary like

a legal firm which acts as a nominee. These systems are legal and heavily

used. Of course, one’s degree of comfort contracting with such

an entity might vary with its reputation and its history of prior contract

counterparty performance. A brand new, never-seen-before legal entity

without an obvious human owner might be much less trusted than one

with thousands of transactions to its name.

We do not propose to enumerate or classify what can and cannot

sign a contract. Mattereum does not purport to be able to engineer

out this complexity: it is part of the legal world, and while we hold out high

hopes for general blockchain identity schemes which will resolve these

issues in a categorical form, those systems are not here yet. So instead we

propose to leave these questions to the lawyers, who are expert in assessing

these risks. If your lawyers are uncomfortable with their ability to identify

the counterparty should a dispute arise, this is not a risk that we can hedge

without insurance. However, we think we can do a little better than ‘buyer

beware’ even in the absence of comprehensive and standard blockchain-

native identity solutions.

We do not propose a single method to accomplish this binding between legal

persons, keys, and contract counterparties. It is clear that blockchain identity

systems are under very heavy development, and changing all the time.

Similarly, state-run identity systems, like the Estonian e-residency approach,

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are also in constant flux. If we establish an identity system ourselves, we

are simply locking out all the people who have better ways of managing

the identity problem than we do. This is not productive.

However, if we leave identity unaddressed, we have a system in which

one of the hardest problems of the day is simply marked ‘buyer beware.’

If we pick a technology, we are too early. If we do nothing, we are creating

insurmountable problems in an unacceptably wide range of use cases.

Our chosen method for managing identity is to classify misidentifying

individuals as an ‘insurable risk.’ If you suffer a loss because the person you

thought was selling you shoes or wine turns out to have given you a fake

identity and run off with the money, an insurer steps in and covers your

losses. That’s not the same thing as covering your losses to other classes

of fraud or theft: rather we take the specific risk of identity fraud, and find

specialized insurers who can insure that risk. This represents a new class

of e-commerce insurance.

We know that (for example) having a notary public (aka legal notary) check

identity documents and witness the signing of a contract is a reasonably high

standard of identity validation for many purposes. However, getting this act

on to a blockchain requires either that the notary is comfortable with digital

signatures and key management, or that an intermediary takes this input

from a notary – verifies the notary’s legitimacy, for example – and then

posts this information onto a blockchain. These specialized intermediaries

could work in a variety of ways – attaching this kind of validation to a uPort

profile, for example. It could also leverage the existing Know your Customer

/ Anti Money Laundering work done by (for example) exchanges like Kraken

and Poloniex. Under the right circumstances, exchanges could act as data

sources for identity providers, or even act as identity providers themselves.

To unify these various sources of validation, we propose that trust

in identity is measured by the amount of third party compensation

that the counterparties can attach to the transaction in hand. Suppose that I

have notarized copies of my passport, and 20 years of bank statements

and other substantiating documents together; if I ask a third party to examine

these records, and vouch for my identity, they might feel they are taking

a very small risk. People are incentivized (i.e. paid) to vouch for the fact

they have examined these records and believe them to be valid. To pay

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for the risk they are taking by insuring the parties against misidentification

risk, the notary charges a fee of 1% or even 0.1% of the funds staked

as payment, depending on the risk. This could be framed as an insurance

contract in some jurisdictions: 0.1 ETH paid to the insurer buys me 10

ETH of funds which the insurer will stake against any fraud which results

from them misidentifying me.

This is not a conduct bond; for an insurer to guarantee my behavior

is a different kind of trust. We think that kind of trust is also very much worth

exploring, but it is a different thing.

Rather, the identity assurer simply examines the available records, including

perhaps their own transactions with the identity customer, and in return

for a payment posts a bond indicating they will pay a fee (as part

of an arbitration award) in the event that the contract signed with BOB

HOWARD turns out to have been signed by somebody else masquerading

as Bob.

Identity insurance of this type can be layered, and backed up by bonds.

I could have KyC/AML data with two or more exchanges, a family lawyer

who has known me for years and who has recently become crypto savvy,

and a couple of whales in the space who have been to my house and know

my face. Each of these individuals might be willing to stake significant funds

against the very, very small risk that I am not who I say I am. The resulting

identity bond is presented as an asset to contract counterparties: a total

sum of 200 ETH are available from the following parties at the discretion

of the arbitrator if the person who signed this contract is not BOB

SMITH. If I was much less well known to the person making the bond,

or the documentation was thinner, they might charge a much higher fee

for the identity bond they are providing: perhaps up to 20% of that bond,

or no bond at all.

This simple way of resolving trust into identity bonds should make it

possible for identity systems of all kinds to work smoothly together

to help contract counterparties identify each other, with real consequences

for misidentification, and real protection for counterparties, all subject

to the jurisdiction of the arbitrators. None of this precludes fraud

prosecutions against people lying about their identity, of course: the law

is still the law. But the ability to feel secure while involved in a transaction

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is as much about insurance if things go wrong as about trust that they

will not go wrong, and we feel the correct approach for an environment

with such rapid change is to make identity about the one thing which

everybody can agree on: money changes hands to manage the risks which

technology cannot yet eliminate.

This basic paradigm that trust in systems and people is expressed by bonds,

escrows or other promises to pay in accordance with an arbitral decision

is likely to form a backbone by which pieces of trust we have spread across

different technical systems can be brought together to provide actual

support for our transactions.

We will establish the basic contractual frameworks for some of these use

cases, and do our best to encourage widespread market adoption of these

mechanisms. If a different dominant solution emerges, we will (of course)

move to adopt it as quickly as possible.


Contract validation and fees

It is unreasonable to expect arbitrators to adjudicate poorly written contracts,

or smart contracts which have not undergone sufficient security testing.

While unforeseen events are always possible, the purpose of arbitration

should so far as possible be to handle the unforeseen, and malfeasance –

not gross ambiguity in the underlying instruments. In many cases, a poorly

written contract that fails to adequately express intent will leave arbitrators

forced to interpret words like ‘reasonable’ in the absence of a solid context

to put those words in.

To ensure against this situation, contracts which are part of Mattereum

will have been reviewed before a contract can be entered into and any

consequent dispute referred to arbitration. The initial suite of contracts we

create will be registered as a matter of course, and additional contracts can

be registered after they have been examined and a fee paid.

This fee covers inspection of the contract, and an audit of the smart

contract, to ensure not that they are free from defect (we cannot vouch

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for that, not being omniscient) but that they form a suitable basis

for arbitration: intentions are clearly stated on paper, and the smart contract

passes a basic sanity check as an expression of those intentions. The fees

for this process are not handled inside of the system: rather, Mattereum

has a set of professionals on file who can provide the service, and people

with new contracts must contract one of that set to do the inspection

and report back that the contract is either a reasonable basis for arbitration

(should arbitration be necessary), or needs work to clarify ambiguities

or further secure value in the smart contract.

Contracts which have been validated in this way are added to a whitelist.

Contract fees

Contracts are protected as copyrighted works, and are licensed to parties

who wish to use them: this applies both to natural language contracts

and to smart contracts. There is a small fee associated with contract use:

one part goes to the Mattereum organization, and another to the owner

and maintainer of the contract (if the contract was created by a third party.)

The first part helps cover the costs of training and accrediting arbitrators

as technically competent.

Contract fees will typically be at least partially anchored by the price

of goods in the real world, or against fiat currency charges for goods

and services. This makes the volatility which is common to cryptocurrencies

somewhat problematic. If, for example, contracts have fixed prices

denominated in ETH, and there is a rapid rise in prices, a ‘nominal fee’

of a dollar or two to register a contract suddenly becomes 5% or 10%

of the contract value.

To avoid this problem, prices to register contracts are set on a dynamic

basis, so that their fee (when translated to fiat) remains at their chosen level.

We do not anticipate that contract signing functions can fluctuate wildly

in price without impacting the ability of the ecosystem to use the arbitration

mechanisms of Mattereum for day to day trade, which is the goal. Price

volatility is the enemy of predictability.

To resolve this issue, contract registration will be priced dynamically:

Mattereum will operate a price oracle which will set the cost of registering

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a contract so that it stays roughly constant in fiat terms.

Contracts themselves may specify payments any way that is acceptable to all

parties: Mattereum does not constrain the parties’ contracts, including their

choice of payment instruments.


This approach is very much an attempt to bootstrap the next phase

of transformation in the smart contract ecosystem, giving rise to many new

users for the blockchain, and forming one of the backbones of the entry

of the blockchain into the day to day business lives of ordinary people

working in conventional businesses. These kinds of businesses may already

have contracts that they are using every day which could be rendered usable

in a Ricardian contract triple with a little work, opening the door for existing

businesses to streamline their operations using Mattereum. This is even

more true for standard contracts which are shared inside of an industry,

or are common to the operations of a company with many thousands

of customers, some of whom are sophisticated enough to make the transition

to the Mattereum system.

Natural language contracts and smart contracts will accumulate profile

data over time – how often the contract is used, parallel versions of legal

text which have been translated and certified as accurate renditions

of the original contract, audit reports on smart contracts and so on. Total

value transferred or managed by the contract would be another useful trust


Over time we anticipate that some of these contracts will wind up

with institutions which support the contracts, including managing

and producing new metadata in support of a contract pair – legal contract

prose and smart contract code. A good example is the International Swaps

and Derivatives Association (ISDA) Master Agreement, the foundation

for derivatives trading. ISDA supports the users of the contract, manages

the contract text (including keeping it up to date) and generally supports

the industry which has grown up around the contract. Although we would

be surprised and delighted if the contracts in our system grew to be ISDA-

sized, it’s not at all unreasonable consortiums might form to manage keeping

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a specific natural language contract up to date, make improvements over

time, handle versioning issues, modifications to the smart contract paired

with the legal contract, and so on. We would anticipate that some of these

contract consortiums would be profit-making enterprises in their own right,

competing for advantage in areas like making real estate or corporate debt

instruments available for buyers on the blockchain. Mattereum does not

intend to compete with contract organizations: access to arbitration is open

for all parties who get a contract audited and cleared by Mattereum.

In fact, Mattereum is highly in favour of the formation of contract

organizations, and interested in facilitating the formation and profitable

operation of new contract organizations within the Mattereum frameworks.

The objective is to create large-scale systems transformation of how certain

classes of contract are administered, and that cannot be done with any

mechanism except a broad-based engagement of many talented people

working for their own goals, with their own vision, under their own guidance.

The objective is not to create a monopoly, but to set an initial set

of templates and standard contracts up to prove that the field is viable,

and then provide the core services necessary to all the people doing

business in the synthetic jurisdiction that we have established.


In the long run it is likely that the blockchain, or a technology derived

from the blockchain, will be used for many statutory registers. Statutory

registers are things like publicly visible ID numbering schemes.

The Icelandic Kennitala is a single global ID number used by citizens

of Iceland for everything from library cards to tax records. This number,

because it is so public, is tied to careful selective disclosure methods:

everybody in the country can figure out your library card number,

so the library card number alone will not reveal any private information

under any circumstances. The number is public, but the data stays private.

This model gives some interesting insights into how privacy matters might be

managed on the blockchain in future. It is old, well established, and a good

fit for the privacy properties of the blockchain as it currently stands.

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As things stand, property can be divided broadly into two main categories:

registered and unregistered. Registered property lives on statutory

registers: registers the government maintains by law. These typically include

cars, motorbikes, houses, land plots, company shares and directorships,

copyrights, patents and trademarks. Unregistered property is everything else:

bottles of scotch, cigars etc. are typically not registered, but this is not to say

they are not controlled: no sale to minors, taxes in addition to sales tax. But,

for our purposes, it’s not these additional control structures that matter, it’s

the question of whether the government maintains the list of who-owns-

what, and how that list is updated. Right now, most of the statutory registers

are updated by complex multi-stage paper processes. By far the biggest

and most complex of these is the process of buying a house: fees can pile up

to a few percent of the cost of the transaction. And these are not small ticket


So while the system remains in this condition, there are limits to what can be

done elegantly using contract law to transfer ownership. There may be a set

of legal approaches involving companies which own property, and rights like

usufruct being transferred rather than ownership outright, but all of these

things are legal bridges towards a future which has not yet been built:

a future where the statutory registers have machine readable forms, and APIs

allowing software to transfer ownership of property.

It may take upwards of a decade to get statutory registers online in a way

which permits online updates. Various problems have to be solved:

identity, authentication and authorization, legacy records stretching back

to parchment (goat skin!) and large amounts of off-book property that is not

traded, and so has not made it into the government’s statutory registers yet.

There is very little we can do, Dubai Blockchain Strategy notwithstanding,

to get these registers online.

However, Mattereum, can provide an interface to a small subset of registered

property like cars, houses and patents. This is perhaps the trickiest issue

we will face as the project moves forwards: just how far can we get towards

a pocket universe which mirrors the situation that everybody will get when

the statutory registers finally move online? For unregistered property

this is an easy situation: people sign bills of sale on the back of napkins,

and anything which improves on that situation will work.

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But getting towards a situation where it’s possible to cruise around

London in an Uber looking at houses, and buy the one you like for ETH

using a smartphone wallet? It’s not impossible that the legal research

will find mechanisms which actually allow and enable that sort of future,

but odds-are it will be a multi-stage process involving building out more

infrastructure in the form of intermediaries (i.e. entities which hold

the property on paper, on behalf of the beneficiary owner.)

This is the fundamental research component of the Mattereum plan: getting

the best possible interface to the statutory property registers for real estate

etc. that we can build inside the current legal system we have. And this,

of course, will vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. It may be that we will find

clever approaches which only work in France or Germany or Luxembourg,

but cannot work in New york. This kind of lumpiness does not affect most

simple property, or property rights which have been created recently.

But land law is old law, and as such it is very lumpy and irregular.

The poor may inherit the earth, but at least in some jurisdictions they will not

be getting the mineral rights.


Earlier on, we discussed the Kennitala, the Icelandic ID number which is used

for so much in their society. It acts as an index to sensitive data, but simply

knowing the number tells people little or nothing.

Can blockchain identities work like this? Should they?

We don’t know yet. Opinions on this vary widely, and technology is moving

fast. Some people see the future as homomorphic encryption everywhere,

others favor ZK SNARKS. Some suggest the chain will be split into multiple

components some containing data, others identity. We do not know which

way this will go, so we have to have a strategy which is largely independent

of the technology of the day.

Here’s what we know to start. In the initial context, the minimum which

can be on-chain is a contract ID and a couple of counterparty signatures.

If those signatures key to only this contract (i.e. the users have multiple

keys, and only use this key for this contract) information leakage should be

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minimal. The arbitrators (or more likely some intermediary acting as a lawyer)

holds the legal identities of the participants, and so very little is revealed

on chain. This leaves lots of repositories of useful (even critical) information

off chain.

The next step might be to encrypt a lot of this information and put it

on-chain. The full text of contracts would only need to be stored once,

and referred to by contract address. The same might be true of identity

information: it could be put on-chain, which would allow a person to see

that a given key had signed a lot of contracts, but without knowing

the parameters (what is being sold, for example, would likely be encrypted.)

The bottom line is that there are multiple possible technical approaches

to these issues, each with a slightly different balance of cost and complexity.

Our proposal is that we are going to spread around the initial smart

contract work to a variety of vendors – some big firms, some small

firms, some individuals – to get a variety of models built out and tested.

This is a profoundly complex area: the technology is far from trivial,

and the product-market fit questions around contract privacy are deeply


For example, consider an auction. There are certain classes of auction

where seeing bids is necessary for the auction. These could be approached

in a very straight forwards fashion, and work well. Another class of auctions

require sealed bids, and at that point the cryptographic approaches come

in. But in this context, how are we to know which class of auctions will be

more popular? Are sealed bid auctions going to be rarities, or the dominant

auction format? Product-market fit is non-trivial in a market moving this fast.

Our expectation is that this will be an evolving endeavour. Relatively open

systems, without deep privacy measures, will probably come first in test

systems. From there, it will be a choice of levels: in which cases is privacy

protected by intermediaries like lawyers or nominees, and in which instances

is it protected cryptographically by (for example) N-of-M secret sharing

schemes and multi-party arbitration teams having the keys?

Different kinds of contracts will have different requirements. Other vendors

are working very hard on contract privacy. Intermediaries who might escrow

identity using various technologies are also forming. This suggests active

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engagement with the issues, and a sharp eye on the changing technology

front rather than a dogmatic hold on a currently-available technology


Across this entire project, the question of what to handle with smart

contracts and other technology, versus what to handle using additional

layers of intermediaries and trusted humans will be tricky. We have

already discussed the need for simple smart contracts, with the majority

of the work being done by the natural language contract. But all

of this is dependent on the current state of the art in both the underlying

platform and infrastructural support services provided by vendors and other

third parties. This kind of messy, complex environment with multiple moving

technological parts intersecting with marked dynamics and fundamental

platform innovation requires teams much larger than a single person

to manage. Multiple specialities have to come together to make optimal

decisions in such a terrain, and building this kind of pool of deep expertise

is why our initial team has the cross functionality it has.


Mattereum is a platform, not a product. To deliver on the full promise

of decentralization – a transformation of business, governance

and administration – will require a vibrant ecosystem of many products,

powered by Mattereum.

Ethereum’s existing smart contract infrastructure has already enabled

many new businesses, but these are limited in scope by the fact that smart

contracts can only enforce on-chain outcomes. With Mattereum, that scope

is expanded by orders of magnitude: smart contracts to manage everyday

sale, lease, lend, and auction of simple property, real estate, vehicles,

land, energy, labour, and time will become possible. Built on Ethereum’s

programmable blockchain substrate, applications composed of connected

smart contracts and Ricardian contracts will become possible. New ways

of managing the systems that run our lives are enabled, and it will become

possible to program our reality.

Imagine a young musician, creating her first pieces of music for sale.

With Mattereum, she can register her copyrights herself, enter deals

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direct with distributors, promoters and concert venues. Her fans, too,

can participate directly – crowdfunding new music, tours, and videos.

With instant payments on-chain, not only does the artist get paid directly,

but so do her producers, backing singers and session musicians.

This is the possibility that Mattereum exists to enable. To build it will require

an ecosystem. For that reason, Mattereum’s aim is to create infrastructure

to support the efforts of others, and to generate an ecosystem of startups,

partnerships and joint ventures around it.

This involves a lot of very early stage investment in small enterprises,

and quite possibly standard incubator/accelerator/lab type arrangements

for getting these startups together. Much of the thinking from hexayurt.

capital comes straight across to the Mattereum ecosystem, and we expect

to work with our network of experienced VC fund managers to enable rapid

uptake of these services.


Understanding the parameters, boundary conditions and thresholds

for action in a complex environment with a lot of moving parts, with legal

issues at the heart of the process, is a job for a specialized entity which

solves exactly that problem. There are few teams anywhere in the world

which could bring together this cross-section of expertise, and as time

goes on that expertise and the network which supports it will grow

wider and deeper. The intention is to build the fundamental gateway

between the legal and the technical, but this is as much a social structure

as a technical one. As Sun Microsystem’s Bill Joy said ‘no matter who

you are, most of the smartest people work for someone else.’ This means

keeping the door open to other teams with alternative models, finding

markets for innovators while not attempting to drown them out or lock them

out of our core business, and so on. It’s a fully cooperative-competitive

environment, where our ability to license and collaborate with others

who have technological break-outs is matched by our ability to absorb

and integrate new technologies into our operational expertise to get our

fundamental clients – Mattereum users – the best possible legal agreements

so they can get on with their business.

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This kind of structure is typical of frontiers. Nobody knows exactly who

will come out ahead in the end, and whether it will be a few large players

that dominate in the long run, or complex networks of smaller actors

in networks. This margin is partly set by cooperation and transaction

costs – what you might call Coasean factors – but also by the fundamental

technical complexity of the market. Sometimes innovation is easy to build

on, sometimes you have a breakthrough and then wind up locked to it while

other people innovate as you are bogged down building out the details

of the initial invention. Frontiers of this kind require and provoke

a cooperative response – in a sense, all the people innovating at this edge

are working together to effect a global transformation in the center –

and it is in this spirit that we continue our labors. We have far more to gain

by cooperation than competition.

This is an imperative which is as much strategic as aesthetic. Our

understanding of the complex nature of frontiers is that those who thrive

on them tend towards a cooperative response whenever possible: we

are in this together, or we perish alone.

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Vinay Gupta is the founder of Hexayurt.Capital, a fund which invests

in creating the Internet of Agreements. He was instrumental in creating

the Dubai Blockchain Strategy, managed the Ethereum blockchain platform

release, and invented the hexayurt refugee shelter. His first involvement

in commercial software development was in 1992, and continued through

the 1990s in medical imaging, flight simulators, cryptographic applications

and the web. His areas of expertise include disaster management, energy

policy (5 years at Rocky Mountain Institute), and computer graphics.

Rob Knight is an experienced software engineer, architect and Chief

Technology Officer. He has led teams building large-scale logistics, financial

regulatory compliance and intellectual property management systems

for organisations including the BBC, ITV and Royal Mail Group. He has

also founded several businesses and is a speaker and author on software

development, management, and blockchain technology.

Dr. Aeron Buchanan received his doctorate from the Robotics department

of Oxford University in the field of Computer Vision, after reading

Engineering and Computer Science for his undergraduate degree

and working as an algorithm designer for the special effects industry. He

has since designed algorithms for UAVs, started tech companies building

light show controllers and blockchain technology, plus acted as a consultant

to economics professors and ecological research laboratories. He

is currently a technical advisor to the blockchain world, aiming to continue

the advancements in consensus platform technology and more readily bring

the benefits to the economy and society in general.

Christopher Wray is a lawyer and commercial mediator, and cofounder

of companies developing self-adjustable spectacle lenses for distribution

to populations without access to conventional eye care. He read

physics and philosophy at Oxford University and later law, and he writes

on the cognitive science of decision-making and dispute resolution.

Ian Grigg is a noted financial cryptographer, having entered the space

in 1995. He invented the Ricardian Contract as a process to capture all

of the prose in a legal contract of issuance, and permit unique identification

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among many competing issues without the need for a centralised registry

to allocate numbers. He is co-inventor of triple entry accounting, which

has been termed by some as the most significant change to accounting

in 500 years. As well as doing seminal work in digital payment and issuance

or registry systems, he has created models for identity and community

which have been trialled successfully in low trust environments. Ian has

worked for R3, and consults with leading firms in the blockchain space. He

is currently partner at block.one.

Casey Kuhlman is the CEO of Monax specializing in the legal applications

of blockchain technology. Prior to cofounding Monax, Casey was the head

of legal information systems at the US Open Data Institute. A lawyer

and international development practitioner for nearly a decade, Casey has

worked extensively in the Horn of Africa, including cofounding the first law

firm in Somaliland. Casey has also been a New york Times bestselling author,

an infantry officer in the Marines, and is an avid participant in open source

software development.

Dr. Mihai Cimpoesu is a computer scientist with experience in computer

security and machine learning. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science

with his thesis focused on applied Machine Learning algorithms towards

proactive detection of online threats. He worked for companies like

Bitdefender, Amazon.com and Thomson Reuters and for the last two years,

he focused entirely on blockchain related projects through his consultancy

company dltlab.io.

Professor Michael Mainelli FCCA FCSI FBCS Co-founded Z/yen, the City

of London’s leading commercial think-tank and venture firm, in 1994

to promote societal advance through better finance and technology.

A qualified accountant, securities professional, computer specialist

and management consultant, educated at Harvard University and Trinity

College Dublin, Michael gained his PhD at London School of Economics

where he was also a Visiting Professor. He is a non-executive director of two

listed firms and a regulator, Alderman of the City of London for Broad Street,

Emeritus Professor & Trustee at Gresham College, Fellow of Goodenough

College, trustee of several charities, and Senior Warden of the Worshipful

Company of World Traders.

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Clive Freedman FCIArb FBCS is a barrister, arbitrator and mediator

at 3 Verulam Buildings, specialising in information technology, banking

and financial services. He is a fellow of the Society for Computers & Law,

and co-wrote the chapter on Fintech and blockchains for the forthcoming

4th edition of Banking Litigation.

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