Nano Today (2013) 8, 531—554 Available online at www.sciencedirect.com ScienceDirect j our na l ho me pag e: www.elsevier.com/locate/nanotoday REVIEW Small power: Autonomous nano- and micromotors propelled by self-generated gradients Wei Wang, Wentao Duan, Suzanne Ahmed, Thomas E. Mallouk , Ayusman Sen Department of Chemistry, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, United States Received 4 July 2013 ; received in revised form 8 August 2013; accepted 30 August 2013 Available online 25 September 2013 KEYWORDS Autonomous motor; Self-electrophoresis; Self-diffusiophoresis; Self-acoustophoresis; Self-generated fields; Nanomotor Summary In this article we review the development, current status and future prospects of nano- and microscale motors propelled by locally generated fields and chemical gradients. These motors move autonomously in fluids by converting different sources of energy into mechanical work. Most commonly they are particles that are similar in their largest dimensions to bacteria (a few microns) or eukaryotic cells (10—20 m). Their shapes and compositions are designed to break symmetry in some way to create a local gradient (chemical, acoustic, thermal, etc.). A few important principles are introduced for readers to understand the physics of powered movement on small length scales. Interesting collective and emergent behaviors, as well as current and developing applications of these motors are also reviewed. Nano- and micromotors that are propelled by other mechanisms such as bubble recoil and magnetic induction are also briefly discussed. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Introduction Motors and machines are so much a part of everyday life that it is hard to imagine a world without them. It is safe to say that machines powered by water, wind, electricity, and fuel have played a major role in the development of civilization, enabling human life at a scale that would not be possible without them. Motors are now deeply ingrained in almost Corresponding authors. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (T.E. Mallouk), [email protected] (A. Sen). every aspect of technology. Similarly, microscopic biological motors and machines are vital components of every living cell and organism. Chemically powered nanomotors in the cell are engaged in protein synthesis, DNA replication, ATP synthesis, cell division and motility. At the level of orga- nisms, catalytic nanomotors power animal locomotion from the bumblebee to the blue whale. A representative illustra- tion of synthetic and biological motors on different length scales is shown in Fig. 1. Despite the ubiquity of engineered motors and machines in human life, and of nanomotors in biology, it is only recently that the concepts have begun to meet in the design of synthetic nano- and micromotors. Making 1748-0132/$ see front matter © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nantod.2013.08.009

Small power: Autonomous nano- and micromotors …research.chem.psu.edu/mallouk//articles/nt_small_power.pdf · power: Autonomous nano- and micromotors propelled by self-generated

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Nano Today (2013) 8, 531—554

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Small power: Autonomous nano- andmicromotors propelled by self-generatedgradients

Wei Wang, Wentao Duan, Suzanne Ahmed,Thomas E. Mallouk ∗, Ayusman Sen ∗

Department of Chemistry, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, United States

Received 4 July 2013 ; received in revised form 8 August 2013; accepted 30 August 2013Available online 25 September 2013

KEYWORDSAutonomous motor;Self-electrophoresis;Self-diffusiophoresis;Self-acoustophoresis;Self-generated fields;

Summary In this article we review the development, current status and future prospects ofnano- and microscale motors propelled by locally generated fields and chemical gradients. Thesemotors move autonomously in fluids by converting different sources of energy into mechanicalwork. Most commonly they are particles that are similar in their largest dimensions to bacteria(a few microns) or eukaryotic cells (10—20 �m). Their shapes and compositions are designedto break symmetry in some way to create a local gradient (chemical, acoustic, thermal, etc.).A few important principles are introduced for readers to understand the physics of powered

Nanomotormovement on small length scales. Interesting collective and emergent behaviors, as well ascurrent and developing applications of these motors are also reviewed. Nano- and micromotorsthat are propelled by other mechanisms such as bubble recoil and magnetic induction are alsobriefly discussed.

ts re


© 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All righ


Motors and machines are so much a part of everyday life thatit is hard to imagine a world without them. It is safe to saythat machines powered by water, wind, electricity, and fuel

have played a major role in the development of civilization,enabling human life at a scale that would not be possiblewithout them. Motors are now deeply ingrained in almost

∗ Corresponding authors.E-mail addresses: [email protected] (T.E. Mallouk),

[email protected] (A. Sen).



1748-0132/$ — see front matter © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nantod.2013.08.009


very aspect of technology. Similarly, microscopic biologicalotors and machines are vital components of every living

ell and organism. Chemically powered nanomotors in theell are engaged in protein synthesis, DNA replication, ATPynthesis, cell division and motility. At the level of orga-isms, catalytic nanomotors power animal locomotion fromhe bumblebee to the blue whale. A representative illustra-ion of synthetic and biological motors on different lengthcales is shown in Fig. 1.

Despite the ubiquity of engineered motors and machinesn human life, and of nanomotors in biology, it isnly recently that the concepts have begun to meet inhe design of synthetic nano- and micromotors. Making

532 W. Wang et al.

Figure 1 Natural (top) and synthetic (bottom) motors at different scales. The natural motors listed on the top row are: a kinesinon a microtubule (∼10 nm) [1], a swarm of E. coli (a few �m) [2], a lady bug (a few mm) [3] and the Vitruvian man by Da Vinci (∼2 m)[4]. The synthetic motors illustrated on the bottom row are: nanocars with C60 as wheels fabricated by the Tour group (a few nm)[ opellf ood g











5] (copyright 2005 The American Chemical Society), bubble prew �m to tens of �m) and robotic insects fabricated by the W

unctional motors on the nano- and micrometer length scaless challenging, not only because it is difficult to fabri-ate structurally complex objects of this size, but becauseamiliar macroscopic principles of powering them (e.g., bylectromagnetic induction, or by combustion of fuel to doressure-volume work) do not scale down well. For exam-le, the nanocar shown in Fig. 1 has fullerene wheels thatctually roll on a gold surface, but no internal combustionngine to make them go.

Synthetic motors that are powered by self-generatedradients have been the subject of growing interest andtudy since their discovery in 2004 [7]. These motors canove autonomously in fluids at speeds up to millimeterser second, and in some cases can generate sufficient forceo penetrate cell membranes. This article reviews recentrogress and future prospects in this field.

mportant concepts

n this section we present several concepts that are essentialo the discussion of autonomous nano- and micromotors.

eynolds number and Brownian motion

ot unlike their macroscale counterparts, motors func-ioning at nano- and microscale convert energy of various

ources into mechanical motion. However the specific mech-nisms for such energy conversion are usually dramaticallyifferent. At the macroscale objects can maintain theirotion with inertia. However as the particle size decreases,


ed [6] and self-electrophoretic micromotors [7] (circled red, aroup (∼1 cm) [8], copyright 2013 Science.

nertia, which scales with L3, becomes negligible comparedo viscous forces that scale with L, where L is the charac-eristic length of the object. The Reynolds number (Re) is

dimensionless number that represents the ratio of thesewo forces:

e = �vL


here � is density, v is the particle velocity and � is theynamic viscosity of the medium. A swimming person there-ore has a Reynolds number of roughly 104 whereas bacteriaave a Reynolds number of roughly 10−4. For most of theano- and microscale motors that will be discussed in thiseview, the Reynolds number will be on the same order ashat of moving bacteria.

A low Reynolds number poses two immediate challengesor tiny swimmers. The first is that since inertia no longerffectively contributes to motion, there can only be instan-aneous motion caused by instantaneous force. In otherords, to maintain motion at low Reynolds number a con-

tant force, be it chemical, electrical, magnetic or acousticn nature, must be applied. Certain kinds of propulsion —uch as recoil from chemically generated bubbles — arenefficient because the motor is subject to a recoil forcenly at the instant of bubble release. Motors based on thenertia of flywheels or other massive bodies would similarly

e inefficient at the microscale. The second challenge is toesign motors whose movement is non-reciprocal. A motorhat has a simple back and forth motion, such as the hingedovement of a clamshell, will not generate net directional

Autonomous nano- and micromotors 533

Figure 2 Related emergent behavior of biological organisms (a, b) and synthetic autonomous motors (c—e). (a) Schooling ofoolinion.





anchovies [23]; (b) flocking of red billed queleas [24]; (c—e) schCopyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc., reprinted with permiss

motion. This is called the ‘‘scallop theorem’’ [10]. In factvery rarely do nano-/micromotor designs involve movingparts [11—13]. In order to induce motion at low Reynoldsnumber, symmetry needs to be broken, be it time-reversalsymmetry, or symmetry in the particle composition, shapeor surface reactions. Self-generated gradients, as will bethe focus of this review, are commonly used by nano- andmicroscale motors, rotors and pumps as a means of breakingsymmetry and inducing motion. Moreover surface (scalingwith L2) forces rather than body forces (scaling with L3)dominate in inducing motion at small scales.

For motors at the nano- and microscale that functionin aqueous media, collisions with water molecules becomeincreasingly significant as their sizes decrease. Brownianmotion induced by such collisions significantly interfereswith the directionality of motors below 1 �m in size, andmotors appear to diffuse randomly. In addition, the mech-anism responsible for propulsion may become ineffectiveas the motor size decreases. Nature has developed vari-ous ways to achieve directional propulsion at the nano- andmolecular levels, typically by embedding motors in mem-branes or by constraining them to travel on polymer chainsto inhibit Brownian motion [14,15].

Autonomous vs. non-autonomous motors

Nano- and micromotors moving autonomously can be charac-terized by a trajectory that is independent of other motors.Each motor moves as if it has its own idea of a destination.This usually requires that the motors locally convert fuel orsome excitation energy (light, sound, etc.), rather than beswept in a given direction by an externally applied field.

Chemically propelled nano- and micromotors are typicallyautonomous. Their autonomy arises from the fact that eachmotor is itself a tiny engine that can convert chemical tomechanical energy.


g of AgCl microparticles under UV light (scale bar: 20 �m) [25].

External fields have been used to propel motors at nano-nd microscale, most notably electric [16—18] and magneticelds [19—22]. In most cases the external field is appliedrom a macroscopic source and exerts the same forces simul-aneously on all the motors in the sample. Because therajectories of motors propelled by magnetic and electricelds are usually dictated field lines, the resulting motion

s generally not autonomous. A notable exception are theagnetic motors described by Dreyfus et al., who used aagnetic random force to generate a whiplike motion of aagellar tail [10]. In 2012 we demonstrated that externallypplied ultrasonic energy can induce autonomous motion ofetal micro-rods [25]. In this system the scattering of acous-

ic energy generates a local pressure difference along thexis of the rod, which leads to autonomous motion.

Being able to move autonomously grants versatility toano- and micromotors. Although external control is a muchesired functionality for navigation and triggered response,utonomous motion is the foundation of collective behaviorsuch as swarming and schooling, an indication of inter-motorommunication (Fig. 2). In addition it is beneficial to haveotors that can independently carry out operations such as

ensing and reporting, especially when different populationsf motors have different tasks.

otors, rotors and pumps

utonomous nano- and micromachines can be divided intohree major categories: motors that exhibit directionalranslational motion, rotors that follow circular trajectories,nd pumps that stand still but drive the movement of fluidsnd tracer particles (Fig. 3).

These three types of micromachines break symmetry in

ifferent ways to induce movement. Micropumps break theymmetry of local concentrations of chemical species anduid flow. Early micropump designs were based on self-lectrophoresis/self-electroosmosis/ self-diffusiophoresis


Figure 3 Catalytic micromotors, rotors and pumps. Electro-catalytic reactions of fuels in bi- and trimetallic structures ofds









au(to move autonomously in dilute H2O2 (a few wt%) with


ifferent designs can result in different kinds of micromachinesuch as motors [7], rotors [26] and pumps [27].

echanisms [27—32]. Recent designs also include polymericicropumps that function regardless of substrate materials,

nd pumps that take advantage of depolymerization reac-ions triggered by chemicals [33] or light [34]. Motors andotors require a gradient (typically of proton concentration)long their body to generate motion. They are mostlyods or spheres with asymmetry in composition (e.g.,ne side composed of active material and the other inertaterial) [35], activity (chemical reaction rate is higher at

ne side than the other) [7] or shape (two ends respondo the external field differently) [36]. The asymmetry isroken along one axis, which dictates the direction ofotion. Nano- and microscale motors can become rotors if

symmetry (composition, shape or activity) is introducederpendicular to the long axis of the particle instead oflong the axis. There are a few examples of chemically


igure 4 Early examples of rod shaped bimetallic nanomotors o004 The American Chemical Society, reprinted with permission; (b)eprinted with permission; (c) the template based electrodeposition

W. Wang et al.

ropelled nano- and microrotors, and they are mostlyod-shaped [37—40]. Interestingly physical boundaries canlso induce rotation [37]. External magnetic and electricelds, as well as light, can also be used to induce rotationf nano- and microparticles, however as in the case ofotors, this rotation is generally not autonomous [41—43].

ropulsion mechanisms at nano- andicroscale


lectrophoresis describes the transport of nano- andicroscale particles in a liquid medium. In electrophoresis,

harged particles migrate in and electric field (E), and theirelocity (U) is governed by the Smoluchowsky equation forarticles with thin double layers [44,45].

= �rodε

�E (2)

ere �rod is the zeta potential of the rod surface which iselated to the surface charge, ε is the permittivity of theedium (water), and � is the dynamic viscosity of water.Over the past ten years, many nano- and microscale

otors have been designed to exploit the concept oflectrophoresis. Unlike ordinary electrophoresis, theseutonomous motors (particles) do not respond to an exter-ally applied electric field; rather they generate a locallectric field through chemical gradients and move inesponse to this self-generated electric field.

The first such system was discovered at Penn State [7],lthough at the time the mechanism of propulsion was notnderstood. In this system gold (Au)-platinum (Pt) nanorods2—3 �m long and ∼300 nm in diameter) were observed

t end leading at a speed of ∼10 �m/s (Fig. 4a). Thezin group independently made similar observations withold-nickel nanorods of similar dimension [39] (Fig. 4b).

perating in H2O2 solutions. (a) Au—Pt nanorods [7], copyright Au—Ni nanorods [37], copyright 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,

process by which these bimetallic nanorods are made.

Autonomous nano- and micromotors 535

Figure 5 Examples of self-electrophoretic nano- and micromotors. (a) Janus bimetallic microspheres prepared by selective metalevaporation, from Ref. [53] (copyright 2010 The American Chemical Society, reprinted with permission) and [52] (copyright 2010American Institute of Physics, reprinted with permission). (b) Cu—Pt motors operating in dilute Br2 solutions [56], copyright 2011




The American Chemical Society. (c) Functionalized carbon fiberscopyright 2005 The American Chemical Society, reprinted with

These bimetallic nanorods were fabricated by template-assisted electrodeposition in anodized alumina oxide (AAO)membranes (Fig. 4c). The powered movement in thesenanomotor systems immediately attracted attention in thescientific community because they were the first artificialmicrosystems to catalytically convert chemical energy toautonomous movement.

Following the discovery of the autonomously movingAu—Pt and Au—Ni nanorods, a research was carried outto understand the mechanism of catalytic energy conver-

sion. A number of candidate mechanisms were proposed,including interface surface tension gradient, oxygen bubblerecoil, and self-electrophoresis [7,30,46,47]. Experimen-tal evidence and simulation results strongly suggested that


e at the air—water interface through self-electrophoresis [58],ission.

elf-electrophoresis is the dominant mechanism for catalyticotors on this length scale [30,48—51].In self-electrophoresis, the charged microparticle moves

n a self-generated electric field as a result of an asymmetricistribution of ions. For example in the case of the Au—Ptimetallic nanomotors, the oxidation of H2O2 preferentiallyccurs at the anode (Pt) end and the reduction of H2O2 (and2) at the cathode (Au) end. This bipolar electrochemical

eaction leads to a higher concentration of protons near thet end and a lower concentration near the Au end. Since the

rotons are positively charged, the asymmetric distributionesults in an electric field pointing from the Pt end to theu end. The negatively charged nanorod therefore moves

n the electric field, an effect similar to electrophoresis.











lthough a proton gradient is responsible for the motion ofimetallic motors in H2O2 solutions, other ions can also besed to propel motors by the same mechanism (discussedelow). The key is an asymmetric distribution of ions thatenerates a local electric field.

Bimetallic, self-electrophoretic motors have also beentudied in shapes other than rods. For example, Gibbs et al.abricated spherical particles with overlapping Pt and Auegions by a dynamic shadowing growth technique [52]Fig. 5, top left). The motion of the motors was studiedy systematically varying exposed Au surface area. Wheatt al. fabricated electrophoretically active bimetallic spher-cal Janus particles by evaporating Au on half of a Pt coatedicrosphere [53] (Fig. 5, top right). They found that theotor speed increased linearly with increasing concentra-

ion of H2O2 between 0 and 1.5 mol/L. By further breakinghe symmetry of the shapes of the motors, it is possible tontroduce torque and therefore rotation of the motors. Thisas demonstrated first by Catchmark et al., who made gearsf Au and Pt that rotated in H2O2 solutions [54]. Later Mirkinnd co-workers and Wang et al. independently demonstratedhe rotation of bi- and trimetallic nanorods by evaporatingayers of different materials in non-cylindrical geometries38,55].

Fuels other than H2O2 have also been shown to propellectrophoretically driven nano- and microscale motors. Forxample, Ibele et al. developed a micropumping systemn which hydrazine (N2H4) and its derivative asym-N,N-imethylhydrazine (N2Me2H2) were used as fuels [31].ptical tracking of tracer particles and mixed potential mea-urements on Au and Pt electrodes confirmed that hydrazineand its derivatives) are preferentially oxidized or reducedn the electrode surface, leading to electrokinetic flowsimilar to those observed in H2O2 nanomotor systems. Theylso observed that the pumping direction could be switchedy replacing N2H4 with N2Me2H2, a result of the differencen the mixed potentials of Au and Pt in different fuels. Liut al. demonstrated another bimetallic nanomotor system inhich Cu—Pt nanorods (3—4 �m long and ∼300 nm in diam-ter) move autonomously in dilute I2 or Br2 solutions atoughly 10 �m/s (Fig. 5, center) [56]. This Cu—Pt nanomo-or system is more energy efficient than the Au—Pt nanorodotors mainly because there is minimal fuel waste on the

atalytically active surface. Yoshizumi and coworkers devel-ped spherical Zn—Pt Janus micromotors operating in Br2,-benzoquinone or methanol [57]. However the lifespan ofoth Cu—Pt and Zn—Pt motors are short due to the corro-ion of the active metal segment of the wire. In anothertudy, Mano and Heller reported that a piece of carbon fiber7 �m in thickness and 0.5—1 cm in length) was able to movet air—water interface at 1—0.1 cm/s for 3 min before stop-ing (Fig. 5, bottom) [58]. The propulsion was attributed to

bioelectrochemical reaction:

-D-glucose + 12

O2 → �-glucono-1, 5-lactone + H2O (3)

ith half reactions occurring at the anode functionalizedith glucose oxidase and cathode functionalized with biliru-

in oxidase, respectively. The proton gradients formed byhe half reactions are ultimately responsible for the motionhrough the self-electrophoresis mechanism. This glucoseriven motor system holds promise for use in biological


W. Wang et al.

ystems because it uses bio-available fuels: glucose and oxy-en. However, its ability to move only at the air—waternterface and at high oxygen pressure for a short timeresents challenges for use in real biomedical or bioana-ytical applications.

Much effort has been devoted to improving bimetal-ic nanomotors propelled by self-electrophoresis, mainly tochieve faster speeds. Zacharia et al. discovered that thepeed of bimetallic nanomotors can be increased by increas-ng their catalytic surface area [59]. A series of reportsrom the Wang group described bimetallic nanomotors mod-fied in various ways, reaching a speed of ∼100—200 �m/s60,61]. In one report Ag—Pt nanorods were synthesized andhowed autonomous motion at speed as high as 40 �m/s62]. When an Ag—Au alloy was used as the cathode mate-ial instead of Au, it was discovered that the speed ofhe nanomotors increased to 150 �m/s [63]. Carbon nano-ubes have also been incorporated into the Pt segmenturing the electrodeposition step, and the resulting motorseach a speed of 50—60 �m/s [64]. By using a mixed fuelf H2O2 and hydrazine, the motor speed further increasedo 94 �m/s. The dramatic increase in motor speed in theseases can be attributed to a larger mixed potential differ-nce between the two electrodes, which was determined byang et al. to be a critical parameter affecting the motor

peed [49].Another important aspect of the research on self-

lectrophoretically driven nanomotors is the developmentf other functionalities, such as pumping, rotation, direc-ionality and speed control, sensing capabilities, and cargoick up and delivery. Here we briefly summarize the majorrogress made in this field in Table 1. Review articles haveeen published on specialized topics in this area includingransport and delivery of cargo [65,66] and sensing [67].

Although significant progress has been made in researchn self-electrophoretically propelled nano- and microscaleotors, there exist a few issues that must be addressed

n order to expand their applications, especially in biologi-ally relevant media. First, most electrophoretically drivenano- and microscale motors rely on toxic fuels such as H2O2

r hydrazine. As noted earlier, there has been research toeplace these toxic fuels with more biocompatible chemi-als such as glucose [58]. However significant improvementsn efficiency are needed for such motor systems to be able toove in biological fluids at low glucose and oxygen concen-

ration. Other possibilities such as Br2, I2 or methanol haveeen proposed, but glucose remains the most promising one.ven if appropriate fuels were found, one still needs to over-ome the problem that self-electrophoresis does not workt high ionic strength, as has been shown both theoreticallynd experimentally [30]. Although these motors can tolerate

low concentration of ionic solutes (e.g., up to 10−4 mol/Lf Ag(I) ion) [79], the limited activity of electrophoreticallyriven nanomotors does not bode well for use in biologicaledia of high ionic strength (∼0.2 mol/L for blood serum).

inally, self-electrophoretically driven nanomotors have anxtremely low energy efficiency, on the order of 10−8—10−9

discussed in more detail in later section) [47,81]. New

uels, motor designs, and propulsion schemes are neededo improve the energy efficiency to the point where fastnd powerful nanomotors can operate at low fuel concen-rations.

Autonomous nano- and micromotors 537

Table 1 Summary of modifications and applications of self-electrophoretic nanomotors.

Functionality Ref. Description Note


[68] Nanomotor speed can be tuned by sweepingthe electrical potential of gold wire electrodeclose to the wires.

Interfacial tension gradient at different oxygenconcentrations at different electrochemicalpotentials was used to explain the motor speedchange.

[69] Heat pulse is used to increase the speed ofbimetallic nanomotors to 45 �m/s at 65 ◦C

The increase of motor speed was attributed tofaster electrochemical reactions and lowerfluid viscosity at elevated temperatures.


[70] Ni segment was incorporated into bimetallicnanomotors and external magnetic field wasused to guide the motion.

Due to the low speed, Brownian motion wasstill significant and the controllability wastherefore slightly compromised.

[71] Silver-Dynabead doublet nanomotors respondto magnetic field and align.

Although chaining and swarming weredemonstrated, individual control of thedoublet with magnetic field was difficult.

[72] Catalytic Au—Pt nanorods were shown to beguided by the domain boundary structure on athin magnetic garnet film.

[73] The direction of Pt—Au—Agflex—Ni four segmentnanorods could be switched by activatingmagnetic rotation of the tail.

Although the self-electrophoretic part of themotor becomes inactive at high saltconcentration, the propulsion is saltconcentration independent.

[74] Au/Ni/Au/Pt—CNT nanomotor was synthesizedand its motion could be guided inmicrochannels by external magnets.

Cargo manipulation was also demonstrated.

Pumping [27,48] Pumping of fluid and tracer particles bybimetallic ring and disk structures wasdemonstrated.

Depending on the zeta potential of the particleand the bottom substrate, the direction ofparticle motion can be reversed.

[29] A biomimetic pump was fabricated byevaporating Au and Pt on each side of apolycarbonate membrane. When themembrane is placed in 0.01 wt% H2O2 solutionit had a pumping rate of 3 nL/(�A s).

When two electrodes are connected the pumpoperates by taking advantage of the sameelectrokinetic phenomenon what powersbimetallic nanomotors, only in the form ofelectroosmosis.

Rotation [39] Au—Ni nanorods (∼2.5 �m long and 300 nm indiameter) were seen to move and rotateautonomously in H2O2 solutions.

Two modes of rotation were observed:tethered rotation near an impurity site on theSi substrate, and orbiting around the center asa result of the asymmetric shape of thenanorod.

[54] Rotating gears (∼150 �m in diameter) werefabricated through photolithography with Ptdeposited on the teeth of a Au gear. The gearsrotated at ∼60 rpm in ∼1% H2O2 solution.

The gear rotates by the same electrophoreticmechanism that propels bimetallicnanomotors. The direction of the rotation alsoagrees well with the mechanism.

[38] A thin layer of gold was evaporated on Au—Ptnanomotor. At a length ratio of Pt/Au of 2, thenanorod (360 nm in diameter, 5 �m in length)rotated at ∼20 rpm in 3% H2O2.

The decomposition of H2O2 into O2 on thesurface of the asymmetrically shaped nanorodswas proposed to explain the rotation.

[26] A nanorotor was fabricated by evaporatingCr/SiO2/Cr, Au and Pt on one side of Au—Runanomotors. The nanorods rotated at anaverage rate of 180 rpm in 15% H2O2 solution.

The rotation of the nanorod was attributed toa vector sum of self-electrophoretic forces intwo directions. Interesting dynamicinteractions were also observed for theserotors but not explained in depth. Thedirection of rotation was not easilydistinguishable due to low optical resolution.

Cargotowing anddelivery

[75] Au—Ni nanorods were synthesized and uponmagnetic activation could couple particles andmove at ∼10 �m/s.

The cargo towing of these nanomotors wasattributed to the hydrodynamic interactionsbetween the rotating Ni tail and the particlebeing carried.

538 W. Wang et al.

Table 1 (Continued)

Functionality Ref. Description Note

[76] Cargo-towing on bimetallic nanomotors wasenabled by either electrostatic attachment orbiotin-streptavidin binding.

Speed of the motor with cargos attacheddecreases with increasing cargo sizes.

[77] Cargo attached on bimetallic nanomotors canbe released by UV light through eitherdissolving one metal segment or linkerphotolysis.

Cargo drop-off by metal dissolution takes10—20 s, while photolysis of linkers takes60—100 s.

[78] Catalytic nanomotors were demonstrated topick up, transport and release PLGA particlesand liposomes.

The iron-oxide encapsulated PLGA particlesattached to the Ni segment in the nanomotorthrough magnetic interaction. Release of cargowas accomplished by the fast reversal of themotor direction. Motor speed decreases withincreasing cargo size.

Sensing [79] Ag(I) ion in water (0.5—100 �M) can trigger anincrease of the speed of catalytic bimetallicnanomotors, thus enabling motion-basedsensing.

Under-potential deposition of silver on Au—Ptnanomotors, and the consequent change insurface properties, was proposed as theleading mechanism for the acceleration ofnanomotors in the presence of silver ions.

[80] The acceleration of catalytic nanomotors inthe presence of silver ions was exploited indetecting DNA and bacterial ribosomal RNA

DNA assay was tagged with silver nanoparticlesand the release of silver ions inducednanomotor acceleration.










down to the 40 attomole level.


iffusiophoresis is a phenomenon in which the motion ofarticles is driven by a concentration gradient of solutes82]. Diffusiophoresis can be classified into two categories:lectrolyte and nonelectrolyte diffusiophoresis, in whichhe molecules contributing to the gradient are charged orncharged, respectively. Chemical reactions taking place aturfaces consume reactants and generate products, leadingo concentration gradients that in turn power the motionf synthetic motors and pumps. In these cases, the termelf-diffusiophoresis has been suggested as the propulsionechanism due to the fact that the concentration gradient

s generated by the motor particles themselves.Electrolyte diffusiophoresis, which is the more commonly

xploited in nano- and micromotors and pumps, was firstxperimentally demonstrated by Ebel et al. [83]. For a con-entration gradient �c of monovalent salt, the velocity U of

charged particle near the charged surface is governed byhe following equation [84]:

= ∇c


[(D+ − D−

D+ + D−

) (kBT


)ε(�p − �w)

]︸ ︷︷ ︸

Electrophoretic term

+ ∇c





){ln(1 − �2

w) − ln(1 − �2p )}

]︸ ︷︷ ︸

Chemophoretic term


here D+ and D− are the diffusion coefficients of the cationnd anion respectively, c0 is the bulk concentration of ions,

is the charge of an electron, kB is the Boltzmann con-tant, T is the absolute temperature, ε is the dielectric


ermittivity of the solution, � is the viscosity, �p and �w arehe zeta potentials of the particle and wall, respectively,nd � f = tanh(e�f/4kBT).

Fig. 6 shows a generic scheme of electrolyte diffu-iophoresis, in which a charged particle is driven by aoncentration gradient of ionic species. Because the cationsnd anions diffuse at different rates, an electric field ariseshat can propel a charged particle (the electrophoretic termn Eq. (4)). In addition, cations and anions interact with theouble layer of the charged particle differently, resulting in

pressure that moves the particle (the chemophoretic termn Eq. (4)). In most cases, chemophoretic effects are negligi-le and the directions of diffusiophoretic flows are governedy the electrophoretic effect, unless the diffusivities of theations and anions are very similar.

Particle motion is often further complicated by the pres-nce of a charged substrate, where electroosmotic flowan also occur. Depending on the relative magnitudes ofhe surface charges on the particle and the substrate, theompetition between electrophoretic diffusiophoresis andlectroosmosis can result in particle motion in either direc-ion, as has been shown experimentally [85,25,86].

The most effective nano- and micromotor and pumpshat are powered by electrolyte self-diffusiophoresis relyn gradients of H+ or OH− ions, taking advantage ofheir fast diffusion and therefore significant contributiono the electrophoretic term in the diffusiophoresis equa-ion. The first micromotors propelled in this way wereight-triggered silver chloride particles reported by Ibele

t al. (Fig. 7, top) [25]. In UV light, silver chloride parti-les react with water to produce protons, chloride ions, andypochlorous acid at their surfaces. Since protons diffuseuch faster than chloride ions (DH = 9.311 × 10−5 cm2 s−1,

Autonomous nano- and micromotors 539




Figure 6 Scheme of electrolyte diffusiophoresis of a ne

DCl− = 1.385 × 10−5 cm2 s−1 at 298 K), inward electrical fields(E) are generated, resulting in electrophoresis of the parti-cles and electroosmosis along the wall. Since the particlesare irregularly shaped, the symmetry of the electrolyteconcentration gradient around particles is broken, andunbalanced local electrical fields drive the directionalmovement of the charged particles at velocities on theorder of 1—10 �m/s. Later examples of self-diffusiophoreticmicromotors have followed essentially the same principle[32,71,84—87]. Electrolyte diffusiophoresis can also leadto the emergence of collective behavior, in which motorparticles can communicate with each other and work coop-eratively to form dynamic structures. This effect is discussedin more detail below.

Electrolyte diffusiophoresis can also drive the pumpingof fluid or particles, which can be initiated by light [34] orchemicals [27,28,30,31,88]. An example of such a systemis shown at the bottom of Fig. 7 [34]. UV light decomposes


Figure 7 (a) Schematic drawing of electrolyte self-diffusiophoresiReproduced with permission from The Royal Society of Chemistry. (the light-initiated decomposition of a PAG [34]. Copyright 2012 The

vely charged particle near a negatively charged surface.

photoacid generator (PAG) into fast protons and slowernions, which leads to an inward electrical field. The fieldrives charged tracer particles toward or away from the PAGy the combination of electrophoresis and electroosmosis.

Concentration gradients of neutral species (non-lectrolytes) can also induce motion. Although the forcesenerated are generally lower than with electrolyte diffu-iophoresis, neutral solute gradients can be effective forropulsion even in solutions of high ionic strength. Oneuch propulsion mechanism is non-electrolyte diffusio-horesis, although others (such as osmophoresis and densityradients) are possible as well. In non-electrolyte diffusio-horesis, the force arises from steric exclusion generatedy the solutes interacting with the particle surface, which

reates a pressure gradient along the particle [33]. Asym-etry in particle composition, morphology, or reaction rate

eads to an asymmetric distribution of chemical species,hich breaks the symmetry of the pressure distribution and

s of silver chloride microparticles in response to UV light [89].b) Design of electrolyte self-diffusiophoretic pumps based onAmerican Chemical Society, reprinted with permission.

540 W. Wang et al.

Figure 8 (a) Illustration of non-electrolyte diffusiophoresis in polymerization-powered micromotors [93]. Fluid flows from thelow to high solute concentration side of the particles, and the motor moves in the opposite direction. Copyright 2011 John Wiley &S lyte dm the

c , rep




ons, Inc., reprinted with permission. (b) Design of non-electroerization of a polymer film [33]. A concentration gradient of

arries tracer particles. Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

eads to directional motion of particles. Theoretical studiesave suggested that microparticles can be propelled byon-electrolyte diffusiophoresis by generating a chemicalradient of uncharged species [90,91]. The movementf particles down non-electrolyte static concentrationradients has also been experimentally demonstrated bytaffeld and Quinn [92].

Pavlick et al. have observed the autonomous move-ent of particles propelled in catalytically generated

on-electrolyte concentration gradients [93] (Fig. 8 top).n this system, a Grubbs olefin metathesis catalyst boundo a 1 �m Au-silica Janus sphere catalyzes the polymer-zation of norbornene. Although no directional movement

as observed for these particles, a significant increase in

he diffusion coefficient was observed [94]. The inversef this motor system has also been explored, where oneide of the particle creates more reactants than products



iffusiophoretic micropumps based on analyte-induced depoly-depolymerization products leads to outward fluid flow, whichrinted with permission.

33,95,96]. Microscale pumps can be designed to operate byon-electrolyte diffusiophoresis as well, and they are usually

more sensitive indicator of the weak flows generated thanutonomously moving particles. In one example reported byhang et al., a depolymerization reaction at the surface of aolymer film produces gradients of monomers that drive theuid away from the pumps. Tracer particles (e.g. PS-NH2,S-COOH, etc.) are therefore pumped away from the sur-ace, regardless of their surface charges (Fig. 8, bottom).umping speeds vary with reaction rate and distance fromhe pump, and are on the order of 1—10 �m/s [33].


ecause one of the strong drivers of nanomotor researchs their potential utility in biomedicine and diagnostics

Autonomous nano- and micromotors 541

Figure 9 Ultrasonically propelled micromotors. (a) Asymmetrically shaped metallic microrods are activated in an ultrasonic stand-ing wave at MHz frequency through a self-acoustophoresis mechanism [36], copyright 2012 The American Chemical Society, reprinted

wheith p


with permission. (b) Bubble recoil propels metallic microtubesfluid [106], copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Inc., reprinted w

[97,98], there is a need to develop propulsion mechanismsthat can operate in biocompatible media, including in vivo.Two serious drawbacks of chemical propulsion schemes aretheir reliance on toxic fuels such as H2O2 [7,84], hydrazine[25,31,64] and halogens [56,57], and their intolerance ofmedia that contain salts. Although nano- and micromotorscan be driven by external fields [16,18—22,99], as notedabove such motors are usually not autonomous. Thus there

is a need for new propulsion mechanisms that can generateautonomous movement in biological media.

Ultrasonic energy is promising for propelling nano- andmicromotors. Low power acoustic waves are safe and are



n an ultrasound pulse vaporizes a droplet of perfluorocarbonermission.

sed extensively for in vivo imaging [100,101]. Researchn ultrasonic manipulation of microparticles dates back tohe 19th century [102], and there is a vast literature onhe topic, especially in the field of microfluidics [103,104].n an acoustic field, suspended microparticles experiencecoustic radiation forces and move to the pressure nodes (orntinodes) as a result of pressure gradients. When the acous-ic excitation meets the criteria to form standing waves,

he radiation force is the strongest and can be expressed as105]:

ax = 4�a3Eack sin(2kz)˚ (5)
















here Fax is the acoustic radiation force, a is the particleadius, Eac is the acoustic energy density, k is the wavenum-er, z is the distance of the particle from the node, and

s the acoustic contrast factor which can be expressed as:

= �p + (2/3)(�p − �0)2�p + �0

− 13




ere �p and �0 are the density of the particle and medium,espectively, and cp and c0 are the speed of sound in thearticle and surrounding medium, respectively. Acousticadiation forces are the basis of ultrasonic particle manipu-ation techniques. However most studies of this effect haveocused on symmetric particles, typically of soft polymer oriological materials such as polystyrene spheres or cells.

In 2012 we reported the first autonomous micromotorsropelled by MHz frequency ultrasound [36] (Fig. 9, topanel). In this system, metallic microrods are suspended inater in an acoustic chamber. A vertical standing waves lev-

tates the particles to a plane at the midpoint of the cellhere the pressure is a minimum. In that plane the metalicrorods exhibit axial motion at speeds up to 200 �m/s inater. The particles also form patterns in the nodal plane as

result of nodes and anti-nodes within the plane. The com-osition of the microrods was found to significantly affectheir movement, with only metal microparticles showingast axial motion.

Although the forces responsible for acoustic propulsion ofetallic microrods are not completely understood, the lead-

ng candidate is a mechanism called self-acoustophoresis.his mechanism was built on the observation that theicrorods fabricated always had concave ends. Thus the

trong axial propulsion of these metallic nanorods has beenroposed to originate from the differential scattering ofcoustic waves at the ends of the rods. Asymmetric scatter-ng of acoustic waves leads to a pressure gradient that is hight the concave end and low at the convex end, with a differ-nce of ca. 1 Pa. Through an estimate of the forces at playn this system, it was further determined that the scatteredound waves are traveling in the z direction, rather thanropagating in the x—y plane (the plane in which the motorsravel). The forces imparted by the latter are about tworders of magnitude lower than the axial propulsion force.

In addition to self-acoustophoresis, Wang and coworkersave recently shown that ultrasonic energy can power micro-otors by bubble propulsion [106] (Fig. 9, bottom panel). In

his system metallic microtubes that contain trapped per-uorocarbon (PFC) are propelled axially by the ejection ofFC bubbles. These motors (tens of �m in length) can reachn impressive speed of 6.3 m/s, and are powerful enougho penetrate deep into lamb kidney tissues. The speed andower of these ultrasonic microtubular motors can be mod-lated by the pulse length and amplitude of the ultrasound.

A number of issues remain to be addressed for acousticotors to be useful in biomedical applications. Bubble-ropelled motors, despite their high power and speed,urrently rely on a finite supply of fuel and hence canperate for only a short time. Their relatively large size

a minimum size of 8 �m was proposed) limits their usen vivo, where large particles are rapidly cleared [107,108].elf-acoustophoretic metal nanorods are similar in size toacteria and are likely to be cleared less rapidly, but they


W. Wang et al.

ave lower power and speed, as well as the requirementf an acoustic standing wave. Needlessly to say, significantesearch is required for either ultrasonic micromotor systemo become competent for biomedical tasks.


radients of temperature, just like gradients of chemicaloncentration, electric potential, and acoustically gener-ted pressure, can also induce motion of colloidal particles.his is called thermophoresis, or the Soret effect, and haseen known and studied for over 150 years [109]. Howeverhe study of thermophoresis has been mostly carried out inacroscopic systems in which colloidal particles collectivelyigrate in an externally established thermal gradient.Recently, microswimmers propelled by self-generated

emperature gradients have been studied [110—112]. Jiangt al. in 2010 demonstrated self-thermophoresis at theingle particle level (see Fig. 10, top) [110]. Janus silicaicrospheres half-coated with Au were irradiated in waterith a defocused laser beam at 1064 nm. Absorption of lighty the thin gold layer produced heat, which generated aocal temperature gradient (∼2 K across the particle) andnduced thermophoresis. Later, Baraban et al. used an ACagnetic field to heat Permalloy-capped silica particles in

olution and observed autonomous propulsion [111] (Fig. 10,ottom). The temperature difference across the particleas estimated to be 1.7 K. More recently Qian et al. havesed laser light to ‘‘nudge’’ gold-capped polystyrene micro-pheres [112]. They adopted a ‘‘Maxwell demon’’ approachsing real time location monitoring and applying powernly when the particle was facing in the desired direction.

temperature different across the particle of ∼7 K wasbtained, and thermophoresis as well as photon momen-um transfer were considered to contribute to the motion.lthough the term ‘‘photophoresis’’ was used to attributeo the thermal contribution, it can also be categorizeds self-thermophoresis. In all three cases, the micromo-ors moved away from the heated side of the particle,xhibiting positive Soret effect. Later Golestanian studiedhe collective behaviors of self-thermophoretic micromotorssing a stochastic formulation [113]. He found that ther-orepulsive motors could organize into different structureshile thermoattractive motors became unstable. Throughumerical modeling, Yang and Ripoll demonstrated that theelf-thermophoresis mechanism is also applicable to nan-dimers [114].

ther mechanisms

ere we briefly introduce a few important kinds of nano-nd micromotors that are driven by mechanisms other thanelf-generated fields. Although these are beyond the scopef this review, they constitute an important area in nano-nd micromotor research and hold considerable promise inhe future development of this field.

Bubble-propelled microspheres and microtubes are pow-

red by chemical species (typically H2O2) that react on theurface of the motor to generate bubbles. Detachment ofhe bubbles propels the motors through a recoil force (seeig. 11) [6,35,115]. These motors, which range in size from a

Autonomous nano- and micromotors 543

Figure 10 Self-thermophoretic microparticles. (a) Gold capped silica microspheres undergoing autonomous motion due to theSoret effect in a defocused laser beam [110], copyright 2010 The American Physical Society, reprinted with permission. (b) Permalloy-




capped silica particles move by self-thermophoresis in an AC mreprinted with permission.

few micrometers to hundreds of micrometers, can be quitefast and powerful, and a number of interesting function-alities have been demonstrated including cargo delivery,sensing and tissue penetration [116,117]. Although there hasbeen no comprehensive review of this motor type, readersare directed to a few review articles [61,118,119].

External fields can also be used to propel nano-and microscale motors. Examples (see Fig. 12) includemillimeter size diodes that move in AC fields through self-electroosmosis induced by a rectifying junction [99,16](Fig. 12a), particles moving in DC electric fields through sur-face bipolar electrochemical reactions [18,120] (Fig. 12b),and magnetic microparticles propelled by body rotation ordeformation [19—22] (Fig. 12c—e). A few review paperstouch upon these topics and are recommended for inter-ested readers [121—123].

Energy conversion efficiency

Although the figure of merit in characterizing and comparingdifferent nano- and micromotors is typically speed or force,


tic field [111], copyright 2012 The American Chemical Society,

heir energy efficiency is an equally important parameterhat deserves proper attention. Designing nano- and micro-otors of higher energy efficiency can enable applications

hat involve on-board fuel, or fuel present at low concentra-ion in the environment, such as glucose/oxygen. Biologicalotors, for example, meet these requirements because of

heir high efficiency.Few literature reports discuss the topic of the energy

fficiency, defined as the mechanical power output dividedy the overall energy input, in the field of nano- andicromotors [47,64,124—127]. Nevertheless, one general

onclusion can be safely drawn: the efficiency of such theseotors is typically orders of magnitude lower than theiracroscopic counterparts (e.g., common electric motors

ave energy efficiency close to 1) or biological motor pro-eins (e.g., kinesin has an energy efficiencies of about 60%128,129]). For example bimetallic Au—Pt nanomotors pro-

elled by self-electrophoresis were found to have energyfficiency on the order of 10−9 [47]. We have identifiedour stages of energy loss that explain the low energy effi-iency of self-electrophoretic catalytic micromotors. They

544 W. Wang et al.

Figure 11 Examples of bubble propelled micromotors. (a) Janus Pt—SiO2 spheres moving in H2O2 [35], copyright 2009 AmericanInstitute of Physics, reprinted with permission; (b) polymer capsules loaded with Pt nanoparticles moving in H2O2 [115], copyright2 d-upJ




012 Nature Publish Group, reprinted with permission; (c) rolleohn Wiley & Sons, Inc., reprinted with permission.

re the non-electrochemical consumption of fuel on theatalytic surface, the low efficiency of converting reac-ion free energy to an electric potential gradient along theotor surface, the low efficiency of converting the electricotential difference to mechanical work, and reverse elec-roosmotic flow over the charged substrate [81]. Togetherhese four stages account for 9—10 orders of magnitude ofnergy loss, which agrees well with previous estimates ofhe overall efficiency. The energy efficiency of bubble pro-elled micromotors and helical magnetic motors were alsostimated and found to be on the order of 10−10 and 10−3,espectively. The approximate efficiency of different kindsf motors, including some macroscopic motors, is plotted inig. 13.

The low efficiency of self-electrophoresis as a propul-

ion mechanism is a common feature of many motor systemsriven by self-generated chemical gradients. In other words,horetic motors responding to self-generated fields arentrinsically inefficient, a conclusion shared by a number



microtubes jetting through H2O2 solution [6], copyright 2009

f theoretical studies of nano- and micromotors propelledy self-generated chemical gradients [124—127]. For exam-le, Sabass and Seifer discovered that the overall energyfficiency of a self-diffusiophoretic nano- or micromotoras dependent on a number of parameters, such as the

eaction rate, the diffusion coefficients and particle size125]. For diffusiophoretic motors around 1 �m in size theystimated the efficiency to be on the order of 10−9. Theydrodynamic efficiency (defined as mechanical power out-ut divided by hydrodynamic power input) is specific to theropulsion mechanism but is independent of how fast thehemical species are produced or diffuse. It is on the orderf 10−3 for motors of interest in this review (between 100 nmo a few �m) [127]. This agrees well with our estimatef the propulsion efficiency of self-electrophoretic motors


The size of motors is an important parameter in deter-ining their speed and efficiency, and theoretical studies

uggest that the efficiency of diffusiophoretic motors should

Autonomous nano- and micromotors 545

Figure 12 Examples of nano- and micromotors driven by external fields. (a) AC field driven diode motors [99,16], copyright2007 Nature Publishing Group, reprinted with permission; (b) conductive microspheres by bipolar electrochemical reactions [18],copyright 2011 Nature Publishing Group, reprinted with permission; (c—e) magnetic field-driven micromotors [19,20,22], copyright

0 Th



2005 Nature Publishing Group, reprinted with permission, 201reprinted with permission.

scale inversely with their size [125,127]. The idea of scal-ing phoretic motors to tens or hundreds of nanometers isinteresting and is precedented by studies of powered diffu-sion of enzymes such as urease [131]. However, the poweredmotion of nanomotors is complicated by Brownian motionthat is dominant at such scales. In general, biological motorsthat operate on the nanoscale overcome this problem byconfinement to a membrane or linear polymer, such as RNA

or a microtubule. Learning from the mechanisms used bybiological motors, including Brownian ratchets, may proveto be critical for the development of motors at sizes ofhundreds of nanometers and below.


e American Chemical Society, 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,

ollective behavior

ecause the motors described above are powered by chem-cal gradients, they respond to each other when theirelf-generated gradients overlap, and they are also sensi-ive to externally applied gradients and fields. One of theost interesting and potentially useful emergent behav-

ors of autonomous motors is chemotaxis, the preferential

ovement in a direction defined by a chemical signal.hemotaxis has long been known in biological systems [132],nd recently has been observed in a few artificial systemsnd enzymes in vitro as well [93,133,134], although the

546 W. Wang et al.

Figure 13 Comparison of the energy efficiency (�) of different types of nano- and micromotors. The values plotted logarithmicallyare: electric motor 80% (rough estimate), biological protein motor (kinesin) 60% [128,129], bacterial flagella 2% [130], helicalmagnetic micromotors 0.66% (During the estimation of this energy efficiency the energy absorbed by the medium was not considered.Therefore 0.66% is the upper limit of the true efficiency. The detail of this estimate can be found in Ref. [81]), acoustically propelledmetallic micromotors on the order of 10−7 [81], Au—Pt catalytic micromotors 7 × 10−9 [30,81], micron sized diffusiophoretic motorso −10 [81], and self-thermophoretic micromotors on the order of 10−13

[ ) efficiency.



Figure 14 The changing distribution of Pt—Au rods in a H2O2

concentration gradient. The gel (soaked in 30% H2O2) appearsin the upper part. The images were taken at 0.7 h, 38 h, and110 h. The fraction of rods was evaluated by dividing the numberof rods in a frame at a certain distance by the total number,summed over the frames at all distances. Insets show the change

n the order of 10−9 [127], bubble propelled micromotors 5 × 1081]. The color shading runs from highest (green) to lowest (red

echanism is not as well understood in the latter case.ong et al. postulated that because catalytic motors diffuse

aster at higher fuel concentrations, they should preferen-ially diffuse up concentration gradients of fuel [133]. Whent/Au nanorods were placed in a gradient of hydrogen per-xide, the rods gradually diffused to the high concentrationegion where they exhibited higher diffusivity (Fig. 14). Aimilar phenomenon was also discovered in the polymeriza-ion motor system mentioned above [93]; those motors moveoward regions of higher monomer concentration.

Nano- and micromotors propelled by self-generatedhemical gradients can also exhibit chemotaxis in responseo each others’ gradients. According to classical DLVO the-ry [136,137], interactions between colloidal particles ariserom a combination of van der Waals forces (generallyttractive) and electrostatic interactions between doubleayers. Microparticles that actively generate or consumehemicals establish chemical gradients around them, which,n the case of ionic solutes, also generate electric fieldsy diffusiophoresis. In general the spatial extent of theseelds is very large — roughly the diffusion length scale

f tens to hundreds of microns — relative to DLVO forces,hich become important at distances of a few microns. The

elf-generated electric fields drive the electrophoresis of

in population of Pt—Au rods near the gel, visualized under brightfield inverse microscopy.The images are taken from Ref. [135] with permission from TheAmerican Physics Society.

Autonomous nano- and micromotors 547

Figure 15 Schemes for diffusiophoretic interaction between the central particle and nearby particles with an inward electric field[86]. (a) When the nearby particles are positively charged, the directions of electrophoresis and electroosmosis are both inwards,the diffusiophoretic interactions are attractive, and the system shows a ‘‘schooling’’ pattern. (b) When the nearby particles arenegatively charged and �P > �w, outward electrophoresis dominates over inward electroosmosis. The diffusiophoretic interaction isthus repulsive, and the system shows ‘‘exclusion’’ patterns. (c) When the nearby particles are negatively charged and �P > �w, inwardelectroosmosis dominates and the diffusiophoretic interaction is attractive. Therefore the system shows ‘‘schooling’’ patterns.

l onermedperm



However, when the particles come close enough to the centravanishing electroosmotic flow, and small exclusion zones are foCopyright 2013 The American Chemical Society, reprinted with

nearby particles as well as electroosmotic flow along thesurface of the substrate, where the motion of dense parti-cles is typically imaged. The zeta potentials of the particlesand substrate determine the relative magnitudes of elec-trophoresis and electroosmosis, which can occur in the sameor opposite directions. Fig. 15 illustrates how cooperativebehavior arises from these interactions.

Based on diffusiophoretic interactions, it is possible forthe particles to respond collectively to external stimuli, i.e.particles can cluster and hence show ‘‘schooling’’ behavior[85], or disperse and hence exhibit ‘‘exclusion’’ behavior.

These collective behaviors usually occur when particles areclose enough that the gradients of their secreted chemi-cals converge. Sen et al. studied the factors that influencethe propensity of schooling behavior through numerical


Figure 16 ‘‘Predator—prey’’ behavior of active AgCl (prey, darkerUV light, particles are randomly dispersed (b, c) When illuminatedand an exclusion zone is seen around the AgCl particles. (d) The exseconds) are given in the upper right corner. Scale bars: 20 �m.Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc., reprinted with permission.

, the repulsive electrophoretic force dominates again due to between the central particle and nearby particles.ission.

odeling, and found that high particle number density, higheta potential, fast ion secretion rates, and slow Brown-an motion all aid in the formation of collective patterns89]. Duan et al. later experimentally quantified the effectf particle number density on the diffusion of powered silveralide particles [94].

Ibele et al. discovered that silver chloride microparticles,hen placed under UV light, form ‘‘schools’’ as describedbove [25]. When negatively charged, passive silica particlesere added to this system, they responded to fields gener-ted by the active AgCl particles in a kind of predator—prey

nteraction. Electroosmotic flow generated at the AgCl par-icles drives the silica particles toward them and eventuallyhey are surrounded (Fig. 16). However, the repulsive elec-rophoretic force creates an exclusion zone around the AgCl

objects) and passive silica spheres (predator) [25]. (a) Without with UV light the silica spheres actively surround their prey,clusion zone disappears when UV light is turned off. Times (t;

548 W. Wang et al.

Figure 17 Time-lapse optical microscope images of an AgCl particle with silica spheres in 1% (v/v) H2O2 solution under UV light[84]. The AgCl particle alternates between attracting and binding nearby silica particles for several seconds, and then releasesthem and diffuses rapidly before the next binding event. Traveling waves of these oscillatory movements are observed over lengthsC perm







cales of hundreds of microns.opyright 2010 The American Chemical Society, reprinted with

articles. Once the UV excitation is turned off, the exclusionone collapses. This system, which has some resemblance to

biological immune response, emerges from simple attrac-ive and repulsive interactions in self-generated electricelds.

Complex collective micromotor systems that show inter-ctions over very long distances can be designed byncorporating other chemical reactions. For example, spa-iotemporal oscillation patterns are observed with AgCl andilica particles under UV light in hydrogen peroxide solution84]. In this system the AgCl motors exhibit an oscillatory

ttach-release motion with nearby silica spheres, as shownn Fig. 17.

By coupling different reactions, it is possible to designystems that exhibit transitions between different collective


Figure 18 Transition between exclusion and schoolingopyright 2013 The American Chemical Society, reprinted with perm


ehaviors. Silver orthophosphate microparticles (Ag3PO4) inqueous media show transitions between ‘‘exclusion’’ and‘schooling’’ [86], which are triggered by shifting the chem-cal equilibrium (by addition or removal of ammonia) or inesponse to UV light, as shown in Fig. 18.

Interesting interactions between catalytic microrotorsave also been observed [40]. The design of the rotors ishown in Fig. 19. These microrods spin about their cen-ral point at frequencies of a few Hz in hydrogen peroxideolutions. Co-rotating rotors avoid contact with each otherhereas counter-rotating rotors move closer to each other

nd experience frequent collisions. The mechanism forhese dynamic interactions between rotors is still unclearnd may originate from the shear forces between the rotors,s well as chemical gradients in the system.

behavior based of silver phosphate particles [86].ission.

Autonomous nano- and micromotors 549

Figure 19 (a) (Top) Field-emission SEM image and cartoon illustration of Au—Ru microrotor; (b) schematic drawing of the fluid




velocity distribution between the tips of the microrotors [40].Copyright 2009 The American Chemical Society, reprinted with

The emergence of complex patterns and collectivebehavior is interesting in the context of understanding andmimicking the behavior of biological motors such as bac-terial colonies and other collections of living cells. Thecollective behavior of self-electrophoretic motors can ingeneral be rationalized and predicted in terms of simpleinteraction rules. The study of how these synthetic nano-and micromotors respond to and affect each other may leadto a better understanding of how cells and bacteria commu-

nicate with each other. In addition the interactions betweenparticles in self-generated fields, when engineered prop-erly, could lead to useful biomimetic structures that mightotherwise be difficult to assemble.


Figure 20 Common shapes used in nano- and micromotor desigfabricated into these shapes, including spheres [52] (copyright 2010The American Chemical Society, reprinted with permission), nano-Society, reprinted with permission), microtubes [6,142] (copyright 2The American Chemical Society, reprinted with permission), V shapreprinted with permission) and helices [144] (copyright 2009 The Am


hape and composition effects on motorehavior

variety of factors, both external and internal, can affectotor behavior at nano- and microscale. These include

nvironmental parameters noted above (fluid viscosity, per-ittivity, density), fuel concentration [7,56,134,138,139],

nd the presence of trace catalytic species [67,79,80].Because symmetry breaking is a basic requirement for

utonomous motion, the physical shape of nano- and micro-otors is key factor in their movement [36]. Conventionalicrofabrication techniques are limited to a few basic

ns. SEM images are presented as actual examples of motors American Institute of Physics), tadpoles [140] (copyright 2011

and micro-rods [49] (copyright 2006 The American Chemical009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc., reprinted with permission; 2011

ed rods [143] (copyright 2007 The American Chemical Society,erican Chemical Society, reprinted with permission).













hapes including spheres, rods and tubes, and these shapesominate the literature on nano- and micromotors. By usingdvanced techniques such as glancing angle deposition,otors of more complicated shapes (such as V shapes and

elices) can be fabricated [140,141] (Fig. 20).The particle size also plays an important role in motor

ehavior, but our current level of understanding of thecaling issue is quite limited. For example the speed of self-lectrophoretic Au—Pt nanomotors in H2O2 has been foundxperimentally to decrease with increasing motor size,oth for rod-shaped and for spherical motors [53,145]. Thisrend has also been observed for Cu—Pt self-electrophoreticanomotors in Br2 and I2 solutions [56]. This is an intriguingbservation because intuition as well as the known scalingehavior of larger motors would suggest otherwise [146].he surface area (therefore propulsion force) scales roughlyith the square of particle size, whereas the viscous drag

orce only scales linearly at low Reynolds number. The speedf self-diffusiophoretic Pt—polystyrene Janus particles in2O2 solution has been found to be either dependent or

ndependent of the particle size in different scaling regimes95,147]. This has been attributed to the complicated cat-lytic reaction-diffusion process that is a function of particleize, diffusion coefficient, bulk solute concentration andeaction kinetics.

Nano- and micromotors made of different materials canemonstrate significantly different motion speed, and eveneverse their directions. For example, the speed and direc-ion of bimetallic nanomotors driven by self-electrophoresisan be tuned by replacing gold and platinum with a num-er of other catalytic metals [49]. Their respective mixedotentials for the decomposition of H2O2 determine whichetal acts at the cathode or anode and to which end theotors move. Nanorods made of different materials showifferent behaviors in ultrasound, and only rods made ofetals exhibit fast directional motion [36]. This is a result

f the acoustic contrast between the material and surround-ng fluid, which ultimately determines the magnitude of thecoustic radiation force acting on the particle.

Future development of smarter and more effective nano-nd micromotors will inevitably call for better control andniformity in microfabrication. This is a challenging task thatequires a more thorough understanding not only of howndividual factors affect the motors, but also how they inter-ct. To achieve this level of understanding, it is necessaryo revisit the existing nano- and micromotor systems anderform systematic studies on the relevant parameters. Inddition, significant progress in both theory and modeling iseeded to help advance our knowledge in this area.

uture prospects: from motors to machines

significant effort in the field of synthetic nano and micro-otors is focused on building functioning machines based

n motors. After all, colloidal particles that do nothing thanove are not particularly useful. To this end, a variety ofotentially useful functionalities have been added to dif-

erent kinds of nano and micromotors. Micromotor systemsngineered to behave differently in the presence of cer-ain external stimuli can be used for sensing applications.or example, bimetallic nanomotors that undergo speed


W. Wang et al.

hanges in the presence of DNA [80], or AgCl particles thatchool under certain conditions, can be used in analyticalpplications [25]. Cargo transport and delivery is anotheropular and potentially useful functionality, especially in theontext of particle sorting, drug delivery, cancer detection,nd assembly at microscale [65,66,116]. Different mecha-isms have been exploited to the transport and deliveryf a variety of microparticles including latex microspheres76], square metallic plates [116], cancer cells [148], andacteria [149]. More recently it has also been shown thaticromotors can act collectively as logic gates when orthog-

nal chemical and light signals are used as inputs [86]. Therinciple of particle and fluid movement powered by diffu-iophoresis has also been used for enhanced recovery of oil150].

The prospect of building more complex machines thatunction at the micro- or even nanoscale has capturedhe imagination of scientists and science fiction writers forany decades [151—153]. One famous example is the 1959

peech given by Richard Feynman, in which he predictedhe flourishing research field of nanoscience and nanotech-ology [154]. Feynman’s vision, and its later elaborationy Drexler [155]. It was mostly concerned with the con-ept of machines that could be assembled at the atomicr molecular level. Although there are now many examplesf synthetic molecular machines [156], making them atom-y-atom and powering their movement remains very difficulthallenges [157]. In the realm of science fiction, which oftenrovides good inspiration for scientific research in the ‘‘realorld,’’ the 1966 movie Fantastic Voyage described a shrink-

ng ray approach to minimally invasive surgery: a humanrew was sent into a patient’s bloodstream in a miniatureubmarine to carry out a delicate brain operation, encoun-ering many interesting hazards along the way [158]. Theovie identified some likely obstacles, such as attack by

he immune system, but neglected others including Brown-an motion and the efficiency of propulsion at low Reynoldsumber.

Research in micro(nano)electromechanical systemsMEMS or NEMS) provides some interesting demonstrationsf current efforts to build small machines through a top-own approach [159]. Despite the great success that MEMSnd NEMS have enjoyed for building sensors, actuators,ccelerometers, mirror arrays, and microfluidic devices,utonomous micro and nanoscale machines have been slowo develop. The difficulty and limitations (in terms of shapesnd compositions) of top-down lithographic fabrication risesharply as the feature size decreases, and the fabricationf three-dimensional objects with moving parts is quitehallenging. A few simple kinds of autonomous catalyticotors (e.g., tubular bubble motors) are fabricated litho-

raphically, but in general micromachines made by theseechniques have been powered and steered by externalelds.

On the other hand, the booming field of nano and micro-otor research informs the scientific problem of poweredovement on small length scales from a different angle.here is no fundamental reason why these lessons cannot

e incorporated into top-down motor design and fabrica-ion. Lithography, including soft lithography and increasinglyophisticated replication techniques, will likely be used inhe future to fabricate motors of complicated shapes and


Autonomous nano- and micromotors

geometries [6,160], enabling more sophisticated controlover their behavior and functionality.

If we ask what it will take to implement the medicalcapability of Fantastic Voyage, a shrinking ray seems out ofthe question. The sizes of atoms and molecules are deter-mined by quantities such as Planck’s constant, the massesand charge of fundamental particles, and the permittivity offree space. There is not a lot of wiggle room with these, andnuclear submarines are too expensive for routine surgeryanyway. On the other hand, if we consider the functionalityrequired, it is not much more complicated than that of aradio-controlled motorboat. Surgical micro-boats will needto move autonomously, guided by external signals and/orcollective interactions with each other. They will need theability to sense and communicate their environment, aswell as to alter it through physical force (e.g., puncturingor cutting cells and tissues), deposition of thermal energy,or delivery of chemical cargo. Many of these functionali-ties have already been demonstrated, albeit singly and in alimited way, with autonomous motors. The prospect of con-structing such motors by massively parallel lithography, withon-board logic and communication capabilities, is a veryinteresting one that may not be so far in the future.

Beyond biomedicine there are undoubtedly a numberof unanticipated applications and technologies that willderive from the concepts learned by studying the mech-anisms of powered motion on small length scales. Thecoupling between sensing and transport should enablenew applications such as bottom-up assembly of dynamicstructures, roving sensors, ‘‘on-demand’’ analyte-triggeredcargo delivery at specific locations, and related functions.Furthermore, such material assemblies can accomplish taskscollectively (like a colony of ants) that a single constituentelement (a single ant) cannot perform [161,162]. The col-lective behavior that has already been observed in simpleparticle systems such as AgCl is mimetic of the swarming ofbacteria, mold spores, and insects. In the latter case, hiveintelligence can emerge from the interactions of specializedmembers of the colony. Some minimal requirements for suchintelligent systems are that they contain (a) information and(b) information processors that can both act on and modifythe information. The idea of emergent intelligence, in thecontext of microfabricated robots, has already been the sub-ject of some engaging (and scary) science fiction [163,164].Despite the malevolence of the microrobot swarms in Prey,or of the humanly misdirected microspiders in Spiral, thedesign of self-assembling systems from which intelligence(and other functions so far associated uniquely with biol-ogy) can emerge is among the grand challenges of science.Autonomous micromotors perhaps represent some first stepsin this direction.


We thank our many coworkers and collaborators who havecontributed to this project over the past decade. This

research has been conducted in the Penn State Centerfor Nanoscale Science, a Materials Research Science andEngineering Center supported by the National Science Foun-dation under grant DMR-0820404.



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Wei Wang received his B.Sc. in appliedchemistry from Harbin Institute of Tech-nology (China) in 2008. He is currently aPh.D. candidate in the Mallouk Group inthe Department of Chemistry at Penn StateUniversity. His research focuses on nano-and microscale motors propelled by self-generated forces such as self-electrophoretic

and acoustophoretic motors. He is also inter-ested in understanding and predicting thebehaviors of these motors through numericalsimulations.




catalysis, organometallic and polymer chem-istry, and nanotechnology. He is the author of approximately 325scientific publications and holds 24 patents. Sen’s pastime centerson enological and gastronomical explorations.


Wentao Duan received his B.S. degree inChemistry at Yuanpei College, Peking Uni-versity (P.R. China). He then joined thenanomotor research group at the Pennsyl-vania State University to pursue his Ph.D.degree under the supervision of Prof. Ayus-man Sen. His research interests includedesigning nanomotors that exhibit collectivebehavior, and exploring and modeling the dif-fusional properties of nanomotors.

uzanne Ahmed received her B.S. from the University of California,iverside and her M.S. in Chemistry from the University ofalifornia, Berkeley. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Mal-

ouk Group at Penn State University. Her research focuses on thetudy of propulsion and control of nano- and microscale motors.

Thomas Mallouk received his Sc.B. fromBrown University and his Ph.D. in Chemistryfrom the University of California, Berkeley.He was a postdoctoral fellow at MIT and amember of the Chemistry faculty at the Uni-versity of Texas at Austin. Since 1993 hehas been at Penn State, where he is nowEvan Pugh Professor of Materials Chemistryand Physics. He is interested in the synthesis

of solid state compounds and nanomaterials,and their applications in electrochemical and

olar energy conversion, microelectronics, catalysis, environmentalemediation, and powered motion on the nano- and microscale.

W. Wang et al.

Ayusman Sen was born in Calcutta, India andholds a Ph.D. from the University of Chicagowhere he was first introduced to catalysis.Following a year of postdoctoral work at theCalifornia Institute of Technology, he joinedthe Chemistry Department of the Pennsylva-nia State University where he is currently aDistinguished Professor. He is a Fellow of theAmerican Association for the Advancementof Science. His research interests encompass